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11.53% Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The day of the Entrance Exam!

Chương 3: Chapter 3: The day of the Entrance Exam!

In the limousine carrying the 2, soon-to-be UA Students, things were a little tense, to say the least. Momo was very nervous about her upcoming exam. She having spent almost a full month preparing for this exam, mentally and physically speaking, did not help with her nervousness. Even though she was probably 110% ready for the exam, she was still trying to cram as much as she could.

"Wow! Hey Momo did you know that you can get sweets from here?!" said Luffy while pushing a button that dispensed one chocolate every time you pressed it.

And then there was Luffy, the newest addition to her family. Actually a huge part of her feeling nervous was due to her unofficial brother pressing the button like there was no tomorrow.

"You should really study. I mean it! You are probably the dumbest person I know. No offense." The part that made her nervous was the fact that Luffy, who was without a doubt the dumbest guy she knew, stood there, without a care in the world.

It just didn't make sense to her. Yes, she needs to be smart to use her quirk, but that doesn't mean that she only studies for her quirk. In her mind being the perfect girl meant having perfect grades, and not wanting to disappoint her family, she spent a large majority of her free time studding so much that it became second nature.

Luffy gasped a little. "You should know that I am very smart, a genius even." Momo rolled her eyes. It's true that Luffy was smart when it came to combat, but unfortunately that's the only part where he excels at when it comes to brain power. " Plus you're the dumb one for worrying so much."

"I am afraid that I must agree with the young man here, Ms. Yaoyorozu." Said Mr. Daiko in the front through the little open window behind him. Momo was slightly shocked. " You have studied way more than needed, I have no doubts that you will pass the exam. Now the only thing left to do is to relax and wait for the test."

"Maybe you're right." Momo said reluctantly, still holding her notes, not really being able to put them down.

"Yeah! Plus you're making me nervous from all the nervousness oozing from you aura." The driver quirked an eyebrow, not really understanding what he meant by aura.

"Sorry." She said while think about what Luffy had told her yesterday. She had a hard time processing what she heard yesterday. Who knew that such a powerful ability existed in everyone? Well Luffy apparently knew, and the way he explained it, it sounded like other people knew as well. She thought that maybe this was the reason Luffy moved in with them, but did her father even know of this? and more importantly, could she learn it? If she could, then she figured that she would gain a considerable advantage in battle, and that was something she desperately needed.

"Momo, oi Momo! Come on, what are you spacing out for? Let's go. We're here." said Luffy with a mouthful of chocolates, from outside the car.

"Ah! Yes, yes, I'm coming. Goodbye Mr. Daiko!" She said while getting out of the car. She didn't even realize she was spacing out. Ever since she found out about haki, she began to think a lot of it, and she thought a lot about Luffy, wondering about the mystery that is the straw hat wearing teenager.

"Yep, this is the place where I met your dad." Said Luffy while walking side-by-side with Momo.

"Yes I know, you met him when he went to deliver my recommendation letter himself. Luck seems to favor you."

"You think so?"

"Ahh well, if it isn't Mr. Luffy. I hope your time with the Yaoyorozu's has been wonderful so far." Said the principal, who was at the front door to the school.

"Hey! it's the little bear." Said Luffy while stopping in front of the door to chat with the principal.

"Good Morning, Mr. Nezu." Momo greeted the principal of the UA School, who in turn gave a small greeting as well. "Luffy, you never said you were acquainted with the principal of this school."

"Hm? Oh yeah, he and your dad are the first people I met in this world." Said Luffy accidently revealing his biggest secret in casual conversation.


"H-he means this school, Right Luffy?" Said Nezu with a slight stutter in an attempt to salvage this blunder. Honestly, it was a miracle he hadn't said it by accident already.

"Oh yeah, school that's what I meant." Said Luffy casually, not realizing what he could have done.

After walking a bit more, they arrived at a cross section.

The school hallways were filled with children with different shapes and sizes, running to get to their specific classroom, which made getting to where you needed to be a little hectic. Luffy was just staring at the ones with quirks that change your appearance, with stars in his eyes. He hasn't seen this many weird looking people since the raid on Onigashima. Momo on the other hand, was with one eye in her notebook and the other eye looking ahead, so that she doesn't accidently bump into someone, which made both tasks incredibly difficult. But thankfully having the principal next to your side, made the other students extra careful as to not bump into him.

"Well Ms. Yaoyorozu, this is where we part ways I'm afraid. The recommendation entrance exam is taking place in that classroom at the end of the hallway on your left. Professor Midnight, will be instructing you all in what you need to do." Said Nezu while pointing at the classroom she needed to be at.

"Thank you, Mr. Principal." Said Momo with a quick bow before turning to Luffy. "Well, good luck Luffy, I hope we both get in." She said with eyes full of determination, before turning around and leaving to where she needed to be.

"Uh-huh, good luck with your exam thingie!" Luffy said while waving his arms at her, which just cause her to blush.

"Now Mr. Luffy before you also head to your respective class, I wanted to give you this." He said after hiding in a little corner away from prying eyes. He hands him an earpiece so small, that you would need a magnifying glass to actually see it.

"Cool! Thanks little bear." He said before looking thoughtfully at what he could only guess is a small black bean. "so what does it do?"

"You put it in your ear like so." He said before pulling another one and putting it in his ear. "And now we can talk with each other, no matter where any of us could be at, without anybody hearing us."

"Wow, this little thing can do so much?!" He said after putting the little bean in his ear. "But why do you wanna talk to me so bad that it can't be face-to-face?"

"So that I can help you in your written exam, having access to the camera will allow me to see your test and give you the answers accordingly." Said Nezu. Knowing that he has to break his rule to help a teenager is breaking his little heart, but without his help Luffy could never take the written exam.

"…..ok." said Luffy while looking at him like he just grew another head.

"Don't worry just write what I tell you, now go, the time is running short." Said Nezu with a sigh. He is happy he stockpiled some tea before this.

"Alright, see you later, little bear." Said Luffy before going off in a random direction.

"Not that way! The other way." Said Nezu causing Luffy to do a 90 degree turn in the wrong way again.

"The other other way, go in the classroom to your right." He said making Luffy miraculously enter the right class. Luffy had it bad with direction, but he wasn't Zoro's level of bad.

2 Hours Later.

"Man, that was so boring ….and frustrating." Said Luffy out loud as he was going out the classroom. The test in on in itself wasn't that hard in Luffy's head, even though he was looking at that piece of paper like a cavemen staring at a modern computer, since he didn't understand anything on it. The part that frustrated him the most was that, the little bear was always in his ear, telling him what to write and where to write it, he found it frustrating because every time he would be done the little bear would say something like this 'It's too ugly, write it again.' And waking him up every time he fell asleep, he felt like he was training with Rayleigh again.

"Yeah Man, I feel you! The whole time I was looking at the test, I was like 'what?'" Said a boy that happen to overhear what Luffy said outloud.

"Who are you?" Asked Luffy the blond-haired boy with a black streak in his hair.

"Oh, I'm Denki Kaminari, future pro-hero of japan." Said the boy named Denki apparently, with a thumb pointing to his chest. "What's your name?" he asked the straw hat.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy. The man whose gonna become the King of the Pirates." He said that part like he was expecting the blond-haired boy to actually know what he was talking about.

"Wow, got your hero name and everything, huh? Well I wish you good luck." He said while splitting off from where Luffy was going. "They're gonna do my orientation in the other classroom, but hopefully we'll meet again." He said while waving goodbye to his new acquaintance.

"Ok see ya, kalimari." Said Luffy getting his name wrong. Now he was walking with a group of students his age not having a clue in the world where he was going.

"Alright, Mr. Luffy glad to see you are already making friends, now stick with that group and they will lead you to where your orientation is supposed to be." Said Nezu in Luffy's ear sipping on his 12th cu of tea with relaxation herbs.

10 Minutes Later

Luffy was now seated in a dark room with a huge projector in front of him, he was in the middle-back. Waiting for some blond haired hero to show up as he was told by Nezu, he was also told by Nezu that from here on out he isn't going to need his help anymore, seeing as how it will be the practical exam, so he took the earpiece he had and threw it away. After a couple more minutes of waiting, Luffy was completely bored, fortunately for him, a man with blond Mohawk that was larger than his own head walked in.

"What's up UA Candidates? Thanks for tuning it to me, your school DJ, Come on and Lemme hear ya!" Said the school DJ, Luffy found the hero to be amusing, reminding him of Queen in a weird way. Seeing as how nobody said anything he decided to not say anything as well.

"Keeping it mellow huh? That's all fine, I'll skip straight to the main show let's talk about how this practical exam's gonna go down okay? Are ya ready!?" Said the voice hero again in attempt to get the whole room hyped up, while doing various poses.

"Shishishishishishi!" Laughed Luffy out loud. Luffy found the Hero amusing but what he found hilarious, was the lack of attention he was getting. Everybody in turn just looked at him with a bead of sweat rolling of their forehead's.

"At least someone's getting fired up!" he said in reference to Luffy's laughter. The voice hero then proceeded to explain the whole gist of the operation showing that everybody is split up in groups from A-G. Luffy already getting bored looked at his card, which said block number B. A few explanations later and Luffy was passed out cold, snoring without a care in the world. Making all the students in the auditorium think one thing. * How is he sleeping right now?!*

"….. A mistake such as this won't do, additionally you with the straw hat!" said a teenager with glasses and blue hair while pointing at a now woken up Luffy.

"Huh? Is it morning already?" Luffy having woken up at the sound of his nickname being said.

"How can you be sleeping in the middle of the orientation? Your snoring is distracting the rest of us and its blatantly disrespectful to this elite school. If you can't be bothered to take this seriously than just go home, it's obvious you are taking this exam as a joke." Said the teenager with the glasses with a firm tone while pointing at Luffy.

*Wow if that were to happen to me, I don't know what I would have done. * thought a very distressed green-haired boy while looking between the straw hat and the glasses wearing kid.

"Jeez, who put the stick up your ass?" said Luffy nonchalantly while digging through this ear with his pinky.

"Excuse me? Do you even know what we have to do, after going to our predestinated location?" said the blue haired kid, obviously taken aback, by his lack of speaking mannerism and rudeness.

"Yeah, beat the robots, it's not that hard. Well for me anyways." Said Luffy casually, getting more and more annoyed by the taller teenager.

"You really are treating this as a joke! as a proud student I cannot take this sort of attitude." He said while turning his attention from the straw hat to the teacher. "Sir! I demand you immediately kick this fellow student out of this auditorium, for strict lack of respect." He said basically ordering the voice hero.

"Your uptight and a snitch. You're exactly the type of guy I hate. Shishishi." Said Luffy bluntly, basically declaring war on the strict student. "I don't like you at all."

The whole auditorium was in silence, with the exception of one snickering spiky haired blond boy. With the teacher not really knowing how to deal with this sort of situation, he just decided that it would be best to continue as if nothing has ever happened.

"Now now, let's settle down everybody. And to answer your question little listener, that Robot is worth 0 point and it's meant to be more as an obstacle, a hurdle you should avoid. It's not that he can be beaten, it's just that there is kind of no point." Said the hero in an attempt to calm down everybody and get on with the exam.

"Thank you very much." Said the blue haired teenager with a low bow, as he was sitting down. He decided that if the teacher is just gonna brush of this whole confrontation, then he is going to take matter into his own hands.

A couple of Minutes Later.

Luffy was on the bus, looking out the window like this was his first time in a car.

Everybody on the bus was talking between themselves about the straw hatter and the glasses kid, each having different thoughts about the whole altercation from *Wow I can't believe, that he would just say that in front of everybody, what a rude kid. * to * Wow I can't believe, that he would just say that in front of everybody, he is so cool.*

A certain blond haired kid was having a whole different thought. *That guy looks familiar. *

After they all got off the bus, they were all standing in front of a mini city with sky scrapers and tall buildings which were all surrounded by one giant wall.

Luffy was preparing himself by looking at the buildings in front of him with admiration. He was wearing his usual fit, the unbuttoned red shirt with blue shorts, sandals, and a straw hat. He was sitting there minding his own business when he felt a hand touch his shoulder from behind. He didn't even need to turn to know who it was.

"What do you want now?" said Luffy annoyed, not turning around.

"I know you think that this is all a game, but for the rest of us this is real, so don't go making trouble for the other students." Said the blue haired kid as sternly as he could.

"You really need to learn to relax, you're just like Momo but way meaner." Said Luffy in return, noticing the door's starting to open.

"Finally! Some action!" Said the straw hat as he ran full speed ahead into town.

"Hey! Wait! Who gave you permis-" His reprimand was cut short by the teacher standing at the top of the walls.

"What are you all waiting for! There are no countdowns in a real battle. That kid has the right idea. Everybody GO! GO! GO!" Everybody looked at the hero, then at a certain straw hat already causing chaos hearing different variations of 'Gomu Gomu No'.

As they started running, glasses had only one thought in mind. *Did he knew? Or is he just an idiot?*. It was the second one.

Midoriya's mind was in chaos right now. * Crap! Crap! Crap! At this rate I'm not going to get any points. Just calm down, this is fine! I Have plenty of time, plus All Might's power in me. *

Izuku's thoughts and flashback were cut short when an 1 pointer appeared out of nowhere in his path, breaking some wall's in the process.

*Wow! Gotta dodge him. * He said as desperately tried to move at his top speed before looking down at his legs noticing he hasn't moved a single inch. *WHY WON'T MY FEET MOVE! * He basically shouted in his mind.

Fortunately for him, his saving grace came in form of a raven-haired boy wearing a straw hat.

"Gomu Gomu No-" he said as he pulled his arms back a considerable amount. "Twin Pistol!" He finished saying as he threw two massive devastating blows to the robot who was about to give Izuku a couple of broken bones.

"Hey Man! Are you some kind of idiot? You do know you have to punch the robots right?" The straw hat teen said as he gently bonked the shorter teen on his head.

"Y-Yes! Sir!" Said Izuku more so frightened by the amount of destructive power he just showed.

"Well, if you find any more robots tell me! This is fun!" Said The Straw hat as he ran into a completely random direction.

"S-Sure!" said Izuku more so wondering how his savior can be having so much fun at the entrance exam.

"6 Minutes Left!" said the voice over at an intercom loudly.

*Not good! Not good! Gotta hurry."

Back with Luffy he was thinking just one thing. * This is so fun!*. before meeting a three pointer.

"Gomu Gomu No-" He said as he cocked one arm back and started twisting it. "Rifle!"

"I can really practice my more basic moves with these robots!" Said as he looked at a destroyed three pointer. Him saying this caused a certain green-haired boy to look at him in surprise. *Basic moves?!* This was too easy for him.

When all of a sudden the ground started to shake and a huge cloud of dust rolled into the street ahead of him.

When he looked up he saw a gigantic robot, taller than the buildings, cocking one fist back and punching the street, causing every student to run away in fear.

*Finally! something harder! * Luffy thought as he looked at the robot with a giant smile on his face, punching his fist into his palm.

While most of the students were running for their lives, one certain blue haired muscular teen looked at Luffy, as he was running, who was standing his ground with a giant smile on his face, completely unphased by the giant robot. If you were to ask him he would say that the straw hat looked excited.

As he was putting his fingers in his mouth, getting ready to use a grizzly magnum ( Gear 3 + Haki version of bazooka). He stopped himself as he noticed the green haired kid from before, jumping and coming face to face with the giant robot.

He had to cover his eyes from the amount of dust getting thrown around, courtesy of the giant robot getting one-shotted by the kid and falling to the ground.

"Oh man, I wanted to do that!" Luffy said with a whine while everyone else was staring slack jawed at the amount of destructive power being shown.

*Wait a sec.* Luffy using his future-sight haki saw that the kid wasn't slowing down after he hit the robot, and was quickly falling to the ground thinking that the kids powers were cool he decided to save him.

Using his rubber powers and some haki to make his legs spring-like, he jumped up to where the falling green haired kid was.

"Hah, I got you!" He said as he caught him in midair causing the kid with the broken bones to freak out at his sudden appearance.

"W-w-w-what?! How did you get up here?" said Izuku before squirming from being held bridal style.

"I Jumped! Duh." Said Luffy as it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Now quiet down I need to focus."

Izuku proceeded to do the exact opposite of that when he saw the ground coming faster and faster.

"Gomu Gomu no-" Izuku noticed that he was about to use something similar to what he used before, and with a huge inhale of air. "Ballon!"

They quickly hit the ground only for Luffy to jump back up and plop down again. "Wow you're a real idiot, you know that? You could have died!" Luffy said as he finished deflating and putting down a freaking out Izuku

"Wow! That was amazing! How did you do that?! You said 'gomu' before, is your quirk something related to gum? Plus the stren—" He was quickly cut off by a very painful reminder that his arm and legs are broken. "ow! Ow!"

"What's wrong? Your legs broken or something?" Luffy said as he poked his very red legs, which caused the poor boy only to be in more pain.

"I-I think; I-I'm not really u-u-used to my quirk yet. And I couldn't h-handle the strain. Stop Poking Me!" Izuku shouted after the 10th poke to his broken arm.

"Alright, Alright good job everyone, you are all heroes in my eyes." Said a new arrival

Luffy and Izuku both looked to their right to see a crowd looking at them in awe and a short old lady coming through giving gummies to everyone.

"That was very reckless what you did there, young man, but thanks to you this boy is still alive. Here, have some gummies." She said as she offered a fistful of gummies to straw hat.

"Awesome! Thanks Granny!" He said as he stuffed his mouth with the gummies. "You got any more?"

"I have to treat this young man of his broken bones, so no I'm sorry." Replied the nurse as she kissed the now passed out boy on his cheek.

"Aw man." Said Luffy with a pout. "Is it over? Did I win?"

"Yeah the exam just ended, we can go home now." Said a boy from the crowd making Luffy go to the bus, happy with this eventful day.

A Couple Of Days Later, At the Yaoyorozu mansion.

"Will you calm down? This is worse than before the exam!" Said an angry Luffy while eating dinner with Momo. Them being alone in the dining room since their parents have very busy jobs.

"Ughh, waiting is way worse than preparing. What if I don't get in?" She asked rhetorically. Not being able to eat due to the stress she was getting from having to wait for that letter.

"I'm sure everything will be fine; we'll both get in we will both do hero stuff." Said Luffy after finishing his food. The chef having realized The black hole that is Luffy. Started preparing way more food than needed and it would always get eaten up.

"Yeah and we will all live happily ever after." Said Momo sarcastically. Honestly, Luffy was way too relaxed. Then both of them turned their attention to the door who just opened.

"Miss Yaoyorozu, Mr. Luffy." A butler said while holding one acceptance letter. "The letter from UA has arrived."

"Thank you for delivering these to us." Momo said as she grabbed the letter with a red seal. *Why is there only one? Did only one of us get accepted? Or neither?!* She was beginning to panic.

"Ooh I wanna see!" said Luffy as he stretched a hand and stole the letter from Momo's hand.

"Wait! I'm not ready yet!" Said panicked Momo as she watched Luffy rip the letter in half. From inside the letter a disc dropped.

"IT IS I! In A hologram" Said none other than All-Might, the number one hero in all of japan. "I will be announcing your statuses concerning UA HIGH!"

"Wow All-Might! He is going to tell us if we are accepted or not." Said Momo saying her thoughts outloud.

"Who?" said Luffy completely oblivious to the fact that the most popular hero in japan is talking to them right now.

"I! have done a lot of these! But Fear Not! I Am Not Tired" said a tired looking All-Might, but his voice was still full of energy.

"You've never heard of him? Have you been living under a rock or something?" Asked Momo with a raised eyebrow.

"He famous or something?" Luffy responded with his own question.

" I wanted to personally thank you Young Luffy, Not only for saving a lot of students in the practical exam." Said All-Might as he showed footage of Luffy saving other students from pointers with a huge grin on his face. "But to Also Thank You for Saving Young Midoryia from what could have been a fatal Incident!"

Then he proceeded to show various camera angles: of Luffy's legs becoming like springs, him catching Izuku and him making a giant balloon to cushion the fall.

"Wow, that's very impressive Luffy. So that's what you meant when you said you caught the green haired guy." Said Momo with a proud voice like she was complimenting her younger brother. But also a feeling of dread starting to creep in the back of her mind, if this disc is about Luffy than where is hers?

"With your physical prowess, you managed to gather a Whapping 92 villain points! Bravo!" said All-Might as he showed a leader board, with Luffy being in 1st place with 92 villain points and 48 rescue points. In 2nd place being someone named Katsuki Bakugo with 77 villain points and 0 rescue points and in 3rd place being a student named Eijiro Kirishima with 39 villain points and 35 rescue points. "But we also had a secret points system called Rescue Points. Where we give Points for every person you managed to Save! I Must Also Say that I am impressed by the fact that throughout the entire exam Your Smile never wavered."

"Wow. You even got first ….place." Momo said feeling more and more anxious at the fact that she may not have been accepted.

"Shishishishishi, I didn't even know about any points I just punched every robot I saw!" said Luffy happy that he is getting so much praise. Momo wasn't surprised by that answer.

"Along with the written exam, you have met all the requirements needed to attend our school, even though I heard there was a dispute in the auditorium *cough cough*. Anyway we would be fools not to accept you into our school! So Welcome Young Luffy! This is Your Hero Academia." Said All-Might as he reached big hand out, before the hologram stopped displaying the video.

"Yay! I'm in the hero school! We should celebrate!" Luffy said happily, already expecting a huge banquet in his honor.

"Congratulations Luffy. I am really proud of you." Momo's voice sounded sincere but if her posture was anything to go by she was clearly very sad.

"Hey, you okay Momo? This isn't about the haki thing right?" said Luffy as he put a hand on her shoulder.

"No i-I'm fine, Luffy it's just tha—" whatever she was about to say was cut off by the hologram appearing again.

"I Am Here! Again! I Am Sorry for having congratulated Young Luffy earlier and seeming like we have forgotten about you Young Yaoyorozu!" All-Might said as he roared back to life causing Momo's sadness to be instantly washed away. "But fear Not! Because We surely haven't forgotten about you! With your written exam achieving the highest grade possible! Not making a single mistake! Was a sight to behold. Also Finishing third in the race with the other Recommended Student's right behind Young Todoroki definitely gives you a seat in One of Our Classroom's. We wouldn't want to lose such a genius mind like yours! So Welcome Young Yaoyarozu! This is Your hero academia!

"Yay! We both got in the hero school!" said Luffy as he bounced around the dining room. "We defiantly should celebrate now!"

"Yeah, I guess we did." Said a still shell-shocked Momo, not quite believing what she just heard.

next chapter
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