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The Purpose of this tab is to provide a comprehensive and up to date status and skill list. Note any skill without a descryption in the story can be found here if your interested.

[ Status ]

Name – Morgan

Gender – Female

Species – Chimera (Typhon, Symbiote, Mecha morph, Dragon, Martian)

Template – Lucy Miller (50%)

Age – Physical (?) Soul (18)

Shop Points: 240,970pts

Lvl – 39 (100/4,000xp)

Health – 10,335,000/10,335,000(1% per minute)

Energy – 23,127,000/23,127,000(1% per minute)

STR – 11900 (A+) *10

VIT – 12600 (A+) *10

CON – 13900 (A+) *10

AGI – 13400 (A+) *10

DEX – 11450 (A+) *10

WIS – 28100 (A+) *10

INT – 31200 (A+) *10

SEN – 21650 (A+) *10

LCK – 56500 (S-) *10

Free Points: 300 -> 3000


[ Skills ]

-Matter Manipulation (C+) Lvl 74/100

Grade (C+) (Passive/Active)

The host is able to manipulate matter at the molecular level rearranging it into any shape or configuration they can think of. This skill has taken on aspects from the skill {Psionics} now allowing the host to easily see what their working with, in their mind. This skill can vaguely control tiny groups of atoms.

-Shapeshifting (C+) Lvl 55/100

Grade (C+) (Passive/Active)

The host is able to shift and reconstruct their body in any shape or configuration they can think of. The host is able to manipulate their body down to the genetic level and change their DNA. This skill can be levelled up to increase its strength and control.


-Psionics (B+) Lvl 60/100

Grade (B+) (Passive/Active)

The host is able to manipulate mental energies to exhibit different powers and abilities. This ability can be trained and levelled up to improve the control, power, and cost effectivity of this ability.


-Adapt and Evolve Lvl Max

Grade (EX+) (Passive)

This ability allows the hosts body to adapt and evolve under any stimulus developing new traits and abilities that ensure their survival.


-Organic Manipulation (C) Lvl 79/100

Grade (C) (Active)

This ability allows the host to merge with and manipulate biological matter, reconfiguring DNA, and organic structures to their liking. This ability is able to level up.


-Technology Manipulation (C+) Lvl 73/100

Grade (C+) (Active)

This ability allows the host to merge with and manipulate technological constructs, reconfiguring systems, and mechanical structures to their liking. This ability is able to level up.


Electromagnetic Radiation Manipulation (B+) Lvl 83/100

Grade (B+) (Passive/Active)

The host is able to interact, read, and manipulate Electromagnetic Radiation. The shorter the manipulated wavelength the higher both the difficulty and energy cost.


-Dragon Physique (B+) Lvl 89/100

Grade (B+) (Passive/Active)

This ability gives the host enhanced strength, resilience, magical affinity, and other traits typically to dragons. This ability can level up.


-Slime Body (A-) Lvl 56/100

Grade (A-) (Passive/Active)

The host's body is a nonnewtonian liquid, every cell can function individually at full capacity. The host is able to manipulate the state of their body at will between liquid and solid. This ability can level up.


-Enhanced Intelligence (A) Lvl 70/100

Grade (A) (Passive)

All the hosts' mental capacities are greatly enhanced giving them enhanced psionic abilities and enhancing all base mental stats. This ability can level up.


-Technological Improvement (B-) Lvl 84/100

Grade (B-) (Passive)

The host has an innate sense for enhancing technological constructs. This ability can level up.


-Biological Improvement Lvl 52/100

Grade (C+) (Passive)

The host has innate sense for improving and enhancing biological structures and organisms. This ability can level up.


-Control ,Contain ,Corruption Immunity Lvl Max

Grade (Ex+) (Passive)

This skill makes the host immune to any forms of Control, Containment and Corruption, whether it be puppeteering, brainwashing, possession, or any other form that fits the description. The Host cannot be cloned and their power cannot be stolen or copied.


-Techno-Organic Body (A) Lvl 55/100

Grade (A) (Passive)

The host's body is made of a form of organic technology giving the host all the benefits of being an organic lifeform and a technological lifeform.


- Thermal Fluctuation Resistance (B-) Lvl 2/100

Grade (B-) (Passive)

The host is immune to any adverse effects caused by rapid changes in temperature up to a certain point, whether that be from fire or ice. Past a certain threshold the host is no longer immune and has resistance that depends on the scale of the temperature change.


- Disorientation Immunity (B) Lvl Max

Grade (B) (Passive)

The host has immunity to any effect that can disorient the host.


- Stun Immunity (B) Lvl Max

Grade: (B)

This skill makes the user completely immune to any effect that would stun them


- Appraisal Lvl 65/100

Grade (A) (Active/Passive)

The host is able to expend an amount of energy to access the records of the world and reveal information about their target. This skill is able to give a small passive boost to the hosts' deduction abilities.


-Flight (C) Lvl 82/100

Grade (C) (Passive)

This skill helps the host control their energy to defy physics and fly. This skill gives the host increased stability when flying. This skill requires physical wings of some kind and consumes energy based on the host's speed.


-Polymath (B+) Lvl 76/100

Grade (B+) (Passive)

This skill represents the collection of the hosts knowledge, this skill contains a number of other skills merged into it . By definition, a Polymath is an individual whose knowledge spans many different subjects. This skill increases the host's ability to combine knowledge from different academic branches to derive unique and creative solutions to problems.



-Psychic Immunity (S-) Lvl 49/100

Grade (S-) (Passive)

This skill passive defends the hosts mind, protecting the host from any harmful mental effects or probing. The host is able to freely control what thoughts they show and who they allow into their mind. Protects against any extreme emotions that get to the extent they begin to harm the host.

-Masterful Coding (S-) Lvl 51/100

Grade (S-) (Passive)

Universe: Space engineers, Horizon Zero Dawn

This skill contains a copy of all the host's knowledge on coding. This skill passively helps the host code faster and with less bugs. This skill contains all knowledge of coding gathered in the Horizon universe, Does not contain Ai creation or encryption knowledge.


-Advanced CQC Lvl 65/100

Grade (C) (Passive)

Universe: Cyberpunk

This skill increases the host close quarters combat skills by a small degree by supplementing muscle memory and martial arts knowledge. This skill can level up, Knowledge from additional universes merge.


-Advanced Bio-Engineering Lvl 52/100

Grade (B) (Passive)

Universe: Resident Evil

This skill gives the host an advanced understanding of Bio-Engineering allowing them to create or modify any biological organism within the scope of their knowledge to a high degree. This skill can level up, Knowledge from additional universes merge.


 [-Shock Resistance Lvl 51/100

Grade (D) (Passive)

This skill represents the hosts ability to resist any form of electrical effect. More effects unlock at higher grades.]


[-Telekinesis (A-) Lvl 2/100

Grade (A-) (Active)

Telekinesis is the ability to manipulate and control objects with the power of your mind. This skill assists the hosts Telekinesis by lowering the energy cost.]


[-Electricity Generation (B-) Lvl 17/100

Grade (B-) (Active)

This skill represents the host's ability to convert their energy into pure electrical energy. The conversion changes based on the type of energy the host is using.]


[Engineering (B-) Lvl 29/100

Grade (B-) (Passive)

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

This skill gives the host knowledge equivalent to this skills level and grade from the stated universe.]

-Multi-Mind (C-) Lvl 34/100

Grade (C-) (Passive)

This skill passive increases the hosts max thought trains by 1% per level. Upon this skill grading up the active amount of thought trains becomes the new base and is multiplied by the percentage of this skill.


-Plasma Generation Lvl 55/100

Grade (B-)

By manipulating the kinetic energy of the atmosphere, the host is able to make incredibly hot energy pockets capable of easily melting tungsten. If wildly released an explosion will occur. This skill improves the temperature and lowers the cost of the affected zone.


-Pyrokinesis (B-) Lvl 2/100

Grade (B-)

By manipulating the content of the atmosphere, the host is able to make hyper flammable streams that can easily be ignited. This skill gives the host the ability to manipulate any form of flame.


-Spatial Manipulation (B) Lvl 4/100

Grade: (B)

This skill represents the hosts first steps into manipulating the physical dimension that everything resides in. This skill is still incredibly weak and can only be used with limitations, such as decreased range, potency or power. This skill becomes more powerful by levelling up.


Mimic Creation (B) Lvl 61/100

Grade: (B)

This skill is one intrinsic to the hosts species and represents their ability to split themselves to create smaller subspecies. This skill represents the beginning of the host creating a hive mind. This skill lowers the all-around cost of creating or upgrading mimics.


Coral Creation (S+) Lvl 59/100

Grade: (S+)

This skill represents one of the hosts intrinsic skills. Due to the hosts joint nature containing part typhon the host is able to create their own coral. Coral allows the user to increase their available brain power by adding more brain cells. Increases psionic energy pool, potency, and recovery rate. This skill passively increase the hosts buffs from coral and lowers the creation cost.

Chronokinesis (A) Lvl 51/100

Grade: (A)

This power allows the host to freely manipulate time in a location.


-Minor Divine Psionics Lvl 1/1

This skill has no grade and does not level up. This skill is here entirely to represent the host's improved energy and can be discarded if the host wants. The evolution of the host's energy results in energy recovery, energy density, energy potency, energy capacity and energy control increasing by ten times.


-Minor Divine Physique Lvl 1/1

This skill has no grade and does not level up. This skill is here entirely to represent the host's improved body and can be discarded if the host wants. The evolution of the host's body caused all cells to gain a minor divine attribute and as such all physical stats have increased by ten times.


-Minor Divine Mind Lvl 1/1

This skill has no grade and does not level up. This skill is here entirely to represent the host's improved energy and can be discarded if the host wants. The evolution of the host's energy caused a subsequent evolution in the host's mind. All hosts mental stats have increased by ten times.



[ Divinities Gained ]

Space Divinity

Dragon Divinity

Mind Divinity

Technology Divinity

Minor Heat Divinity

Minor Electricity Divinity

Minor Time Divinity



[ Powers ]


Invincibility Frames (Platinum)

Type: Game Power

Universe: All Games

Grade: (SS-)

Invincibility frames do as the name suggests and make the host invincible. This power works by rewriting the physical meta-physical laws governing attacks. Any damage registered to any part of the host existence will trigger temporary 'Immunity Frames' in which nothing can damage the host.







[ Knowledge and Blueprints ]

Knowledge gives the host an understanding of only the target object, with none of the background or additional knowledge.

Blueprints give the host a mental blueprint of a specific machine that they cannot forget. Host must understand the blueprint themselves.


-Basic Quantum computing (White)

Universe: Fallout

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (F)

This skill gives the host theoretical knowledge on the early development of quantum computers in the fallout universe.


-Genome Mapping (Blue)

Universe: Horizon Zero dawn

Type: Knowledge/Blueprint

Grade: (A)

This skill gives the host a full understanding of the genome mapping technologies used in the Horizon Zero Dawn universe to map the genetic code of all living creatures. This skill also gives the host blueprints for the devices used.


-Modified Portal Gun (Purple)

Universe: Portal

Type: Blueprint

Grade (A)

This skill gives the host a blueprint for a improved portal gun. In an alternate universe Cabe Johnson created a better version of the portal gun, one that didn't need to be shot on moon rock and could change size and move.


-Artemis Ai (Blue)

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

Type: Technology/Knowledge

This skill gives the host all the technical knowhow needed to replicate the Artemis Ai created in the Horizon Zero Dawn universe. This skill does not make the host proficient in Ai technologies or coding. In the Horizon Zero Dawn universe the Artemis Ai is a subroutine as part of the larger GAIA Ai system, the Artemis Ai was designed to preserve and reimplement all the needed lifeforms in order to restore the earths biosphere. The Artemis Ai is also capable of teaching humans how to protect and reintroduce animals to ecosystems.


-Constructor (White)

Universe: Satisfactory

Type: Blueprint

Grade (B)

This blueprint gives the host all the technical specifications in order to build an identical constructor to the one seen in the game. In the Satisfactory universe the hard working engineers of FICSIT Inc managed to develop the constructor. The constructor is capable of taking a single refined input and using it to create basic objects and machine parts.


-Gender Change Potion (White)

Universe: Terraria

Type: Recipe

Grade (B)

Using this recipe the host is able to make a potion that permanently changes the drinker's gender. Drinking the potion again will once again swap the drinker's gender.


-Collective (Purple)

Universe: Atomic Heart

Type: Knowledge

Grade (A)

The Collective is an advanced project consisting of a multitude of different studies designed and implemented by the Atomic Heart universes Soviet Union. The goal of this project was to build a worldwide collective knowledge server accessible to everyone. In the original work this project was destroyed by the greed of a few individuals who sought to control everyone.


-Basic Ai Technologies

Universe: Cyberpunk

Type: Knowledge

Grade (D)

This skill contains all the knowledge the host needs to build basic Ai programs, these are very basic.


-Material Synthesis

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

Type: Knowledge

Grade (B)

This skill contains techniques and methods used to synthesis new material; the knowledge level of this skill is equal to modern synthesis methods.

-Modern Knowledge (Green)

Universe: Ark survival evolved

Type: Knowledge

Grade (B)

In the Ark universe the engram system allows the survivors to store and learn new knowledge easily. This skill takes all the knowledge ever collected on the Arks up to the level of the start of the 21st earth century and gives it to the host. This knowledge will merge with the Polymath skill.

-Mining Drill (Blue)

Universe: Ark Survival Evolved

Type: Knowledge

Grade (B)

First used within the Genesis simulation by the survivor, the mining drill is a handheld mechanical device capable of shooting out a controlled beam of plasma that atomises materials before reassembling them inside the devices miniature storage compartment. A larger version of the Mining drill has also been seen within effect attached to Tek Stryder's aboard the Genesis ship.

-Smelter (White)

Universe: Satisfactory

Type: Blueprint

Grade: (C+)

The Smelter is a relatively simple product designed by the Hardworking engineers at FICSIT Inc. The Smelter is a large self-contained unit needing only a small bit of power and material to function. The smelter is able to take in ores of any purity and purify them into large pure ingots. The Smelter was designed to be used in a factory line and hence is colossal in size.

-Polymer (Blue)

Universe: Atomic Heart

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (B+)

Polymer is a special chemical created to mimic the effects of heavy water and silicon. Polymer is such a versatile material that it was single handedly credited to the Soviet union winning the Second World War in its home universe. After the war Polymer became such a useful material that it single handedly propped up all of the Soviet Union's technology. This skill contains all the collected knowledge on Polymer applications since it was first created.

-The Crucible (Blue)

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (B)

The crucible is an intricately designed construction factory. The crucible employs multiple defences to protect its most intricate components and is capable of making all the parts needed for and assembling large machinery.


-Recycler (Green)

Universe: Prey

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (C)

The recycler is an advanced mechanical device capable of quickly and efficiently stripping certain compounds from anything put in it. The recycler is an incredibly dangerous device if used wrong and can easily kill a human.


-Efficient Rocket Design (Blue)

Universe: Space Engineers

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (C+)

Having something and knowing how to best use it are two entirely different things, in the space engineer's universe humanity was able to easily take to the stars without any new tech by simply knowing how to use it right. This skill gives the user increased precision when designing any form of aerial device, this skill will merge with Polymath.


-The Red Queen (Blue)

Universe: Resident Evil

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (B+)

Developed by the insidious umbrella corporation, the Red Queen is the pinnacle of Ai technologies in its home universe. Being a fully sentient being the Red Queen is capable of emotion and manages all Umbrella Corporations black sites with mechanical ruthlessness.


-Fabricator (Green)

Universe: Prey

Type: Knowledge

Grade: B+

Capable of pulling apart synthesised material blocks and quickly rearranging them the Fabricator is a quick, simple, and easy method for mass producing complex objects.


-Teleporter (Green)

Universe: Terraria

Type: Knowledge

Grade: D-

Purchasable from the mechanic after defeating Skeletron, the teleporter is a useful device capable of transporting short distances instantly if the teleporters are connected.


-Horus (Blue)

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

Type: Knowledge

Grade: B

The FAS-BOR7 Horus was one of three chariot line robots designed by Faro Automated Solutions. The Horus was designed to act as the Queen to the machine hoard and is as such the strongest of all chariot line robots. The Horus's were fitted with biomass conversion batteries and fabricator facilities, that's why when a tiny bug in the Horus's Ai system disconnected it from the main servers it spelled the end of humanity.


-Advanced Armour Creation (Blue)

Universe: Terraria

Type: Knowledge

Grade: B

The Terrarian is capable of killing even gods with the right equipment. This skill gives the host all knowledge on armours up to the equivalent of titanium armour.

-Masterful Quantum Computing (Purple)

Universe: Horizon Forbidden West

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (A+)

This skill contains highly detailed and highly advanced knowledge on the construction and use of quantum computers. This skill contains knowledge from the peak of the Old ones civilisation and the peak of the Far Zenith colonies civilisation.

-Masterful Organic Machinery (Purple)

Universe: Horizon Forbidden West

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (S-)

This skill contains highly detailed and highly advanced knowledge on the construction, development, and use of organic machinery. In the Horizon universe the hyper advanced Ai Gaia spent hundreds of years perfecting machines to restore the planet. The results of that were hyper advanced organic machines capable of mimicking all the functionality of organic life.


-Shield Weaver Armour (Blue)

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (B-)

The Shield Weaver armour was an advanced armour developed by the old ones before the outbreak of the FARO plague, the armour features a nano weave mesh, reinforced exoskeleton and finally a small hard light projector. This armour is capable of recharging itself once depleted and offers enhanced environmental protection.


-Advanced Space Travel (Blue)

Universe: No Mans Sky

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (B+)

This skill contains moderate information on the construction and makeup of intrasystem spaceships capable of repeated planet to space trips. This skill contains information on the launch thruster a pivotal ship technology in this universe.


Zenith Shield Technology (Purple)

Universe: Horizon Forbidden West

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (A+)

Improving on the hard light technology developed before the fall of the Old ones, The Far Zenith shield uses advanced hard light tech to create a nearly indestructible shield. This shield is for smaller and more efficient than anything else created during the time since the fall of the old ones.


Pulse Engine (Blue)

Universe: No Mans Sky

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (A+)

This skill contains all the technical knowledge needed to create the pulse engine; the pulse engine is a very powerful device capable of bending space to speed up a craft. Does not function in atmosphere.


-Shell-Walker (Green)

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

Type: Blueprint

Grade: (C+)

Part of a series of transport type robots, the Shell-Walker resembles a six legged hermit crab in appearance. The Shell-Walker has two outfitted arms, one is capable of shooting electrical balls and is dubbed the lightning gun. The other arm features a weak hard light shield to defend itself, the Shell-Walker carries a hexagon cargo crate on its flat back and is held in place with electromagnetic force.


Hephaestus Ai (Blue)

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (A-)

The Hephaestus Ai is designed as a sub system of the greater GAIA Ai. This sub Ai was designed to control all production of machines. This Ai eventually became sentient during events before the first game and started designing robots to kill.


Jump Drive (Blue)

Universe: Space Engineers

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (B)

This skill contains all the knowledge for the Jump Drive. The jump drive is a relatively small device capable of instantaneously moving any object through space. This devices range is limited and consumes an exorbitant amount of energy.


All Launch Thruster Modifications (Blue)

Universe: No Mans Sky

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (B+)

This skill contains knowledge on all different modifications and versions of the launch thruster seen in the game.


Advanced Power Systems (White)

Universe: Horizon Zero Dawn

Type: Knowledge

Grade: (B+)

This skill contains a large repository of knowledge on different mechanical power systems.


Material Drones (White)

Universe: Satisfactory

Type: Blueprint

Grade: (C+)

Designed by the hardworking engineers at FICSIT Inc, these drones are capable of high yield atmospheric flight and are designed to carry tons of materials.


Tank (White)

Universe: Generation Zero

Type: Blueprint

Grade: (C+)

This large 8 metre tall military robot was commonplace in its home universe. Capable of equipping a variety of weapons this robot was a killing machine.



[ Divinities ]

Space Divinity

Dragon Divinity

Mind Divinity

Technology Divinity

Minor Heat Divinity

Minor Electricity Divinity

Minor Time Divinity

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