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80% HP With Chat System / Chapter 9: Flashback Mania

Chương 9: Flashback Mania

In just a matter of days, Malach would celebrate his eleventh birthday, marking the highly anticipated arrival of his acceptance letter to Hogwarts. The excitement of attending the prestigious school stirred within him, but beneath it, a hint of sorrow lurked. It would be the first time he'd be separated from his family, a departure from his usual companionship with his mother. Apart from mandatory social functions and Ministry-organized events, he had seldom ventured far from her side.

Yet, a significant journey awaited him – a year at Hogwarts. Moreover, the looming Gringotts inheritance, a tradition passed down from his mother's own time at Hogwarts, added a layer of excitement. One aspect of this upcoming adventure thrilled Malach immensely: acquiring his wand, fashioned from a basilisk horn, reminiscent of his ancestor's.

Malach believed that the potency of his bloodline made such a wand crucial. He anticipated that the Gringotts inheritance test would confirm this belief, although he kept no secrets from his mother. He had even bonded with a pet basilisk, mirroring the path of his ancestor.

His mother's initial surprise upon learning about his bonded pet basilisk and his Parseltongue ability had swiftly transformed into unwavering trust and support. The similarities between Malach and his ancestor extended to their approach to magic. They both delved into both light and dark aspects of magic, but Malach firmly resolved to steer clear of the dark path followed by Voldemort. His quest for knowledge encompassed all facets of magic, yet he harbored no intention of delving into the dark arts as Voldemort had.

Speaking of Voldemort, there had been a curious absence of news about him in recent times. The headlines were now dominated solely by the Potter family, much to the chagrin of Malach's teacher, Severus Snape, who held a deep-seated fascination with Lily Potter.

Several summers spent under Snape's tutelage had borne fruit, significantly elevating Malach's talents. He had advanced to the level of second-year spells in Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Transfiguration, too, had seen considerable progress, thanks to his mother's dedicated lessons.

For instance, he had already mastered all the first-year spells, including Lumos, a spell that he found to be far more intricate than its portrayal in popular media. Lumos wasn't merely about creating a simple light at the tip of one's wand; it held nuances and creative potential that deeply piqued his interest.

But for now, let us revisit the moment when he first experimented with Lumos under his mother's guidance.


Within Slytherin Manor

[Malach Slytherin's Perspective]

Today marked the beginning of my practical lessons with my mother. Instead of confining myself to the realm of theory, I was finally poised to apply the spells I had diligently studied in practical settings. As a young wizard, the prospect of wielding magic for the first time filled me with exhilaration. The very idea of casting spells capable of reshaping reality, for better or worse, was profoundly enchanting.

Descending the grand staircase and traversing the opulent hallways of Slytherin Manor, I exchanged pleasantries with the working maids I passed. My destination was the training room, where my mother awaited my arrival. You might wonder how I intended to practice spells without an official wand. The answer was quite straightforward: our family had ancient wands, tailor-made to be compatible with our bloodline. Although they might not establish the profound connection that personalized wands did, they served their purpose perfectly for training. Generations of Slytherins had followed this tradition without encountering any issues.

Anticipation swirled in my mind as I contemplated the challenges that lay ahead. Thoughts of the future, potential friendships, and perhaps even rivalries danced through my thoughts. However, at that moment, these considerations played a secondary role to the sheer excitement of embarking on my magical journey in earnest.

Standing before the training room door, I was aware of the tumultuous thoughts churning within me. Setting them aside, I pushed the door open and stepped into the room where my true magical odyssey in this world would commence.

As the years passed, Malach dedicated himself to the exploration of magic, continually enhancing his abilities. He had evolved from sporadically triggering bursts of uncontrolled magic to the focused manipulation and levitation of lightweight objects through simple commands.

Throughout the year, Malach had honed his control over these lightweight objects, extending their range and making the manipulation even more effortless. Additionally, he had delved into the study of alchemy, an endeavor initiated earlier than planned, thanks to Snape's recommendation to his mother. While he found immense enjoyment in mastering the fundamentals and diving deep into potion-making theory, his primary focus remained on unraveling the intricate intricacies of magic theory.

One particular challenge had preoccupied his thoughts: wandless magic. The elusive concept had remained just out of reach, a tantalizing puzzle that he yearned to solve.

Malach had come to understand why most wizards relied so heavily on wands. Wands acted as conduits that facilitated control, but this dependence often hindered the development of true wandless magic. Malach, however, was resolute in his determination to master the full extent of his magical prowess. He believed that achieving mastery over wandless magic could very well take the entirety of his time at Hogwarts.

His decision to attend Hogwarts over other wizarding schools had been a matter of practicality. It was the closest school, offering the best opportunities to seek answers, and perhaps even to acquire a basilisk companion.

His current status read as follows:

Host: Malach Slytherin

Age: 11 years old (Months not counted)

Birthday: January 4th

Identity: The True Heir Of Slytherin (Tom isn't the true heir)

Bloodline: Slytherin (Unlocked After Opening Novice Pack)

Magic Level: 5.1

Magic Items: None

Charms Talent: 5 (Troll)

Transfiguration Talents: 4 (Troll)

Divination Talent: 5 (Troll)

Black Magic Talent: 6 (Troll)

Potion Talent: 6.2 (Troll)

Ancient Rune Talent: 5 (Troll)

Defense Against The Dark Arts Talent: 5 (Troll)

Bloodline Talent: Parseltongue (Locked Currently)

Patronus: Basilisk (Locked)

Magical Pet: Basilisk (Locked)

Spells: No spells as of yet

Chat Function (Locked)

Malach found satisfaction in his current status and the hard work he had invested. The increase in his potion talent signaled the completion of one of the system's tasks. He eagerly anticipated his mother arranging for an Occlumency teacher, a request he had made to safeguard his mind and memories against unauthorized intrusion.

Reflecting on the manipulative tendencies of figures like Dumbledore in the wizarding world he hailed from, Malach had no intention of involving himself in the boy's adventures unless they aligned with his own goals. This alternate universe offered a different path for Harry Potter, one that Malach had no intention of following.

As he continued his magical exploration, Malach had developed three forms of magical application: push, pull, and float. By combining these three fundamental forces, he could perform a variety of feats limited only by his creativity. Nevertheless, his abilities had certain constraints. His range extended only up to five meters, and the speed of his magical effects was restricted.

Malach believed that increasing his magic level would extend his range. He continued to refine his wandless magic skills, determined to unlock its full potential. The magic he applied to an object depended on his intent, whether it was to push, pull, or float, and he had trained himself to execute these commands without the need for hand gestures.

Unlearning the instinct to use hand gestures took time, but through rigorous practice, Malach achieved a level of control that was almost indistinguishable from using gestures. He had become adept at performing actions simply by concentrating and visualizing the desired outcome.

Malach's non-magical education had also made significant progress. His proficiency in the piano was notable, and he had honed his formal dancing skills to the point where he felt confident performing in front of an audience. Calligraphy, a recent addition to his repertoire, was still a work in progress due to his young hands, but it showed promise under the guidance of his tutor.

However, change loomed on the horizon. His magical sessions were about to intensify, with Hogwarts beckoning just around the corner.

(Flashback - Continuing from where we left off in the last chapter)

[P.O.V Malach Slytherin]

Standing at the threshold of the training room, a surge of excitement and anticipation coursed through me. With a sense of eagerness, I reached out for the doorknob, slowly turning it to open the door, stepping into the room, and closing it behind me.

Inside, my mother Veronica was busy setting up various targets and dummies. They appeared to be intended for target practice, though I couldn't be sure if they were enchanted or magically protected against the spells aimed at them. Perhaps they were meant for practicing non-lethal magic; the uncertainty only fueled my curiosity.

As I surveyed the room, I noticed that the walls differed from most of the house. Instead of the usual grandeur, they were made of chiseled stone that seemed like it had been plucked from a medieval castle and misplaced here. It was a stark contrast to the style of every other room in the house.

The floor layout resembled an archery range, akin to the training areas seen in movies depicting knights practicing their skills. It had an Assassin's Creed-like vibe, with various sections for different training purposes. In the center, there was a circular area, likely used for dueling or other magical exercises. What intrigued me the most was the room's apparent charm that made it seem larger on the inside than it appeared from the outside.

My mother turned to me, having finished setting up everything for today's practical magic session. "Hey, you seem thrilled today."

I couldn't contain my excitement. "Yeah, I'm super excited to finally do some actual magic rather than just reading about it and watching you and Holly perform it every day."

Veronica's expression, however, took a serious turn, her gaze intense. "Huh, so you're not satisfied with the opportunity you've been given? It sounds like you're being rather ungrateful for being allowed to delve into magic at such an early age. Most wizards your age wouldn't even dream of this."

Her words caught me off guard. My mother had always doted on me, and this unexpected admonishment made me realize that I might have become a bit spoiled. Gathering my thoughts, I closed my eyes briefly, reopening them with a more serious expression. "Thank you, Mom. I needed that reality check. I got carried away with being spoiled."

Veronica's stern look softened, and she pulled me into a hug. "Aw, no worries, honey. I'm here to help you grow and learn."

Turning around, she said, "Well then, let's get started. What are you waiting for?"

I made my way to the side of the dummies, where practice wands were neatly arranged. Picking one up, I walked into the circle, positioning myself opposite my mother and eagerly awaiting her instruction.

My mom turned toward me. "The first spell we're going to focus on is one of the basics: Lumos. Now, Malach, tell me what kind of spell it is and how you'd use it in a situation."

I replied while maintaining eye contact with her. "Lumos is a simple spell that illuminates the tip of your wand. It's typically used in dark or poorly lit areas or at night."

Veronica nodded in approval but posed a more challenging question. "You say it's simple, but why do most people struggle with it?"

"Because they either can't visualize it properly or lose concentration, causing them to inadvertently light up the entire wand," I explained. "So, while it may be simple, it's not without its challenges and risks."

"Very well put, sweety. Now, let's move on to trying Lumos. Remember to visualize the spell clearly in your mind before you cast it with your wand. Go ahead and give it a try."

I took out my practice wand, closed my eyes for a moment, picturing a glowing light at the wand's tip in my mind. Then, I cast the spell confidently, saying, "Lumos!" A beam of light emanated from the wand's tip, casting a soft glow in the room.

I had successfully cast my first spell in the wizarding world. Overjoyed with my achievement, I couldn't help but smile, feeling a rush of warmth.

[Ding Detected: Host has learned his first spell and has activated the Spell Mastery function.]

[Ding Lumos Spell Mastery 40%]

The notification from the system brought me back to reality. I wondered what this new function entailed and how it could aid me, but I decided to explore it later when I had some privacy.

Turning my attention back to my mother, I saw her smiling proudly at me. "Mom, I've taken my first step towards mastering magic and spells. I can't wait to learn even more!"

Veronica gazed at me with affection. "It's quite unusual for a wizard to succeed on their first try like you did. But perhaps that just goes to show how talented my little boy is. We'll continue with your training, but always remember not to become overconfident or proud, no matter your future achievements."

"I understand, Mom. I won't let my guard down around anyone except you," I assured her.

"Good. Let's go have supper and eat together. You must be starving after using your magic for the first time," she said.

As I realized how draining casting the spell had been, I agreed. "Yes, Mother, I am feeling a bit hungry after my first use of magic. Will it always be like this?"

Veronica explained, "No, right now, your magic is in a sort of gaseous state. Using it in this state is more exhausting than when it's solidified into a core, which typically happens around the age of eleven. But we'll cover more about that as you grow, dear."

"Understood, Mother. Let's go have dinner. What's on the menu tonight?" I asked.

She smiled and began telling me about our dinner plans.

(End of Flashback)

My first magical lesson had left me exhilarated, filled with newfound energy and determination for my magical journey. I was ready to achieve greatness in this enchanting world, and the system that had become an integral part of my life was sure to aid me in my endeavors.

In the years that followed, the system continued to evolve, categorizing its functions into Talent, Spells, Items, Quests, and Status. This user-friendly interface, reminiscent of video game menus, made accessing information and abilities a breeze, reminding me of my previous world.

Now, let's embark on a new adventure as I recount an intriguing quest I undertook with none other than Professor Severus Snape himself.


On that fateful day, Professor Snape was scheduled to visit Slytherin Manor. His mission: to teach me the art of "brewing glory" and conquering death, as his infamous first-year speech had suggested. I wondered if he would recite the same speech to me, given my impressive talent level of 6. Thoughts about Harry Potter's family crossed my mind, but we were not particularly close to the Potters, so I was often left in the dark about their affairs.

My contemplations were interrupted by the sound of my mother's voice downstairs, welcoming our guest. Eager to meet my new tutor, I hurried downstairs.

As I descended the staircase, I was taken aback by the sight before me. It was Snape, not wearing his usual brooding expression but instead sporting a rare smile. He was engaged in conversation with my mother, and their interaction held an intriguing air. However, I decided against probing into my mother's personal affairs.

Upon noticing my presence, my mother introduced me to Snape.

"Malach, this is Severus Snape, an old classmate of mine and a dear friend of our house. Severus, meet my son, Malach Slytherin."

I observed Snape closely, noting his tall, lean frame and distinctive features that bore an uncanny resemblance to the actor Alan Rickman. His once greasy hair appeared more controlled.

I greeted Snape with enthusiasm, "Professor Snape, I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to learn from the renowned potions master."

My mother interjected, "Malach, please introduce yourself properly."

Ignoring her advice, I confidently declared, "Of course, Professor. I intend to become the greatest wizard of all time, surpassing even Dumbledore and any dark lord in history."

Snape arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my determination. He questioned my resolve, "Do you truly mean what you say, or are you just another insufferable brat with empty words? Have you set a clear goal for yourself?"

Maintaining eye contact, I responded with a smirk, "I don't speak empty words, Professor. Quiz me on any topic a first-year Hogwarts student should know; that's the extent of my current studies."

Snape proceeded to test my knowledge, starting with, "What happens when you add powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

I answered confidently, "Asphodel and wormwood create the Draught of Living Death, a powerful sleeping potion."

The questions continued, and I responded with ease, showcasing my knowledge. Snape's inquiries eventually led to, "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

Realizing the similarity to Harry Potter's experience, I couldn't help but inquire, "Why are you asking me this? I thought we agreed to stick to first-year topics."

Snape smiled and remarked, "It seems you're different from the dunderheads I usually teach. Perhaps there's hope for you to become a potions master and achieve your goals."

With a confident smile, I replied, "Of course, Professor."

And that's how I met Severus Snape.

End of Flashback

My apologies for the delay in updates. I've been unwell, but I plan to return to a regular posting schedule, with updates at least three times a week. Thank you for your patience and continued support.

EyeOfSilver EyeOfSilver

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Don't forget to visit my Pat. Reon If you wanna be ahead by 30+ chapters! as we are already at Hogwarts on Their!


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