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31.46% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 45: The end is near (October-December, 1911

Chương 45: The end is near (October-December, 1911

Russosphere: Persia]

November 2, the situation in Persia begins to become a breeding ground for regional and international problems.

The consul-general of Russia in the Qajar dynasty, Ivan Pokhitonov, met with Malek Mansur Mirza, younger brother of the Shah. Pokhitonov and Malek Mansur Mirza secretly discussed future Russian-Persian plans against the Imperial Federation and other enemies of both countries.

The British and other European economic-political assets in the country (mainly some Swedish and German assets) had to be taken care of, as well as the defense of Persia from foreign attack.

The western border of Persia was covered by other members of the Russosphere and in the north of Persia was Russia itself, so there were only two flanks to worry about.

The east, where the British Raj was, and the south, where the Persian Gulf and the ocean were (where enemy navies could attack).

Even within Persia it was not so safe, considering that southern Persia was the area of influence of the Imperial Federation in the Qajar dynasty.

Russia had certain modern units in Persia and the bulk of the Persian army being loyal to the central government. In addition, thanks to the Russosphere and Russia itself, Persia could receive logistical, economic and military support to sustain fronts or push in the balance of war.

But first one had to deal with the internal division of spheres of influence in Persia.

Russia was already using Persia to feed Indian rebels and the Persian government was leaning toward Russia, but there was still work to do.

This is why Malek Mansur Mirza would work to nationalize enemy assets and attack Persian institutions or individuals deeply influenced by the British.

A dangerous mission, offices like finances and parts of the court were strongly in the Anglo-Saxon field and the balance within Persia was fragile ...


[Baltic militarization and the imperial navy]

Between October 19 and 20, the Grand Duchy of Finland (Russian Empire) under the leadership of Governor-General Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim completes the militarization of the Russian Baltic, including within this procedure the Åland Islands.

We are talking about a practically unilateral movement of the Russian Empire (logically, since no other country bordering the Baltic except Denmark would have allowed such a process), which immediately alerted the Imperial Federation and its allies in the Scandinavian region (Sweden and Norway).

The militarization of the Russian Baltic meant a serious threat to various positions in other nearby countries, especially in the aforementioned Scandinavia and northeastern Germany (an ally of the Imperial Federation).

At the same time it strengthened the position of the Russian Empire itself, especially the Baltic fleet. We speak of an almost immediate increase in the offensive and defensive capabilities of the Russian Empire.

In 1856, after the Crimean War, it had been accepted that Russia could NOT militarize the Åland Islands, this through a convention with France and the British Empire.

Obviously the Imperial Federation protested, the militarization simply had not gone unnoticed but the Russians continued unabated in this.

Now the People's Republic of France and the Second French Empire did nothing, in fact both countries had reasons to support Russia against the British.

With this tensions in the Baltic region, Scandinavia and Central Europe began to rise and rise.

There was no declaration of war, but everyone was watching how the situation was getting ... complicated.

Some understood that Russia was getting into a much more aggressive stance, violating old diplomatic-military conventions (it was not the first time, Russia did the same when rebuilding its Black Sea fleet) but on the other hand ... it was against the Imperial Federation and its allies.

Something that certain parts of Europe could support.

The difference is that now this also had an effect on Wilhel III's Germany, which was supporting the Imperial Federation's anti-Russian containment posture.

On the other hand, the government of the Russian Empire since 1910 grew increasingly anti-German and anti-British, for various reasons, including from personal opinions, to economic, diplomatic, strategic and geo-political reasons.

And what is worse, Germany and Russia shared a land border, which meant a large regional escalation (diplomatic tensions, population movements across the borders, etc).

As for the navy proper, the Grand Duchy of Finland was the first line of defense for a future conflict. The security of St. Petersburg depended on holding the line in the Baltic thanks to Finland and other Baltic positions.

Russia would have to fight the navies of Germany, Sweden, Norway and the Imperial Federation.

Russia was not a maritime power, but could hold 1v1 towards the Imperial Federation or Germany. Fortunately, Russia had a very good defense, they were a land power.

And Russia shared a border with Sweden, Norway and Germany.

Of course a war in mountainous Norway would be a real problem, but the Norwegian navy was no big deal.

In the case of Germany and Sweden on the other hand, the Russian high command planned that it would be "easy" to distract the armed forces of both countries. Sweden and Germany should focus on the land war against Russia, not the maritime war.

This mainly left Russia against the Imperial Federation, which was truly a problem ...


[Defense plans: China]

November 14, the General Staff of the Russian Empire (led by Tsar Alexander III and Premier Mikhail Skobelev) completes its planning for the war on the Sino-Russian front.

The ROC, led by Yuan Shikai, was certainly a very backward country compared to Russia, but it did not mean that Russia should underestimate China and its allies (who would offer logistical, military and economic support).

China was MASSIVE, both in terms of territory and demographics, aspects that could be problematic for any invasion and occupation force in the long term (which was likely to be a Sino-Russian front).

The Russian Empire could count on its own natural and demographic defenses (they were also massive demographically and geographically), as well as strategies to attack vital government points (focused on North China), but more was still needed than that.

Fortunately the Russian Empire had something that the ROC did not, and that was an extensive program of modernization and logistics to sustain the war. We speak of miles and miles of railways to transport men and supplies, modern weapons factories, mechanized units, etc.

Among other assets.

Fighting in Europe against Germany and other countries, and having to fight in Asia against China, would be problematic for several reasons, Russia could rely on its logistics system (the Trans-Siberian and other methods), but even so it is obvious that a war would involve hundreds of thousands or millions of individuals.

The question would be how long Russia and allies could force China to stalemate, or when to force China to surrender and accept the conditions of her enemies. Before China could become a problem (guerrilla warfare and the like).

But there was a lucky strategy up its sleeve, China's own instability, ethno-cultural conflicts (Russia taking advantage of the Bogd Lama with the intention of a separation of Inner Mongolia from China) and political (instability within the Chinese military and politics after the revolution of 1911).

Speaking of other defenses of the Russian Empire, fortunately the geography would make a Chinese counterattack difficult, due to the mountains (of Central Asia and the Tibetan plateau) and deserts (Xinjiang).

So Russia could pay particular attention to placing her defenses and military assets well in Mongolia and Manchuria to attack northern China.

It is true that China did not exactly have a very powerful navy, but even so the war between China and Russia would have its economic consequences and for certain positions of the Russian Empire, such as Port Arthur or Korea.

But this could be dealt with, especially if Russia could finally bring Japan to war (or keep them neutral, which was good too).

Attacking Chinese ports and enemy ships could be straightforward, especially thanks to Russian dominance over the Korean peninsula and the Pacific fleet.


[Persian crisis]

November 22, the troubles in Persia become another focus of trouble between the Russian Empire and the Imperial Federation (and their allies).

Malek Mansur Mirza had had some successes in eliminating national problems (in particular possible rebels against the central government of the Qajar dynasty and members of the Anglophile government) and seizing foreign assets (taking control of certain economic assets in enemy hands).

But obviously such actions, even if they are carried out by the absolute monarch's younger brother, do not go unnoticed by foreign eyes.

After various financial institutions (where the Imperial Federation and its allies had assets) began to 'falter' as a result of fighting between anti-British and pro-British elements, there was a political upheaval in the region.

The Imperial Federation and its diplomatic services lobbied for a central government measure against the actions carried out by Malek Mansur Mirza, with the intention of recovering the lost assets.

Parts of the court and financial institutions were in favor, but the Shah refused and held firm to the actions carried out by his younger brother. Which obviously infuriated the British delegates and their associates.

So Russia stepped in to support the central government's decision, which obviously only did more to complicate Anglo-Russian relations.

Instead of both powers staying on the sidelines, things only got more complex. Elements of the central government and Persian society continued to attack Anglo-Saxon assets and influence in the Qajar dynasty.

Given this, on December 9, 1911, the Imperial Federation sent an ultimatum to the Persian government to repair the situation.

The Russian Empire promptly set out to back Persia, while the time until the ultimatum expired passed, obviously generating all the problems associated with the possibility of the spread of world conflict to new fronts.

War is not declared in 1911, but it is dangerously close.

Who is responsible for the Persian Crisis? This is unimportant by itself, there were already reasons for the Imperial Federation and Germany together with their allies to enter a war with Russia.

Persia was just another player who was used as an excuse.

Both the Anglo-Saxons and the Russians had aggressive policies aimed at the inevitable conflict, which goes back generations (some point to the Crimean War as the root of the Alexandrian renewal and therefore the conflict).



December 2, in Siam King Vajiravudh (Rama VI) is officially crowned in the city of Bangkok, this event would not change much by itself, but with this came certain necessary reforms for Thailand ...

Siam is between German Indochina and the British Raj (Imperial Federation), also with the Republic of China nearby (the 1911 revolution awakened certain revolutionaries in Siam).

So concentration and a capable government were obviously needed to deal with this.

King Rama VI needed ... to cut expenses, he was fond of palaces, dramatic production and mindless socialization, something not very pragmatic and dangerous for the country.

Siam's economic debt to Russia was increasing, good for Russia to be sure, but still Russia had to ensure Siam's readiness to deal with the enemies of the Russian Empire (the Imperial Federation and Germany).

Wild Tiger Corps, the Cossacks and other regiments were full of commoners, that was not bad in itself, the bad thing was bad training-organization, corruption (the king favoring some individuals) and the king using these bodies as a social club.

Rama VI was sowing discord within his own country by angering radicals, the army and the civil service.

Soon Russia intervened, accelerating the modernization of the army (giving organization, stability and supporting local industry to feed the army) and the integration of the nobility with the ideas of the state (to avoid rebellions). In effect, putting Rama VI at bay on numerous issues.

This would calm the civil service and the army on numerous issues, purging the radicals would be easy shortly thereafter.

Speaking of war proper, Siam was in a difficult position because it was between two enemy colonies, German Indochina and the British Raj of the Imperial Federation.

The geography and modernization of Siam could help, in addition to the fact that German Indochina was not the most stable colony in the world ...

But it was clear that even so the war would not be easy, there were positions that had to be defended at all costs (the construction of the Thai Canal, the capital, important industrial centers, etc.) and other regions where a guerrilla war should be used.


[Russian Defense: Russosphere]

The Russian Empire was huge, its defense forces included both quality and quantity (millions of population, a huge country with many resources, infrastructure, etc).

But what about the rest of the countries and colonies?

We can definitely say that the situation of the Russosphere and the colonial empire was a mixed situation, they were a heavy weight for the war but even so there are several factors to take into account.

Due to various situations, several protectorates and colonies of the Russian Empire had prepared for a guerrilla war, while others were aligned to a more direct conflict.

* Colonies such as Kameroon, Somaliland, Katanga and Namibia had militias with modern equipment but their geography made the situation difficult for a possible war. In addition, its demographic density and population did not help much.

* Sagallo was too small to have a considerable force, but as one of the main ports it had a remarkable defense.

Near Sagallo for defense were not only the Russian forces themselves, there was also the Ethiopian Empire. While Ethiopia had taken a hit from the troubles of Emperor Menelik II, the army and infrastructure was modern.

So they would be a vital ally in the war.

* Madagaskar and Keniya had notable defenses and forces, less militia and guerrillas than the rest of the colonies.

Keniya in particular was in a good position for a much more direct defense against possible invading forces, so a small arms industry was soon created.

Madagaskar was an island, which could be both advantageous and disadvantageous for various reasons in a war, since the enemy was the Royal Navy. But even so geography and local forces were more balanced in favor of Russia.

* Hungary and Slovakia were turned into "fortresses", in the event of a war against the Imperial Federation and Germany, both countries were vital for the defense of portions of the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

We are talking about lines and lines of defense to prevent the territories from falling into enemy hands. The Hungarian-Slovak war machine was fueled by Russian industry and a small national industry.

In case the countries fell in the face of an enemy advance, there were counter-measures for the destruction of infrastructure that would make things easier for the invader (bridges, railways, certain factories, etc).

(OOC: I write this rather quick sorry).




October 1, the Mexican Revolutionary Council adopts the Constitution of Mexico (indicating that they are the only 'legitimate' Mexico), establishing preparation for elections and other characteristics of Mexico.

In the first place, we talked about the creation of the Free Republic of Mexico, the creation of a National Parliament, the division of powers, and the position of the President as the country's leader.

Along with these interesting details, the measures of revolutionary ideals such as agrarian reform and the democratic election system are readily established.

Not only this, promises are also made for the autonomy of Native American areas (such as the majority Mayan regions of the Yucatan Peninsula).

The elections are announced shortly, the main candidate turns out to be Francisco 'Pancho' Villa, accompanied by Felipe Carrillo Puerto.

Some wanted Emilio Madero to participate, but Francisco I. Madero's younger brother chose to remain in the army and out of politics, even supporting Villa and Puerto.

Currently in these first elections, called 'the freest elections in Mexico', we see the radicalization towards the left with the emergence of politicians such as Francisco José Múgica, Lázaro Cardenas and Álvaro Obregón.


October 2, the Royal Navy of the Imperial Federation initiates several attacks against the French Morocco of the Second French Empire.

This is normal, both countries are in a war, but in the middle of this it is obvious that tensions are rising between the Imperial Federation and European countries close to the British mobilization.

More specifically Iberia and the People's Republic of France.

October 4, the first (viable) escalator starts operating in London, Imperial Federation.

The Republic of China begins to put into operation the first railway from Guangzhou (Canton), which leads to Hong Kong (a colony of the Imperial Federation, allied with China).

October 5, two Austrian anarchists launch an assassination attempt against Emperor Wilhelm III of Germany, but fail.

As a result, the Berlin government launches brutal repressions in the Austrian region thanks to the army and the police ...

Violence works, until it no longer does. The situation in Austria and other parts of the German Empire is breaking down, the dam only needs a few more pushes to explode.

October 13, several American gunships are sunk and at least one company of United States Marines is captured by the Republic of China.

Due to the revolution and China's entry into the New Great War, several American assets in China were nationalized and several Americans were caught off guard.

This intensifies the Sino-American conflict, and causes certain problems for the Washington bloc. The South China Sea and parts of the Pacific are heavily in the hands of the Berlin-London axis.

Members of the Imperial Japanese Navy initiate movements within the Japanese government for the possibility of another Japanese intervention in China.

This is partly because of the support of the Russian Empire and by men like Prince Yin-chang, a former minister of war in the Qing dynasty.

October 15, 500 Zapatistas (former followers of the late Emiliano Zapata) form an independent guerrilla body within the United Mexican States, led by Victoriano Huerta with US support.

The guerrillas as an independent group, are dedicated to annoying collaborators and Americans through terrorism.

October 16, President William J. Bryan travels on a railroad near Gaviota, California on a journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

But during this trip, 39 sticks of dynamite go off when the president's train is on its way. A terrorist attack of unknown origin ...

President Bryan survives, but this attack leaves consequences that weaken the president in the future, which has consequences in 1912 ...

(OOC: This happened OTL, but with Taft and dynamite it was discovered before something happened).

October 17, Canada succeeds in defending itself against a new attack from the United States of America.

After this the battles on the New England border with Canada began to turn in favor of the Canadians.

Several populations of nearby American settlements are forced to move due to the serious threat of a Canadian invasion and the British attack on nearby ports.

October 21, US supplies sent to their Latin American allies are captured by the Imperial Federation.

We are talking about supplies worth 15 million dollars, and it is not the last time that happens. Seriously damaging the logistics in the New Great War.

Passing supplies overland in Latin America is difficult due to the mountains and jungles, the Darien miracle is difficult to repeat. And the sea is not safe because of the successes of the Royal Navy and the Imperial German Navy.

October 23, the social aristocrat Winston Churchill becomes First Lord of the Admiralty of the Imperial Federation navy.

In part Churchill is the one who supports the expansionist and aggressive policy of the Imperial Federation and its navy against Russia, the United States and others.

Many of Churchill's operations and measures would be called "Unthinkable" because of their scope, requirements, and so on. And generally because some thought that Churchill was a little ... sick in the head.

October 25, several assassinations of important officials take place in southern China, the result of post-revolutionary chaos.

October 28, Pope Pius X (James Gibbons) expands the number of Catholic cardinals in the United States, from 1 (Gibbons' replacement) to 4.

November 1, the USS Oregon of the United States Pacific Fleet is sunk in the New Great War, accompanied by two submarines and some other ships.

Most of the Pacific fleet suffers severe damage during the New Great War (and we talked about this because the majority of the fleet was 22 ships and the 2 aforementioned submarines).

November 8, various problems occur in China, local legislatures such as Inner Mongolia try certain movements to achieve independence from the Republic of China, or cause a change of government (opposed to Yuan Shikai).

November 10, various problems occur in Nanjing, China, we talk about massacres, rapes and looting. This due to the fights and reprisals between the government of the republic and the old loyalists to the Qing dynasty.

Manchues and 'Tartars', against the Han Chinese and other followers of the new government.

November 12, William J. Bryan returns to the Executive Mansion after several days away (tours that included the terrorist attack in Gaviota, California).

November 16, in the midst of the Great Depression and the New Great War, the American Tobacco Company manages to survive thanks to the weak government policy against monopolies.

And we are talking about an exaggerated monopoly, for decades the American Tobacco Company would dominate 92% of the tobacco market in the United States.

An earthquake shakes Switzerland and southwestern Germany.

November 19, under the British-German occupation of Hispaniola there are several massacres and murders against civilians and members of the pro-American administration of the island.

November 20, the Texas Rangers of Texas, United States, are sent to the United Mexican States to reinforce US control in the region and keep the Victoriano Huerta government safe.

November 22, after the British problems with Persia, Russian troops mobilized near Northern Persia (the Caucasus, the Caspian and Turkestan).

Soon after, similar movements of troops of the Qajar dynasty began in parts of the north, in the area of influence of the Russian Empire.

November 27, the Imperial Federation manages to unite 65 local leaders of the Rif (Morocco) to the cause against the Second French Empire.

This obviously causes certain problems in the region for the French, an indication of a really fragile order, danger for the French state in Africa and the Holy Land.

December 1, separatism in Inner Mongolia begins to gain more strength thanks to the efforts of the Bogd Lama and the current instability in the Republic of China.

December 2, King Albert Victor and the British imperial family (including Prince Edward, the king's nephew and practically adopted son) visit Bombay (Mumbai), British Raj.

With surprisingly few assassination attempts, Albert Victor is the first English monarch to visit India.

December 5, in a surprising event, Job Harriman (of the Socialist Party of America) wins a victory over candidate George Alexander.

Harriman becomes mayor of Los Angeles, the city's first socialist mayor.

December 9, British ultimatum against Persia continues to escalate the Persian Crisis, involving the Qajar dynasty, the Imperial Federation, the Russian Empire and others.

December 13th, the German Imperial Navy succeeds in building its first Super-Drednout with British help, which is a huge cost ... but the Germans like it, it "helps" the German Navy and helps the New Great War to continue.

December 17, Pope Pius X breaks a centuries-old tradition when he invites several people to enjoy breakfast with him (before this it was tradition for a Pope to enjoy all his meals alone).

December 18, Russia successfully continues to support rebel minorities in China and the British Raj, thanks to contacts and shipments of "mineral water" (weapons, supplies and the like) to rebels and other separatist groups.

Especially in Inner Mongolia, Punjab and Bengal.

December 22, the Royal Navy gains an impressive victory over the French navy of the Second Empire, beginning to threaten Suez from the north thanks to Cyprus and Greece (in addition to the Arab possessions of the British Empire).

The British couldn't be more excited, while the high command of the Second French Empire needs some help immediately.

Maritime warfare is a strong weakness of the Second French Empire, and now because of this they are within reach of a British amphibious assault. Although they can still win on the ground and keep Suez, but is difficult without much commerce to sustain logistic and economy (lack of comercial relationship with neighbours and now with problems at the sea).

December 24, the Persian government continues to dismantle British influence and British assets in the country.

December 26, although the elections are still missing, reforms begin in Mexico's textile industry, with reforms to reduce work hours and increase workers' wages.

Measures especially approved by the left, which is gaining strength in the country (against conservatism in the United Mexican States and to a certain extent the USA).

December 27, Jana Gana Mana is sung for the first time, an important song within the Indian political movements against British colonialism.

December 28, the first M1911 pistol, sidearm of the US Army is manufactured.

December 29, Gran Colombia succeeds in getting the Imperial Federation and Germany to recognize the annexation of Ecuador, so the Senate of Gran Colombia begins secret negotiations to abandon the New Great War (abandoning the US-Argentine side to return to neutrality) .

This in part marks the transition from the government of Rafael Uribe Uribe to the government of President Juan Vicente Gomez (a general who successfully fought for the annexation of Ecuador), which began in 1912.

next chapter
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