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31.57% Legacy Incubus / Chapter 6: Chapter 6- I’m a what (Not a wizard)

Chương 6: Chapter 6- I’m a what (Not a wizard)

POV- Dominic

Getting pulled from an afternoon relaxing with the three of the hottest girls in school and my weirdly human but supernatural friend Landon, was irritating to say the least, especially considering I needed clothes. So, as I walked into Alaric's office and threw myself into a chair, I was not smiling. "Dominic, glad you're here," he said the afternoon sun lighting up the dark wood office.

"You called me here."

"Yes, it's because Dorian, Mr Williams, has identified the type of supernatural creature we believe you to be using the information you provided. I want you to know that you will be allowed to remain here regardless of your species, so long as you comply with the school rules. Looking through the information on magical species, he identified a creature called an incubus, the male version of a succubus."

"A sex demon?!" I nearly shout in alarm. "There's no way."

"You know what they are?" Alaric said both a little surprised and amused.

"Hot demon babes that kill you by draining a guy's life force through sex," I answer, though I wasn't sure how accurate the porn I'd read and seen was in regards to the species' abilities.

"They were originally labelled sleep demons, which is what we'd prefer you to refer to yourself as for your own safety. Draining the youth, and strength from their prey, sleep demons could leave their prey in an eternal nightmare, capable of entering and altering the dreamscape of a person."

"I've never tried, and what do you mean, my safety?"

"Unless you want a large collective of werewolves and vampires chasing you down while witches curse you, being identified as a demon of lust and love is last on your priorities here."

"But I haven't done anything. I didn't even know what I was, and it's not like I secrete pheromones or kidnap women."

"Of course not, and if you did the last, we would put you down," he says, watching me fiercely as I nod in agreement, "but teenagers are volatile and foolish. And your quick relationship with my daughters and Hope won't help your situation."

"You also forgot Penelope," I say with a dry, almost breathless laugh. "Fuck."

"Fuck indeed Mr Beaufort. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know so that you can better protect the information yourself and react quickly should an event occur."

Shaking his hand and walking through the door, I don't register a single thing around me, the only thought in my head bouncing back and force inside my infernal skull was doubt. 'Am I an incubus? Is Dorian right? That makes no sense. But the powers match up mostly. Have I somehow influenced the girls? No, they still glare at me occasionally and none of them have been aggressively forward. Am I an incubus? Fuck, probably.' As these thoughts bounce back and forth a splitting headache forms, causing me to wince and rub my forehead, still smooth, but the pain was where I imagined horns would sit if I had them.

My unobservant traipse through the school had taken me to the lake, as empty as it was last time. 'Does no one come here? It's so peaceful."

Having left my phone in my room I decided to just swim, stripping on the pier and leaving my clothes folded on the wood as I dive in. Pushing out all the internal thoughts of being publicly maimed by angry boyfriends, and jealous twits, I swim. Breaching the surface only to breathe I pierce through the water like a torpedo, and using a feature of my inhuman anatomy I hadn't known of until yesterday when my face was shrouded in flames, I leave my eyes open, discovering that the water, despite the speed doesn't irritate them. 'If fire doesn't dry them out and make me blink, why would water?'

A loud, repetitive smacking sound, like flesh on water grabs my attention, the water carrying the sound clearly across the distance. Moving to the pier I rise to the surface, though only lifting my head out, considering my current state of dress.

"You sure you aren't a fish?" I hear, the auburn-coloured hair of the speaker reflective in the sun, making Hope shine with a radiant glow.

"Ugh, I just had that discussion with Dr Saltzman," I groan, resting my arms and chin on the dock with the rest of me hidden beneath the water.

"About fish?" She asked, but I could see she was trying to make me feel better, my mood apparently as readable to her as everyone's was to me.

A small smile answered her, "Not quite. Dorian thinks he discovered what I am, but I'm not sure I like the idea."

"Most vampires and werewolves would agree with you," she notes, and she had a point. One was an immortal race that would be forced to drink blood forever, and the other lost control of their minds once a month, becoming wild animals.

"If you promise not to tell anyone, and I'm being serious, I can tell you."

"You would trust me?" she asked, colours of light pink and yellow showing her hidden shyness and joy.

"I figured you'd understand better than most, plus this way we'll both be keeping a secret for each other, no one in favour." I smiled and she quickly mirrored it, sitting down beside where I was leaning, feet in the water.

"Sound's fair."

"Do you know what a succubus is?"

"A little, from a really bad tv show I watched a long time ago."

"Well, I'm an incubus, the male version. Known as sleep demons apparently but pretty much exactly as they're depicted by the normies. I can live forever, absorb life essence should I choose to, and stick people into eternal nightmares allegedly. I haven't had the time to test any of them though. So yeah, a demon of lust and love."

Hope looked at me for a moment, muttered a quick chant that ran over her body and smiled in satisfaction. "Did you just check if I'd somehow drugged you?"

"Can't be too careful, and yeah, something like that." She put her hand on my head, running her fingers through my wet hair, "You'll be dealing with a lot of discrimination," she said, with a sad smile looking down at me. Something she had obviously dealt with herself. "My dad was a vampire named Klaus Mikaelson, known as the great evil. He killed thousands across the centuries and everyone feared him or despised him. I'm not just a witch, wolf or vampire, but a hybrid of all three, a Tribrid." I took her hand in my own, giving her a soft squeeze as her emotions fluctuated between a deep blue that told of sadness, the dark purple of fear and a warm pink that spoke of love. "I understand the feeling, is what I was getting at, and I'm here for you, should you need me."

Looking up at the gentle, kind and tender girl I can see why Landon fell for her. She was more than a pretty face, though she was definitely that too, but she was supportive, and cared about others. For a brief moment, my eyes flicker to her lips, and I feel and urge to jump out of the water and to meet her lips to my own. To ignore Landon's schoolboy crush and take her for myself. 'Woah,' I stop myself, realising what my thoughts mean. 'I'd be willing to push aside my own morals to have this girl, to share our heat and passion in a bodily embrace. I'd ignore my mate's feelings just to fuck this girl for a night, and probably the next day.'

Searing pain shoots through my head as blood pours down my face, running down my face.

"Woah, Dom. You've got horns?"

"Apparently. Getting horned up usually isn't this painful," I joke, dunking my head under the water. "So how are they?"

"They kind of suit you, they're the same purple as your tail tip, and about 7 inches tall." Feeling them with my own hands she was right. Starting from just below my hairline and extending out an inch, they then turn upwards in a straight line, only slightly curved back towards me. The tips, however, were wicked sharp, and could probably be used to skewer someone if I charged like a bull, or got held like a pool cue.

Hope had wriggled in front of me, excited to see the horns, grabbing each horn in a hand making me freeze. Though she was being gentle my arousal grew, whether from the positioning of my head between her legs or perhaps nerves running through the horns like an appendage. Wiggling my head back and forth she giggled and gave a beaming smile, making me question if she was actually some type of succubus herself, as I felt my body react and my chest flutter at the sight. "Having fun with a naked demon between your legs?" I tease making her look at me, then the pile of clothes.

"This whole time?"

"Why did you think I wasn't getting out?"

"I don't know," she said, releasing my horns and turning her head away. With the extension of my wings, I create a makeshift changing room, donning the clothes I'd put aside. Revealing a slightly damp, and now horned boy with a mischievous grin. Approaching quietly and wrapping her in a hug from behind she yelps. "What're you doing?"

"You could help me put on the shirt, the horns are kind of in the way." She looked over her shoulder slowly but saw I was already wearing the borrowed shirt. "You do care."

"Fucking git," she swore and smacked me in the chest laughing as we walked back to the school.

"Do we get to vote on the representatives?"

"You're not part of any of the species, so no. Just like me."

"So, we each get our own spot on the council anyway, seeing as we are our own species' representative."

"Hmm, that should work. How will you vote?"

"Landon would rather die than lose this place, and the possibility of belonging. And if we don't keep him, he may try and force the supernatural in him to trigger. So I'd vote to let him stay, purely to avoid suicide." Hope had a distant gaze as she thought. "Don't you like him?"

"I-I uh, do, did. I don't know. He's sweet and was exactly the normalcy I needed for a time, but I don't think so, not in the way he wants."

"I can understand that, relationships haven't been great for me either, either ruined because I had to move, or because she thought I was cheating and decided to get revenge with someone else. Especially now, the idea of dating seems…"


"Improbable, more like a dream than being a monster of myth."

"Plus, now you're an incubus dating would be even harder, having to settle down."

"Demons of lust and LOVE, dear Hope. Those that travel would move from place to place but some of the incubi that settled in some of the media I've seen made Hugh Heffner look saint-like. Though perhaps I'd settle for a small group of charming women." While teasing Hope I began to imagine a small polyamorous relationship between myself and a group of women. 'This sounds like both a dream and a nightmare, and also the start of some really bad porn movies.'

"Sure, you've got the twins down pat," Hope responded her emotions both yellow with bursts of dark purple and a murky green. 'Amused, but also slightly afraid and jealous. That's surprising.'

"Penelope made a similar joke," I said, "but honestly I'm not sure why, it's only been three days, and neither of them has done anything aggressive." Despite the same murky green flashing at the mention of Penelope, her cloud became a bright yellow as I continued, though her face remained stoic. "So how will you vote?" I ask, bringing the conversation back to the intended topic.

"Will he really commit suicide?"

"It's possible, the fear of losing this opportunity could drive him to it." 'As someone who was passively suicidal for years, I think I can understand how he might view this place, with its atmosphere and people. It's a chance to be someone new, something new. To be happy.' "I would have, in his shoes." My words make her flinch but I shrug it off and keep moving, which is how I deal with most of my emotions.


"No, not anymore." I smile, "And besides, badass sleep demons can't go around killing themselves, can they?"


The twins had luckily gone shopping with Landon and Hope without me after Alaric dragged me back to the office to discuss the new information, so my room, which I'm fairly sure they broke into, had a collection of clothes and a note.

"Here are some clothes so you don't have to keep borrowing shirts that don't fit. Dad paid for it, so don't worry. You're welcome, the twins."

'Wow, that's actually really considerate. Now at least I can return this shirt and put on clothes I HAVEN'T worn for several days.' Taking a shower to rinse off the lake water and traces of blood still lingering in my hair and face, I rub the shampoo through my hair, grumbling about the lack of practicality horns provide. Trying to return them back as my wings do, I provide a mental push, and again with sudden pain, though far quicker than before, they return, leaving no trace they'd ever existed.

"Thank fuck for that." Trying to blend in would be difficult with horns sticking out my head, and showering with them forever almost made me empathise with Hellboy, who shaved and filed his own horns. Now dressed in a pair of dark, stretchy jeans, with a long-sleeved t-shirt, decals covering the back, I looked in the mirror. 'Far less homeless looking, though the leather jacket and charcoal combat boots they bought look a little too punk rock for my usual taste. Though my usual style is apparently awful so screw it.'

After returning Thomas's shirt I knock on the twin's room, hoping to thank them and also get their thoughts on the election.

"Hiya girls just wanted to say-"

"You look excellent," Liz says, taking in the new look.

"Definitely an improvement," Josie agreed.

"You both have excellent taste and go well with my new horns."

"SHOW US!" they both yelled, jumping to their feet and running at me. "When did you get them?"

"Maybe an hour ago? If that." With an urge, the horns sprouted again, complimenting the darker attire. The twins then spent time prodding, rubbing and pulling at the horns, as I fought off the illicit thoughts provoked by the stimulation.

"If I'd have known they'd been purple I would have bought a matching accessory," Liz groaned. Dumping myself on Josie's bed with casual grace, I bring up the election.

"So who's going to be the witch queen, I may need to woo them into letting Landon stay."

"Woo away foul demon," Josie laughed, "but it's not clear yet. Liz wants to apply, but Penelope would vote against her." While her words mentioned Liz's desire she didn't mention her own desire to take the position, marked by colours of shame, fear, confusion and the heated gloss pink of love. She wanted the position but refused to bring it up because Liz wanted it, and taking it because she can't, would feel like betrayal. 'Unless I help them.'

"Then why don't you become the witch queen Josie? If Penelope would contest Liz, become the boss. Unless you both want Penelope to make all decisions on your behalf. Organising the witch events in her favour, or something, I don't know how this school runs."

"Unfortunately, that's pretty close," Liz stated, crashing against her bed. "As the representative I could have done so much."

"More than you can now as the headmaster's daughter?" I ask, and she flinches, a shade of embarrassment surrounding her. Heading over to Liz's bed I sit beside her, lowering my head beside hers, whispering in her ear. "I've heard rumours that Josie is the selfless twin that comforts you, supports you, even sacrifices for you." Liz tensed in my hands and Josie was staring at us curiously. "Only someone as idiotic as Dana, or as vindictive and toxic as Penelope wouldn't support someone who'd done that for them. Aren't you better than them?" Using my limited experience with emotional manipulation I stoke her pride, a shade of lavender, and the sunshine yellow that brought happiness. She turned her head to me, resolute.

"Fine. Josie, you're going to take that position, and I'll help you do it."

Having kicked me out of the room the twins began their collaborative effort into making Josie queen witch. I should tell Penelope so she can do her thing too. 'Alaric was right, together we could definitely control the whole school. Three days in and I'm manipulating electoral candidates.' Finding her was easy, and convincing her to help was even easier, once I explained that I convinced Liz to help Josie take it.

"I'll help Josie win…but in exchange," she suddenly reached up with both hands and I felt a sudden pull, as she brought my head down to hers and met her lips to mine, tongue instantly on the attack. Pressing her against the hallway wall I counter, entangling our tongues as we explore each other's mouths, her hands firmly gripping my horns and pulling me deeper into the kiss. The glossy, cherry red showed that she wasn't scheming right now, or at least was now enjoying the scheme, leaking lust as our bodies pressed together, my hands running down her waist and squeezing her ass. Hearing footsteps from around the corner I pull her hands off and step back, retracting my horns as she catches her breath.

"Sup Kaleb," I greet, as casually as possible, but the look he gave me and the barely concealed smile revealed his understanding. As he turned around another corner I looked back at her, eyes still a little glazed and staring in a haze. Gently shaking her woke her from it, however, and she turned on the spot, walking as fast as her enchanting witch legs could take her. "Remember the deal," I call out. 'If Kaleb spreads this before I tell the twins things could get awkward…Fucking hell Kaleb.'


Seated on a chair facing the two powerful witches on their beds, I listen as Liz continues asking questions as she had for the past ten minutes. "So you're saying she offered to help Josie win in exchange for a kiss?"

"Well, she didn't bother asking me, so much as grabbed me by the horns," I start explaining the scene as graphically and passionately as I can, describing our grinding bodies as I feel the twins' eyes caress my body with their gaze. 'If I can enhance the arousal, they experience imagining the scene, perhaps I can make them voyeurs, which might make them more open to becoming part of my Incubus harem. I definitely need a better name for that, but still, it's worth the effort, and considering the lust I can see leaking from them already, a gentle stoke of their lust should be enough.

As I continue the tale I set my plan into action, building on their already surprisingly potent lust, both girls now breathing slightly heavier with red-tinged faces, Liz with only one hand visible above the pulled-over blanket. Taking Josie into a soft embrace I ask, "Can you forgive me? For Frenching your ex?"

"Well, you didn't ask for it, or give consent really, so I can't really get mad at you can I?" Holding her this close, with her back pressed tight against my chest and my cool breath tickling her ears, I watch Liz across the room, eyes open and blanket shifting slightly. Josie's desire and embarrassment continued to build, even after I stopped using my powers.

"You better become Queen Witch then," I whisper as faintly as possible with her still understanding, "I still have to seduce you into helping Landon." A whimper leaks through her attempt at concealing her thoughts, so I just smile and head to the door. "Liz, we good?"

"Mhmm, yeah. Definitely."

"Sweet, see you ladies tomorrow, have fun with the election Josie."

'Okay manipulation complete, and even my closeness with her sister didn't set Liz off. I'd say that's some pretty remarkable progress. Now I just have to wait for the council meeting tomorrow. With me, Hope, and Josie we have the majority, so Landon is secure. Which means I can relax, for the most part. I'm a little worried about Penelope's reaction after the kiss, but that's completely out of my hands.'

Using my sleep power on myself I slip into Hypnos's realm. 'An insomniac's wet dream.'

next chapter
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