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50% I'm Trap, My Inner Voice is Heard by The Heroines! / Chapter 1: Eavesdropping on poisonous scenes
I'm Trap, My Inner Voice is Heard by The Heroines! I'm Trap, My Inner Voice is Heard by The Heroines! original

I'm Trap, My Inner Voice is Heard by The Heroines!

Tác giả: DogLickerGods

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Eavesdropping on poisonous scenes

This is the third time I've edited the book with the MC named Yori and the title has also changed. Unlike before where it was just Women's Clothing, now the title is like this. I'm sure you guys understand what it means.

Well...just read it and I'd like your thoughts on this book.

By the way now the theme of this book changed to inner voice and zombie apocalypse. There will be characters from DxD (my favorite anime) and characters from other anime or novels.

If many people like this book. Please like and comment to let me know you like it and I'll try to keep updating this book.

Genre: Comedy, Harem, Romance, Action, School Life, Supernatural, Zombie,

Notes: There will be no "BL/Yaoi", although there will be men and women who like the MC. MC will only be in relationships with women of course. Other males will only be toyed with by the MC.


Chapter 1


Sitting in the protagonist's seat...

Cough, I mean Yori sat in his seat, in the classroom, precisely in the second row from the back and next to the window.

His long black hair flowing like ink, with one hand supporting his chin, he looked out the window with a lazy gaze that looked gentle.

From another person's point of view, Yori's appearance looking out of the window looks beautiful like a painting. But unfortunately, since school hours were over, there weren't many people at school and there were only a few students and teachers who had something to do with extracurricular activities. Many of them were certainly busy in their respective clubs and no one saw the scene of Yori perched on the window.

Since his class was on the second floor, Yori could observe a good view from there.

For example putting aside the view of his school facilities that he had seen many times, this time he narrowed his eyes slightly and his cheeky ears could hear the conversation of two people who were about 10 meters away from him.

The first was a black-haired male student with glasses and an ordinary face. At first glance, the boy looked like a boring nerd and from his school uniform he seemed to be a second year student.

Standing opposite to him, was a shoulder-length brown-haired girl who looked cute. She must be one of the popular girls in school judging from her appearance and the way she displayed her cute, made-up expression.

There were many beautiful girls in this school, Yori was used to seeing beauty, and according to her the brown-haired girl scored 87 points with a beautiful face and a well-developed figure; especially in the chest area.

Yori blinked his eyes, he must have just described the girl's beauty. This was...rather important to mention to the readers. It's not like he was mesmerized or anything, okay?


He focused his ear hearing, on the two people who were talking in the schoolyard.

Right on the cherry blossom tree-lined street, the scene was like a clichéd love confession scene that usually happens in all schools in Japan.

For some reason, he was interested in eavesdropping on their conversation. But only after she eavesdropped, he was a little surprised; because instead of a confession scene, it seemed to be a complicated and cringe-worthy love soap opera scene that you usually see in those romcom novels.

"Senpai." the brown-haired girl said to the boy with glasses, it seemed like he was a first-year student from the way she addressed the other party.

"Um, Hayasaka-san? What did you call me here for?"

The boy with glasses looked confused.

The brown-haired girl wiggled her body gently as if she was trying to show off her large breasts. Holding her cell phone, she said:

"Hehe I called you because of something important!"

"Important?" The boy with glasses tilted his head.

'His face looks stupid, he definitely looks exactly like that beta school life protagonist.' Yori thought while putting on a drama-watching expression.

"Um... Senpai, I was invited to go to karaoke by students in some first and second year classes."

"So um..." The girl named Hayasaka looked agitated, she leaned forward, pressing her large breasts against the nerd's chest.

The bookworm blushed, his face looked stupid and said nervously.

"Ha-Hayasaka-san, we're still at school...what if someone sees?"

"Oh~ it's fine. I made sure earlier that it's really quiet here. Just the two of us."

'If you look to the left, and to the classroom window on the second floor. You will see a pretty boy, cough! I mean handsome...' Yori adjusted his sitting position, now he was sitting in a comfortable position while watching from the window.

He became more curious about the relationship between that two people.

And actually the appearance of the two was familiar, he felt he had seen them somewhere.

Um....anyway let's watch it first.

It seems like these two have an ambiguous relationship.

Yori's cringe sense was tingling, even though he knew he should avoid listening to the stupid thing he was about to hear. But his curiosity made him risk a mental attack.

He could only hope that the two of them weren't so cringe-worthy.

"Ugh... Okay, so what's up? If you want to invite me to go to karaoke with you. I..." The nerd clearly seemed reluctant to go to an extrovert's place like Karaoke.

But that Hayasaka didn't give up and said: "Wait! Before you refuse, you should know that there will be Tachibana-san and her boyfriend there!"

"!" Surprisingly, after hearing the name of a girl named Tachibana, the nerd reacted quite a lot.

He immediately changed his mind and said: "Okay, let's go there. But um... Are you sure you want us to go together? As what?"

Hayasaka pouted, but she immediately smiled rather flirtatiously, and changed her manner of address. "Hehe~ of course we're going there as .... friends who accidentally met on the street. Oh, but if Kirishima-kun wants to reveal our girlfriend relationship. I can..."

"No, as friends is fine." The nerd immediately waved his hand, rejecting the latter idea in favor of the former.

Personal reasons aside, he also didn't seem ready to be the object of male jealousy.

Hayasaka's expression looked relieved, but at the same time also somewhat unhappy. Even so, she smiled again.


Observing the two, Yori pouted.

What the hell?

So this is a dating stream, but you don't want others to know about it?

Besides, the nerd seemed to like the girl named Tachibana mentioned by the brown-haired girl.

But why is he dating the brown-haired girl in secret?

And you brunette, don't you mind your boyfriend thinking of other girls?

Okay, the relationship between these two young people is complicated...

Yori also wondered, why would that nerd who looks like a loser be liked by a girl named Hayasaka?

Hayasaka definitely seemed to be the popular type of girl and surely many handsome guys at school liked her. She wouldn't be surprised if the girl had received many confessions of love from male students.

But it seemed like she had rejected all those guys and chose to date a nerd named Kirishima?

Yori certainly didn't judge their relationship, everyone was free to fall in love with anyone, regardless of status differences like the combination of "popular girl" and "unpopular boy" or "ugly".

'Well... It would make sense if that boy named Kirishima was the protagonist of a romcom novel who usually has a protagonist halo to make pretty girls fall in love with him.'

'Usually this type of protagonist has a gentle and kind personality. This kindness or let's call it 'Yasashi' is what makes those pretty girls fall in love. They naturally overlook the protagonist's mediocre looks and abilities.'

Yori suddenly realized something, it was only fitting that he felt familiar with both of them. Although he still couldn't remember which novel it was from, he knew those two people must be the protagonist and heroine!

This wasn't the first time he had seen the protagonist and heroine in this world, naturally he wasn't too surprised.

It's just that .... he realized these two people seemed to have a somewhat toxic relationship.

---Uh, this must be that kind of complicated and stupid romance plot!

And sure enough, the girl said something poisonous.

"Um, it's good that Kirishima-kun agrees. I'm also actually...not ready to reveal our relationship to others. Besides, there will be a boy I like there, so..."


Yori blinked twice.

"It's okay, Hayasaka-san. I understand, after all, our relationship is only based on the "2nd most favored person" because that's why we're dating. I like Tachibana the most and you like that boy."

Excuse me?

"Thank goodness, I thought Kirishima-kun would be angry..."

Of course, as a man, you should be angry with a toxic relationship like this---

"I'm not angry..."

You're not angry? You, you're crazy!

Young man and young girl, you both have green hats on your heads!

Yori groaned, furious, feeling the urge to punch the two people in the head.

Because...there's something wrong with their heads!

"Is this the plot?" Yori asked, he asked himself.

At the same time, he also regretted eavesdropping on this poisonous plot.

He had a slight mental attack, it felt like watching the first chapter of an NTR genre novel. And if he continued reading, he would really have a mental attack with greater damage.

Forget these two people, Yori didn't want to hear about those two people in green hats anymore.


Since he was in a rather bad mood, it seemed like he needed to stop by KFC before heading home.

Packing textbooks into his bag, he actually still hadn't gone home from earlier, even though he didn't join any clubs.


Even though it was already 17:24, the sun was about to set.

Why is he still staying alone in class?

The answer is because...

[Ding! Optional Task successfully completed!]

[Task Requirement: Sit and watch out the classroom window for 30 minutes]

[Remaining task period: 3 hours]

[Current progress: 37 minutes/30 minutes]

[Task reward: 10 attribute points and 100 charm points (PS: The latter is a bonus for the host:)]

"Bonus?! No, no, take it back, I don't want bonus charm points!"

Yori stared at the virtual screen in front of him, complaining.

He really didn't need his system's unnecessary generosity.

It's fine if you give other rewards, but charm points?

Forget it!

He already has over five hundred for those points!

Before this, he was already very beautiful, especially with the women's clothes that the damn system forced on him. And now, that system isn't satisfied, he's still making him prettier!?

Believe it or not, I'll stop wearing women's clothes. Replace beauty with good looks!

[The system never forces the host. Please don't slander the system.] The system still has some intelligence, she refuted her host.

[It's up to the host to wear women's clothing or not. But if the host doesn't wear women's clothing, the system can't go online because it doesn't match the name!]

"You're not forcing, but you're threatening me..." Yori stared at the virtual screen flatly.

"Also, what do you mean by your name? Aren't you just a system that has a sissy hobby?"

It had actually been 16 years since he had reincarnated in this world, and it was only a month ago that he had awakened his golden finger: System.

This system was just like a normal system, but unlike normal systems, his system had a fetish of making its host dress like a woman if he wanted to use it.

At first, Yori rejected this system; because this world was peaceful, although he realized there were people from anime characters or novels he had read. It didn't bother him, as this was still a peaceful slice of life type world.

But he changed his mind after finding out this peaceful world wouldn't be peaceful again anytime soon. He found this out after seeing the [Main Task] of the system that offered him a huge reward and at the same time the requirements of the task also made him unable to refuse.

Because if he refused, he might have a hard time surviving after this world changed!

Precisely because...

[Main Task - Supernatural Awakening Preparation]

[Task Requirement: Increase the host's combat power as much as possible before the supernatural awakening day begins using attribute points from the system]

[Remaining period of the task: 24 days (Before the supernatural awakening day begins)]

[Task Reward: ??? (The higher the total CP, the better the reward)]

[Current progress: Host has a total CP of 545 points]

[Description: To gain a good foothold after the supernatural awakening begins. The stronger the host, the better; because when that happens, the world will become very dangerous. (A little hint: There will be many zombies and other troublesome supernatural creatures)]

Recalling the main tasks and spoilers of what will happen in the near future. Yori naturally had a sense of urgency, he panicked, and hurriedly increased his combat power by completing every task of the system!

That's why, even for today's task, he was willing to still not come home from school just to sit in the classroom alone for half an hour to complete the system task.

He even had to watch the poisonous scene beforehand, even though it was his own initiative, but he still blamed the system for it.

After all if it wasn't for him having to sit here, he wouldn't have to be so bored to watch Hayasaka and err....who is that nerd?

Kirishi Kishima... He's already forgotten his name.

Yori had trouble remembering men's names, or rather he was just lazy.

[Report. The official name of the system is the women's clothing boss system.]

"Oh. I'm not surprised."

Of course.

After he dressed up as he is now, in a girl's school uniform, even though he is a boy, but looks like a real girl hiding a dragon inside his underwear.

The system even used its power, to turn all of his information in this world into a woman.

And unless he showed his dragon or his little brother, others would never suspect that he was a boy and could only think of him as a pretty girl!

With his amount of charm points, he was even the number one beauty in his school now!

So he really wasn't surprised or felt strange about his abnormal system name.

Yori wanted to complain, asking for his system to be swapped with a normal system.


Hey~ a beggar can't ask for more. He can only accept rather than nothing.

Besides, he also needed strength before the doomsday or supernatural resurrection or whatever started.

The stronger she was, the better for survival.

After he had died once from being hit by a truck in his first life. In this second life, he certainly didn't want to die so soon!

After finishing packing his things, and picking up his bag. Yori was about to walk out of the classroom, but just then the classroom door opened.


A blonde-haired girl opened the door as if breaking the door.

"Yori! You're still not home? Did you wait for me on purpose? I'm touched!"


Yori wanted to say that the other party misunderstood, but saw the girl walking towards him and hugged him.

He closed her mouth, enjoying the softness and fragrance of the girl's body.

Complaint? Okay, he was just complaining in his heart...

[This girl... Do you know how soft and fragrant, you are? Obviously you know I'm actually a man, but you still want to press your body against me!]

[And damn, why does a high school girl have such a good figure? It has nothing to do with the fact that she's one of the heroine in this world, right?]

[Oh, sure. Stop deceiving yourself Yori. Even that brown-haired girl named Hayasaka. The girl in the green hat, she has huge breasts that don't match her age.]

"Hmm?" The blonde girl stopped hugging her and held his shoulders with both hands.

Her eyes looked at him in confusion.

"Yori, what are you saying?"

Now it was Yori's turn to stare at her in confusion.

"What did I say? I didn't say anything. You hugged me before I said anything."

DogLickerGods DogLickerGods

Creation is actually quite easy, I just need motivation and ideas to do it. I would appreciate it if you guys support me by making reviews, throwing power stones or joining my pâtreon.

You can get the latest chapters faster on my pâtreon and access other novels I've created.


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