Mr. Hans Salman and Mrs. Diene Hans, said goodbye to rest in their room.
Now there are six people left in the restaurant, Mr. Benjamin and his wife, Mrs. Shalina, Mr. Yudisthira, Nindy and Soraya.
"Mr. Benjamin...I also beg your farewell. I want to take care of Mrs. Clarita Adelia!" Soraya said.
"Who is Mrs. Clarita Adelia?" asked Mr. Benjamin Salman.
"She's my mother-in-law!" said Mr. Yudisthira Salman, quickly cutting off Nindy's words. Nindy looked at her husband, Mr. Yudistira Salman was indifferent.
"Miss Soraya wait a moment, don't be in a hurry!"
"Don't worry, Yudisthira's mother-in-law is already there to take care of it... right Yudisthira?"
Mr. Benjamin looked at his grandson.
"Yeah, right!" Yudisthira Salman raised an eyebrow, smiled at Soraya, relaxed.
"Oh my! Nindy is stunned, this grandfather and grandson are very close. But why do they seem to be enemies!" _ Nindy is confused.
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