He needed to go over a few sealing arrays and select the best one. He also needed to go over some Asgardian ruins and the best way to get both of them to work together. If he does it right he can use the energy that powers the Thing's body to power the array as well.
The problem was how to combine both asgardian enchantment runes and the fuinjutsu to create a controller that will allow The Thing to control its power. It was remarkably like sage mode the way both Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm were imbuing their bodies with extra dimensional energy. It was beautiful. So Loki got to work on a sealing array that would work.
(Author note, The asgardian enchantment Runes are not to be confused with the Runes from Rune God Thor. Because as far as I am concerned they are too bullshit. I won't use them until I can nerf them alot.)
He went through all the sealing techniques in his head. First was the four tetragram seal. It would weaken with time hence it would prove to be ineffective. The more Ben would use his powers the more quickly it would degrade. So that was already out of his mind.
Then there was the Iron armor seal that was used to seal the 8 tails within Killer Bee. Nope same problem as with the previous seal. It would degrade too quickly as well as the fact that it would not be as usable.
The final was the Eight Trigram Seal used to seal the nine tails. While it was strong and the degradation would be slow, the seal itself is too restrictive in the fact that it would limit the amount of energy that Ben would be able to expend. The akatsuki had spent years gathering all this information and it was proving to be ineffective. There had to be a way., something that he was not looking at. Loki thought to himself.
The question was what was he not looking at. There had to be something missing. That's right the Torii seal. The last seal that he had when Obito had extracted the nine tails out of him. A seal that does not degrade and designed for the transfer of chakra. If he could use that as a base, he could make some changes to modify the target of the seal from chakra to extra-dimensional energy.
Now the question was simple. How could he incorporate the Torii seal with Asgardian enchantment runes. To switch the target of suppression from chakra to the mystical forces aka extra dimensional energies. He could lose a few functionalities of the chakra seal. As their is nothing sentient trapped so many of the suppression techniques which were a part of the defense mechanics can be stripped. So Loki began to make the necessary adjustments.
Pretty soon he had a working example of what such a seal would look like, A combined seal having the runes responsible for energy manipulation incorporated into it. The runes changed the power source from chakra to extradimensional energy. The seal was self powering as well. It could draw energy from the extra-dimensional energy that ben was connected to and as a result become stronger. With a single touch along with the application of the users will. The seal can be deactivated or activated as well.
Loki had a design for the seal, however he was not sure if it would ever work or not. He would need to test it out to make sure that it works. Loki was going through the list of potential side effect and he could at the moment find none. Well, trial and experience would determine everything else.
This was something Loki had made for the first time that was the combination of magic and chakra.
Loki was done for the moment and he was feeling very tired now. Looking at the time, it was now 2 am. Loki had decided to sleep and wait for the day to end. He would teleport directly to the life signs of one known as Ben Grim. As he fell on his bed. It took a moment for sleep to overtake him. And so the sound of snoring began to be heard through the room.
"Ben are you insane?" Susan was yelling at him.
"I was expecting Johnny of doing such a thing but not you." Susan alternated her eyes between Johnny and Ben. "Do you know how hard it was to get this seal."
"And Johnny why did you not stop him." Susan had begun to glare at him now.
Johnny placed his hand up in mock surrender. "I told Ben that the guy was sounding insane. Sorcerers, magic, dimensional energy. So don't look at me."
"Susan, you and Reeds have been working on this solution for a long time. But there is no way to help me besides taking away my power." Ben took a deep breath. "So let the guy try atleast."
At the moment Reed was staying back and pondering to himself. Tobi was said to have a large skill set. What if it was not genetic but represented some magic like this. If it did then his skillset was much larger and he would be even more dangerous then before.
"It is possible, the place we visited might really be an extradimension as was said. It may even represent an idea of a concept." Reed was saying out loud. "We are dealing with forces beyond our understanding. These concepts may already have once been defined. His statement regarding us each being linked to the negative zone is true. Each of us draws power from it except Susan. That's also true. Magic also exists"
Reed Richards looked at Susan Storm. "Susan you draw your powers from some alternate dimension. I don't know which."
"There is also a possibility that he may be lying, did he ask for anything." Reed had asked Ben.
"No, he was too excited. Kind of like how you get sometimes. But he had no joking tone when he was speaking with me." Ben had remembered the events as he recounted them.
"So we wait." Reed said as he had settled down.
A rare event for him as he was always working on something or another in his lab. Reed was married to his lab and if Susan did not drag him out. He would have always stayed here.
"So, anything special on the Tele today." Reed had asked.
"We can have a movie marathon." Johnny said with a smile on his face.
"Then, I will pick the movie." Ben had said as he started to go over the movie catalogue.
Loki's finally woke up. Looking at the time.
"Oh crap, I am late." He said as he rushed to wash his face.
Activating his seal, he was wearing his Tobi attire.
Loki used Kamui as he was sucked into a black hole. He reappeared to the scene of the Fantastic Four watching a movies.
Loki coughed loudly to get their attention.
Hearing an unknown voice, the fantastic four went into a battle formation. All of them activating their powers. Susan with her shields, jumped off the sofa and turned around. Johnny ignited, his entire body covered in fire and Reed elongated his body.
They turned around and saw Tobi who was tapping his foot impatiently, his arms folded on his chest.
"I believe that I have an appointment with my client." Loki had said.
"You are late doc." Ben along with the rest of the fantastic 4 had relaxed.
"I am on time, I believe I had said tomorrow. Today is Tomorrow or is it still Tomorrow." At the end Loki began to say whatever nonsense came to his mind.
"Are you really gonna let this guy work on you." Susan had said while incredulously looking at Ben.
Before Ben could say anything, Reed had said that, "Lets first hear him out atleast."
Loki had gotten serious. He had taken out the seal design and showed it to them. "I can place this seal, ummm consider this a tattoo. It can act as a controller. I had to combine two supernatural systems to get this result. It should hopefully work. Well fingers crossed."
"So, this tattoo can help him." Johnny had asked, an eyebrow raised, "Do you know how insane that sounds."
Susan had snapped. "Magic, two supernatural systems. That is insane. What if something happens to Ben. Can we even take that risk."
"Any sufficiently advanced system is indistinguishable from magic. You cannot define the principles of this system. Thats why you cannot understand them. That is the reason I called it magic. People have been accessing the dimensions like the one you call the negative zone from ancient times."
Loki's voice became serious. It lost its child like quality, "Do not access these dimensions lightly." Loki had stepped forward and gotten in Richards face. "These dimensions have certain entities that will swallow our reality whole."
All right guys, no chapter for tomorrow as I am posting that one today.
Thank you.