King Salman Hotel,_
Today the hotel lobby looks busier than usual. All rooms are full. At this hotel, there is a national rally of the Merdeka party.
The Merdeka Party is one of the winners of the general election in Indonesia.
Soraya is busy helping Nugraha, GM of the King Salman hotel. arrange rooms for the participants of the party meeting.
"Place them on the same floor. But place the names on this list that are marked in blue in the best rooms. Don't get them wrong or separate. When you're done, send it to the reception immediately, they will share the keys according to the list you made!"
said Nugraha.
"Yes, sir!" Soraya took the guest list book from Nugraha's hand.
Nugraha left Soraya.
Soraya has only had 3 days of internship at the King Salman hotel.
She was specially assigned by Mr. Yudisthira Salman, studied hotel management, as well as being a hidden supervisor for King Salman hotel employees.
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