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In Re:zero with nothing but The breathing styles from Demon slayer In Re:zero with nothing but The breathing styles from Demon slayer original

In Re:zero with nothing but The breathing styles from Demon slayer

Tác giả: Jawblade179

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Death

In a dark void we're nothing could exist not even light but by some miracle, a single soul existed in this place by some unknown reason.

The soul that was trapped inside of the void that shouldn't exist in the first place to begin with belonged to a highschooler, the soul wandering about for what it felt like eons, and for the 7th billion time It thought to Itself ever since it came to this place.

'I hate this fucking place, am I ever going to get out of here? It feels like it's been thousands no millions of years have passed since I've been in this Motherfucking Goddamn place!' The soul shouted in his mind.

The soul calmed itself down before thinking again, 'It's no use just thinking about this anymore like it's what 1 billion, 10 billion billion times I thought about this, whatever I lost track along time ago, come to think about it how did I even get here to begin with, oh yeah silly me I forgot how I even got here in the first place because of how I was fucking shouting in my mind for no goddamn reason.'

It took a while for the soul to gather its thoughts, and when it did it was like explosion of information that he could barely keep up with, 'OK that's a lot to take in if I remember correctly the last thing I remember was that I was coming back home from school then along the way, some little kid basically ran into the road trying to get his ball that got away from him and there was a speeding truck coming right at him.'

'The next thing I knew my body sprain into action. I don't know how to explain it my body moved on its own well good thing I did because I was able to snatch the kid and roll out of the way, but when I thought it was safe then I looked in front of me after saving the kid that was about to be flattened like a pancake, but lord and behold their was another truck on the left-hand side of the smaller truck that I just saved form the kid.'

With a heavy sigh, the soul continued on about the event of his death, 'That was a load of bullshit just as I saved the little brat being flattened by that truck here comes another one and way bigger to boot.'

'I was thinking about rolling out of the way of that one too, but there wasn't enough time, so I just threw the kid at the curb of the sidewalk and braced for impact and well that was about it. I don't remember anything else after that.' Thought the soul with great sadness.

' Well, it looks like I died on impact which is a good thing, because if I somehow was still alive even after being hit by that truck I'll be in for a world of pain.'

Just as the soul was still pondering on his death, a bright flash of light came into existence inside of the void and a white blinding hand extended out of the brilliant light and took the soul into the palm of its hand.

Then retracted its hand back into the blinding light inside of the void were nothing should exist and disappeared like it nether was there to begin with in the first place.


Meanwhile the very same being that caused the blinding flash of light and took the soul from the void teleported to a White dimension but with an actual solid ground that seem to be made out of a white substance and strangely looked a lot like the Hyperbolic time chamber from Dragon Ball, but without the lookout entrance.

Now the being that caused the bright flash of light inside of the void gently brought its closed fist to the white floor and opened its hand, letting the soul slowly descend into the ground from the palm of its hand, and with a shining light, the very same Soul of the Highschooler began to transform

into a humanoid shape.

The Highschooler's name was Jasper and for what It felt like for more than a Billion years finally took his first breath since his death.

'What am I breathing? How can that be possible I literally was just a soul in a void just a moment a go.' Jasper thought strangely to himself, trying to figure out what the hell was going on right now.

He looked down at himself and realized he had a body, so he started to raise his hands to his face making sure all this was real, 'What the fuck why do I have a body all of a sudden am I hallucinating? No that can't be this feels all to real.' Jasper thought inside of his own mind trying to reason with himself.

But suddenly he heard a coughing sound, and a strange voice followed after with a bit of irritation in its voice.

"Cough, cough, stop acting like I'm not even here, I know you're going through a lot right now, but that doesn't excuse you from ignoring me." Said The Bright being that took Jasper from the void and bought him to this white dimension and gave him a body.

After hearing the voice our Protagonist looked were it came from and standing right to his left, was the very same

being that the voice came from.

The Bright being looked like a man that was about 8 feet tall and was wearing what looked like a tracksuit that was strangely familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it, he couldn't see his face because of the Light that was coming of it but he could see the outline of his hair which was a ponytail that stopped at his waist and at the ends of his said hair was much brighter than the rest of his head for some strange reason.

'Damn he was there the whole time. Guess I was to caught up in all this shit of me getting my body back and being in this white dimension.' He thought to himself with a bit of surprise.

Not wanting the White Figure to get more pissed at him decided to respond, "Yeah, sorry about that I was just freaking out about what was going on and mind me asking who the hell are you and how did I even get here?!"

The white figure responded to Jasper's question with a bit of sarcasm, "Why It was me who bought you here who else Numb nuts and as for Who I am I'm what you call a God give or take."

Jasper wasn't all that Surprised at what the God said about him getting here and what the white figure was, 'He said he was a god which I was expecting for him to say and how I got here it was pretty obvious but I just wanna make sure just in case and did he call numb nuts that fucker!'

The God had a amused look on his face just by watching the Highschooler's reaction from being called numb nuts for asking a very obvious question.

But before Jasper could say anything, the God spoke up with a serious tone to his voice, "Enough of that let's get to the point why you are here to begin with, apparently there was a great Disturbance in one of the worlds I govern over and because of a complicated reason I can't go out myself to deal with it because that said world will not be able to handle my power and just completely collapse so I'm sending you out there to deal with it."

Jasper looked at the God in confusion and asked, "What? you're sending me out to deal with a problem you can't fix, well whatever it's better than being stuck in that void anyways and what supposed world I'm going to exactly it's better to know ahead of time." He basically said with caution in his voice not expecting what world he was going to.

"What world you're going to? If you're worried about it being a place you don't know don't worry about that because it's a world that you're quite familiar with called Re:zero." Said the God basically dropping a huge bomb on the Highschooler.

Jasper's mind went blank for a couple of

seconds and when he came back to his senses was basically screaming at the god for saying something so outrageous, "Are you kidding me? of all of the world's you're sending me it has to be Re:zero I'm definitely going to die, their are fucking people in that world with hax so Powerful It's just ridiculous and theirs even somebody in there who is practically immortal!" Yeah I'm talking about you Regulus Corneas you fucking cheat.

The God didn't react to the Highschooler who was practically screaming at him like he just killed his dog and after he was done with his little screaming rant the god replied with some Irritation, "Calm down man, it could be worse I could be sending you to Berserk or Attack on Titan better yet Tokyo ghoul for that matter anyways just be Lucky that you're not going to one of those World's and plus Re:zero has some good waifu's in it unlike those other worlds I just mentioned."

When the God was finish speaking, it drastically changed Jasper's anger into fear, 'Oh my God he's right it could be so much worse just thinking about Berserk sends shivers down my spine and I don't know how words could explain If I ever was sent to that world, it would be a fucking living nightmare living day in and day out with those monsters called apostles roaming around and all not knowing when you're going to be killed and plus not everyone is like Guts in Berserk with superhuman strength and basically moving faster than the eye can see.' Jasper was thinking to himself with Dreadful thoughts about berserk, or any of the other worlds that God mentioned before.

Just has Jasper was coping being sent to Re:zero thst fucking God began to explain why he was being sent there to begin with, " OK with that out of the way I'll explain why I'm sending you there."

This caught the highschooler's attention, so when he got himself together and extremely focused on what the God was going to say.

Seeing this so-called God had a little smirk on his face from actually being somewhat happy that the mortal in front of him was taking something seriously for once.

"The main reason why I'm sending you there is that Subaru doesn't exist anymore for some strange reason and of course I investigated it and somehow or someway He was erased from existence." The God, paused for a moment before continuing again with some worry, "I don't really know how to explain it, but this has caused a lot of chaos because without Subaru's existence a lot of crazy shit goes down in the Re:zero world without him being there to stop it."

After the God was done explaining why he himself was being sent there Jasper was greatly shocked by this, 'What? Subaru was erased was he Thanos Snapped out of existence and by the way that God was talking this happened way before he was supposed to be summoned into the Re:zero world.' As he was pondering in his head about Subaru's disappearance from Re:zero.

His Disappearance will cause a lot of stuff from not happening like the killing of white whale and the white rabbit plus the death of the Sin Archbishops of sloth, greed, gluttony and not only that, but Emilia will die and Crusch for that matter, 'Just from thinking about the world were Subaru doesn't exist anymore is really bad for Re:zero and the Kingdom of Lugunica for that matter.'

After getting his composure he pretty much could guess why he's being sent there to begin with so Jasper finally spoke up about the matter at hand, "From what you're telling me I'm going to be replacing Subaru for the matter or the lack of his existence in the Re:zero world."

The God clapped for the Highschooler finally figuring it out, "Bingo you finally figured it out numb nuts and now with that out-of-the-way to basically let you know, I will be sending you about a decade before the canon is supposed to begin for you to gain some strength so you don't end up like Subaru was Originally in Re:zero." Said the God giving Jasper a head start to gain at least some amount of strength, so he doesn't end up Dying like Subaru did in the original story.

Jasper had some relief hearing this, but what came up most on his mind right now was [Return by Death] the Ability or Authority that Subaru possessed by upon death returns the user back to a point in time, which basically allows you to cheat Death and go back in time to fix shit that went out of control.

When Jasper was about to say something but the God raised up his right hand to stop him from speaking, and just told him what he wanted to hear, "If you're wondering about [Return by Death] you'll have it but it won't activate until the Canon starts, and If you're wondering why that is because Satella was originally going to summon you there because of Subaru's lack of Existence over there."

'What did this guy just say? that [Return by Death] won't activate until Canon starts and did he also say that the witch of envy was trying to summon me anyways.' Jasper was wondering what the hell is going on about the [Return by Death] Situation.

After seeing the confused look on the High schooler's face, the God began to explain about the Witch of Envy and [Return by Death] problem, "let me get this straight to the point you were about to be summoned by the Witch of Envy, but I intervened and caused you to be killed by that truck to bring you here to give you a rundown on the situation, and to give you some time by sending you back a decade to gain some strength so you don't end up like Subaru." Said the God with some empathy in his voice.

Well, at least this God is given me somewhat of a chance to gain some power before Canon comes around. I can't tell you how many times Subaru died in the most gruesome ways just because he was so weak that he couldn't even defend himself, But wait a minute that still doesn't explain why [Return by Death] won't activate until Canon begins but I have a pretty good guess for the reason to that.

The so-called God seeing the confused look on the mortal's face began to explain the reason why [Return by Death] won't activate until Canon starts, "Yeah I should clear up the misunderstanding about [Return by Death] because for you see is when I send you Into the past before your actual summoning by that Witch Yandere. She'll won't even know you're their to begin with and will still think that she sent you in the Capital of Lugunica at the exact same time when Emilia has her insignia stolen by felt, and because of that she'll won't know about you existence up until that point, so return by death won't activate until Canon begins plus it doesn't matter what place you are in the Re:zero world because she'll directly Summon you at the exact same time and place as Subaru was in the main story."

That answered the highschoolers thoughts on the matter but something else still bothers him, 'That just confirms my suspicions, but what happens if I die before the 10 years are up.' So our Protagonist asked the very same question he had on his mind, "Well that's swollen and all, but what would happen if I die before the main story starts."

When the God heard this began to explain what exactly was bothering the mortal in front of him, "Right about that if you die during the 10 years before the main events of the story you'll just go straight at the beginning like Subaru." Said the God with a Smirk on his face trying to get a reaction from the highschooler.

Jasper had a Complex look on his face but when he got his composure back he begin to shout at the God with some anger, "Wait, so you basically saying is when you send me their and if I die on the first day, I'll be sent right at the beginning of Canon."

The so-called-God replied with, "Yep it's exactly how you said it and don't get too upset about it, be lucky that you won't die permanently even during the 10 year's before the main story begins and also I'm gonna give you a little something help you out on your journey It's not gonna be something overpowered or anything but it will help you in the long run and it's up to you to make yourself powerful enough to survive in that world full of people with ridiculously powerful hax."

He's going to give me something well it's better than nothing after all beggars can't be choosers but I wonder what it's going to be and from what he said it's not some broken ass ability.

Just as Jasper was deep in thought the God got his attention by clapping his hands which broke the Highschooler out of his daydreaming, "Well now I have your attention the power or ability I'm going to give you revolves around [Breathing]." The God happily said, waiting for the mortals reaction to the said power he was giving him.

'Did he just say the power that he's going to gem me is revolved around breathing?' Jasper began to intensely think about what the breathing ability that he's going to get from the God was exactly.

'Come to think about it only two powers that I know of that are based around breathing are [Hamon] from JoJo Bizarre Adventure, which was Mainly used in part 1 and 2 to combat the Vampires and Pillar men, then there's the [Total Concentration Breathing] which is used into certain breathing styles to fight demons in the popular series Demon slayer.'

Well let's get this over with so Jasper began to ask the God about which breathing Ability he was getting, "I'm pretty much Assuming that you're either gonna to give me [Hamon] or [Total Concentration Breathing]."

After Listening to what the Highschooler said He happily applied with, "Yep you pretty much guessed it and it's the latter, now let me make myself clear on this I'm giving you the ability to use all the Breathing styles in Demon Slayer but it's up to you if you want to use all of them and it's gonna to be somewhat difficult because some of them use different Types of weapons from the Standard Katana which most of the Breathing styles use." Said the fucking God with a happy tune in his voice.

That's very Generous of him, giving me access to all the Breathing styles but what about the Demon slayer mark? Will I be able to achieve it? Wait, he did say that I'll have access to all of Breathing styles, which includes [Sun Breathing] and that would mean there's a almost guarantee that I will get the mark but what about my lifespan will it be cut short to 25 years of age, if It implies that then I'll die around when Canon starts. I'm already 15 which means I'll be 25 when the story begins Which will be an absolute bummer, well it's better to ask and that is what I did.

"If I remember correctly, you said that I will have access to all the Breathing styles which includes [Sun Breathing] and that probably means I'll have a high chance of getting the Demon slayer mark."

The God listened to what Jasper had said and noticing the concern form the expression on his face, so to calm his nerves he replied to him about the subject at hand, "If you're worrying about the Side effect of the mark then don't worry about it, just like Yoriichi your body will naturally adapt to the

marks effects but you'll have to awaken it unlike Yoriichi who was born with it."

'Well, that's a relief now I won't have to worry about dying at 25 or when I Awaken the mark past that age.' When Jasper was done thinking about the mark the God clapped his hands and announced that the conversation between him and the God was over, "OK I think that I've dragged this on long enough, so we are done with it his conversation and now I'm sending you to Re:zero."

So the God wasted no time and opened a portal then grabbed our Protagonist and was about to throw him Into the portal, that he just conjured out of existence and much to the dismay of Jasper who was trying to protest with anger and shock, "What the fuck are you doing?! Your not going to throw me in there are you?! Can't you just wave your hand and I just appear there!"

The fucking so-called-God just smiled at the Highschooler and replied with some amusement in his voice, "Yeah I could but this is much more fun now Tootles."

Then he just threw Jasper before he

could have a chance to talk back and through him like a football into the portal and as soon as his body entered the black hole of a portal it closed up and vanished like it wasn't even there to begin with.

After the God was done throwing the highschooler like a football. Started to dust his hands off against each other then after he was done, put his fingers to his chin, "Did I forget to tell him something? Ha ha ha Oh well I don't think it's anything important anyways. Well let's just see how long he'll survive in that God Forsaken World before his first death I just can't wait, what kind of Adventure he's going to experience I can hardly wait and he better pick REM over Emilia or I'm just gonna send him back here and fucking kill his ass myself." Said the God happily laughing, and with a flash of light disappeared from the white dimension.

[To be continued]


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