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15.38% Lord of the Seas (rewrite) / Chapter 4: Ch 4: The Unexpected

Chương 4: Ch 4: The Unexpected

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

I then nestle myself next to the small membrane tree after shrinking myself to not crush it with my size and slowly fall into a dreamless yet comforting sleep.

'well, that was a great nap as usual though I have only really had three but that's not the point, It's time we get back to hunting to go see what's new in the crag field as I remember in the game it was incredibly empty'.

I then use my echolocation and electrolocation to see if there is anything nearby seeing that there isn't I quickly swim out of the cave and size myself back up to my regular size.

But before I leave I look over this cave to remember where it is at as I will probably make it my home later as the membrain tree was comforting to sleep next to.

'okay let's get going it's time to see if I can find anything new though from the game it was just Bonesharks and the occasional reefback swimming by higher up to the surface'.

'though I have seen a lot of new things so let's try not to get my hopes up but we have to expect nothing really'. I then quickly dart through the water pulling back my fins and using my propulsion tubes to rocket through the water to quickly make it into the crag fields.

'Usually, when I say the game doesn't do a biome justice it's because it's more beautiful looking but this biome actually looks worse, which is kind of sad actually'. 

I then start swimming around the bottom of the crag fields looking for anything new but nothing is visually showing and my echolocation isn't showing much either.

'let's try my electrolocation maybe I can find something that was since this place is visible barren besides Bonesharks'. I then send out a low current of electricity through the water and sense something big surrounding me.

'I would ask if my thing is faulty but I'm not trying to question my life'. I then rocket straight up and see that something is trying to follow me as it looks like a Giant snake-like leviathan covered in giant rock spires over its entire body.

'what in God's name is that, How is it so huge and able to swim with that much extra weight on its back'. I then see that the leviathan quickly loses speed as it falls back towards the ocean floor showing that it is more of an ambush hunter or will stalk you if you stay too close to the floor.

'That guy is definitely about 100 meters long and he has no visible fins so I should be able to deal with him pretty easily though I can't use my EMP as the formations on his back are probably too good of an insulator for it to go through'.

'so we are going with the good old method of constant bombardment and tiring this big guy out until he just can't move anymore'. I then quickly rocket down the still-falling leviathan.

As I get next to the leviathan my fins start to heat up so I get under him and use my dorsal fin to cut his stomach which kind of works but his scales are incredibly tough as well as the slight rock layer under him.

'well this is going to be a pain, actually, why don't I try something new'. I then quickly get in front of the leviathan and as it sees me it opens its mouth as it does I shrink myself to the size of a peeper and swim into his mouth.

'let's see how well this works'. I then swim down the big guy's esophagus and then enlarge myself causing it to be filled with my spines as well as it being a tight fit for me I start quickly biting through his internals dealing as much damage as I think possible.

'I'm not going to lie this feels kind of cruel but it's definitely effective which is making me question if I should do this tactic in the future with other animals'.

while I have a slight internal battle I continue to shred through the innards of the leviathan and completely destroy his esophagus and eventually making it to his heart making me quickly eat that then his gills.

'yeah, I'm definitely doing this again in the future it's just too effective not to'. I then finish tearing through the leviathan internals leaving his insides completely barren besides his bones.

[DNA Absorption]

Pitfall leviathan DNA

Mutations Gained: Silent Hunter and Thermal Eyes

As I swim out of the Pitfall leviathan my eyes start to burn slightly as I can now see the change in temperature around me with eyes letting me several other similar leviathans that are smaller than the one I just ate as well as some of the heat radiating off the passing Hoopfish.

'well, that's amazingly affecting though I'm guessing my silent hunter one is just letting me move without a hint of sound which isn't the most useful underwater but can be in the future'.

'Though I'm kind of assuming that was the only note-worthy thing here as I don't sense anything else around so let's see what else I can find before I just swim where the aurora is going to crash in the future'.

I then start to quickly move around the crag fields not seeing anything new but am now realizing why nothing big lives here besides pitfall leviathans as they will eat anything that they can even reapers and reefbacks if they come too low.

'it really makes sense why everything is so barren here now, though it's time to leave. though this map is amazing but I really need to finish it as my inner completionist will be mad otherwise so let's get a move on'. 

I then quickly swim out of the crag fields into the crash site of the aurora in the future seeing that this area is a biome that is completely different from the games and the others displayed as it's filled with life.

'wow, it's gorgeous though It sucks it will later be demolished by the aurora though I can probably change that if I cure the kharaa first which honestly shouldn't be too hard I just need to go meet the sea empress and I'm done as the ingredients for here kids also won't be hard to get'.

'though for now let's see what's in this biome while it's still teeming with life'. I then quickly dart through the forest making myself my original size when I first got here so I won't frighten anything immediately.

'This place is actually kind of calm which is nice'. I then move lower to the ocean floor and as I do I quickly dodge a blast of sand and see it looking at me like I'm the biggest dunce it's ever seen.

'well, you are annoying'. I then quickly make myself the size I usually am the dart towards the leviathan that blasted sand at me but before I can reach it he burrows underground.

though thanks to my new thermal vision and my crescent-shaped pupils I can see the movement in the sand as well as his body heat as he moves around I then quickly propel myself forward and dive where his at in the sand and bite into the back of his head killing the new leviathan.

[DNA Absorption]

Sharpshooter leviathan DNA

Mutations Gained: sand pouch and re-breather

as I start tearing into the leviathan and eating every bit I can. I start to feel my neck sag slightly as a pouch grows in letting me store sand in it and expel it as fast as 500mph letting me cut through just about anything.

I also feel my gills adjust slightly letting me breathe in the air I just expelled letting me breathe if I burrow into anything without having to worry about suffaction.

'well, this is a great haul though I do want to test my new ability to blast things with sand and see how fast I can kill it, though I also don't want to obliterate anything smaller than me when I use it'.

'though for now, I need to fill it up so it's time to act like a 3-year-old and ingest all the sand I can'. I then swim to the bottom of the sea floor and start guzzling sand like I was just given free rein to act like I was a toddler.

'well now my pouch is full though it also feels kind of strange, also something I never thought I was going to say is that sand doesn't actually taste bad though I guess it's because I can use the mutation without being disgusted'.

'Now it's time to find a test subject and hope I can do this properly on the first try without sanding my teeth off even though they will regrow'. I then start swimming around the mixture of the safe shallows and grassy plateaus looking for anything new.

'there you are something new'. I then quickly swim into the giant coral tube and blast the purple and obsidian-colored fish in the head with my sandblast quickly cutting it off and leaving now of it behind.

'just as expected honestly but now it's time to eat and see what I can get from this guy'. I then rush forward and start eating the purple fish in two quick bites.

[DNA Absorption]

Luminescent Lurker DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'well that kind of sucks though it's kind of expected as he visionally didn't have anything to gain as his exoskeleton looked thick it is already tougher thanks to constant evolution pretty much'.

'he did taste pretty good though. Now let's finish exploring this biome and see what else I can find but first I have to go eat that gasopod.

I then rocket forward and quickly eat the gasopod In one bite before it can release its algae sacs though they do end up bursting in my stomach but leave me unaffected due to my other title.

[DNA Absorption]

Gasopod DNA

Mutations Gained: filtration system and Algae gland

I start to feel my gills burn as an extra protective layer grows on top of them letting me breathe in poisonous and acidic water without being affected negatively.

While I also feel a small gland grow in my mouth letting me secrete a poisonous and acidic bite worse than the one I already as well as a couple of holes around my fins letting me put a light coating that will last for about 3 seconds on them.

'well, that's quite the amazing gain as I can now swim through the lost river more easily without worrying about the poison down there or the acid in the river getting into my lungs somehow'.

'though what's even better is that I can coat my teeth and my fins in the same stuff though thankful unlike the gasopod it will be in a more concentrated form letting it do more if I cut something with my fins and it gets into something system'.

'Now where to go from here after I finish exploring this place I don't know if I want to go mushroom forest or go to the dunes and do mass fighting against Reaper'.

'I will just decide later but for now, let's see what we can find and eat because as much as I love how this place looks I have no idea what year it is and I don't want the aurora to crash on me'.

I then start to quickly survey the biome looking for anything new to eat and then get out of here like my gym bro is about to get here and I shouldn't be eating ice cream.

'well this sucks sadly nothing new but to be expected honestly as a biome can only hold so many species at a time without being overfilled and causing a collapse'.

'the kharaa bacterium doesn't help much either sadly as a lot of species went extinct but nature will be like nature though it is more of the precursor's fault'.

'Okay, I'm getting sidetracked let's head over to the mushroom forest so I can then go raid the bulb zone'. I then quickly dart out of the future crash zone.

as I get close to the mushroom forest I pull my fins back out to slow down and already see a new leviathan before I even enter though It looks docile.

'well that was quick, that was really quick I wasn't expecting to see a new leviathan before I even entered the biome it looks kinda of like a whale which is nice'.

I then swim into the mushroom forest and admire the surroundings around me to try and see even the smallest detail to see what I should expect. 'beautiful just like everywhere else and seeing the jellyrays happily swimming around is quite relaxing'.

'I also kind of want to live here as well now though it would be better if I only chose one so when I leave then come back I won't wish I just chose the other place'.

'But who could really blame me if I did both'. as I have my crazy internal conversation I roam around the mushroom forest making sure that I don't hurt any of the jellyrays but not caring if I hit a Boneshark.

'this place is so unneededly beautiful though I feel like I should eat at least eat at least one jellyray before I leave because I remember from the game they had poisonous flesh and that could be quite useful'.

'screw it at least it's only one'. I then rush forward and quickly eat a jellyray making sure it doesn't go through any pain first as I bite into where its brain would be and then quickly swallow it.

[DNA Absorption]

Jellyray DNA

Mutations Gained: poisonous blood

as I contemplate if it is worth eating the jellyray my body starts to tingle as my body starts to become a poisonous bundle of meat letting me kill just about anything if they bite into me as the algae from the gasopod is the poison circling through my blood instead of the jellyrays.

'well it already seems somewhat worth it as the gasopods algae is more poisonous than anything else so this would work better making me poisonous to the point if they even lick my blood it might be an insta-kill'.

'but now let's go see the big whale guy as he's been following me but hasn't attacked me so time to talk to him with echolocation'. I then swim up to the giant whale above the mushroom forest and send him a couple of clicks saying I'm not here to hurt him.

{A/N I'm going to use echolocation for as if they are talking so It's easier for me and you guys. }

"If you aren't here to hurt me then please leave I would rather not deal with a new leviathan in my territory," The giant whale says with mild annoyance and clear tiredness in its voice.

"I will be leaving shortly I was just here to see the place I didn't know it was your territory so I do apologize for trespassing but would you be kind enough to let me sleep here before I leave" I say back to the whale with both respect and mild insistence.

"You can stay for the night but please don't make me regret my choice I already have enough problems to deal with besides a new leviathan," The whale says to me with a very tired voice and a slightly zoned-out look.

"thank you for letting me stay I will remember your kindness and will stay out of your territory from this point on unless given permission or emergency," I say to the whale with thankfulness and respect.

"Before you leave tomorrow I would like to talk again as I have yet to meet someone of your species and maybe discuss some terms of you coming through my territory in the future, But for now go sleep," The whale says with mild curiosity.

"I will happily discuss with you in the future I will see you tomorrow when I wake up and thank you again for letting me stay," I say with acceptance to his request then swim down to a crevice in the mushroom forest to sleep in.

'Finally, someone I can talk to though using echolocation like that is a little strange it's incredibly useful, but for now, it's time to go to bed and then discuss with the big man tomorrow'. as I nestle myself into the dirt and watch Holefish swim by with no regard that I could easily eat them.


{A/N Well I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter it was supposed to be done a couple of hours ago but I had to babysit my sister so my mom and stepdad could go on a date. 

But besides that, I hope you guys enjoyed the first interaction as it would be possible as whales do have high amounts of intelligence and communicate through clicks, and since life on 4546B is so much bigger and has shown high amounts of intelligence like sea empress I liked the idea of our MC finally communicating.

Also, I know some of you guys were probably hoping the MC would just kill the whale leviathan and see what he gets but I don't want him to mindlessly kill innocent animals especially when the whale showed intelligence as well as the MC being reluctance to kill a jellyray as of how pretty they are.

also, nightsking18 I did read all of your comments but you made so many that I'm not responding to all of them as that's annoying. But you did bring up some points I was thinking of when you commented on them.

But besides all of this I hope you guys enjoyed and I will put the usual below


Species: devouring leviathan

Titles: Devouring Leviathan and Giant Slayer

Length: 30m (98ft)

DNA Assimilated: 27




1: Help The Sea Empress

2: Become Leviathan Class

3: Explore


1: Added system function

2: unique mutation

3: ?

[King of Bones]


1: Become the ruler of the Floating Islands


1: random mutation

[King of the Forest]


1: Become the ruler of the Kelp Forests


1: random mutation

[King of the Grasslands]


1: Become the ruler of the Grassy Platues


1: random mutation

next chapter
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