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Chương 6: Chapter 4 ─ News

A boy had just stolen my food bags.

I chased him around and couldn't find him, I decided to use some of my magic element, Raijin phase 1, to search for him.

I quickly found the bag of food on the ground, I was happy about it, but I noticed something.

Why was the bag there?

I quickly figured it out.

I left my wallet inside the bag as I was too lazy to keep it in my pants.

"Fucking brat."

I picked up the bag of food and looked around.

Unlike before which was a cheerful and colorful shopping area, I entered a gray district where only a sign saying "Danger, do not enter" was missing.

I went inside to look for that shitty kid and give him a good beating for stealing me.

With each step I went deeper, the darker and more sinister it got.

There were a lot of shady people around, it was best not to have contact with them.

Suddenly, I heard something.

It was a very beautiful song.

The song attracted me and I came to an alley.

There I observed a girl singing with an old guitar.

Her hair was a dark blue color tied in a side ponytail, her dark purple eyes were very beautiful, which did not match her sad face for not having earned any money.

An idea occurred to me.

I approached her very carefully and greeted her.

"Hi. That was a nice tune from what I could hear."

The girl became alert when I spoke to her.

"T-Thank you."

She said in that beautiful voice.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm looking for a kid who stole my wallet."

"There are a lot of child thieves around here, it could be anyone."

"Well, the only thing I remember is that his hair was white."

"White hair? Umm, someone of that description comes to mind."


"Yes. But it'll cost you money."

"I don't have anything here. But when I find it I'll pay you."

"... Okay."

She asked me to accompany her after collecting her things.

Now you're talking, you snotty little shit. You'll see what happens when you mess with me.

After walking for a while, we walked further into this gloomy place and there we found in a vacant lot, a church.

Squatting down we approached and I peeked through the window.

There were many children playing with broken toys. Not that the church was a neat place either, it was falling apart.

My eyes wandered everywhere until I finally spotted him in a corner with other children.

A boy with a blue shirt and white hair.

The little bastard was taking the bills out of my wallet.

I got so angry that I didn't care if the situation was misunderstood.

"There you are, you little shit brat!"

"Now you'll see what I'll do for stealing from me!"

Naturally the kids ran away when a weird guy walks in with an angry look on his face into their home.

Sorry, but it's not like I have a bond with you guys.

I took loud steps and many kids hid in the back, others fled out a back door.

The boy in white stood in front of them, his eyes were brown.

"Very well. Hand over every single bill to me and I promise I will do nothing but pull your ears as punishment—"

Suddenly I heard someone approaching at high speed.

Before I turned around I heard a woman shout.

"Get away from the children! You scoundrel!"

I couldn't activate my Blut because I remembered that these are not enemies, they are just civilians without any genuine malice.

I noticed a nun with a huge stock pot which she used to hit me hard in the face.

Naturally, I fainted.

But before I did, I feel like I saw some of my blood fall into the white-haired boy's mouth.

I opened my eyes and looked around.

It was a room used as a food storage room.

I was with my hands and legs tied.

I used some force and destroyed the ropes.

Voices were coming from outside.

I went closer to hear what they were saying.

"It's for that reason that he came looking for that child here."

"I-I see. I'm really sorry, I'll go apologize to him when he wakes up."

The beautiful voice of the blue-haired girl and the nun sounded like two famous idols chatting on a live broadcast.

I opened the door and they were both sitting on makeshift chairs.

The nun was wearing rags made to look like one.

Her habit was purple, her long light gray hair rested on her shoulders and matched her violet blue eyes.

Upon seeing me she stood up and bowed to show her apologies.

"I'm so sorry."

"I'm so sorry."

"I didn't imagine that the man walking into a church to terrorize some children was actually a victim of the robbery of one of them."

(If you put it that way, you make me look like the criminal even though I am the victim.)

After bending down so many times, I noticed that her breasts were large as they jumped up and down with all their power.

Thank you very much.

"It's okay. It was my fault too for acting like that."

"But I really want all the money back."

"Yes. I'll make sure that every last penny is returned to you."

"Oz-kun, come here."

The white-haired boy approached fearfully, apparently his name is Oz, weird name because I never heard of such a name.

"Oz-kun, what do you say?"



"But sis, we need the money!"


The boy shouted and the other children supported him in unison.

"That's right."

"The money is needed by sister more than anyone else."

"This place can't be maintained if Sister doesn't use her savings."

"We have no other place to live. We don't want to be separated from sister."

The white-haired boy- Oz pointed at me.

"Sister, just look at this old man."

"Old man!?"

"His clothes are fine, I see him every day walking in the direction of the developed neighborhoods where the rich people live."

"Why do we have to pay him back when this guy has more at home?"

(Actually, you can say I am rich since Eli is from a noble family with a lot of money. But this isn't the empire, I'm just an average adventurer living in a rented room.)

"Yesterday I saw how the sister handed money to those guys. Her face with tears told us that she doesn't have any more, we don't want to see sister cry again!"


Suddenly the nun slapped Oz hard.

We were all shocked to see it.

The nun's eyes were red from tears falling to the floor.

"What of it?"

"He can be rich either by inheritance or by his job. Just because of that we who are poor does not give us the right to demand that others give us money as gifts."

"Money given away is just handouts, living on handouts is throwing your dignity as a human being to the ground."

"Haven't I taught you that the only way people like us can have is to study hard to work in some important trade?"

"Do you think I like to see you eat only one meal a day or no food for tomorrow?"

"The world is not a nice place, I won't deny it. But we must not depend on others, we must depend on ourselves."

"God gave us arms and legs so we can stand up and work. Being envious of others just because they have better things than us makes us worse people than those who look up to us well."

"How do you think I feel seeing that I didn't raise you well and that you have to steal to-?"

The sister's strong words were interrupted by the sound of her stomach growling.

She was not the only one. The other children were touching their bellies because of the noises that erupted like hungry lions.

I looked at the bag of food and sighed.

(My heart isn't dark enough to earn me a ticket to hell.)

"Oh no! These vegetables and meats I bought look like they're spoiled."

"Those scammers sold me these wholesome, delicious, spoiled foods."

I extended the food pouch to the nun.

My knuckles inadvertently touched her soft breast.

It's a fair exchange.

"Sister, I'm sure you will make better use of this food than I will."

"Ah, it also seems those bills they gave me at the guild were counterfeit. I should throw them away, I don't want them. Goodbye."

I quickly went outside and started walking.

The nun came running towards me.

She didn't know what to say to me.

But I did know what to say to her.

"Let's be clear, I am not a caring person."

"What I'm doing is getting rid of junk and fake money. I think there's enough of the fake money to fix this place up."

"See ya."

"May I know your name!"

She said in a tone that exuded both joy and happiness.

"I'm Razel. Your friendly neighbor who wanders around town."


"I am Monika Rapha Klaudia."

"You are welcome anytime."

"I'll see when I get back...maybe Thursday."

After walking away from the place, I remembered.

(Shit, the blue-haired girl I promised her I would give her money.)

(Alright, I'll use the secret technique passed down between generations of the Bartlet family.)

(Here we ran, instead we died!)

I ran away from the place because of the shame I felt.

Evidently upon returning home I was scolded by Louisa-san.

But she was glad when I told her that I gave those children the food and money.

She told me I was forgiven and again sent me to the market to shop.

Then fate decided to set a trap for me.

The blue-haired girl was there waiting for me.

Her eyes radiated pure hatred.

I couldn't see her face out of embarrassment.

"So this is the big ego you have, huh?"

"I'm so sorry."

"I'll pay you of course, double it do you think?"

"You idiot don't take the money out here!"

"They'll think I'm a prostitute."


I kept the money and went to buy what I needed.

The girl wouldn't leave me alone.

As he was about to return, I said to her.

"What if I better buy you dinner? I think it's better than money."

"I already know that story. I've protected my chastity many times from wolves like you."

(Am I a wolf?)

"Actually I'm nothing of that kind. I live in a house with three women and you can guarantee I'm decent."

"By the way, it's Angie."


"Your name is Razel, you told the nun."

"Calling me 'You' sounds awkward. Just call me Angie."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Razel."

We arrived at the house and naturally Louisa-san freaked out, she thought I was starting to bring women into the house.

She asked Angie to take a bath, she smelled bad. She handed her clean clothes and we all ate together.

Before I knew it another week had almost passed since I started living here.

I went to Monika's every day.

It wasn't that I wanted to see the children, I would give her food and money in exchange for being able to chat with a beautiful woman with large breasts.

Lack of affection for my needs is banned, as Eli punished me after her mother got pregnant by me.

So I won't go back to the old practice I was doing.

The place was being rebuilt and right now I was listening to Monika as she and Angie were cooking.

That's right, Angie lives here now.

Apparently she and Monika became fast friends.

The white-haired brat, Oz, always gives me dirty looks.

So do I. I don't know what he has against me.

I don't know what he has against me. Maybe it's just my nature to get along with those with white hair like with Lambert and Desmond.

I was able to find out important things for my mission.

The children are not orphans of some war.

They are orphans because their parents died of a mysterious disease.

They were left on the street.

That caught my attention and now I wait for Monika to continue her story.

"Since a couple of years ago, I don't remember exactly when."

"A strange disease has haunted this country exclusively."

"They call it the disease of excluding no one."

Oz was the one who told that bad joke.

"That disease kills everyone. Even the rich, so you're not safe, old man."

A vein scored on my forehead.

"You know, Oz-chan."

"You can bother me, but not the real nobles."

"They are so terrifying that they can not only destroy this place with a snap. They would see to it that both you and the sister and everyone else, would vanish in seconds."

"Isn't that scary?"

"It is. But you're not a nobleman, you're just the old man who's behind the sister like those dogs that jump on other dogs."

"You little shitty brat."

I got so mad I grabbed his head with my hands. Oz stuck his fingers in my mouth.

Everyone started laughing at us.

It's not funny to me. This brat is exactly looking to fight me.

Do Lambert and Desmond want to fight too?

"You two, stop fighting. Dinner is served."

"Razel-san, would you like to have dinner with us?"

"Thank you, but-"

For some reason, she was making the same face Lily makes when she wants to go to the temple to pray to the goddess and there's only me.

Those huge eyes resting in the air are my weakness.


I sat down and everyone started praying.

"Oh, Goddess Erin. Thank you for the food we are about to eat."

She continued her monologue while I thought.

(Like the empire, they worship a goddess here.)

(It's another strange similarity they both have.)


Iris had been feeling unwell for some time.

Despite writing letters to the duke, he hadn't answered any of them.

Money was not a problem, but being away from home was.

Liddy told her.

"Iris-sama, let's go to the doctor. It's probably stress due to the fact that we can't get out of here."

"It hurts. My head, I want to throw up."

"Iris-sama, not in bed!"

I couldn't find out anything else since the brats wanted to play with me. I played with them since in a few months my son would be born with Barbara.

I am terrified of having a child as I don't know how to raise it. So I will use this experience to see what normal children do.

I was walking back with Angie as she said she was bored.

She was telling me that she is a farmer who came from the countryside to the city so she wouldn't live in that barn.

It's not how she imagined it, but she doesn't want to go back there. I told her if she wanted I´ll be a client and she thought I meant something else.

I told her that wasn't it and she laughed at me.

"Hahahahaha. I know, but it's fun to tease you."

"Women won't like you if you act so cowardly."

(I have women at home. I just don't want to cause unnecessary problems.)

After opening the door, I found Louisa-san looking at the newspaper with a distressed face.

"I'm home. Is something wrong?"

"Razel-kun, good thing you came."

"I got a little scared when the local newspaper mentioned a boy who was found dead."

(And you just thought of me?)

(So much mistrust I generated by not acting like at home?)

"What did that boy die of?"

"Of that disease no doubt."

(It's finally here!)

(The clue I needed so badly.)

"What disease, might I know?"

"It's true, Razel-kun must not know of it since you not seen in those parts."

"This disease is-"


It all started about 20 years ago.

In a village near the border with the Holy Duchy, one day a man fell ill.

That man was over 80 years old and despite his age, he was still working as if he was in his 20s.

The townspeople did not understand what happened to make this possible.

The local doctor took the man home for analysis.

He died some time later as he drowned in his own blood.

Exactly 270 days after the old man passed away, the feudal lord's wife also mysteriously fell ill.

She did not leave the house because she lost mobility in her legs. Her body was healthy, so she should not be suffering from any disease.

The local doctor examined the woman and found that she had the same symptoms as the old man.

One would think that it could be some kind of fever caused by an insect or plant.

But the doctor understood that diseases come from somewhere, they can't just come out of nowhere.

He tried everything he could and in the end the feudal lord's wife passed away.

Not even a week passed since she died and a new case of illness occurred.

It wasn't just one, it was several.

The number increased with each day.

The palace got wind of this and sent the knights to keep the villagers at bay.

This was the first quarantine that the new humanity experienced.

Naturally, many died, but many were spared.

The doctor among them, believed there was some cause for this to happen.

He was placed under arrest until they knew what to do with them.

His cell was opened and a messenger from the palace informed him that in the capital that disease has begun to break out.

The doctor was sent immediately and noticed something.

The disease has no real symptoms.

Headaches and vomiting are not symptoms, as many who died of that disease did not even know they were sick.

Right now, that possible disease has emerged in the capital.

The patient was the son of the previous king.

He asked the maids to undress him as he needed to analyze every part of his body to find something that would indicate that it may actually be such a disease.

The prince was healthy, as was the feudal lord's wife.

He started spitting blood recently for no reason.

It was then that he found it, what he was looking for.

A proof of that disease.

This is something he did not notice as he thought it was a scar or blemish on the body.

But now he knows that it is impossible for it to recur.

He said to the king, "I have found out what it is, Your Majesty."

"This disease has no symptoms until it is very advanced in the body."

"I cannot identify what causes it, but I can guarantee this. It is not transmitted by blood or contact with another human being."

"There is a possibility that it is inherited, but I cannot guarantee this."

"The disease is responsible for weakening the magical power of the body and that it acts as if it were dead cells floating in the body."

"Which causes strange stigma marks on the patient's body."

"These stigmata gradually take the shape of a tear which generates a circumference of multiple tears in the shape of a flower."

"The residue of magic power causes poisoning in the body, which destroys all the cells little by little."

"It is very likely that this is spread randomly, I can find no explanation for this."

"I call this disease..."

The ministers on hearing that name were startled.

The mysterious disease struck the country for a long time, many died, including the doctor and the king.

His eldest son took the throne and only after that, that disease stopped.

But exactly 10 years ago this disease returned.

Breakthroughs have been made and it is deduced that it is a disease that can happen to anyone.

The kingdom was reassured to hear the lie that it has a very low rate of occurrence now unlike in the past.

But no one knows that it is actually from this time onwards that such disease will begin to spread worse than it was before.

It will gradually swallow up the kingdom and then neighboring countries, finally reaching the Arklight empire.

Where Lily and company will come face to face with the worst epidemic they could imagine.

And that name is-.


"Tears of the Iris."

"I'm so sorry, miss. I have tested you multiple times and the result is the same."

"You are suffering from the said disease."

"... Huh?

Iris went to the doctor and after having a medical examination repeatedly, the simple headache turned into something worse than she could imagine.

Her hands were shaking, she wanted to cry, but hoped it was a lie.

"On her back, covered by her hair is a stigma in the form of tears that form a white flower. They may be small, but naturally more will appear."

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

"It's not medical malpractice?"

"I would love for it to be like that, I really would."

"But we have a list of all the characteristics of this disease. All I can give you is my condolences and that you spend as much time with your family as you can."

"The lifespan of an infected person is three months. But there were reports that some lived between 4 and 17 months."

(Others only held out for 216 days.)

"Therefore. You don't need to worry about paying for the consultation. Just worry about enjoying life as much as you can."

"No. I will pay. Thank you very much for your analysis doctor."

Iris walked out of the medical room, some nurses passed by her and murmured.

"Did you see it?"

"That's another victim."

"For the week it's been fourteen in a row."

"The number varies sometimes, but it's frightening how there are more and more reports of infected people."

Iris couldn't contain herself and fell to her knees.

Tears streamed down her cheeks and with her heart shattered, she could only curse inwardly.


(Please, Goddess Erin. Tell me this is a joke.)

(What unforgivable sin have I committed that this is happening to me?)

(Is that woman Muriel a saint and I am the witch who sought to destroy her happiness?)

(Is this my punishment for standing up for my commitment?)

(I really don't qualify as a sinner to receive this deep hatred from you.)

(This is the worst thing that could have happened to me after all!)

"Iris-sama, there you are."

Liddy called out to Iris from down the hall, a nurse told her to be quiet and then ran to her mistress.

Iris noticing Liddy, wiped away her tears and stood up.

"Iris-sama, is something wrong?"

"I'm sorry Liddy, it's just that the consultation fee was really awful."

"You can't imagine how many zeros I had to pay."

"Ah, how horrible that sounds, we should complain to the hospital about that exorbitant fee."

"Never mind. Let's go home, I want to sleep."

"Very well. I brought iced coffee for you."

"Thank you."

Iris wasn't about to tell her best friend about the terrible news she received.

(Liddy, forgive me for being the first time I've lied to you.)

(I don't want you to be crying every day until the day I die.)

(I want to be happy by your side as long as I can. Then I will ask for your forgiveness before I die.)

After leaving the hospital, they did not realize that they were being watched by a mysterious man.

Who was this man?

It is necessary to inquire into his origin.


Back in time to a couple of days ago, exactly when Razel killed the bandits.

In the basement of a luxurious mansion a clandestine show was taking place.

They were two slaves, two beast men fighting naked to death.

Both belonged to the same family, they were father and son.

If the father lost, the family was saved, but if the son lost, the family was saved.

The answer is for one of them to die, but the man who was organizing this event said to both of them.

"Your family will die if you don't put on a show."

With all the pain in their hearts, father and son were fighting to the death to save their families.

The men and women present wore animal masks to hide their identities.

They all knew who they were, it was just the usual formality for these clandestine scenarios.

Away from the place, in a room where they could watch from above what was going on, a group of men were receiving tragic news.

"W-what did you say?"

Said one of them.

He was a middle-aged man, overweight, short in stature, thin clothes, partially sparse hair, brown eyes, yellow teeth, thin mustache, and an education worthy of a beggar.

This man was the most important of all, despite the fact that he was the lowest in rank.

Baron Griff Rapha Olston was.

Baron Olston sent his only heir to perform a simple and straightforward job.

The men who were not devoured by the hellbears returned to the baron to report what had happened.

Then Baron Olston burst into tears after hearing the tragedy.

"Noooooooo! Griffin! My only son!"

"My heir!"

Heartbroken tears of a father after hearing of his son's death made those present empathize with him.

"Well whatever. Life goes on, I can simply have another."

The pain in his expression immediately faded and he sat down in a large armchair to raise his hand and be poured wine in a fancy glass.

"That kid was so stupid. I really can't believe he has my superior genes."

"But this won't stay that way. It's not for touching my son, it's for indirectly touching me."

"Who the fuck does that son of a bitch think he is saying he doesn't care who I am?"

"I'll have them find out where he lives, kidnap his family, no, his entire village since only a commoner and peasant would be so ignorant not to know who I am."

"I will kill the old men, the men will be used in forced labor until they die. The women and children will be sex slaves and then I will make that idiot into a chair like my other enemies."


Just like a pig grunted.

A pale, thin man approached him.

"Excuse me baron-dono. What will happen to the girl?"

"Hah? Are you serious?"

"That whore is bought. We just have to get her back and not lose confidence in one of my most important clients."

"That's a shame. I enjoy taking the daughters of nobles who oppose me as with their wives."

"But a duke's daughter is just like a princess. Impossible to touch."

"But thanks to the prince. That high-class harlot is at my mercy and the duke loses power with each passing day."

"Duke Olston will be possible when I annihilate that rat of Rosenthal!"



One of Baron Olston's spies was watching Iris leave the hospital.

His partner was spying on Razel.

"The baron said we shouldn't get our hands dirty for the duke or the royal family to accuse him."

"This is a job for them."


The fanservice is for Monika, I'm sure many of you must have loved her personality and values. Don't worry, there's still more to say about her.


Siegburn Siegburn

New chapter dear readers.

This time we stop introducing characters and paraphrasing and start getting into the plot finally.

Enjoy this movie parallelism (It's cinema).

next chapter
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