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22% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 11: A disturbing meeting

Chương 11: A disturbing meeting

The meeting room was full of teachers, members of the police force, and pro-heroes related to the Bloody stain case. A low murmur could be heard from all angles of the room as some of the confused pro-heroes spoke to each other wondering why they had been called to a meeting on UA grounds.

After everyone was accounted for and settled in their seats, Nezu cleared his throat and called for silence.

"Thank you Nezu" Tsukauchi spoke, nodding his head gratefully in the direction of the principle before turning to face the small crowd.

"I know its probably a bit confusing for some about why we have called some of you here, but i assure you, you will understand soon enough." He said calmly. "We're here to talk about the recent attack on the USJ facility, by a group of villains going by the name 'league of villains', where pro-heroes Eraserhead and Thirteen were both critically injured and are both currently in hospital.

What we don't want the public knowing however is the villain bloody stain also made an appearance."

Murmurs broke out among the people surrounding the tables.

"Why did you say bloody stain made an appearance, wasn't he with this league of villains?" A random second rate hero who nobody knew said.

"From what we can tell he wasn't with them, we found evidence of his appearance however the only people he seemed to of hurt are the villains in the zone of the ruins. However, There were no sightings of the villain entering or leaving the sight.

The lead villain of the League of Villains also made no mention of such a villain being there, therefore we have come to the conclusion that they are not working together at this time.

"Doesn't mean they might not in the future."

Present mic added.

"Yes that's quite right, however, I don't think that we will have to worry about such a thing ever happening." Nezu supplied, making people from all corners of the room look towards him.

"What makes you say that?" Midnight asked.

"As of this moment, thanks to the help of Detective Tsukauchi and the head of the Musutafu Police force all pro-hero staff have been added onto the Bloody stain case from this moment onwards, apart from Aizawa-san who is currently leading the pro-hero side of this case. This however does not mean you have to risk your selves to catch him." Nezu replied

The UA staff looked towards Nezu in surprise.

Power loader was the first hero to speak up on this new revelation.

"Why are we all being added to the case? Sure, he was at the USJ but that doesn't mean every member of staff at UA needs to join." He questioned.

Nezus face suddenly became surprisingly serious.

"We have added all of you to the case because we believe the Bloody stain may be a student at this school, possible even a member of Aizawa-sans class 1-A"

The silence was mindblowing, the outrage and shock were louder.

"What the hell do you mean a student of Class 1-A?!" Power loader said, shocked to his core.

Other Pro-heroes around the room where gobsmacked, with there jaws hitting the floor in shock or frowning angrily shouting loudly, demanding answers. Tsukauchi tried his best to get everyone to settle down so he could discuss the details however no one was listening to his pleas for quite. It wasn't until Present mic shouted using his quirk.

"Everyone Shut up.!"

Everyone was quick to quieten down after that.

Midnight looked over towards where Present mic was sat and saw how he slouched back in his chair, not shocked or surprised at all by Nezus revelation.

It was almost as if he knew what was going to be said..

"Thank you, Present Mic. Now, I know you have many questions but please one at a time.."

Midnight was the first hero to ask a question.

"What evidence do you have that its a student in Class 1-A? That's an extreme accusation to make Nezu." She asked completely serious with not a hint of patronization.

"That's a good question. Well, we know the Bloody stain seems to target Villains, and people who where on this case long enough will know he has a ghoul quirk. A quirk which requires the user to eat only human flesh. Even though it not been realized to the public we also know that the villain avoids killing if possible, evident with the fact that his

'third' victim was already dead as a result of suicide. It isn't that surprising that the Villain is a student considering how the villain only seems to go after other villains, and in the USJ the villain only attacked villains there too as no students were harmed by them. The villains he did attack where all alive when we took them to the hospital, even if unfortunately 2 died from blood loss on the way to the hospital."

Silence fell of the room as the news began to sink in.

"…..What are we planning on doing with this information…..Nezu..?" Midnight asked cautiously.

Nezu looked down at the paperwork in front of him. "At the moment, I'm not too sure... We have sufficient evidence to do a full-scale investigation of the students in class 1-A, however, I'm inclined to say that we see how things play out on there own and just keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior among the students and observe them during lunchtimes to see which students are eating at which are not."

The Pro-Heros and Police looked in shock and anger at the Principle.

Some random pro-hero shouted out.

"You expect us to do nothing? We have the resources to capture this Villain now and stop this endless killing and you want us to leave it? Are you insane? Just because this Villain might be a student?! This Villain ended pro-hero Kamui Woods career, you remember that don't you? Or are you just doing this as a way to get revenge against us humans because you want to see us die? You crazy rat!"

Present Mic stood up and glared at that d-lister pro-hero.

"Don't say things like that! This villain is volatile and you know that! We saw that with Kamui Woods when they attacked him! Trying to bring in that Villain could cause them to lash out and attack more people, innocent people. Like Nezu says, this villain doesn't seem to like or want to kill people. They do it because they have to! Because of their quirk! What part of that don't you understand? If we leave the students as they are and observe from afar we can try to discern who the villain is without risking the students more then they already are. It not fair to keep the whole class from the school because one of the students a villain which will attack us if we try to forcibly extract them."

The other pro-hero snarled. " It almost sounds like you feel bad for the stupid villain.'

Present Mic glared at the hero.

"People can't help what quirks they are born with.

They shouldn't be treated like monsters just because their quirk comes with a horrible downside that they can't prevent.." With that present Mic slouched back in his chair and looked away. At this point, Midnight spoke up again.

"Couldn't we just go back and ask the students to tell us which area they were in?" She asked

Nezu took this moment to speak up, keeping his smile on his face seemingly unaffected by the previous offensive language directed towards him.

"Unfortunately, the Police already took statements before we discovered the mess that was left by the bloody stain. It would seem suspicious if even us staff went back and asked each of them the areas they were in. I don't want to pressure this villain more than necessary to lash out. Besides, i have a feeling this villain may end up come to us if we wait patiently. From what I've heard from other teachers, Class 1A are all determined to become top pro heroes."

"As much as i would love to continue this conversation of this villain, we have more pressing things to attend to. The League of Villains is a new and dangerous group and we know nothing about them, they took us by surprise, and now the media andpress are screaming at our ankles of an explanation...

In the corner of the room, hidden from view stood a skinny Might. Yagi looked down at the paperwork in front of him with a list of students' names on it.

He didn't want to think of the possibility any of his students from class 1-A could do such horrible things, even if they had no choice. He was certain every student of his in that class were determined to become pro-heroes.

It saddened him to think one of his promising students could be forced to face such a horrible ordeal.

Yagi looked down at the list of names and his eyes met with the name of his successor and grimaced.

That poor boy had faced so much already in his life, he could only hope this 'villain' wasn't him.

Yagi thought back to the accident at the beginning of their training and his missing stomach somehow churned, before shaking off the thought.

However even if it was his student who had somehow gotten this quirk, he didn't regret giving Midoriya one for all.

Midoriya would be a brilliant hero with such a quirk or not.

Aizdwa groggily opened his eyes and stared up to the white ceiling above. As he began to get his baring he noticed that he wasn't in his house.

'What the hell happened?'

He looked around and quickly realized that he was indeed at the hospital. Aizawa began to shift in his bed as he tried to sit up only to wince in pain at the pressure he had placed on his arm.

He looked down and noticed how both his arms where covered in bandages and now, after becoming aware of his surroundings, he realized his face too was covered in bandages.

Confused, Aizawa searched though his memory o try and remember how he had gotten there. After only a few seconds of thinking, it hit him, the US!

His students! His body became rigid as he tried to move out of his bed, worried about the safety of his students and there well being.

As he struggled to try and get out of his hospital bed the sound of the door opening caught his attention as he looking in the direction of the door.

"Hey hey! sit back down! Your gonna hurt yourself." he heard present mic call.

Aizawa reluctantly listens as he layed back in his bed, wincing at the sharp pain his left elbow.

"Are you ok?" Present mic called out worriedly.

Ignoring his question Aizawa turned to speak.

"What happened? Is everyone ok? Did everyone make it out alive?!"

Present Mic sat down in the chair next to his bed and looked grimly at his friend, worrying Aizawa to no end.

Present Mic sighed.

"The students are fine, it was only you and Thirteen who were seriously injured and Todoroki was knocked out and brought to the hospital but was released this morning perfectly fine..

Aizawa didn't seem convinced.

"Something else happened that you not telling me."

Present mic grimaced and looked down at his hands, unusually quite, unnerving Aizawa to no end.

"Two of the villains at the US] died on the way to the hospital."

Aizawa looked at Present Mmic with an uncaring face. None the less he was surprised some of his students had managed to hurt a villain that much, even by accident.

"Tell me why i should care about that."

Present Mic looked up at Aizawa and looked in dead in the eyes, face completely serious.

"Shouta, they think one of your students is the Bloody stain villain."

Aizawa could feel the exact moment he felt his soul leave his body as he let his head flop back onto his pillow in shock. Present Mic slowly explained everything that had happened in the school meeting.

Aizawa looked up at the ceiling he could barely see in shock. His students... He didn't want to believe it. He couldn't believe it, yet it was true.. and unraveling right before his eyes.

This was the first class where he hadnt expelled a single one of them, each one showed immense promise as heroes. He didn't understand why a villain like that would want to go to a hero school.

He couldn't picture anyone of his students creating the massacres he had seen in the police files that the Bloody stain Villain had created.

He could feel his moisten up before wiping them dry carefully with his bandaged arm.

He was more determined now than ever to catch the Villain and discover who it is.

When Izuku walked into the cafeteria the next day, he almost immediately noticed the small changed in the room. Walking around the cafeteria more Pro-hero staff could be seen walking around the room, each and everyone one of them discreetly looking around the room, watching.

They knew something.

The increase in staff wasn't enough to be noticeable but it was certainly enough to catch Izukus attention to the excess staff lingering the edges of the room.

They were on to him.

Izuk felt his breathing begin to slowly increase.

Ochako seemed to notice his panic as well and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Deku? Are you ok?" She asked worriedly looking up at him, gathering his attention.

Izuku smiled wobbly down at her.

"Theirs a lot more staff in here than usual."

Ochako silently looked around the made a silent oh noise noticing the excess staff in the room before looking back to izuku worriedly.

Izuku just continued to hold his smile as he looked away and towards the cafeterias.

"We should go get some lunch." He said slowly walking to lunch queue

Ochako looked up in worry and surprise. "Deku? I didn't think you could eat-"

Izukus glare cut her sentence off.

"Eating normal food makes me violently ill." He whispered quietly. "|just need to make sure I vomit it all up to not face the side effects.

Ochako looked at him with worry. Izuku noticed it.

"It's alright. Don't worry!"

Ochako grimaced and followed behind him into the lunch queue and after a while, the pair made their way towards there lunch table with two bowls of katsudon and sat down. Izuku saw Ochako's worried face watching him.

"This used to be my favorite food." He said with a small, slightly sad, smile. Ochako was about to reply when lida came over and sat with them.

"Ahh, Midoriya it's good to see that you are starting to eat more healthily at school now.

Keeping up one's strength is vital for hero work."

Izuky nodded in agreement before picking up his chopsticks and lifted bits of food up to his mouth.

Even from that distance the food smelled revolting and made Izuku want to gag.

Taking a deep silent breath he quickly shoved the food in his mouth and forced himself to swallow it whole before he could fully taste it. Unfortunately, bits of the food fell down to his tongue causing the boy to start coughing up the food.

Desperate to keep it down he picked up his glass of water and choked the food down. Uraraka and lida looked at Izuku with worry.

"As much as I'm glad to see you eating more food during school hours I recommend chewing your food first, Midoriya. "

Izuku laughed to try and ease their worries.

"I'II do that next time iida"

Izuku looked back at his bowl and gulped. He lowered his chopsticks once again and took another mouthful, forcing himself to chew the food before swallowing it, making his eyes water.

Uraraka spoke up, carefully choosing her words.

"Are you ok Deku? Your crying...

Izuku nodded harshly as he wiped away his tears.

"Yep- yep! I'm fine! This just tastes so good."

Uraraka stayed silent for the rest of their meal.

Watching her friend every so often to see him take small bites of his food. Around a third of the way through lunch, Izuku placed his chopsticks down.

"Ahh that was nice, but I don't think I can eat anymore.

lida looked over to Izukus bowl and frowned.

"Midoriya I implore that you eat more. We have hero claw this afternoon and you will need your energy."

Izuku raised his hands in surrender to try and calm his friend down.

"I'm sorry ida my stomachs still healing and I don't want to damage it."

Izuku hated to pull that card but he needed to go vomit the food up before it went into his intestines.

lida nodded in understanding, seemingly buying the lie.

"I see, please forgive me, I was merely worried. "

"Ahh it's ok."

Izuku got up and took his food and tipped half of it down into the bin and began to walk towards the bathroom. Ochako, realizing what he was about to do, quickly finished her food and followed after him. She blocked the entrance to the Male toilets by standing in the way as her friend stayed inside.

Izuku quickly made sure no one else was in the bathroom before running to the nearest toilet and vomiting.

Large chunks of pork fell from his mouth as he leaned over the toilet. Desperately trying to get every little piece of human food out of his system.

The force of being violently sick made Izuku begin to cry. He hated this. He hated wasting food what someone else could have used.

The taste of acidic saliva around his mouth made him feel disgusting and dirty.

Unfortunately, Izuku has left it just too late to empty all the food he had eaten.

He quickly wiped his tears and walked out of the toilets.

That night when his mother was deeply asleep

Izuku spent hours trying to practice eating human food realistically again.

And each time he was violently sick.

Each time he couldn't get all the food out of his stomach in time.

The following days the sports festival was announced. Surprisingly many of the students.

Izuku noticed how Aizawa's eyes seemed to linger over each of them more intensely than before and held back a knowing grimace.

The thought that the whole school staff seemed to know something stressed him out to no end.

And unfortunately, during a hero class that week he passed out from lack of energy.

He remembered waking up in the infirmary and being sent home for being too ill.

A few days later he and Ochako spent a weekend day together where he explained to here what had happened.

"You mean to say you where practicing eating?!

Deku, I admire your determination but you could make yourself really sick doing that! Is that why you passed put and ended up going to recovery girl?!"

"Mhmm- but if I was you I would be a little bit more worried about myself, Uraraka! Your bleeding somewhere!'

"What? What do you mean I'm bleeding?I'm fine!

It's you we should be worried about!"

"But I can smell it!"

"huu? Wha- ohhh. You can smell that?"

"Yea I can, are you ok!?"

"I-im fine! It's just my- my time of the month"

"Huuu? What do yo- oh... OH... oh I'm sorry Uraraka.

"Hehe... don't worry about it..."

It was a day or so before the Sports festival, Ochako and Izuku were walking through the corridors between lessons.

"Deku, how are you going to get through the sports festival with your quirk?"

Izuku took a moment to think and offhandedly realized that she didn't know about one for all.

"I'll just have to use my strength. Even if it breaks my arms it'll just reheal its self anyway." Izuku said as he turned to face Ochako.

Ochako looked at him worriedly, she seemed to have been doing that a lot lately.

"But doesn't healing yourself make you weaker?"

luku frowned. "Yes it does... it also makes me hungry too...

Ochakos eyes widened slightly before looking around to make sure no one was nearby.

"Deku! You shouldn't deliberately make yourself hungry like that!" she whispered to him.

Izuku looked forward as they neared the cafeteria.

"I know but... I need to change my... umm..." Izuku looked down slightly in shame. "I've been meaning to change so i eat every two weeks..."

Ochako gasped before frowning.

"I thought you said you only needed to eat your body weight in food once a month? Did you lie to me!

Izuku looked taken back as he turned sharply to look at her in with sorrow.

"I- No! Uraraka... I-I didn't lie. But leaving it so late is risky now... you saw exactly what happened last time. I don't want anything like that to happen again..."

Ochako grimaced before sighing and looking forward.

"Right... Im sorry, Deku. I know this isnt your fault.

This is just taking so long to get used to." She turned to look up at Izukus face with worry.

"Just promise me you won't get caught?"

Izuku smiled sadly down towards her.

"I'll try but... If they do try and catch me again, like with Kamui woods... I'm going to let them...

Ochako looked at him with sorrow but understanding. She turned away from him to look down at the floor.

"Your... Your very brave, Deku."

luku watched his friend in surprise. He was about to reply to ask what she meant but unfortunately, All Might rushed around the corner in his muscular form.

"Young Midoriya!" He bellowed, making Izuku jump back in shock.

"Ahh- Uh. Hello All Might. Do you need anything?"

The pair of students watched as the number one pro hero lifted a small lunch box covered in rabbit print material.

"Would you like to have lunch with me?"

Blood drained from Izukus face but smiles though it.


The student and mentor sat in the school office and spent the majority of lunch talking about the upcoming sports festival. Izuku slowly nibbled through the food he was given and swallowed it down with coffee.

Izuku doubted he would have time to get the food out his stomach in time. Oh well...

"So my boy! I want you to go out there and show yourself to the world!"

Izuku nodded excitedly, trying not to wriggle his stomach too much.

"All right! I'Il try my best!"

Yagi looked at him with a proud grin.

"Thats it, my boy!"

Izuku smiled momentarily forgetting the harsh realities around him.

"Midoriya there's something else I was wanting to ask you." Yagi started cautiously.

Izuku picked up on the heroes' worry and nodded slowly.

"I was just wondering if you would tell me what area you were in the USJ during that attack?"

Izuku tensed up as his face paled.

"The landslide area. Why?"

The lie rolled off his tongue.

Yagi laughed and coughed up a bit of blood before sighing visually with release making the food in his stomach churn.

"No reason, my boy. I was merely curious.." Yagi said with a kind smile making the nervous Midoriya cautiously relax, not fully dropping his guard.

"Anyway," The hero started again with a smile as he reached forward to ruffle Midoryias hair. "I noticed lately how close you've gotten with Uraraka"

Izuku waved his hand erratically in front of his


"Ahh! She's just my friend, All might."

Izuku waved his hand erratically in front of his


"Ahh! She's just my friend, All might."

Izukus mind subconsciously flashed back to there talk at his house almost two weeks ago, where he had his head resting on her chest hours as he had cried making him blush furiously.

"Y-yep! Just my friend..!"

Yagi Laughed happily as izuku quickly ran out of the room in embarrassment.

Izuku never had time to flush the food he had eaten out of his stomach.

And soon enough the sports festival had arrived.

next chapter
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