Chapter 67: You love me and I love you
"Haha! Nana! I will have a cool video soon!" After leaving his VR Capsule, Michu laughed out loud! He didn't know that it was already past midnight, though! His sister put her hands on her waist and looked at him like an angry mom!
Their mom was already in a deep sleep, exhausted from overworking.
"Quiet!" Nana shouted while pointing at the clock!
Michu instantly lowered his head and apologized quietly, "Sorry..."
"Come and sit big brother," Nana patted next to her and brought Michu closer to herself with a reassuring smile! She knew that Michu didn't want to wake up their mother and if he did, he would've felt too worried!
To avoid that, Nana threw a genuine glare that silenced him, then the siblings had a close and merry talk.
"Looks like The Impossible Quest has been completed by big brother! As expected of the mythic class!" Nana believed in her brother, but the mythic class had always reassured her and increased her belief in him much higher.
Michu rubbed his nose and replied, "We wouldn't go far without Yumi! You see, I also managed to talk about the study session, so I will meet her soon! We aren't far away from each other!"
"Though it hasn't been a long time since you met, I think it's fine... A lot of people meet IRL pretty early due to the game's popularity! What are your feelings toward her, Michu?" Nana probed innocently, her eyes big!
"She is my princess!" Michu nodded, sharing the new term with his sister. At first, Nana went wide and her lips parted into 'O', but Michu rattled off, "I just like her, you know! Our friendship began weirdly, but I never felt her looking down on me! And now, I know I can rely on her, both in-game and in real life! Hehe! It's a good and close friendship!"
"Friendship? Hum, hum... You became closer after she shared her past with you!" Nana didn't know what Venomous' past was, though. "But you haven't told her much about yourself!"
"But you said she should know we are poor," Michu raised his eyes and mumbled out!
"Yes. She is smarter and quick-witted, but no person can be truly independent. We all need someone to rely on! I think you happened to be that person through the game." Nana's words shook Michu's heart and he spaced out! He tried to connect dots and nodded a little awkwardly.
Nana continued, "It's too early for any serious relationship, so it's fine to have fun..." A blush appeared on Nana's face! She then waved her hand and said with a little higher voice, "It's all fine and nice at the beginning, but if the big brother doesn't get any income, you will eventually become dead weight in her life! The same goes for her! Don't let her become a burden later on! Now, fun... and remember to study!" Nana knew that the ship had sailed already and the real-life meeting should become the beginning of something deeper!
Leaving the good advice, she turned her laptop on and went to watch some videos before sleeping!
Michu giggled and went to brush his teeth and clean himself before sleeping, "Oh, Nana! Why won't you start playing the game too? I can ask my friend to help you!"
"Your friend? Sandra?" Nana shifted her eyes to her big brother! She didn't want to become one of the burdens in the life of the monkey god, so she had never thought of playing the game!
But if Michu would be outside for the whole day, then she could try it!
"Yeah! His name is Lazy Bum!"
"That's an honest nickname!" Nana chuckled.
Yumi's apartment didn't belong to the high class!
It was actually pretty old and one wouldn't live here unless their savings were low. Students from other cities mostly dwelled here and one would see a lot of young people going in and out.
Michu seemed like one of those people, either a friend or renter!
He followed the message he got from Yumi. In less than five minutes, Michu found himself before Yumi's doors. He was... pretty excited.
How many times did he hear about friends' meetings? Even in-class meetings, he would find himself excluded, so Michu would finally experience that as well! If he had money, he also would invite Yumi to go outside with him!
He wanted to change himself, but that would only happen after he changed his family's situation.
Michu knocked on the doors, then slightly raised his voice, "It's me, Michu!" He awkwardly announced his arrival, the doors slowly moved. Soon, Venomous' real-life appearance unfolded before Michu!
"Hello!" Michu smiled brightly!
"Hi..." Yumi faintly replied.
Within his eyes, Yumi couldn't spot any shock or disgust. The emotions she had been fearing all this time never flashed within Michu's eyes. However, his eyes dilated so she could peek into her reflection!
Indeed, she wasn't like herself. She stood in silence, spoke faintly, and awkwardly hovered her eyes on his face.
"Ah, Yumi! Are you nervous?" If anything, she also forgot about Michu's ability to see through others by peeking into their eyes. "I am also nervous, but you look beautiful in black! I am the one who should be more nervous! Haha!"
"Does it give off a different feeling?" Yumi asked while fiddling with her hair. She wore black clothes, but her black hair stood out even if those hairs fell onto her clothes. Of course, her clothes were also protective.
It was summer, but she wore a black sweater. Her legs were covered by black jeans, Yumi completely hid her pale skin! She also spent her whole morning combing her hair and putting on a lot of make-up on her face.
She was flashing and her face gripped!
"You look like a clown, Yumi!" Michu suddenly called out. The initial impression was that Yumi looked beautiful, but the more he looked at her, the more her face... seemed unnatural. It was like there was clown make-up on her face!
He caressed his chin, "But at the beginning, you looked so charming... like a real princess!"
Yumi froze, her fiddling finger too. Thankfully, she wasn't that nervous to completely wrap her hair streaks around her finger, otherwise, a lot of hair would've been pulled out! She looked at Michu with a stupor, then invited him inside.
She took him to her bedroom, "Come in and take a load off your feet." Yumi then turned heels and went to the bathroom. The sound of water furiously leaving out the faucet rang out!
On the other hand, Michu looked into the ceiling, "What does it mean?" He wondered about her words, then unloaded his notebooks from his backpack. That was probably what Yumi meant!
Soon, the water stopped and Yumi returned to the room! She was looking far better, even though her cheeks were skinnier than in-game. It looked a little unhealthy, but Michu didn't ask about it.
He just felt like natural Yumi was the best Yumi!
"Oh, I have a present." Michu took out bananas from his backpack, "These are really good! Aunt Mary gives them to my family once a week! She is a good lady!"
"Thanks," Yumi took the banana and peeled it. She felt like stuffing her mouth with something after Michu's statements.
It didn't seem like she was that pained by his previous words and her eyes weren't gloomy, just a little disappointed in herself.
At first, Michu didn't notice anything, but he soon asked, "Was I mean?"
"No, I like your honesty... No, I love it," Yumi replied and extended her hand for one of Michu's notebooks. His writing was messy, but she could read and check the content on it. However, her eyes turned to his...
A weird exchange spread between them, then Yumi sighed, "I didn't take care of myself, so I am still a little unhealthy, but it's nothing dangerous."
"I see... It's good that you began to take care of yourself! Remember to exercise a little every day!" Michu smiled. He felt like a burden got lifted from his heart and he sighed with relief!
He didn't even know why he felt so relieved! No, the monke even failed to notice how he cared about Yumi's health! However, upon a thought, wasn't it normal between friends? He should just share his worries with her!
Actually, Michu came here to share about himself as well!
"Nothing mattered back then," It was Yumi who spoke more about herself, though, "I just had one goal... This goal remains in the game and it's to destroy that bastard... This self... had nothing. Who would dare to be close to me? Who would dare to embrace and support me with the whole world thinking of me as the killer?"
"I would..." Michu mumbled out faintly...
"I wouldn't be able to share this secret with anyone... If I fell for someone, I wouldn't be able to talk about it. Fear would take over me, but I had never thought about someone who would tell straight into my face that he believes in me." Yumi ate the banana and smiled widely at Michu.
He repeated, "I would embrace you. What's so hard about it?" Michu's voice was louder and forced Yumi to stop talking. She raised her eyes at him and covered half of her face with his notebook.
"What's so hard about it? If Sandra was in pain, what would you do? The same?" She asked.
"Yes," Michu nodded.
"If someone else did it for you, for example, Lazy Bum, what would you do?" Yumi carried on with the topic and added, "Would you be happy that she had someone to rely on?"
"Yes! Lazy Bum is a good friend," Michu smiled faintly.
"If it were me? If Lazy Bum embraced me, put his lips close to my ear, and ruffled my hair while whispering caring words-"
"No!" Michu abruptly shouted, but Yumi didn't flinch, "No... I don't like it..." She didn't flinch but raised the notebook a little higher to cover her whole face. Behind that notebook, the black-haired woman was close to bursting out with laughter.
In this world, one should never expect to have everything spoon-fed. She knew that her goal, the only one that had been transferred to the game, wouldn't be achieved over a night. It needed time and resolve. For that, Yumi didn't mind.
But as the saying went, the hot women didn't like to wait. Should the chance to make the relationship appear, Yumi would go for it and not even waste a second! She believed that a hot woman applied to her and once healed, she would be one of the hottest in both in-game and real life.
If some hotter woman appeared, then Yumi would flash her intelligence. Intelligence was the real beauty and so others should fuck off away from her and her prince.
"Why?" The snake revealed her eyes.
Michu couldn't read her eyes, however. What he felt from her was something he couldn't properly explain. But the more he looked, the more his heart drummed. The image of someone else embracing Yumi also became more loathsome.
"I just don't like it," Michu replied.
"Selfish." Yumi's voice rang out, but Michu couldn't answer. He felt selfish and he couldn't do anything about it, "I am selfish too. This makes us even," His friend's voice helped him again, though.
Michu just raised his eyes at Venomous who put down the notebook on the table, "It's easy stuff. In a few hours, you should be able to understand it. As your tutor, you will have me all patiently explaining it to you over and over,"
She stretched her arms, sticking out her chest that was well hidden beneath the sweater, "But I feel like I have to teach you about something else. Much more important for both of us." Yumi tilted her head and smiled, "That's love, you stupid monkey."
"..." Monke's face went all red!
"You love me, so what are you doing on the other side of the table? I also love you but spare me from doing all the work. I am sick so you tend to me." Yumi yawned, "After this Impossible Quest, I feel cold sometimes... Let's watch a movie on the bed."
She stood up and hopped onto her bed, "Bring me my laptop, Michu."
"Yeah..." Still overwhelmed by hotness steeming from his heart, Michu belatedly answered then extended his hand for her laptop. He brought it to the bed where Yumi sat cross-legged.
"It's been a while since I watched something... Don't they all say movies are cool nowadays?" She tapped the laptop with Michu sitting next to her.
Of course, Yumi was amused by his silence and awkward eyes, "Those eyes can read a lot, but that's mostly related to negative emotions. Who is the gangster or not... That's because of your family situation."
"You knew? You knew about my family situation?" Michu asked, then gulped his saliva.
"It doesn't take a genius to see through it... So what? With me by your side, those eyes will see more of the world and see through everyone. To protect this princess and fulfill our goals. Now, what should we watch?" Yumi smiled.
"Wait! Wait! Does that mean we are a couple now?"
"Yes. Do you want me to confess?" Yumi turned her eyes and asked. To her words, Michu nodded and looked forward to it.
The black-haired lady threw an enchanting smile, narrowed her eyes, and joined her hands. Her whole appearance was so cute and charming that Michu understood. Yes, he loved her!
"Apologize for that clown, you monkey," Yumi smiled widely.
"B-But you really looked like a clown!" Michu raised his voice after a brief pause.
Yumi turned Venomous and raised her laptop, ready to throw it at her, "It cost me 2000 dollars," She said.
Michu's eyes stretched to the limit, "I am sorry! I am sorry! Lovely Yumi!" The monke leaned forward to apologize more properly! He embraced his girlfriend, ruffled her hair while she held that expensive laptop above her head.
He inhaled her fragrance and laughed, "Lovely Yumi!"
"You finally embraced me," Yumi put the laptop down, "How many times do I have to mention it for you to hug me? Ah, my stupid prince," She sighed, but the smile on her face betrayed her feelings.
With her heart warming her up, Venomous clicked on a movie, "It's fantasy erotica."
"I have never watched one..." Michu replied, eliciting a chuckle out of his Venomous.
"Me too."
"But I also want to talk about myself... It's not fair that you are the only one, Yumi."
"If you want, then go ahead. But I believe your situation will change soon." Yumi replied with a smile, "My past can not be changed, but yours-"
"That's wrong... My past also can not be changed. And because of that past, I am the current me! I won't give up nor stray away from it... I love my family and... you too!"
"I am all ears, Michu."
Thanks for reading :)
It's been already 100k words for monke novel ^^ I want to go premium though... Where are the golden bananas for me? Haha!
Chapter 68: I can help you train!
[Sunday, 05:59]
Once the clock ticked onto 6 o'clock, Michu's eyes widened and he looked at the ceiling. He was sleeping on a comfy bed which was rare for him! It was either a sleeping mat or VR Capsule!
Both of them were comfy, but the bed was something else!
However, it was the first time Michu had slept with someone else! It was not the sleep where both of them lied next to each other!
Yumi's hands were wrapped around Michu's arm and her leg intertwined with his. She also wore pajamas, that for the monke, was like a princess dress. This cloth was made out of thin material, allowing monke to look at melons as much as he wanted without any hurdle!
"Good morning," Yumi's sweet voice raised monke's chin.
"Good morning," He replied with a faint blush on his face. His girlfriend was the same, her cheeks lit up with a red hue. It was the natural color that gripped Michu's heart with its natural charm.
Venomous was all smiles as she raised her body, "We are both early birds. Should we go with your schedule, it would be a time for morning routine and running?"
"Yes," Michu also threw his upper part up, matching Venomous' eyes, "Do you want to go running? I can help you train!"
"Of course, for my prince, I will train diligently," Yumi extended her hand and caressed Michu's cheek. Her index finger landed on Michu a little later, "Looking at your sleeping face, I remembered something. I promised you to fulfill one of your desires." The deal was that Michu would have to raise his farm and sell his golden bananas!
It was too early for that, but Michu nodded as he remembered that.
Yumi's smile widened, "I also tried to fulfill one of mine during The Impossible Quest. I just did it tonight." After she explained her words, Michu nodded with his blush getting deeper. He never thought about it, but women also held similar desires! It was not hard to imagine Yumi's hands slipping through his shirt to caress his chest!
"It's additional motivation for me to train harder," Yumi added, then her index finger left Michu's lips.
Now that she shared this, he could only share his! "I wanted to touch your melons!" He bluntly replied and shifted his eyes to her chest. This pair was at least E, big and soft! Those two had held his arm tightly too!
Now, it was his turn to reciprocate the feelings!
"Can I?" Michu asked.
"Yes," Yumi clenched her pyjama, then raised it up! After her breasts lost any defense, these two innocently bounced and offered themselves to the monke.
His lips parted, trying to let out a good word, but nothing came up in Michu's mind! He just uttered, "Beautiful!" and extended his hands forward.
With her consent, Michu didn't go slowly. He just took melons into his hands, then his fingers sank into unique softness. Michu also found out that these were firm and elastic, further deepening his desire to just feel more of these two.
With each second, Michu became a little rougher. His thumb slid across her stiff nipple, finding it cute and amusing. For a second, he felt like sucking in those, but Yumi just allowed him to touch!
He remembered that and stood close to these words.
"Ah..." A moan escaped Yumi's lips.
She had been doing her best to not let anything happen. She even used her hands to cover her lips, but her heart drummed loudly and rhythmically followed her boyfriend whose interest kept heightening the more he felt her.
At some point, exactly as he slid his thumb across her nipple, Yumi let out a faint moan that couldn't be stopped. Her body grew weaker and she leaned down onto the bed.
"Yumi! I-I am sorry! I should've considered your health..." Michu blamed himself and instantly leaned down as well. He embraced his girlfriend and patted her head.
She laughed, "I feel great, stupid... Ah, if I only bought condoms..." Yumi blamed solely herself for that. Following her principle 'Hot women don't like to wait', she was ready to give herself to the monke!
It wouldn't be a rash decision fueled by the mood. At least Yumi believed so, but after so many years of loneliness and hardships, no one would've blamed her if Michu somehow turned out to be the gangster!
Nonetheless, this monke couldn't be the gangster!
"What are you talking about?!" Michu snapped. He remembered an erotica movie! "You would die!" He embraced her tighter and whispered, "We will do it later!" The first time had to be done in real life.
So the fun in the game would have to wait!
Yumi burst out laughing, then replied, "Yes, I will train even harder."
A sweet time ended after a little jogging.
"But... But how?" Yumi's incredulous shock spread across the room. She looked at the awkward sitting monke with big eyes that concealed the disbelief he usually saw within his teacher's eyes for the first time.
This lasted for a little, just as usual.
However, Yumi didn't give up and patiently explained again and again...
"Um... Sorry..." Michu repeated a few hours later. It was hard for him to understand his school stuff, but he felt like he was getting a hang of it. He was doing his utmost best but to no avail.
Venomous crossed her arms and deeply contemplated.
After her eyes opened, she extended her pen and patted the 'x'. She said, "This is your enemy. This enemy did the worst thing to you."
Michu's ears trembled, then he reared it to listen further, "What did he do?"
"He hurt me," Yumi replied.
"You must know everything about your enemies," Michu repeated the wise words, bringing out a nod of approval from Venomous. She began to go through the whole equation as if on the battlefield.
Some numbers were allies, some were not! The show continued, then Michu miraculously solved the issue.
It was just math, but Venomous found a way to teach this monke some stuff!
"You love me so much you solved the impossible," She smugly stated.
"Yep, I do," Michu innocently replied, flaring up her face. "But I really did it! Haha! Give me more enemies," Math was the enemy of many! Michu joined the lobby with a gun(pen) and shot all problems with Venomous' help!
"Rinse and repeat. You can do it," Yumi whispered to his ear, then went to make some light food. In the meantime, the battle continued!
"I might be a genius," Michu wondered, but Yumi choking on her tea dispelled that thought.
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