[Miko's POV]
After motivating ourselves in searching Haruhime, we started planning our next course of action.
The familia members are currently sitting in a circular formation with me on the center.
"Okay everyone, operation [Save Haruhime] is now in session. There are lot of things to take account for so listen up"
All of them nodded in agreement and they are all ear.
"First and foremost, we don't know where Haruhime, that is much obvious. So, we need to gather up information about her whereabouts. However, we need to be careful to ask information with. We might come across with the familia that kept Haruhime. If they knew we are looking for her, they will be alerted and hide Haruhime from us, so be cautious"
"Secondly, we need to get stronger and well prepared for battle. Who knows how strong are the people that kept Haruhime if they were to attack us when we try to save her. It is possible to sneak her out from her captive, but I doubt that it will be that easy and I don't think we can get out of there alive. So, we need to train hard, kill monsters, gain excelias and update our falnas as much as possible, you got that?"
"Lastly, I will do some mindscape diving on the next day off schedule. I will try find something useful in my memories that can help in this situation. If I can find anything, I will let you guys know. But if there isn't, we will just be going to stick with the two plans"
"Miko-san, what will you going to find in your memories that could help us find Haruhime?" Yamato-san questions while tilting her head.
"Uuuuh... It's nothing special... just some reading materials to help with the search, so don't worry about the details" I casually lied to Yamato-san, not wanting them to know about the 'Danmachi' novel.
Takemikazuchi raised an eyebrow on me but doesn't voice out any complaints and just let it slide for now.
"If you say so. But, just let us know if you find anything that can help in searching Haruhime, okay?" I nodded to Yamato-san's request
"Now that all thing were been said, we just need to lay low in searching for now and strengthen ourselves, we don't need to get too hasty on finding Haruhime. Does anyone have any question?"
Kashima-san raised his hand and I call for him.
"How about the money, Miko-san. Do we still have to earn more now that we have a lot of them?"
"Yes, I don't think 1,000,000 valis is enough to bring back to the shrine. We might as well spend some of it for weapons, equipment and potions if necessary. So, we will still be going to earn more valis to bring back home.'
"I see now, understood" He nodded in understanding
"Any more questions?"
None of them wants to raise their hands, which means they have no more questions.
"Good, with all we had discussed, let's do our best tomorrow and the days onward"
"Okay, dismissed"
We all disperse from the meeting area and went to our own rooms.
"Miko-san, can you please wait for a moment"
Before I can climb the stairs, Takemikazuchi-sama calls out for me.
"Yes? What is it, Takemikazuchi-sama?"
"Come with me to my room, we need to talk about something"
I was confused on his request, but I followed his instruction and went to his room with him.
When I went inside Takemikazuchi-sama's room, he went towards a chair and sit on it. Then he looks at me with a serious expression. Did I do something wrong?
"Umm, Takemikazuchi-sama.."
"Please Miko-san, sit on that chair over there" He points at the chair in front of him and instruct me to sit.
I promptly sit as he told and we look each other in the eye.
"You may be wondering why I call you here for"
"Well, is it something to do with the meeting earlier?"
"Yes, you partically lied to Mikoto about the true purpose of the mindscape dive you planned to do in the next day-off schedule. So, that being said, what is the real reason why you need to do that?"
I guess there's no way out to this, huh. There's nothing I can do but to tell him the truth.
*sigh* "The truth is, there is a book named Danmachi that I need to read in order to find Haruhime's location"
"Oh? How is this book something to do with Haruhime's situation?"
"The thing is, all of this world we are living on and the people we meet, are just part of a story within a book"
"What?!" Takemikazuchi-sama was shocked by the revelation I just told.
He then pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes
"Okay, let me get this straight, you are telling me that me, our familia and everyone around us were characters of a book? Are you part of that story too?" He immediately asked questions to clear things out.
"Yes, you are all characters of the story, and no, I am not part of it" Takemikazuchi-sama then furrow his brows.
"You see Takemikazuchi-sama, that's the weird part, none of the book contains the character of Yae Miko with the pages of the book. Even if I carefully read it, my name doesn't show up in the text as if my existence here is an anomaly in the world" I carefully explained to Takemikazuchi-sama
He then ponders and processed the information I said to him and nodded in understanding.
"Thank you for your time, Miko. You may leave"
"Ara, now that I think about it. I want to update my Falna now that I am here in your room"
"Ah, I see. Then, turn around and show me your Falna, Miko-san" I then turn around and face my back to him while moving my hair aside.
He then picks up a knife and pricked his finger and activates my Falna. He configures with my stats for a while.
"Hmm? Is something wrong, Takemikazuchi-sama?"
"Ah, it is just... you have grown quite fast"
"Ara? Is that so"
He then finishes doing his thing and placed the paper on my back to transfer the details of my status. He then hands it over to me and I look at it.
Name: Yae Miko
Level: 1
STR: I 8 --> 28
END: I 4 --> 18
DEX: I 6 --> 24
AGI: I 2 ---> 14
MAG: I 7 --> 30
<A/N: I almost forgot. Miko didn't update on the last group dungeon exploration because of their time in the Hostess of Fertility, so the excelia from that time were added with the excelia from her solo dungeon exploration. Also, since she killed three goblins within 5 seconds in her solo dungeon exploration, making her multiplier times three. So, the GDE excelia is around 24 points and the SDE is at 5. (24 + 5) *3 = 87 excelia points.>
> Sakura no Rakurai (Cherry Blossom Lightning Strike) <
A very short chanting magic that hits enemies upon contact with a pink and purple lightning bolt. The magic can multiple enemies who are in close proximity to each other.
The chant for the magic is [Raiden]
> Sakura no Kakyū (Cherry Blossom Fireball) <
A very short chanting magic that shots a pink colored fireball. The user can manipulate the trajectory of the fireball if they wished to.
The chant for the magic is [Sakitama]
-The user can stealthily teleport to another location within a certain wide radius in all direction. The user, however, will deplete mind upon excessive use of the magic.
The chant for the magic is [Disperse]
> Kitsune no Sōko (Fox's Storage) <
-The user can store objects inside her tail. The object will be transported to a sub dimensional storage with infinite space. The user needs to snap their fingers and the desired stored object will appear at the user's hand.
> Kitsune no Shukufuku (Fox's Blessing) <
-The user can temporarily share the half of their parameters to the people she trusts when the user is in close proximity to them.
> Kitsune no Kyōka (Fox's Enhancement) <
- The EXP that the user gains will be multiplied for every monster they kill. The skill will reset if the user doesn't kill within 5 seconds.
>Presence Concealment<
- The user can adjust their presence from any source of detection. The user can make their presence partially invisible to any person's attention and perception.
I analyzed the current status update and compared it to the last status update. I could deduce that the multiplier was taken to account for the sudden spike of excelia point distributed in the update. I hypothesize that only when I update my falna will the multiplier does its thing and multiplies the excelia with the kill count I have done a while ago.
I also examined the new skill I got from the new update.
From the description of the skill, it seems I can teleport in a wide radius wherever I want. This is a golden opportunity to use it conjunctural with my presence concealment.
With this, I can stealthily ambush enemies from behind and escape without being notice. However, it said that the skill depletes mind, so spamming it won't do any good.
"This is quite fascinating, Takemikazuchi-sama"
"Haha, indeed. I never knew that your skill can boost your growth that fast"
"Thank you for the compliment"
"I guess that is all then, you may leave"
I then stood up and promptly exit the room. When I went out of the room, I saw Yamato-san and others in their nightwear clothes looking at me from the halls.
"What are you guys still doing here?"
"We wondered why weren't in your room and we couldn't find you" Kashima-san said with a deadpanned expression
"It turns out you were in Takemikazuchi-sama's room this whole time" Hitachi-san says with a pouts
"And you had the audacity to update your falna without us noticing" Yamato-san says while her fingers move in a weird manner as if they are ready to tickle somebody.
Yamato-san then pounces in the air and was about to land on to me.
I then vanished from Yamato's attack range and she crash land to the floor. Kashima-san and Hitachi-san was shocked and looks around the place to find me,
Then I reappeared at the staircase, making them turned around. They looked at me with bewilderment and can't understand what's going on.
I then form my fingers of my two hands into a fox shape and taunts three people.
I then vanished from the stairs, leaving the three dropping their jaws on what I have done.
'"What did just happen?""
Creation is hard, cheer me up!