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67.83% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 97: Directive No. 08878 (July-September, 1919)

Chương 97: Directive No. 08878 (July-September, 1919)

Directive No. 00878]

On July 3, Anton Denikin (Aleksey Brusilov's Deputy War Minister) finally developed Directive Number 08878, which resulted in the formation of the Closed Administrative Territorial Formation (Закры́тое администрати́вно-территориа́льное образова́ние, ЗАТО́/ZATO).

Today known more as 'closed cities', strictly classified territories. The data on the existence of such cities and their location were closed to the citizens of the Russian Empire themselves.

Entry to the territory was allowed only to people who worked in local or family businesses with a permanent residence permit in this city (all adult residents of closed cities signed a confidentiality agreement about their true place of residence and information about the settlement ). Foreigners could only enter with a business travel order, a one-time or temporary pass.

Why create the ZATO?

The ZATOs were a creation for the greater protection of state secrets and the development of particular projects, under the interest of the imperial government (especially defense services).

In these ZATO or closed cities, are the projects for the development, manufacture or storage of weapons of all kinds, processing of hazardous materials, private military facilities and the aforementioned protection of state secrets relevant to the Russian Empire.

In particular, the first ZATOs were used for the development of chemical weapons in the Russian Empire.

There were also cities that were not ZATO, but foreigners and in some situations, Russian citizens, were restricted or even prohibited from visiting.

These particular cities were projects related to Russia's heavy industry (weapons, explosives, Medved, etc.) and other projects (rocketry in the Russian Empire).

In summary, Directive No. 08878 established closed cities for the development of private projects, increasing the protection of state secrets against possible enemies.

But they also had another objective, in particular the preparation for a drastic situation within the Russian Empire, be it a civil war (the deepening of the Imperial Crisis that the Russian Empire was experiencing) or the invasion from the outside (the future World War 3).

The ZATO allowed in part to establish private facilities for the loyal armed forces of the Russian Empire (both investigative and logistical, there were training facilities, military development, etc), headquarters of strategic resources (weapons and others) and economic-industrial productions vital for the strategic war effort.

By creating them, the Russian Empire could more easily keep unwanted elements away from state secrets or important strategic resources.

Among them, particular elements (which in the future would be purged) of the armed forces of vital state projects began to be cut off. Like Admiral Alexander V. Kolchak and others of his associates.

Although of course, it couldn't be that obvious. Some Kolchak allies and 'allies' continued to have somewhat limited access to the ZATOs, such as Lavr Georgiyevich Kornilov (double agent, actually serving under Tsar Nicholas II and allies).

Later the ZATOs would also be useful in the development of weapons projects such as the Atomic Bomb (nuclear program of the Russian Empire) and the production of offensive capabilities of atomic power (missiles).


[Russosphere: Northern Chinese States]

July 25, 1919, the Third Duma of the Russian Empire reports important successes in reconstruction plans in the northern Chinese states, although of course there is still much to do (the loyalty of these states to Moscow is not yet guaranteed).

After the peace signing between Russia and the Republic of China during the Second Great War, Russia in particular has focused on pacifying the region and helping its agricultural projects, before turning to large industrial projects.

The only sites that have received notable increases in this, were the old centers of power and useful sections for the armed forces of the Russian Empire (like the navy of the empire and its headquarters on the coasts of the northern states).

All Chinese states faced difficulties of various kinds, inherited from the Qing dynasty or their own, after all there was a significant economic outdated, social problems, and political struggles between various interests.

Solving this overnight was impossible and certainly complicated.

For some time there were still deaths from lack of food throughout the region known as 'China', due to the cycle of famines that had plagued imperial China for centuries.

But there was still good news on the horizon.

With the support of Russian troops, most of the northern Chinese states successfully established land reforms, ending the small landowners who had been a pain to the Chinese people for generations (not to compare to the small landowners in China of this time with the moderns, they used to abuse their power enormously and could raise small armies).

Through the redistribution of land in many northern states, Russia gave important credits and technical assistance to the agricultural sectors of its Chinese 'allies'.

The only exceptions to this land redistribution deal were those countries where it was most useful to leave a new class of landowners aligned with Moscow, these countries were Inner Mongolia (important Mongol and Buddhist princes) and the Islamic Federative Republic of Gansu (Islamic landowners, oligarchs and members of the Ma Clique).

Returning to the economic-technical reforms.

Credits were cheap for these states of the Russosphere and came in large quantities (the result of comparing the Russian economy with the less developed economies of those countries), generating a significant debt that was useful for Russia (and its objectives in that sphere of influence).

The technical assistance was to help improve agricultural practices and technology available at the time in northern China. In this way mechanizing agriculture to make it more efficient (through tractors and other methods), giving financial and logistical aid (fertilizer and other useful chemicals for plants or against pests), etc.

In this way, by strengthening the agriculture of the northern states, it was possible to improve other sectors and services to guarantee Russian influence.

Among them education and the industrial-financial sectors, but everything goes in good time.

With the agricultural phase of the Russian plan in North China going well, it was time to move on in other sectors.

In particular opening the Chinese market to Russian products (since Russia had the industry for these developments) and the improvement-continuation of civil railways (the railways for the military had the first steps in this plan, and were a good basis for expansion railways for other purposes).

Russian capital was already developing a good base, but the Russian Empire needed the northern states to be dependent at various levels on the Russian Empire.

Previously China was the Middle Kingdom, they did not need anything from the outer barbarians.

However, with a more divided and problematic China, there was no longer the vast pool of human resources and natural resources that had always guaranteed a fight for the Mandate of Heaven (the emperor of China).

Consequently, there was a need for trade and exchange.

Russia was avoiding the unification of the northern states (which mostly had similar forces), and southern China was not in the capacity to do so, as a result there was at this time no one capable of being the Paramount Leader of China (replace completely to the Qing).

Consequently, the northern states had to accept the current situation (at least for the moment, in the minds of many).

Russia provided capital, support, and exported consumer goods to the northern states, capital that was useful to their economic sectors or their leaders (who would be loyal as long as Moscow was strong).

In particular with the growth of transportation and some industries, the northern Chinese states fell into a major trap, they were making progress.

The progress they had long sought: Railroads were growing, new schools were opening, and there were various improvements in civil-military technologies.

But they were fed by Russia, Russia gave important energy and material resources to these Chinese states. And whoever feeds you has power over you.

Russia gained power over the northern Chinese states, slow as it was, they did and the northern states could not do much in the face of these advances, other than accept the deals offered by Russia (otherwise there could be regime changes or a brutal economic shock).

As long as all went well in relations between the Sino States and Russia, nothing would change.

Chinese students began to receive more and more opportunities to travel to Russia, where they could learn important skills or be useful to the Russian Empire in the future.

Notable examples of Russian institutions that hosted a lot of Chinese students are for example: Ürümqi State University of Economics and Finance (in Xinjiang), Inner Manchurian military academies (Mukden and Port Arthur), state universities in Far East East (Vladivostok) and Korea (Seoul), etc.

Notable examples of students include Mao Zemin, later a prominent businessman and brother of film director Mao Zedong.

Was there a cultural change during the advancement of Russian projects in the northern states?

To a certain extent, yes, that is what technological-economic modernization brings in several countries, due to generational changes, changes in high society, changes in peoples and other changes, there are cultural changes.

But we cannot say that the northern states stopped being 'Chinese' (or other respective ethnic groups).

Some practices were simply abandoned (such as foot wrapping) and others changed.

In part there were some needs, such as simplification of Chinese characters (which began in both the northern states and the Republic of China between the 30s and 40s) and other simple changes.

For example sports boxing began to enter Chinese entertainment and some changes were made to the standard kung fu (sports) system.


"Study the Russian Empire advanced economy to build up our nation"

Northern Chinese state poster about Sino-Russian Cooperation and Friendship in industrial-economic matters.

(OOC: Study the Soviet Union's advanced economy to build up our nation).​


[Imperial House]

August was a month of celebration, in this month two of the children of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Elena were celebrating their birthday. But there was one celebration more important than the other in 1919, the daughter of the emperors was approaching adulthood.

On August 11, Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Romanova, third child of the emperor, turned 18 (the other older children of the emperors were Nicholas Nikolaevich with 22 and Mikhail Nikolaevich with 20).

Cyril on the other hand turned 16 on August 15, making his pledge of allegiance to the emperor during this time. Young Sergei on the other hand was barely 13 years old.


It was being held in the Winter Palace for the special occasion, dozens and dozens of guests gathered to celebrate, with the usual elegance and opulence of the imperial house (and this golden age of the Russian Empire).

The Grand Duchess was generally accompanied by a succession of young guards, destined for the protection of the royal family. But it was a moment of celebration, there was not much concern for the Grand Duchess.

"You are having fun?". Maria asks Cyril, her younger brother.

"More or less, after years it gets boring." Grand Duke Cyril readily responds by admitting it. "It is not to offend you." Soon Cyril indicates, his sister was sometimes scary.

"I'm not offended, but I wanted to talk to you about something." Maria promptly mentions, and as always Cyril was following his older sister. "Look at Nicholas and Mikhail."

The Tsesarevich Nicholas as always was wasting time with the soldiers and guards, talking about weapons or hunting, with little attention to the most important guests (whether they were men of the state or women very interested in the bachelor).

Then there was Grand Duke Mikhail, with a glass in one hand and a woman in the other (the same glass at every party, but always a different woman). Getting drunk and wasting time.

"Yes, nothing new." Cyril mentions unimpressed. "What am I supposed to see?"

"Dad is a little ... disappointed in Nicholas and Mikhail, they are not suitable statesmen." Maria promptly points out, something that was obvious for some time. "We are just behind them in the line of succession."

"You're going to get to the point." Cyril exclaims.

"I have a plan Cyril. To 'impress' dad." Maria explains. "I'm older than you, but as a woman I can't advance that far within the state ... for that I need your help."

"Why? If we impress him they won't change the laws of succession." Cyril argues.

"The laws have already changed in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, it's obvious that Dad is preparing in case Nicholas and Mikhail are unsuitable." Maria counter-argues, with confidence and assurance, much more determined than Cyril.

"Okay, okay. What are you planning?" Cyril soon gives in to his older sister.

After her birthday, while Cyril began to pay attention to state affairs (which no doubt surprised the Tsar), Grand Duchess Maria, similar to Empress Dowager Maria Feodorovna (mother of Nicholas II) and Empress Elena, began charity projects and public affairs.

While Maria could not easily earn a living within the state, she was still able to enter business and public life in other ways to earn a semblance of 'royalty of the people'.

Through the red cross, she charity to those most in need, meetings and donations with important people from various social levels.

And she secretly use her position as Grand Duchess to get favors in certain parts of the state or the companies of the Russian Empire.

Meanwhile, her figurehead was her younger brother, Cyril, who could do the job she couldn't (even though Cyril had her will, her alliance with her older sister was beneficial for several reasons) .

* Annex: There were already certain discussions about the marriage of the Grand Duchess, there were those who proposed someone within the Russian Empire.

But there was also the interest of some foreign marriages, in particular Romania (with Crown Prince Carol or Prince Nicholas of Romania, both sons of King Ferdinand, one older than the Grand Duchess and the other a little younger than her) also supported by the uncle of the Grand Duchess (Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich Romanov, married to the daughter of Carol I of Romania) or Serbia (Aleksandar Karađorđević, who was much older than the Grand Duchess but still there was interest).

Britain was definitely out of the question and many European monarchies were off the map (and a marriage to a non-white monarchy was out of the question for various reasons).


[Imperial Crisis]

The circle of trust of Tsar Nicholas II was meeting once more in Moscow in August 14, the elections of 1920 were approaching. Kolchak and his group were expected to make a move around that date.

Whether it is attempting to sabotage the elections, a coup, or other action detrimental to the imperial government.

With everything prepared WITHIN the Russian Empire, it was vital to make sure everything was in place outside of the Russian Empire, to make sure that no one could attempt to attack the Russosphere or rebellions within the Russian sphere of influence.

"Our allies in the Balkans and the Middle East are in a good position. At best I would put surveillance on Persia since their change of government was recent." Stalin indicates about the western parts of the Russosphere.

Whether from decades of alignment or other notable assets in the region, it was highly unlikely that there would be internal rebellions in the Balkans and the Middle East. That they were not sponsored by foreigners of course.

"What about the Colonial Empire, Southeast Asia and Indonesia?" Nicholas II asks.

"They are remote regions, but at the moment we should not worry about rebellions there. Our main fear should be foreign intervention in those territories." Brusilov explains promptly, especially concerned about reckless actions by the British.

"So it means we have to worry about China ... We can't leave the northern states alone, at the slightest weakness they could still stab us in the back." Tsar Nicholas II draws attention to this part of the Russian sphere, the most worrying for several factors.

"I agree, we should also worry about movements from China or Japan in the region. We should leave someone we trust there." Stalin readily approves of Tsar Nicholas II's words.

"So the question is who." Brusilov also supports the idea.

"The answer is obvious." Roman von Ungern-Sternberg exclaims, also drawing Damdin Sükhbaatar closer to this scene.

The decision to put Roman von Ungern-Sternberg and Damdin Sükhbaatar had several strategic benefits.

On the one hand Ungern-Sternberg was a friend of Grigory Mikhaylovich Semyonov (who was unaware of Ungern-Sternberg's affiliation to the Nicholas II circle), which could be useful for operations against the National Salvation Directorate. Furthermore, Ungern-Sternberg had a good reputation despite his somewhat troublesome personality.

On the other hand Damdin Sükhbaatar was Mongolian and knew the North China region well, his abilities could be extremely to pacify the region in case of trouble.

They were also a loyal pair to the goals of the central government, thus ensuring an acceptable situation for Nicholas II and other associates.

The circle of Nicholas II also had certain ambitions in the region of the northern states of China, the annexation of Inner Mongolia to the Russian Empire (which was also supported by Damdin Sükhbaatar). This as a result of the reform ideas of Emperor Nicholas II for the administrative divisions of the Empire and other political reforms.




July 2, war in Africa-Middle East with the start of the Ha'il-Egypt war / intervention of the Emirate of Ha'il in the Kingdom of Egypt.

Egypt had undergone notable instability that had led to problems with its neighboring state (the Emirate of Ha'il, which had notable ambitions in Egypt). Consequently after the severance of relations, Ha'il prepared for a major military operation.

Economically speaking this led to certain problems especially in the Suez Canal, which was altered by said war.

Obviously the Imperial Federation was against this invasion of Egypt since it would suppose that Ha'il would dominate the Suez Canal (which they saw as rightfully theirs).

However, Russia and Ha'il formed a diplomatic-political bloc that prevented the British from acting for the time being, preventing a great war between the powers from being declared once again.

This limited the conflict itself to two countries (although of course there was some foreign support on both sides).

Militarily speaking, both Egypt and Ha'il ... were rather mediocre or bad countries.

After the French fall Egypt had inherited certain military assets but they had not had time to rebuild and national instability meant that they could not use 100% of their human resources.

Ha'il on the other hand had carried out notable military reforms, but it was a young country and its armed forces had not been adequately tested (accustomed to the tribal conflict of Arab unification, not modern warfare).

However, from the beginning, the war was tilting in favor of the Emirate of Ha'il.


July 3, the persecution of British Jews and Zionists increases considerably in the Home Islands and other key territories of the Imperial Federation, a product of the nation's anti-Semitism.

Between these events, Jewish property is attacked and several notable businesses in Jewish hands are taken over by the state (usually given to more 'Aryan' hands).

In particular, there is a burning of the pseudo-archaeological literature belonging to 'British Israelism' (the belief the British people and its nobility were direct descendants of one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel).

It is true that it is obvious that British Israelism is pseudo-scientific, but it is nonetheless remarkable how ideas are attacked by the also pseudo-scientific Social Aristocracy.

July 4, the British support a major purge of their Peru-Bolivia puppet, further eliminating Bolivian political leadership and separatist movements in the region.

July 5, the Greek dictatorship of the Peloponnese establishes the 'Hellenic Special Guard', special forces of the Greek dictatorship, which in the future function essentially as death squads.

July 7, the Ford administration launches a major military event, causing the Motor Transport Corps to go through convoys on various roads in the continental United States.

In the process, Lieutenant-Colonel Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower dies during a minor incident, crushed by a misplaced load of supplies.

July 11, the Ford administration accepts the creation of the first US aircraft carriers for the navy.

The education of women has declined enormously in the Imperial Federation since several British universities prohibited access to women or began to limit it even more.

A trend that continues for quite some time in this country.

July 12, takes place the 'Red Summer' a great mass movement of the Socialist Party of America in the state of Texas.

Lynchings against African-Americans end in this state from now on.

July 15, Pope Pius IX (James Gibbons, former Archbishop of Baltimore) issues a declaration in favor of the political (and other) rights of women.

July 19, protests among large numbers of WW2 veterans in the United States began due to the long time they must wait to get financial bonuses for their service.

Despite this, they get nothing.

Which has great effects later with the formation of the Bonus Army and other popular movements later.

July 20, Amadeo Bordiga becomes the youngest provincial governor of the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy, President Costantino Lazzari intends for (as a possible successor) Bordiga to learn more about state affairs.

In the process Bordiga tries reforms for the privatization of state assets, larger unions-worker cooperatives and the beginnings of a market economy to solve problems of the party administration.

Obviously this has mixed results, because Bordiga still has to work under the central government, with opponents in the hard-liners. And there are also the most successful popular movements of the New Order (Mussolini, Gramsci and Togliatti).

July 23rd, the Imperial Federation begins arming private companies from the southern British Raj and gives them more rights to deal with the Indian population, effectively further supporting the economic plunder of the Indian subcontinent.

July 25, the city of Cairo falls to troops from the Emirate of Ha'il after weeks of the start of the war between the two countries.

The war is extremely costly for both countries, but it is clear that the balance is tilting more and more towards Ha'il than Egypt.

More than 16,000 Egyptian troops (and civilians) die during the battle for Cairo, the violence continues for a few days as Ha'il pacifies the region and attacks other portions of the Kingdom of Egypt.

July 30, important advances in the educational system of Southern Ireland lead to notable advances in the recovery of the Irish Gaelic in state and civil life.

August 1, the Imperial Parliament of the Imperial Federation passes more laws targeting trade unions in 'vital sectors' of the British economy and services.

John Edgar Hoover becomes director of the General Intelligence Division of the Justice Department's Bureau of Investigation.

Hoover will become a notable and controversial figure in the history of the FBI, criminal prosecution and government persecution of 'troublesome' elements (including strikers, socialists, African-American activists, etc).

An example of this controversy is that Hoover amassed power in later administrations until 1933 because of his cooperation with state corruption (working especially with corporations, mafias, and the National Republicans-Democrats).

August 6, the Los Angeles streetcar workers' strike against Pacific Electric ends after five days of clashes between the strikers and city police.

August 8, major defeats of Amanullah Khan's forces in the Anglo-Afghan war.

August 9, the popular vigilante hero Zorro, makes his debut in The Curse of Capistrano (published August 9 to September 6 in All-Story Weekly), created by pulp writer Johnston McCulley.

Zorro is known primarily for his film adaptations and occasional cross-overs with various American stories (Timely Comics / Marvel Comics in particular).

(OOC: We are in the curious situation that Batman was created before Zorro).

August 11-12, actor organizing led by Actors' Equity Association and other labor unions is advancing in the United States.

Especially on the west coast (California and other states), against the Producing Managers' Association and other associations (which state that acting unions are enemies of the entertainment industry as a possible method of breaching contracts).

Although the union acting movement undoubtedly took major blows in future decades, it gave rise to important underground movements later on (such as those led by Ronald Reagan).

(OOC: OTL Ronald Reagan was on the Screen Actors Guild's board of directors.)

August 19, Imperial Federation troops march ever closer to Kabul.

August 25, constitutional reforms in the board of Peru-Bolivia, hoping to form a lasting state this time.

The constitution is based especially on the second Gran Colombia, with a system with mixed characteristics.

Despite promises of democracy, the country (Peru-Bolivia) remains essentially led by a military junta.

August 28, anti-Semitism in the National Republican Party increases, damaging the Zionist / pro-Jew movement in the United States of America.

This as a result of certain successes of the far-right wing of the party after Red Summer in the Solid South (Texas) that marks a socialist success in parts of the United States.

August 31, Chicago Convention of the Socialist Party of America reforms the party.

In recent years the party has grown too large, notably marking an even division between the communist wing (more far-left, Marxist, with revolutionary tendencies and affiliated with European communists and others) and the social democratic wing (more moderate, with reformist tendencies towards capitalism, electoralists and closer to a neutral foreign policy).

For the party to survive, as it was a broad coalition of left-wing movements, reform was needed.

Thus, capitalizing on the successes of Red Summer and other movements, a compromise was reached that created the Socialist-Communist Party of the United States of America (S-CPUSA).

Despite this transformation, the party continues its so far successful march with minimal losses.

The Communist wing of the Party is led in particular by Charles Emil Ruthenberg and Louis C. Fraina, which, although they never went to the presidential-vice-presidential tickets, still have an important legacy especially in the 1932 elections.

September 2, the Kingdom of Egitpo falls (nominally, there are still sectors to pacify) in front of the Emirate of Ha'il, which decides to annex the country to the emirate.

The local monarchy is still allowed to exist as long as it accepts subordination to the Rasheed / Rashidi dynasty, led at the time by Saud bin Abdulaziz.

To support the integration of the region, certain freedoms of legislative autonomy are given to the Egyptian portion of the emirate.

Ha'il is now unified, with a country spanning from Central Arabia, Palestine, and Jordan to Egypt and North Sudan.

However, this country cannot survive solely on the pan-Arabist idea, and it still has a long way to go.

For now, the problems in Egypt and the economic problems caused by the war must first be solved.

September 6, the motor transport corps continental journey through the United States is completed.

September 9, USA, the Boston Police Department goes on strike after the police commissioner (Edwin Upton Curtis) denied them the right to form a union.

It is clear that right now strikes and unions remain an important component of the United States despite the recovery from the Great Depression, the recovery of large private companies, and its own economic miracle.

Violence spreads through the city of Boston and reaches its peak days later (on September 11) with 9 deaths.

September 12, the first gold fixing takes place in London (Imperial Federation).

By this we mean the fixing of the price of gold through lines decided by commercial cliques (political representation of the large commercial conglomerates) in the Imperial Federation.

September 13, America's radical organizations continue to expand by recruiting WWII veterans.

September 18, AB Svensk Filmindustri is founded, which during the time of the Social Aristocracy in Sweden, was the largest film studio in that country.

Known for his production of propaganda films, many of them associated with Adolf Hitler and the aforementioned Swedish social aristocracy.

August 24, the New Order of Italy increases its forces and allies in southern Italy thanks to the military position of Benito Mussolini, creating several civilian groups associated with the Italian forces loyal to the group's ideas (in essence, paramilitaries).

September 25, the Socialist Workers Party of Palestine is founded, a separatist socialist party from the region of Palestine, Emirate of Ha'il.

The Socialist Workers Party becomes the first of the left-wing oppositions to Ha'il, and is the predecessor of many of the important left-socialist movements in Palestine (and to a lesser extent in part of the Arab world).

September 27, the ultra-rightist governments in Norway and Sweden begin to carry out attacks and suppressions against 'non-Aryan cultures' such as the Finns, Sami and others.

next chapter
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