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7.14% Irregular In DxD / Chapter 1: 1. Naberius
Irregular In DxD Irregular In DxD original

Irregular In DxD

Tác giả: Life_sa_Beach_

© WebNovel

Chương 1: 1. Naberius


Sirzechs Lucifer was tired… very tired and the reason for it was every sane person's worst enemy…


Sirzechs loathed paperwork just like every other regular Satan, when he became a Satan he didn't sign up for this shit!

He can't even let his subordinates help him due to them being highly classified and his peerage members are also very busy.

And Sirzechs knew who was responsible for his misfortune… The bastards from the Naberius clan!

Them being a member of the great King faction just further intensified the shitstorm...


The leader of the Naberius clan was killed by his own peerage member.

Hearing this, Sirzechs only had one thought in his mind... What a retard.

Well, these stupid stuck-up devils were never that smart to begin with.

If not worrying about causing another Civil war, Sirzechs would want to eliminate these pests or at least take away their rights.

He was currently dealing with the complaints regarding the incident, all those pureblood devils who were clamouring for the capture and execution of the Nekoshou and executing the other Nekoshou to set an example.

But how could Sirzechs allow that, the little one was already reserved as a peerage member for little Rias. And as a certified Siscon, how can he let his little sister be sad?

He put his foot down saying that the young Nekoshou was going to be in his sister's peerage, that did calm them down a little as they possibly wouldn't try to piss off Sirzechs Lucifer.

This whole incident screamed conspiracy. Who would believe such a poor excuse? A Yokai went berserk due to using Senjutsu… At least that's what the Great King faction gave him.

They really thought he was an idiot didn't they, well he accepted their explanation and didn't make things difficult for them.

He sent his subordinates to investigate this incident for any clues and low and behold he did find something very interesting.

Super devils… The Great King Faction was trying to artificially create Super devils and the way Yokai enhanced themselves with Natural energy seemed to be used as the base. At least that's what he managed to uncover.

It seemed the Older Nekoshou was wrongfully branded the title of an S-class criminal. But it is better this way, Rias would have a strong peerage member.

Sirzechs felt a little bad but still felt this was the best outcome, his little sister would take care of that girl well, Rias was a very kind girl and he hoped she would stay that way, as for the dirty work, let him do it...

More work meant less time to go home and less time to go home meant an angry wife.

And he Sirzechs Lucifer didn't want to deal with an angry 'Cleria Belial'

While thinking of his wife Sirzechs had a fond smile on his face.

After failing to get the heart of the woman he loved, Sirzechs always believed he would live out his life alone.

But all of that changed when he met Cleria...

He met her during an event hosted by one of the nobles who was a supporter of the new Satan faction.

As the Belial clan was also in the same camp, their heir Diehauser Belial came to the event accompanied by a young lady. When he met them, Diehauser introduced her as his cousin and the woman in question was a little flustered when he addressed her.

He couldn't help but find it amusing and very cute of her, during the duration of the event he had a surprisingly good time chatting with her.

But as it was time to part, he couldn't help but feel a little reluctant but he still decided to squash the feelings he felt, he was a little too old for her and didn't wish to make their relationship awkward.

Well, he wasn't going to meet her again after all and this was probably for the best.

But it seemed Fate had different plans for them…


Sirzechs didn't expect it but he met Cleria again and they hit it off well, when it was time for him to leave Cleria asked if he would be free to accompany her on a later date.

Sirzechs instinctively wanted to refuse because he had a lot of duties on that day but seeing her face he knew it took all of the courage she had in her to muster up that question.

He didn't have the heart to refuse her. Fuck it… Ajuka was his best friend for a reason and surely he wouldn't mind picking up his BFF's slack right?

Thus Sirzechs agreed to their little 'Date', and the sheer joy on her face was more than enough for Sirzechs to throw his buddy under the bus a few more times.

'Gomenne Ajuka-kun'

(Editor Note: Sounds gay to me 😅)


After that one date, they went on more dates, and finally, Sirzechs decided to confess his feelings to her, and boy oh boy Sirzechs was scared shitless when he saw her crying, but after knowing that she was just that happy that she was shedding tears over it, he was glad.

They started dating and both of them decided to keep it a secret for a while as Sirzechs held a lot of political power in the devil society and his marriage was something all devils had an interest in.

Everything was going fine until word got out that Satan Lucifer was in a relationship, although the nobles were a little displeased due to not being able to forge a marriage alliance anymore, they were a little dissatisfied but that's all.

But that wasn't the case with the Great King Faction whose head is his so-called grandfather Zekram Bael, they raised up a literal shit storm in the underworld regarding this issue.

They went as far as pressuring the Belial clan, enough was enough!

In front of all those who opposed their relationship, Sirzechs and Cleria got engaged. After a few years, they got married and nobody dared to oppose him this time because they knew they could not aggravate Satan Lucifer anymore.

Apart from the headache of never-ending paperwork, Sirzechs life was very satisfying, he had a cute little sister and a Lovely wife to spoil...

Sirzechs was brought out of his musings when a magic circle for communication formed near his ears.

"Sirzechs, I heard you had something to discuss with me" A feminine voice echoed from the communication circle, and after hearing the voice, Sirzechs subconsciously straightened his body.

"Yes, Mother! And I would prefer it if we could discuss it in person" Sirzechs said respectfully, he may have become a Satan but he will always respect his mother.

"Hmm~ I'll send Grayfia over, you can discuss it with her "

With that, the voice transmission was cut, and Sirzechs had an awkward look on his face, although he was still married, he still wasn't able to forget about her, because first love will always be special.

He may not hold any feelings for her, but it was still awkward to be around him.


But before he could go down memory lane he was interrupted by a polite knock on the door. Sirzechs took a deep breath and prepared himself.

"Come in"

The door opened and a beautiful woman with silver hair entered the room, she was wearing a Victorian-era maid outfit.

After seeing her, Sirzechs couldn't help but be lost for a few moments but the woman just had an indifferent expression on her face as if she noticed nothing.

Sirzechs managed to snap out of it, He was a little embarrassed but he also felt a little awkward considering she didn't even bat an eye at his behavior.

It seems in her eyes he was just the son of her King and just another devil. What is the use of the title of Lucifer if he couldn't even get the heart of the woman he liked...

"Lord Lucifer, I believe you wished to convey something to Lady Venelana?" Grayfia asked calmly.

"Ah! Yes, I wanted mother's help with investigating something that has been troubling me" Sirzechs handed over a bunch of documents containing information detailing the events that happened in the Naberius clan.

"As you wish, Lord Lucifer" Grayfia took the documents from Sirzechs hands and prepared to leave as it seemed this matter was of much importance.

"Grayfia, Please tell Mother to handle this in secret, as it is of the utmost importance" Sirzechs told Grayfia with utmost seriousness.

Grayfia bowed to him politely before leaving...


Super Devils....

It seems old man Zekram couldn't sit still, Sirzechs had thought about killing the guy, but he held too much influence. Even his ascension as Satan Lucifer had some connections to the Bael house.

Sirzechs didn't want another civil war to break out, he and his comrades became Satans because they wanted to make the devil society better.

Call him a foolish idealist but that's the kind of man Sirzechs Lucifer was.

Sirzechs won't personally investigate this matter as he didn't wish to startle the snake, he will act as the ignorant Satan or the pushover one, whichever one Zekram preferred.

He wished to destroy Zekram's reputation little by little, curbing his faction's influence in devil society.

This matter was very sensitive and important. Other than his peerage members and Ajuka, he couldn't trust anybody else. That is why he requested his mother's help.

Who better than the strongest female devil in the underworld, 'The Ruin Princess'?

Sirzechs immensely respected his mother, his mother was always there for him and even now he has never lost that respect for his mother after becoming a Satan.

Sirzechs was stronger than his mother in raw strength. His POD (Power Of Destruction) was much more potent but he still paled in the control department.

Sirzechs was much of a threat to his allies as much as he was to his enemies, it was very hard for him to control his power when he let loose.

But his mother's seamless control over her POD left Sirzechs flabbergasted, Sirzechs was sure if his mother was as gifted as he was then she would turn the underworld upside down. If only he knew.....


That is where Sirzechs felt his father was a lucky bastard for marrying his mother.

Thinking about this fact, Sirzechs had a complicated expression on his face. His mother's situation is a little complicated and the relationship between his parents was indifferent.

Their relationship further worsened when his father married his mother's half-sister whom she hated.

His mother was the daughter of a maid while his aunt was the daughter of the first wife, they often bullied his mother and grandmother. His mother told him that his grandmother passed away due to stress and overwork. He knew his mother held a grudge.

Thankfully she didn't seem to hate little Rias, he didn't know what to do if that happened but thank me (because he's the Satan) his mother was Venelana and not some petty kind of woman.

His mother was the nominal lady of the house but in reality, his aunt was the one who could be said to be the current Lady Gremory and their child would be the next head of the house, thus Rias was the next heir.

He knew his mother didn't care but it still left a sour taste in his mouth seeing his mother being treated like this. But it seems his mother is happier this way, last time he checked his mother told him she didn't want to deal with the gaping asshole his father was.

So it's all good.


After excusing herself from Sirzechs, Grayfia immediately went to report the matter to her Master.

After reaching Venelana's study she knocked on the door twice and after hearing a soft 'come in' she entered the room only to see Venelana engrossed in some paperwork, although she wasn't that busy she still had some businesses in the underworld, she didn't have to do the paperwork herself, but she did it herself so she could keep herself occupied.

Grayfia waited for Venelana to finish her work before speaking.

After a few moments, Venelana looked up from the pile of paperwork and smiled at Grayfia,

"So what did my son have to say?"

Grayfia handed her the documents containing information regarding the Naberius clan and the artificial super devils and said to her in a calm voice.

"Lady Venelana these are documents containing some information regarding the illegal actions of the Naberius clan and most likely the Great King faction"

Venelana rubbed her forehead in exasperation and let out a tired sigh, the Great King faction was such a pain in the ass.

Her old man was the leader but that didn't mean she supported them, the relationship between her father and her was indifferent at best.

He only viewed her as a piece to use to gain influence, she had the most potential among her siblings even more than the current head who is her brother.

Still, he didn't hesitate to marry her off to a trash, her supposed husband was only a High-class devil while she at that time was a Peak Ultimate class devil.

Although she never really loved him, she did try to make the marriage work, but it only got worse as time went on, as he would put his dick in every hole he finds.

He most likely has had sex with all the maids and servants in the Gremory manor, it was humiliating for her, One of the strongest female devils in the underworld. And the last straw was when this bastard married that bitch.

As time went on her rage turned into indifference, she no longer cared what the man did or who he slept with.

She stopped sharing a bed with him ages ago, the last time he asked her to share a bed with him ended up with him having a blast of destruction magic in his face.

He even tried putting his hands on Grayfia, but it ended up with his balls frozen temporarily. She really wanted her Queen to freeze the bastard's balls forever but she knew it would bring endless trouble.

Her life should have become better when she gave birth to her son, but it really didn't change that much, her son Sirzechs was a monster from the start due to his enormous strength, which further fueled Zeoticus's ambitions, still, she tried her best to raise him up into an amazing outstanding man or devil in this case.

But she couldn't really say she was proud of him, because although she was happy with the heights he had reached, he in the end still listened to his father more. And she hates to say this but for all his strength Sirzechs is a pushover, he doesn't rule with an iron fist, or else the case that had happened with the Naberius clan would not have happened. He was too kind for a ruler.

While reading through the documents she found out all the illegal things the Great King faction has committed through the Naberius clan. She felt sorry for those two Nekoshou sisters.

The older one was branded as an S-class criminal and the younger one was ordered for execution but was luckily avoided due to Sirzechs telling them she would be part of his sister's peerage.

This stopped any further action, but she knew it could all have been avoided if he just published this document but she knew what was in his head, he wanted a cute little servant for his little Rias.

Due to the younger one being only 2-3 years old, it is easier to manipulate her by transferring her hatred to her sister and making Rias a big sister-like figure. It was a good plan and they would be loyal to Rias due to her helping them in their darkest times.

Although it did leave a bad aftertaste in her mouth, she didn't intend to do anything. Thinking of Rias she was disappointed, she was too spoiled, Venelana wanted to teach her how to perfect her control over destruction magic. Although Venelana hated that bitch, that didn't mean she would transfer her hatred to a child.

Since Rias found ways to avoid training with her, and Sirzechs also supported her in lazing around, Venelana stopped caring. Rias wasn't her child and her parents should worry about her and if they don't, who is she to care for?

She opened her eyes and looked towards Grayfia who was standing there waiting for her master to speak. "So, when do I need to investigate this place" Venelana asked tiredly not at all pleased with the task given by her stupid son.

"It would be better if you could go there as fast as possible Lady Venelana, we wouldn't want to risk the facility being abandoned or them knowing our intentions" Grayfia said in a calm tone advising her King to take action as soon as possible.

"Sigh. I can't even rest for a little while, well I think I'll just have to ask Seri to do this paperwork for me" Venelana said in a tired tone.

She has a lot of businesses and she has to handle a lot of tasks so during her breaks she either drinks some tea with her Queen or does some paperwork.

She doesn't do much as most of it is handled by her Knight and her assistants. She is truly grateful to Seri, although Seri may not be the strongest she does have good potential.

Venelana wasn't looking for strength but she wanted someone to manage her businesses and Seri is a genius when it comes to financing and stuff. Not to mention, she was talented and a hard worker to boot.

She reached Low High class in a short time, which was impressive because she was previously just a normal human.

Venelana had to say she was a very good swordswoman which was not surprising as the woman was a genius at Kendo but decided not to pursue it and focus on her studies.

Anyways Venelana only had two members in her peerage and she considers them as family. She sees them as the two little sisters she never had, but both of them are just too stiff sometimes.

But she loves them all the same, she never disdained Seri because she was human like some other pureblood devils, she felt making Seri a member of her peerage was one of the best choices she has made since deciding to accept Grayfia as her Queen.

"Seri will not be happy My Lady, did you forget she is on a vacation with her parents for the weekend? She will be upset at you if you shove all this paperwork at her" Grayfia replied with a chuckle imagining her fellow servant's reaction.

"Hmmm~ she won't mind that much when it is a request from her dear 'Onee-sama', I'll just apologize to her and treat her to something later for doing this on short notice~" Venelana hummed to herself, she will just do Seri a solid later to make up for shoving this paperwork on her.

"So how about we go now to solve this matter as soon as possible, so I can get my rest when I get back"

"As you wish, My lady " Grayfia replied with a nod while preparing a teleportation circle towards their destination.

Familiar Forest.

In the deeper regions of the Familiar forest, where only a few dared to explore, It was due to the presence of the strongest being in the Forest.

Inside a cave which was situated deep inside the familiar forest a pair of giant deep blue eyes opened and they were filled with unbridled fury.


A rageful roar reverberated throughout the forest causing any and every creature to freeze up in fear.

Familiar master Zatoji who heard the roar was shaking in fear, he could only pray that the being wouldn't destroy the forest in its fury.

He also cursed whoever made it this angry and wished them farewell.....


Read 15 chapters ahead on my Pa***on


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