WITH LOUISANNA'S command, Domhall immediately followed her. He did that without hesitation— like he was used to obeying Louisanna in the first place.
That thought lingered in his mind. However, that suddenly overbearing with another thought as he stared at his reflection in the fire mirror he summoned on his right palm.
"My face…" Domhall muttered as the fingertips on his left hand traveled onto his face, lightly tracing his young, flawless skin.
Although because of Louisanna before, he could now control whether he would show his demonic form. However, there are times when he couldn't conceal all his demonic features.
But now, even on just a part of his face, he looked like a human.
"That may not be a big step, but still, a crucial step for the achievement of your desire," Louisanna told him, proud and slightly boastful.
Louisanna's mind was in disarray. There are moments earlier that she could remember something, but not everything.
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