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80% Life Is A Big Gamble(New) / Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Gaining Something Useful

Chương 24: Chapter 24: Gaining Something Useful

"How about we start with the mental fatigue ones." Venture is curious about the ones that use mental fatigue.

"The first is the [Modifier: Burning the Mind], which is the result of exchange for lower the percentage of mental fatigue, the user will gain a temporary of putting both physical fatigue and mental fatigue at 0% for an hour per 1% cap burned away. So in a way, this will allow people to have 99 hours of 0% in both physical fatigue and mental fatigue." Gat explains the first [Modifier] that uses mental fatigue as the power source.

"Next." Venture didn't even consider the idea of using this [Modifier] even for a second.

Gat didn't mind and continue with the second one, "This is the [Modifier: Mind Attack]. Something many would grab if given the chance to get their hands on it. The [Modifier] allows one to use mental fatigue to generate pressure to the minds of others, which leads to others unable to focus at their task or could cause others' mental fatigue to raise up even faster than normal, pushing them to 100%." Gat grin at this [Modifier] and something she would have installed if she didn't get the [Modifier: Endless Storage].

"Next." Venture already have [Magical Manifestation] and [No Explanation] to do the same thing. Even using [Everything Is A Gamble] would give the same effects as the [Modifier: Mental Force].

"Alright." Gat shrugs her shoulders, then introduces the third [Modifier: Memory Bank]. "This [Modifier] is mostly used for those that have a bad case of memory recall. It actually uses the least amount of mental fatigue, where it just gives the user the ability to recall any memory no matter what. Even if one lost their memory due to some accident. [Memory Bank] would bring them back out no matter what. In a way, this [Modifier] is mostly used in hospitals for patients."

Venture shook his head, once again, not something he needs and he found a few [Spells] that could do the same or better.

Gat raise an eyebrow at this, because she honestly thought Venture would take this one, but she guessed wrong. So she continues off with the fourth one. "[Modifier: Outer Force Senses]. I don't recommend you getting this one, as many cases of people going mad in a matter of days upon installing this [Modifier]. For this [Outer Force Senses] give the user the ability to senses what us humans normally can't sense with our inborn senses. In fact, there was one case, where they begin screaming about how they send these so-called Great ones, whatever that is." Gat rather not let the newest member of her faction go crazy on her.

Venture blankly stare at the cube that holds the information data of the [Outer Force Senses], which seriously remind Venture of his [Title: The Unknown's View], but more of a less controlled version without any control features, to prevent one's mind becoming broken from seeing the unknown.

Gat notices the blank look on Venture's face, then decides to move onto the last cube for the mental fatigue. "The [Modifier: Eye of Trajectory], where it allows the user to see the target's movements a couple of seconds into the future. A rare [Modifier] for many who are good at planning ahead. But, a very hard thing to use if one isn't smart enough to use the [Modifier] to the fullest and might instead become a burden than being an advantage."

"Nope." Venture didn't need such a thing due to having [Temporal Perception Manipulation], which have successfully merged into the [Flowing with Time Spell]. Furthermore, seeing into the future is somewhat bad if there are other people, who are either much faster than the one with this [Modifier] or have the power to manipulate the future in some way.

"Alright, I should have guessed this would be the case." Gat knew that [Modifiers] that use mental fatigue might not be something Venture would use. This might include the next [Modifiers] that use physical fatigue. Honestly, Gat won't be surprised if he doesn't pick any of these [Modifiers]. But, she will have to get Venture to get one install soon since people without one are usually those that have very powerful [Unique Skill] and/or [Title] that make the holder doesn't require using a [Modifier]. While there are those that don't will mostly end up dead sooner or later.

"Any good ones among the last 5?" Venture asks Gat, though he doesn't have his hope up after the first two in the beginning.

"They're part of the [Modifier: Animal Morphing Series]. But, they are considered dangerous to those that fully rely on this type of [Modifiers] due to the fact, that once they reach 100% physical fatigue. They will never transform back and will lose their rational mind forever. Turning their mind into the very animal they transformed. The animals are lion, cat, hellhound, shark, and praying mantis." Gat did a quick summary of the last 5 [Modifiers], which link to physical fatigue. "Honestly, many still get the [Modifier: Animal Morphing Series] even with the risk that goes with it, but that's depending on what animal it is."

"Well, I'll just take the [Mind Attack] then." Venture didn't need to think twice after finding out the rest. Plus, he will just change the [Modifier] to something else either way. But, that doesn't mean he will do a huge change, or else Gat might find something wrong the moment Venture uses his [Modifier] to do something that's not even near close to the [Modifier] he installed. Though, that would have been the problem, but with [Chance Accumulation] and [Magical Manifestation] made it so Venture doesn't have to worry about such a thing.

"Great. Now, which methods do you want to install it?" Gat grab the cube with the information data of the [Modifier: Mind Attack] and push the rest back further into the vault. Then, pull the equipment closer for Venture to pick out. "These three are what we have available for the time being. So, if you don't feel like testing your luck. Then, you might want to begin saving up money to find to pay someone with the [Skill] to install the [Modifier] for you." Gat hand the cube over to Venture.

Venture held the [Modifier] in his right hand, feeling the weight and found it's a lot lighter than it looks or Venture just stronger. Either way, this is the first time Venture held a [Modifier] before it used.

"This here is called the [Installing Loader]." Gat pick up what look like a cylinder, with one end a bit hollow and in the shape of a square, letting many know where to insert the [Modifier] into the [Installing Loader] from. While at the other is a small circle stamp. "You just pop the [Modifier] at this end and just the other end is to press against the middle of your forehead, but really just anywhere on your forehead and wait for a solid minute before the [Modifier] finishes installing. Of course, there is a 50% of it failing. So, you'll know if you have the [Modifier] installed or not by checking your status."

Venture raises an eyebrow at this, because he can see many things could go wrong by using this [Instaling Loader].

"But, I won't recommend using this." Gat place the [Installing Loader] back down and grab a second one. Which is similar to the first one, but with a few changes. One of them is that the shape isn't cylinder, but a big cube as well and have wire attach to the top with the bottom where to insert the [Modifier] at. "This is to stick to your forehead and wait 30 minutes. Same as before, but only a 30% chance of failing to install really in exchange for the time to install to be longer. This is the [Installing Luxury Dream]." Gat sneer down at this device. "In my honest opinion. If I was given the chance to use the [Installing Loader] to the [Installing Luxury Dream]. I pick the former any time, even with 50% of failing to install the [Modifier]."

"Why is it called the luxury dream?" Venture asks out of curiosity about who came up with this name.

"Because the maker of this [Installing Device] made a quote for those that dare buy them. 'It's luxury enough to get 30%, but it's a dream for those that dare gamble out in the open.' Honestly, I got it because it's mainly used for those that know they have the time to spare to use it." Gat shook her head, placing down the [Installing Luxury Dream] and grab the last one, which is a headband with a hollow square attach to the middle. "This is the [Installing Basic - Headband Version]. Part of the series of [Installing Devices] made early on, with a 70% chance of failing, but it only requires exactly 3 seconds of a wait before the installation is complete. These are hard to come by nowadays. I got lucky that someone was selling it without realizing what it was at the time." Gat smirk at the end. "This is something I would recommend to use since out of the three. This one doesn't corrupt the information data nor does it delete it entirely within 10 tries. While the other two do on 1st try of failing."

"Okay, I will use this one then." Venture didn't bother to think it over and grab the third [Installng Device] while secretly activating the [Everything Is A Gamble] while casting [Elemental Bolt - Shadow], creating a bolt within Venture's shadow, ready to be fired, but is being used as the price to activate the [Unique Skill].

"Alright. I have to ask you to use it here, right now due to safety purposes." Gat said with an awkward smile on her face.

"No worry." Venture didn't mind and place the headband device over his head, then insert the [Modifier: Mind Attack] into the hollow square while at the same time using [Everything Is A Gamble] to change the [Modifier].

Three seconds later, Venture open his status, to see the [Modifier] he wanted instead of [Mind Attack].

Name: Venture

Title: [Gambler of Fate] - You are fate's gambler and making the impossible possible.

Hidden Titles: {Visible}

Health: 100/100%

Physical Fatigue: 0/100% | 1% Reduction per second

Mental Fatigue: 0/100% | 1% Reduction per second

Unique Skill: [Everything Is A Gamble] - The user is able to use anything to gamble with fate. [Price]: The medium used will disappear afterward.

Hidden Unique Skills: {Visible}

Modifier: [Energy Conversion Storage] - Able to absorb and convert one form of energy into another form, then store them away for later usage. [Energy Unit: 0]

Seeing this, Venture couldn't help but smile, causing Gat to smile as well.

"I guess it works. Nice~! You got some luck there, to get the [Modifier: Mind Attack] to be successfully installed on the first try." Gat congrats Venture on him getting his [Modifier] finally.

"Yeah, lucky me." Venture's smile became a bit forced, as he removes the headband and hands it over to Gat, with the used [Modifier] still insert into the headband device. Because he just realized, that he might have to be more careful about using the [Everything Is A Gamble] since being too lucky might draw attention, where many might think Venture has a [Luck-Type Skill]. Something Venture seriously doesn't want others to know. "So, now what?"

"Now?" Gat close the vault and lock it in place. "Anything you want really. I got no job to assign to you at the moment." Gat shrugs her shoulders. "However, do you need anything from me?" Gat grin at her new cute minion.

"Not really." Venture replied, causing Gat to pout.

"Really? Nothing?" Gat look at Venture in the hope he got something to ask her or even maybe just hang out!

"Uh, is there any other member I haven't met yet? I have so far, met Firm, who introduce me to the faction. Cope the landlord of this place. Fare the chef. Edify the doctor. Bout the one who heads out for resources. Note the supplier. Then, there you, the leader." Venture counted and he met 7 members of the [Dark Star Faction].

"Oh." Gat blink a couple of times, then smile as there something she could help Venture out with. Kind of. "The only one you haven't met is the blacksmith. Wright. Well, not really a full-blown blacksmith. She more of a jack of all crafts, but instead of a master of none. It's a master of chance. Wright doesn't care if her [Title] and [Skill] are revealed since there no point in keeping them in her eyes." Gat begin explaining their last member, who has the [Title: One in A Hundred] that able to create a masterpiece quality in a one in a hundred opportunity of making something the same a hundred time in a row. While her [Skill] is normal, not the [Unique Skill], but it's still a [Normal Skill] many dreams of awakening. It's the [Normal Skill: Enhanced Artisan]. Allowing the user to be able to craft items that may be functional or strictly decorative, including furniture, sculpture, clothing, jewelry, household items tools, or even machines such as the handmade devices of a watchmaker, up to and including architecture along with the ability to make warfare weapons.

"So..." Venture point at the vault, where the [Modifiers] and [Installing Devices] are.

"Yup, Wright is one of those people who could create [Modifiers] AND the [Installing Devices]. However, these aren't the ones that Wright made. We got them way before the [Dark Star Faction] finished becoming a legal faction. Got them from a few jobs and found from a shop that sells them cheap at the time." Gat replied, while pointing out the fact, that Wright is someone very important to the faction.

"Oh. Neat. Now, I have another question. So, I have been to almost everywhere in this apartment. Where does Wright go to do her crafting?" Venture glance around the place on the fifth floor, to see the area for crafting. But, he has no idea which machine does which.

"On this floor, of course." Gat smirk as she finds Venture looking around the place, to check where the area for Wright usually works at. "Believe it or not, but even though it's called the [Battle Arena Augmented Reality]. This is something to help others like Wright to work on her craftsmanship and gain experience without having to waste lots of resources to do so. Furthermore, Wright can even bring materials in to use the tools created by the [Battle Arena Augmented Reality] to make her things." Gat said with a hint of pride as she finishes explaining the extra features came with the [Battle Arena Augmented Reality].

"Huh. That's amazing." Venture said in disbelief, because once again, just the words or terms in this world have a different meaning to the words compared to back on Earth.

"Yup, that's why the [Poison Fang Faction] are willing to start a [Faction War] with us, even if it means facing the wrath of Havoc, the [Touch of Devastation]." Gat couldn't help but wonder how she and the rest would do in the protection job if it wasn't for Venture being there to lessen the load on everyone else. Hell, Venture even made sure barely would come near Bout and Edify too, making this projection easier compared to the ones in the past. "Anyway, anything else you want to ask before I leave?" Gat hopes there are more questions from Venture, because right now she doesn't have much to do other than maybe checking the list of available jobs for a faction to take, and she rather not do another faction job for a while from now.

"I can't think about anything else." Venture thought about anything he could ask Gat right now, then suddenly he got one. "Oh, wait. I got a question that been on my mind for a while and just remembers it now. Why is the faction named: Dark Star?"

"Because there are already many stars in the world. So why should we follow their footsteps? Why not make our own path in the darkness and become something much more without having to be in the limelight." Gat grin at Venture, excited for someone outside the [Dark Star Faction] who joined the faction to finally ask this. She has been dying to use these words for a long time. "That's why I picked the name: Dark Star for our faction. Because all of us are those that walk on their own paths instead of following the same examples as others~!"

"Oh, so would what happen if you find out I was someone with average abilities and are like other people with [Assassin-Type Skill]?" Venture is a little disturbed, that he might have joined a faction, with Gat as the main character of this world. Because for one thing, the main characters either are full of dangers in their path to reaching the peak or just end up dying multiple somehow, then end up being revived back to life through plot armor.

"I would have told you that you weren't the right material we were looking for in the faction and ask you nicely to leave the faction." Gat grin at Venture, where she didn't care if her views in Venture's eyes become lower or not, but she can tell in Venture's eyes. Her images in his eyes didn't lower at all, in fact, oddly enough. Gat got the feeling in Venture's eyes, she is someone much more special in some way yet at the same time someone to be cautious of. Weird.

next chapter
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