Mr. Roman looked at everyone at the table. Complete. Mr. Yudisthira Salman was also there.
He glanced at another table in the restaurant. Mr. Willie Salman and his wife, Mrs. Shalina and Ms. Riene, chose a table far from Yudisthira's table.
They are the cold war.
Wait! Wasn't Mrs. Esther Melody with them.
Mr.Roman's hunch is uncomfortable
Mr. Roman looked at Soraya's worried face and the impatient Davita.
"Uncle Roman... do you know where my mother is?" Davita looked at Mr. red face. Roman with probing.
"Wait a minute!" Mr. Roman tried to smile.
Nindy was worried,
Nindy was worried, Soraya caught a bad temper.
"What's wrong? Why haven't we eaten yet?" Mrs. Clarita Adelia is impatient.
"Let's order appetizers first, shall we!" Mr. Yudisthira Salman is in control of the situation.
"Mr. Yudisthira...there is a document that you must sign! Over there, on that table!"
Mr. Roman pointed at the front office
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