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57.36% Milf Princess / Chapter 74: Old Xiao, Young Xiao

Chương 74: Old Xiao, Young Xiao

WARNING!: The following chapter dances around pedophilia. I tried to avoid it but it persisted. You may fast-forward to the author's ramble section where I'll give a clean summary of this chapter.


Xiao was hysterically shouting when the cultivators near her tent came in for help.

"What happened Xiao!?" One of them shouted.

"Is there an enemy!?" Someone unsheathed their sword.

And then they all paused with their mouths agape.

In front of them was actually a 12 yr old girl instead of Xiao. Upon looking attentively, they realized this girl was actually Xiao! She had the same pretty face & features but her voice and appearance had grown considerably younger!

"What the hell...?" Someone blurted out while staring at little Xiao who was standing butt naked. Xiao's body was now petite but with toned abdomen, sharp features, thin arms, and two breasts that could rival a grown woman's!

Apparently, Xiao was blessed with big breasts since young age! Her puberty had struck early.

"You assholes! What are you staring at?" Xiao snapped and summoned a white shirt of hers, wearing it swiftly. But this shirt seemed like a long gown for her current short & slim body.

"S-sorry Xiao! We came to help." One of the cultivators said.

"…Get out!" Xiao snapped and the men scurried away. Xiao then tried to calm herself down by breathing deeply.

"Uwaah!!" The babies were wailing loudly in the cradles. They hadn't been fed in a long time! This was seriously dangerous for them. Xiao quickly tended to them and tried to breastfeed them. But since her body had undergone transformation again; her milk had disappeared. Realizing this, Xiao quickly activated Yin Cow technique. Her supple tender breasts started lactating immediately and the babies began suckling it from her nipples.

"Sigh, whoever did this to me is an asshole!" Xiao muttered. "I will- wait! How many people can accomplish something like this?" She frowned.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao barged out while rolling up her sleeves. There was an angry bounce in her steps. Her long black hair swayed behind her while her loose shirt-gown fluttered in the wind, revealing her fair slim legs. Her face was tinged red in anger & it made her seem very cute. All heads turned towards her wherever she passed by. Many warriors were astonished to see a little girl amongst them in this Sage strategy. Few recognized Xiao and were thoroughly stunned. Some followed behind her curiously. Xiao finally stopped in front of a certain tent.

"Ming Sheng! Come out and face death!" Xiao shouted.

"Ming Sheng? Did she have a fight with him?" Someone whispered.

"I think she wants to kill him." Another person murmured.

"But that old doctor is my life saver. I can't let him die."

"What are you talking about? This is apparently a lover's brawl. Doesn't Xiao sleep with Ming Sheng? They must have had a little conflict that's all."

"Hush now, here he comes." The whispers died down quickly.

Ming Sheng came out of the tent looking tired as usual. He was someone who always ended up working hard for long. Whether it was research, healing or sex, he had to do it over the top. Nobody let the old him be in peace.

Currently Ming Sheng was wearing a white messy robe and held two glass vases filled with chemicals.

"Xiao? Is that you?" Ming Sheng faked surprise.

"Don't act innocent now! Who else but you, is capable of altering other people's bodies?" Xiao growled.

"Well, Deodomus and Ryuga have some expertise in the matter. Former knows many unorthodox techniques; the latter can transform into a giant." Ming Sheng defended himself.

"Oh? Still not admitting fault?" Xiao scowled and summoned her long sword.

Clang! It hit the ground. Xiao stared at it silently.

"She's too short." Someone whispered.

"Who said that!?!" Xiao snapped. She tried swinging the sword and found that her strength had reduced greatly! And although she was still strong enough to swing it, she was too short! Using the long sword while floating or flying was the best option but that wouldn't be convenient all the time. Battles were unpredictable and Xiao's short arms clearly could not utilize the full potential of her long sword.

Blazing Yin and Sword Lotus; these two techniques immediately became unusable for Xiao. She was not accustomed to using any other weapons, save for spear.

Whoom! A spear replaced the long sword in her arm and radiated energy outwards.

"Sigh. Xiao, calm down. I'm the only doctor around. Do you really want to kill me?" Ming Sheng asked sweetly. He wasn't really afraid. He had already deduced previous night that Xiao's prowess will be lowered significantly due to her young age and small body. But he tried to sweet-talk her out of her fit.

"Hmph! You bastard, you better fix me this instant!" Xiao demanded.

"I will need to diagnose you first. Please come in." Ming Sheng said with a polite gesture.

"…The lot of you. Follow me!" Xiao shouted at the unknown men behind her. She thought that now she was little girl, having a group of tall ruffian cultivators will be better to intimidate Ming Sheng.

"Yes-yes…" They fearfully nodded and followed her.

Soon they were inside Ming Sheng's tent. It was made of ordinary materials and was littered with books, scrolls, chemicals and herbs. There was a mixed smell of different medicines in there.

But the most eye-catching in that tent were the two beautiful women sprawled naked on the carpet.

"Holy shit. Aren't they Xiurong and Lifen?!" Someone exclaimed.

"Yes, they are! The Silverian women!" Another person shouted.

"Yes, I was with them all night here. I couldn't possibly have done anything to you Xiao." Ming Sheng defended himself again.

"Hmph." Xiao snorted, believing him. In truth, the two silverians had only come to Ming Sheng early in the morning to have sex and got drugged by him covertly. Ming Sheng intended to do some experiments on them. His greed for human experiments was increasing after so many successful attempts. It all coincidently worked out in his favour and shirked the doubt away from him.

"Alright, let me diagnose you." Ming Sheng said. "Take off all your clothes."

"What?!" Xiao snapped. "This isn't the right time for you to get cheeky, old man."

Ming Sheng maintained a silent stoic expression, staring at Xiao. "You're already growing up. I must diagnose you properly."

"What?" Xiao frowned in doubt and took out a spatial ring from her gown pocket, (since it would no longer fit her little fingers). She summoned a large mirror to check her reflection and was stumped to find herself growing older at visible rate. From her 12 yr. old appearance, she had grown to 16 yr. old appearance and was continuously growing!

17 yrs., 18 yrs., 22, 28, 37 yrs. old…

"Fuck! Make it stop!" Xiao suddenly shouted, ripping off her shirt gown, getting butt naked. She grew 42 yrs. old within the next few moments.

The men all gawked. They felt hard in their crotches, watching Xiao in her full naked glory. Her big hips and slim waist were too attractive! Her huge breasts were hypnotic and the mature age suited Xiao dangerously!

Ming Sheng quickly began diagnosing her. He was merely faking it. He was the one responsible for Xiao's current state. He knew everything that was happening to her.

Ming Sheng touched Xiao here and there and even groped her plump tender breasts with a firm grip.

"Anhh!" Xiao let out a moan while two jets of milk shot out of her pink nipples. Everyone became instantly red behind the ears.

"Hmm, you shouldn't be possessing breastmilk at this age." Ming Sheng said to Xiao who was currently 67 years old. Her hair had turned gray and wrinkles had appeared on her pretty face, making her look old but still graceful. Her waist was now thicker with fat, her abs long gone. Her hips had turned bigger but weren't perky anymore and her breasts had lost their tightness. They were now soft and sagging, yet still large and her nipple seemed bigger and rounder.

"What could have caused it?" Ming Sheng mumbled while squeezing and twisting the nipples, milking her like a cow.

"Ahhn!! Fuckk! S-stop it already & make me younger!" Xiao snapped and swatted Ming Sheng's hands away and massaged her breasts which were highly sensitive at that moment due to the usage of Yin Cow technique. Her hair meanwhile were growing whiter as Xiao continued to grow older.

"I had used a technique to generate milk for the babies." Xiao explained swiftly while frowning.

"Hmm, I see." Ming Sheng said while summoning a pill. "Eat it. It should stabilize your aging for at least half an hour."

Xiao did not think before chomping on the pill. Her haggard old appearance was already freaking her out!

"Huff…wait, it tastes and feels like yang pill." Xiao said.

"It IS a yang pill." Ming Sheng smiled. "Just with some youth retention medicine mixed in it. Anyway, now that you've stopped growing older, I can do a thorough diagnosis but, your lactation technique is getting in the way. Please cancel it right now."

"I can't. Once this technique is used, the breasts will generate 20 litres of milk which will ooze out once the breasts are full, until all milk is spent." Xiao elaborated.

"Holy what?" Someone blurted out.

"Did she say 20 litres of milk!?" Another person felt excited.

"I see. Then let's get it all out." Ming Sheng said casually. "Gentlemen, please help Xiao."

"With pleasure!" A gutsy man said snickering.

"Wha…? I don't need your…hey!" Xiao was in the middle of refusing when the man came from behind and grabbed her big breasts squeezing them mercilessly!

"Hnnngyahhh!!" Xiao screamed erotically as her breasts' shape deformed when groped and milk shot out from her nipples in thick jets, reaching the tent wall and splashing on it.

"Hey-hey, let us help too!" Another man said

"Yes-yes! I'm good at milking women hehehe." A third person said.

"Hey stop…aah! Annh! Kyaah!!" Xiao's erotic helpless moans and screams leaked out of the tent as multiple men groped her breasts and manhandled her, squeezing her milk out. They even sucked the breastmilk directly from the nipples and chewed on them too; bringing immense pain/pleasure to Xiao whose eyes were already rolling up. Some men took the chance to grope her huge hips and shoved their fingers in her vagina.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Yin fluids leaked out of Xiao's tight virgin vagina as her knees buckled and she sat down on the carpet, trembling in ecstasy with a lewd expression on her face.

"Woha, did she just climax?" Someone exclaimed while touching Xiao's vagina. There was sticky yin fluid secreting out of it.

"She apparently did." Ming Sheng said. "Well, I've scrutinized her body just now. Her body is severely lacking in yang chi. Wouldn't you gentlemen help Xiao with it? She even seems to be ready." Ming Sheng said with a smirk.

Everyone gawked at the old man before chuckling.

"Hehehe of course doctor. We're here to help!"

"Xiao especially chose us for the task of helping her. How can we not do our best?"

Speaking such nonsense, they all quickly got naked and pounced on old granny Xiao whose screams soon continuously leaked out of the tent for next several hours.


When Xiao regained her senses, it was already evening and she had the appearance of a 10 yrs old girl.

"Wha…what the fuck happened…?" Xiao asked weakly.

"Oh, you're awake now?" Ming Sheng asked. "I diagnosed you and found you to be lacking in yang chi. The men you had brought along, helped fill you up with potent yang chi. This resulted in your age regressing and you regained this youthful appearance after sex. Though I believe this is temporary. You will soon start growing older again."

"W-What?" Xiao frowned. "All you…sons of… wait! What is that in your hand?" Xiao's eyes flung open wide as she noticed a small knife in Ming Sheng's hand.

"Oh this? This is a surgical tool for further tests on you. You wanted me to invent a cure of pain-pleasure medicine, no?" Ming Sheng replied calmly.

Xiao shifted in her spot, feeling slight fear. Currently she was too little and weak to fight. Also her young age was subconsciously affecting her confidence.

At this point Xiao also realized that perhaps she had pushed Ming Sheng too far. He was no longer her ally and this was Xiao's own fault. But since it was already like this…

"D-don't forget that you need to be stabbed by me to sustain your life. Otherwise, the curse will kill you." Xiao threatened.

"Oh, I took the liberty of taking that Grave Dagger technique from your spatial ring." Ming Sheng said casually. "I even studied it while you were getting fucked by those men. I already know how to cure myself from the curse."

"…" Xiao's mouth twitched. She decided to get out of the tent but found herself too sensitive and weak. She could only crawl on the carpet.

"You! You will pay for this! Don't fuck with me old man!" Xiao shouted hysterically. Ming Sheng frowned while walking over squatting down in front of her.

Ssstak! A loud slap made Xiao see stars while pulsing great pleasure throughout her body. Xiao's face turned red with lust immediately and she craved to be fucked hardcore!

"Fffffuuu…!!!" Xiao barely controlled herself.

"Your nature has become quite volatile due to hormonal upheaval, owing to your younger body." Ming Sheng spoke. "But trust me, Xiao. I may be upset with you but I'm still trying to help you. Didn't you notice the things I've already fixed in your body?"

"…" At this point Xiao looked at herself again and realized that she only had two breasts now, instead of four. Also, her second vagina had reverted back to being her ass hole. Her body was technically returning to normal! Of course, there were still two glaring issues of her young age and the pain-pleasure condition.

"There is no other way around it. I've gotten my hands on some rare resources that can help fix your problem but I need to constantly experiment on your body. I hope you will trust me." Ming Sheng said.

Xiao pondered deeply while judging Ming Sheng. Then she sighed and surrendered.

"Have your way then." She said.

"Thank you." Ming Sheng said before thinking something and summoning another pill. "Eat it. It will knock you out. I have cut you to obtain your blood and tissues for experiments. Pain causes you pleasure. I don't want to see a little girl acting horny in front of me."

"…" Xiao gritted her teeth. She had been at Ming Sheng's mercy all this time. He had already gotten Xiao raped earlier. There was no need for him to pretend to be nice. So she bought it and with a frown, swallowed the pill. Immediately her vision blurred and she passed out.


Ming Sheng took his time, experimenting with different chemicals on Xiao's body. He repeatedly cut her body to procure different blood and tissue samples.

It was not easy to cut Xiao. Even though she was young and small, her body was stronger than average adult and her skin was tough. Ming Sheng had to imbue energy in his surgical knife to cut her skin.

It had already been 3 hrs since the experiments began.

Suddenly he heard moaning sounds of the two sexy women in his tent who were just waking up and stretching themselves.

"Ummmh…Well-well, what do we have here?" Lifen uttered & yawned before walking towards Ming Sheng and unconscious Xiao.

"Mmm, we sure passed out for long. Doctor, you were quite powerful this time." Xiurong complemented Ming Sheng before glancing at Xiao who was now looking 15 years old. "Who the hell is this brat?"

"It's Xiao!" Lifen said. She could not see with her eyes but sense energies through support techniques. She knew Xiao's energy signature.

"Someone did something to her. She grows younger the more she indulges in sex." Ming Sheng explained briefly before returning to his experiments. He was concocting multiple elixirs and medicines at the same time in many small furnaces.

"Hmm… It seems you're going to be busy tonight." Xiurong said, leaning over Ming Sheng's shoulders and kissing his cheek.

"Yes. But surely you won't find any lack of men to entertain yourselves." Ming Sheng smiled.

"Mmm of course. I think it's time we expand our menu hehe." Xiuron said, licking her lips and smiling at Lifen who smiled back.

That night Rage got lucky.


Far away from the camp, in the middle of the night, Deodomus met a cloaked person.

"Is it time yet?" Deodomus asked.

"Unfortunately, not. Things keep getting out of hand. The rivals have started to work together. I do not have allies in there except Damian. But since Ayla is waiting in the shadows and dwarves are also prepared, things should work out. I still want to eliminate a prophet or two before that." The cloaked person said. The voice was that of Shyaren's.

"Don't push yourself too hard." Deodomus said with concern.

"Yes-yes, you keep telling me all the time." Shyaren said before hugging him. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you more." Deodomus stroked her hair and patted her head.

What was going on? Shyaren was always scowling at Deodomus in the past. But fact was, whichever woman Deodomus had fucked in his life, had eventually fallen for him. He had this sort of charm and luck with the ladies. Shyaren was no exception. Every time she met Deodomus, she got fucked hardcore and dominated thoroughly. This had psychological effect on her. Inwardly most of the warrior women yearned for a man who could dominate them. Like Xiao & Lyra, Shyaren also wished the same. Deodomus had defeated her in sex every single time. Thus, it didn't take long for Shyaren to fall in love with him.

"How's our baby?" Deodomus asked, rubbing Shyaren's belly.

"Safe and sound. I'm using an Empyrean grade support type technique to preserve it. Even if I die in battle, the baby's life will be preserved for at least ten days."

"You won't die." Deodomus put his index finger to her lips and looked at her tenderly. "When things get bad, just crush the emergency beacon. I'll come rushing with a whole battalion behind me."

"Sigh, thank you Deo." Shyran leaned forth to kiss him. As their lips locked with each other, Deodomus ran his hands all over Shyaren's body, unbuttoning her cloak & other clothes. Soon Shyaren was rendered buck naked. She had a bulging belly with Deodomus's child in it. Deodomus had once fucked Shyaren in a cave and impregnated her using the Motherfucker technique. Although later Shyaren had gotten raped by hundreds of dwarves, Deodomus had already knocked her up.

Deodomus actually wanted to fake ignorance later and let Shyaren squirm a little, not knowing who the father of her child was. But pondering for some time, Deodomus realized that it was better to tell Shyaren the truth and get a hold on her. After all, Shyaren was above Xiao in cultivation and was a leader of a secret organization comprised of sexy women. Deodomus could have so much more fun! Plus, don't forget the benefits in terms of resources and money.

Deodomus was hardly loyal to anyone. Although he'd come running to help Xiao anytime, that didn't mean he'd stop himself from indulging in other women and fooling around with them. After all, his sworn brother Anek had asked him to do whatever the hell he wanted. Thus, Deodmous lived a carefree life without any honor, shame or loyalty. He was living to the fullest for his fallen brother too.


Soon moans echoed in the forest as Deoodomus fucked the black beauty Shyaren in her tight ass.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap! Clap-clap-clap! Meaty clapping sounds echoed and Shyaren enjoyed herself to the fullest. She leaned down, raising her butt up. Deodomus grabbed her round black hips and started pounding her harder and faster.

"Fuck, you're tightening up so well! No woman can compare to you Shyaren." Deodomus spoke.

"Ahhn! Hannh…! Mmmh!" Shyaren continued to moan while smiling. Her belly was shaking up and down; her black breasts were pressed against the grass and her lips were curled up in smile.

Then Deodomus raised his hands up high and started raining down a barrage of powerful slaps on Shyaren's big hips.

SStak! Sstak! Sstak! Thwok! Thwok! Pattt!

"Ahh! Ahh! More! Yes!" Shyaren shouted.

"Pffft hahaha! To think even you had this side tch tch." Deodomus shook his head while laughing. He then cracked his knuckles and started drumming up Shyaren's ass with his rapid slap technique.

Pa! Pa! Sstak! Sstak! Loud slapping sounds echoed through the forest every now and then. Shyaren' clenched her black hips, tightening her asshole to give more pleasure to Deodomus while she enjoyed the frequent spanking.

Then Deodomus yanked her hair and pulled her head up, making her upper body hang mid air while her bottom was still raised up, arching her back into a sexy curve shape. Deodomus picked up the pace and started fucking her faster.

Plap! Plap! Plap!

"Ahh! Ahhn! Ahhn! Oof!" Shyaren screamed and moaned in pleasure. Her big milky breasts were hanging and swaying back and forth; her belly also swayed and her hips skin had turned reddish with all the spanking. She bit her lower lip, enjoying being dominated.



In a different area of the forest, two dark skinned sexy women were crouching on all-fours. A red-haired handsome man was fucking them in turns.

Plap-plap-plap! Sstak! Sstak! Ryuga fucked Lyra speedily and slapped her big hips.

"Ahh! Ahh! Oh yes fuck!" Lyra screamed aloud. Ryuga's long thick penis was rampaging inside her and she was simply in bliss. They had already been fucking for several hours now.

Earlier, things had gone too smoothly. Since Lyra's anger towards Ryuga had already subsided, with Ryuga's handsome looks, dashing personality and great prowess, he attracted Lyra easily.

Lyra was also quite a brazen & shameless woman who would walk around basically naked, wearing only a micro bikini. She had also fucked with countless men. So naturally she was sexually aroused with such a handsome man next to her.

Ryuga, being an expert on adulterous women, cinched victory and managed to convince Lyra to have sex. As for Inez, she needed to be loaded with semen everyday so Lyra commanded her to get naked and copy her poses.

Ryuga grabbed Lyra's hair and yanked her head back ruthlessly.

"Ahhn!! Fuck!" Lyra screamed but didn't struggle.

"Giant gu!" Ryuga exclaimed inwardly and activated his giant gu. Immediately his body tripled in size and this penis became 7 inches thick and 60 inches long!

"AHHHH!!" Lyra screamed in pain as her vagina was stretched to the limits. Ryuga showed no mercy and started pounding her hardcore! Loud sounds and screams continued to echo around them for long.

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! Finally, Rygua unleashed a thick jet of semen inside Lyra. It gushed into her womb and filled up her vaginal cavity. Ryuga then pulled out his massive penis and stroked it, spraying ropes and ropes of semen on Lyra's hips, back and head; covering her in a thick white layer. Then he grabbed her by the hair, turned her around and shoved his penis inside her mouth.

"Ungg!!" Lyra struggled as her jaw unhinged, stretching her mouth beyond limits as the massive penis forcefully was shoved deep into her throat where it released another load of semen. Lyra choked on it and drank some while excess semen flowed out of her nostrils and even ears!

"Fwahh!" Lyra exclaimed and gasped for air as Ryuga pulled out and rested his now flaccid warm penis on Lyra's face. Thick smell of semen wafted into Lyra's nose and she inhaled it deeply, feeling contented.

"Fuck…you're amazing…!" Lyra exclaimed.

"Hehe, you are too." Ryuga patted her and clung to her, snuggling and kissing her neck while his body returned to its normal size.

"…" Lyra had not expected such an adorable action but she gave in gladly; clinging back to Ryuga and loving his warmth. Her heartbeat continued to dance.

"Mmm, fuck my mother too. She needs more semen." Lyra requested after some time.

"As you wish." Ryuga agreed and swallowed a yang pill. He then grabbed Inez and penetrated her vagina with his erect penis. He was too rough with Inez, going all out as Inez was initially a fuckdoll, not a living person. As Ryuga fucked Lyra's mother in front of her, Lyra felt oddly turned on. So much so, she developed a crazy lustful idea.

Before long, Lyra's clitoris began to elongate and transformed into a bulging thick penis! Ryuga was stunned to see this change.

"It's a dual cultivation technique I traded with Xiao." Lyra explained before looking at her sexy mother. Lyra was originally a lesbian. She used to r@pe women. Though later she got tamed by men through multiple r@pes and then developed a bisexual nature.

Now possessing the dual cultivation technique Yin-Yang Swap, how could she not use it on other women?

"Open your mouth, mother." Lyra said sweetly and Inez complied wordlessly. Soon Lyra was thrusting her penis into Inez's mouth while Ryuga fucked Inez's vagina.

They both fucked Inez in different positions in all three lewd holes all night. By morning, Lyra no longer looked at Inez as her mother whom she wanted to stay around. Instead, she looked at Inez as a handy fuckdoll who could sate her lust any time, comply to all her commands and even fight for her.

As the sun rose up, Ryuga and Lyra finally ended their sexual adventure and put on their clothes. They tucked away the sound insulating strategy and resumed their mission of discovering the dwarves' base.


"Summon me when you're in need." Deodomus said to Shyaren as they bid goodbyes.

"Yes. Same for you." Shyaren replied. "I love you, Deo."

"I love you too." Deodomus lied smilingly and kissed her deeply.

The two of them then parted ways. In the thicket of the bushes a pair of eyes narrowed as they finished observing the two and then disappeared in the darkness.

Unaware of the fact that someone had been keeping eyes on him and Shyrean, Deodomus casually moved through the forest for long before stopping at a different region. There he summoned a woman out from his spatial ring. This woman was naked and had a dazed expression. She was Tian Mei.

"Are you…going to fuck me again…?" Tian Mei asked while getting on all fours and turning around. She parted her legs, causing her hips to spread, revealing two banged up lewd holes.

"Hehehe, yes, good-good. You're so tamed now. You had been hiding this lewd side of you all your life tsk-tsk." Deodomus chuckled and shook his head.

"Mmmh yes. I'm a lewd woman who always wanted to be humiliated by men and used as cumdump." Tian Mei said seductively. "Please, fuck me!" She shook her hips shamelessly.

"Motherfucker technique!" Deodomus activated the infamous unorthodox technique on Tian Mei, causing her to convulse and leak fountains of yin chi which Deodomus quickly absorbed and then started fucking her heatedly!

Now how did Tian Mei fall into Deodomus' clutches?

Deodomus had actually easily wooed her. He was an excellent flirt. Especially since Deodomus had saved Tian Mei's life, she had been drawn towards him. Thus, Deodomus was able to easily toy with her tender feelings and he manipulated her into falling in love with him.

Then he exploited her, fucking her many times in secret while using different dual cultivation techniques on her.

Ever since Tian Mei returned from the shadow temple, she had been with Deodomus, getting plowed and manipulated by him. For Deodmus, it was too easy. He had even tamed the tough princes Xiao hadn't he? He had also brainwashed princess Yana and even a Sage realm warrior Shyaren was playing into his palms. Taming Tian Mei was not difficult for him.

Ever since Deodomus met Tian Mei, he had wanted to obtain her for her water element constitution. People possessing such bodies were excellent in dual cultivation and had great talent in cultivation and combat. Their elemental traits could be shared with others through sex and the receiver would become able to use water element techniques.

Tian Mei was an excellent resource of water element traits. Deodomus snagged her timely and easily tamed her using Insatiable Thirst, Harlot Heat, Motherfucker technique and wanton usage of mind-numbing pills, aphrodisiacs and drugs. Tian Mei was done for.

Deodmus fucked Tian Mei for several hours, extracting even her hidden yin chi, squeezing her dry! He filled up her womb with large amounts of semen, impregnating her and then warped her back into his spatial ring. Tian Mei hadn't even realize that she had turned into Deodomus' sex slave. It was truly tragic.



Xiao awoke to find herself still naked in Ming Sheng's tent. She was no longer tied up & currently looked 40 years old. She sighed and summoned a pair of clothes, putting them on. Ming Sheng was finishing brewing up some elixir.

"Congratulations." Ming Sheng spoke without turning around to look at Xiao. "The experiments were successful. I'm very close to concocting a cure to pain-pleasure medicine."

Xiao remained silent and walked away. She was feeling rather defeated and pathetic.

"The cure to your rapidly fluctuating age is also in progress but it will take some time. Until then, you will have to rely on quick fixes." Ming Sheng continued.

"The changes in your body shall be quick. If you avoid sex, you will grow old. And if you indulge in too much sex, you will grow young and will lose your strength. Both situations would be bad for a warrior like you. Thus, moderation and timing are the key." Ming Sheng explained.

"There is no pattern so I can't give you an exact time frame regarding your age-changes. You will have to experiment and figure it out yourself. I haven't the time to observe you for multiple days. But it's all about yang chi. The more yang you have, the younger you will be and for longer time too. The lesser the yang; the older you will be and quicker will be the aging."

"I see. Thank you." Xiao said and left.

Outside, immediately dozens of men stood up. They had been camping outside Ming Sheng's tent all along since the fiasco from the day before. Among these men were those who had gotten to fuck old Xiao. They had bragged about it and gained much fame. The multitude of people gathered here just wanted to have the same chance as those lucky men.

"Hmph." Xiao snorted, knowing full well what was going on.

"You!" She suddenly pointed at a man. "And you, you and you! You're my minions from now on. Come with me." Xiao picked 4 burly ugly men out of the crowd. She didn't choose the men from earlier as they had taken advantage of her. She chose a new set instead. How loyal and subservient they would be, it was yet to be seen.

Xiao moved to her tent, followed by the four men who had grins plastered on their ugly faces. Yes, they were ugly bastards with bulging thick biceps and strong thighs, tall built and a downright menacing vibe about them. They were all at late stages of advanced realm.

Once inside the tent, Xiao smirked and turned around. Slowly, she took off her clothes, revealing her sexy body to the ogling men.

"Show me no mercy, you ugly bastards." Xiao snickered perversely and invited them, signalling with her index finger.

"Ohhh!! As you wish Xiao!" The men whose hearts were already beating wildly, exclaimed excitedly and quickly pounced on Xiao.

One of them grabbed Xiao by the head, his palm completely covering her face and the fingers reaching to the back of her head.

Bam! Xiao was slammed on the carpet. The other men grabbed her limbs & groped her while the quickest of them shoved his thick penis inside Xiao's virgin vagina, tearing through her hymen and making her squeal in pleasure.

"Ahhn! Yes! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" Xiao's screams soon leaked out of the tent along with the meaty clapping sounds.


Several hours later-

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Spurt! An ugly bastard ejaculated inside Xiao's now-loose vagina as Xiao was sprawled on the floor on her belly, completely worn out. Her hair were a mess, her face was swollen, her nose and lips bleeding while there were many scratches and blue patches on her skin; signs of physical assault. It was her own wish to be fucked in r@pe-style & she had enjoyed it thoroughly for several hours!

The result- Now Xiao looked 19 years old with her beauty and strength at its peak! Minus the temporary beaten-up state.

"Huff-huff… next...!" Xiao said while panting. The ugly man was replaced an uglier man who shoved his bulging penis inside Xiao's wet slimy white vagina and started thrusting.

Plap-plap-plap-plap-spurt! Spurt! "Uhhh…" The man groaned and panted before pulling out.

Sploosh~ Semen dribbled out of Xiao's fully filled vaginal cavity.

"N-next…huff.. just keep…coming…" Xiao said and the men all came to fuck her and unloaded their yang rich semen inside her. They were all apparently using some technique that allowed them to have quick ejaculations.

After several minutes, they finally stopped, completely exhausted. Xiao had fallen asleep. There was a small puddle of semen gathered around her crotch, dribbling out of her loose holes. Her age began to regress again as the men fell asleep beside her.




"Cleave through them! Keep pushing! You've got this!" Xiao shouted aloud, instructing and encouraging her 300 strong legion. It had already been 2 days since her last fuckfest. Raiders had now attacked the 7th floor under Xiao's lead.

Xiao was however leading from the back, encouraging the warriors and planning out the fight since currently she was 12 years old, a bit too young to fight with her full prowess.

"Just like little Xiao says! Keep fighting everyone! We've got this!" Rage also shouted, leading the warriors on the fronts.

"Who are you calling little?! Your mother is little! " Xiao shouted over, angrily.

"Oh yeah? Well, your mother is little too!" Rage retorted.

"Ah? Then, your father is littler than my pinky finger!" Xiao shouted on.

"Stop your banter!" Tengfei growled and slapped Xiao's head. "How is any of this encouraging to the troops?"

"Uwaaah! Why are you hitting me? Rage started this!" Xiao complained with tearful eyes.

"Tsk." Tengfei drew a short breath through the teeth. Xiao seemed too cute at the moment.

"Well, I'll smack him later. You just focus on the battle for now." Tengfei said.

Xiao sniffled and watched the battle unfold. The current raid had turned into a battle. It wasn't the usual 'fly anywhere and kill whoever is in range.' The opponents this time were a cohesive force. They had camped a proper battalion on this level.

Swoosh! Silver Knightmare flew and was immediately bombarded by projectiles and long-distance assault moves.

Boom! Boom! Kaboom! Crack!

Smoke and fire clouded around his metallic figure. His armor undented as he flew out and returned the attacks.

Swoosh-swoosh-swoosh-whew!! Spears, arrows, swords and pikes flew out at his command and rained down towards the enemy, only to be intercepted by energy-clad arrows.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Boom! Hundreds of arrows and spears flew up to fight Silver Knightmare. Their fight seemed to be a constant stalemate though. But it was still Silver's success. His plan was to draw enemy marksman's attention to him so that the Raiders below won't get targeted.

"This Han faction sure has a capable marksman. Even Silver Knightmare is unable to advance." Tengfei said as he glanced at a distance where stood a young woman with a shiny bow in her hand, constantly shooting out arrows.

This woman was standing on a chariot with many large quivers filled with arrows. There was an old spearer standing next to her. He was her wingman. It wasn't that odd for an old person to be a young person's wingfolk. Cultivation world's hierarchy was based on strength, not age.

"Rage is yet to get angry." Xiao said, observing calmly. "Silver is doing great, keeping the marksmen busy. Morale is equally high on both sides but we are inching towards victory."

"Hmm." Tengfei nodded. "I'll go ahead and tip the scales faster." He said and flew low, just above the warring forces and then jumped into the heat of battle.

The opponents were pushed back immediately but they had strong bishops in reserve too who came to the front and Raiders got pushed back. Xiao continued to observe.

"Xiao." A bulky minion spoke. "Have some juice and ease down a little. Victory is ours for sure." He moved a cup towards her.

"Battles are unpredictable." Xiao said, taking the juice and sipping on it. "Where's the fan?" She frowned.

"Here Xiao!" Another minion summoned a folding fan and started fanning her. Xiao's hummed and enjoyed the soft gale and soothing juice. Her age grew visibly though, reaching 13 years and increasing gradually.

"Mmm, this juice is lacking something." Xiao said, side-eying one of the minions. The latter smirked knowingly and nodded.

"Coming right up." He said and came in front of Xiao, unbuttoning his pants and taking out his semi-erect penis and started stroking it. This action was noticed by nobody as there was a heated battled going on.

Fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap. The man started masturbating while Xiao watched lustfully & inhaled the penis musk like an addict. She was now looking 15 years old. Her age apparently growing quickly because her yang rich energy was continuously being consumed in observational techniques to keep an eye on the battlefield.

But Xiao had already deduced a method to keep her age in check. Whenever needed, she would consume…

Spurt! Spurt! Spurt! The ugly man ejaculated a thick load of semen directly into Xiao's cup and it also splattered on her hand. As the man huffed and groaned, Xiao smiled and licked the semen off her hand before kissing and lapping up the remaining semen from the penis.

"Umhh…" She moaned, enjoying the taste of it. Her face flushed red as she felt turned on. Semen was like an aphrodisiac for her after all.

Then swirling the semen-juice in her cup, Xiao gulped it all down in one breath and exhaled deeply. Her face turned ruddier and she reached for her crotch, masturbating slowly. Her minions watched this smilingly.

Their crotches were hard and they were itching for some action too. Unfortunately, they could not fuck Xiao during the battle. Also, Xiao would only indulge in sex when she her age reached late 30s. Once she grew younger than 18, she would avoid sex to stop growing younger but often the excess yang chi would make her grow younger like how she was this morning.

Afterwards, Xiao would keep a close eye on her age and would consume small doses of semen to keep her age in check whenever she was unable to have sex. Such as in this battle situation which had dragged on all day. If Xiao didn't consume semen, she would have turned into an old hag in her 90 already!

"Ahhhn…hannnh…" Xiao moaned while rubbing her crotch heatedly. Then she slid her hand inside her trousers and began masturbating properly while groping her big full breasts with the other hand.

"Uhh…X-Xiao…" A minion said, unable to hold on. "Let's fuck!"

"Ummmh! Don't entice me you bastard. Focus on the battle. Defend me while I haah…" Xiao breathed heavily and her face flushed red. Her fingers were slipping in and out of her wet vagina, bringing her more pleasure by the minute.

"Haah… Haah… ahnn…" Xiao's moaned got more erotic by the minute until-

Spurt! Spurt! She wetted herself with yin fluids while twitching in her seat. Her face completely red as a thick scent of yin wafted off of her, enticing the men around her.

"Damn it! I can't hold it in anymore!" A minion growled and grabbed at Xiao's breasts.

"Kyaah!" Xiao screamed erotically. 'Get back you idiot!" She kicked him feebly. She was too tender after climaxing.

"Hahaha! Don't worry Xiao, you're going to enjoy this. Hey, lets gang up on her!" This man said to others and before long, all four minions were groping Xiao lustfully, taking advantage of her.

"Huff…huff! You bastards-ahhn!" Xiao growled and moaned before surrendering. As she stopped resisting, the men pulled out their bulging penises. Four thick meat sticks poked at Xiao's face and their musk entered her nostrils, making her drool.

Bam! Suddenly there was a loud sound and one of the minions' head burst like a melon.

"!!! Ambush?!" One of the minions exclaimed before his upper body slid off the lower body. He had been cut in halves!

"Fuck! Who dares!" The remaining two minions quickly got on guard.

"Protect Xiao! Activate defensive techn…" Third minion's head rolled while the last minion coughed out blood as a poison dart stabbed into his chest. He fell down dead.

"Well-well-well… to think that the leader of Raiders is just a horny teenaged girl heheh." A manly voice was heard before a translucent silhouette became visible, quickly revealing a man draped in blue noble attire. His face struck oddly familiar to Xiao who was currently stumped.

"Han Mo?!" Xiao uttered in shock.



Author's ramble-

Well, after one day of dedicated proofreading, I spiraled back into all my bad habits. Barely escaped the clutches of procrastination thanks to the senior who gave me many comic projects to help return on track. I'm also returning to writing because well; i miss it -_-.

This chapter was all over the place as it was written in pieces over the past 16 days.



Xiao is enraged at the fact that her age has regressed to basically childhood. She deduces that it must be Ming Sheng's doing and thus confronts him. But Ming Sheng denies all accuses and instead offers to help her. Xiao's age is volatile and she rapidly starts aging, turning from 12 yr old girl to 40 yr old milf. Ming Sheng gets Xiao raped by multiple men in the name of medical help and renders her feeble. But thanks to it, her age gets controlled temporarily.

Ming Sheng tells Xiao that her yang chi is directly affecting her age. If Yang chi is low, she will grow old rapidly. If yang chi is overflowing, she will get younger. In both cases at the extreme, Xiao's battle prowess will lower. Also, if she grows too old, she might even die.

Yang chi is the temporary solution. The more natural, the better. Thus Ming Sheng advices her to have sex but in moderation. At the same time, he declares his intention to cure all of her conditions. He had already healed her four-breasts, two vagina condition, and turned her into a normal person. But much more needed to be done.

With Xiao's approval, Ming Sheng experiments on her and is very close to inventing cure of pain-pleasure condition.

(Honestly, i don't remember how she got healed the last time -_- Can't dig up in so many chapters.)

The age fix is also underway. Meanwhile Xiao choses 4 burly men to have sex whenever needed, in order to maintain her age in safe zone. Unfortunately, she can't time things properly and often ends up either too old or too young but she continuously makes progress.

Xiao deduces that if she consumes semen at fixed intervals or whenever needed, she can maintain a normal age. And thus she brings her 4 minions around all the time.

Meanwhile Deodomus reveals to have gained full control over Shyaren. He meets her in secret and fucks her. Shyaren is pregnant with Deodomus' child and has fallen for him too. She is still biding her time for the final showdown as situation with the other prophets is still not in her favor. Both of them part ways after a few hours, not realizing that someone is spying on them.

Soon afterwards, Deodomus brings out Tian Mei from his spatial ring. Tian Mei has been turned into a tamed sex slave and her water element traits have been sucked dry off her by Deodomus. Deo also impregnates her using the Motherfucker technique.

Ryuga on the other hand bangs mother-daughter duo of Inez and Lyra. Lyra had fallen in love with him, being easy. Inez is just a mindless fuckdoll+battle puppet. Not a person anymore. Lyra even develops lust for Inez and fucks her using Yin-Yang Swap technique.

Days later, Raiders engage in combat once again on the 7th floor. (or was it 8th? idk). Their opponents are Han faction who has expertise in ground battles. Thus they have a powerful duo of marksmen that can shoot down anyone who flies. Xiao plans the battle being young and unable to fight herself. Rage, Tengfei and others fight it out on the fronts. Silver Knightmare distracts the marksmen and the battle inches in old fashion.

Suddenly Xiao is ambushed by an invisible opponent who kills her minions in a few seconds and then reveals himself. Xiao is shocked to see Han Mo alive! (That guy from the beginning -_- thin sword, cranky character, got killed in goblin mountain. But at least died after having sex.)

see you in next chapter. This ramble was not proofread.

next chapter
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