Chapter 129: UA School Festival Arc (2)
~Third POV~
[Weeks Later, Hospital, Musutafu, Japan]
Kai Chisaki and the Hassai Group had plotted to use the Quirk-killing drug produced by Eri to rise to power. Still, their scheme failed when the hero team successfully stormed the yakuza compound and destroyed their operation.
However, no one would've known that even before the hero team could go and defeat them, the League of Villains managed to get to them first. This had come at a high price; however, Tomura Shigaraki defeated Chisaki, and the League of Villains managed to steal the samples of the drug in question and fresh corpses to create more Nomu.
These losses contributed to heavy criticism of law enforcement and growing dissatisfaction with the hero establishment from the public at large. Though emotions ran high in the immediate aftermath, time marched quietly onward, and the chill winds of the coming winter did much to soothe the wounds of all those involved.
Eri's Quirk could [Rewind] living things to previous states, but as she couldn't yet control this powerful ability, she was quarantined in a hospital for the time being. That said, there was little worry of another rampage since the horn on her forehead that emitted the rewinding energy seemed to have shrunk since she had time to practice her Quirk under supervision.
She couldn't stay at the hospital forever, of course, so those in charge were in the process of deciding where she would end up. One proposal was U.A. High itself because of the presence of none other than Shota Aizawa, whose [Erasure] Quirk was, for now, the only known check against potential outbursts of Eri's ability.
Today, Aizawa was at the hospital for a visit, entering through the door and seeing the standard hospital bed dwarfed the small girl, who looked at Aizawa questioningly while sipping juice through a straw as she uttered, "Umm …"
Aizawa then asked softly to Eri, "What is it?"
A glint of anticipation shone in her eyes. Enthusiasm, even as she asked curiously, "What kinda dance is Ren gonna do …?"
Ever since Eri's variant Quirk had manifested, her daily life had been nothing but pain. Though the six-year-olds dark, brutal past still weighed on her and would not soon be forgotten, Ren Yuki had suggested that she attend U.A.'s upcoming School Festival.
Aizawa thought that introducing her to the school on the day of the bombastic festival might be a bit much, so he'd brought Eri for a visit just a few days earlier and had witnessed her adjusting to life in the outside world, little by little.
The sights and sounds of the older children working hard to prepare for the big event had already planted a seed of excitement in Eri's wounded heart, and their events, performances, and exhibits might be just the things to help that seed sprout.
Aizawa smiled kindly as he commented, answering Eri's question cooly, "You can look forward to finding out on the day of the School Festival."
Eri made a face far too serious for someone her age and, with a rapid series of small nods, said excitedly, "Okay… I'll look forward to it…"
It was half in agreement, half in wonderment about the very concept of having anything at all to look forward to. Though Aizawa had been taking a number of days off recently, he'd gotten word about how hard his kids were working.
He was still a bit concerned about how the other classes would respond to class A's bold plan, but he wasn't worried about the quality of the event itself. Whether working for others' sake or their own, the effort his students were putting in would be sure to reach hearts and minds.
~Ren Y. POV~
[Weeks Later, Nighttime, UA Highschool, Gym Gamma, Japan]
After some hard weeks, I've been overseeing our concert to ensure everything goes according to plan. I see that Mina is drilling at Izuku for his dance moves, "Midoriya!! Still looks sloppy. Go! Go! Feel it!"
I chuckled lightly, seeing the group's practice as Sero, near me, spoke up, looking up at the dance team in amazement, "In the beginning, we were nervous since we're all amateurs… the band and the dance squad are looking like real pros up there. Coach Ashido sure knows how to whip 'em into shape!"
Nodding my head, agreeing, I couldn't help but comment on her hard work in dancing, "Yeah. She'd give it her all for something she loves."
Since we don't have Yuga anymore, we had Toru act as our disco ball. It was when Jiro began to give instructions in a determined tone, "That leaves Midoriya to leave the stage and scampers up to the ceiling to get Hagakure in position. She'll rise on those ropes – "
Before we could finish, we all turned our heads towards Hound Dog entering, alerting us of our time up, "It's already grrr… 9 PM!! Students gotta leave by nine… Grrr!"
"Yikes! We're leaving!"
Opening up a portal back to UA Heights, we all nodded in understanding after we cleaned up. Before the festival begins at 9 AM tomorrow is the time to go to bed and wake up.
[Nighttime – 11:35 PM, UA Highschool, Heights Alliance, Japan]
Having enough time to rest on the first floor to chill while others are already asleep. Denki exclaimed excitedly, "I can't sleep!!"
But Mina yelled at him to be quiet as I was busy making some hot milk for us to drink, "Keep it down! People're sleeping upstairs!"
Looking over, passing everyone awake with their hot milk to help them sleep, I couldn't help but comment, "Everyone's sure in high spirits."
Passing a cup over to Ida and Jiro on the couch she replied with a heavy sigh looking a bit nervous as she replied, "It's best not to think about it for now. If we start feeling nervous or shy it'll hurt the performance. Once we're onstage, we just gotta roll with it and have fun! Thanks for the drink."
I smiled kindly I couldn't help but tease lightly, handing a cup to Mina, enjoying the drink, "Shy? I seem to recall someone getting all red in the face?"
She waved me off and replied defensively, "That's completely different!"
I snickered lightly, passing everyone their cup of hot milk as they all took a sip, enjoying the drink soothing their minds. It was when Denki spoke up curiously with a calm tone and asked, "Ahh… dude, you seriously make the greatest food. Even better than Lunch Rush… Actually, why didn't you say you would hold a cooking stall?"
Hearing that, everyone's attention was on me as Ida in the room followed curiously, "You know when Kaminari said that we could've done a food stall with you? You'll surely wow the students."
Listening to their questions, I simply shook my head as I explained bluntly, sipping from my cup of hot milk in a chill tone, "Nah. I didn't feel like it, honestly. I do like cooking, I won't lie, but it wouldn't be fun for everyone. Besides that, I already promised Eri I would be with her for the School Festival."
They nodded in understanding what I meant. I won't be able to hang out with my friends after the concert personally as I promised to help Eri enjoy the school festival to the fullest with my presence, but my clones will have to do my part hanging out with my friends.
Not only that, though, one of my clones will be busy helping Kendo in the beauty pageant happening with one of my clones. Much to the class's shock, it was my suggestion since Momo or Toru would've been the best choice.
Unfortunately, I need them to manage the concert. That left only Kendo to be picked out for the beauty pageant representing Class 1-A.
Other than that, though, I also must deal with another issue that would be happening as I used [Create] to make a new rope with the old one being used up and frayed. Gentle Criminal and La Brava.
But not only them but to be on the lookout for the League of Villains. They certainly got bold… too bold for my liking.
However, I return my attention to Kirishima, hyping the class in an excited tone, "We're gonna pull this off!!"
Joining along, though, I agreed as everyone was already getting sleepy from the drink, enjoying their hard-earned rest. All that practice is surely gonna be used for this as I have other plans to do.
Joining the guys, I began to head to my room as I checked my phone. Ever since I left my clone in Europe trying to locate those two quirks, he contacted Rody Soul, having good intel on the locations in Ortheon.
And my clones have certainly been busy dealing with the crime rate in Shady Town. There is light news of a 'vigilante' dealing with the criminal and the Humarise Cult as I slyly grinned, gaining valuable info.
Not only that, news of this 'vigilante' has been busy dealing with the Gollini Family. Not the main members but their minions subtly taking everything worth value from them before safely disposing of them.
Shame sending them to the sun with [Wormhole] doesn't let me gain some EXP, but it makes for a perfect way to get rid of evidence. Slowly but surely, their criminal empire will fall I just gotta take this carefully to not have my cover blown.
As for getting the other two Quirks, it would be for some time till I get them. The Scervino Family certainly makes it a challenge to find them in Europe with their influence and mass of wealth hiding them and criminal guards.
Sighing out loud, reaching the end of my stairs, and heading to my room, I lightly smiled that some of my classmates had done the [Gene Refinement], improving their Quirks. Other than Toru, the few that came were the obvious 4 Mina, Kinoko, Denki, and Kendo.
With them, they gained the following improvement of their Quirks:
[Acid Control]: The ability to manipulate the user's acid to how the user sees fit. An example is creating or molding acid into golems or controlling the pH level with the intent in mind.
[Electric Control]: The ability to manipulate the user's electricity to how the user sees fit. An example would be allowing electricity to take the form of a bird or a net while changing the way electricity is fired with intent in mind.
[Big Body]: Extending her Quirk Factor to all over her body, Kendo can now grow any part of her body by a multiplier of x5 instead of 3. The best part about this is she doesn't seem to be affected by the increased weight of her gigantified state and can be instantaneous grow or decrease based on her intent. The user has complete [Body Manipulation] of the parts they grow.
[Shemage]: Allowing Kinoko to produce and control spores and fungi, including yeasts and molds, as well as mushrooms. That also included poison spores in the mix, granting her [Poison Immunity], much to my shock.
Honestly, when I refined their Quirks, they were surprised and thankful for the improvements I handed them. Especially with the girls, as I granted them more usage over their quirks.
Kendo was thankful because I made her Quirk [Big Fist] into [Big Body] as she can transform any part of her body x5 her size. And I mean EVERY part of her body as she got creative, for example, using her hair to transform big or a portion of it with the innate ability of [Body Manipulation] as a nice bonus.
Mina and Denki were both grateful that they had a way to control their respective quirks without worrying about friendly fire. Although Mina was especially thankful for intently controlling her acid pH levels not to melt someone off, oddly enough?
Then came Kinoko as she got into experimenting with her [Shemage] Quirk. Yes, I know she named her hero name over her Quirk since it matched like a magician if I'm being honest once I taught her some ideas.
When we found out she was immune to her poison spores, as I notified her of her [Poison Immunity], she got inventive in using her Quirk. And when I suggested ideas of using [Spore Clones] or using a potent mold that rots and destroys the flesh of those it infects, she considered the idea.
To be honest, that one was kind of out of left field for the shy girl that I knew would agree to my idea of mine following the Stand ability of Green Day from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. But when she explained to me why, I understood.
She merely wanted to feel safe and have an Ultimate Move that would be her last resort against impossibly stronger people. Or a kill move in case she fought against the Nomu or a villain too powerful.
Even asked me for some advice on how I should use her Quirk at times, which made me understand why she wanted to improve her own Quirk. It was for her own safety because her original Quirk by itself wouldn't stop a Nomu with just Mushrooms since it was already dead and choking it wasn't gonna help.
But thanks to me, though, she genuinely has a fighting chance with the improvements of her Quirk. Not only that, though, but she seemed to be falling for me hard as I helped her improve.
Steadily, though, they are convincing some of my classmates of the idea of refining their Quirks to help them in the future. The best I can do now is help them to the best of my ability.
Although concerning the fashion show, I'm afraid I lack any info or experience to handle that issue. Perhaps I should contact my fellow Gamers through the mail if they have any ideas on fashion or clothing designs...
A/N: Hey guys, the author is here to give you an early chapter! Also, I wanted to ask if you guys would like the idea of PA (Pokemon Adventures) - GAMER PATH idea.
The MC won't have health or levels in this one but will have his skills grow by being able to use [Aura] and psychic abilities starting at the age of 11 at the start of the series in Kanto. Wanted to hear your guy's opinions on the idea. Otherwise, have a good day.
Chapter 130: UA School Festival Arc (3)
~Kyoka J. POV~
[Next Day – 6:30 AM, UA Highschool, Heights Alliance, Japan]
Yawning out loud, today is the day everyone is pumped up for the School Festivals. The day I must perform with my friends that we practiced weeks for.
Heading downstairs, though, I sniffed the air. Immediately, I was hit with a pleasant aroma, making my mouth water a bit.
Knowing who could cook this food, I grinned as I stepped down the stairs of the dormitory into the first floor where a few of my classmates had already begun to eat the breakfast already made and ready.
Taking a view, I see Kirishima and Denki exclaiming together with tears in their eyes, muttering happily, "THIS IS SO GOOD!!!"
I chuckled, seeing my plate already prepared with Ren talking to everyone in an excited tone, hyping those here, "Alright, everyone, just for today, I made breakfast to make sure everything goes well for the School Festival today! Morning Jiro-chan."
Taking notice of me, he went towards me, holding a jar of black coffee with one hand and the other with vanilla cream. Ren then asked me in a kind tone, "Want any coffee with cream for yourself?"
Simply nodding my head, he poured me a cup of coffee and some cream. Taking a whiff of the aroma, I couldn't help but be pleased, taking a sip and enjoying the taste.
Ahh… drinking the coffee he makes just gives off a nice feeling down my throat. I can imagine myself being whisked away by the coffee itself as I returned to reality, complimenting our resident cook, "Ahh… that coffee really hit the spot. My compliments to the chief for the food and drink."
Ren slyly grinned as he thanked me in a kind tone, serving a cup to Izuku, "No problem. I'm just glad that everyone would enjoy unwinding with the concert you are performing."
I blushed, a bit embarrassed by his compliment, as I took a bite of my breakfast. The food hit me hard as I moaned lightly, enjoying the taste as I couldn't help but comment, "Still, this food is amazing, Ren. It almost makes me a bit guilty we didn't go with the idea of a food stall with you as the cook."
Taking the chance, he took a seat by my side as he dug into his food and replied, shaking his head in a defeated tone, "Right. But I would prefer if everyone did something fun and to unwind. Cooking is merely a hobby of mine I enjoy but I doubt you guys would be able to match with the food made by Lunch Rush to appease the other students."
Shaking my head, I couldn't help but sigh at this guy. Despite being the one to bring this idea of a concert to fruition, he only seemed concerned about something on his mind again.
But then again, I also understand that it is to help Eri adjust to the world again. No one can blame him for what he explained to us.
He's just too helpful, in my opinion. But that's what makes people like him the best, helping others in different ways.
Although it would help if he was more honest with us. There's something in his tone of voice he isn't saying everything about himself, but…
Sigh… No Jiro. I promised the guy to respect his space and life.
Already did enough snooping around, thank you very much. At the very least, this concert will be out of this world.
Shame Kendo couldn't be with us since Aizawa mentioned a beauty pageant. Although I didn't think the Class Rep would've chosen her to be the one to represent Class 1-A for the first years, though…
Shrugging my shoulders, this was bound to be a fun event regardless. I should enjoy this chance to unwind and go all out singing to my heart's content.
~Third POV~
[8:30 AM, UA Highschool, Outside Entrance, Japan]
The time shortly passed as the school festival was slowly but surely turning into a grand spectacle in the making. Every one of the students began preparing their activities showing off their stuff.
Prizes and games could be seen through the entrance of UA High School with the promise of fun, games, shows, and concerts galore. Everything was just set to be the grand day for the students to destress themselves.
While this was occurring at this time, two small-time villains awfully disguised began to make their way to the entrance. The two villains were known as La Brava and Gentle Criminal.
Those two were only known in videos online on YouTube, causing pranks on multiple occasions and gaining little to no followers. But in recent times, it began to steadily gain attention due to Stain's influence and LOV (League of Villains) rise, gaining some infamy during this time.
This time, a gentleman and his partner, however, plan to make their mark on history with the U.A. and the School Festival as their target. As the school was fortified after being attacked and is the current symbol of the Heroes, Gentle believes that if he invades the festival, then he will become the center of attention.
Making their way to UA, Ren casually runs into them as Gentle utters in surprise, "Whoa! Watch yourself, young man."
Ren predicted this, knowing ahead of time to meet Gentle using his meta knowledge, and replied helplessly, "Sorry about that."
Grinning underneath his mask, Gentle was surprised by the boy's sudden appearance as he muttered calmly, turning away to swiftly leave with La Brava swiftly, "And just when I was enjoying the aftertaste of the Golden Tips Imperial. Let us be on our way, La – honey."
Being surprised to be called honey, La Brava instantly followed along after her quick shock, "Honey?! That's right! I'm honey!"
Seeing as they try to leave, Ren pointed at an old, worn-down house as he got Gentle's attention to a halt, listening, "Oh… guess that old house is a café or something… I never knew…"
La Brava looked back in shock as Gentle turned his head, returning to his ramblings in an excited tone, "One would have to know of Golden Tips Imperial to reach such a conclusion so young, yet so worldly!! Impressive, my boy!"
Closing his eyes, acting cute, Ren replied innocently, keeping the act going, "Not really I only know about it cuz my fiancé made some…"
Gentle casually continued speaking in an excited tone till he froze, questioning the young boy in front of him, squinting his eyes, "Ho ho! A fiancé with refined taste – Eh…? Aren't you a bit young to be married…?"
Genuinely acting a bit embarrassed, scratching the back of his head, he replied helplessly at the question, "Yeah… let's just say some shit happened, and I'm engaged when I graduate from UA."
La Brava and Gentle froze at the words, coughing, unsure how to continue the conversation, but found a way to exit out in a kind tone, "Well… congratulations then. If you would excuse us – "
But his next words froze when he listened to Ren saying in a blunt tone, catching them by surprise and filled with unease, "Also, another thing, is this your big job…?"
Being caught red-handed, Gentle places his hand over his mask, asking, feigning confusion, "Whatever do you mean?"
Seeing the chance to change the situation, Ren revealed his phone showing Gentle Criminal and La Brava's YouTube channel video as he calmly said, "I saw your video mentioning doing your big job. Even subscribed to see La Brava and Gentle Criminal in the Flesh. Pleasure meeting you both."
Both calmed down lightly as Gentle whispered to La Brava in a calm tone, "Oh! It seems we have a fan, my dear."
Misunderstanding Ren's intention in choosing to calm the situation down, La Brava sighed in relief as she giggled, "You are right, mister Gentle!"
Quickly understanding their misunderstanding, Ren shook his hand as he explained in a calm tone, "I think you misunderstood me wrong, sir. I'm not here to get your signature, but I'm here to help you. I'm Ren Yuki, by the way."
This got their attention as Gentle quickly brushed him off till he froze when he heard his name in a stunned tone, "Help? Well, I'm afraid your offer isn't needed – wait, what was your name again?"
Having time to process his memory, La Brava instantly exclaimed in a stunned tone, pointing at him, "You! You are the protégé of All Might! His successor!!"
Gentle eyes widened hearing that as he replied to La Brava, now recalling his name, in a surprised tone, "You mean that boy?! The one who worked together with All Might to beat that villain!!"
La Brava nodded her head, surprised but then concerned as Ren rubbed his head from the praise and nonchalantly said, "Geez, alright with the words of praise already. Thanks, glad to be remembered."
Gentle visibly flinched at his remark purposefully as he began to explain to them in a calm tone, "I am here to redeem you into becoming the very best you can be. Why strive to live only for yourselves? I've done my research; you were someone who wanted to be a hero out of despair. Despair to be remembered. To know you could have been more…"
Ren purposefully paused for a dramatic effect as he dramatically exclaimed, "… You CAN be more!"
La Brava looked up to Gentle, her idol. As her role model, and as of right now, literally his partner in crime.
Gentle wasn't having a good time disturbed even after hearing those words coming from Ren's mouth as he replied in a defiant tone, shaken by his words, "How do you… you don't understand, hero boy… to carve my name in history for future generations to remember me! So that going forward, someone out there… will give a moment's thought to the way I lived and aspire to it. And this dream is no longer mine alone. My dream would be trifling indeed if your words could move me to abandon my course!"
After waiting for his heated rant to allow Gentle to calm down, he simply answered him confidently, "You might want to throw away shame, honor, and eventually your way of doing things to be recognized, but I'm here to help! I WILL become someone who can show everyone a brighter future. That's not my dream, but my goal. For I, Ren Yuki, have a dream…!!"
*Cue Giorno Piano Music*
Using his [New Order] to cause him to be very inspirational as a small golden whirlwind helped to make a physical manifestation of his determination. And also added a Gionro theme of piano music being played for them to listen to.
Appearing majestic in their eyes, he grinned, expressing determination as he said calmly, doing a dramatic Jojo Pose mid-air using [Float], "Only the truth of this world will remain in the end. Righteous actions born of truth will never crumble. For my name is Ren Yuki, and my resolve shines like golden wind."
They just stood there speechless. Ren didn't relent as he spoke, persuading them greatly with his charisma and charm, "As of now, I see you are a great inspiration for this lady accompanying you. So, I ask you, what kind of future do you want her to strive for? This bleak and cynical world you are building. Or will you join me in riding the golden wind to save the world from apathy and superficiality? The choice, in the end, will always be yours to make."
Turned his back around and returned to UA Entrance, where the School Festival was being placed, landing on the ground, not letting them respond, Ren finished in a chill tone, "If you wish to aid me with saving people in need, I've left my phone number in your phones. I'll be awaiting your call if you answer my words… if not, I wish you good luck. For both of you, and please enjoy the School Festival to the fullest."
Leaving casually, the two were stunned and shaken to their very cores by his words. His words, promise, and charismatic aura are due to his title of [Future No.1] and passive skill [Heroic Aura].
Their legs trembled as they both thought in a stunned tone, 'His mere presence… it's just like All Might!!'
Both were shaken by Ren's words, deeply engraved into their very beings by his sheer charisma, charm and [Heroic Aura]. It reminded them of All Might's very presence, as if he was there, giving a big impression on them.
Then La Brava checked her phone, equally surprised and startled to see Ren's phone number in her contacts. The same with Gentle as he looked down, muttering in a defeated tone, placing his hand over his forehead as if conflicted, "H-Honey… let's see the School Festival… I – I need time to clear my head…"
La Brava only nodded lightly, clearly seeing her idol being affected greatly by Ren's words as they slowly headed toward the School Festival. But the image of Ren and the golden wind brushing past them kept their minds occupied, always being reminded of the offer he had given to them as they considered his words deeply…
Not only that, but he also gave them something important… faith that they wouldn't do anything bad during the School Festival. It startled them greatly that they thought that the protégé of All Might thought that highly of them made them behave.
They're focused on attempting their big plan was thwarted in an instant. Gentle Criminal thoughts bothered giving him a hopeful dream, startling him greatly, thinking about the offer given to him as he was having internal conflicts of his reality or delusions becoming the reality of joining hands...
Ren eyed them from the distance as they made their way inside with a sly smirk as he confidentially whispered, "Nailed it."
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