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16.12% Medieval World Hopper / Chapter 5: CHAPTER 5: RUINS PART 2



The group was at the end of the forest and had a clear sight to the ruins where a ton of goblins have gathered. Out front they could see two goblin guards an a guard wolf. Faye was setting up her shot with a bow an arrow to take them out.

Noctis watched her "You sure you can hit all three?"

Faye looked over and smirked as she pointed her arrow away from the goblins "I'm sure."

She then fired her arrow. From the trajectory it looked like it had no chance to hit any of the targets. The arrow then curved in the air and went through the two goblins heads and into the wolfs neck. She turned back around with a smug smile that could only be rivaled by Anya from Spy X Family.

Noctis rolled his eyes and started heading over to the entrance of the ruins being followed by everyone else. When they made it to the entrance Goblin Slayer passed Noctis and bent down over the goblin corpses and got a cloth and started to soak their blood in it.

Faye was confused "What is he doing."

Noctis kept a blank face "What you have to do when you go in a goblin area."

Ruri sighed "Mask your scent."

Fayes eyes widened "Wait we don't need to do that do we?"

Goblin Slayer blankly said "We do."

After a bit they had finally entered the cave all covered in goblin blood. They kept walking as they saw writing and pictures on the walls. They had trouble making sense of it since it was a time long before they were born. Even Faye who is 200 years old did not understand what was trying to be depicted.

Faye was currently leading the group as she was skilled in identifying traps and patterns on the floors. As they kept moving forward they came to a stop as they could now either go left or right. Faye could not identify the tracks well enough to see which way is used more so Dain stepped in.

Dain smirked "Let me handle this long ears. Dwarves are known for knowing their way around some underground ruins."

Dain stepped forward and got lower to the ground then he already was. He seemed to be analyzing the ground for a bit and then he stood back up straight.

Dain pointed at the two ways "The way to the right seems to be the shorter path with fewer visits then the way to the left. When coming from the right they rarely go from it to the entrance."

Faye nodded "So the left is the correct way to go deeper to the base."

Dain nodded "Yes that's correct."

Noctis smiled under his mask "Alright let's go right first then."

Faye was confused "Why?"

Goblin Slayer then said "To save a life."

They all started to head down the right. When they made it to the end of the hallway they saw a barricaded door.

Faye held her nose "Whats that awful smell."

She looked like she was about to throw up but Goblin Slayer said "Keep breathing through your nose you will get use to it."

Noctis then went in front of the other and kicked down the door sending the latches off and the door flying through the room. When they entered the room Noctis could immediately see everything and could easily identify the room. It was definitely some type of dungeon.

They could hear chains rattle but Noctis was the only one who could see the cause of the chains rattling. It was a blonde elf chained up naked and scarred.

Eventually they got closer and everyone could see the woman. This time Faye did throw up. Dain looked away in disgust. Krox was also having a hard time processing the information. Noctis and Goblin Slayer were fine and Ruri was struggling a bit but she was use to this kind of scene. Despite that Noctis started to move forward.

The blonde elf was barely audible but everyone heard it "Kill…."

Noctis nodded "I understand."

Noctis took out one of his throwing knives. Faye immediately said "Noctis wait."

But Noctis did not hesitate and threw his throwing knife as hard as he could. But to almost everyone's surprise he did not hit the girl. Instead he threw it to the left of the girl. The next thing that everyone saw was a goblin with a throwing knife in its forehead. Noctis went over to the body and grabbed the knife to clean it off. He looked over at the elf "Sorry we could not get here sooner."

He did not get a response. He looked over at Faye and could see her mumbling and trying not to throw up again. Noctis walked over to the group and looked at Faye "How's your adventure outside of your homeland going?"

Ruri frowned "Noctis!! What are you…."

But she was cut off by Noctis who was looking at Dain "How is your search for food looking now?"

Noctis then turned towards Krox "Is this what you expected on your way to become a dragon?"

Noctis looked at all of them "I understand you all have your ambitions and reasons but based on your reactions to this I don't know how you guys got to silver rank. I'm a steel rank but it seems I have seen more of the horrors of what people and monsters can do then all of you. Not saying you should not enjoy it but this….(Noctis pointed at the chained up elf being released by Goblin Slayer) is a normal occurrence. So don't get use to it but be ready for it."

Noctis started to walk out the room but then said "What if a horde of goblins came out of nowhere right there but since you all reacted that way you could not react in time to fight."

Noctis walked out the room followed by Goblin Slayer who was carrying the tragically treated elf.

Ruri started to panic "Sorry about him. I think he also has a deep hate for goblins like Goblin Slayer. Don't let it effect you. I'll go talk to him."

Faye with a queasy face then mumbled "He is right though."

Ruri stopped running through the door and turned around and slowly nodded "Yeah he is."

Faye frowned as she slowly got up "This is definitely no adventure."

Ruri, Faye, Krox and Dain then all left the room together. They came out the room to see Noctis and Goblin Slayer trying to take care of the blonde elf.

Noctis took a knee and pulled out a potion from the side of his pouch. It was a healing potion that he had bought. Noctis still had not used his C Tier Healing Potion or his C Tier Antidote because he thought the potency might be better then anything in this world.

Noctis started to pour the healing potion down her throat. You could see her visibly relax. Once he was done with that he walked over to the intersection and started to watch down the other side where they have not been yet. He kept spinning a couple throwing knives in his hand waiting for more enemies.

Goblin Slayer started to instruct the rest on what to do an also suggested taking a break which was agreed upon. Krox conjured a lizard skeleton that was able to pick up the elf girl and given instructions to get to the nearest elf village.

After this Noctis walked forward to the group "Goblin Slayer an I will move forward and take care of the rest of the goblins. The rest of you should just stay here."

Faye immediately protested "What?!?"

Goblin Slayer nodded "If you need to stay."

Faye then argued "Who else is going to check for traps or the correct ways to go."

Noctis tapped his mask "I can manage I can already see all the way down the hall."

Faye, Dain, Ruri, and Krox stood up "We are going"

Noctis scratched his neck "Fine but just follow Goblin Slayer an I. Whatever you do…. Do not hesitate."

Noctis started to walk forward as the rest followed. Faye ran forward getting next to Noctis. Noctis glanced over at her and she said "You still need me to detect traps."

Noctis nodded "Fine but stay close."

Faye's ears twitched. Noctis kept walking next to her and kept a throwing knife in each hand. They all kept slowing going through the ruins. Noctis started to notice small openings in the walls nothing big enough to hold anything. When he looked in them it was just empty space.

As they got deeper and deeper into the ruins the cracks in the wall started to get bigger. Then Noctis noticed a goblin it was hiding in the crack inside the wall. Noctis quickly threw a throwing knife the others were confused until they saw a dead goblin drop onto the floor from the crack in the wall.

Noctis grabbed the throwing knife and cleaned it off. "Let's move forward slowly. Since I can see them better I will look for them the rest of the way."

The rest nodded as they slowly started to move forward again. It took another hour before they reached a new part to the ruins. On the way there Noctis killed a few goblins who were hiding in the walls but it was nothing too major.

When they got to this new part of the ruin it was big open spiral stair case. When they looked up they could see the outside world and when they looked down they were shocked as they saw at least a hundred goblins on the ground sleeping five floors below them.

Faye was shocked "There are so many."

Noctis looked over in disgust and turned to Goblin Slayer "How do you want to handle this? I could probably sneak around and kill them all but there is a chance that one could wake up and then I would be surrounded."

Goblin Slayer looked down and then looked at the group for a moment. He then focused on Dain and Ruri. "Dain will use Stupor and Ruri will use Silence. This will cause all the Goblins to stay asleep and not make any noise. Start now and the rest of us will head down to kill them."

Goblin Slayer started to head down right away so the rest followed besides Dain and Ruri who started their incantations.

By the time Noctis and the rest got down to the bottom floor the goblins were unmoving in a paralyzed state. Noctis looked up and could see Dain and Ruri making there way down as well. Noctis, Krox, Faye, and Goblin Slayer started their work right away.

Noctis went up to a Goblin took its weapon and rammed the tiny dagger through its head. He then went to the next and repeated the process. He kept going from one to the next. He looked over to Faye and saw her struggling a bit and continuously stabbing the same goblin so he walked over to her.

Noctis bent down and stopped her arms from moving "Faye you got to move on to the next one. Your wasting time on an already dead creature."

Faye looked up at Noctis and saw the hate in her eyes. He was slightly shocked but asked "Did you know the elf in that room?"

Fayes eyes widened but she shook her head "No but my village is really close to here. Just the thought….."

Noctis nodded his head "I get it but you are wasting time with an already dead goblin. It's okay to hate them in fact it's good to hate them. As that can help motivate you but don't let your hate blind you and control you. Merely use it as a catalyst for your actions."

Noctis got up and handed a fresh blade from a dead goblin "Go kill some more and make sure to change blades or else the blood will dull it and make it less effective."

Faye rolled her eyes but smiled "I already know that... but thank you Noctis."

Noctis did not say anything and went back to killing the paralyzed goblins. Once they were all done Dain and Ruri finally made it down. They saw the bottom floor littered with corpses.

Once the group was all together again Goblin Slayer pointed his sword to a giant doorway. They all proceeded to head forward but they then all paused. Giant and heavy footsteps could be heard coming from the door. Dust seemed to be rushing out of the door as well. Noctis's eyes widened immediately as he could see the monster before the others.

Even though he had seen this Ogre in the anime to see it in person was different just like the goblins before. This Ogre was packed with muscle and stood at least twenty six feet high. Once the Ogre came out of the doorway the rest could see him in full view.

The Ogre roared as everyone got ready. The Ogre then roared out "I thought it was oddly quiet! It seems goblins do not even make good body guards or watch dogs."

Goblin Slayer pointed his sword at the Ogre "Goblin."

The Ogre was offended "You take me for a mere goblin. I am Ogre! I was given that goblin army by the Demon Lords general. Since you have killed them you will certainly all die by my hand."

The Ogre then started a magic chant an a giant fireball appeared in his hand. Everyone got behind Ruri who was getting ready to use a protection spell.

However Noctis grabbed her shoulder "I got this just stay behind me."

Ruri was confused and wanted to protest but she decided to trust Noctis. After all she was worried that she would not be able to cast a large enough protection spell anyways. The Ogre kept chanting and the others behind Noctis were starting to get worried as he was just standing with his arms crossed watching the Ogre chant.

Faye then quickly said "Noctis do something."

The Ogre then started to launch the fireball at the group and Ruri yelled "We are going to die!"

Noctis however then stuck his hand out and yelled "Null."

The giant fireball was then engulfed in darkness and disappeared. Noctis was surprised he thought a magic on this level would tire him out more but he only felt a little fatigue.

Noctis looked over and could see the whole group was in shock he could even tell somehow that the Goblin Slayer was as well. Noctis then turned back to a raging Ogre "How could this be possible only the Demon Lord should be able to do this!"

Noctis's eyes widened and thought 'The Demon Lord has this kind of ability. His strength might be stronger then I thought.'

Noctis then looked over to the Ogre seeing it swing his great sword at him. Noctis flipped over it and jumped off the ground again using his hands to gain some distance.

Faye fired an arrow and struck the Ogre's left eye "Pay attention Noctis. Wouldn't want you to space out and not be prepared."

Noctis narrowed his eyes at Faye but relaxed. She was right after all. Krox conjured another lizard skeleton and they went in and knocked the Ogre off balance. Noctis then threw a throwing knife aiming for the other eye but the Ogre was able to block it with his hand as he stumbled back. Dain then used his magic to conjure multiple rocks and blasted it in the Ogre's face effectively blinding him.

Goblin Slayer then ran forward and cut the back of his knee. However the cut did not go in deep enough an instantly healed.

The Ogre smirked "Do not mistake me for a mere goblin human."

The Ogre then swung his sword horizontally into the Goblin Slayer who got sent flying. He then pulled the arrow out of his eye which instantly healed.

Ruri ran over and started to heal Goblin Slayer. The others were too shocked to move as they saw Goblin Slayer as someone who got out of every situation. The only person still moving and thinking Noctis.

Noctis analyzed the Ogres body. 'It is still a normal body with just an insane healing rate.'

Noctis's eyes widened 'His healing is not instant just incredible fast. That means for a moment if something were to be severed it would be a lost connection even if it's for a moment.'

The Ogre then looked at Goblin Slayer "For this insolence I will break all your limbs and make sport of these women in front of you."

Noctis's eyes widened a lot of hatred an anger built up inside him. The Ogre then said "It seems like I need a new elf in the playroom anyways."

Noctis grew even angrier looking at Faye. He made up his mind to protect her. He used both his hands and launched two throwing knives into each eye of the Ogre who started to swing his great sword wildly around in pain.

Noctis then rushed forward with his war axe. He moved behind the Ogre and cleanly cut the Achilles tendon in half. Even though it almost instantly healed it caused the Ogre to immediately fall backwards. Causing the floor to shake and dust to fly up in the air.

Noctis then jumped off a Boulder and front flipped in the air causing him to reach a greater height. As he then slammed down with his war axe over the Ogres head. He came down with a rush of speed and when his war axe connected with the Ogres head he was able to split it in half.

Noctis fell to the breathing heavily. Faye came down and rushed over. She looked at the dead Ogre who had its dead eyes wide in shock. Faye ran over and slid next to Noctis "You alright."

Noctis took off his mask to breath better and his hood fell back showing his elven ears again he slowly got up and held his war axe to his side. Faye was confused "Noctis what are you…?"

Noctis loaded up his war axe as he swung it over his head and back down onto the Ogres neck. He breathed heavily as he repeated this process until the Ogre's head was separated from its body. Noctis knew after the first blow when it did not regenerate the Ogre was dead but he wanted to make sure. Something deep within Noctis wanted to make sure that no matter what this Ogre would have no chance to come back.

Noctis stumbled back but was supported by Faye. Faye grabbed Noctis's ear and faced him towards her "Noctis the Ogre is dead you can relax."

Noctis shook his head "Not yet."

Noctis walked over to Ruri and Goblin Slayer who was slowly recovering thanks to Ruri. Noctis bent down "Goblin Slayer. You have any more of that gasoline."

Goblin Slayer slowly reached into his bag and tossed Noctis two bottles. Noctis then looked to Faye "Grab Ruri's torch."

Noctis then looked over at Dain and Krox "Grab the dead goblins and put them around the Ogre."

They immediately got to work. Once all the bodies were gathered together Noctis poured gasoline on all of them and grabbed the torch from Faye and tossed it on the bodies. The bodies immediately got engulfed in a great fire that started to funnel its way to the opening in the roof.

It was then Noctis felt his phone buzz. At that moment he had visibly relaxed. He did not expect to complete a mission but the fact it had just happened must mean they are currently safe. He decided to check it later once he was truly safe.

Noctis sighed loudly "Let's get out of here and wait for the elven reinforcements to come back they should have at least gotten are message by now. If there are any goblin stragglers I'm sure they can take care of the rest."

Goblin Slayer nodded "I agree."

Everyone nodded through the shock of Goblin Slayer agreeing and they started to make their way back out of the ruins. Once they broke out through the entrance they were slightly blinded by the light. They all took a seat on the steps.

While they were waiting Ruri took the time to heal any injuries that anyone had. Noctis even offered people potions to heal minor wounds.

After about an hour the elven reinforcements came on horses and carriages. Seeing one was empty the group got up to head in and head out of the area. The male elf tried to speak to them but they all ignored him and hopped in the carriage. Noctis was the last one to get on and said to the male elf "We cleared the ruins but there might be some more goblins hiding. Take care of the rest."

Noctis then closed the curtains to the back of carriage and moved towards the front and banged on a wood plank. This notified the carriage driver to start going. Noctis then sat down immediately to his left next to Faye. He took off his hood and mask immediately falling asleep. In fact everyone fell asleep but Ruri and Faye.

Faye tried to sleep but she started to run through everything that happened again in her mind. She got up a little frustrated and said to Ruri "That was definitely no adventure."

Ruri nodded "One thing I feel like I have learned over the few weeks of being around the two is that the word adventure is not the right word for what we do."

Faye nodded "Well I'm going to take Noctis and the rest of you on a real adventure. Where we discover new things and try new stuff together."

Ruri smiled "That sounds nice. It would definitely be a good change of pace for them."

Faye nodded as she tried to actually get some sleep. Noctis was still awake however and he heard the whole thing. He had a small smile on his face as he tried to sleep as well.

After awhile Noctis was woken up by the sudden stop of the carriage. When he came to he felt some extra weight on his right shoulder. He looked down and saw that Faye was sleeping on him. He looked around and saw that no one else was awake. He quickly and quietly pulled out his phone and took a picture with the camera. He had to take the picture she was drooling on him making a dumb face.

Once Noctis put his phone away the carriage driver opened the back causing the bright light outside to come rushing back in the once dark interior of the carriage. This caused everyone to slowly wake up. Noctis looked down at Faye who was slowly opening her eyes. She rubbed her face against his shoulder a bit as she started to blink more to try and focus. Once she became more aware her eyes widened and she slowly started to look up until she locked eyes with Noctis.

Noctis's face was as smug as Anya from Spy X Family. "You are so cute."

Faye gained a noticeable blush on her face and pushed Noctis away. She turned around not saying a word trying to hide her face. Ruri looked over and giggled.

The tips of Faye's ears got noticeably redder. Faye then said in a hushed tone "Ruri shut up."

This caused everyone in the carriage to start laughing even Goblin Slayer. At first it eased everyone's spirits after the events of today but then everyone stopped laughing and turned to Goblin Slayer whose laugh seemed unnatural.

Goblin Slayer stopped laughing and was confused "What?"

Everyone and even Faye this time started to laugh again.

Word Count: 4010

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