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25% Immortal Soul Multiverse Journey / Chapter 1: CH1: First Encounter
Immortal Soul Multiverse Journey Immortal Soul Multiverse Journey original

Immortal Soul Multiverse Journey

Tác giả: UBMars

© WebNovel

Chương 1: CH1: First Encounter

What does a man do when he's been betrayed by the love of his life? I was devoured, turned into a pill, and used up. Somehow, I found myself alive in another world, and the wheels kept turning even when my world felt like it should be over.


In a once mundane world, my soul retained all its power. What I did to myself in that cultivation world, the sacrifices I made, continued to follow momentum. I was reborn. My mind slowly copied over an individual's body as my soul forcefully ousted his own. The possession was so effortless, so seamless, that I barely noticed when I was expelled from my new mother into the open, gaining my second life.


The world was a bleak, lifeless gray. I sat on the balcony of our home, gazing up at the clouds. A part of me was already weary of this second life. My new body, devoid of the fragments of the old one, could cultivate and reach the heights I had once dreamed of. All I had to do was find a reason to continue.


Wasn't that my problem before? I found a reason to continue, and she killed me. The intrusive voice wouldn't leave me alone. I stared at the clouds passing me by. Did I want to be safe, or did I want to have fun?


The energies of heaven and earth erupted in my body in a moment. With a grinding feeling, I hit the first rank body tempering one thanks to all the chi my soul pulled constantly. I stored it within my soul space for a rainy day. With the first rank in body tempering, I felt a tear crawl down my face.


I didn't have to choose regeneration. After years of rest and going with the flow, that wound hadn't healed. Twenty years of cultivation trapped me at a bottleneck, unable to move forward. I was at peak foundation and could have lived another 200 years without breaking into the core realm.


No, I refused to look on the bright side. Instead, I focused on myself. I died. It was ok to be selfish. Selflessly fighting for someone else only got me used and killed.


Okay, cultivation was weird. Nine locks in the body kept someone from shoving extreme amounts of chi through their bodies and becoming gods. Usually, without uber-powerful pills, I would need to get regeneration to go through body tempering. The realm after body tempering was when someone drew chi into themselves. Without pills, the only way forward was to eat chi-rich foods, break the body, and regenerate it with chi.


There were pieces of universal laws called fragments, and we could either gain or strengthen each rank. With enough wealth, a landscaper like me could craft a hidden realm or a pocket dimension that catered to the needs of individual fragments. As a poor Issekai protagonist, I had to use each rank to raise my fragment to peak. At the end of chi gathering despite have 18 of these chances I only managed to scrounge three peak fragments together and formed a spirit art with them. That's how I reached the foundation realm. That realm no longer gives opportunities because the inventor expected us to be able to go out into the world and get them ourselves.


Fragments were the only way to move forward in breaking those locks. Someone needed to combine 3 grade 9 fragments into a spirit art to reach the foundation. So far, nine ranks are available in body tempering and 18 in chi gathering. Nothing that combined with regeneration could allow me to fly. Only shapeshifting might do it, and I didn't know that combination. So my original spirit art, Vital Dragon Body, while great for survivability, was the end of my cultivation. That's why I turned down the path of the soul in the first place.


My powerful soul's first ability attraction bypassed that need to break my body.


The first lock manipulated chi, and the second was flight without assistance. I would do something naughty since I was so far from the sect.


Time had passed since my epiphany in time for me to see a long, sleek limousine carry out new neighbors. Far from the property, nearly 50 acres stretched behind a red brick fence. My breakthrough gave me the eyes to see. A Japanese man with high cheekbones, red eyes, and brown hair smiled, revealing fangs. He held out his hand, and a woman straight out of magazines stepped out. She had flowing pink hair the color of bubblegum, wide hips, and a large bust. More women made their way out of the vehicle. They hugged the man and fed him all their love and attention, but his eyes were mainly on the pink-haired vampire.


From a world of gray, I saw color again for the first time. She was in the hands of another. I wanted her, needed her. There was a hole in my heart. I knew then what I must do. First, I would raise my rank and conquer flight, and then break, I would find a way to make her mine. These feelings within me couldn't be wrong.


Before my last life, I remembered a story called Rosario Vampire. Tsukune was the man I saw. If this wasn't destiny, then nothing made sense. His story was over. I wanted what he had, and nothing would stop me.


I jumped from the balcony and landed lightly on the lawn. Only one fragment would do.


Time was against me, but I had chi and knowledge that there was still time.



It was madness what I planned. The garage was nowhere to open a portal and create a hidden realm. Power in obscene amounts poured out of me into arrays layered atop each other. For two decades, I did this and served young masters who spat on my efforts. I crafted perfect realms for their cultivation, and they tipped me like misers everyone.


Time dilation had become second nature. It couldn't take my soul from its current state, but I still recovered from the tribulation. Taking my body, the soft, pliable mortal flesh, into a direction was possible. So I poured power into the arrays, and a tiny red skull was stenciled into the concrete floor.


Further designs ensured a land of cutting winds, fluffy clouds, and the endless sky would greet me. I decided to call the type of cultivation realm Whispering Winds. A 500,000 cubic meter space appeared through the portal as I fed it an endless supply of peak foundation chi. My soul's first ability was the prize of any cultivator, though it came too late for my original body. I took a single fragment by using my breakthrough. The lift was the fragment I chose overthrust. All I wanted to do was fly and break the second lock.


"Hello," I jumped and whirled around to see a teenage girl wearing a witch's hat.


A stunning teen around my age with model good looks, short brown hair, and a big grin. She had the eyes of someone into mischief. "I'm Yukari Sendou, about to be Yukari Aono. I didn't know there was another witch around here." I blinked, grabbed her by her shirt, and tossed her big beautiful tight ass through the portal. I locked it down with some emergency arrays. Then I altered the time inside to be 1 minute inside to 1 day outside.


My pocket realms weren't meant to hold prisoners. They were training tools. Given enough time, a witch might be able to get out. The door wasn't strictly closed. Altering her perception of time and using the wind tunnels within would hopefully keep her busy.


I patted myself on the back for the easy win. Yukari was the team's most intelligent member. With her down, the rest would fall one by one. Divide and conquer was the way to go.



I placed a rippling purple stencil design on the concrete and fed it chi as it activated. Whispering Wind was a bust so that Graviton would do the job. I created a flat plane that increased gravity and time dilation the further someone journeyed toward its center. Time dilation at the edges was around 10 to 1. At the center, gravity maxed out at 50x Earth and started around 1.5x, so it wasn't terrible. Also, blasts of wind chi swept through the plane.


With a deep breath, I checked for anything that would kill me outright, like sudden monster manifestations, and the realm's interface seal read clear.


Seals were one of my favorite tools. They were applications and user interfaces rolled into one, ideal for a typical landscaper like me.


I entered and felt the wait settle over me. The intensity was impressive. A mighty wind blasted into me, and I felt my shirt rip off my back. I concentrated on my fragment, lifting an active fragment. I fed it a little of my chi, and my feet were off the ground. Chi controlled my body, shattered the first lock, and flying obliterated the second.


New power flowed through me like never before. I howled in the air and bawled my eyes out. This was the best day ever. The gray was receding, and I could feel myself grow stronger. I quickly cycled more Chi and shot three ranks. Just 5 more, and then I could break through into chi gathering. What would I choose for my second and third fragments? Lift was terrific, but it didn't just affect me.


I stepped into 4x gravity and felt the strain, so I fed chi to my fragment and lifted it. My fragments swept around gravity like soap bubbles through the water. However, there were limits to a fragment, and gravity couldn't be lifted. That was either a lack of knowledge, or the fragment was only ranked 1.


A powerful gust of wind swept by, and I dragged it to me with my soul. Already, I could feel my spirit mending. The wind annihilated my clothes but gave me two ranks in return.


I tried lifting the gravity around me, but still nothing. The challenge called to me, and the next layer, 10x, had much stronger winds. The third lock physical limitation was a demanding customer. I had to use my fragment to strengthen my whole body.


So I lifted not enough to fly but to feel my body with the fragment. How did I know how? Every young master liked to brag about how great they were. They spewed secrets while I sweated to carve symbols, draw with my chi ink, and steal their spirit stones. None of them ever caught me. They were too busy bragging and calling themselves excellent for creating the idea for their hidden realm. One mouth breather said the word sun and acted as he gave me step-by-step instructions when I made him a beautiful ash-filled kiln surrounded by sunflowers spilling sun chi everywhere.


The third lock broke as I stepped through the higher gravity. Holding up the fragment and feeding it chi constantly gave me a feel for it. Most at my stage could only use it for a few minutes. I could sustain it in perpetuity.


I felt a sudden change in the fragment that had nothing to do with chi as I stepped into 20x gravity. The lift took my chi better than before, and I wondered if it was the legendary experience people whispered about. Those who used active skills long enough gained an increase that had nothing to do with rank.


Black tornadoes pulled at me from all directions, vast gusts of wind swept through in a terrifying current, and sparks of dry lightning splashed in their passing. Green bolts fell in close, and I jumped out of the way. Lift shot me several feet in a moment, and I knew I had an excellent fragment.


 I felt confident as I dragged the tornados, current, and lightning kicking and screaming into my fragment. The forces of nature struggled like pit bulls on leashes, each running in opposite directions, but I stood firm. Those powers that defied me were drawn in.


My lift fragment maxed out at 9, and I didn't have to use inspiration from my ranks to upgrade it. A smirk spread across my face. Then it dropped. I wasn't much of a fighter, but Yukari was quite experienced. So, what was I going to do?


I had a few ideas.



Yukari was trapped. Her wand was nowhere to be seen, and the winds carried her. Her clothes were gone, and her voice had gone out from screaming. She expected to hit the ground eventually, but there appeared to be none. This was another dimension. If she had her wand, breaking out would have been simple, but that clearly wasn't an option.



I stared at the girl, who appeared more like a fly trapped in amber. She wasn't going anywhere soon. I cracked my knuckles, locked my garage door, put on a new pair of pants, and got to work.


Six hours later, there was a knock at the garage door, and I tossed a towel over the stencils. The gates vanished from sight, and my current project was treated similarly. I stared down at the two inconspicuous towels and the ground and smirked. No one would believe the girl was trapped in another dimension.


I opened the door to see and purple-haired woman sucking on a lollipop. A smile spread across my face as the temperature dropped. "Have you seen an annoying girl around your age wearing a witch costume two sizes too small for her?"


"Should I have?" I asked.


"Your temperature changed just now. Did your heart skip a beat?" the purple-haired girl said.


"You are beautiful, miss."


She was also missing most of her eggs because the idiot protag refused to breed her. Well, I had an answer to that. Another reverse hyperbolic time chamber would do her some good.


The girl sniffed. Then ice blasted me in the face. The lift wasn't ready, and I fell hard on the ground before ice covered my chest, holding me in place.


"She was here." I struggled against the ice with the physical strength of a rank-five body tempering specialist, but it wasn't moving. Her ice was supernaturally strong. "Don't bother trying to get away." I felt that one of my hands was free. That was all I needed. I stretched out my hand and tried to lift her.


I had never used lift on someone before, and I had little experience using chi externally except for charging arrays and formations.


Fortunately, I only had to move her a few inches. A tear opened, and the girl flew through. A smile spread across my face as the fourth lock opened. I used chi outside my body to defeat a foe much stronger than myself. Lift was a fragment that every Dao Seedling took for a single reason.


Its only limit was the chi it took to power the fragment. The further away from the body, the more extreme the expense. After years of storing chi, that wasn't a problem.


I realized then that I had the same potential as a Dao seedling. There was no point in remaining in the body tempering stage any longer. I closed my eyes and reached for the space where I stored the runoff of my immense chi generation. Power coursed through my body, filling every cell with peak foundation chi.


Body saturation quickly reached 100%, and I took a breath and exhaled in the chi-gathering realm. I had room for 11 fragments, but that didn't mean I could choose anything I wanted. The fifth lock was to defeat an enemy in a realm above me. Compared to the first four locks, the early mortal ones, this would be a true challenge. Unless I broke this lock, the core realm was still a dream.


I put planning for my next step at the back of my mind. Capturing the rest of the girls and then dealing with Tsukune Aono took priority. The rest of the girls were all ferociously loyal and powerful. 

UBMars UBMars

Check out my book I feel throttled here on this site so think of this story as advertisement. The better my other book does the more likely I am to write more chapters for this one.

Smut in the next chapters this is your only warning I'm into some kinky stuff and everyone is over 18 so its going to be wild.

Rosario should only last 5 to 10 chapters

My other story is called Immortal Soul Within Mortal Bodies

Here is the link its on this site.


Look for the chest with a red skull tattoo you can't miss it.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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