In a crowded tavern full of men, where tables were cramped close together, leaving just enough room for a single individual to move, the air buzzed with lively chatter.
"I heard those bastards had taken control of another small town and are making all able-bodied men work in mines, while the women are forced to work in the Sandsprout fields just to earn their food," A bulky dwarf said upon hearing the topic of the Oasis Scorpions bandit group being brought up.
"Well, what do you expect from those humans? Those bastards don't even hold the slightest bit of compassion for even children," A dragonkin lady seated closest to them said, following with a curse in Draconic.
"Hey, scale head, don't drag my whole race with those scums," A human with a scar running through his bald skull and face said, letting his aura loose to show his displeasure.
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