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81.69% Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man. [Completed] / Chapter 58: River of Fate – Severed.

Chương 58: River of Fate – Severed.

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Glory to my chief Proofreader; Solare for he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

Sorry for being late, Uni hasn't been very kind to me.

Anyways, it's Time to Free a Certain White Haired Goofball.

1100 Power Stones = Extra Chapter


An Hour Later, Tokyo Jujutsu High.

"We're just walking through campus, why are you using that form?" Maki questioned, looking at the Black Haired Sorcerer who walked by her side.

Megumi Fushiguro was currently in his 'Divine General Mahoraga' Incarnation form, and as such he possessed the multiplied Biology which included the 4 Arms and the Dharma Wheel. He wore a much larger Black Yukata than normally, one which was specifically tailored to fit his changed form.

"I'm trying to get used to moving in it, as much of a boost as it is over my regular body – I'm still not used to it. Feels really weird to have twice the number of limbs, not to mention the mess that is the rest of my body." He explained as he moved his second set of arms which he stuck inside the folds of his Haori.

"Is that so, well I guess that makes sense. But what's with the fidget spinner on top of your head? Dontcha think it's Tacky to have that over your head everywhere we go? It's bad enough with how huge you are, literally everyone we pass by stops and just looks at you…" Maki sighed in disbelief, shaking her head as she did.

The Shade Lord grinned slightly, he too looked around at the workers and such that they passed. The looks of Awe and Recognition were very enjoyable, he supposed it's a nice reward after all his trouble.

"Come on now, I can't be much of a Special Grade Sorcerer if I can't turn a few heads from my presence. And besides, What is a King without his Crown?" He asked as he gestured towards the Pure White Dharma Wheel atop his head, prompting Maki to chuckle.

"Pffft.. God Complex much?" She asked right back, causing him to laugh as well.

"Is it really much of a Complex if you're gonna be one?" Megumi replied as he raised his bottom set of hands to shrug dismissively. 

"Sheeesh.. It's worse than I thought…" Maki sighed, walking slightly ahead as she led him further into the compound. They were going into the main and most protected part of the entirety of Campus grounds.

"I'm Kidding, I'm Kidding! Well mostly…" He called out as he caught up to her, they reached a large twin gate guarded by 4 men, they were all sorcerers too if their cursed energy signature was anything to consider.

"Stop. Please present your IDs." One of the guards ordered as he walked ahead, despite recognising them it was still standard protocol to check for a Sorcerer's ID before they are granted access to this Holy Site.

They both quietly handed it over while ignoring the quiet but still audible whispers between the other guards, no words would escape their Ultra-Enhanced Senses after all.

"All Clear, you are Welcome to enter. Tengen-sama awaits you at The Tomb of the Star."

The Guarded Doors swung open, revealing a pitch black nothingness that led to a great Drop into a huge forest clouded by darkness. The two of them jumped down and started making their way deeper into the forest.

Eventually they laid their eyes upon a large warehouse in the middle of the forest, a grin covering Maki's face as she made her way towards it like a kid in a candy store. Megumi let out a small chuckle at that and followed her, watching the garage door be pulled open.

"You sure ya don't wanna come with me to meet Tengen?" He questioned with crossed arms.

"Hm? Oh, nah. Not interested in whatever she wants, she asked for you anyways – I just stuck along for this place, can't miss an opportunity to get some more cool Cursed Tools after all." Maki answered while waving her hand at him dismissively, prompting him to chuckle.

"Yeah alright, just be sure to grab the Cursed Wombs I told you about. I'm sure Choso's gonna be happy to have his brothers back. Oh and tell everyone that I'm unsealing Satoru tomorrow near the main school." Megumi commented as he waved a hand back while walking away.

"Uh-huh…" She absentmindedly responded before disappearing into the warehouse.

A sweat dropped down Megumi's face as he pulled out his phone and started typing away at it, knowing that his words had more than probably fallen on deaf ears.

"...I'll js send it to Shoko n Yuji, they'll tell everyone else. Oh and I should probably tell Rin to go contact Kinji Hakari and let him know that Jujutsu HQ is going under new management soon…" Megumi mumbled under his breath as he kept walking.

He heard a notification of a text pop up, opening it as a smirk formed over his face. It was a message from Yuki Tsukumo.

"I got everything cleared up, I'm ready for our 'meeting'. Come over to 'XXXXX-XXXXX' so we can start. I'll be waiting <3 - Toodles~!"

He replied to the message with a chuckle, before putting his phone away a few moments later, he had reached an elevator which he rode down to the bottom of the compound. 

Megumi looked upon the Tomb of the Star corridor, the main hall consists of a compound of old buildings that circle around a gigantic tree. He started making his way towards the base of the tree, running into a Blood smear on the ground – It looked old, as if it had been there for years on end.

"Oh.. It's her Blood isn't it?" He muttered under his breath, recalling the tragic death that happened 11 Years ago which sent the world down a spiral that it couldn't escape from.

A Spiral started from his own Father Toji Fushiguro after he had cold-heartedly killed Riko Amanai, a senseless act of Violence all made for Money.

He raised a hand and pointed it at the Blood smear, a moment later water shot out of it like a pump. It washed away the Blood in a few seconds, leaving behind a clear untainted ground once more.

Megumi Fushiguro walked away silently, and in a few more moments – He had arrived at an underpass which led into a Barrier, one which he didn't understand but recognised.

"Empty Barriers, huh? They were mentioned in Fujiwara Yoshitsune's records but not in much detail, all the pages containing them were either distorted or ripped out. Must've been a preventative measure." He commented as he walked into the Empty Barrier.

As he passed through, he found himself to be standing in the middle of an endless field. Green pastures as far the eye could see and one giant tree with Golden leaves straight ahead of him on a hill. And at the very top of the hill stood the figure of the person who called him here.

"Welcome, Conqueror of the Divine General. I have been awaiting you for some time." The figure said, placing a hand on their chest as they spoke.

"Tengen, looks like we finally meet – And with such a nice location too, should I feel Honoured?" The Shade Lord questioned playfully while placing a hand at his hip, drawing a gentle smile from the Immortal Barrier Master.

"Perhaps you should, you have done me a Great Service after all, I am Quite Grateful for you. Come, we have much to speak about." Tengen called out, taking his casual demeanour in stride since it was a nice change of pace and he had more than earned the right for it.

Tengen currently has four eyes with a cylinder-shaped head that features no hair at all, but they do possess a bipedal humanoid body. This was due to the Evolution they were forced to undergo after failing to Merge with a Star Plasma Vessel. They also wear a simple light-coloured robe.

[Image (In Discord)]

"So you're saying that as long as we can get you another Star Plasma Vessel, you can be reset back to a Humanoid form and remove all possibility of being Merged with the World?" Megumi asked, the two of them sat in the middle of a picnic cloth.

He reached for a basket on the cloth with his top right hand and pulled out a sandwich which he ate, reaching his other right hand forward he then grabbed a tea cup. 

'Didn't think Tengen would have called me over here to have a fucking Picnic to chat over tea and handmade snacks but who am I to complain about free food?' Megumi thought as he grabbed another sandwich with one of his left hands and threw it into his stomach-mouth which ate it whole.

"Yes, with the threat of Kenjaku forcing a Merger between me and Humanity gone - It isn't so dangerous as to be life threatening for all. However if I do manage to Merge with a Star Plasma Vessel, that would remove a great burden from myself and the world as a whole." Tengen explained.

She didn't eat anything herself as this was merely a projection of her will through her Unmatched Barrier Technique, but she did enjoy having such a casual and for once carefree conversation. For the first time in too long, she didn't have to fear falling into the clutches of her former Friend.

"And in addition to that, my People have informed me of some Great news relating to this matter. It is why I had called you over so urgently an hour back." She added as she poured him some more tea since he had finished his.

"Oh? And what's that?" 

"About an Hour and a Half ago now, a New Star Plasma Vessel had been born."

Now that, had gotten Megumi Fushiguro's full attention. He had almost dropped his cup of tea from the shock, prompting Tengen to chuckle slightly in amusement.

"Really? But that's…" He muttered, the dots were being connected in his head.

"Indeed. It seems that mere moments following Kenjaku's Death, the River of Fate had been Severed and Diverted. Yet another thing I have to thank you for, had it not been for you Defeating my old Friend and thwarting his plans – I doubt any of this would have been possible." Tengen thanked, an honest smile covering her face.

"Huh… Good to know I suppose, the problems with your Barriers are cleared with this. But since you did bring it up, I wanted to ask you a question." Megumi prompted as he absentmindedly drank some tea with thought.

"What is it?" 

"Does the name 'Fujiwara Yoshitsune' ring any bells?" 

Tengen looked to be in thought for a moment, before a spark of realisation flooded into her mind as she spoke up while raising a finger.

"Yes, I believe that was the name of one of Kenjaku's Previous Vessels. It was the one he used during the Edo Era back when 'Kashimo Hajime' was the Strongest Sorcerer alive. Why do you ask?" 

"Pffft.. Hehe, it's nothing really. Just Ironic that the Records he left behind ended up contributing to his Death. It's almost Poetic really…" Megumi chuckled in amusement, the Irony of the Situation was not lost on him in the slightest.

"Hm.. Yes, I suppose I do see the Humour in that." Tengen commented, she watched as the black haired sorcerer ate a sandwich whole before downing a cup of tea and moving to stand up.

"This has been fun and all, but I got a 'Meeting' to attend and some other things to do. But before I go, I wanna inform you of something." He said as he wiped his Yukata clean of any crumbs.

"Oh? What is it?" She asked, curious as to what he would want to tell her.

"I am going to Kill all the Higher-Ups tomorrow after freeing Satoru Gojo, any objections?"

Master Tengen's 4 eyes blinked slowly at the proclamation, that was certainly not what she expected of him after their pleasant chat. So she chose to prod for more information before making her stance on the matter known.

"So you plan to kill them and take over Jujutsu Headquarters I assume?" Tengen questioned, although she didn't seem to be too affected by his words.

"Yes, those old fools have proved themselves worthless and a waste of resources. I'll be taking over for the most part and putting qualified people in charge. A better led Jujutsu HQ is a better world for all of Humanity." The Lord of Shadows proclaimed.

"Hm… Then you have my Blessings as long as you can help me out with another matter." Tengen bargained.

"And that is?" 

"Please place the newly born Star Plasma Vessel under your protection, I'd appreciate it if what happened last time didn't happen again." She asked, hoping for the best possible protection to prevent another Incident from occurring.

"Done. I'll have the Strongest Sorcerers available protecting her and her caretakers at all times." Megumi confirmed as he walked away towards the exit of the Tomb of the Star.

"My Deepest Thanks, May We Meet Again O' Divine Lord." Tengen spoke with a slight bow of her head in respect.

The Next Day, 8 AM.

Tokyo Jujutsu High Campus.

"Is this strictly necessary?" Shoko asked with an amused tone.

"What is?" Megumi questioned with a seemingly innocent tone.

"The 'Using the Prison Realm as your own Fidget Toy' thing, Satoru can probably feel being shaken so hard y'know?" She said, watching as he held it in two hands before shaking it back and forth like a bartender mixing up a drink.

"Well, no it's not. Buuut it's still funny." Maki responded for him from the side, she sat on top of a nearby stone fence.

"It's kinda mean Maki…" Yuta muttered timidly, unsure about how to feel with his Teacher being messed with so thoroughly.

"Yeah! But it's funny!" Nobara refuted before turning back to face Megumi and continuing to cheer him on.

"Ooh! Ooh! Megumi, could you juggle it?!" Yuji shouted in excitement as he clapped for his friend's impromptu performance.

"Why of course~." The Black Haired man chuckled, he stopped shaking the Prison Realm and began juggling it between each of his 4 hands. It served the double purpose of both fucking with Satoru and honing his hand eye coordination with his new limbs.

The Prison Realm was flung into the air in between his hands at record speeds as it started to blur, Maki smirked and stomped at the ground – Clumps of rubble shot into the air which she then hit lightly, sending them flying into Megumi's arms.

"WOAH NELLY!" Megumi shouted as he added the clumps of rock to his juggling routine, starting to go faster and faster until his 4 arms were nothing but a Blur.

Shoko shook her head in amusement as she watched Nobara and Yuji's cheering all but double in intensity before turning to Utahime who was standing by her side with a smirk.

"And you're okay with this?" She asked before taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Dumbass knew it would be a mistake to go in alone and even refused Fushiguro-kun's help, he deserves every bit of this he can get." Utahime answered with her arms crossed, a satisfied smirk running across her face.

"...Remind me not to piss you Tsunderes Off." Shoko replied before taking a huff of her cigarette, her off handed comment had gotten Utahime's face to turn crimson as she blustered to refute her.

A few minutes later, Megumi had stopped as all the blocks of rubble were stacked on top of eachother in a pillar with the Prison Realm at the top. He then threw the rubble to the side and held the Prison Realm in his hands as he looked into the eyes upon it.

Each one of the galactic eyes were spinning in place, the nausea in them was immediately evident. 

"Delightful~! Alright, it's time to let the White haired buffoon out so I can give him a taste of my mind." Megumi announced before throwing the Prison Realm high into the sky one last time.

He then Deactivated his Incarnation, causing him to shrink down to his usual body and drawing confused looks from the others around him.

"I wanna keep this form a surprise from Satoru, so please keep it under wraps for as long as possible, 'Kay?" He asked, drawing amused sighs and confirmations from everyone else.

"Gate Open."

The Gate of the Prison Realm flew open in the middle of the air, causing the Cursed Object to temporarily float in the air as it spat out a tall white haired man.

"Gate Close."

Satoru Gojo fell on his ass, his usually pale face was green with nausea as he doubled over and puked from the excessive shaking done to the Prison Realm. The cursed object then fell on top of his head, slamming into it with a thud before being grabbed and stored by an outstretched hand.

"Huuurrkkk… Ewwww.. Fuckin' Hell Megumi, I know I screwed up but was spinning me around for that long really necessary?" Satoru questioned as he wiped the corner of his mouth from the leftover puke.

Satoru Gojo didn't wear his blindfold, letting his hair fall and eyes showing. He wore a tight-fitting black shirt, white baggy training pants with a black belt weaved through the waist, and black martial arts slippers. He had also somehow gotten a Haircut and gained a lot of muscle in the time he was within the Prison Realm.

[Image (In Discord)]

In his nauseated fever, he failed to recognise or notice said sorcerer coming up from behind him while raising his right fist to the sky. 


Satoru Gojo turned to face the source of the low growl, finding Megumi standing over him with shadowed yet burning Goldish Crimson eyes. He had a right arm raised with Black Sparks running down its frame which was layered with Domain Amplification. 

And so the Honoured One could only say one thing before the inevitable impact.



The arm came down at the white haired man like a jackhammer, driving it into the ground as an explosion of Black and Crimson Lightning shot around from the impact.


"Huh.. Since when could he use that on command?" Yuji questioned, watching as Megumi then grabbed their teacher by his hair and started shaking him like a mad man.

"Eh, I'd say just enjoy the view." Nobara responded as she recorded the entire encounter with her phone, it was prime Blackmail material after all.

"Oh I am Enjoying it alright~!" Maki called out as she blurred around the duo of special grade sorcerers, taking pictures from a high grade camera in all possible angles.

"Ya fuckin happy with yourself ya pansy bitch?! What was it you said huh?! 'I'lL bE iN aNd OuT iN 20 MinUtEs ToPs' and 'TheRe's nO nEeD fOr aLl tHat, I'M tHe StrOnGesT'! AND WHERE"D THAT GET YA, HUH?!!" Megumi berated and shook the white haired man with all his strength as he tried to defend himself.

"I thought it would just be a quick and simple mission as always! How was I supposed to know they'd have some Body Snatcher there with the only Cursed Object that could possibly Seal me away?! That was some Bullshit Asspull and you know it!" Gojo cried out, however that didn't stop his little brother at all.

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK YOU DUMBASS! I told you you'd get sealed, but nooooo you just had to let your Galaxy-sized Ego choose for you, huh?!" The black haired man shouted as he pulled on the older man's ear.



The two of them paused their comical argument as they heard subtle footsteps approaching them, they both turned around at the same time as they saw Rin Otomo reach them and bow.

"Young Master, I Apologise for Intruding on your Heartwarming Reunion. But both the matters you have entrusted to me have been completed." Rin informed.

'That's a Heartwarming Reunion?!' Yuji thought incredulously. 

"Oh~? Is that right? Good work as always Rin." Megumi praised as he dropped Gojo from his hold, drawing a giddy smile from the Maroon haired woman but she didn't let it show actively.

"You are too Kind, my Lord." She simply said, bowing deeper to hide her smile – She did not succeed.

"Alrighty then, anyone up for some Good Ol' Fashioned Elderly Slaughter?" He called out with a grin as he started walking away.

"I'm Sorry, what do you mean 'Elderly Slaughter'? Who are we Killing?" Satoru questioned as he got up to his feet with the help of Yuta and Yuji.

"It's quite simple, but Rin can explain it for you all on the way." Megumi called out, motioning for them to follow him.

"Well.. Could you please explain it to us, Otomo-san?" Yuji asked politely, still not knowing where he stood with the reserved woman.

"Hn.. Very well. The Young Master has entrusted me with contacting your seniors Kinji Hakari and Kirara Hoshi, they should be coming to visit soon. And now we are currently heading over to a Meeting between Tengen-Sama and most of the Higher-Ups at Jujutsu HQ." Rin dutifully explained, following along right behind Megumi with hands pulled together at the front.

"Oh~? Is this what I think it is?" Maki questioned, feeling an excited grin covering her face.

"Precisely Maki-san. The Young Master has joined hands with Tengen-sama and has gotten their blessing to- Ahem.. Remove the Higher Ups from their post." The maroon haired woman revealed with obvious pride in her Lord's work.

"Really?! Shiit, that old bag wouldn't even give me the light of day whenever I wanted to meet her! And she just agreed to your plans, just like that?!" Satoru complained exaggeratedly.

He poked the Black haired man in the face to get his message across, prompting him to reach to grab the hand but was blocked by Satoru Gojo's 'Infinity' Barrier'. 

"Well, yeah. She did. Cuz she knows I'm fuckin' Better than you. That's why." Megumi mocked, looking into his exposed Six Eyes as if he was daring him to do anything about it.

"HAH?! You think just cuz I got sealed for a while and you got a bit stronger that I can't kick your ass anymore?" Satoru fired right back as he immediately got ready to fight, it would be a good way to stretch his body after all.

"You wanna Test that Theory you Blue Eyed Dickhead?" The Divine Lord growled, his Cursed Energy firing up as he reached into the hand sign of the Divine General instantly.

"Go ahead, call your Daddy you Fuckin' Twerp. Make My Day." The Honoured One responded, all too happy to reduce the entire area to dust and ash.

Burning Goldish Crimson Orbs met with Blinding Azure Blue Galaxies as the pressure within the atmosphere became heavy enough to cause an average semi-grade 1 sorcerer to faint on the spot.

Just as it seemed they were about to start their nigh apocalyptic battle, both of them were grabbed by their ears and pulled down.

"Both of you calm the fuck down." Shoko ordered as Utahime nodded along, the brown haired woman held onto Megumi while the scarred woman held onto Gojo.

"You two can beat the shit outta each other another time, right now you should go deal with the Geezers before they get wise and scurry away. I'll be going now, I got patients to attend to." She said before releasing Megumi and walking away, followed by Utahime as she too didn't want a part in this.

Satoru Gojo and Megumi Fushiguro locked eyes for a few moments before turning away and walking faster to the location of the Higher-Ups Meeting, with the promise to continue their battle soon enough.

"I am so Beating your ass…" 

"Not if I do it first, Jackass!"

5 Minutes Later.

Megumi kicked down a door which led to a Great Hall, within it stood a few Dozen different people. Not exclusively Old men as you would expect either.

Politicians, Government Officials, CEOs, Board Members, Clan Elders and Even Clan Head of some Minor Clans – Nearly any Sleazy man or woman in power one could imagine, all gathered here under the false orders of Master Tengen.

"Z-Zen'in Megumi?! W-What is the Meaning of this?!" An old man who could be recognised as an Elder of the Kamo Clan shouted at their entrance.

"Listen Bub, you ran outta Screentime like 5 Seconds Ago. So I'll just cut to the chase – All your Lives are now Forfeit, and he will be sure to tell you how." Megumi explained as he raised his hands together at an Angle.

"Big Raga, come teach these Dumbasses a Lesson."

The Mahoraga made his appearance unto the world, his ginormous 12 Foot Frame causing every one of the Higher Ups to gasp and step back in horror.

"E-Even i-if you m-managed to Subjugate the D-Divine General, there is n-no way he could explain a-anything to u-u-us!" Screamed one of the more brave clan elders, although that could also be attributed to Stupidity just as well.

And he would be Correct, if not for a Simple Fact.


The Divine General does not Abide by the Laws of Reality.

"Big Raga just ask you One Question before you Die." The Shikigami announced as he started walking towards the cowering group of Sheep.

"Tell me Something, what Did the Five Fingers.. SAY TO THE FACE?!"



1100 Power Stones = Extra Chapter

Author's Note:

The Opp Stoppa does not Like the Old People… 

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