Nindy looked at the woman in front of her with her mouth open. This woman looked down on him.
How dare she be so impudent.
Just so you know, I can buy the entire contents of this boutique!
Nindy just let out the sentence in her heart. Even though Nindy is rude, gratuitous, and often swears by herself but she never utters harsh words and belittles other people.
"O, that means I can't shop here!" said Nindy with an apologetic smile. Regret if she later had to beat the employee's face until it was red.
"Yes, maybe next time, miss. Our customers are mostly socialites, artists, and famous people!" the employee made a notice. Nindy was even more annoyed to hear that.
"Oh, I see!"
"There it is!" said the employee with a haughty smile.
The glass door opens, and a beautiful woman in her 40s enters the boutique.
"What is wrong?"
"Mrs. Esther...!"
Oh, so this is Esther Melody? The famous designer!
"Madame...I told her ... the dresses on display here have already ordered them!"
Mrs. Esther understood what her employee meant, it was a gesture to drive out unwanted boutique visitors.
She looked at Nindy from top to bottom. Judge it.
Nindy did not like her look at Mrs. Esther. She is the same as the employee, underestimating Nindy.
"Miss... you can order in advance, the design you want to make, but before that, you are required to become a member first!" Mrs. Esther said with a smile.
"Oh much does it cost to become a member!" asked Nindy calmly.
"10 million!"
"10 million! Expensive!" Nindy was shocked. This is called robbery. Why is he a member of this boutique, he can buy 5 or ten clothes with that much money.
Mrs. Esther smiled at Nindy's reaction. She just wanted to make it clear that this woman didn't deserve to be his customer.
Nindy looked at Esther Melody and her staff. The mistress and her attendants were not that different.
Good! It is okay! Later she would also slap this arrogant madam too.
"Ohh...excuse me!" Nindy pushed open the glass door, she couldn't stand the stuffy air inside the boutique.
Mrs. Esther Melody and her employee sighed with relief, they were forced to evict buyers who could not afford to buy.
Nindy stared at the boutique in front of her.
Elsa Surya Boutique! So he moved here? Mrs. Elsa Surya is a senior designer, she has been a designer since the age of 15. Mrs. Elsa Surya is Nindy's regular designer. In the past often ordered his designs. Nindy had a hard time buying a dress that matched her posture. Mrs. Elsa Surya patiently made a sweet and elegant dress for her.
Isn't Mrs. Elsa Surya Mrs. Esther's rival?
Very nice! This is great!
Nindy smiled happily. Change!
Nindy waved a palm at her face! She will change like a steel warrior like the old robot film.
Watch out you... Mrs. Esther... wait! The hero will be in action!
Nindy laughed to herself, comforting herself.
Nindy stepped into the Elsa Surya boutique.
"Good afternoon! How can we help you?"
Ah! What a fun sentence! Nindy likes that.
A beautiful girl greeted Nindy kindly.
"Is Mrs. Elsa Surya here?"
"There ...there ...there! Please sit down!" the girl invited Nindy to sit on the soft sofa.
Hmm! That should be the attitude of a boutique employee to serve customers.
Nindy smiled, this girl's cute attitude comforted her.
After being insulted at the shop next door, where he is appreciated.
"What would you like to drink? Hot or cold?" asked the girl with a cool face.
"Cold!" replied Nindy with a cool smile too. She did need a cold drink to cool his hot heart.
"Okay ...sorry, please wait!" the girl calls Mrs. Elsa Surya. "Guests are looking for you, madame!"
The girl serves cold lemon drinks in packs and delicious pudding on a big plate. Great fun. Nindy likes that girl. Services like this are entitled to a tip from the customer.
Nindy's stomach hurts, she hasn't eaten since morning.
"Can I finish it!" asked Nindy shamelessly.
"Oh please!" The girl named Inggrid laughed. England may forget who Nindy is.
You could hear someone's footsteps coming down from the second floor! Mrs. Elsa Surya rented a two-story place. So she can serve customers up and down.
Nindy stood up to greet him.
"Good afternoon madam, I am Nindy!"
"Good afternoon Nindy. Nindy...?" Mrs. Elsa Surya was a little surprised as if she had seen a woman in front of her.
"Yes, I'm Nindy .... Nindy Nagita Kurniawan!"
"Nindy Kurniawan ?!" Mrs. Elsa Surya was shocked, as was the girl named Ingrid, she gawked. In disbelief.
"Miss Nindy Nagita Kurniawan! Really? It's you? Oh no ...!" Mrs. Elsa Surya is in disbelief.
"That's right madam ... I'm Nindy ...Nindy is fat!"
"Oh my God! Nindy l... Nindy ...what happened to you? You changed! Changed so beautiful! Oh my God!" Mrs. Elsa Surya hugged Nindy.
"Nindy...Nindy what happened to you? I heard you were in prison!" Mrs. Elsa Surya did not give Nindy a chance to answer. She kept hugging Nindy. The woman already knows what happened to Nindy.
"I was free, Madame, a few months ago. And the result... I changed!" Nindy laughed.
"Hahaha ... alright! What can be done for you!" Mrs. Elsa Surya was very happy, she didn't let go of Nindy's hand. Even though Nindy wanted to eat cold pudding at the table.
"Can I eat this pudding, Madame? I just haven't had time to eat it!" said Nindy shamelessly. Mrs. Elsa Surya laughed, she remembered Nindy's habit, who likes to eat a lot.
'How ...what do you need? "
"I want to change costumes!"
"Hahaha! Nindy ... Nindy... you still like to joke!"
"I came straight from the rice fields earlier... I don't know to see this I just went straight in!" said Nindy with a laugh, she didn't tell the sad story she had at the shop next door.
Let it be! That will be her next drama! Nindy smiled sweetly.
Mrs. Elsa Surya is happy, Nindy is fine! Isn't it easy to get through the days after going down?
"I need elegant casual clothes!"
"Hahaha ...with a body like this, any outfit fits your body!" Mrs. Elsa Surya laughs.
"Inggrid ...get me the clothes!"
"Yes, madame!"
"I also need shoes, handbags, and accessories!" said Nindy, pointing to some of the boutique collection of shoes, world-famous brand shoes. Mrs. Elsa Surya deliberately buys shoes and quality products every time she goes abroad, just to please her boutique customers so they don't bother going to other shops. She is indeed smart.
Nindy felt at home in the boutique for a long time.
"May I see that bag too!" Nindy pointed to the bag that was placed in a luxurious rich wardrobe.
"Hahaha... anything for you Miss ...!" said Inggrid laughing happily. She did not think that the big woman would transform into a beautiful princess. Incredible! Miss Nindy is so inspiring!
Nindy has got her choice of casual clothes, along with beautiful shoes and bags that match her fashion style.
"I want to pack all the dresses and shoes I choose!" Nindy bought up.
"Good!" Ingrid is moving fast, today this boutique is receiving a wonderful customer. Almost all the best dresses are bought by Nindy. Nindy also bought bags and shoes, complete with accessories.
Look at how to slap the rich! Nindy will beat up two women in the shop next door by buying up at the boutique Mrs. Elsa Surya, the rival of Mrs. Esther Melody.
The employee left the boutique following Nindy's steps, observing from afar, becoming a spy according to her mistress's code. As usual.
Jeez! The woman patted her forehead hard. Sick!
She saw Inggrid back and forth transporting the groceries of the boutique customer to the luxury car !. Oh, my God! The woman got in the car... and the car...what a luxury car! 3 times more expensive than Mrs. Esther's car.
The woman is a conglomerate!
The employee stood with a limp body when she saw Inggrid got a tip from the mistress. Thick white envelope. She can estimate the amount of money in the envelope if each sheet is 50 thousand or 100 thousand. Maybe Ingrid received a big tip, 5 million, 7 million, 10 million ...or more.
"Oh my God... My sustenance is grabbed by Inggrid!" _ The woman stepped into the boutique. Made a report that made her feel hurt and became even angrier with Mrs. Elsa Surya.
"Next month... Elsa Surya must move from here!"_ Said Mrs. Esther to herself, her heart hot.
Since there was a boutique for Mrs. Elsa Surya, the boutique owned by Mrs. Esther has had few enthusiasts.
Its customers move to the boutique. Mrs. Esther was annoyed. Evicting Elsa Surya from this mall is very easy. This mall belongs to Mr. Yudhistira, her husband!
It's just that, Madame Esther's steps are not as easy as she thought. As a shop owner in this mall, Mrs. Elsa Surya is protected by a legally binding contract. The manager of the Salman Super Mall does not want to comply with the wishes of Mrs. Esther, even though Mrs. Esther is the wife of Mr. Yudistira Salman.
Especially at this time, Mr. Yudhistira Salman's household with Mrs. Esther was having problems.
Mr. Yudhistira Salman doubted his wife's loyalty.
The marriage of Mr. Yudhistira Salman and Mrs. Esther Melody has only lasted 3 years. The marriage took place at the insistence of her son, Raditya, 8 years old. Raditya, the only child of Mr. Yudhistira, the child experienced a delay in speaking. Raditya, son of Mr. Yudhistira, from his first wife, Mrs. Dayanti. Mrs. Dayanti died 4 years ago due to an accident.
Raditya loved Mrs. Esther very much to have a face with Mrs. Dayanti, when he saw Mrs. Esther, Raditya seemed to see his mother come back to life.
Mrs. Esther took advantage of this situation, raising the child so that Mr. Yudhistira Salman was helpless because of it.
His great affection for Raditya made him willing to marry Mrs. Esther.
Even though Mr. Yudhistira Salman suspects that his wife is having an affair with one of his bodyguards. Even though the accusation was never proven.
Mr. Yudhisthira also suspected that his wife was involved in a plot to kill him. Once again Mr. Yudhisthira has no proof.
Mr. Yudhistira Salman's office, _
"Miss Nindy sent a message to visit master this afternoon!" said lawyer Dyan Angkasa.
"Then...prepare various foods in this room!" Mr. Yudistira Salman smiled happily. Mr. Yudistira Salman thinks, Nindy is still a fat woman who loves to eat. The last time he met Nindy was after a day when Nindy was released from prison. Mr. Yudhistira Salman invited Nindy to lunch. At that time, Nindy shamelessly ate whatever she liked.
"Oh my God... this food is delicious. How long has it been since I saw food this good!" said Nindy innocently, she drooled at the delicious food served in front of her.
"Eat with satisfaction, all this food for you!" Mr. Yudhisthira said with a happy smile.
"Sir!" said Nindy innocently.
"Hahaha...yes all for you!"
Seriously! Without being shy, Nindy ate heartily until she was satisfied. Nindy doesn't hide her love of eating.
Mr. Yudhistira Salman laughed at him.
This innocent woman has been saved from two assassination plans. And he hasn't had the chance to return the favor to her yet.
8 months after that, Mr. Yudhistira Salman never met Nindy again, even in the last 3 months, Nindy refused Mr. Yudhistira's money.
Nindy arrived at Mr. Yudistira Salman's office.
"I want to meet Mr. Yudhistira Salman!" said Nindy to the receptionist.
The reception clerk was a beautiful young woman in her 30s.
"Did you make an appointment?" the woman asked suspiciously.
She watched Nindy's appearance. Many beautiful women want to meet Mr. Yudistira Salman, this woman is probably one of the women who is trying to seduce Mr. Yudistira.
"Yes!" replied Nindy casually.
"Sorry ... your ID!"
Nindy handed over her identity card.
"Your name is not on the list!" said the woman in an indifferent voice.
"Sorry, Mr. Yudhistira Salman can't be disturbed!" She handed over Nindy's ID in an arrogant manner.
"Oh! How about this card!" Nindy handed over Mr. Yudhistira Salman's gold card.
The girl was shocked. She looked at Nindy with a look of disbelief.
"This girl has a gold card, Mr. Yudhisthira!" The woman named Sisca watched Nindy closely. This was the first time she saw Nindy. So she couldn't believe this young woman before she could have that golden card.
Nindy smiled back at Sisca's dumbfounded gaze as she saw the gold card and Nindy's face one after another.
The special edition gold card is only available for 20 pieces. Mr. Yudhistira Salman did not give the card carelessly. The gold card is a special password to meet Mr. Yudhisthira.
If this girl has this gold card, then she is very special. Even Evie Melody, the stepson of Mr. Yudistira Salman, went back and forth to this office, it was not certain that he would be able to meet Mr. Yudistira in person.
The phone at the reception desk rang.
Blinking green button. Sisca's face was white. The telephone line from Mr. Yudhistira Salman's room!
"If a woman carries a gold card, take the girl to a special elevator!" the voice of Mr. Yudistira Salman.
"Ready Sir!"
Sisca was nervous, she stood up, bowed respectfully forward, as if Mr. Yudhisthira was in front of her. Mr. Yudhistira Salman did see himself on the monitor screen.
"Miss...let me take you!" Sisca's voice was suddenly soft and deep, she bowed respectfully to Nindy.
Nindy was surprised that Sisca's attitude suddenly changed towards her.
Nindy was escorted to the leader-only elevator. Just as the elevator doors were about to close, someone held him back into the elevator.
A handsome man holds the elevator door. He was stunned for a moment before getting into the elevator.
"This girl is so beautiful. Perfect! I seem to have seen it! '_
Frans smiled kindly.
Nindy is nervous.
"Oh my God! Why is this creature here?" _ Nindy felt her knees weak, her breath short.
"Good afternoon!" Said Frans with a charming smile. Nindy smiled faintly, did not answer his greeting.
"How is this?" _ Nindy became weak, her stomach suddenly hurt and started to grow.
"Toilet! I need a toilet!"_
Click! Nindy opened the eucalyptus oil bottle.
Frans was shocked. Eucalyptus oil!
The elevator doors opened.
"Finally!"_ Nindy rushed out of the elevator door accompanied by a curious glance from Frans. How many women like eucalyptus oil?
This beautiful woman is one of them.
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