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10% Life of the abnormality / Chapter 1: Reincarnation
Life of the abnormality Life of the abnormality original

Life of the abnormality

Tác giả: Great_Engine

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Reincarnation

Here is a young man named Andrew he is considered a genius by his teachers and peers. He excelled in every subject and was always ahead of the curve. However, despite his remarkable intellect, Andrew was not happy in school. He found that the curriculum is bland but its okay it felt like he was not going to school for himself more of just doing what his parents told him and his had enough it's time to challenge his parents decisions it's been too much . So, one day, he made a bold decision he dropped out of school.

Many people were shocked by Andrew's decision, but he knew that he had to follow his own path. He had a strong desire to learn on his own terms, and he believed that he could achieve more outside of the traditional education system. So, he started to read books, watch lectures online, and experiment with different projects.

Over time, Andrew's self-directed learning paid off. He started to develop a deep understanding of the subjects that interested him the most, such as computer science and mathematics. He even created his own software programs and algorithms that impressed many industry professionals.

Andrew's unconventional approach to education caught the attention of some influential people, and he was eventually offered a job at a top tech company. His knowledge and skills were in high demand, and he quickly rose through the ranks. He continued to learn and grow, and eventually, he founded his own company that revolutionized the industry.

Despite dropping out of school, Andrew has become a true success story. He proved that intelligence and ambition are more important than formal education, and that anyone can achieve their dreams if they are willing to work hard and follow their own path.

Now even as successful as Andrew is he still has hobbies and andrew who had always been fascinated by the power of YouTube. He loved the idea of being able to share his thoughts and ideas with people all over the world through video. As he grew older, Andrew became more and more passionate about creating content for YouTube that was one of the main reasons that he dropped out of school among other things.

He spent hours upon hours researching different topics and learning everything he could about video editing and production. Eventually, Andrew decided to take the plunge and start his own YouTube channel. He spent weeks brainstorming ideas for his first video and finally settled on a topic he was truly passionate about: cooking. With a bit of nervousness,

Andrew hit the record button and started filming. He spent hours in the kitchen, carefully preparing each dish and capturing every moment on camera. Once he had all the footage he needed, he began the long process of editing the video, cutting out unnecessary clips and adding in special effects and transitions.

Finally, the video was complete, and Andrew was ready to share it with the world. He uploaded it to YouTube and waited anxiously for the views to start rolling in. At first, things were slow. Andrews video didn't get much attention, and he started to worry that his dream of becoming a successful YouTuber was never going to happen.

But he refused to give up. Instead, he kept creating new content, constantly trying to improve his videos and make them more engaging. Slowly but surely, things started to pick up. Andrew's videos started to get more views, and he began to build a loyal following of fans who loved his content. Over time, Andrew became more confident in his abilities as a YouTuber.

He experimented with different types of content, from cooking to travel to lifestyle videos. He even collaborated with other creators, learning from their experiences and expanding his own audience. Through it all, Andrew never lost sight of his passion for YouTube. He continued to pour his heart and soul into every video he created, always striving to make them the best they could be.

Today, Andrew's YouTube channel has millions of subscribers, and he's considered one of the most influential creators on the platform. But he knows that success on YouTube is never guaranteed, and he remains humble and dedicated to his craft. For Andrew, making YouTube videos isn't just a job - it's a way of life. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

Andrew loved to dance. He spent most of his free time learning new dance moves and creating his own choreography his spent hours practicing his moves in front of the mirror and dreamed of becoming a famous dancer one day. One day, while scrolling through social media, andrew came across the popular app TikTok. He finally gave the app a chance and was fascinated by the short, creative videos that people were making even thought tiktok has bad reputation he just ignored that side of tiktok and still decided he wanted to try it out for himself.

Excitedly, andrew downloaded the app and started brainstorming ideas for his first TikTok video. He wanted to show off his dance skills but also wanted to do something unique that would capture people's attention. After hours of brainstorming and practicing, Andrew finally came up with the perfect idea.

He decided to create a dance routine that incorporated different styles of dance and challenged his skills. The routine would start off slow and gradually build up to a fast-paced, energetic finish. Andrew was determined to make his video stand out from the millions of other videos on TikTok, so he added some creative twists and turns to the routine.

For the next few days, Andrew worked tirelessly on perfecting his routine. He filmed himself practicing and watched the videos over and over again, looking for areas where he could improve. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, andrew was ready to film his TikTok

But firstly, Andrew was nervous about making a TikTok video. He had never made one before, and he wasn't sure how to use the app. But he was determined to make a video that would get lots of views and likes. He spent hours doing what he does best which is researching he found that out when he started being successful in tech industries and youtube, he was currently watching other popular TikTok videos.

Taking notes on what made them successful. Finally, Andrew was ready to make his own video. He picked a popular song and is going to finally use the dance routine that he thought would be fun and engaging, not to much he practiced this dance for days. He set up his phone on a tripod, positioned himself in front of the camera, and hit the record button. As the music started, Andrew began his routine.

He moved gracefully across the room with agression, It took him a few tries to get the timing right, but eventually, he was able to complete the dance without any mistakes. Andrew was thrilled with the result and excited to share his TikTok video with the world.

He uploaded the video and watched as the views and likes started pouring in. Within a few hours, his video had gone viral, and I was receiving messages and comments from people all over the world. Over the next few weeks, Andrew continued to make TikTok videos and gained a huge following.

He was invited to collaborate with other popular TikTok creators and even got recognized on the street a few times for making tiktok instead of my other endeavour. Making TikTok videos had become his little passion, and he loved the feeling of connecting with people through my dancing. In the end, I had realized another successful hobby.

making a video was not just about getting views and likes. It was about sharing my passion with the world and inspiring others to do the same. I continued to dance and make videos, spreading joy and positivity to everyone who watched.

Andrew gained a following of fans who loved watching him dance.

Encouraged by the positive response, Andrew continued to create more TikTok videos, each one more creative and unique than the last. He experimented with different styles of dance and even collaborated with other TikTok creators to create fun and entertaining videos.

Andrew's TikTok account quickly became popular, and he started receiving messages from people all over the world who had been inspired by his video's. He has used to this kind of stuff because of YouTube but it always feels amazing much more then imagined that something as simple as creating a TikTok video could have such a powerful impact on people's lives.

In the end, Andrew realized that TikTok maybe a weird platform but it's not that bad and some good can be done on tiktok and I was not just showcasing my dance skills or getting likes and followers. It was about connecting with people and sharing my passion for dance with the world. And that was something I would continue to do for as long as i could.

Andrew was practicing a dance routine at the rooftop while waiting for his friend Dave, in the early morning sunrise.

As he was dancing, he lost his footing and almost slipped off the edge of the roof. His heart raced as he realized he was in a dangerous position and could fall at any moment.

Just then, Andrew's friend Dave arrived at the rooftop. Dave saw Andrew's predicament and quickly assessed the situation. Without hesitation, he quickly ran a cross the rooftop and rushed to Andrew's side.

With his strong arms, Dave pulled Andrew back to safety and onto the roof. Andrew was shaken and grateful, thanking Dave for saving him from a potentially life-threatening fall.

That could have been my end is the only thought I could get in before I felt goosebumps creeping out of both of my arms and an intense shivering sensation came to him, my chest starts to feel tight, I reach my hand out to my chest clutching it, feeling butterflies in my stomach I hold my urge to puke all over the floor and get up, wiping the sweat from my face.

"Andrew let's out a breath of relief he didn't know he was holding. "My friend thank you so much for saving my life dave if it weren't for your heroic actions I would have died , I owe you big time okay buddy, man like anything you need I got you, bro call me anytime okay buddy and I will help with anything bro I said with my most sincere tone possible."

"you good Andrew"?. "don't worry about it Andrew you know your my boy but I am going to abuse the hell out of these favors your offering like a chump, man I just want you to know haha you got yourself into this situation so don't regret it later foul haha said dave with joy in his voice."

Quickly pushing through my discomfort I try regaining my composure "yeah I'm fine you know me and really whatever man you think I'm afraid of you abusing some favors bro come on." "let's get started on things more serious like editing the video we were making just now" and we continued filming, "let's make some YouTube videos and get one million subscribers for you man, you adjust the equipment let's work hard okay we need it for ourselves and future families."

From this day on, I andrew will always make sure to have a buddy with me whenever I am at a rooftop setting. I also hope that I have the opportunity to properly express my gratitude to Dave every chance i get, knowing that I owe my life to this loyal friend of mine.

The two friends finished the job together, but Andrew couldn't shake the fear he felt while having nothing to hang onto the edge of the roof was calling him to experience the mysterious phenomenon of death. He knew that if it wasn't for Dave's quick thinking and bravery, he may not have been so lucky.

Finally me and Dave finished our work In a few hours and we uploaded the videos to both TikTok and YouTube on our respective platforms with that I went back to my massive six-bedroom house in a daze after a short 10-minute drive I somehow arrived, opened the door of my bedroom walked into the dark room and locked the door behind me, and went to take a shower and i couldn't keep up the facade anymore.

My heart was racing and I puked in the toilet and brushed my teeth, took a short shower came out with a towel and went to the room to change into my pajamas and I laid on my bed, "oh my God I almost died just like that without many people to care or know that I had almost died I still have a lot to do and see."

my life flashed before my eyes, and its very good so far I have succeeded in all my hobbies like TikTok and YouTube, cooking, are all good extremely well even my main job is awesome and I am above average in looks, other than that I got my intellect but I have a bad relationship with my parents since the fallout to be honest even before the fallout my relationship with my parents was always strained, my parents never showed affection or love towards me. They treated me like an object, they accepted me as their son because i was very good at studying and School but after I refused to go to college like they wanted me to.

When andrew was young he lived with his parents. Andrew's parents were terrible to to him. They would constantly criticize him , making him.feel worthless, and even physically abuse him. Amdrew felt trapped and alone, with no one to turn to for help.

As a result of of his terrible upbringing, Andrew became depressed. He would try not to let the suicidal thoughts win and start to self harm for hours in his room, and feeling hopeless. He stopped doing the things he used to love, like playing the piano and going out with friends that's why Andrew only has a few friends like Dave and two others. He felt like he had no purpose in life and that no one cared about him


Andrew tried to reach out for help, but people around him either didn't care or said he was the person that made his parents hate him always shutting him down. They told him he was being dramatic and that his problems were all in his head. They even went as far as to say that they were the ones suffering because of him and that he never worked for anything in life because apparently being good at academia and social situation and looking good means you can't suffer.

Andrew felt more and more isolated and alone as time went on. He didn't know what to do or who to turn to. But one day, he met dave at school who listened to his story and understood what he was going through. Dave encouraged Andrew to stop being a bitch because as a man nobody is coming to save him, he has to do something and start doing what's best for him and Andrew took the advice to heart with dave as a friend andrew went on be successful.

With the support of dave, andrew eventually found the courage to dropout of school and ditched the abusive parents and got a part time job got a small appartment and was roommates with dave. He went to therapy and began to heal from the trauma of his past. He even reconnected with his love for music and started playing the piano again.

Although it was a long and difficult journey, Andrew was finally able to overcome his depression and find a sense of purpose in life. He realized that he was not alone and that there were people who cared about him like Dave and were willing to help. And from that day forward, Andrew never let his terrible parents control his life again. (Flashback end)

I think the whole college thing was what they saw as their way out of their situation whatever it was and when their excuse to acknowledge my existence was gone they just probably just decided their is no reason to pretend and be interested in me they just let their hate for me show more then ever before I mean it has been about 7 years since I last spoke to any of them in fact now that I think about it we didn't even speak that much for my whole life at all luckily I am still here there is still time for me to fix my relationship with my parents I should be able to achieve this much right?.

I passed out before I could finish my train of thought unfortunately I was too exhausted I immediately fell asleep quickly, but a few hours later, he was jolted awake by a sense of panic. He felt a weight on his chest and tried to sit up, but I couldn't move. My arms and legs felt heavy, and i couldn't speak or scream for help. I felt as if something was holding me down, and i couldn't escape. Andrew tried to calm himself down, but my mind was racing with fear. I felt as if i was being watched by an unseen presence, and i started to hear strange noises in the room. I couldn't see anything, but I felt as if there were shadows moving around me. I tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep, but the sense of dread was too strong. As time passed, Andrew slowly regained control of his body. I was able to move my fingers, then my arms, and finally, my legs. I sat up and took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I looked around the room, but there was nothing there. The realization that what i had experienced was sleep paralysis. Over the next few nights, Andrew experienced sleep paralysis again. He tried to avoid sleeping on his back, which is a common trigger for sleep paralysis, but it didn't help. He feels helpless and scared, not knowing when it would happen again. Damn this shit affected me more then I ever expected fuck I need help I can't keep living like this.

I go on my phone and asked the all knowing Google and here are the results.

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that occurs when a person is unable to move their body or speak while transitioning in or out of sleep. It is a frightening experience that has been reported throughout history and across cultures, often associated with supernatural or demonic entities. However, in modern times, it is recognized as a natural occurrence that is caused by the brain not fully transitioning between sleep stages.

Once again Google to the rescue, doing more research I speak to an online sleep specialist, who explained to me that sleep paralysis occurs when the brain is in between sleep stages. During Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, the brain is active, but the body is paralyzed to prevent movement during dreams. When a person wakes up during this stage, the paralysis can continue for a few seconds to a few minutes, causing the experience of sleep paralysis. The sleep specialist advised me to improve my sleep hygiene, such as avoiding caffeine and alcohol, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and keeping my bedroom dark and quiet. I must also learn relaxation techniques to reduce my anxiety before going to bed. With time, my sleeping paralysis episodes will became less frequent, and hopefully i will learn to cope with the fear this whole rooftop has brought to my life.


and horrible nightmares where I was back on the rooftop and dave was not there to save me this time slowly falling to my death, (i could not help shouting with as much strength as I could muster nooooooooo I don't want any of this) and as I fell just as I'm about to hit the ground I always wake up in fact this dream has become so frequent that I even remember the dream in great detail.

I removed my cover and those thoughts from my head and I got up from the bed went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth thinking about the dream I had earlier that was just creepy I came back to the room changed out of my pajamas and I got dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans, I quickly take out my phone and called dave as soon as the call connected I made sure to speak before Dave even had the chance to speak.

"Hi dave come to my place let's make some videos to upload my boy no excuses come here and have breakfast here with me," andrew said with unnecessary sass, 10 minutes later I hear knocking and rush to open the door, "hi dave get in here and you already know where the food" is I say locking the door before Dave could say anything.

"Yeah I'm going in the kitchen I know, I am gonna make myself some cereal do you want some?, and why the fuck are you in such a rush did something happen never mind I don't actually care I even came up with some ideas about about my youtube channel like gameplay and theories channel people like that kind of stuff and we could try e-dates and doing MMA stuff what do you think bro" Dave said with confidence.

"Of course I want some cereal what kind of question is that and you clearly don't know anything money is time it's that obvious, I want us to focus on gameplay and theories first alright you have a small audience so we should stick to these two things and then we can try the other stuff later man," we then start working on videos for the next 12 hours making and editing them and adding thumbnails, and uploaded them to YouTube we even made yuotube shorts hopefully they are all going to go well.

" fuck man I have to go home and sleep you overworked me man shame on you I'm going to have to start a employee union or your going to work me to death okay be better, our social life may suffer just because you don't know how to chill like seriously, your crazy okay enough talking I got to sleep fuck I'm staying here tonight bye I am going to sleep." Dave said with an exasperated tired tone

Dave practically ran to the spare room he didn't bother to close the door or anything as soon as he laid down he fell as sleep right away

" yeah whatever man a little bit of work and you are already complaining, you my boy need to keep it on the grind", I said with amusement in my tone and I go to the spare bedroom remove the dumbass shoes and put the cover on him get out and close the door.

It is no surprise we had the same routine for the past two months and we are finally starting to see results like we did not expect dave finally qualified for monetization with over 500k subscribers and over 5000 watched hours and of course, we continued working our butts off for long hours this time and another month passed and finally the day to get paid has come after checking everything dave had made $120000.

" fuck dave you finally did it you are now a different person now, of course, we are going to split half and half bitch we worked on this together fam, this is how your gonna become a multi-millionaire boy see what happens when you listen to what I tell you this was a good idea, haha life is finally starting to be good we are going to make it in life." i said with happiness very evident in my voice.

" yeah boy I'm so glad to have given attention to your suggestions so brilliant boy you're a genius good thing that you are my friend, best day of my life, haha I'm going to be somebody finally I can enjoy life how it was meant to be haha." Dave said with great amount of arrogance and a smug expression on his face.

"what the fuck wait boy you getting 60k and you already starting to speak differently that's crazy man you need help okay, I already sent you your half go knock yourself out buddy I'm gonna stay here and think about life okay have a good one, I actually need to get some rest this has been a bit too much these past 3 months."

"Alright your actually human good to know, boy I'm going okay, thanks for the help I finally have another major platform and source of income, see you I got to get myself a house take care of yourself good night, you going to see a different me haha I'm going to get myself some women I'm getting some haha I feel unstoppable like we going up." Dave said completely ignoring my comments about his behavior.

I went to lock the door, and once more I tried to call my parents not so surprised, they did not answer for the past 3 months I have tried to call them since I almost died I have tried calling them but nothing I have almost lost all hope in fixing my relationship with them will it ever get better, damn this is so off putting, I have to think of something else like I should order a custom pc so I did it's coming tomorrow I'm so excited, damn I got to go sleep I went to take a shower and went to sleep.

ahh, I had that nightmare once again just why, fuck who is knocking this early in the morning I rush to open the door and I saw a delivery guy with my package finally here damn now I take the package and spend the next two hours setting up the gaming PC so I need to make YouTube videos with the PC but which game should I play though?.

wait Skyrim is the game I'll play it has a massive community that would be nice so I went to steam and downloaded Skyrim, and It finished downloading so I downloaded the best mods for Skyrim as well I'm going to make the best out of all those mods, now I became very concerned with getting the best mods I could for Skyrim and I spent a lot of time researching the mods for useful mods and I got 2 whole mod packs in all 2500 mods, I installed the likes of oden magic mod, apocalypse mod, graphics mods and much more.

Now after checking all mods I installed, okay time to run the game and it did not crash what a surprise, custom pc all the way, I just need to make my character, what would my ultimate modded character look like, I got it I am going to make him 6 foot 11 inches in height very masculine looking and most importantly, blond hair, yellow eyes, and 10 pack just for the sake of my vanity the character had to be like this I mean it just makes sense if you are going to make a moded character i might as well make him the best I can with all advantages I can think of it will be a very useful plus when I make videos people are gonna be interested in the number of details and keep watching more of my videos hopefully so go big or go home.

I should make some followers, Serena is the first I mod her into a better looking lord/alpha vampire instead of how she looked like in the vanilla game and i really go into modifying her looks to give her the edge and a lot of stealth base skills and assassin skills and just give a lot of other abilities Which should help.

the next follower is Liltha now I just got the mod to change her looks but her darkness manipulation shadow mage and all the other things were the same except for some minor changes nothing much.

My next follower is Mirai the girl with the dragon heart I changed her appearance and gave her warrior skills, mage skills, and assassin skills and oThe ther drastically changes.

My next follower is Eris the lady of light and shade I changed her appearance and I made sure she was not blind and added a lot more to her abilities and much more I had to spice her up.

My next follower is Ambriel the girl who needs help getting her powers I have moded her looks added a few things but everything else remains the same .

My last follower is Frida the red i drastically change her only keeping her way of fighting and make sure to add more things to her.

Now that the game is set up I just have to start recording, "wait what is that atrocious sound", I quickly get up from my chair look out the window and see people running with a man chasing after them and he presses some remote, and I just black out.

In a space filled with darkness from all directions, a man was staring at the darkness with lifeless eyes. He is confused and worried but nothing could be seen on his face. He is like a puppet with consciousness.

suddenly a small light appeared and became an extremely Bright figure made of light and fire, and large pressure enveloped the space. The figure's flames looked red as if it was melting the space around it.

Then, a voice echoed from the direction of the eyes of the figure. "Andrew Philips, you have piqued my interest hence even after your death, you will be given a second chance. Choose wisely".

When the voice echoed, Andrew tried to look in its direction. He saw a figure of light and fire and then felt a level of danger and despair that he could not understand then, on the other hand, he felt a sense of accomplishment and success in witnessing the beginning and the end of things at least that is what he was feeling currently.

Fear started to creep into him as if the surrounding darkness was warning him to not stray his thoughts and focus on the current situation.

So, he calmed himself and lowered his gaze. He also wanted to ask questions about his current condition but he could not. But it did not matter anyway , because he was dead that is the final result at least that is what he concluded to with all the available evidence

Unknown being: "well human do your wish thing, human are you broken"?

Finally here's my chance "I am sorry sir but I'm not sure if I can trust you by wish thing I assume you want me to make wishes but how am i supposed to do that you may use me in some way through the wishes and I'm most definitely not broken, sir" Andrew said with a firm tone that is filled with apprehension.

Unknown Being: "you're not broken nice, well how bold of you to assume that I require nonsensical means to gather power, I'm powerful enough without outside interference, you are just an experiment, some of my friends grant people's wishes and I decided to try it out, to see if it seems as pointless as I think it is and your the subject".

He must be speaking truthfully otherwise there is nothing I can do about it', "I see sir are my friends, okay even though they are not the best people out there but they are still a lot better then my parents, and especially dave is he okay"?

Unknown Being: "Well your parents are fine in fact they were not that bothered they were actually glad your dead and dave and your other friends are fine well after your deathbthey inherited all your wealth and assets, well for long period of time your friends were depressed and sad they are slowly starting to get better at accepting your death and are still sad even dave was by far the most affected by your death he went into depression for a long period but he started to overcome this and has become more successful just like how you guys planned it".

Well at least my three friends cared and dave is a real one, well my parents are okay even though they somehow didn't care that I died and were happy?, "Sir are there limits to my wishes"?, 'I hope there are no limits to my wishes otherwise I'll have to get creative and think a lot more thoroughly, OMG my future life and happiness depend on the wishes that I am about to make, I'll go all out, fuck the pressure, I'm going to be okay', Andrew thought with excitement.

Unknown being: "yes, there are technical limits, but it's more of the greater your wish is the more the consequences you bring into your new life, but just don't overdo your wishes and you may have less or no consequences plus you don't need to know the consequences you just have to take a leap of faith".

At least I know what to avoid but am I really going to do that?, its tough luck with unknown consequences I need to make op wishes without them being too op, or I get punishments?

Use for my pass time has come, my nerdy knowledge of manga, and comics, movies etc is now something I'm glad I wasted that much time on now it's going to finally pay off and be useful now, after a little contemplating "my first wish is to become my moded Skyrim character including every he has, the second wish is to have a meta essence gacha with the ability to assimilation like how it is in my mind. My 3rd wish is to have the power to get things such as spells, classes, and everything else useful without the level limits in dungeos and dragons".

Unknown: "being well mortal your wishes are granted, and enjoy your new life I will make sure your existence makes sense since you have been respectful, that will be your reward and you must make sure to enjoy the consequences of your wishes".

Before I could say thanks to the sir, and ask what world I would reincarnate into, I fell through a portal and lost consciousness that is all Andrew could think of before passing out.


"I still do not see the point of granting wishes... It seems rather pointless" and the Uknown being goes into his pocket dimension and once more continues to oversee his countless realities in peace.

In a luxurious room, a young man was sleeping with a slight frown, after a few moments he woke up groggy noticing he is reclining in his luxurious bedroom, surrounded by opulence and extravagance. The air is filled with the scent of freshly cut flowers and the subtle aroma of his favorite cologne, while the soft glow of dimmed chandeliers casts a warm light over the room.

The walls are adorned with intricate carvings, and paintings in gilded frames, showcasing the owner's exquisite taste in art and design. As he lounges on his plush, king-sized bed, a duvet made from the finest Egyptian cotton blankets his body, providing him with a cocoon of comfort. The pillows are plump and inviting, with silk covers that caress his cheek as he shifts his weight. His gaze sweeps across the expansive room, taking in the stunning views from the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the elegant garden below.

The windows are draped in heavy velvet curtains, the color of rich burgundy, which add an air of sophistication and glamour to the space. On the bedside table, a collection of leather-bound books sit neatly stacked, each one a classic of literature, and an indication of the man's cultured tastes. A crystal decanter filled with amber-colored whiskey is also present, adding to the luxurious atmosphere of the room.

In one corner, an antique writing desk with ornate carvings catches the eye, while a gleaming silver laptop sits waiting for the owner's return. The soft light of a desk lamp illuminates the intricate design of the desk, highlighting the beauty of its craftsmanship. The man's wardrobe is a work of art in itself, with bespoke suits and handmade shoes arranged with meticulous care in the walk-in closet.

Each item has been carefully selected and tailored to fit his frame, adding to his aura of elegance and sophistication. As the man savors the sumptuous surroundings of his bedroom, he feels a sense of contentment and relaxation. This space is a sanctuary, a haven of luxury where he can retreat from the demands of the world and bask in the lap of indulgence.

Suddenly in a whimsical fashion I see a status window in front of my face.

Name Douglas Aaron Nikolai Ramsey

Race: Human

character assimilation Fully assimilated: none

In progress: none

Summoned characters:none.

Powers:omnilingual translation, structural linguistics, body language, binary code, psychic immunity.

Equipped items: None

I immediately think if this is the case i could look different but how drastic is the change, all of this means probably my gacha is real as well thinking about my gacha and seeing that status window in front of me that said all the information it displayed.

After seeing my status window, I see that it is real I want to clear my head so I do some push-ups, and now after the workout, I realized how bad all of this is as I am probably fucked ,this is bad as there is no such thing as free lunch in the world, my wishes were so overpowered does that mean that my consequence are going to be massive the ROB did warn me about it, from the start sigh what a headache and I have another problem is what he said true and he does not want to use me to get more powerful in some way shape or form or this is pure entertainment for the ROB but at least I have the meta essence gacha it is the power that is mine and can never be taken from me.

Once again information whimsically in printed it's self in my subconscious.

so I am fine right ?, my gacha cannot be taken from me that would save me a lot of trouble in the future that's good to know, now I have instinctive knowledge of how to play around with the gacha I discovered that I'll have to get the assimilation to a 100% before I can assimilate another one, oh hard work is waiting for me.

Gacha points let's see I earn one per day, I need 3 gacha points per roll, I can buy a maximum of 100 gacha points monthly for $1 per gacha points I can buy in groups of 10 rolls spending 30GP and guaranteeing that at least one good card will come with all my other winning or I can pay double 60GP for 10 rolls, for something specific to the world I'm in , there are other buying modes but they don't matter and the gacha limits it's monthly draws.

it seems I can only assimilate two at that time, so I'll use 30GP on normal gacha and hope for the best at a later time if get at least omni-man or superman my life would be way easier, aah with gacha I can become a god in an instant I just have to be lucky once and bam, multiversal entity or winning anything else in all of the fiction plus meta essence gacha is not about draining your resources. And destroying your dreams like other gachas, can't help but smile at the thought of that.

After my grogginess was finally gone I looked there too many pillows on the bed, there's beautiful chandelier in Its brilliant light illuminates every corner of the room, casting a sparkling glow on everything in sight.hanging over the bed, looking around in a hurried pace noticing more things and I discover the room is far bigger and extravagant then expected.

Huh... the walk in closet I walked over and saw so many outfits and articles of clothes and I saw transparent drawers filled with watches and accessories I opened one of them and searched it, I opened another one and found a wallet in one of the drawers I opened the wallet and found a driver's license and an ID card.

I started reading the ID card.Okay, name Douglas Ramsey, issue date 2004 expiry date 2012, date of birth is 01/01/1988. Okay so I'm apparently in the past and younger cause the last time I checked I was 22, not 16, and was already a college dropout and it was 2022 but why does that name sound familiar?

Ah, At least I know the gacha works, I put away the ID card and wallet and started looking for clues, the kid had bookshelves filled with books most of them were novels in different languages, so he likes reading, I also found a

A beautiful computer setup wow Douglas spared no expense, and he carefully selected each component of his setup, ensuring that everything was of the highest quality.

Because luxurious desktop setup was complete and looked custom. His desk was made of the finest oak wood, and it was polished to a mirror finish. His computer was custom-built and featured the latest and most powerful components.

Douglas's keyboard was a sleek and ergonomic mechanical masterpiece, with soft keys that felt like butter under my fingertips. His mouse was an elegant wireless model, with customizable buttons that allowed me to control every aspect of this computer with ease.

But my favorite part of his luxurious desktop setup was his monitor. It was a massive, curved ultrawide display that seemed to stretch out into infinity. The colors were so vivid and lifelike that it felt like he was looking out a window into another world.

To complete his setup, Douglas added some personal touches, like a set of custom speakers that provided an immersive surround sound experience. He also installed some soft ambient lighting that bathed the entire room in a warm and inviting glow.

As andrew now douglas sat down at his desk and powered up his computer, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. His luxurious desktop setup was more than just a collection of high-end components; it was a reflection of his personality and his passion for technology.

From that here I should enjoy, i should spent countless hours at this desk, enjoying the luxurious comfort of this setup and exploring all the possibilities that his powerful computer had to offer. And every time he looked at his setup, he felt a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, some how felt that he had created something truly special, but douglas is not sure?.

computer it is a iMac (Intel-based) but looked new but since I'm in past this is considered the latest model but what is this it's a iMac(Intel-based) which doesn't make sense because its 2004 well I assume it is and the apple iMac (Intel-based) is supposed to be made in 2006 which is weird but its another world right? and on the desktop not only was the computer there but there's ,the iPhone - June 29, 2007, Original MacBook Pro, Q35 Notebook, ipod classic 6th generation, all on this massive desktop at least this means this kids family has money after all look at all these gadgets fuck and theres probably more I don't know , after all this is information i saw in the drawers that I found the wallet at now I am happy I opened the drawer and I looked and saw manuals for all theses devices and took them like a nerd.

After reading the manuals I was able to work the Q35 Notebook and wow that is windows xp sweet and went online and started looking for some information, oh thank god google is still a thing, first I Googled my new name and some useful information about my new family, fuck both his parents are alive? This is going to be difficult I don't remember anything about this kid's life, this kid's dad is a known lawyer in Salem center named Philip a managing partner in law firm, and his mom's name is sheila who is a locum tentens psychiatrist.

His parents are bound to find something strange about my behavior, I should try and avoid them for the time being, at least until I can figure out a way, not to draw too much attention to myself.

I look at the time on my computer and the date, it is the 3rd January a Saturday in 2004, Haha I was right its 2004 and it's 4 :15 am in the morning 'thank god it's the weekend I don't know what I would do if I had to go to school right now.' I thought to myself, I feel kinda guilty for taking over the kid's body but it isn't exactly my fault so there isn't much I can do but try to honor what I am given there wasn't much left for me in my old life anyway.

I Could try going to college this time again and try hard this time and choose a stable career, hmm I try searching up my old name, and nothing

Next, I stand up start to walk around looking and see some more,the moment i stepped through the door, I was greeted by the magnificent sight of a spacious living room that was both stylish and luxurious.

The living room was decorated with the finest furnishings, including a plush velvet sofa that was large enough to seat ten people comfortably. The sofa was accompanied by a matching set of armchairs that were just as comfortable and inviting. The coffee table in the center was made of gleaming glass and was adorned with a vase of fresh flowers that brought color and life to the room.

The walls of the living room were painted a soft cream color, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Large windows on one side of the room offered a breathtaking view of an exotic garden, while on the other side, an enormous flat-screen television was mounted on the wall.

The lighting in the room was soft and elegant, with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling that cast a warm and inviting glow throughout the space. The floors were covered in plush, cream-colored carpeting that was so soft and fluffy it felt like walking on a cloud.

In one corner of the living room, there was a grand piano, which looked it would be used often when entertaining guests. The piano was a work of art, with its polished black finish and exquisite sound. It was surrounded by comfortable armchairs, providing the perfect spot for guests to sit and listen to the music.

As I walked around the living room, I just couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at its sheer elegance and beauty. It was a room that exuded luxury and sophistication, and it was clear that no expense had been spared in its creation.

This place looks amazing, the living room is a sanctuary, a place where i could see myself relax and unwind after a long day at work. But i am lucky enough to be awakened into this luxurious space, it is a feast for the senses, a space where i could bask in the opulence and enjoy the finer things in life.

This is bullshit their's a living room In a fucking bedroom and the bedroom even has PS2 what even is this 2004, "haha", after looking at room it felt like there's no end to it,

Finding another door and go in as soon as i walked into the room I see it's a bathroom, i was greeted by a stunning chandelier that cast a warm glow over the room.

The walls were adorned with Italian marble and the floor was made of gleaming white granite. The centerpiece of the bathroom was a large Jacuzzi that could comfortably fit four people. It was surrounded by a beautifully crafted mosaic of dolphins and sea creatures.

On the left-hand side of the bathroom was a massive shower with multiple showerheads that sprayed water from every angle.

The shower was enclosed in a glass enclosure and was big enough to accommodate up to six people. It had a digital temperature control system that allowed Douglas to set the perfect water temperature to suit his mood.

On the right-hand side of the bathroom was a long, polished wooden vanity with two large sinks that were made of the finest marble.

There was a custom-made mirror that spanned the length of the vanity, and it was backlit with warm, inviting light. The vanity was stocked with luxurious toiletries and fragrances from around the world, including a selection of designer perfumes, moisturizers, and creams.

The bathroom was also equipped with a state-of-the-art sound system that would allow me to listen to this guy's favorite music while he soaked in the Jacuzzi or took a shower.

There was a large screen television mounted on the wall that could be used to watch movies or catch up on the news while he relaxed in the tub.

Overall, this luxurious bathroom was the epitome of comfort and indulgence. It was a testament to this guys wealth and success and provided him with a sanctuary to escape from the stresses of everyday life.

the bathroom is sick obviously I'm going to use this even thought I this is either a good hallucination or I'm in coma.

what's going on here is all he could think at as he looked at the mirror and is so shocked that he was frozen in place, He couldn't believe it who was the person staring back at him.

His face was chiseled, with sharp cheekbones and a strong jawline. His skin was smooth and flawless, and his eyes were a piercing blue that seemed to sparkle in the light.

looking into the mirror, the person who he found looking back at him was someone else who did not come even close to looking like he remembered his self to be like, the person even moved as he moved his hand.

Fuck is that me? Andrew looked as he moved and the reflection did the same movements. My appearance before was 6 foot , 0 inches I had black hair and green eyes. I used to be heavily muscular with some fat and I was a bit tanned in my complexion, but the person staring back at me looked completely different.

He had long blond hair that is almost to his neck. He had light blue eyes that shined with intelligence.

But he is a couple of inches shorter, almost 5 foot , 9 inches, I believe, his build is amazing even thought it's a lot slimmer like a gymnasts physique fairly muscular with broad shoulders, and rippling muscles but not too bulky, and he worked out a lot because damn you could cut diamonds on his abs. I am still confused, my mind starts racing am I finally starting to lose my mind? Maybe the ROB was real, I get out of my thoughts and look at the mirror again, and examined myself, it is strange, this appearance looked kinda familiar like I have seen it somewhere before.

Even thought this is a confusing situation I have a deep passion for personal grooming. Is still truly believe that looking good was an essential part of feeling good and took great pride in my appearance in my previous live.

From his perfectly coiffed hair to his meticulously trimmed beard, everything about him was always in place.

When I was andrew a grooming routine I had was luxurious affair that took several hours each day. I would start my day with a long shower, using the finest soaps and shampoos to cleanse my skin and hair.

I would then spend hours trimming and shaping my beard, using only the most expensive grooming tools to ensure that every hair was in place.

Next, Andrew would move on to my skincare routine, which was equally as elaborate. I would use a range of high-end products to cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize my skin, leaving it looking and feeling soft and supple.

But Andrew's grooming routine didn't stop there. I would spend hours each day selecting the perfect outfit, carefully choosing each piece to create a look that was both stylish and sophisticated. I would accessorize with expensive watches, cufflinks, and other jewelry, completing the look with a spritz of my favorite cologne.

Despite the time and effort that went into my grooming routine, I never felt like it was a chore. I enjoyed the process and took great pleasure in the way i looked and felt after each session. I mean my friends and subordinates admired my impeccable style and often looked to me for grooming advice.

Over time, my grooming routine became my trademark. I was known throughout the city for my perfectly groomed appearance and made me more of a celebrity then I was before.

And while my grooming habits may have seemed excessive to some, for me, they were an essential part of my daily routine, and i wouldn't have had it any other way, I mean I had to develop habits and hobbies to get out of my depression.

and took a shower and did my regular routine, dried off I walked off into the walk in closet I get changed into red boxers, silk black socks, black sweat pants, white leather sneakers, a black cotton t-shirt, a dark blue trench coat, a brown scarf, and a pair of sunglasses, all these clothing pieces and accessories are so stylish in my old life I could definitely afford all these articles of clothes and accessories, I also put on a Armani Code / Black Code perfume on and I am ready now. A few minutes later, I was back on my laptop I then started trying to search for information regarding my current situation when I noticed the date is really set to 2004 it's not a prank its really 2004, I really have no idea what School this kid goes to, but thanks to my wallet I typed my address from my driver's license and i have discovered I'm in new york East Hills, which is a very wealthy neighborhood that's my current location at least I believe so?.

It did not take long before I was looking up news articles and just more things to familiarize myself with this world. A bunch of articles on the recent hurricane a few months ago. Tony stark partying and giving away cars hmm... what else? Wait. Tony stark? I started. reading some articles and found many articles about stark industries.

I also found articles on major corporations like Fisk industries, Rand industries, and even Ozcorp whose CEO was Norman Osborn, "what the hell? Where the hell am I?

After sitting there for a minute, I started to consider my plans for the future and what I can do in this situation, I can try to graduate early from high school and instead of go to college to get a degree in engineering. In that way, I can live comfortably, this way my new parents will think that my behavior changed because I am going to college, and me being more mature, but in 12 years or so their is a chance I will get erased.

Dying is a strong possibility in the many events to come and even if I try to stay away I don't think the ROB that brought me here is just gonna let me go on with my life like nothing ever happened.

Plus even if the ROB has already forgotten about me, Marvel has a way of dragging people into trouble, especially when they are trying to avoid it and I am still not sure which marvel universe I am in, is it the MCU or the comics, and which version am I on Earth- 616 or a mix between the two or something completely different. Oh, what a headache the only thing left to do is look for more information.

I tried to look for any information on mutants and I found some apparent professor X he is known as a famous author and psychiatrist he also has a school for the gifted, ah the child training facility, well this is bad not only that but my new dad helped Xavier with some legal problems in the past, as he is very well known lawyer and a chairman of law firm and my new mom is a Locum Tenens Psychiatrist that's well respected and she knows the dude?

I realize wait I wouldn't be randomly transported to a random guy's body in marvel... a few seconds later I realized oh my god I'm cypher!!!

That means that Xavier maybe knew the old Doug and knew that he is a mutant and if so why they did not try and recruit him am I even a mutant?

I then start to try and remember his backstory and felt a massive headache and suddenly scenes of people I have never met and a childhood different from mine, my first day of homeschooling with an amazing nanny, my first friend, my first kiss, my first violin lessons and many more of these memories coming back to me until the memories of yesterday before I woke up in this body.

Hmm.... Interesting I have two sets of memories, I can remember Doug's original memories as if I had personally experienced them, but It doesn't seem to affect my original personality and thought process, this means either original Doug is dead or has merged with me but I'm still in control, I'm the main Ego.

something is not quite right. Cypher is part of the New Mutants and if I remember correctly he should be way younger than he is right now, so it seems I was transported to the past of the Marvel universe, and into an older Cypher's body who should not exist in this timeline.

Wait back to the main point why did he not recruit cypher maybe its because cypher is not good enough for his child soldier program or his mutation was not noticeable and Doug could live a normal life as anything out of the ordinary people will think its because of his genius intellect rather than him being mutant or it could be the combination of the two or the mutant powers didn't manifest itself yet?

Oh, I wonder which iteration of Xavier is in this universe is it the morally ambiguous kind of good Xavier who uses methods that are sometimes questionable and the kind of hero weirdo , or is it the mind-rapey Xavier, I should try and avoid him at least until I could find a way to protect my mind, especially with the information inside my head that will bring doom if ever revealed would bring doom to all.

Plus I don't trust him whatsoever he may say that he would not read my mind but that is not guaranteed, like one stray thought and bam shit hits the fan, what even says his gonna bother staying out of my mind.

I don't have to worry so much about that because the gacha has been correct about my name and powers' meaning it works perfectly and the gacha has shown that I have psychic immunity if I remember correctly it's because of cypher developing a complex language for him to think in as a child right, plus his power is also considered semi-telepathic and semi- clairvoyant in nature somehow I can use it to explain any future knowledge I may have and why my mind is protected and knowledge in marvel can make me a powerhouse.

My otherworldly knowledge can be used as a baseline even if it is not all the way accurate, thank the ROB for putting me in a body I know well, haha, wait? Are my powers activated or not it's a bit hard to tell. So I go to the bookshelves and grab a book in Spanish and I start to read, it kinda makes sense but after a few sentences, I start to understand what I'm reading until I finish the page and I understood it. Okay, I'm the human translator I can understand any language, or I just got this ability from this body, nope I'm the human translation machine that is the only explanation.

I go online and start reading the news in so many different languages because there are no Arabic books so I started reading the news and slowly I start to understand them, haha holy shit, I finished reading that article just like that, and didn't notice, okay I can read it so take a pencil and I try writing and its surprisingly easy, then I must speak it too and I am speaking in Arabic so I go watch youtube and compare my accent to a native speaker and it is off compared to a native Arabic speaker.

Subsequently a few videos, my accent got so good I sound like a native speaker of Arabic, just reading a few words from a language is enough for me to write and speak it but to sound like a native I need. A little practice speaking it and bam native speaker, so me getting this body was enough to activate my powers nicely done, haha I'm so happy life is so good.

So I get up from my desk and get out of my room and the hall entrance was guarded by towering marble pillars, and as walked through the doors, I am greeted by the sound of a grand orchestra and the scent of fragrant flowers.

The hall was illuminated by hundreds of crystal chandeliers that sparkled and shimmered like stars in the night sky. The walls were lined with rich velvet tapestries and ornate mirrors that reflected the light and added to the grandeur of the space.

In the center of the hall, there was a magnificent fountain made of pure gold and adorned with precious jewels. The sound of the water cascading down into the pool below added to the peaceful ambiance of the hall.

I could enjoy a variety of luxuries, from exquisite cuisine prepared by renowned chefs to fine wines and spirits from around the world. There were also grand ballrooms where guests could dance the night away to the sound of live music, and private rooms for more intimate gatherings.

This house is just a straight up a palace and is a place of pure indulgence and extravagance, and this I'd known as the epitome of luxury. It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and those lucky enough to step foot inside its walls are transported to a world of glamour and refinement.

This is too much even for my previous life experience sthis tandards of wealth is unbelievable and very suspicious all this is awesome but people who can afford this kind of possessions have to be at least billionaires because otherwise all my memories of this body would not make any sense whatsoever, I should stop thinking of this for now and chill because their is definitely much more important issues I have to think of for now.

I walk the hall I go to the staircase and I can already see the details of the staircase.The staircase was made of the finest marble and was handcrafted by skilled artisans.The staircase was adorned with intricate designs that were breathtakingly beautiful.The railings of the staircase were made of gold and were intricately carved with delicate designs.

As i climbed down the staircase, i could feel the smoothness of the marble under my feet, and the golden railings added an extra touch of elegance. The staircase and it was hard not to be impressed by its grandeur.

I could entertain guests, and i could often throw lavish parties at this palace, whenever i have guests over, I could take them on a tour of the palace, and the first stop can be the staircase.

I could talk about the staircase's craftsmanship and the attention to detail that went into its creation.

Wait am I always this distracted, wow this experience is so amazing I have a chance at this lifestyle I never had now I truly no theirs difference between what I was multi-million and what I assume is now a multi-billionaires lifestyle.

Going down the stairs after arriving downstairs, " is anyone home"? Is all I I could ask and no one answered sweet nobody is home, I should go to the library and study I must make use of this genius-level intellect and learn all I can, and not develop an internet addiction as cypher got later where he needed help to get out of it so I'll try sticking to books for now at least I must try my best to stick to them for now.

where did I leave my wallet and phone?, I go back upstairs grab my wallet and see car keys as well in the drawer and get my iPhone 1, I go to the walk in closet grab a backpack put all my stuff inside, I go back downstairs check my wallet and $ 900 in the wallet nice.

Alright I'm excited because from today on forwards I'm Douglas Ramsey with a new life, family and I have been homeschooled for so long and I'm definitely a genius in this life and the last at least from my memories, breathing in and out, I go back downstairs and out into the kitchen.

The kitchen was the size of a small apartment, with gleaming stainless steel appliances that shimmered under the bright lights.

The countertops were made of imported marble, and the cabinets were crafted from rare, exotic woods.The floors were tiled with polished granite, and the walls were adorned with hand-painted murals of idyllic landscapes.

Marcus had spared no expense in creating this kitchen. He had traveled the world in search of the finest ingredients and the most talented craftsmen to bring his vision to life. Every detail had been carefully considered, from the lighting fixtures to the placement of the pots and pans.

But it wasn't just the aesthetics of the kitchen that made it so special, it was the equipment and tools that Marcus had collected over the years.He had a collection of knives that would make any chef drool with envy, each one perfectly balanced and honed to a razor-sharp edge.

His cookware was made of the highest quality materials, allowing him to cook with precision and control.

The centerpiece of the kitchen was a massive range, with six burners and a griddle that could accommodate even the most elaborate dishes.Marcus had a deep fryer, a sous vide machine, and a blast chiller, all of which he used to create the most incredible meals.

As much as Marcus loved this kitchen, he knew that it was just a tool. It was his skill and creativity that made it truly special. And so, he spent countless hours honing his craft, experimenting with new techniques and ingredients, and pushing the boundaries of what was possible.

The result was a menu that was both daring and delicious, with dishes that combined unexpected flavors and textures to create a truly unforgettable dining experience. And while Marcus knew that this kitchen was a key part of his success, he also knew that it was his passion and dedication that truly set him apart.

In the end, the luxurious kitchen was just a backdrop for Marcus's artistry. It was a testament to his commitment to excellence and his desire to create something truly exceptional. And for those lucky enough to taste his creations, it was a true privilege to witness his talent in action.

Wait what the fuck is happening here I take my phone out and Google this situation In a whole here are the results

Repressed memories refer to memories that are believed to be forgotten or suppressed by the conscious mind due to a traumatic event or experience. These memories can be of a personal or non-personal nature, and they can range from childhood traumas to physical abuse, emotional abuse, and other forms of trauma.

The idea of repressed memories has been a controversial topic in psychology and neuroscience, with some experts questioning the validity of repressed memories and the reliability of techniques used to recover them.

Some studies have suggested that memories of traumatic events can be repressed or forgotten by the conscious mind as a way of coping with the trauma. However, other studies have challenged this idea and suggested that the recovered memories may be false or distorted, and that the techniques used to recover them can lead to false memories.

It is important to note that repressed memories can have significant impacts on an individual's mental health and well-being. If you suspect that you may have repressed memories, it is important to seek the guidance of a qualified mental health professional who can help you explore these memories and work through any associated trauma.

Fuck so this is what is happening to me randomly remembering stuff wait but I didn't experience any trauma in this life I would understand if it was in my old life.

Hmm.... maybe me reincarnating caused me to suffer some trauma so my now brain is having trauma well at least I am remembering stuff right progress.

Mr. Ramsey is awake?

As I walked in the dining room saw a beautiful and voluptuous woman. Her long, curly hair cascaded down her back in waves of crimson deep red, and her eyes were as blue as dark sapphire.

Her curves were the envy of all who saw her, and she had a smile that could light up even the darkest of rooms.

I saw that beautiful woman gently smiling at me, she is wearing some kind of formal light-blue and dark-blue dress, she looked like the typical business woman would look like, she looks very young like she's in her 20s but I know she in her 30s.

'Olivia' I think as I look at the woman, Olivia she has been here my whole life practically my second mom and helped raise me, and in the past I had deep affection towards this woman and even now I still have affection and respect towards her.

"Good morning I am indeed awake Olivia" I said with a slight smile that felt affectionate and surprisingly boosted my overall mood.

"Good morning to you too Mr Ramsey, I am here to remind you that you must eat the entirety of your breakfast and the subsequent meals or I will be forced to inform your mother" Olivia said in a commanding tone.

"Alright almighty spy-butler I shall carry out your commands oh powerful one and you shall set me free by not telling a single soul." Douglas said in playful tone.

Wait why is Olivia here wasn't Sophia supposed to be here, so is what I remember a distorted memory, no this is inconvenient

'well I completed my quota of irritating Olivia for the day ' i think to myself.

"Alright, and I'm most definitely neither a spy nor a butler I'm a proud head maid" Olivia said a bit flustered, fixing her glasses, and then clapping her hands several maids come with a vast array of food and set it down on the well decorated dining room table and neatly arranged everything and Olivia just walked away.

The dining room I'm walked to is a masterpiece, with marble floors, crystal chandeliers, and intricate gold detailing on the walls. The room was adorned with priceless paintings and sculptures, and the table was made of the finest mahogany wood. The chairs were upholstered with plush velvet cushions and were the epitome of comfort and elegance.

The dining room was so large that it could easily accommodate twenty guests at once.i would love to entertain his wealthy friends and business associates in this room, and he spared no expense in providing them with the finest dining experience. He hired one of the best chefs in the city, who prepared exquisite gourmet meals using the freshest and most expensive ingredients.

The table was set with the finest silverware, crystal glasses, and linen napkins. The room was lit with soft candlelight, and the atmosphere was nothing short of magical.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and buttery croissants wafted through the air, enticing the people to take a seat at one of the elegantly set tables. The maids greeted me with a warm smile, guiding me to my seat and pouring me a glass of chilled orange juice.

The tables were adorned with crisp white tablecloths and silver cutlery, reflecting the light from the chandeliers. The menu was an extravagant array of delicacies, from flaky pastries to freshly squeezed fruit juices, from smoked salmon to caviar. The chef had prepared a feast fit for a king. I was in awe of the display before me, and couldn't wait to indulge in the lavish offerings. The first course was a selection of freshly baked pastries, including buttery croissants, pain au chocolat, and fruit danishes.

The aroma of the warm, flaky pastry was irresistible Douglas savored the buttery goodness and the delicious fillings, savoring each bite. Next came a platter of exotic fruits, arranged with care and precision. The sweet aroma of the pineapple, papaya, and mango filled the room, complemented by a side of creamy Greek yogurt and honey.

I couldn't help but indulge in the sweet, juicy fruit and the creamy yogurt. Then came the main course, a selection of delectable dishes, including fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, and perfectly grilled sausages. I was spoilt for choice, and the chef was happy to prepare any dish to my liking. the chef customize my omelets with a variety of ingredients. As I enjoyed my breakfast, i was entertained by live music from a classical quartet.

The soothing sounds of the violin and cello added to the already luxurious atmosphere, creating a relaxing and indulgent experience. Finally, it was time for dessert, which was just as decadent as the rest of the meal. I was presented with a selection of miniature cakes, tarts, and pastries, each one more delicious than the last.

I indulged in the rich chocolate cake, the delicate macarons, and the creamy panna cotta. As I finished my meal, I was already looking forward to my next breakfast at this house. I felt pampered and satisfied, with memories of this luxurious breakfast that I can't forget.

And more maids came with a stack of fluffy pancakes drizzled with maple syrup and topped with fresh berries. And i could enjoy a platter of eggs Benedict, with perfectly poached eggs resting on a bed of Canadian bacon and a toasted English muffin, all smothered in rich hollandaise sauce.

And could indulge in a bowl of fresh fruit, with juicy mangoes, succulent strawberries, and ripe kiwi all piled high. And a freshly baked croissant, with a crispy exterior and a soft, buttery interior that practically looked like it would melted in my mouth.

Wait why is Marcus sending more food?, is it because I irritated Olivia?, but this does look good and each dish is served on the finest china and accompanied by the most exquisite cutlery. The table was adorned with fresh flowers and polished silverware.

I'm supposed to finish this myself maybe it was not a good idea to annoy miss Olivia, I just sat down at the dining room table, and then I started eating my breakfast quietly, after the breakfast, maids came and took my plates and I grabbed a banana and my backpack, I walked out into a massive hall and went out of the house.

I checked if I have my drivers license and as I walked out stunningly beautiful car, with a sleek and aerodynamic design that turned heads wherever it went. It was the epitome of luxury and speed, and it was made by my private team. The Storm Chaser was the result of years of research and development by a team of engineers and designers who were passionate about creating the perfect hypercar.

They spared no expense in creating this masterpiece, using only the finest materials and components. The car was powered by a massive 6.3-liter V12 engine that produced an incredible 850 horsepower. The Output from the V12 is 850hp and 850 pound feet of torque, It could accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just 2.5 seconds and had a top speed of over 200 miles per hour.

The car's suspension and brakes were also top-of-the-line, ensuring that it could handle even the most challenging roads and corners with ease. Inside, the car was just as impressive. It had a luxurious leather interior, with comfortable and supportive seats that hugged the driver and passengers in all the right places. The dashboard was adorned with a digital display that showed all the vital information about the car's performance, including speed, RPM, and oil pressure. Driving the Storm Chaser is an experience unlike any other.

. It was designed and built by a fairly big but dedicated team of engineers who poured their hearts and souls into creating the ultimate driving machine. The Storm Chaser had a stunning, aerodynamic design that turned heads wherever it went. Its white vanilla exterior was complemented by red and black racing stripes that added to its sporty and aggressive look.

Under the hood, the Storm Chaser is powered by a massive turbocharged engine that produced over 800 horsepower, allowing it to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just a few seconds. The storm chaser Is not just fast, it was also incredibly agile and responsive, thanks to its advanced suspension and electronic stability control system.

It hugged the road like a second skin, making even the most challenging curves and turns seem effortless. Despite its incredible performance, the The Storm Chaser is also equipped with a host of luxurious features that made it comfortable and enjoyable to drive.

It had a state-of-the-art sound system, plush leather seats, and a navigation system that could guide drivers to their destination with ease. One day, i was immediately drawn to its stunning design and powerful engine, and knew i had it. ,It was more than just a car, it was a work of art that i could appreciate every time i got behind the wheel.

Fuck I just keep remembering all these details as I come close to stuff this is kinda okay I remember the details more thoroughly that should be good for something right let's be positive.

Getting in the car after checking my licence one more time and i got in the car and put my backpack down.

Douglas could barely contain his excitement as he got into the driver's seat. The interior of the car was sleek and modern, with leather seats and a dashboard full of buttons and screens. He took a deep breath and turned the key in the ignition,

People on the sidewalks turned to stare as he zoomed past in the sleek, flashy car. Douglas felt like he was a celebrity once more nostalgic just hit like a truck

The car's engine roared to life as the driver pressed down on the accelerator, and the car leapt forward with incredible speed and power. The wind rushed past the car as it tore down the road, and the driver could feel the raw power of the car beneath them. In the end, the Storm Chaser is a symbol of luxury, power, and speed.

It is a car that was truly beyond comparison, and those not lucky enough to own one could bask in the envy of me as i cruised down the road in style..

I do have taste damn sexy thing', after all, I can get used to this' , I drive off the driveway and start slowling down, drive past the guards and wait for the main entrance to open and I leave the house.

He quickly took it out on the open road, pushing it to its limits and feeling the rush of adrenaline as the car roared to life beneath him. As he drove through winding roads and straightaways

As he pulled out onto the neighborhood streets, i couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. The car handled like a dream, with precise steering and lightning-fast acceleration. He zipped through traffic, weaving in and out of lanes and feeling the wind rush through his hair.

People on the sidewalks turned to stare as he zoomed past in the sleek, flashy car. Douglas felt like a celebrity once more the nostalgia hit like a truck, enjoying the attention as he revved the engine and sped down the boulevard.

But as he approached a red light, he suddenly realized that he was in trouble. And slammed on the brakes, the hypercar were incredibly sensitive, and the car stopped a decent distance between him and the vehicle in front of him., Oh thank God he slammed on the brakes, when he did or he would have crashed into the back of the sedan in front of him.

My heart sank as my recent prized possession getting racked and just thinking of the insurance, nosense just gave me chills, quickly calming myself down, waiting for the light to change to green and when it did I drove slowly this time.

The wind blew through my hair, and the open road seemed to stretch out endlessly in front of me and I started head to East Hills Joseph Public Library the closest Library in my current location after a 30 minutes drive I arrived at the library and it's closed how the fuck did i forget the library opens at 9:00 am after suddenly remember this detail I take my backpack, take my watch out of it and put it on the inside of my left wrist military style and checked my watch and its 5:49 am.

I switched on the engine and drove off to the nearest Starbucks after a bit of a drive I stop in front of the Starbucks I get out of the car, I take my backpack and i locked the doors of the car, then i start walking then I enter the Starbucks.

It is a busy day at Starbucks, the aroma of coffee beans filled the air and the sound of steaming milk and brewing coffee machines echoed throughout the cafe. The line was long and customers were eagerly waiting for their turn to place their orders.

As soon as Douglas stepped into the cafe, he felt the warmth of the atmosphere and the hustle and bustle of the busy staff. He quickly made his way to the back of the line and started scrolling through his phone. When he finally reached the counter, he is greeted by a friendly barista, who welcomed him with a smile.

"Good morning, how can I help you today?" the barista asked.

Iced white chocolate mocha 6 pumps white chocolate Oatmilk No whip Vanilla sweet cream cold foam Caramel drizzle" (everywhere), "and a caramel ribbon crunch with ex caramel crunch and sub the dark caramel for white mocha with four doughnuts". The teen said With a deep slow tone and a small grin adorned on his handsome face.

Barista: "Sure thing! Anything else for you today?, the barista said with shyness and is slowly fidgeting with her apron.

"No thank you I am fine thanks". Douglas said with the same slow deep monotone fashion.

"Great, and what size would you like?", barista said in a hasty matter of tone

"I'll have a grande, please.", Douglas said in the same tone.

"Got it. That'll be $17.50. You can tap your card or use your phone to pay."

Douglas takes out his wallet and taps his card, putting my card back in the wallet and wallet back into the inside of my coat pocket

As the barista began to prepare his drink, Douglas couldn't help but notice a man standing beside he in line. He looked anxious and a bit lost.

"Excuse me", the man said, turning to Douglas, do you come to this Starbucks, Do you know what's good here?". The man said still looking anxious.

Douglas smiled and replied, "Well, it depends on what you like but "Yeah, they definitely know how to make a good cup of joe. Have you tried the pumpkin spice latte yet it's good.

"Not yet, but I will give it a try thank you so much I'll do it now." The man said a little hasty manner

"No problem" the teen said in the same deep slow tone and the teen walked to the nearest empty table and sat down.,putting my backpack down I take out my laptop set it down on the table opened it up I quickly connected to the free wifi and started to download metatrader 4, 'so I just wait'.

"Excuse me sir" the girl said shyly as she walked over and gently put my order down on the table, "sir remember that Starbucks is not a drink but a lifestyle and please enjoy the Starbucks experience sir".

"Thank you miss", Douglas said in the same slow deep tone, taking a sip from my first drink and I see they got my name right? what kind of sorcery is this since when did Starbucks start getting people's names right?.

Ignoring the little abnormality I put my coffee down metatrader is finished downloading so I get the app started put my bank details in and started a real trading account and put my forex broker as IG after the setting up everything seems fine and since its Saturday the forex market is closed 'well at least my account is ready to go I just need to wait till Monday before I start trading', douglas thought excitedly.

Oh my god I'm still using my laptop I should stay away from it but it's so useful damn I'm not going to get addicted to internet because I got experience from two lives I should be able to handle myself accordingly and not get addicted?, fuck I'm already making excuses for my decisions, wait checking my watch it's 6:15 am and oh I should Google the billionaires of the world how did I not think about this earlier typing on my laptop.

Results are 1st : Anthony Edwards Stark, age 34 networth $126 Billion.

2nd : Emmanuel Da Costa, age 50 networth $116 Billion.

3rd :Dr. Charles Francis Xavier, age 47 networth $110 Billion.

4th : Elias Spector, age 43 networth $103 Billion.

5th : Bill Gates, age 48, networth $56 Billion.

6th : Warren Buffett, age 73, networth $52 Billion.

7th : Carlos Slim Helu, age 64, networth $49 Billion.

8th : Norman Virgil Osborn, age 52, networth $40 Billion.

9th : Wilson Grant Fisk, age 41, networth $40 Billion.

10th : Ingvar Kamprad, age 77, networth $33 Billion.

Wow this world is fucked people already have over $100 Billion in the 2000s that's crazy and Emmanuel De Costa and Elias Spector are also here meaning this world is getting more interesting but does that mean the danger levels are increasing or am I getting worried for nothing ?

Stopping my rapid thoughts i go back to eating my food and sadly playing Solitaire, sigh here are the results of me waking up early and me overacting have brought me to boredom and I still have to wait 3 hours before this library opens and since it's saturday all the friends of douglas are not wake yet and I no longer want to feel uncomfortable about this whole situation I have a chance at loving parents and more friends then my previous life could ever offer me, why the fuck should I be uncomfortable I should stop being a bitch and accept it.

I started packing all my things I get up, i walk 20 steps and exit the door gracefully, unlocking my car I get in and start the engine and drive off back to the library, parked the car and switched off the engine.

I check my watch and 6:25 am, I just started using my phone to pass time, slowly but surely 2 something boring hours passed and I got out of my car locked it and stretching my body, putting my phone in my pocket and walk towards the library and enter the library

As soon as Andrew entered the library, he was struck by its grandeur. The shelves towered above him, and the rows of books seemed endless. He knew he had come to the right place to satisfy his thirst for knowledge

Okay I'll get started with Mandarin and Latin they are going to be useful I then move on to other languages like Japanese, Italian, French, and Dutch, I went with Ukrainian and Polish, okay 8 languages are enough for now I could learn more as I go along, I mean it is just a few minutes, okay I just have to look at science books and see the differences between here and my previous world.

Oh, interesting I found quite a few and I found that there are inconsistencies in the field of technology, wow you can see the effect that aliens and god know what else has had on the marvel universe, fucking inhuman amounts of it.

The celestials came and experimented on humans creating mutants and then the Kree came and made Inhumans there are Skrulls probably running around and let me not forget supernatural stuff like gods and demons who are not just Mythological down here, dimensional beings? Parallel universe shit is not fictional out here and there is much more out there.

I found that science, computer science, biology, chemistry, physics, and technology are way more advanced It is just a universe that is built differently because some equations and chemical formulas I saw are impossible back on earth.

I mean people like Captain America are the perfect example making a supersoldier serum in WW2 with that kind of technology is just a pipe dream but if you have a genius-level intellect in marvel you don't even need a lab and your one accident away from your dream and bullshiting your way to making impossible into possible.

I learned biology and computer science because cypher is good at hacking so that's why I learned computer science and biology because I also like it but it was way too easy the actual languages were the easy part but the theoretical part was weirdly easy it only took me 30 minutes to learn it this is how a genius level intellect works, I am finally going to achieve something more with my life then I had in my previous life.

I noticed that my powers are not at the same level as cypher's powers because most of his feats are crazy hacking alien technology in minutes to stop a disaster even though he never had contact with alien technology before and at one point he started viewing everything as a language and he became a human supercomputer, its because I just awakened my powers I will have to add it to my list of things I will have to work on along with my studies and start the goal of living.

I am in a dangerous world but I have the opportunity to be the strongest, this is real life now so I have to work hard so I can survive and be able to at least accomplish something in this new world. And take a hundred dollars from my wallet and think about being used in gacha and my status appeared with my character sheets and 100GP so that the rate, which 1 dollar for 1 gacha point, damn the limit is 100 dollar after failing to put another hundred I realized it.

After putting my wallet back I do the general gacha and 30GP is consumed I used this first as a test and will use another 60GP for the specific verse I'm in at another time for now, I have a total of 10 gacha rolls and hopefully, I get superman or Kratos and the gacha roll begins.

1. Master Chief (halo infinite)

2. Assault Dominator (Psycho-Pass)

3. Power boost card

4. Roberta( black lagoon)

5. Spider-man (Miles's morales)(Earth-1610)

6. Batmobile(MK1)

7. Lightsaber

8. Yuri Boyka (Undisputed )

9. Albert Wesker(RE5)

10. Tai lung(Kung Fu Panda)

Oh not bad at least I won't die prematurely in an alley I have not become a god but I should be above street-level characters with the versatile Miles Morales I can't go around slapping every yet but I should be better then most right?

I have 70 gacha point which I'll refer as GP in the future and I will keep the 70GP for now there is nothing useless that was given to me by the gacha nice.

Wait the gacha should adapt my body to the assimilation right? So are my future kids going get my skills...hmmm that doesn't matter right now .that's a problem for future me .I hope he will be able to deal with all the future threats coming his way poor guy

Well I have 6 characters i have to choose which to assimilate and which to summon . well Roberta is more useful summoned.

I have Tai Lung, Albert Wesker,Yuri Boyka , Master Chief and Miles Morales .

All good stuff but I can only assimilate two at a time hopefully it will increase in future plus there is a difference in assimilation speed between me and the characters because of the difference in strength that is one of the factors in how long I take to assimilatie characters at any given point .

So I as the lowly human will take long to assimilate all of them but wait don't I have other powers like was I not supposed to be my skyrim character and I don't feel or have any spells from dnd wait are this the consequences but the ROB said my wishes were granted so I must have them and just not know how to use my other to powers and when I checked my status those powers were not present fuck I'm sure I'll figure it out somehow.

Aftet putting those thoughts aside I materialized the Yuri Boyka and Master Chief cards and started the assimilation process, i mean that is the best options out of every character's I have at the moment, hmmm I wander can other people see the cards that I just used now.

Fuck.... I got so distracted with powers and zoned out at the library damn I'm supposed to learn and I just resumed reading the book I was holding, I have to make up for a lost time.

Douglas spent hours in the library, pouring over books on physics, mathematics, history, philosophy, and many other subjects. He read every word carefully, taking notes and thinking deeply about the ideas presented in each text.

As the day wore on, Douglas began to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available to him. He realized that he needed to focus his efforts if he was going to make the most of his time in the library.

So, he decided to set himself a challenge. He would read every book in the library, starting with the first shelf and working his way to the last.

For the next few weeks, i douglas will spent every spare waking moment in the library, reading as fast as i can. I will consume books on every subject imaginable, from the most basic to the most advanced.

Name Douglas Aaron Nikolai Ramsey

Race: Human

character assimilation Fully assimilated: none

In progress: [Yuri Boyka - 0%] [ Master Chief - 0%]

Summoned characters:none.

Powers:omnilingual translation, structural linguistics, body language, binary code, psychic immunity.

Equipped items:None

After checking my status it does look good so now, checking my watch and its 4 : 50 pm, I slowly get out of the library.

In New York City, the first snowflakes of the season began to fall from the sky. People rushed to the windows of their high-rise apartments, marveling at the unexpected beauty of the snow.

Wow it's snowing that is nice I quickly run to the car and unlocking it and entering the car I close it, switching on the engine trying to drive home.

As the snow continued to fall, the streets of the city were transformed. The honking of horns and the hustle and bustle of the city were replaced with the sound of snowflakes gently falling to the ground.

Children rushed outside, bundled up in their winter coats and scarves, eager to build snowmen and have snowball fights. Tourists snapped photos of the iconic landmarks, such as the Empire State Building and Central Park, as they were coated in a layer of white.

Despite the initial joy of the snowfall, it wasn't long before the reality of the winter weather set in. The streets became treacherous, with cars sliding on the icy roads and sidewalks becoming slippery and dangerous to navigate.

As the snow continued to fall, the city began to slow down. Schools and businesses closed, and many people stayed inside, enjoying the warmth of their homes and the company of loved ones.

But even as the city came to a standstill, there was a sense of community and togetherness that emerged. Neighbors helped each other shovel their sidewalks and clear their cars, and strangers offered a helping hand to those who were struggling in the snow.

As the snow finally stopped falling, the city emerged from its snow-covered slumber. The streets were cleared, the subway lines were running again, and life in the city resumed its usual frenetic pace.

But the memory of the snowfall lingered on. For a brief moment, the city had been transformed into a peaceful, serene winter wonderland, and the people of New York had come together to weather the storm.

After the horrible traffic jam I finally made it home almost dying with the snow I wait at the gate and the gate opens and I go, park the car in the garage and get in the house through the garage.

I almost died a few times driving this car, a Hypercar is a bit different than a supercar I almost crashed into a sedan and slipping in the snow bruh I need to learn to drive professionally.

Going to my room I see Olivia in the hall and quickly checking my watch it's 6:05 pm.

"Sir You will have visitors in the next 30 minutes", Olivia said in an amused cheeky tone.

"Whom will it be?, Olivia", Douglas said in a serious manner and a tone filled with curiosity.

Great_Engine Great_Engine

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