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50% Love Tyrant : multiverse group chat / Chapter 1: Ch 1: what the hell!!!
Love Tyrant : multiverse group chat Love Tyrant : multiverse group chat original

Love Tyrant : multiverse group chat

Tác giả: Uncultured_Crow

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Ch 1: what the hell!!!

We start of our adventure with a two story house coloured with white walls and and a navy blue tiled roof, more specifically one of the rooms on the second floor which holds a young man with blue hair, fallen to his knees with tears falling from his eyes

"What the fuck!!!" 

'Okay calm down Oliver you need to just … breathe, just breathe and go over what you know' I take a deep breath in through my nose and release it through my mouth 'okay… from what I can tell I've … reincarnated or is it transmigrated? Whatever I never bothered finding out the difference, what matters is that now I'm here wherever here is and I'm definitely not in my own body hell i know for a fact that i didn't have blue ass messy ass hair' 

"Okay so if I got isekai'd or something doesn't that usually come with some form of, I don't know cheat? I mean where's my bullshit power from god or whatever, hmm … lets try this" I position myself with a serious expression covering my face 

*breath in and out* 

"Okay let's do this" In a moment of passion I strike a pose from a very overly serious anime and chant "system open!!!" … *crickets buzzing* 

"Alright now I just feel cringe, *sigh* alright if I don't have a cheat then what the hell am I gonna do-" as I was about to say that, a transparent screen manifests itself in front of my face "whoa!!" 

I get startled and slip clean on my face "okay, fuck you!" 

[ welcome user to the multiverse group chat please say status to initiate the system functions ]

"Uhm, status?- whoa!" another transparent screen appears in front of my face however this one has different text's appealing on it



Name Seiji Aino 

Age: 17 

Race: human +

Physique: average +

Mentality: fragile … strong? +

Buff +:

Taming +

Mental fortitude +

Average +

Detriment +: 

Harem protag +

Animal lover +

World origin +


Skills +


Shop +


Quest + 


Whilst looking at the first couple of words the screen wrote my face crunches and fear mares my expression "...no" I whisper feeling hopeless and dead inside

"No … no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! FUCK NO I AM NOT SEIJI FUCKING AINO!!!" I scream at this point clearly already done with this fucker 

*breath in* "... okay lets think this through again, I'm Seiji Aino the protagonist of the anime Renai Boukun or love tyrant however the hell you say it, I from what I can tell from the vague memories that are now appearing after seeing that fucking name, have still not met guri or kissed either her or akane meaning I'm not currently immortal … I might just have a chance at escaping those fucking psychos"

I breathe in again for what feels like the hundredth time since waking up here and read the list further " okay system how the hell am I both weak and strong in my mentality ha?" 

[ the user may acquire more detail and explanation on curtain matters regarding the system if the user is to press the plus symbol next to the subject] 

"Right, cool I guess" I say still trying to properly calm down "


Mentality: fragile … strong? - as Seiji Aino you have a weak mentality and are a huge pushover however due to the mental and physical torture that you will experience as in line with the fate of this world you have a surprisingly strong will this in turn makes your mental fortitude significant, now while this is true you are still a pushover, the system just can't tell how your mentality is both fragile and strong.


"Well fuck me, Seiji you were a real piece of work hah? *sigh* whatever, lets get onto whatever the hell buffs and determinants are" I say as I press on the plus for both buffs and detriments


Buff: many would consider these as skills however they function differently on a fundamental scale, skills can be learnt or bought however buffs cannot be bought or learnt. They are innate talents that run constantly in the background that are unique to certain individuals, now whilst you cannot acquire them normally, one can achieve different buffs later on however it is incredibly hard to acquire said buff if not born with it 

Detriment: similarly to buffs a detriment cannot be bought or learnt you must be born with it or earn it, however most don't wish to do either as a detriment most of the time is some form of negative status affect and can lead the user to a bad situation 


"... system is it normal to have this many buffs or detriments?" I ask the system as there is no way in hell if these things are considered hard to get and yet I have three each

[ no, your existence as a transmigrator means that you have the qualities of both your own soul and the soul of the body you inhibit making it so that you have every detriment or buff they had song with you own meaning you have twice the amount a normal person would have] 

"Alright well why the fuck do I have taming as a buff I don't remember having the ability to tame a magic animal in my past life, hell I didn't even interact with animals in my past, and there's no way in hell this bitch Seiji had this buff"

[ most people go through their lives not knowing or using their buffs as to effectively use it you have to no what it is, you did have the taming buff in your past life however you never knew you did and never tried to befriend animals so your talent was mostly unused] 

"Right, got it *sigh* lets check out the specifics first before I start bitching"


Taming: you as an individual have an immense talent in both forging bonds and becoming allies with beasts, this allows for you to tame and bring into battle, tamed or summoned beasts. Additionally your base line relationship with wild untamed animals will be far better than most people allowing for most aggressive beasts to ignore or pass you by whereas they would normally have tried to attack you

Mental fortitude: due to your strange mentality the system grants you the ability to be resistant to most forms of trauma or mental stress and grant the user some form of mental barriers against psychological attacks such as hypnosis or mind control or mind reading

Average: as an individual your existence in the world is very minimal, this means that you are harder to spot in a crowd and are easily forgettable to any who you have not made a lasting impact on or formed some kind of bond with {while many do not see this as a buff the ability allows the user to be very overt and hard to locate basically making the user forgettable or hard to recognise allowing the user to have a greater chance at stealth or undercover operations. additionally this skill does not affect animals/beasts as the Taming skill bypasses the Average existence of yours in regards to beasts} 


"Alright I wanna complain about the average thing but whatever if it helps it helps, now onto the detriments, I'm really not looking forward to this"


Harem protag: even if your an average as can be nobody from a school filled with beauties you somehow shine like a diamond, of course it's a counterfeit fake diamond but a diamond nonetheless and curtain women have taken notice = this skill makes it so that if the user forms any sort of bond with a women while acting in a dorky or shy way whilst doing something heroic or overly nice, it has a decent chance at making that girl fall in love with the user {whilst many see this as a buff not a detriment it has the debuff effect of making the user incredibly dense in regards to matters with love but only when it involves himself or someone in love with him not others}

Animal lover: due to your innate ability to forge bonds with animals you have a deeper love and affection for all fauna, this however can get out of control as when you see any form of harm done to a innocent of defenceless beast then you will experience an unimaginable amount of rage and may have the chance of artificially and temporarily becoming a berserker increasing strength however the user will lose all rationality unless something or someone with a bond strong enough to the user tries to stop them

World origin: due to your existence as a protagonist you hold the power of a worlds origin and as such if you are to die that world dies with you unless the will of the world decides to swap your position to someone else. Of course this means you hold significant responsibility in your home world in which means that you aren't allowed to step off the chosen path of fate, any attempt to do so will end with you right back on the chosen path or with you taking a heavy punishment if you somehow manage to escape the path all together 


"... my one hope, using the average buff to hopefully escape the sights of akane or guri, … gone, fucking gone because of this dick munchers fucking protag status, fuck you Seiji!"

*sigh* "and now you're telling me that if I die this world just ends? Caput, that's it, done. Fuck me how am I supposed to stay alive with the shit Seiji goes through, especially after I'm hoping to not get with guri or akane meaning I wont be immortal, this is so bullshit" 

"Whatever lets just get to the best [art which is the skills" I say with hope in my voice that somehow my skills will make up for the curse that is my detriments



Taming bond: by successfully taming a beast you are able to communicate through mental signals, whilst it isn't outright speech or telepathy it does allow vague or basic feelings or intentions to be sent through to each other, this allows for better communication between the tamer and the beast

Devine affection: due to who you are and the fate your character holds in regards to having a relationship with a divine being, divine beings have natural fondness for you, and those of divine origin who would usually be entirely resistant to the Harem Protag detriment are now absolutely affected by it 

Natures fondness: due to your bond with fauna, flora also has a connection to you and holds a fondness for you as your love for beasts are clear to it, as such when in the wild or woodland area's your ability to track, survive, hunt, and other related skills are enhanced to unrealistic levels {natures fondness and divine affection may lead to unsavoury interactions with the conscience of the earth, Gaia. the user is reminded to be very careful around said being as they can be very … dangerous when in regards to those they care for}


"... I'm done, I'm so fucking done, everything here but taming bond leads to me still becoming some kind of harem protag, the divine affection thing in particular means guri will one hundred percent have a raging lady boner for me, and hell to the fucking no, I am not getting a fucking yandere planet coming for me"

"whatever *sigh* no point in being pist, you can't change it, lets just check out the shop and quest function" 



1 random common loot box: 10P - 10 random common loot box: 100P + guaranteed uncommon pull 

1 random uncommon loot box: 1000P - 10 random uncommon loot box: 10000P + guaranteed rare pull

1 random rare loot box: 100000P - 10 random rare loot box: 1000000P

1 random legend loot box:10000000P - 10 random legend loot box: 100000000P

1 random mythic loot box: 1000000000 - 10 random mythic loot box: 10000000000

1 random divine loot box: 100000000000 - 10 random divine loot box: 1000000000000



Solo: a quest that is very simple and short which also means that lesser rewards are given based on the person who participates 

Duo: a quest where two users participate and greater than average rewards are given however as such the danger levels of the mission also increases 

Tri: a quest where three users participate and amazing rewards are given however as such the danger levels of the mission also increases, making it impossible for any user to complete the mission alone teamwork between every play will be NEEDED to complete this mission 

Squad: a quest where four users participate and spectacular rewards are given however as such the danger levels of the mission are near the level of being unbeatable and any who participate will have to fight tooth and nail just to complete the mission

Quintet: a quest where five users are to participate and spectacular rewards are given however as such the danger levels of the mission are near impossible and any who participate will have to fight tooth and nail just to complete the mission

Event: a quest in which every member of the chat is required to participate or heavy punishment will be given, this mission is normally considered impossible to do without all members participating and due to the severity of the danger this quest the rewards will be incomparable to other mission rewards, additionally during said quest the world will of the world your doing your mission on will provide assistance during the duration of the quest.

World will requests: the will of the world you inhabit needs to keep the fate of their story relatively on lock or else they start to lose segments of their origin which may lead to their death and the destruction of your world, as such the world will may send missions to you with rewards so that you may fix issues in their story or anomalies that the enemy has sent, you may decline said requests however the more you accept the better your world will may see you and your treatment may increase 


"What the hell are those prices!?!" I say after looking at the fucking impossible prices at the shop "and what the hell is the descriptions for the quests, how the hell am I gonna survive even in solo missions when I don't have any combat skills, what am I gonna do use my stupid protag skills to flirt with the enemy" 

*sigh* "whatever … wait a minute if this is the multiverse group chat where the hell is the group chat section"

[ confirmed that the user has gone over every basic function of the system, the user will now be allowed access to the group chat functions after synchronisation with your world will's character has been achieved] 

"Oh you best not be telling me I'm about to change and become like Seiji you sunofa-" but I didn't get to finish that as My head started to hurt like a motherfucker "ahhhh! You little piece of-" and then I blacked out 

(20 minutes later)

"Uhhhh~" I groan as I start to wake up "uhh, what the heck … oh no I-I-I I became like Seiji all his memories, his personality … I got them all, I'm bloody doomed" I say with tears coming from my eyes

[welcome users to the multiverse group chat the system hopes that you all get along and enjoy the adventure] 

"Well, may as well introduce myself … I totally wouldn't do that first, Seiji is really starting to get to me, well I guess I am Seiji now so I can't really talk shit about him, I am him *sigh* whatever"


[victim of obsessive jealousy] : how's it going? 

[mechanoid of sacred white] : hello! 🙂

[silent beauty of anxiety] : … hi 

[virtue of purest love] : greetings strangers

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : sup 


After that no one said or typed a word for like 5 minutes 


[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : alright this is taking too long, do any of you actually believe in this shit?

[victim of obsessive jealousy] : kinda hard not to when you know … there's a transparent screen in front of me

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : is that sarcasm I hear, huh? 😡

[victim of obsessive jealousy] : … no

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : that's what I thought

[virtue of purest love] : must you be so rude to them, your being rather mean

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : suck it up princess, I'm trying to find out why during my patrol I find some random screen in my face mid jump

[mechanoid of sacred white] : true but I don't think getting angry at any of us will solve the problem

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : you wanna go?

[victim of obsessive jealousy] : I think we should stop fighting, I mean I asked and the screen told me what I wanted to know why don't you just ask it?

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : you can do that? …

(after the others went and asked all their questions)

[victim of obsessive jealousy] : well if you're all done why don't we introduce ourselves my names Seiji Aino, I'm a highschooler 

[mechanoid of sacred white] : my names Kenshi Misaki nice to meet all of you, even if I can't see any of you

[virtue of purest love] : hello, my names Anna Nishikinomiya the president of Tokioka Academy's student council

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : the names Miruko professional pro hero rank number 5 in the Japanese hero leader board 

[silent beauty of anxiety] : … hi 

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : we're gonna need more than that kiddo

[silent beauty of anxiety] : … Komi Shouko

[rampaging rabbit of moon light] : right … so what do we do now?

[for introducing yourselves and getting to know each other you will al receive a free common loot box] 


"Oh neat, well no time like the present let's hope I get something good" 

[congratulations! You have won {iron skin} for more information check the skill tab] 

"Alright could have just told me about it but whatever"


Iron Skin: allows for the user to strengthen their own skin to the level of being near the same durability as iron, additionally any form of bladed weapon does 90% less damage to the user, however this is a passive skill as such you will always have durable skin until the user loses this skill 


 "Hey that's pretty good, oh?" I check the digital clock on my desk "welp it's getting late I have to get to bed and all this … whatever is getting to my head I need a break"

I close the chat and walk over t my bed and flop onto it *sigh* "where the hell am I supposed to go from here" I say as I stair at the roof " that's a problem for future me, current me is going to bed, night night I guess" 


Okay so relatively small but info heavy chapter, it wasn't meant to be the greatest, it was just meant to be a start to the story and I didn't want to spend all day writing just to have the intro so it was rushed and sloppy but it got the job done so yeah. 

Anyway for the characters chosen, I wanted to find anime or characters that don't get as much or any spotlight in these system fanfics so I went for underrated or unpopular anime characters to make it more original and more interesting then the 200th fanfic about DxD or Naruto or dc, etc. And I know what some of you will say "what do you mean, Mirko and Komi san aren't underrated" and your right but they nearly never show up in these types of fanfics unless they're the love interest which in my story the they're not so sorry all you fans out there that wanted them to be but yeah no, they're whole purpose is to be actually characters that have a purpose other than "oh tits and ass hell yeah!". anyway the coming chapters will be better quality and be longer so hope you look forward to it and see yah buds 

next chapter
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