You will not believe me, but damn,who cares.I answer to the name Marg. But they will tell you different, as they have dubbed me a couple of names. The Exalted Lord Marg,the destroyer,the conquerer,immortal,night lord and many more that I will not bother mentioning.
But it has always never being as it is today. Before all this fame,power,wealth, I was a nobody. A nobody with a tragic story,or rather,a tragic beginning.
Actually, my beginning was marked by my end. An unfortunate end,death by the hands of those I once held dear.
But that is a story for another day.
As of today,it all about my new lease in life.
It all began many years ago,what year,what month,what date I can not recall. All I do remember was waking up at night,in the middle of nowhere with a splitting headache.
I was confused and at loss. Since my last memory was that of Johnny and the gang pushing me down a rooftop after a good beating.
I was a hundred and one percent sure that I did die on that day,and instead of waking up in hell,as I had lived a life full of sins and evil, I ended up waking up in the middle of nowhere.
The so called nowhere was a pitch dark and dump cave,on a mountainous range,surrounded by a tropical forest,with the tallest trees that I had ever seen by then.
It took me a while to piece everything together.
I had transmigrated,or rather my soul,or life essence as most call it,had somehow transmigrated into another body,in a different dimension.
I was overjoyed as to me,this was a start, a fresh start,luckily enough, I did not have to start it as a toddler,full of snort and dependent on others. I was a teen,precisely eleven years old.
Though I would have appreciated my old masculine body from my previous life,I did not mind training this scrawny brand new body of mine.
The cave,as I had said earlier, was dumb and dark,and so the first thing I did after my headache subsided, was to gather some dry wood and grasses,I also found two stones that I planned on turning them into flints.
I had to light a fire,since I was cold,hungry,and needed some light,as I said before, it was night time,but there were a dozen hundred stars on the sky that blessed the vast night with their deam light.
With the fire lit,I had a chance to fully inspect not only the cave but the clothes I was clad in. I had on a set of worn out cotton clothes,all dirty and leaking of sweat,and a pair of leather handles.
My hair was black,sleek and shoulder length.
As for my body,I had said before,it was scrawny.
The cave I was in,apart from being dump,it was full of moss,and irregular. There was a tunnel that lead dipper into the mountains. And since I could find no sleep due to my rumbling stomach, I gave in to curiosity, but not forgetting that it once killed the cat,I had to prepare for worse.
And so I searched for a strong long branch,and using the sharp stone flint,I sharpened both ends,turning the tree branch into a double headed spear.
I also tore one arm of my cotton shirt,wrapped it round a shorter branch and lit it up,crafting myself a makeshift torch.
All these simple medival ideas were all learnt during my time in the army,in my previous life, before I got myself a dishonoured discharge for going against my superiors order.
With the makeshift double headed spear and the torch at hand,I ventured into the narrow dark tunnel.
I was not afraid,though my current body was all scrawny and weak,I believed in myself. All those years in the army and about three decades more,after my discharge, I had not stopped training.
The experience Interest of battle,strategies and intelligence gathering are all not just for show.
As I walked in dipper,the narrow tunnel became broader. My guts started screaming at me,having me clench tightly on my spear and raise my guard to the maximum.
About a hundred metres into the tunnel,I had some noises. They were of snarling.
I was able to pick out that the snarls were from two different creatures,positioned around fifteen metres from the bend in front of me.
"What the hell are those things..."
I had thought after I picked at them.
I had left my makeshift torch behind as I did not wish to alarm the creatures.
These creatures were humanoid about one and a half feet,had a dark shade of green, were despicably ugly and only had a leather loin cloth on.
As for their weapons, each held a wooden club.
"Those must be guards..."
I had thought as several metres behind them,the tunnel opened up to a larger cave,filled with makeshift torches.
"That seems like a settlement of some kind..."
I had thought to myself as I was able to pick out several more creatures,similar to the two walking about in the open cave.
"I bet there is food in that place..."
With hunger being my motivation,I hatched a quick plan.
For the sake of a hot meal,these tribe of disgusting ugly creatures,or whatever they call themselves would seize to exist.
Picking up a small stone from the ground,I three it at the wall close to where I had left my still lit makeshift torch,before hiding in the shadows.
I chose the darkest end,right after the bend.
This position was perfect as I would enter the creatures blind spot and the light from their torch would not fully light up this corner of the tunnel.
And just as planned,the two creatures did not disappoint. They were silent for a second after the echo from the stone hitting the wall reached their ears,before acting.
One of them had shouted at the creatures in the open cave,making five more creatures rush into the tunnel, they all had wooden clubs and each was as ugly as the next one.
Two were left to guard the caves entrance as the other five moved to inspect the source of the noise.
As they walked past me,I clenched tightly on my double headed spear, as I evaluated the creatures. Though they were shorter,I could tell that each of them had the strength to kill the current me in an instant.
But that was all,as I was confident enough that I would emerge victorious in a crash between them and I.
Seeing the light from my torch,they all made a noise and rushed towards it,their wooden clubs swinging widely.
And it was at that moment that I made my move.
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