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34.78% I Reincarnated Twice in The Dragon Ball Universe?!?! / Chapter 8: To Be Normal…

Chương 8: To Be Normal…

A/N: Hello! ALonelyAuthor here, I'd like for you to please leave a comment on anything that'd is misspelled so that I can go back and fix them! That's all from me!


"So how long is it going to take?" Jin asked Bulma as he sat down at the table eating a burrito hair still wet from the shower he recently took.

"For a child you're quite inpatient!" Bulma winced as she burnt her mouth from the steak she was eating.

"Oh, did you know that some guy named Mr. Satan took the credit of taking down Raditz?" Master Roshi spoke behind his magazine.

"Uh, no? Should I care?" Jin asked as he chewed.

"…you'd get some money and fame" Bulma blinked.

"Nah" Jin refused, in all honesty she should've expected this, as the same with Goku, fame and money comes last to them.

Sighing she continued "any~ways~ you're space ship will be done in a months time" she spoke.

"A month!?" Jin's eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey! It would take less time if you hadn't asked for that damn gravity chamber!" Bulma announced, what is with men and them being obsessed with training?! Even as a boy he's obsessed with training.

"I need to train! Vegeta in his Oozaru form was able to match me!" Jin tried to reason.

"So? He's gone for good right?" Bulma sighed.

"No? He escaped" Jin blinked.

"He escaped?! Wha-? Ho-? WHY?! Why'd you let him escape?!" Jin hated when this woman screamed at him.

"Because I was exhausted! The only reason why I could move was thanks to Master Roshi's Senzu bean he gave me!" Jin frowned.

"Which is our last one by the way" Master Roshi spoke.

"Oh yeah, you never did tell me, who does grow them?" Jin asked as he looked over to the turtle hermit.

"Korin amd Yajirobe, sadly Raditz killed them" Master Roshi spoke.

"Great, another reason to hate Goku's brother!" Bulma held her head in her hands.

"So, what can I do during this month?" Jin sighed.

"You can stay here, after all, you might be able to help me reverse engineer the two Saiyan pods!" Bulma smirked as Jin looked over to the Pods that belong to both Raditz and Nappa.

"Uh… okay" he shrugged as he reached for a burger.

"Ahem! Anyways, what is your plan?" Bulma asked Jin.

"What? When I get to Namek? Or right now?" Jin asked.

"Right now" Bulma clarified.

"…eat" Jin tried to stall.

"Don't be that shallow, you're not like Goku who hit his head when he was a baby!" Bulma growled.

"…how's he a functioning adult?" Jin asked

"I tried…" Roshi whined as he flipped a page.

"So, your plan?" Bulma went back to the topic.

"No clue" Jin was honest as he took a bite of his burger.

"Haaaah… as an adult…" she glanced at Roshi "as a trusted adult my goal… is for you to… integrate into society!" Bulma nodded at her words.

"Whaaat?" Jin drew out the word as he raised an eyebrow.

"You can't read, so you can't write, doesn't know how to speak to girls, and doesn't know common human decency!" She declared as she pointed at the grease, ketchup, and mustard covered face Jin had.



"…also wipe your face it's kinda distracting" sighing he grabbed a napkin and wiped his face.

"Common human decency?" Jin asked.

"Yes! It's clear, after all; you're a saiyan as well aren't you?" She smirked.

"Yes? So?" Be raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, prove me wrong on this, if you see someone oh let's say… trapped under a car will you help?" Jin was confused but decided to just play along.

"Uh, he got there in the first place so he just needed to do the reverse to get out" Jin nodded at his logic! It was perfect.

"Wha? N- no, don't do that!" Bulma spoke as Jin devoured his burger.

"Why not?" He spoke with a mouth full of food.

"Because they're most likely not strong enough get the car off of them! Also don't talk with your mouth full of food, it's disgusting!" Bulma chastised.

"Then how'd would I respond?!" Jin asked as he swallowed his last bite.

"By swallowing first!" Bulma spoke.

Bulma shook her head "anyways, back to the topic of discussion, despite having a good heart, you're lacking a lot of social skills"

Good heart? He only did this to get stronger! Nothing of value would be lost when this world is destroyed! Then again, the thought of this world being destroyed… didn't sit well with him.

"So during this month my mom's going to teach you" Bulma smiled.

"Teach me? Teach me what? I don't need your fancy machines to fight!" Jin frowned as he reached for a beef and bean burrito on a plate.

"On social norms and society rules! Also how to read!" Bulma's hand slammed on the table.

"Why can't I be a recluse? Live like Master Roshi?" Jin asked.

"Master Roshi never had a relationship in his life! Not once, has a girl once want him, and I'll be damned all the way to hell if I let him instill that into you!!" Bulma spoke as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Why wouldn't they? He's strong isn't he?" Jin scratched his head.

"Because he's probably an absolutely a god-awful pervert!" Bulma spoke.

"Isn't everyone one with people they like?" Jin spoke confused but his words caused Bulma to blink as Roshi chuckled.

"I… because there's a limit!" Bulma spoke.

"A limit? Like what?" Jin asked.

"Oka- okay" Bulma took a deep breath "how would you confess to a woman?" Bulma asked.

Jin had to think he'd never once shown romantical nor sexual desire for another, only wanting to get stronger. So he turned down any and all confessors and anyone he did actually like he'd just befriend them.

"I uh…. Just tell them? I mean, how would they know I like them if they can't know?" Jin spoke as he devoured his burrito.

"Well at least your not that empty headed" Bulma smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jin narrowed his eyes.

"That your not as dumb as the rest of the guys I'm around, I mean, telling them tells me you've somewhat a brain in there" Bulma smiled.

"…I'm not dumb" Jin narrowed his eyes.

"I've a feeling that's for certain things" Bulma blinked.

"Anyways, I've already told mom and she agreed" Bulma spoke.

"Without my input?" Jin asked.

"You'd only refuse! And I refuse to be embarrassed by you and you stupid actions in the future!" Bulma yelled out.

"You're lucky that you gave me food! Because if not I'd be kicking your ass!" Jin sneered out only for him to grab a platfeful of rice.

"Uh huh, anyways, mom's gonna start with you tomorrow" Bulma waved away his threat like she's used to it.

"Anyways, Jin, it's best if you don't slack on your training, you may never know what threat you may face in the future" Roshi decided to change the subject.

"That's an obvious, I've got a plan in mind, but uh, on another note, what wish do I wish for?" Jin asked.

"What do you mean?" Bulma asked as she sat back down.

"I mean, I don't want to accidently wish back Raditz and Nappa" Jin spoke.

"You mean a monkey's paw?" Bulma's asked.

"Yeah, that I guess" Jin shrugged as he mixed his rice, some beef, chicken, and scrambled eggs and poured some thousand island over it casuing Bulma's face to scrunch up in disgust but she just didn't look.

"Ahem… well, I guess you can word it by I whish for the people killed by Raditz on earth to be revived?" Bulma asked.

Jin nodded it did sound good, but at the same time, something told him that this wish was wrong.

"Er, yeah, that does sound good" Jin nodded deciding to put those thoughts in the back of his mind.

"You know what sounds good? panties" Roshi spoke with a blush as he looked at a magazine which Bulma gave him the most unsurprised and unimpressed look she could muster; this seemed to work as he winced and seemingly shrunk in his seat.

"Yes… uh… wishing for the people back is for the best in the end" Master Roshi spoke quietly.

"Oh, and Jin, where do you live?" Bulma asked.

"Uh, middle of nowhere with the side dish of nothing" Jin winced at the lack of home.

"Then you'll stay here" Bulma held up a finger.

"Why not Kame house?" Roshi offered.

"Aren't you legeally allowed to not be within-" Bulma was cut off.

"Capsule Corp it is" Roshi spoke as he grabbed a bag and started to stuff burritos, burgers, and pizza slices in.

"Wha- what are you doing?" Bulma asked.

"Dine and dashing" Roshi spoke.

"Just say your saving it for later" Jin spoke as he ate.

"…no" Roshi spoke as he closed the bag.

"Welp, I'm off back home, Bulma as nice as it was to see you again, I'm just simply too old to be out and about like this" Roshi complained.

"You're not even doing anything!" Bulma pointed out, which Roshi ignored as he waddled away.

"Geez, that old geezer seems to just… be off" Bulma sighed.

"He isn't always like this?" Jin asked.

"To be honest ever since the Z warrior died nothing's been the same" Jin blinked as Bulma spoke

"…the who warriors?" Jin was confused at the familiar name.

"Just something we called the team that consisted of Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Chaiotzu" Bulma named off.

"…huh" Jin went back to eating as the names that Bulma listed off gave way to various emotions from within the child.

"Anyways, once your done eating, you've to use your strength to help around the world!" Bulma smiled.

"What? Why?" Jin whined.

"Because the damages done by Raditz need to by fox and your strong so guess who's lifting rubble?" Bulma placed her hands on either side of her hips.

"Besides who's going to fix the seven buildings Raditz flew into? Hmm?" Jin winced at being called out.

"Fine~ if it'll get you to shut up about it then yeah, I guess I'll help" Jin gave in, he gave into Bulma's bossy nature purely because he didn't want to be annoyed by it nor did he want to sour relationships with someone willing to give him a home.

And a spaceship…

Yeah, as much as he hated it, he had no room to argue with the woman, besides, he is kinda at fault for those buildings, he could've own shotted Raditz but didn't and chose to prolong it.

"Ugh… but first let me eat, I'm really hungry" Jin spoke as he devoured some lasagna.

"Yeah, I can tell" she sighed as she finished her last few bites.

—— ??? ——

Towa, was livid, Chronoa and her time patrollers has been a thorn on her side for the absolute longest. Losing another valuable ally in the terms of Turttles was too much for her.

"Zamasu, deal with them" she commanded Zamasu who, with dual potara rings, green skin, and a arrogant smirk on his face laughed.

"Sure, just this once" Zamasu only followed Towa's orders because she promised him a future of zero mortals.

"Be proud Trunks, you face a god… so kneel" Zamasu appeared before Trunks with an arrogant laugh as he extended his arms to his sides with palms up.

"Zamasu!" Trunks gritted put through bloody teeth, after his fight with Turttles, he's not in the best of shapes, especially against fused Zamasu…

"Why're you following Towa's orders?" Trunks frowned he didn't like this line up.

"Well, you see" Zamasu closed his eyes as he started "it all started with a simple offer, to bring the Zero Mortal Plan to other timelines! Sure I was skeptical but Towa was sure to keep her word… but you on the other hand… have been constantly attempting to stop me… stop us"

"And that… cannot be forgiven! So Trunks, prepare to die for good!" Zamasu powered up as Trunks clenched his stomach.

"I thank you Trunks, because without you, Goku, and Vegeta I would never had gotten this powerful. So I give my upmost gratitude to you, and now… you can die!" Zamasu created a pink Ki sword with his hands and went to attack Trunks only for him to completely vanish!

Looking around Towa giggled "looks like our time patroller friend has left, now that won't do will it?" She smirked at a smirking Zamasu.

"Let's say we have a little fun with this" opening a purple portal Zamasu stepped forth.

Trunks grunted as he stood fully up and ate the Senzu bean and frowned, he really wasn't expecting Zamasu to be there at all…

"Trunks, what happened?" Chronoa asked with a frown.

"Zamasu appeared after I killed Turtles, and I couldn't compete, taking on Turtles was just too much in my exhausted state" Trybks explained as he frowned deeply, Zamasu was a problem, an even bigger one if he's allied with Towa.

"Zamasu's allied with Towa?! That's just the worst!" Chronoa slammed her foot into the ground.

"Towa's the one who's got my boy?" Another Saiyan this time wearing an altered red Saiyan armor who's on his right was a saiyan woman with a frown and narrowed eyes.

"Cilano! You're up!" Trunks eyebrows shot up, guess he's not one to stay down.

"Answer the question trunks! Towa's the bitch that has my son?!" The woman yelled out.

"That's correct Leffa, she altered your timeline completely and took him to a different one, however, something extremely powerful is stopping us from retrieving him" Chronoa explained.

"Wait… does that mean my son's in league with the enemy?" Cilano frowned.

"No, from what we seen on the scroll he's much like a mix of Vegeta and Broly" Trunks shook his head as he explained.

"And that means?" Leffa crossed her arms under her bust.

"That he's too clueless and too much pride for his little body to go and destroy things." Chronoa spoke.

"And from what we've seen he's an extremely capable fighter" Trunks added on.

"Ha! As expected from my son!" Leffa cackled as Cilano merely smiled.

"No doubt he's got my cluelessness and Leffa's pride" Cilano shook his head just before the ground shook.

"Wha? What's happening?!?!" Trunks asked as Chronoa gasped.

"Towa!… she… she teleported the Zamasu you were fighting to Conton City?!?!" Chronoa said more in surpise than fear.

"That's bad, most of our patrollers are on par with Majin buu! They cannot compete with Zamasu!" Trunks spoke.

"Especially since he's immortal!" Chronoa.

"Let's go!" Cilano spoke as he started to fly.

"I'll contact Goku and Vegeta! You three hold him off!" Chronoa spoke hurriedly as she sweated a bit, Trunks had no hope because his attacks wouldn't hurt, whilst Goku and Vegeta had God Ki.

This is for sure going to anger the dragon!

"Oh you destestable mortals" Zamasu spoke over Conton City with a smirk.

"I'll fix your imperfections in an instant, you're existence is nothing but a mere folly made by the gods… and I… am here to fix it!" Zamasu cackled as he sent out multiple Ki barrages to the mortals down below who did their best to shield themselves.

But Zamasu was simply too powerful.

As the black smoke disappeared corpses littered the ground, men, women, Saiyans, Namekian's, changelings, it made Zamasu laugh even harder.

"ZAMASU!!!" A familiar voice roared out as Trunks appeared before him.

"Oh Trunks, it's so good to see you again, here I've a present for you" Zamasu spoke before two Ki blasts hit him in the face, as the smoke disappeared two more saiyans appeared one make and one female.

"More pissants? Come now, unless your Goku you've become useless" Zamasu shook his head.

"Don't worry when we're done Goku will come across your corpse" the female Saiyan smirked as a familiar golden transformation occurred before Zamasu for all three of them.

"A mere Super Saiyan? Come on Trunks… do better" Zamasu's smirk was mocking as the three Saiyans charged forwards.

next chapter
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