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6.38% Land of Magic / Chapter 3: First day.

Chương 3: First day.

The first day

Chapter: 3

Richard was looking back from the cup and turned to Sniffy:" Thanks Sniffy for your hard work, can you now let me sleep for a bit and bring me dinner later? I feel a bit sleepy."

'This body is really something else, I am just sleepy for being awake for 30 minutes or so, but nothing I can do about it, just have to go with the flow, and I feel the potion is starting to work. Maybe because of that I am sleepy.'

"Have a good nap master and Sniffy will awake you when dinner is ready." Were the words that Sniffy was happily saying but little Richard never got to hear the end of them as there was calm breathing to hear and Richard has already fallen asleep.

Not wanting to linger any longer in the bedroom and to maybe accidently disrupt her masters sleep, Sniffy then excited the room without any sound at all.

And like that started the first day of one house-elf and little boy Richard inside an abandoned house that was not so abandoned anymore now.

After a good nap till midday, Richard was slowly waking up. The air was smelling really good and it must have been because of Sniffys cooking.

Feeling his body and not feeling that much discomfort like he did earlier today, the boy sat up in his bed and got into his thoughts.

'I have never had such a nice and long nap. The potion and the food helped me greatly. The taste of the potion was really awful but it let me regain a bit of strength and I don´t feel as much discomfort with this body anymore, therefore it seemed worth it.

Hmmmm…. I cannot do much right now, since I guess dinner will be ready in a jiffy, if the smell is any indication for that.'

Looking through the room which was a lot brighter now, the sun was shining gently through the curtains and it gave the room a nice and free feeling. Richard´s gaze fell on the newspaper on the nightstand and picked it up for some light reading.

Looking through the paper, the first thing which he looked for was the date. Apparently, it was almost summer because it was the 12th of May in 1980.

'It looks like I am a bit over more than 2 years older than Harry Potter which will be born this year in July. Therefore, I should be at the same age as the two Weasly Twins. Nice I can work with that. I love being a little bit mischievous and the twins were forever up to something. The two years without Harry will not be boring at all.'

These were the thoughts of Richard as he was reading over the paper, nothing else seemed to catch his attention. There was not much going on with a Sociopath running amok in the muggle world and they wondered if these attacks stopped for good. Voldemort bids his time to find out more about a prophecy.

Richard was flipping through the newspaper and stopped when he heard a knock on the bedroom door.

"Sniffy you can come in."

The door opened and the little hous-elf walked inside with food on a tablet, there was some soup with little pieces of vegetables in it and a slice of white bread beside it.

"Master I have brought you your food, I hope it will be to your liking." Said the little happy Sniffy.

Bringing the food to the bed and placing it on the lap of the little boy, who immediately and eagerly began to wolf down the food far more vigorous than in the morning.

"The food is ...…sluuurp…... amazing, thank you…slurrp...Sniffy." Came out of his mouth in broken pieces as he was speaking with a full mouth.

With a happy expression on her face, Sniffy looked at Richard while she was smiling at him and he was eating her food with so much excitement. She was really grateful for it.

'I really love having a master, it feels so much better having not to worry about my food anymore and I don´t have to starve at all. Master is also really kind to me.

I was luckier than most of the other house-elfs I know of, though I do not know much about them.' Thought Sniffy, while she was feeling content for the first time in her life.

Hous elfs needed to feed on magic from a master connection or from surroundings filled with magic. Such places were rare to find and almost all of them were some properties of bigshots therefore hous elfs had to find a master to sustain them.

A few minutes later, Richard was all done with his food and he then reclined himself on the pillows with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Thanks again Sniffy, the food was amazing. You´re really a supper cook, I cannot wait till dinner at all. Also, I don´t need you for the time being so you can do whatever you want till evening. I will call you if I need you." Richard said with a grateful look in his eyes.

While Sniffy collected the empty plates with magic, they were flying towards the door, she said:" Then Sniffy will collect some groceries and will tidy up the house a bit." And in a blink, she vanished without any trace at all.

A little startled at the flying off the plate and stuff and the vanishing of Sniffy, Richard then fell into his thoughts again.

'Magic, it´s really something else. I will need a bit of time to get really comfortable around it or not be to startled when things like that happen. I should invest some time into finding out how all this works. There should be a logical explanation for everything, just because I do not understand something does not mean there is not an explanation at all. But all of that is for later.

Then let´s try to get up and look around for a bit.'

The little boy was slowly standing up from the bed and tried to put his legs on the ground but failed because his little legs were much too short to be put onto the ground.

Dangling legs could be seen on the bed and then Richard was jumping down. That was easier said than done and his legs gave way under him and he crashed hands first onto the floor.

"Ooooowwww. It seems I need to work on that, new body and all." Came out a bit in a whining voice. Getting his bearing again he slowly stood up and began to walk around the room.

After a few minutes of strolling around he came to a better understanding of his body and felt not as much discomfort as before.

His body got a lot better with the potion and he took a closer look around the room and then he walked to the door and opened it and went through it.

He then got into a hallway, left was the bathroom, which included a shower, bathtub and a sink. All in a style from ages ago. It looked like he was back at grandmas in his last life.

It was not the style of his century and he would need a bit of time to be really comfortable here. A guestroom was also next to it.

'The two rooms looked really clean so Sniffy must have done some cleaning, I guess.' Thought Richard while he was looking around.

Walking down the hallway, he soon found the stairs that led him downstairs. It was some circular stairs which wound down on the end of the hallway and ended up on the ground floor inside the living room.

Looking around the living room he found himself with and old couch, some armchairs and a desk that stood in front of the window. On the other side of the couch was some old TV. A chandelier was hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room and was looking really nice and old. Besides the stairs was an old fireplace that was filled with ashes.

Richard walked toward the light switch and flipped it but there was no light coming out of the lamp.

'Figured that we have no power in this house, I hope the water is running though.

But with Sniffys "magical" help this should be no problem at all. I should really get to learn how to do magic soon, I want to try so many things with it.'

Thought Richard as he sat on the couch in a lotus position and tried to calm down and to get a feeling of his magic because he read in all novels that meditating was the goal to do it.

Concentrating on his body and slowing down his own breathing, Richard then tried to feel his own body. Seconds turned into minutes but he could not really focus on his body and got distracted by his own thoughts, that were all over the place. They were in turmoil with all the things that happened recently.

After an hour, the distracting thoughts slowly became less and less. At one-point Richard even forgot what he was doing and entered some kind of meditative state.

It was just like flying around nothingness that he experienced in the void and he was just going with the flow.

Soon he felt a new feeling, a feeling Richard did not know but since he did not have any thoughts at the moment, he did not realize it in any way.

Instinctively, his soul knew what to do and then he got aware of this new feeling. It felt completely relaxing like if he was taking a hot bath. His body relaxed every muscle and Richard was experiencing the first feeling of magical energy.

There was a change in the living room while Richard was meditating on the couch. It was like little golden lights were slowly appearing out of nowhere and approaching the boy that sat there alone inside the living room.

They surrounded him and tried to get absorbed into him, but something stopped them. Something was hindering these golden specks of light to do what they wanted to do.

Richard was just feeling blissful right now and became more and more aware as time was going on. At first nothing new happened but after a few tens of minutes, there was some change.

He could now feel a little bit and think again. It felt like some kind out of the body experience. Richard felt like he could now "see" or better feel some little specks of golden light floating around him. He tried to grab them but he could not figure out how, since he was not in control of his body and even if he would be, what could help him in this situation?

He had the instinctively feeling that he would not be able to hold these little golden lights with his body. Therefore, he searched for another solution.

The more aware he became the more he felt the lights outside of his body, but what surprised him more and more, was that he could not feel any of this supposed magical lights inside of himself. There were just none there.

'Is that some kind of joke? I did feel something when I got the bond with Sniffy but right now, I feel nothing of this sort. These little sparkly things should be the amazing magical energy I ever dreamt about, but now I cannot absorb them at all. What the hell.

It feels like there is something blocking me to absorb them. Hmmmm…. that should mean, it could be that my magical core has not formed yet or some other thing that I have no idea.

What should I do now...hmmmmmm? At least I can feel magic, that means I am someone magical, Yeahhhh.

Not reborn as a muggle. Puhhh, I cannot even think of it, what would I have done if I came to this world and would not be able to use any magic.

The bond with Sniffy could have been some coincidence but now that this is clear I feel much better.

Maybe there is some other thing being the reason of that why I can´t absorb them.

Questions over questions. But I can think about that later, the question is what do I do now?

I guess, it could be that I am too young to really absorb magical energy. In the book magical children also learn to control their magic after they are 11. Maybe there is some connection to age and magic.

Moreover, I have no knowledge about when magical kids start to do accidental magic, but I think that could be a clue. Something to put onto my research list.`

Richard thought about his situation with a frown on his face, but then he shrugged at his thoughts and ignored everything. He just got immersed in the feeling this energy brought him and let the problems be problems for another time.

The living room was now overflowing with these golden little specks of light but nobody seemed to notice them. The room was lit in a golden color and outside the house were people driving and walking by and even Sniffy was found in the house wooshing around cleaning everything but making no sound as to not disturb the little boy. No one, other than Richard, seemed to notice these golden specks of light.

Everything in the living room was filled with these bright golden specks of light. They formed something akin to a whirlpool and turned the living room into an extravagant spectacle.

It looked like no one other than Richard could see these specks of energy that were flying around the room but he was to immersed into this relaxing feeling and time seemed to have no meaning. The sun was gradually moving its way over the rooftops and a few hours passed in this fashion.

Richard now was waking up gradually and the golden specks of magic disappeared.

Stretching his whole body after a few hours of meditation and saying. "Whoaaaa, what a nice feeling I could really get used to this. It felt like I am enveloped by the sun. That was as relaxing as it could be. I should try that again later. It´s even better than to soak into hot water."

The boy then got up from his spot on the couch and then walked towards the table in the dining area with supper already seen on it. 'Sniffy really has the best timing.' Thought Richard as he took his seat and turned his head to see Sniffy who came into the room.

She had the last dish with her that floated down onto the table.

"Ah master you awoke at the right time, Sniffy just contemplated if I should call you or not." She said as she stepped away from the table after she put the last item on top.

The fresh dishes consisted of a vegetable soup with potatoes and white bread, there was even a desert in the form of vanilla pudding.

Frowning at her action of stepping away from the table Richard voiced his opinion. "If I am not waking up in time just call me, at least until I tell you otherwise. It should be no problem and why are you not sitting down? Have some food and eat your fill. It will not do, to not eat your food at the table with me."

Shocked Sniffy took a confused look at her master. "But master I cannot eat at the same table as master, that would insult master." Were the only words she could say with a trembling voice.

'The minds of house-elfs, how troublesome, but I cannot and don´t want to live with a house-elf that takes care of me and receives other than magic that she feeds of for it.' Thought Richard.

He looked at Sniffy with a comforting gaze and told her:" Sniffy you are my house-elf and I want to treat you better than all the other stupid wizards out there. In our house you eat with me on the table and the same food that I do and you have nothing to be afraid of. Say nothing more, you cannot get around it, this is considered an order."

Sniffy was shocked still with her mouth hanging open and gaping in disbelieve at Richards words. Nothing like that has ever happened to her before, but that is not considered much because Richard was her first master. But the house-elfs that she knew would never even try to think of something like that. Although she did not really need to eat normally, normal food would not hurt her in any kind of way.

Richard saw her thinking too much and just pointed at the chair next to him and said:" Just sit there and eat with me, you have cooked more than enough for the both of us. Let´s enjoy a good meal."

Not really comprehending what was going on anymore, Sniffy could just follow along with her masters wishes and sat down while she was looking at the already eating Richard.

He was looking at her with a face that said: Eat and don´t think too much. That was the last straw and she created a plate and some silverware out of nothing for herself and began to add some soup onto her plate which just flew onto it. Richard was again startled at seeing such display of magic, regained his bearings a lot fast than before and began eating his meal.

With a smile on his faze after the first spoon full of soup he resumed eating with gusto. The little boy really likes the cooking of Sniffy. He was not eating much self-made food in his last life because he was too lazy and never quite could figure out the time to learn how to cook his own food. He lived mostly on the same junk food over and over again. That made these meals from Sniffy so much better in comparison.

The pudding was not too much and not too little. It was exactly the right amount of sweet after a good meal. He never was a sweet tooth in his last life and only got the occasional thing.

Yes, he would eat a bit of ice cream in the summer and a few cookies in the winter to Christmas but nothing much other than that. There was the occasional goodie he picked up at grocery shopping but he mostly ate some nuts or chips as snacks. He was more of a salty fan.

After both were done eating the food, Sniffy just snipped with her fingers and the empty plates where now flying with a woooosh sound towards the sink in the kitchen which was filling itself with steaming hot water and then began cleaning themselves.

"Thanks for the meal Sniffy, you also don´t need to compare yourself to other house-elfs, you are my house-elf and I would hate it if you think of yourself to little.

After cleaning the dishes, can you go to a muggle library and get yourself a book about butlers?

That are the counterparts to house-elfs of the muggle world but they have a little bit more skills which I want you to learn from them, also can you pick yourself or magic yourself some new clothes. You cannot wear something like that and represent me. They are also not nice to look at.

Read that book and then you should know how to dress up yourself properly. And if you could also find me some new clothes, that would be amazing. I cannot wear that garbage things forever, even if you have washed and stitched them. They are not really suitable anymore." Richard said in a complete normal tone and with a light smile on his face while he was facing Sniffy.

Sniffy completely interested in these so-called butlers now, was eager to learn something new and to please her master. "Thank you master, Sniffy will promptly do as you wish and look for some nice clothes for you." After that sentence she just thanked Richard and popped away soundlessly. The dishes were just doing their own thing and Richard looked at them mesmerized while they flew around and cleaned themselves.

He then took some water and thought what to do now. 'Sniffy will be gone for a while. I should also work to improve myself, but first I should have a proper look at my own body. I don't even know how I look like. '

Thinking about his looks, he then wandered upstairs and into the bathroom in which was a mirror right above the sink which he had seen earlier.

"Ahhhhwww how annoying. How the hell should I see myself inside the mirror when I am this short." Said young Richard in a frustrated tone while he stared up at the mirror.

'Damn young body, but I cannot help it. I Just have to search for another mirror.' Thought Richard as he cursed his shortcomings and also found nothing to stand on top of to become taller and walked into the guestroom.

'At least here is a door sized mirror on the wardrobe.' Richard came to look at a really short but skinny body of a 2 year old with short black hair and brown eyes. His face was nothing much, he just looked like any 2 year old would probably look. He hoped to look better in later years but right now he looked average.

Satisfied with his scarless little baby face he was going back towards the bathroom and walked to the bathtub to look if they had running water inside the house. The water inside the kitchen could have been because of Sniffys magic.

He opened the hatch but there was nothing coming out of it. 'I guess that was to be expected, after the power problem.' For now, it is not too much trouble but I will look into it at a later date and see if I can fix these little problems.

After that, Richard found his way back downstairs to look at the rest of the house. He walked into the kitchen and there were cupboards everywhere, above it was a stove and the sink placed. The stove worked on electricity so that was also out and the refrigerator was also no help at all.

'How is Sniffy able to cook something without water or a functioning stove?' Richard thought just a second and then he just put it all into the category. "It is magic so don´t think too much about it."

Vincinia Vincinia

I just finished updating these 3 Chapters, need a few days for all of them. After that there should be 1-2 Chapters a day.

See ya.

next chapter
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