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Marvel: Mutant Paradise Marvel: Mutant Paradise original

Marvel: Mutant Paradise

Tác giả: BlackGoku222

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 01

Xavier Academy for Gifted Children.

Director's office.

"The Clarion Daily News, ever since Tony Stark admitted he is Iron Man, in just one month, he has destroyed six criminal organization bases in a row. Iron Man once became a national idol and the stock price of Stark Group has skyrocketed."

"In the past six months, the crime rate in Gotham City has significantly decreased, and Arkham Asylum is already overcrowded. There are rumors that Wayne Group might invest in expansion."

"According to frontline reporters, Metropolis Metropolitan will officially start Superman's trial, but it is still unknown if Superman will attend the trial."

"Recently, conflicts caused by Mutants have intensified again, and some members of Parliament proposed to restart the 'Mutant Registration Act'."


When Lynn opened the door, today's news was playing on the television.

"What a messy world..."

The corner of her mouth twisted imperceptibly as she walked towards Professor X's desk.

"Lynn, are you here?"

Professor X leaned back in his wheelchair and seemed to be attentively listening to the news. Upon hearing movement, he turned around. "I heard Orolo, do you want to talk to me? Is something wrong?"

In his deep eyes, there was a trace of concern, but also a hint of curiosity.

Lynn has been at Xavier's school since she was eight years old, almost ten years now.

In Professor X's impression, she is a very intelligent and hardworking young woman of Chinese descent, with a calm and low profile rarely seen among her peers. Although she has focused on her studies and seems a bit out of place, she has never caused trouble.

This is very rare in Mutant Academy, which is filled with teenagers with various existential problems!

So he really likes this kid.

"Professor, I want to apply for graduation!"

Lynn sat down without exchanging pleasantries and got straight to the point.

If she had said that before, she tried to avoid contact with Professor X because she was worried about the other party's terrifying spiritual ability and being able to see through her inner secrets.

So that concern is no longer necessary now.

Just yesterday, she finally obtained the UPGRADE of [Spiritual Immunity]!

Lynn is a time traveler.

And her ability is to create magic.

Since the day she turned eight, she has been able to create a spell every day.

And she can choose one of these magics and store it in her body!

Over the years, in addition to the repetitive ones, she has obtained hundreds of types of magic one after another, covering various categories such as elements, mind, space, and soul, without any flaws!

But she doesn't show complacency.

This world is truly terrifying, and she will never ride a wave until she is sure of her own strength and is strong enough to protect herself.

Because of this, almost all the constant magics she chose over the years were passive.

Super physique, thorn armor, rock armor... Countless types of defensive magic that are constant, and finally, half a month ago, they overlapped and integrated into a new [Steel Body]!

At the same time, she developed Occlumency, mind wall, mind shield, will of truth... and so on, her spirit finally reached the level of [psychic immunity]!

Just yesterday, the palpitations she felt every time she looked at Professor X suddenly disappeared!

This undoubtedly means that she has been able to block the mental scan of a superior boss like Professor X!

She suddenly feels a sense of security!

That's why today's conversation arose!

"Are you applying for graduation?"

Professor X was a little surprised to hear the words, more puzzled: "Don't you want to stay in the academy and join the X-Men?"

"I'm not in the mood."

Lynn shook her head without hesitation.

Today, the situation of mutants can only be described in one word.


Compared to mutants outside who are persecuted, hunted, and displaced all day long, academy students can live a normal life and the X-Men teach them, undoubtedly living in heaven.

That's why almost all students dream of becoming X-Men members.

But that doesn't include Lynn!

Because she knows very well that whether it's Magneto or Professor X, in the end they will fail!

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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