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54.92% Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man. [Completed] / Chapter 39: Hydrogen Bomb Vs Coughing Baby.

Chương 39: Hydrogen Bomb Vs Coughing Baby.

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Glory to my chief Proofreader; Solare for he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

600 Power Stones = Extra Chapter


10 am.

Tokyo Jujutsu Tech School Welcoming Area.


"That's right, that's right. Call for your momma!" 

The Tokyo school students watched in amusement as Megumi held their classmate in a headlock, refusing to let go even as he struggled to breathe. In front of them was the Kyoto sister school, their students just stood there speechless at the happenings in front of them.

"Who's your Uncle huh? Who's your damn Uncle you little shit?" Megumi demanded, his left hand moving to the top of his victim's head before he dug his fist into it and twisted in order to administer as much pain as possible.

"Y-You are, you are! Please let me go!" Yuji cried out, barely able to breathe due to the headlock.

"Say it…" The black haired man ordered viscously, enjoying the fact that he had finally completed his get back at the three that drew that 'Art' on his forehead.

"Please let me go U-Uncle Fushiguro, I won't do it again!" Itadori begged, his face starting to turn slightly blue from the lack of oxygen.

After hearing what he wanted, Megumi pushed Yuji away with one hand, allowing the pink haired teen to finally breathe freely. 

"Cough cough. Damn Megumi, was that truly necessary? My fuckin' neck aches now." Yuji coughed out as he rubbed his neck with his right arm. Megumi watched as he did so and spotted something that brought down his mood and reminded him of a somewhat concerning report he had received from Rin.

Along Itadori Yuji's right arm was a medium sized scar that ran along from his elbow to the middle of his forearm. According to the report he had gotten from Rin, it seems like Mahito was a bigger problem than he was before.

'Although things went along the same lines as before, with Kento-san and Yuji fighting Mahito together. It seems like my existence has pushed the patch faced troglodyte to be even stronger from my effect on the balance of the world.' Megumi rubbed his chin in thought, starting to zone out as Principal Yaga arrived and started explaining the rules of the Event.

'If that happened with him, it's very likely that the others are stronger as well. I don't even want to imagine how much stronger that Rat Bastard has become, it's probably been a buffet of powerful curses for him to collect as he wishes. I need to get Rin to check on the sightings and locations of all known Special Grade curses…'

Megumi continued zoning out as he heard the rules of the Good Will event be explained to everyone else, only focusing again when he saw Satoru being held in a one armed Nelson Hold. Taking a moment to quickly take out his phone and take a picture of it.

" –Remember you're all comrades in the greater battle. This is all in order for you to get to know each other and yourselves even better for the future when you work as comrades. Naturally, killing or otherwise permanently harming your opponents is strictly prohibited." Yaga explained, his voice sounding somewhat strained as he squeezed Satoru even harder.

"Now you all have the next 2 hours to plan and talk with each other, we start at noon!" The Principal announced.

30 Minutes Later.

"Uh… Care to repeat that?" Kugisaki asked, feeling a mix of intrigue and annoyance.

"It's not really that complex, Maki and I will not fight during the Spirit Bash Race. I'll just send a Shikigami out to secure as many of the points as possible, most likely all of them. You, Yuji, Panda and Inumaki will be the only ones fighting." Megumi repeated in between taking bites out of a protein bar.

"Okay, first of all. Why is it that you talk like they're definitely going to be attacking us? What if they just ignore us and y'know, go do the actual objective of this event." She rebuked, wanting to know the reason behind his assuredness.

What took Kugisaki Nobara off guard was Maki's immediate reaction of laughter, which was soon shared by Megumi as well.

"You know something we don't?" Panda questioned, confused as to why they laughed.

"Tuna Mayo?"

"It's quite simple really, it's Itadori. They're definitely gonna try to kill 'im." The black haired woman asserted, seeming quite confident in her deduction.

"HUH? Why do they wanna kill me?! I didn't even do anything wrong!" Itadori cried out in outrage.

"The same reason we had them think you dead, because you're Sukuna's vessel. As long as you have that geezer inside you, the higher ups and clans won't stop trying to kill you; directly or otherwise." Megumi explained.

"Goddamn, that friggin sucks! Why'd this asshole choose my body of all possible ones as the one to be his vessel?" Yuji complained. This complaint caused a mouth to open on his face from which Sukuna himself spoke his piece. 

"You are the one who ate my Finger first you stupid brat, you think I wanted your unintelligent ass as my vessel?" 

"He's kinda right about that Yuji, you did eat that finger." Megumi pointed out.

"WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON?!" Yuji exclaimed comically to the amusement of everyone else present. Sukuna then took his chance to insult them both at the same time. 

"See? Even the Furry gets it." Sukuna asserted, taking no small amount of pleasure in insulting both his greatest annoyances at the same time.

"How in the fuck do you even know what that means?" The black haired man demanded, unintentionally crushing what was left of his protein bar in his hand.

"I have been stuck in this brat's body for the past two and a half months, I am more than capable of understanding Modern 'Culture' with this much time." The King asserted with confidence before withdrawing from Yuji's face, his aim being achieved.

"Well Yuji's stupidity and Sukuna learning about pop culture notwithstanding; what's our plan? It's gonna be a 4 v 5 right?" Nobara called out, wanting to make sure they're all on the same page since they're going in without their heavy hitters.

"Actually no, it's gonna be a 3 v 4." Megumi corrected, flicking his hand slightly before using his Max Elephant Incarnation to power wash it clean of any smashed up bits of food.

"Ah, Salmon. Mustard Leaf Todo?" 

"You're mostly right Inumaki. Todo is definitely not working with the rest of his classmates, honestly I'd bet 80% of my fortune he outright told them to go die. He's definitely coming after us alone, and if Kamo is even half as smart as he thinks he is, he's most likely planning around it and whatever plan he thinks we're going with." The Special Grade sorcerer started.

"So our solution is quite simple, we are going to plan around the plan that they are planning around our plan!" He declared with excitement in his voice.

"... My head hurts." Yuji mumbled while he tried to work out the mental gymnastics of whatever the hell his friend just said.

"Megumi's js bein' stupid, the blind folded idiot rubbed off on him too much. The plan is simple, you're gonna deal with Todo one on one while the other 3 are gonna take care of the other 4." Maki explained exasperatedly, waving her hand in the air dismissively as she did so.

That one comment caused Megumi to pause in his place with utter shock and horror, it was as if someone had poured ice cold water down his back.

"Ya' sure Itadori can handle it? Todo's pretty strong, I mean he gave Fushiguro over there a run for his money didn't he?" Panda pointed out, recalling the beaten and battered face of Megumi when they had arrived last time.

"Uh, no. That was just him and Megumi having a 'Bro' moment, although now that I think about it.. Yuji and Todo would probably get on disgustingly well!" Nobara remarked, feeling a small sense of horror at that realisation.

"Ding ding ding! That's the plan, Yuji will take care of Todo while becoming best friends in the process. The three of you will take care of the rest of the fodder- I mean our opponents, should be a piece of cake and we'll be done just in time for Lunch!" Megumi announced after taking a moment to recover from the psychological damage, ignoring the deadpan stares he received after he finished.

"Your true feelings are showing Megumi…"

12 pm.

Tokyo Tech Forest.


"Satoru you fuckin' bastard- BZZZZZZT!"

"I hope those two use protection." Megumi commented while side-eying a nearby speaker, scratching his chin lightly as he did so.

"God I hope, imagine a cumsprout of the white haired idiot running around?" Maki covered her mouth with a hand as she involuntarily imagined a child of Gojo running around.

"Ugh, it'd probably be the beginning of the rapture." Nobara cringed at the very thought.

"Well anyways! Tai Lung, get your ass out here." The black haired man commanded, trying to change the subject. His shadow extended outwards as Funeral Tiger jumped out from them and stood in front of him with his head bowed, awaiting orders.

"Y'know the drill, go out and slaughter all the curses released in the forest and be sure to devour all the souls they leave behind."

"Your wish is my command." 

The Shikigami blurred from his place and surged ahead faster than one could blink, immediately honing in onto a target and making his way towards it to fulfil his master's order.

"Todo's comin' in, you're up Itadori." Maki called out, she had one hand up into the air sideways that she then took back and placed in her pockets.

"Wait, how do you know that? You can't sense cursed energy." Yuji questioned but went on alert anyways as he prepared to make his move.

"If you could feel and see as much as she can, you would be able to know that too. She's right either way, he's reaching here in the next 5 seconds." Megumi explained as he pulled up a hand and started counting down the seconds with each of his fingers.

"For real?!" Itadori cried out as he then felt Todo's approaching Cursed Energy as well.

They all felt a low rumbling noise approaching as soon, a loud crash shattered a tree apart ahead of them which revealed Todo's shirtless form barrelling down towards them before stopping right ahead of everyone.

"Oh, hey Fushigobro! This event is boring, fight me!" Todo immediately shouted as he saw his friend again.

"Actually Brodo, meet Yuji. I think you and him will be good friends." Megumi said with a smile, gesturing to the side with his thumb as he did so.

"Huh? Who-?" 

Aoi Todo followed the direction that was pointed towards by his friend's thumb, only to be cut off and have his vision be filled with a sudden Knee to the face from Itadori Yuji. The force of the impact threw him and the pink haired teen away further through the forest and away from the rest of the Tokyo students.

Megumi motioned for his comrades to follow him and they did, following along with him as they arrived at a small clearing that was located close to the fight between Yuji and Todo.

"... So what now?" Nobara questioned, as she readied her Nail Gun with one hand and her Naginata with the other.

"Now? Now we wait." Megumi stated, a grin covering his face shortly afterwards.

"For what?" Panda asked, seeming somewhat put off at their inaction as he was excited to begin.

"For the fishies to pick up the bait." He revealed as he brought up a hand in the form of a Curtain hand seal.

"Bait-? Oh lord, you're using Itadori as bait. That's hilarious!" Maki laughed, not taking any of this event seriously since she viewed it to be a done deal from the start.

"Conceal within thine shadows, deeper than night. Shroud all that must remain unseen."

As Megumi finished his chants, an Obsidian Curtain formed around him and his comrades. When it finished forming, the curtain glazed over and shimmered slightly before completely disappearing from sight.

"What's the point of the Curtain? They'd just see us with it here anyways." Nobara found herself puzzled again at her classmate's actions.

"Normally sure, but this Curtain is specialised for concealment and concealment alone. By throwing away most of the other aspects of the curtain, I honed in on the Concealment aspect and maximised it. To the point where not even a Sorcerer could see or even sense us from outside while we can see them just fine." He explained, feeling proud at his accomplishment but once again remembering the research that made it all possible to begin with.

'Again, who the fuck is Fujiwara Yoshitsune? The notes and research I can find from him is limited but it's all top grade stuff, yet with how good he must've been at Barrier Techniques, there's such little info on him. Damn those Edo Era farmers and their inability to keep records straight for important shit!' 

"Neat." Maki simply stated in response as she waited for the Kyoto students to arrive.

A short 2 minutes later, she looked up towards the skies and smiled. Maki whistled while pointing to the sky to grab everyone's attention, this move worked as they all looked up towards the sky and saw a small Blonde haired girl sitting on a broom survey the area.


One by one, the rest of the Kyoto students made their entrance. Each of them making an effort to make as little sound as possible and to remain undetected. Leading them was Noritoshi Kamo who held a Bow in his hands and was guiding them through the trees towards Yuji's and Todo's spar.

They reached close towards where the fight was ongoing and readied to intercept and kill Yuji as soon as he arrived at the clearing. With a small backhanded gesture towards his team, Kamo told them to get into positions before jumping to the top of a tree and reading his bow to strike as soon as his target arrived.

However, things were not fated to go according to his plan as before his very eyes, a dark curtain appeared from seemingly nothing before disintegrating within seconds revealing Megumi and his comrades in waiting.

"Kamo, how nice of you to finally join us. I thought you'd be too busy shitting your pants and doping yourself off of your cousin's virgin blood to pass the time. That is what you Kamos like to do in your spare time no? 'Keep the Bloodline Pure' and allat?" 

Their appearance caused everyone in the Kyoto school to immediately grimace as they had realised that their plan was found out from the beginning, Kamo most of all. That dig at his clan was, unfortunately for him, all too accurate due to the Elders' obsessions with Bloodline Purity.

"It is good to see that you are in high spirits, Zen'in-san." Kamo said in response, subtly readying himself to either attack or get out of the way depending on his opponent's next move.

Noritoshi is a tall young man who stands taller than most of his peers, save for Aoi Todo, at Kyoto Jujutsu High. He has grey-coloured eyes that are normally kept completely shut and black hair. Two strands of hair in front of Noritoshi's face were wrapped while the rest of his hair flowed behind his head down to his neck. He sported a dark blue shozoku version of the Jujutsu High uniform with zori sandals with white socks. 

"Don't worry Kamo, I'm well aware of how unfair it is if I or Maki were to fight you guys. It'd be like trying to fight a Hydrogen Bomb with a Coughing Baby. So Maki and I both will just stand here and let you all fight, unless you attack us first, we won't move a muscle." Fushiguro announced, placing both his hands in his pockets and simply standing by as his classmates walked forwards to fight.

It seems like his announcement had reinvigorated the Kyoto student's wills as they stood steadfast with full intent to at the very least win this brawl and give Todo enough time to hopefully kill Itadori Yuji.

Mechmaru was first to make a move as he brought up his right arm, which transformed in under a second into an even more mechanised form with a hole in the middle of his palm. A light shined from his palm from which formed a blast of heat powered by Cursed Energy.

"Ultra Blast!"

In response to this, Panda jumped in front of the while transforming into his 'Gorilla' form. Inumaki and Kugisaki didn't need to coordinate together with words as they jumped behind him to avoid the attack.

Inumaki took advantage of the smoke screen to sneakily remove his binds and shout out a command to disable the attacker. Nobara on the other hand turned upwards and aimed towards their eye in the sky in Momo with her Nail Gun to shoot her down.


His command had an immediate reaction as the mechanised puppet lurched forwards as its metal plates began to fall apart at the seams, barely being held together with the help of its welded parts.

'Tch dammit all! Smart bastard! That barely took any drain on him but this puppet is basically already out of the fight!' Mechamru thought, watching as supernaturally powered nails shot through the air towards his classmate who barely dodged them.

"Good thing I thought forwards with some extra plans." Mechamaru mumbled as 2 other puppets of himself appeared besides him, causing the Tokyo students to grimace since their situations were complicated much harder with the presence of two more Mechamarus.

'Good, with more firepower, this should be an easier affair as winning might not be that far off! But how is Zen'in-san taking this-?' Noritoshi Kamo's train of thought was halted immediately when he saw something he could not have expected.

"Is he- Are they-? What?" He whispered under his breath in disbelief, his classmates heard him and turned to follow where he was looking and paused as well.

Before him was Megumi and Maki, sitting down leisurely on a large couch that came from seemingly nowhere. Maki was currently laid back with her phone in her hands as she ate a Protein bar, she frowned slightly when she did so before turning to Megumi who laid beside her.

"Do ya' really not have any other flavours? Y'know I don't like nuts that much." She griped while swiping through her phone.

"You're the one that wanted my food Maki, deal with it. Besides, aren't nuts good for you or something? Now let me sleep will ya'? This event is boring enough as it is and I need my beauty sleep." Megumi yawned and shifted to get himself more comfortable.

"Beauty sleep? You? I don't think any amount of sleep could make you not ugly but whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Said the former burn victim. Tell me, how did Lava taste like?"

"About as good as the Brain Damage you got from Satoru felt like, you sure you healed everything away?"

"... Kissless Virgin."

"Creepy Siscon."

"One Trick Pony."

"Bronze Medal."

"... I really can't be arsed to think of another comeback, truce?" Megumi reached into his Haori and pulled out a sleeping mask which he used to cover his eyes, before he tried to go to sleep.

"Sure." Maki acquiesced as she ate the rest of the Protein bar and threw the wrapper behind her, she continued scrolling on her phone and occasionally laughed.

The fighting between both schools had paused as they all turned to look at the two of them as they threw insults at each other with straight faces as if they were two siblings relaxing in their living room. The silence in the area was so deafening that if one had a keen sense of hearing, they would hear a distant hysterical laugh.


"Why the hell did he have a couch that big in his shadow?"


"I don't know if I should be happy that they aren't interested in fighting us that much, or insulted that they think that we're that little of a threat…" Miwa mumbled under her breath, it was as if she spoke for all of the Kyoto school students in one sentence.

"I'd be happy." Nobara said before she took her chance when they were off guard and immediately shot at Momo's stunned form in the air, landing her bullet with beautiful accuracy which caused her to fall out of the skies.

With that, the battle began once again between the students, unknowing of the True Threat that was approaching their location.


Author's Note:

The real action starts next chapter, it's gonna be a good one.


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Next Chapter Title: Rejection and Infiltration.

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HeliosTheDepressed HeliosTheDepressed

Creation is hard, cheer me up with your Power Stones!

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