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100% Just Another Chat Group / Chapter 70: The Luckiest Bitch

Chương 70: The Luckiest Bitch

When I chose to leave the world of Yu Yu Hakushu I expected to be booted back to my own world. So when I found my surroundings blurred to the training ground that housed Rias and myself I was surprised. I suppose I should not have been that surprised as I had traveled from this place but the sight was jarring when I expected something else.

Even though Rias left before me she arrived in the same flash. The blush spreading across her face was still as bright and noticeable as it was before she left. Seeing me her eyes widened and she looked away from me in embarrassment. She was clearly not expecting me to show up here either.

I could only assume that the time we left was irrelevant and our journey back happened at the same time. So her current outlook made sense as the last time I saw her she was being called out for doing something stupid.

"Why are you here?" Rias questioned as she looked back at me with that blush starting to get under control. I rolled my eyes at her as the reason should have been pretty obvious.

"Where else would I be? We started that mission in your world Rias." I explained calmly to the embarrassed girl who had her blush growing even larger. I was being rather smug considering I was just as shocked as her about my appearance. Unlike her, I was able to piece together the most logical conclusion. Given enough time I was sure she would have reached the same thought but she was in a startled and panicky state.

Rias knew that by this point so her embarrassment increasing was to be expected. Before we could continue this admittedly stale conversation a message flashed in front of me.

[The chat mission has been completed congratulations to Users Overdramatic Fool, NTR Victim, The Best Oppai In the Underworld, and I Was A Hunter But I took An Arrow To The Heel for completing the mission.]


[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Wow, time really did stop. This Chat Group really is something.]

[Grade A Bottom: I never really thought about it but the group really can stop time. Scary.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: After spending all that time fighting coming back to my room at Beacon feels odd.]

[NTR Victim: Pft you think this is bad, try two years away from a shithole only to be shunted back to it. Let me tell you that's a trip I do not want to go back on.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: I may not have the same experience as you Ashley but after spending two years in Sword Art Online and waking up in a hospital bed I think I can relate.]

[Grade A Bottom: Did I ever say how thankful that I did not go on any of these missions? If not thank god I could stay here and draw my little baby a world to play in.]

[NTR Victim: Laaaaame, you got to grow a pair if you don't want to be a bottom for the rest of your life.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Damn Ashley you really have to go for the throat all the time huh.]

[NTR Victim: Shut it bitch you know what I am about.]

[Grade A Bottom:.....I'm just going to go back to drawing.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: Waaaaait Izumi-chan don't leave me by myself. ]

[NTR Victim: Oh no, what will we ever do without your input? What if some super over powered dom comes looking for boy booty who will we turn to.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: There is so much I want to ask right now but considering the context I really don't want to know the answers.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Well if a super over powered dom looking for boy booty did show up we do have another boy we don't have to drag Izumi out to the firing squad.]

[NTR Victim: Nah, I would just have to travel to Izumi's world and drag him to the overpowered dom with a cute little bow. Prince's ass is mine.]

[Overdramatic Fool: I'm the only overpowered dom thank you very much.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin:....I Don't think that sounds like you think it does Prince-san.]

[Grade A Bottom: What did I do to deserve this!?]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Sometimes I ask myself the same thing Izumi.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: It's okay Izumi-chan you can gain abilities from anime and even visit anime worlds. Ashley-chan being a sassy bitch is worth the price.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Damn Ashley she read you like a book.]

[NTR Victim: Meh, I would consider myself more of a smug bitch but tomato tomahto.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: I can't believe you can call yourself something like that and be happy about it.]

[Overdramatic Fool: Not just happy she takes pride in it as well.]

[NTR Victim: You know it.]

[Grade A Bottom: I guess making my little baby was worth putting up with this.]

[The Best Oppai In The Underworld: That's the spirit Izumi-chan. Now behold the greatest gift I have received from the Chat Mission.]

[NTR Victim: Is she about to….?]

[Overdramatic Fool: She is.]

[Grade A Bottom: No way she is actually going to pull That off?]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Really feeling the love her, mind filling in a girl about what ever Rias-san is going to pull off.

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Same, the three of them seem to already know what Rias is doing but I did not get anything that crazy on the mission just some points and a ticket for the Gacha.]

[User: The Best Oppai In The Underworld has used a manual Username Change Ticket. They have changed their Username from The Best Oppai In The Underworld to Rias Gremory]


[NTR Victim: Magic Tits really wasted all those points on changing her Username, unbelievable. It's a waste of points but I can at least respect the determination.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: That's it? I thought it would be something more.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Same I was looking forward to her pulling a super saiyan transformation out of her ass.]

[Overdramatic Fool: Yeah it's really not that impressive but it's important to her so power to her I guess.]

After her Username changed Rias threw her hands in the air and posed in victory. Tears were gathering in her eyes and there seemed to be an aura of zen enlightenment about her. Seeing how she was acting you would think she had solved her greatest problem. Instead, she just changed a Username that no one called her anyway. Ashley was the only one that still used a derogatory nickname for her and it was not even the one the Chat Group used.

Whatever if this was the hill she wanted to die on then she had the right to do so. Still, the sight of her was hilarious considering the context so I let out a loud laugh at her current state. The sudden burst of laughter brought some of that wind out of her sails so she dropped her pose and shot me a pout.

Her eyes were still glinting with tears so with the pout on her face she seemed like a sullen child. That comparison only caused me to laugh harder,

"It's not funny." She shot out with the pout still clear on her face. The look and words did not stop my laughter but it did calm it down slightly as I wanted to reply. It still took me a fair bit to calm the laughter escaping from me.

"Of course, you would think it's not funny. You are the one posing like a small child winning a spelling bee." I spoke out with a teasing grin on my face. Hearing my words Rias looked away from me again with her cheeks flushed.

"I did not look like a child," Rias announced with the same sullen attitude that had me laughing in the first place. This time I was able to handle myself but the sight was still funny in a cute sort of way.

I snapped my fingers and produced an exact replica of Rias' current image. The illusory image had flushed cheeks that were extended like she was holding her breath. Her eyes glistened with tears and fluttered constantly. Finally, the image looks away from Rias but would look at her from the side of her eyes. The perfect image of a sulking child.

Seeing that reflection she knew that I was right but she was not going to admit that. Instead, she decided to double down and become even more of a sullen child in my eyes.

[Grade A Bottom: You did it Rias-san, you beat the odds and shed the shackles that held you down.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: This is not that big of a deal? I get the Username was pretty bad but it was not too bad right?]

[Rias Gremory: You could not understand my pain Pyrrha-san, you're Username is not even that bad.]

[Grade A Bottom: The pain, the suffering, the never ending torture of this Username will never leave me until I too can get enough points to escape.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: They are being pretty dramatic about it but if my Username was just as mocking I would want to change it as well. We got off pretty lucky with some weird jokes.]

[Grade A Bottom: Yeah, you can't judge us. Both of your usernames are just Skyrim jokes.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: What is this Skyrim?]

[Grade A Bottom: You don't have Skyrim in your world? Of course, you don't it's another world I should have expected that. How about you Rias-san do you have Skyrim?]

[Rias Gremory: Maybe? I don't recall anything by that name in my world but I can't claim to be an all knowing otaku god. So I might have it. How about Prince-san and Ashley-chan do you have this Skyrim.]

[Overdramatic Fool: It's a video game, It's pretty popular and it's a bit of a joke that people always go back to playing it eventually.]

[NTR Victim: I had it in my world as well but I was dirt poor so I never played it.]

I let out a light sigh at Ashley's last comment but considering the fact that her family sold her and her brother to a organ harvesting scheme it would make sense. The run down warehouse near her home should have been another point in that direction. It's alright I could shower her with all the affection and lavish lifestyle she was missing in her world.

I could relate to her experience in yet another way. The life I lived as Severus Snape was not exactly what one would call lavish, Hell, I did not even have regular shampoo for the most part, anything I had owned I had to fight tooth and nail to collect. Yet I did not indulge in those luxuries myself. I kind of just locked myself away in my research and my constant approaches to increasing my power. I did not really sit back and enjoy what I currently had.

I should take some time to cool down and just relax for a bit. Not too much time as I had other things on my mind but at least a couple days out of the week dedicated to relaxation. I'm sure Ashley would be more than fine with joining me in that relaxation. I could also use that time to catch up with Narcissa and repair my relationship with my Mother.

Not exactly important tasks but things I did want to get to do.

"Can you send me a copy of this Skyrim?" Rias asked from beside me breaking me out of my current thoughts. I guess she was more interested in the game than I thought. I knew she had Otaku tendencies and she might actually like the game but she had to have better things to do than spend hours playing Skyrim.

Well, if she wanted to jump down that rabbit hole I was not going to stop her but I could not indulge her either. I may have said I had Skyrim in my world but that was just based off of my memories. Skyrim was obviously not released in my current timeframe. I could not postpone her request for literally decades waiting for Skyrim to actually release.

"You should ask Izumi-san, it would make a nice bridge to getting your relationship with them back on track," I spoke out with a small smile on my face. There now she had no reason to hound me for the game when I gave her an alternative and even a reason to go that way.

Rias seemed disappointed in my response but she seemed like she accepted it. I thought she would be more excited about rebuilding that bridge with Izumi but it looked like she was more interested in getting closer to me.

It was flattering but I was not going to touch that issue with a ten foot pole. Her current distance from me was already too close I did not need to feed her false hope.

" So did you get anything else for the Mission or was it just points?" I questioned trying to change the subject. I was a bit curious about my question anyway. I needed to know if the reward was set already or if my Luck played a part in receiving the reward that I did get.

"Well, I did get a ticket for the Multiversal Gacha," Rias spoke out with an excited look on her face. So it looks like that ticket was something everyone got. I knew Ashley received one from our last mission but Fortuna might have been playing a part back then. Getting this confirmation from Rias put some things into perspective.

"You should use it now, I am interested in knowing what you got." That was a bit of an understatement. I was not sure what she would get but anything from the multiverse was gold in my eyes. She had similar levels of bullshit luck even if it did not touch my heights. So I was looking forward to what she could get even if she could not pull a super saiyan transformation out of her ass as Argo expected.

Again an excited look flashed across Rias' face and she started tapping something into the air. I could only assume she was going along with my suggestion.

[User: Rias Gremory has used a Multiversal Gacha Ticket and has received Resurrection Fraught Hades (A-Rank)]

I raised my eyebrow at the name of this one. To draw the name of the Greek god of the underworld in its name must mean this ability or item was something special. A rank was pretty good as well but it still felt like it was not good enough for something bearing Hades' name. I could only assume that this thing was not as impressive as I was making it out to be.

Considering its name maybe it was a healing ability. A heal powerful enough that you could restore anybody that was still alive ripping them from Hades' grasp. If it was S rank I might consider it being an actual resurrection spell but since it was just A rank I would put it at just saving lives.

I looked over at Rias who was reading what ever description she received from pulling her Gacha. Considering the thing did not appear in front of her I think it's an ability as opposed to an item. 

[NTR Victim: Damn Magic Tits beat me to pulling the Gacha.]

[Grade A Bottom: I will say I am pretty jealous of you guys for getting a Gacha Ticket from the mission.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Same, my devil fruit is cool but getting something to get me out of this hospital bed would be great.]

[NTR Victim: Pft next time you can come on the mission. We had to fight a horde of goblins, a rock turtle, a fucking fury, and a dude that threw ice at people.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: That does not sound too bad?]

[Overdramatic Fool: That's just because Ashley likes to be derogatory to everyone. The Rock Turle was a monster that could meld into rock and attack from any direction in a stone room. The fury was a giant mound of muscle that was a humanoid Tiger that screamed so hard the castle around us was collapsing. The dude throwing ice was throwing magical ice attacks that would freeze what ever it touched instantly.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Then there was the person you fought, even if we never saw him he was the boss of the others so he had to be stronger than them.]

[NTR Victim: I'm still salty about that.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Alright opinion rescinded. I'll make sure to watch my mouth better next time, I don't want it signing checks I can't cash.]

[Grade A Bottom: I figured something crazy would happen, safety for the win.]

[NTR Victim: Laaaaaaaaame, hey Magic Tits what did you get?]

[Rias Gremory: An undead army that constantly resurrects no matter what happens.]

Again my eyebrow shot up at that description but I guess that fits the theme of the name. Although I figured it would have been better if she had a healing ability instead of that. She was already pretty powerful in her own right, and she did not need an undead army to protect her. 

Rias seemed satisfied with what she got so maybe I was not giving her ability enough credit but it just did not seem that impressive in comparison to the Alpha Stigma that I got or even Ashley's Nine Lives.

[NTR Victim: Damn that sounds pretty fucking metal Magic Tits can't wait to see it in action.]

[Grade A Bottom: I would like to not see an undead army please and thank you.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Same, zombie movies are very icky.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: An undying army would be pretty good to practice against. It would also help out with clearing out Grimm.]

[NTR Victim: You may have gotten something pretty metal Magic Tits but I will get something even cooler!]

[User: NTR Victim has used a Mutiversal Gacha Ticket and has received The Legendary Spear (S+-rank)]

I looked over at what she received and felt my jaw drop, an S-rank ability is already great but the Legendary Spear was a game changer. From what I could recall Naofumi was able to become a god with his own legendary weapon and the Spear Hero was able to go back in time using his own spear.

Ashley was a lucky bitch and this was becoming increasingly clear. I looked over at Rias who had a jealous look on her face and she did not even know what the Legendary Spear was she was just jealous of Ashley getting an S-rank item.

I had to question her luck even more as I was planning on getting her a good spear to work with and the best spear landed in her lap without any effort.

[Grade A Bottom: Well I don't know if that spear is cooler but it is certainly more powerful.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Lucky bitch.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Ashley looked like she could handle a spear pretty well already this new spear would just be icing on the cake.]

[NTR Victim: What the fuck!? This thing made my life into a video game!? I can level up when killing, this shit was tailor-made for me. Next time I see a fury they are getting fucking impaled.]

[Overdramatic Fool: You really did luck out there, Hey Pyrrha do you want to go first or should I pull.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: I'm not really sure give me a minute.]

[Grade A Bottom: So you guys are just going to rub our faces in your cool stuff, I see how it is.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: This is discrimination against the weak and poor. We should start a union Izumi-san.]

[NTR Victim: Unions only work when you can strike the wallets of the bosses above you. If the two of you went on strike the only thing that would happen is the Chat Group getting quiet.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin:....Did….she just make a rational point?!?!]

[Overdramatic Fool: I know they grow up so fast Argo-san.]

[Grade A Bottom: That is why I advocated for revolution over unions.]

[NTR Victim: Pft like that would be any better I could pull off your arm and beat you with it and you would not even be able to hit me back.]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: Ah, there is the Ashley I know threats of gory violence.]

[Overdramatic Fool: Damn, well the moment of growth lasted a little bit.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: Alright I want to pull first Prince. I don't want the pressure from being the last one to pull.]

[User I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel has used a Multiversal Gacha Ticket and has received Penthesilea (A+-Rank){Empress}]

[Grade A Bottom: Is it too much to ask that one of you gets a low roll? Why is it always A-Rank and above? What happened to all the other ranks!?]

[Khajit Has Information If You Have Coin: God is against us!]

[NTR Victim: Nah that's just because y'all are scrubs you need to get on our level.]

[Overdramatic Fool: What did you get Pyrrha? At A-rank it should be pretty good.]

[I Was A Hunter But I Took An Arrow To The Heel: I'm not really sure how to explain it…I can summon a giant ghost that can use magic and grow in strength with me. If I become better friends with certain people it would also grow in strength?]

I did not quite understand what was happening until that last line. She got a Persona. Not the greatest powerup but it would fill in the gaps that Pyrrha was missing. There was also something pretty cool about having a Persona but it was not like I had one.

I wonder if I could copy it if I laid my eyes on her Persona. Would I get her Persona or would I awaken my own? If I got her Persona that meant I could become the protagonist of any Persona game without having to touch the Velvet Room.

Whatever the case, It was now time for me to use my own Gacha Ticket.

[User Overdramatic Fool has used a Multiversal Gacha Ticket and has received Water God Slayer Magic (A++Rank)]

That's certainly interesting but the implication that I might need to kill a water god is having me concerned. Nah, that can't be the message right what are the odds?


No joke I rolled for everyone except Prince. So Ashley remains the luckiest bitch, Rias got Asclepius from Fate and rolled his noble phantasm. So close to getting god of medicine instead but you win some you lose some. Finally, Pyrrha got Persona so I looked for a persona with a connection to Achilles. 

IHaveHidden IHaveHidden


For more chapters. still 30 plus chapters ahead.

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