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Chương 8: Defeat

Riveria Ljos Alf is a prominent figure in the City of Labyrinth. Not only because she is one of Loki Familia's Top Executives but also being born into the line of a prominent High-Elven Royalty.

While walking beside Loki and Ais, Riveria notices a lot of nods sent in her direction. Many elves, mostly adventurers, outright bows to her. She doesn't like that, not one bit.

Yes, she admits, she was once infected by the poisonous superiority complex of elves and other 'higher' races who somehow still fall short of humans as they all fall under the umbrella of 'Demi-Humans', Riveria of now is... better. She hopes she is. She strives to be better every day.

But the reverence from other elves still leaves a bitter taste in her mouth. Or rather, it's no longer bitter. It's a 'regular' taste for her now.

As they walk the familiar streets of Daedalus, Riveria speaks up, "Loki-sama," she speaks formally with a critical tone, adopting to use the honorifics in public at least, "I won't be revealing the uncouth things you were upto yesterday but we, as a familia, have a reputation to maintain with our partners."

"Tch, he's just paying 5500 Valis per month and making a killing with his potions! I don't like that!"

"His potions work well with Rank 1 and Rank 2 Adventurers. We tested most of them yesterday..."

"Ahh~ Riveria-chan, we should open the bottle of Love Potion and try it! It won't affect you that much, right?" Loki licks her bottom lip and grins.

"We also will not be purchasing those potions from now on," Riveria replies calmly. "Anyway, we should have an edge over this information. Even if the store owner..."

"Jackal," Ais replies quietly and both Riveria and the Goddess look at the impassive swordswoman.

"Right, I asked a few members to already stop the news from spreading to other adventurers. For the time being, we can be Jackal's sole beneficiary and cultivate a trusted customer-seller bond that might encourage him to reserve his goods for us."

"How smart~!" Loki whistles.

Riveria gives her Goddess a sidelong glance. To be honest, Loki could come up with better strategies in seconds. Compared to this Goddess of trickery, even a High-elf like Riveria falls a little short when it comes to strategy...

But Loki rarely takes on the reigns. She used to take charge, at the beginning of their familia, to set a firm foundation. But now?

Loki is enjoying everything she can. She takes a crude approach despite knowing their low rate of success.


Because she likes it. The Goddess of Trickery LOVES the simplest and the most idiotic of plans.

Still, Riveria's contacts should help the Familia earn some time and trust.

They can reserve a large number of such new potions before they are sought by others. After all, just the berserker potion and the dual potions are extremely valuable. Adrenaline Potion has its great uses, too, better than Berserker one in Riveria's eyes.

So... imagine her surprise when the trio enters the store only to find a napping youth with all the shelves... empty. One glance at the tag shows that there were two new lines of products!

"Hey," Loki smacks the counter, "Wake up!"

"Do you ever not have your panties bunched up, Loki?"

The word 'surprise' is an understatement of what Riveria is feeling. The youth... no, he may as well be a boy to her gaze, looks up with annoyance before yawning loudly. The scent of the dungeon is all too apparent around him.

Giving her group a glance, the boy, Jackal, looks at Loki with a smirk, "By the way, I'm sold out~! Something about Early bird snatching the prey!"

"Which familia?" Riveria cannot help but question and he looks at her. A bit longer, too, she notes.

"Why should I tell you?"

He shrugs as Loki, for some reason, chooses to lose her nuts.

"Damn you! You unrepenting jerk! You might insult my honor but Riveria-chan is the best! I'll curse your soul for a thousand years if you disrespect her again! She's got a great rack and an even better ass! And as a high-elf, her skin is—"

Riveria's hand snatches Loki from the back of her neck before tossing the Goddess out of the shop.


"THAT was pretty good," Jackal smiles and fishes something out from his counter, "Here, take this."

A wrapped candy.

It's coal-brown in color but it is a treat Riveria is all too familiar with. She had these treats when she... used to be a princess.

"Gemling?" As Riveria stretches her hand to pick the candy, a wave of intent fills the store.

Both, he and Riveria look to the side as Ais continues to stare at the candy with the sole intent of eating it. But she stays in her position.

"Ais... would you like to eat it?" Riveria questions.

"I cannot... I'm above the age of ten," Ais mutters and glances at Jackal who nods.

"Tch, just eat it if you like it!" Loki barges in and huffs. She smoothly picks up the candy, unwraps it, and tosses it in her mouth!

Ais' already droopy gaze narrows further while Riveria resists the urge to groan out loud at her Goddess' antics as she cups her cheeks and squeals out a comforting moan, "Ahhh~ I love brown sugar flavor!"

"You done?" Jackal scoffs, "I want to nap... might as well close the shop for the day. Already sold out... sigh..."

He did imagine Loki purchasing everything but he did not expect Ganesha Familia already waiting for him to purchase everything, including the Love Potions for their tamed monsters.

"Mr. Jackal," Riveria nods, "Could you reveal who bought all the potions..."

"I won't," Jackal waves his hand dismissively, "Word gets by, I guess. Anyway, if you want to buy tomorrow, here is the spec sheet for the two new products I added— Lazy Potion and Muskless Powder. You can try again tomorrow."

Jackal finally turns to look back at Ais who has been staring at him for a while now, "Hm? What is it, Ais?"

Blinking innocently, Ais poses, "May... I have candies?"

"No," Jackal denies again, unmoved by her cuteness. He is a man of virtue and commitment. Had it been Maria acting like this then boy! Jackal would share the nut flavor with her... but that's about it. Ais may be cute, but the short-stack murderous ball of lethality has no effects on him.

"Please?" She tilts her head sideways.

Correction, her cuteness has some effects on him.

"Hmm... Well, if you want freebies, I have something else."

Leaning down as Riveria busies herself with reading the detailed descriptions of the potions drawn by Miach, Jackal takes out a bento box.

"I made extra so you can eat this."

"Hah, like hell she will eat things from strangers! This may be poisonous!" Loki hisses and opens the bento box before huffily stuffing her face with rice, pork, and veggies.

Ais frowns and shoots her goddess an annoyed glance. Her hand twitches for a moment.

"Hah? This is actually not terrible?!" Loki gasps with grains of rice stuck on the corner of her lips.

"Here you go, you can eat this. I made extra," Jackal sets another bento box. Before Ais can nod in gratitude, Loki grins. She flings open the lid and devours the food with amusement!

"Ho-ho! You're a barely adequate cook! Good for you. A pathetic little twerp with no woman to cook for him must be THIS good to survive, right?"

Riveria frowns. So does Ais. But both the high-class adventurers notice the gleam in Jackal's gaze.

Instead of speaking, he sets another bento box on the table after Loki is done eating the second one.


He acts as if the bento boxes are cards that he is slapping on the counter.

Loki snorts, accepting the challenge silently, and eats her fill once again.


A fourth bento box arrives on the counter. For a moment, Loki stills and looks at Jackal.

One holds his gaze in a scorning challenge while the underdog goddess scowls!

Why is SHE the underdog? Well, underdogs always win!

Loki quickly finishes the bento and smirks victoriously. Before she can insult Jackal's nine lineages, she chokes as the fifth bento box appears on the counter table.

'Damn you, Jackal! Your mortal existence is what my immortal life strives to snuff out! You are the dungeon to my Tenkai! The Evilus to my Orario! The Zeus to my Freya!'

Loki picks up the fifth bento box and eats at a remarkably slower pace.

But playing an obvious psychological trick, Jackal places the sixth box even before she eats the fifth one.

As if that wasn't enough to break her treacherous will, seventh, eighth, and ninth bento boxes layer the counter.

Riveria is stunned!

Ais is hungry!

And Loki feels defeated!

"Just say it," Jackal smirks. His eyes light up illicitly. His evil desire reflects on his face as he leans forward. His fingers interlace with each other.

"Say it...!" His tongue flicks across his canines.

"Ugh! In your dreams!" Loki snarls with a full mouth.

"Admit it, Loki~!" Jackal cackles, "You!"

"Don't say it!" Loki screams!


"NOOOOOOO! Damn You, Jackaaaalllllllll!" Loki falls to her knees as he delivers the final blow, "But hey, look at the bright side. Maybe putting on some weight is what you needed all along. As you are now, malnourished children across the world get a bad rep because of you!"

"Khuk!" Loki clutches her chest in pain.

Smirking, Jackal slides one of the Bento boxes toward Ais, "Have fun."

Ais nods and takes the box for herself.

"Would you like it? I truly made a lot of food. I'll have to eat it all on my own," Jackal looks at Riveria who questions, "Why... would you make so much then?"

It's jackal's time to feel hurt, "Khuk," as he holds his chest.

What can he do?

He does not like to waste food so he has to cook what he butchers.

Looking thoughtful, Riveria nods, "But I shall take one for myself if you're offering."

"Cool. This one is fish, pork, and chicken." He points at three different boxes and Riveria picks one casually.

"Tomorrow," Ais begins, "I want potato..."

"Listen here," Jackal sighs, "I'm no restaurant. I cook what I cook."

Ais nods and states, "Then cook a potato."

'Agh, the nerve on this chick!' Jackal rolls his eyes.

"Well, ladies, it was nice seeing you. Not you, Loki!"

Loki sniffs and looks up haughtily, "Of course, calling me a lady would be wrong. For I am a Goddess!"

"Keep telling yourself that," Jackal shrugs and packs the empty boxes into different regions of his backpack.

"Mr. Jackal, would you perhaps reserve a stock of potions for Loki Familia tomorrow?"

"Can't do that," He shrugs, "My goods are limited. You'll have to come early I guess. Not too early though... like 2 in the morning."

He glances at Loki who reveals nothing in her expression.

"Let's go!" The Goddess scoffs, "Waste of my damn time!"


Jackal frowns and looks at Loki, "What about the payment for the food?"


"Did I offer you anything for free? I offered it to Ais and Nine Hells over there. Each Bento is worth 5000 Valis. Cough up!"

Vibrating in outrage, Loki cries out, "This right here is extortion, you bastard! There ain't no way I'm letting someone take advantage of me!"

"You'd be lucky if someone did," Jackal scoffs, "Five bento boxes. 25000 Valis. And one Gemling Candy— 25000 Valis. A total of 50000 Valis."

Loki's lips gape.

"No way!"

"You can either work your debt off or pay now," Jacka shrugs.

Loki groans and looks back at Riveria...

'Oh... no...' Loki flinches in a moment of true horror as she sees a moment of cathartic mischief flickering in Riveria's green eyes.

"Loki-sama, you must repay your debt!" Riveria chimes, "Until then, I will go to the familia and return with the necessary Valis. Ais, follow me. Don't worry, Loki-sama will be safe here!"

Riveria waits not a moment longer before abandoning her goddess as Ais looks back once before nodding and leaving silently, too.

For a minute, the store descends into silence before Jackal's mocking tone echoes, "She really abandoned you..."

And then he questions, "Now what?"

He never thought he would reach this step.


As it turns out... Loki and Jackal are boring unless they find some reason to pick at each other.

"This is boring."

"Nobody asked you to stay."

"You did, dumbfuck!"

"The greatest regret of my fucking life!"

"I hate your face!"

"I hate your boobs! Ah, you've got none!"

"At least I am confident enough! You hide your tiny 'candies' like it's some great shit!" Loki scoffs and retorts while climbing on the counter and striking a pose that oozes hubris for her non-existent curves.

"Tiny? Is that all? You'd be lucky to see my nuts. So, I'll happily keep them tucked in!"

Jackal is sure by now. The sentiment is a shared one.

Just at a single glance... there is something about Loki that rubs him wrong and he is sure that she feels the same.

"That so?" Loki smirks, "Why don't ya show it to me and prove me wrong?"

Jackal glances at her before huffing, "Like hell, I will expose myself to the pervert!"

"You're the pervert!"

"Oh, you runt! Look at your outfit, you're obviously the pervert!"

"Oh?" Turning around and firmly planting her hands on her butt, Loki grins, "These bother you, boy? Never been with a woman, I take it. What?" Swaying her hips with a rather acceptable range of motion, she leers, "These get you hot?"

"Those?" Jackal sneers, "I would stick it between two stone grinders instead. At least those flat stones serve a purpose. Yours... meh."

"You're such a brat!" Loki rolls her eyes, "Just admit it you like my ass you freak!"

"Admitting that WOULD make me a freak, fortunately, I'm not a freak!"

Loki and Jackal glare at each other before she climbs down silently and sits on the chair beside him.

"That was fucking boring," she grunts.

"No need to tell me that, I experienced all of that," Jackal grunts in a similar manner.

"You're fucking boring."

"Shut the fuck up! Go be of some use. Attracts some customers... nah, I've got nothing more to sell."

Turning her hips slightly and facing Jackal while setting her elbow on the counter and resting her cheek on her clenched fist, Loki observes Jackal critically, "You... really aren't afraid of me... or rather, Gods, are you? No reverence whatsoever."

"Tell that to Nine Hells who left your sorry ass here," Jackal smirks.

Loki snorts, "She's one of my cutest children! She gets to do what she likes. Why don't you join my familia? You'll get everything."

"Nah," Jackal hums.

"What? You don't like wealth? Fame? Chicks?" She goads.

"I love 'em," Jackal scoffs.


He snorts and refuses to elaborate. It may reveal the points where he is lying which may become clues for Loki to follow.

"Hmm, I get it~!" She snickers, "You're a fucking coward!" Sometimes, the simplest of insults like being called a coward hurts more than being called motherfucker. In this world, the latter might just be a fact.

Tossing Loki an amused glance, Jackal lowers his head, "I'm going to nap."

Loki loses her interest, too, and chooses to set her head on the counter, "I hope you choke on your spit and die in your nap." With one last curse, after all.



Ais silently looks at the dark-skinned woman who dares sneak a bite out of her bento. Her brows gently furrow and she scooches a bit away. Her actions catch the two dark-skinned women by surprise.

Although they are in the dungeon, they can find an appropriate time to rest. Anyway, this wasn't some serious expedition but to keep their bodies moving.

"Sigh, you guys can from this. I'm in no mood to enjoy a meal," Riveria passes her bento to them while Ais eyes it for a moment and then returns to her meal.

"She's acting weird," one of the dark-skinned women hums thoughtfully. Both women share similar facial features and despite the different hairstyles, they would be considered twins if not... for the sheer difference in their busts!

Riveria smiles, "For a very eccentric source, too, I assure you. Let's give this floor a few more minutes and then return. I'm sure Loki-sama would have learned her lesson... sigh, who am I kidding."

Ais nods.

Both the amazoness look at each other curiously before opening the bento and eating it.



"It's all gone already..."

Naaza mutters with a sense of loss.

The potions, even her handiwork, and the three bento boxes... all gone.

Well, the former is due to the previous adventurers returning with glowing reviews, and Naaza's own recovery and mind potions were sold out of convenience. Of course, Naaza did play a part in that. She actively tried to sell the potions she had mixed and it worked well.

But after all is said and then she is less than happy...

She is hungry.


Her stomach curls out a tiny sound and Naaza purses her lips.

'I felt quite content yesterday,' she furrows her brows ever so slightly. At a passing glance, one might mistake her expression for her usual drowsiness.

'So, why am I feeling so excited today?' she leans back on her seat and stares at the ceiling, 'I haven't felt this hungry... since a long time ago.' Her violet eyes grow hazy in recollection of the past she would have rather not touched.

Her right shoulder shudders slightly.

'I don't like this feeling at all,' she concludes stoically...

'But... I've already been taught harsh lessons that the world doesn't revolve around me or my happiness...'

'However... it would be nice if Miach-sama is no longer burdened because of me. I'll have to thank Jackal-san... for the potions and the bento.'

'Good news is, we can surprisingly start to purchase potions at a discount from Jackal-san...' Naaza silently works her jaw a bit.

'Just what materials did he use to create these potions?'


"Ah... I didn't know you were with... L-Loki-sama?" Maria stammers and Loki puffs her flesh-plated chest out, "Exactly! It is me, Loki!" She exclaims similar to a certain God known for exactly this antic before the perpetually narrow-eyed goddess leans forward, "Oh? Is that a bento I see?"

"Perceptive as always, huh, stating the obvious," Jackal pulls Loki back into her seat before standing up with a smile, "Sorry for this rude bugger!"

Turning to look at Loki, Jackal waves his hand dismissively, "Go on, shoo. I'll consider your debt settled."

There it is. Until Maria came, the two had been in peace. Their existence did not bother each other. They did not constantly shout at each other for their breathing being too loud! Definitely not!

But the moment a third party emerged, Loki's diabolical brain cell, the only active one in her period of unending vacation through which she schemes childishly and lusts after the girls of her familia, fires off another scheme.

Grinning, Loki leans back and places her arms behind her head, "Nope! Riveria-chan will be mad if I left. I'll wait for her to return with the money!"

Her narrow eyes slightly 'widen' but this only makes her look more impish as she observes the slightest bit of twitch in the corner of his lips.

'Suck on that, you cocksucker!' She revels in his annoyance joyfully!

"Well..." Jackal looks at Maria, "The flat board needs no introduction and you shouldn't be introduced to such... 'lesser' forms," he glances at Loki's chest before glancing at Maria's.

Only Loki notices this not-so-subtle action since Maria is still reeling from shock.

Suddenly bowing, Maria speaks in a louder tone, "Greetings, Loki-sama!"

Loki victoriously glances at Jackal who huffs in annoyance.

'Yeah! Fuck you!'

The next hour... Jackal zoned out. He refused to acknowledge Loki one bit as she clearly had quite the upper hand due to her reputation while Jackal and Loki both finished the last seven bento boxes.

But eager to deliver a fatal blow and have one last laugh, Jackal smiles, "Maria-san, a moment."

Much demurred than usual due to a God's presence... and seeing Jackal metaphorically butt his head with one as if they are an old couple, she glances at him while chewing her lips.

She never expected the kind youth to be this bold. But...

'Loki-sama doesn't seem to be taking offense. Is he in Loki Familia?' She questions internally when Jackal hands out two Gemling candies to her.

"Jackal-san... this..." Maria hesitates. She is perceptive enough to know that the candies aren't free this time if Loki's gloomy expression is to be considered.

Cackling, Jackal reassures her, "Please, none of that! Consider this a payment for relieving me from the sole presence of this goblin!"

Maria's lips part slightly. Her cheeks flush for a moment as she bites her cheeks from within to resist the urge to smile.

"Tch! What about my share of candies?"

"Heeee? You said you didn't like small candies. None for you," Jackal shrugs and Maria quickly turns away and leaves.

As she walks back to the orphanage, Maria looks at the two candies before pouting a bit and huffing.

'I'm not going to keep these... who knew Jackal has such a petty side...'

Her puckered lips, however, soon stretch into a smirk, 'But it was fun eating lunch with him... I think I will hold onto the candy from yesterday.'

While Maria finds her evening to be a delightful one after a well-deserved nap, Loki can't say the same...

Because the kids entered the shop.

Everyone knows that the children run the street. They are blunt and insensitive! And god damn, Jackal loved every one of them today!

"Who's this kid?"

"Eh, so stupid looking! Don't you know how to wear clothes?"

"Sshhh... Syr-Onee taught us about women like this. This poor woman must be in debt..."

"Ah, I remember! A whore!"

The children instantly chorus in sync, "A whore! A whore!"

Meanwhile, Loki's expression crumples further and further!

As if that wasn't enough, Jackal laughs and announces, "Kids! Three candies for each of you today!"


Loki falls to her knees. With all scores tallied... it is her defeat.

'So many Gemlings wasted on these Gremlins...' She almost coughed out blood.


Alternate Title: Bullied Goddess; Maria Doesn't Like Being in Games; 'Fun' Lunch; Stones for Ass; The Debt Slayer; Riveria's Punishment for her Goddess; Loki's Worst Enemy— The Orphans


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Shoutout to Jimina Sehnen, IMakeEOD, Angel Vazquez, paulo Felipe, StriderAnarchy99, RedEve, Grimm, Knight Wolf and AllyouKnow!!

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Riveria Ljos Alf

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