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45.45% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 65: Nicholas II: There is a lot of work to do (October-December, 1914).

Chương 65: Nicholas II: There is a lot of work to do (October-December, 1914).

Mongolia: Mongolian Social Democratic Labor Party]

The beginnings of Russian domination over Outer Mongolia and Inner Mongolia were produced by several factors, first of all the Russian army and the Russian economy.

To later make treaties with local leaders and finally with the Bogd Lama (one of the most important religious authorities for Mongolian Buddhists).

However, after the Sino-Russian front in the New Great War, important socio-political changes are experienced in Mongolia, accompanied by the results of various modernization policies in the Russian Empire.

An important adaptation and evolution in the region.

The Mongols of Inner Mongolia had generally been oriented towards China, not Russia, but now there must be a change in this after recent events.

Not only this, but we must also take into account the economic development in Outer Mongolia (generally oriented towards Russia), with the growth of infrastructure and other developments.

In this, the emergence of young Mongolian officers in Russian ranks plays an important role, since they become some of the first fruits of this adaptation and evolution (influenced not only by Mongol tendencies of the time, but also by Chinese tendencies and Russian).

Damdin Sükhbaatar influenced by Pyotr Efimovich Shchetinkin (born of a peasant family from Ryazan and military of the Russian army on the Sino-Russian front), would found the Mongolian Social Democratic Labor Party.

With this, Sükhbaatar intended to bring further modernization and secularism to the governorate of Mongolia and the 'independent' country of Inner Mongolia. Aligning with Russia and regional socialism.

Soon the MSDLP was joined by other Mongols and officers such as Khorloogiin Choibalsan, Dogsomyn Bodoo, Dansranbilegiin Dogsom, Darizavyn Losol, Soliin Danzan and Ajvaagiin Danzan (unrelated to the former).

Even gaining support within other Mongolian ethnic groups in Russia, such as the Buryat people (Rinchingiin Elbegdorj support for the MSDLP).

Although they initially went largely unnoticed, their importance within the Russian occupation of Chinese territories and their growth within Outer Mongolia made them stand out.

They soon became an asset of the Russian government within plans in Outer and Inner Mongolia, since they could serve as military men, administrators, spies, and aid in general.

But with this there had to be a bilateral deal, in exchange the Mongolian Social Democrats-Socialists had to receive certain positions and resources.

The Bogd Lama left them alone for the moment, but it was clear that the division between the old Mongol generation and the new Mongol generation was growing.

The Russian right was concerned about the growth of socialism and social democracy in regions where non-Russian populations formed an important part of the population.

While Iosif Stalin's RSDLP sought to absorb another regional party within the RSDLP, as they did in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Finland, and other parts of the Russian Empire.


[Death of Tsar Alexander III]

December 2, 1914, in Moscow, the Russian Empire, the end of an epoch arrives, the end of the Alexandrian Period of the Russian Empire arrives. At 9:20 am, Tsar Alexander III dies in his bed after having had severe health problems for the past four years (and in critical condition for the past few months).

The event hits hard across Russia and even internationally, with the announcement of the death of Europe's oldest monarch and the longest-ruling monarch in Russia (in 1914, Tsar Alexander III had a 48-year-old government, having surpassed Catherine II and Peter the Great).

The Imperatorskaya Gazeta (Императорская газета, Imperial Newspaper) and other national media announced the event as soon as possible.

Then the news reached the international media, while the necessary rites and preparations were soon carried out. The funeral of Tsar Alexander III and the coronation of Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov had to be held.

The army in St. Petersburg and Moscow held the agreed-upon events, which included artillery fire, marches, and other long-established traditions.

Several entire cities in the Russian Empire adorned the streets with imperial symbols and portraits of the late Tsar.

For the funeral, more than 300,000 Russians (along with several foreign officials) would appear to pay their respects and mourn the deceased, not counting officials, military and family members.

The burial site of Tsar Alexander III (Petropavloskii Sobor / Peter and Paul Cathedral) in Saint Petersburg was visited for the following months (and thereafter) by thousands of people.

More than just a particular event, this was a landmark, the end point to the Alexandrian period and much of what it represented. Since 1866, the Russian Empire had been ruled by Tsar Alexander III.

Throughout these almost 5 decades, the Russian Empire had seen important periods of political, economic and social transformation in all spheres of public and private life.

The empire had industrialized, it had expanded enormously (the empire proper and the colonial empire), Tsargrad had been re-taken, it had been democratized (to some extent), it experienced a golden cultural age (and the early years of the silver culture), the comic boom, the first two world wars, etc.

When it came to international affairs, it was also important. Since its creation, the Russosphere had undergone a very important change of government in Russia, which could mean a lot for furry politics (both negative and positive aspects).

It could also be important in the international situation at various levels, the New Great War and the international order (the balance of powers).

The Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov, now Tsar Nicholas II, was not an unknown person. But he was different from his father, and different could mean many things ...

We can say that indeed, the death of Tsar Alexander III was an announcement. One era ended and another began, which would have repercussions within Russia and outside Russia.

People and movements, no matter how small or large, cause ripples throughout the world. What we generally know today as the butterfly effect.

Whether the tsar had lived less or more is not as important, as the fact that any event would have had 'infinite' effects.

But leaving aside the more philosophical and international issues, we return to the heir. Like his father, Tsar Nicholas II waited little to be crowned in Moscow, but there were important changes.

Soon Tsar Nicholas II and the Second Duma government of Mikhail Skobelev announced that the capital of the Russian Empire was returning to Moscow.

It was more of a formality, Moscow was already the capital of the State Duma, the Senate, headquarters of the KGB, headquarters of the Okhrana, the economic-industrial capital of the country and headquarters of many of the most important organizations in Russia. It only took the death of Alexander III for the change to become official.

A return to the Old Capital, which was another food for Russian nationalism.

But the changes were not only there, for the first coronation in 48 years, quite important events occurred.

Apart from the traditional celebration and the proper steps followed to the letter by the new emperor and the new empress, for the first time non-Orthodox authorities were allowed in important coronation functions.

The more right-wingers did not welcome this very well, but the role of the Russian Orthodox Church was not diminished. The presence and gestures of non-orthodox religions were simply accepted where they could not be present before.

Russia was simply a multi-cultural country and segregation was no longer the way, the Pale of Settlement and important discriminatory laws against non-Orthodox had been abolished.

Why not also at the coronation?

Non-Orthodox, moderate, secular and leftist citizens received it quite well.

But the celebrations and wailing have to end quickly, after the usual period of mourning, Nicholas II immediately went to work and meeting with foreign officials.

There was a lot of work to do ...


"... Grandpa was lucky." The new Tsesarevich, Nicholas Nikolaevich Romanov (18 years old), exclaims.

"Mm? What do you mean?" Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich (15 years old) asks with some curiosity.

"I mean ... not everyone has a funeral. Much less a funeral like Grandpa's." The Tsesarevich Nicholas Nikolaevich explains himself, a bit pessimistic.

The older sons of Nicholas II were not insensitive, but they were more prepared for the death of Emperor Alexander III than their minor siblings.

Maria was 13 years old, Cyril was 11 years old and Sergei was 8 years old. The three of them were crying much more than their older brothers as the emperor's great coffin was being transported.


[War on Drugs]

On December 17, certain events occur that mark the beginning of the international war on drugs. The government of the United States, Socialist Europe and the Imperial Federation begin to have prohibitions against opioids and other similar drugs.

This was a first step, although not everyone agrees if it was the right step (some believe in even stricter regulations or the total decriminalization of drugs).

In this space of time, Russia already had important steps in the war on drugs.

A first and important step of the Russian Empire had been the elimination of the drug trade and the consumption of opium (or other substances) in its eastern territories.

And now this was also expanding to other countries in the Russosphere (in particular the new states achieved from the last war between China and Russia).

Russia belonged to the strictest spectrum of the war on drugs and in turn applied policies considered revolutionary in various parts of the world.

On the one hand, those who traded drugs (transport, sale, production) could suffer more than 10 years in prison, forced labor or the death penalty.

While on the other hand the addicts (those who bought and consumed drugs), were usually sent to hospitals or mental health institutions to clean themselves. If possible, improve their living conditions.

The latter was the product of years of effort in psychology, medical research, and support services in the Russian Empire.

It was not always successful, but it was a considerable advance over practices used in other countries at the time.

Governments inside and outside the Russosphere would try to emulate these policies to deal with the war on drugs, some more successfully than others.

Other states also tried their own solutions, but this is for much later ...

The point is that Russia had major wars on drugs, attacking the roots of the problem and the effects of those problems.

With this, Russia was able to help and gain more influence within its new puppet states, Russia was kept safe from the dangers of the drug industry, etc.

It was all pretty good in this regard.


[December / Christmas Truce]

The United States has been at war since 1902 (the war between the United States and Germany, Mexico, etc. A period of 12 years), the great Latin American wars have been in progress since 1908 (6 years) and the New Great War has been ongoing since 1911 (3 years).

Everything has been a period of more or less intermittent conflict, which has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, surpassing in certain points even the first great war, the Fashoda War.

The world is undoubtedly more and more tired, a minor period of great international wars was needed.

The economy was still in crisis since 1903 (11 years and in progress), many countries had been destroyed by civil wars and international conflicts, there were internal disputes of various kinds, etc.

The death of Tsar Alexander III and the change of monarch in Russia served as an excuse for a short break of three months, the Allied Bloc and the London-Berlin Axis were able to sign an armistice on December 25.

For a period of time, everything could be pretty quiet.

Of course the peace talks were not going well, but everyone needed a little time to plan how and how long they were going to fight (again).

*The socialist states under Guesde and Liebknecht developed, with the help of personalities such as Vladimir Lenin, Francisco Largo Caballero and Costantino Lazari, 'War Communism'.

Russia and the United States still had enormous human and material resources to continue the war. But still they had internal affairs of varying degrees of difficulty.

*The Imperial Federation was an undead empire, they simply found a short break and would continue to mobilize. Until finally something could totally kill them, but that something still hadn't come ...

The Prussian Republic of Germany needed a peace, fast.

*Latin American countries paid a high price, and surely later they would not be able to pay it at all (small economies and lack of large human resources like other countries).

But they still had to continue fighting for various agreements and situations on the continent. It was a huge pain in the Latin American nations.

*Japan had internal problems, but it was doing surprisingly well for them in the war.

*Colonies and associated protectorates had no choice but to follow their leaders, some were luckier than others, that's all.

For a moment, all of humanity had won. Even if it was just for a moment ...

Some soldiers returned home, others remained at the front, exchanging gifts with each other or with the enemy forces.

What is the difference between two soldiers from enemy nations? In the New Great War, all the soldiers actually had more in common with each other than it seemed.


"Nicholas?" Elena of Montenegro, new emperor of Russia, asks with some concern. Her husband was watching the city of Moscow from the balcony.

"This is the first Christmas we have spent without the Old Man." Tsar Nicholas II exclaims, he seemed quite calm. He was dealing with loss in his way.

The empress put her hand on the emperor's back.

They two got to see the night together.

The city was very beautiful, illuminated at night by hundreds of businesses, houses and all kinds of curiosities.

Even when a man as great as Alexander III had died, the world kept turning.

There was a lot of work to do.



October 1, violence spreads across Colorado, United States, amid strikes by local miners.

October 2, the Empire of Brazil, led by Emperor Dom Pedro III, begins to take the lead in the unification of the Brazilian territory with advances in the territory of the Republic of the United States of Brazil.

October 4, many scientists from the former territory of the German Empire leave Central Europe.

Generally to the United States, Russia, Latin America or the Imperial Federation.

October 5, the Japanese economy begins to experience a certain bonanza in the midst of the New Great War and the Great Depression, not that it is very big but it is useful for the moment.

Despite this, there are still many problems within Japanese society and its national politics.

The Imperial Japanese Navy has been showing more authoritarian tendencies due to radicalization and opposition from parts of the population to the New Great War. And a government dominated by the military is not always the best ...

October 6, Irish-American Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr marries Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald in Boston.

Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr is better known today as the patriarch of the Kennedy clan.

October 9, German attempts to overcome the Russian occupation of eastern portions of their territory (Upper Silesia, West and East Prussia) fail miserably.

An important part of the morale gained in the Miracle of Berlin is lost. But at least the Russian advance has been stopped by various internal and external factors.

October 10, the former king of Romania, Karol I, dies.

King Ferdinand and various officials from Romania, Russia and other countries pay homage to him.

After this a process of 'healing' begins in Romania, it is true that the country was quite devastated by its territorial losses and this still causes problems, but the economy was improving and modernizing.

October 18, Benito Mussolini becomes Major General of the Italian Socialist Army. It is true that Mussolini is not the most skillful but he is not the worst either (he is mediocre), but he has a talent for mobilizing troops.

Which certainly helped his career later on.

Various upgrades to the Royal Navy are successful.

October 23, Russian-Armenian actor and theater director Yevgeny Bagrationovich Vakhtangov begins teaching acting, drama and theater arts at his new school, the Mansurova School.

To this day the Mansurova School continues to teach, although its name would later change to Boris Shchukin Theater Institute, named after Vakhtangov's most famous student (Boris Vasilyevich Shchukin).

October 25, in the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz / Partida Socialdemocrata de la Svizra) the radical (communist) wings begin to take the lead, influenced by all the socialist neighbors of Switzerland.

October 3, general elections for the United States Congress (first elections where the population directly elects the members of the Senate).

The Democratic Party has slight control over both houses of Congress, the National Republican Party is in second place, and the Socialist Party of USA is in third place. With 6 seats for others (independents).

The government of Chile falls heavily within the influence of the Imperial Federation after years of war, loans, and other British strategies.

The same happens in Peru (and the occupied country of Bolivia), with this initiates an important part of the British influence in Latin America for the future.

Before the British influence was highlighted by economy and gunboat diplomacy (the Royal Navy), but now they can go even further.

October 5, a constitutional referendum is held in Egypt.

The population chooses to be a monarchy, and the elected monarch is Fuad I of Egypt (Fu'ād al-Awwal), Hussein Kamel's younger brother.

In reality the vote was won by Prince Kamal el Dine Hussein, son of Hussein Kamel and nephew of Fuad I, but the prince rejected the crown.

The Egyptian monarchy is oriented towards Egypt, rather than towards the Arab world, which is certainly sad for pan-Arabists inside and outside Egypt.

October 6, American biologist Jacques Loeb published an article on artificial parthenogenesis in sea urchins.

His article provided experimental evidence that it was possible to make sea urchin eggs begin embryonic development without sperm, simply by slightly modifying the chemical composition of the water in which the eggs were kept.

October 11, the unification of Arabia continues successfully under the Emirate of Jabal Shammar.

October 19, Box Office Attraction Company (later known as Fox Film) releases its first feature film.

October 24, Benito Mussolini, Antonio Gramsci and Palmiro Togliatti founded the circle of 'The New Order', in the post-war period this circle would begin to lead the radical factions of the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy.

Mussolini at this time was part of the army and on an unstoppable rise, while Togliatti and Gramsci were army volunteers but with growing careers in politics and the intelligentsia.

October 29, violent incidents are repeated within Colorado despite attempts by the Clark administration to create governing bodies against unions and similar worker activities.

December 2, death of Tsar Alexander III of Russia.

December 3, the government of Costantino Lazzari begins to weaken, the president is approaching the 60s and begins to have health problems while the libertarian factions (anarchists and certain socialists) begin to have more influence in the government of the Federative Socialist of Italy.

Despite this, the libertarian factions still do not make any legislation. Instead, they spend more arguing and fearing how southern Italy is closing in on (and possibly overtaking) northern Italy (where these left-wing communist factions mostly come from).

December 11, brief operations are launched in southern Italy and the Peloponnese by the Royal Navy.

It is true that the operations in the Peloponnese are successful (defending the Greek dictatorship), but the operation in the south of the Italian peninsula fails by the local Italian ground forces.

December 20, the pan-Arabist forces in Palestine and Transjordan, led by Abd Allāh Al-Awal ibn Al-Husayn (Abdullah bin Al-Hussein) continue to succeed in unifying the regions in the post-French space.

December 25, an armistice is reached between the Allied Bloc and the Berlin-London Axis, this time including all members. For a period of time, the New Great War stops in December.

next chapter
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