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86.2% Magical World: Equestria / Chapter 25: 25

Chương 25: 25


Heatherfield, Connecticut -

In Cornelia's home Will, Irma Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin could only stare at the footage of Ms. Shimmer who had return from the tv world she was zap into by Discord. As one of her employees Korra had said, it wasn't a matter of how she would escape it was a matter of when she would. It took her a day and she was back and she had gone through some changes since then. Her clothes were the same as she had left but they were now more like underwear on her now… bigger body that stands over 9 feet tall. With bird like wings on her back and a horn on her forehead.

"So she went to the tv world and came back like that?" Cornelia said awe struck at the sight of the now Amazon goddess that Ms. Shimmer had become.

"It's like that episode in Star Vs Evil, where Marco went to a different dimension and was a muscular hunk there. And instead of returning back to his skinny teenage self he came back as a hunk," Taranee said.

"She was built like a brick house and now she's gone cinderblock," Hay Lin said staring at the image of Ms. Shimmer and wishing that she could be like that, instead of being all slender.

"So you think the boys will be drooling idiots around her?" Irma asked looking at Matthew "Matt" Olsen, Will's boyfriend. He had joined up with them as superheroes using his magical form of Shagon. Along with his pet dormouse Mr. Huggles who transforms into Khor, the Destroyer.

"Matt!" Will snaps at him. 

"Sorry," Matt said. 

"Will come on, it's not like Matt has any chance with her. She is our moms ages," Irma said.

"Don't remind us," Anna, Irma's mom said who is sitting with the other parents. She and the other mothers couldn't believe a woman their age has that kind of body, which they took comfort that they had the excuse of children. But now seeing Shimmer's new body with what she was wearing leaving very little to the imagination… not helping by how their husbands reacted to seeing the news footage of her.

"She will be even more powerful now," Yan Lin said her younger clone is with the council.

"Yeah she's even buffer then Majestia," Lillian said.

"You don't know the half of it," Napoleon spoke up, the parents still find it strange that the cat can talk. "With that new body she'll be able to use magic on a level that few can ever hope to use safely."

"What about me?" Lillian asked.

"No, even when you're older and be able to use your powers safely. Your body will be able to use vast amount of magic but there is still a limit that if past will end up damaging your body. Unless you train and build up your body to withstand using your power. A strong and powerful body is able to withstand much more power then normal as with physical strength. There is a reason why most magic user are fit, otherwise their bodies wouldn't be able to handle the magic they use. But with Shimmer, she's an alicorn now, the most powerful type of pony there is," Napoleon said. (1)

"What's an alicorn?" Will asked. 

"Alicorns according to stories from those who managed to get past the barrier around Equestria. Told stories of two princesses who have the wings of the pegasus tribe, the size and strength of earth ponies, and the horn and magic of the unicorns. The princesses are able to move the sun and moon of Equestria, are immortal and the most powerful ponies of their world. They can simply use magic on a scale that none but a few can match without some item to side them," Yan Lin said.

"It's like in a Superman comic where one of his race a out of shape old fat guy had all of Superman's power but Superman being young and fit was just stronger," Lionel said who is a big comic book fan.

"Yes that's a good way of putting it. Simple fact is that Ms. Shimmer is now a powerhouse and while Lillian could match her in magic, there is no way she'll be able to outlast her. You being heart of Earth, your body once it's fully mature will be able to use magic on a level that normal magic users without some magic item like your sister and her friends have to use magic. You're just a natural and able to withstand using magic that they can't, and if you strengthen your body you will be able to use even more. Ms. Shimmer is the same but also has the advantage of being able to use Equestria magic, which is simply the strongest magic there is. The magic of Equestria is the source of all magic that flows to other worlds, which is diluted from the source," Napoleon said.

"So that means if we all work out we be able to use magic on a higher scale?" Taranee asked.

"No, you guardians magic all comes from the heart and from transforming. Your magic is different you all can train to be as buff as Ms. Shimmer but your magic will not improve by much. Transforming magic draws magic from a source which allows you all to use it, none of you are drawing the magic yourselves. Which learning to use magic without a magic item like a wand or transforming will take years to do. Using magic if you're not a creature of magic like me, requires a huge amount of focus and stamina. The magical worlds took shortcuts but also makes using the magic deadly. It's the reason why Nerissa looked as she did as she did, she can use magic but takes years off of her life doing so," Napoleon explains. 

"What about Elyon?" Cornelia asked.

"She's like your sister, can use magic naturally," Napoleon said.

"That's all interesting but is Ms. Shimmer really a danger?" Chen Lin asked.

"She's way too dangerous for the kids. Leave it to the older heroes," Joan Lin adds.

"My parents are right. Besides all she wants to do is take her mom's throne," Hay Lin said.

"Yeah, fighting Ms. Shimmer so that her mom who left her to die and said that she would kill her if it means to save her sister as she sees everyone not her sister as tools to be used and thrown away. Isn't really motivating me to come to save her. And this isn't a comic where it's always save the villain no matter what," Irma said. 

"Besides if we did save Celestia, she would just return the favor by killing us if that would help her. Like that horror movie where sparing the villain just allowed him to kill the survivors of his slaughter. She isn't someone to show mercy to," Matt said. (2)

"That's why the magical worlds are worried. Once she's the ruler of Equestria, she will control the source of magic for everything," Yan Lin said.

"Ok but the biggest question is, why does Ms. Shimmer looks like that?" Will asked pointing the the screen shot of Ms. Shimmer's new and improved body, that was already hot to begin with. 

"She was already knock out and after being powered up she becomes… a Amazon goddess? When I got all of the guardian powers, I became older but I didn't become that," Cornelia said.

"Seeing how much of a babe her mom is, it's not that surprising that she would have that kind of a body," Napoleon said.

"Must be using magic to doll herself up like that. Only thing she has going for her, can't believe she did all that to Ms. Shimmer," Theresa Cook said not liking how that woman has that kind of body and being that cold hearted. Celestia has a body like her daughter but softer and plumper. 

"She's not worth helping," Elizabeth Hale said.

"Hey Ms. Shimmer is making a news statement," Matt spoke up drawing everyone's attention.


France, Paris -

In front of  the France HQ of Shimmer Exports, Shimmer is holding a press conference. Ms. Shimmer is dressed in a loose pair blue pants with a checkered light blue pattern, a tuck in purple shirt with green stripes, a red tie with white polka dots, a pair of black suspenders, and a pair of brown leather shoes. The same outfit that she likes wearing, which she magical created using her old clothes for material. Her outfit hugs her taller and bigger body like before she was sent into the tv world.

"Alright people, I have been informed that my secret is out. I will explain things and I will take questions afterwards. Yes, I am the daughter of the former ruler of a magical world known as Equestria. For those who are wondering about the house in Ukraine that was the home of the family that has a daughter who looks just like me. That is my human counterpart and her family. It seems that some of the humans of this world has counterparts in my world of Equestria, right down to having the same DNA. Which is how I learned two my mother is, after having a lock of hair I kept in the journal tested. I had Sean Trigar the hero Nighthowl use his tracking powers and he found the remains of my human counterpart and her family who were killed during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Their remains were sent to their family in the USA."

Sunset lifted her hand that glowed and an image of a grey pony with a pink mane appeared over her.

"My kind are ponies who belong to 3 tribes, Earth Ponies who have vast strength and plant growing powers, Pegasus Ponies who have wings and control the weather, and Unicorns who have horns and use magic. There are sub races that have branched off from the main tribes, sea ponies who live underwater, bat ponies who have bat wings, and others that I won't be going into. All of my race use to look like the horses of Earth, we took a humanoid form to be more like the heroine Megan Williams a human who ended up on ancient Equestria thanks to time travel and saved the first group of ponies from Tirek a centaur who wanted to takeover all of Equestria. The first ruler of Equestria Queen Majesty was the one who casted the spell that transformed all ponies into a humanoid form, she is also the one who created the magical barrier that keeps anyone from being able to travel to Equestria from the outside. I got out of Equestria by a portal from the inside, which is the only way to travel to Equestria."

Shimmer made another image appeared of an old man.

"After coming to this world I was found and raised by Greg Zarya who is from a magical world. He's from the noble house of Zarya and would had been heir to the house if it wasn't for the fact that he was born without magic. I had given up any hope that Celestia cared about me and just left me to die, at that point in time. I made a vow that no matter what or how long, I would return to Equestria and take my revenge."

"After Greg died, I continue living in the fast food truck, till it broke down and I began a food delivery service that was the humble start of my company. As my company grew, I planned and prepared using my resources to find magical items and anything else I could use. I found a magic umbrella that would take me into any story written world, it was only mental as any changes would reset after I left that book world and I couldn't take anything with me but knowledge. Which I used to spend lifetimes in book worlds educating myself and learning useful skills, a lifetime in a book world would be less than an hour passing on the outside. There's a painting in my office of Doctor Doom standing with, Scrooge Mcduck, Hank Scorpio, Gandalf the Grey, Emperor of Mankind, Washu, Wonder Woman, the force wielders, Father, Daughter, and Son, The Bendu, the 1st Doctor, The Designer, the Lion Turtle, Sherlock, David Xanatos, Dr. Henry Killinger, and Excalibur. The reason for the painting and those fictional people is because those are my mentors who helped shaped an angry young woman into what I am today. I decided not to only take revenge on my former mentor but also take her throne from her."

"Also to make sure it doesn't get revealed at the worst possible time. I'm the one behind Uniscorn in stealing magic items and magical energy, hiring villains to do the grunt work, with mixed results. After which I made sure to leak their locations or handled them in other ways."

Shimmer made images of Uniscorn's dealings with the magical villains play out like a recording. Showing how Uniscorn hired the different villains and how he was displeased when they didn't follow orders and did things he said not to do.

"I did it to find a way to break down the barrier that prevents travel to Equestria from the outside. The barrier is incredibly powerful and all but unbreakable, my plan was to use the different magic that have been gathered and connecting it to the European power grid, just break the barrier by sheer force. The experiments in creating portals showed it is possible to do that but only on a small scale because of the amount of power needed. Basically it be a giant beam of energy of both magic and science that would shatter the barrier by the amount of power used on it. Hence why connecting to the power grid of Europe, to provide the power that's needed." (3)

"The reason why I didn't just asked for help is because of how the magical world views exposing magic to the people of Earth. It's just like in the book series of Harry Potter, they erase memories and do whatever they can to make people forget. Thanks to the raise of superheroes, and the advancements in technology, has made it impossible for them to keep up the masquerade. The magical worlds have long used the excuse that you humans aren't ready, so that they can keep magic to all to themselves. Because of the fact that all magic comes from Equestria, like the source of a river that flows to the other magical worlds. Earth has always been the first world where the magic of Equestria reaches first, Queen Majesty was the one who taught the ancient humans how to wield magic and they in turn are the ones who taught the magical worlds how to use magic. The magical worlds grew jealous of the fact that Earth and the humans there are so close to the source of all magic, so they invaded to take it for themselves. The ancient kingdoms of magic were destroyed and the ones who knew of magic killed. It only stopped when Queen Majesty just cut off the flow of magic leaving the magic users helpless. She made them made a magical vow that blinded them from ever trying to claim Earth for themselves or try to take Equestria and created the barrier to prevent them from traveling to her world."

"The magical worlds couldn't attack anymore and fearing the magical vow they made that also made anyone from their world to obey any command the ruler of Equestria made, they cast a spell that trapped Equestria inside the barrier so that the future rulers couldn't order them around. It's only thanks to a magic mirror portal that I ended up here. The magical worlds didn't ended there after trapping Equestria inside the barrier, they also are the ones who cause magic knowledge to all but die out on Earth. They sent people to cause things to happen like the witch hunts so that the magic users of Earth couldn't find a way to get pass the barrier. And the reason why turning off the magic that keeps the barrier up was never tried, is because it would need to turn off magic completely. And it's completely unknown if turning it back on would result in it just coming back on or magic goes away completely."

"I have also traveled to the magical worlds to learn what I could and the people of the magical world haven't changed since those ancient days. They still think that humans aren't ready for magic, which is just a cover so that no one on Earth can learn magic and be better at it then them. Which is one of the reasons why the magical worlds attack, they couldn't stand that humans were better at magic then them. And I learned of a even greater sin."

"According to their story the world of Domino a vibrant realm that was created by the Great Dragon and chosen to be its resting place once it had completed creating the rest of the the Magic Dimension. Since then, the Dragon has entrusted a spark of its miraculous flame to the realm's royal family, where it had been passed down through generations from heir to heir. It is also thanks to the Flame that Domino's monarchy has maintained high importance when compared to those of other realms. Beneath the castle is the Vortex of Flames that not only contains the Dragon's power but also it's remains. Which is false."

"I used the golden guitar of the supervillainess, Sartana of The Dead, to raise the dragon from the dead. Who turns out to be Spike the dragon who was the last living being of Equestria who was a companion of Megan Williams. Using the powerful magic weapon, The Rainbow of Light he managed to power his way through the barrier, but was left badly wounded and weaken from it. He landed on Domino and the royal family captured him and tortured him to reveal the secret to how he got through the barrier. Spike died before he told them anything, the royal family couldn't directly used the Rainbow of Light but they would dude it as a power source which they passed down through the ages. With them making up the story of a great dragon instead of it being an Equestria dragon who they tortured to death and used the Rainbow of Light as the source of the magic flame. Greg told me many stories of the magic worlds and about the great dragon which because of his noble birth allowed him to gain knowledge that others couldn't, like that the earliest drawings of the great dragon had his name being Spike and he had purple scales and green spikes just like the Spike of Equestria. When I saw one of the royal family using the dragon flame, I knew it was Equestria magic and track down information about the dragon, leading me into breaking into the vault and learning the truth."

"A legend who help my race in its earliest days. Whom without my race would had never survived. Tried to get help from Earth but instead landed in another world where he was tortured to death. My race always wondered what happen to Spike the guardian dragon of Dream Valley. I figured that something bad happen to Spike and from what Greg told me just strengthen my idea, and than I learned it was worst then I thought. It's the reason why I never seemed help from the magical worlds as I knew from the history books what they're like and they proven to me they're still the same. They will always say that Earth will never be ready for magic. Wanting more of the magic that was freely given to them to begin with, keeping it all to themselves. Making sure that the reason why humans can't be trusted with magic will always be there. So that it will always be theirs and theirs alone, making sure that you humans will never be ready. That's the kind of people most of the magical worlds are like, they make sure that the reason to justify their reason will always be there by any means necessary."

"That is why I had to go supervillain, hiring people to collect what I needed. Even having Rainbow Peacock and her crew make big scenes after the ice age kwamis were found. So that no one in the magic worlds would realize what's happening and stayed out of Paris thanks to them avoiding getting involved with anything to do with superheroes. The reason why I pick Paris is because of it being a natural weak point to cross dimensions. You can open portals anywhere but it's just easier to do it where the walls between worlds is thin and that thanks to the Eiffel Tower would make a good transmitter to channel all the energy needed to open a portal to Equestria. And other places are either much harder to bring in the equipment needed or needs so much infrastructure installed, or the paperwork needed to get the land needed for a base would take years."

"My plans changed after I learned that I was in fact Celestia's daughter and the the throne is mine by birthright. I did raised an army with the equipment and supplies needed to field them using my shipping company to laundry the resources and money to create one. My plan before I found out I'm her daughter and finding the horse statue that acts as a portal, was to open a big portal to Equestria, invade and takeover. Learning the truth and a visit from my niece Flurryheart changed that plan, with my aunt and Celestia step down from ruling and place the counterpart of Sparkle as the new ruler. I tried to just have princess Sparkle step down, but it seems that even with me showing who Celestia is really like, she's is still blindly loyal to her. Sending Discord to take care of me, instead of sitting down with me and working out a deal I could be happy with. So I'm going with my old plan of invading and taking what's mine by force," Shimmer said to the crowd of reporters.


Heatherfield, Connecticut -

"That's not what Elyon said happen," Cornelia said stun like everyone else at the big reveal.

"Ms. Shimmer is behind all the attacks?" Irma said growling.

"Just so that the magical worlds wouldn't know what she's up to," Taranee said.

"Grandma are the magical worlds really like that? Making sure that Earth will never be ready for magic?" Hay Lin asked her grandma.

"Some are," Yan Lin said. 

"Wait, the reason why you told us not to reveal ourselves was... to keep us safe from the magic worlds who would attack us?" Will asked.

"It has happen before with people who learn to use magic and used it openly," Yan Lin said. 

"Then why are we're not on Shimmer's side then?" Matt asked making everyone to look at him. "From what, I get is that the reason why magic is known now is only because of all the superheroes running around. If we weren't apart of a magic world and just knew magic, we would be taken care of one way or another. Like mind erasing if we're lucky."

"Is that true?" Hay Lin asked. 

"It was when I was your age. Me and the others had to keep it all a secret or the other magic worlds would step in. Because of how wide spread you are all known and are members of The United HeroeZ. The ones who would act can't without backlash," Yan Lin said. 

"I'm out," Irma spoke up. "I'm not risking my life to save people like that." 

"Me too," Taranee adds. 

"Sorry grandma, I know Shimmer what she wants to do will ruin many cultures, but I don't want to fight for people like that," Hay Lin said. (4)

"Besides once Shimmer has her throne and controls the magic, what can anyone do about it? She can just turn off all of our powers anytime she wants and command anyone who is from a world that gave that magical vow," Cornelia adds. 

The camera broadcasting the live fee suddenly shake as explosions rock the area. Flying into view are the faries like the Winx Club fairy heroes and men carrying swords and shields appeared from portals. 

"Take care of her before she can do that," WIll said as she and the others stared at the screen. 


Author's Notes -

1 - I'm going with a fit and healthy body be able to withstand using more magic then the magic users who are unfit. 

Those who uses a magic item to be able to use magic or any other artificial means like an energy field that allows people to use magic, doesn't count. As they aren't drawing magic themselves but are relying on other means to use magic. That means magical girls and others who transforms aren't using their bodies to withstand using magic but the magical tools they're using. And are helpless without them. 

2 - I hate the message of always saving the villain no matter what and if you kill him you be just like him. Which is only a thing in cartoons and comics because of morel guardians. And real life reason that the plot needs the villain or they make tons of money.

3 - I don't care how strong a forcefield is, a strong enough force especially at a weak point will break through it. Like in neon genesis evangelion where by connecting a laser gun to the entire Japan's power grid allowed it to just power through the angel's force field. And the portal beam would be fueled by magic and powered by the entire European power grid, which would be more then enough to break through the barrier. 

Also forcefields in games don't count as it's gameplay reasons why the forcefields won't break. Like the reason why even if you have a rocket launcher or a bomb you can't break down a door that is rotten, missing pieces and in real life a healthy adult can easily break down. And being in a game world doesn't count either.

Any forcefield can be broken when you think outside the box of the setting. Like a dome forcefield doesn't protect underground attacks. Light can pass through the forcefield or sound. Or magic or tech base can bypass it. Or it can worn down. Or there is a limit to how long it can last because of power use.

4 - I really hate the whole people aren't ready excuse. As any example you can point to in fiction is just for plot and status quo. Like the reason why the heroes and villains have jet cars and can travel to other planets but normal people can't have that tech. Is just to keep the setting grounded in the modern setting. Like the reason why Gotham will always be a crime ridden hell hole is because if Batman actually used his money to improved the city and handle the causes of crime there be no reason for Batman. 

And that when magic is everywhere being used to power technology and can be used by anyone who buys a device that can cast spells. What made magic users special and have an air of self importants, will be gone. Like how having a cellphone isn't anything to be proud of anymore when smartphones are everywhere now.


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