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29.68% Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again) / Chapter 38: The Rescue Mission

Chương 38: The Rescue Mission

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07


--Peggy POV--

Margaret Elizabeth Carter, or as she was more commonly known, Agent Peggy Carter. She was a spy in the Special Operations Executive, having been there after her brief stint as a code breaker at Bletchley Park, followed by her job at the MI5, and currently, the SSR.

In her years of working espionage in the SOE, the MI5 and even in the SSR, she had seen a lot of men, that thought they knew better than her. A lot of those men had asked her to bring her tea, snacks, even when she was a fully qualified Agent, and had a Doctorate to her name. Which can't be said about the majority of the male agents there.

Steven Grant Rogers.. was not one of those men, but he was certainly acting like it, and Peggy did want to lay a punch on his face.

He wasn't condescending her, not purposefully at least, but he was ignoring all the obvious signs of his stupidity.

Peggy had seen him talk with Colonel Phillips, seen him beg the Colonel for a rescue mission, so that he can get his only friend back from behind enemy lines. And then, when the Colonel refused, rightly so, she saw his face. 

His face then had reminded her of her own face. News of her brother's death had made her determined to sign up for Field missions, not caring that she might die. And Steve Rogers was just as determined as her, in going on a suicide mission.

Seeing him start packing his bags in a hurry, no doubt for a solo mission, Peggy follows after him as he gathers stuff, and says, "You heard the Colonel, your friend is most likely dead."

"Which is why I need to hurry." Steve Rogers, the man with barely half a plan says, picking a shield from the rack, and observing it for a second.

Peggy asks, "The Colonel must have a plan for rescue. He must be devising a strategy. If you jump in without a plan, you can mess it-"

"I can't wait, Peggy! By the time the Colonel makes a move, it could be too late!" Steve says, looking at her with a distraught look on his face. He then whispers, "I can't loose him, Peggy. I can't.."

Steve wipes his eyes, picks up his bag and shield, and starts walking outside the tent. "Steve!" Peggy calls out, but Steve doesn't stop, making her follow after him towards a Jeep.

Turning around once near the jeep, Steve asks, "You said that I was meant for more than this. Do you still feel the same?"

Peggy doesn't hesitate, and answers, "I do."

"Then let me go, Peggy. Let me do this." Steve begs, his eyes so sad that it makes Peggy, someone who was used to emotional manipulation, stop and think.

Ignoring the pang of hurt in her own heart, Peggy says, "Steve, please, just stop and think for a minute. There's no way you can go in alone, with just that.. shield, and even hope to rescue your friend. And what? You're going to drive 30 miles through Hydra territory? You'll be going in hostile territory, Steve! Alone!"

Steve pauses on his way towards the driver's seat, and says, "Then what do I do? Because there's no way I'm not leaving for Krausberg, Peggy."

Peggy hesitates a little now, her mind going through all the possibilities, and people that can help in this idiotic mission. 

She didn't want to see Steve hurting so much, and she knew, that there's a tiny bit of a chance that Steve's friend is still alive out there, a prisoner, but alive.

Sighing, she says, "I'll come with you. I know a couple people that will also help without a question."

"Are you sure? I can't ask you to do this, Peggy." Steve says, scrunching his eyes at her, in a way that Peggy finds really adorable.

Ignoring his worried face, Peggy says, "I might not be working Field right now, but I am a Field Agent. I have some experience in infiltrating Nazi bases, and one of the people I have in mind has experience in rescuing people from there. I'm sure he'll help."

--Steve POV--

Steve sighs, a bit relieved. He might not want anyone else to get into harm's way, but he knows that this is a War. If Peggy says she can do this, then she can. She might be a dame, but he knows first hand how hard she punches. Gilmore Hodge can attest to that.

He looks at the shield, debating the offered help for a second, and asks, "Who is he? And how sure are you that he'll help?"

"Ahem." A third voice clears their throat, making Steve and Peggy jump, one with his fists raised in defence, and another with her gun pointed at the sudden voice.

There, leaning right on the door of the Jeep that Steve was hoping on stealing, was a soldier, a Sargent, as far as Steve could tell, just smiling at them in amusement.

"Jesus Christ, Sargent. Could you not do that? I could have bloody shot you!" Peggy whisper yells, putting her gun away, while the man just smiles at her.

Waving his hand at them as a hello, he says, "I could, but where's the fun in that, love? Besides, I hear you were looking for me?"

Steve looks at the man warily, having not seen him walk towards the Jeep, or even noticed anyone walk towards them at all. He then notices his face, and frowns, knowing that he's seen the man only recently.

His memory having been enhanced by Erskine's formula, it doesn't take him long, before he says, "You're the medic. You were in the Colonel's tent before."

The man bows his head theatrically, and says, "Guilty, Mr Captain America. Sargent Mason Aves, at your service."

"How did you-?" Steve begins, but trails off, not knowing what question to ask first.

Sargent Aves smiles, as if he knew exactly why Steve was so confused, and he definitely enjoyed it. 

Peggy says, "I never said I was looking for you."

Aves turns towards Peggy, and scoffs. He asks, "Shall I leave you two idiots alone then? I think Colonel Phillips might love to know that his British helper, and the Senator's chorus girl are planning on deserting together."

Still with that damn smile on his face, Aves turns around and starts walking in the direction of the Colonel's tent, but Peggy races forward, and pulls him by his arm, taking him towards the tent they had just emptied.

Steve follows after them, frowning at the wariness in his mind. There was something about this Medic Aves, that put Steve on edge, and it wasn't just the fact that Peggy was still holding on to his bicep.

"We need your help." Peggy says, dispensing all denial from before.

Taking the cue, Steve begins to explain, "There are at least 150 soldiers from the Allied armies held POW at a Hydra camp in Krausberg, one of them is my friend. I-"

"Let me stop you there, mate." Aves says, interrupting Steve's explanation. He then says, "I'm in. We'll leave in the dark of night, if Agent Carter here finds us a pilot."

"What? Just like that?" Steve asks, incredulously looking at the odd man in front of him. As the man just shrugs, he asks, "And what about the Colonel? Are you really going to risk a court martial just because we asked?"

Snorting, Aves says, "Not bloody likely. I was already going to leave for the Rescue mission, courtesy of Colonel Phillips himself. You're just going to be an.. add-on of sorts."

Peggy snaps her neck towards Aves, shock evident in her eyes, reflecting the feelings that Steve himself was going through. So the Colonel did have a plan, and he wasn't abandoning Bucky. It did make Steve feel a bit better about the Colonel.

Peggy asks, "The Colonel is sending you on the mission? Truly? I didn't think he would risk you of all people."

"What do you mean by that? 'You of all people?'" Steve interjects, before Aves can do more than nod at her question.

Aves answers, "I'm a Combat Medic, as well as an infiltration specialist. Medics are in short stock, since about a month or so."

Steve observes the man for a few seconds, wondering what about this Medic is different. He has to be different for Peggy to be this surprised. He turns towards Peggy, and asks, "You trust him?"

Just because he was British, Steve wasn't going to trust him completely. If he's not trustworthy, then Steve would just leave for the mission as he had planned, alone.

But, if Peggy trusts the guy, then there's no way Aves is anything but a good man. Peggy is a good judge of character, he knows that.

Peggy nods, not without hesitation, and says, "Mason is a good man, if a little over the top." Pausing, she adds, "If you want to hope to rescue your friend successfully, then you're going to need Mason's help."

Steve nods, and offers his hand to the man, who's just a little shorter than him. As Aves takes the hand and shakes it, Steve realises that he's not as weak as other men. Heck, he's almost as strong as Steve himself is. And that just makes him respect Aves a bit more.

"Welcome to the team, Sargent Aves." Steve says, as the two shake their hands. 

--Mason POV(First Person)--

Smiling, I say, "Please, Mr Rogers, call me Mason."

Convincing Colonel Phillips was a hard thing to do, but not impossible. He knew we need all the soldiers we can get, as the Allied nations are not as focused on the War against Hydra, as they are on the war against the Axis.

But, even when he was ready to mount a Rescue mission, he didn't want to send me, since I'm a Medic, and hence, more valuable. Well, I had to use my telepathy to convince him then. And there's a reason I went through all this to get an off-the-books mission assigned to me.

Namely, Grindelwald.

There's no way that Grindelwald doesn't have at least one Wizard stationed at the Hydra base where the fucking tesseract is kept. And that Wizard might try to harm Steve Rogers, the man who is yet to become the Icon that he's destined to be.

I couldn't risk the Wizard messing up the timeline by killing Steve Rogers, in order to keep their own goals intact.

Smiling at me, a bit half heartedly, Steve says, "Call me Steve." He then turns towards Peggy, now feeling a bit less helpless about the rescue mission, and asks, "Who's the second person you wanted to ask?"

Peggy sighs, already dreading asking the arse of a man that is Howard Stark to fly them to Krausberg. I chuckle, knowing how much Howard loves to annoy Peggy with his flirting, as she says, "He's.. a Civilian contractor. You might have heard of him, Howard Stark of Stark Industries."

Oh, this is going to be glorious!


A few hours later, after a light supper, we sit on the plane flown by Howard Stark. It was a small cargo plane, belonging to Howard himself.

Peggy, Steve and I were looking at the map, trying to plan the actual mission, but without the building plans of the base, we won't be able to do much.

I had already dressed in my stealth gear, with black clothes, a complete face mask already propped atop my head, ready to be pulled down. I had 2 pistols with me, a Tommy gun, a few rounds of ammo, and two knives. I could also summon my Goblin Silver daggers, that I had practiced with, from the Nowhere, my Personal Dimension.

"You know, you two are going to be in a lot of  when you go back." Steve notes, while just caressing the shield he had brought with him.

Peggy snorts, and asks, "And you won't? Don't forget that only Mason here is actually supposed to be going there."

Smiling a little, Steve says, "Yeah, but where I'm going, if anyone yells at me, I can just shoot at them."

"Undoubtedly, they're going to shoot back." Peggy says, sounding concerned now.

Patting his shield for emphasis, Steve says, "Well, this has got to be good for something, right?"

Peggy breathes out an almost imperceptible sigh of relief at that, to which I drily say, "Glad to know you worry about us, Agent Carter. Not that anyone asked me."

Jumping a bit, Peggy mumbles, "I'd forgotten you were still here."

"Ouch. Hurts, right here." I say, laying down on the group of chairs, and holding my hand above my heart.

"Hey Carter?" Stark yells over the noise of the plane, making us turn to look towards him, at the cockpit. He asks, "If you're not in a hurry, can we stop by for some late night Fondue?"

I snort, at the way he gestures with his eyebrows at Fondue, much to Peggy's disgust.

Ignoring the confused Steve, Peggy says, "Stark is the best Civilian pilot we have. He'll get you there safely, don't worry."

Steve nods, staying silent. Peggy then hands us two transponders, to contact them whenever we need a ride out, and then we stay silent once again.

"So.. do you and Stark.. Fondue?" Steve asks, suddenly speaking up.


The plane shakes, saving us all from second hand embarrassment, as Hydra starts firing at us. 

"STEADY THE BLOODY PLANE, STARK!" Peggy yells, as all three of us drop down from the plane moving around so much.

Controlling the plane through evasive maneuvers, Stark yells, "I'M TRYING, BUT IT'LL BE HARD TO GET THROUGH!"

Taking the parachute from under my seat, I strap it in, and see Steve do the same. As I start moving towards the hatch, putting my goggles on, Peggy yells, "ROGERS, GET BACK! WE'RE TAKING YOU ALL THE WAY IN!"

Gee, Peggy. You're really forgetting I'm here, aren't you? Where's the British solidarity?

Another missile blasts extremely close to us, making the plane lurch even more. Steve bangs his hand on the button to open the jump door.

I stop right at the end, not able to hear the conversations for a few seconds. I take the time to check over my math, to calculate how long it'll take for us to get over with our freefall.

But then, I see Steve approach me at the open door, and nod.

Holding Steve by his parachute pack, I yell, "Count 37 seconds, and then pull the cord. Not before, not after, at the 37th second."

Steve nods at me, now looking afraid. But I know he'll be alright. If an alternate Steve can do this without help, or experience, then he can definitely do it with some guidance.

Turning towards Peggy, I salute her, and to her horror, throw Steve out of the plane. Before she can yell at me, I jump right after him.

For the first few seconds, Steve is right in my sights, my enhanced sight not being bothered by the darkness. But then, we're forced to switch directions thanks to the missiles bursting close to us, and the bullets that keep firing at Stark's plane.

As soon as I land on the ground, Steve nowhere close to me, I climb a tree, and sniff. I'm in hostile territory, a forest in HYDRA's control, and I need to first take stock. Expanding my mind, I use my Telepathy to first see if I can catch any minds close to me.

Not finding any, I sigh, relieved. It wasn't that I was afraid of the men, no. If there's people close to me, I'll be forced to kill them, and a single kill before time, could jeopardize the entire mission.

The person closest to me was a simple Hydra goon, about half a mile away from me. Using his mind as a piggyback, I go from one mind to another, each addition expanding my range of telepathy, until finally, I find out what I'm looking for.

Steve is about 7 miles away from me, due East, while the Hydra base is due North east, 5 miles. There were about 500 minds within the base, including about 100 guards, and 50 scientists, and other Hydra Personel. Which means there were about 350 Prisoners of war, all waiting to be rescued.

Steve was walking towards the base, since it is where he knows I'll be too. But, knowing him, he won't wait for me to find him. Plus, he's closer to the base than I am. He'll definitely reach there before me.

If I was a normal person, that is.

Pulling my hand back, I throw an empty punch downwards, summoning the gateway to the Mirror Dimension. With a simple step off the branch I was standing on, I fall through the gateway, and enter the Mirror Dimension, now free to do as I want.

Now inside the Mirror Dimension, once again, I focus my magic inside my own body, and magically carve the Runes that I need for achieving self flight. As I float into the air, I take aim, and shoot towards the Hydra base.

I fly through the air, the Mirror Dimension keeping me hidden from anyone that could have seen me, and I look at all the sentries posted around the base. Hidden in trees, bushes, in watchtowers, there were at least 50 additional people here. I'm lucky, that I'm a Wizard. I wonder how Steve will manage. Knowing him, with a shit load of luck.

Within a couple minutes, I reach the Hydra base, way before Steve, and start with my job. First, using the advantage of Invisibility given to me by the Mirror Dimension, I scout out the entire base, find out where everything, and everyone is. Only after I know the actual plans of the building can I begin my assault.

But, before I can do that, I need to do something else.

In a clearing at the north side of the Hydra base, there stood two men, looking as relaxed as ever. None of the other people there even reacted to their presence, however. It was as if they couldn't even see these two men.

Still in the Mirror Dimension, I observe them for a few seconds, and then, with the single wave of my hand, I bring them into the Mirror Dimension.

For them, it looked like their surroundings just rippled for a microsecond. Other than that, nothing else changed for them. But that small ripple was enough to raise their guard.

"Keep your eyes open." One of the men says, as the two stand back to back, their wands out.

Wizards, Grindelwald's men. From their minds, I understand their names were Stefan Kohler, and Heinrich Kruger.

I knew there was going to be at least one of his men here, thanks to the presence of the Tesseract, but I did not expect two of his Lieutenants to be present.

Standing about 20 feet to their side, I become visible once again, immediately getting their wands pointed at me.

I stay silent, as they observe me for a while, taking the time to go through their minds. 

"Mason Aves, the traitor." Kruger snarls, finally recognising my face.

I knew Grindelwald knew about me, since he did make my capture happen. And I also captured or killed two of his Wizards.

I look at Kruger, and ask, "How am I the Traitor, when I was never a part of your idiotic crusade?"

Kruger takes a step forward in anger, but Kohler stops him, as he says, "You are a Wizard, who fights in Muggle Wars. Of course you're a traitor to our kind. Even after seeing all the destruction these filthy people have wrought upon this land, you still support their war?"

Frowning, I say, "I don't support anything. I just don't agree with the type of shit the Nazis do. Besides, you're ones to talk. Doesn't Grindelwald support the Nazi cause? He might not support them now, but he also backed Hydra too, didn't he? I guess Grindelwald is the biggest traitor of them all then."

"You dare?!" Kohler yells, sending a dark red curse at me.

With the wave of my hand, I break a piece of earth from beneath me, and use it to block the curse. The piece of land breaks into multiple pieces, that I send flying towards the two men. They block it with a simple shield, but don't retaliate.

Kruger says, "You still have time, Aves. Join us, and enjoy the fruits of our campaign. Oppose us still, and sooner or later, you will die at our hands."

Smiling, I say, "It's funny how you two think you actually have a chance of defeating me." My mind then catches something in the mind of Kohler, and I freeze. Controlling my anger, I ask, "Well, well, well. What is this? Why were you there when my family's home burned down?"

"Ah, the Aves, yes. Of course you're one of them." Kohler says, relishing in having something over me. He says, "Gellert thought you were all dead, but evidently not. Did your family manage to hide you away? Oh that's not possible. The fire happened what, 40 years ago? You're too young for.. ah, one of your parents were hidden away. Smart man, Harrison Aves. He was just stupid enough to refuse our cause."

That's it. These people killed my family, because they refused to join Grindelwald. I don't like my grandfather much, heck, I barely know anything about the others, but this is a slight against me. I can't let this go. My animal nature won't let it go.

Pointing my wand towards the two, I fire an explosive hex at them. It flies towards them, looking like an orange bolt of light, and hits a shield charm erected by Kruger. 

Kohler and Kruger fire two spells simultaneously, to which I just raise my left hand, Conjuring a shield charm, stopping the two spells.

My right hand, meanwhile, casts a spell on the ground beneath me, transfiguring it into 10 snakes.

I hiss, ~~Bind their legs.~~

And then, I focus back on to the barrage of spells hitting on my shield, just in time to see a dark cutting curse hidden underneath the cover of stunners and reductos. Spinning around, I let the curse deflect off of the shield, which breaks in return, and shoot a rapid fire of Expulsos, and Bombardas, breaking the shields they erect.

One of my spells lands on the ground, and it explodes, sending the two flying into the air. Kruger, however, is anything but helpless, and fires an exploding hex on the ground right in front of my shield, sending me flying as well.

I land on my feet, my body naturally making it happen, and then, I disappear, turning Invisibile.

"Stay on guard, he must be close!" Kruger yells, once again back to back with Kohler.

From in front of Kruger, the more dangerous of the two, I become visible once again, only this time, on all four limbs, and definitely not human. 

I growl, as soon as I turn visible, and start running towards Kruger, my fangs extended.

This was my first Animagus form, a white tiger.

Kruger widens his eyes, and raises his wand to fire spells at me, but before he can get a single spell out, I speed forward, and jump on top of his body, my teeth sinking into his shoulder, and my claws slamming into his body.

"Argh!" Kruger yells, from the pain of my bite.

The force of my jump, as well as the hit, together with the transfigured snakes rising out of the ground, and holding on to his legs at that exact moment, sends Kruger tumbling backwards, on his arse, taking Kohler down with him. The snakes take the moment to come out of the earth completely, and bind the two Nazi Wizards completely, making it so they can't even move.

Turning back into a human, I spell the blood off my body, and my mouth, and with two consecutive spells, stun the two fallen, bound, men into unconsciousness.

"Blgh!" I say, shuddering to myself. Becoming a white Tiger Animagus, as well as my new feral mutation, did not make it so I liked the taste of human blood. It's awful, and I'm just glad that I didn't puke.

Bending down, I put my hand on Kruger's head, and have a fast, deeper peak through his mind. 5 seconds later, I do the same to Kohler.

Damn. This is bad, real bad.

Grindelwald is more dangerous than I thought, and his army more vast. I didn't know where he was based right now. Either he was using a Fidelius charm, or both Kruger and Kohler didn't know it. Or both.

What I did find out, is what the Ritual Grindelwald is going through is, and why he targetted my family, the Aves. 

The Vinculum Sanguinis, the Bond of Blood, is a very Dark Ritual, the mention of which I had found in only two places. One, the Room of Knowledge, and the other, the Aves Vault.

Grindelwald must've somehow found out about it, probably because of his Scrying abilities, and targetted my family for it. He tried recruiting them, and when it failed, he tortured them until they surrendered the Ritual.

And then, he killed them anyway, because they knew about his purpose for the Ritual.

The Bond of Blood. Sacrifice a single being, and gain the complete life Force of it. Animal, plant, human, wizard, hag, elf, mutant, it didn't matter. Anyone sacrificed becomes a Life Force battery for the Ritual Master.

And Grindelwald was using the Ritual to absorb not just Life Force and Magic, but also mutations. He had absorbed 3 mutants by now, that Kohler knew of. But none of these two knew what their abilities were. Which means I don't know what abilities Grindelwald has right now.

For now, I'll just assume that he's dangerous, even more so than a normal Super Wizard. Binding the wound on Kruger's shoulder, and healing the scratches on his face, I cast, "Somnus", and send the two criminals to my Islington home.

Somnus will make sure that they don't wake for at least 6 hours, which will mean the Aurors will have enough time to secure them.

My side quest done, I start running towards the Hydra base, still inside the Mirror Dimension. Time to get back to the main quest, the Rescue Mission.

The first target of my infiltration was the weapons cache. Already being inside the Mirror Dimension, it doesn't take me much effort to enter the room which holds the weapons. Exiting the Mirror Dimension with the help of my Portal Ring, I look around.

Taking a few of their guns, the energy rifles, I place them on my back. Along with that, I take a few of the energy pistols and place them on my body too. And then, I leave for the Prisons, this time outside the Mirror Dimension.

I'm not going to risk being seen needlessly, however, and so, with the tap of my wand, I turn Invisibile with the help of the Disillusionment charm.

By now, Steve had reached the base too, and was currently just beginning his infiltration. Which means I need to rescue the soldiers before he's found out. And he will.

This isn't a movie, this is a real war. And his blue, red and white shield is anything but discreet.

The base was definitely bigger than the last one I infiltrated, since it is a factory. They were building bomber planes, big ones at that, and I was going to make sure to steal away a few of those Tesseract batteries that were going to power those planes.

But for now, I'll focus on the Prisons. The Prisons were made of two floors, one for the Prisoners, and the other for the guards to patrol. The lower floor had no guards at all, since the guards were all on the upper floor, right above the Prisons.

Turning visible behind a pillar, I look over the Prisons, and frown. The number of guards was too low, at just 14, for over 350 Prisoners. Either they're very confident, or they're a trap for us prospective rescuers. But, I also couldn't feel anyone else close to us, and none of the prisoners were spies. I know, I checked.

Well, whatever it is, I'll deal with it.

As soon as one group of 4 Hydra goons walk closer to me, I come out of hiding. Throwing both my knives, I hit two of the soldiers in their necks, and while the other two are distracted, I grab them by the necks too, and pull them both behind the pillar, my nails taking care of killing them.

Peaking from behind the pillar, I see that the other groups hadn't noticed me killing them yet, but the Prisoners from underneath the two bodies had. Seeing a few of them look at me wide eyed, I put my finger on my mouth, and silently say, "Shh.."

The prisoners nod, so I move on to the other Hydra soldiers.

"Hey, what's that?" Someone says, making me click my tongue. Someone noticed the bodies, which had to happen sooner or later.

Quickly running towards the voice, on top of a narrow platform, I kick the startled Hydra goon in his chest, and towards his partner. The strength of my kick throws them both off the platform, and onto the lower floor, their heads hitting the ground with a loud crack.

"WE GOT AN ESCAPE!" another Hydra goon yells, as he fires his gun at me.

I duck, letting a few bullets pass by harmlessly, and summon my daggers from the Nowhere, waiting for the gunfire to be over.


The sound of the magazine emptying cues me in, and I immediately get up, leaping over the platform, and on to the top of a prison cell, I throw my two daggers with both hands, straight through the vest of the two soldiers and into their chest.

Smelling another group of soldiers approaching me from behind, I flip to the side, and finally take out my guns. Five shots is all it takes to take care of the remaining five soldiers, with not even a scratch on my body.

Sighing, I approach one of the dead Guards, and search him for keys. Not finding any, I move on to the next guard, and do the same.

"Who are you supposed to be?" A distinctly American accented voice asks, from underneath me.

Looking down, I see a group of American soldiers looking up at me, a bit wary. Finding the keys on the belt of the soldier, I throw them through the bars, down at the prisoners, and say, "I'm your bloody Knight in shining Armour, mate. Get everyone out, we're about to take you home."

The guy who caught the keys, a white guy with an impressive moustache, moves towards the lock, and mumbles, "It had to be a fucking Brit, didn't it. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get everyone out!"

I search the pockets of the other soldiers, and find a few more sets of keys. Taking them, I check over the serial numbers, and throw them down the appropriate Prison cells, and there were a lot. 350 people is not a small number.

"Okay, fellas! Listen up! My name's Mason Aves, I'm a Sargent in the British Army, part of the Allied Special Division of SSR." I begin, once all the soldiers are out of there cells. Some of them were holding weapons, that they either got from me, or from the now dead Hydra soldiers.

Hearing a bang, I turn around towards the door, my gun at the ready, and stop, seeing Steve Rogers standing there, his all American shield held in front of him.

"You sure took your time." I say, looking him over. I'm honestly surprised he wasn't caught, but well, he is a Super Soldier.

"And who the fuck is that?" The same moustached man asks.

I say, "Thats Steve Rogers, he's with me."

"Thank God, an American." He mumbles, and stays silent after getting a few looks in return.

"I'm looking for a friend of mine, James Buchanan Barnes? He was a part of the 107th." Steve says, jumping down the platform.

One of the men answers, "There's an isolation ward, where the crackpots do something to the men. None of them have ever returned."

Steve turns towards me, and asks, "You got this? I need to find him."

I sigh, and say, "Yeah, go. Find your friend. We're going to go out, and through the Northwest exit. See you in 10."

Steve nods, and jumps up, running out the way he came.

"Now-" I begin, once again, to lay down the escape plan.

"Wait, Mason Aves?" Another voice interrupts, this time in a British accent, making me scowl and turn towards the voice. The person comes forward from the group, and asks, "You were in Stockwell's Orphanage, right?"

I look at the who said that, and blink, recognising the face somewhat. "Timmy Roth? Holy shit, mate, how've you been?"

He's the guy who helped me awaken my telepathy! Granted he did it by hitting me with a cricket ball, but still! Wow, what a damn coincidence.

"Ah, Timothy, actually. I hated the name Timmy." Timothy says, with a small shrug.

"Small world, innit? Hey, why don't we have a drink once we're out of here, eh? Catch up and all that." I say, smiling at him. Turning towards the crowd once again, I say, "Now, here's the plan. The exits through that door right there, and then 800 yards until the treeline. There's barely 150 guards out there, but they have their weapons. Don't get hit by their blue energy weapons, it's not good for your health. They're certain death. And don't get hit by bullets, because, well I'm the only medic we have currently, and I don't have any supplies. Any questions?"

The American from before cocks the shotgun he had stolen from a dead Hydra soldier, and asks, "When do we start?"

Smirking, I say, "We already have."

And right at that moment, I activate the Runic bomb that I had hidden away in the Weapons cache, blowing the entire building up thanks to the volatile batteries stored there.


The explosions sound, sending tremors through the ground, and through our bones. 

Holding me own brand new Energy rifle in one hand, and my dagger in the other, I turn towards the door, and yell, "LET'S GO!"


Thank you for your support! Tata!

next chapter
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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

Mục lục

Cài đặt hiển thị



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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C38
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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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