The Sheriff followed Raiden as he left the room.
"Sheriff! Stop! It's not something you would want to see!" Sheila called out to stop the Sheriff but he was already too invested to see what Raiden was talking about. "Geez. These guys never listen to me!"
"Forget about them," Toshi said. "They are not babies. And, what Raiden said is not exactly wrong. Our world has turned upside and we should be prepared to see those types of things from now on."
"But, yeah. I don't know if he should make an ill person who barely recovered see something like that."
Raiden and the Sheriff both stepped outside of the house.
The Sheriff looked around at both sides of the street and was shocked to not see even a single zombie.
"There is really not a single zombie out here!"
"Told ya didn't I? This area is zombie free. I don't know for how long it would be like this but for now, this is it."
— Chương tiếp theo sắp ra mắt — Viết đánh giá