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65.88% HP: The Demon King System / Chapter 56: 56. The Obedient Three-Headed Dog, Miss Hermione’s Massage Service

Chương 56: 56. The Obedient Three-Headed Dog, Miss Hermione’s Massage Service

"What...what the hell is going on?"

The trio felt their legs go weak as they looked at the enormous three-headed dog.

Why are there such ferocious monsters in the school?

Harry seemed to have thought of something for his escape route but lost his voice: "This is the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor?!"

Wayne nodded and said, "Yes, what the hell did you do? Everyone's noses are bruised and their faces are swollen."

Ronald swallowed and whispered, "Wayne, can you go out and talk about it? This dog behind you..."

"Filch is still wandering around outside, let's talk here," Wayne said as he reached out and rubbed the dog's head. The three-headed dog obediently lay down, making it easier for Wayne.

"Look, Fluffy is very obedient."

Hearing his praise, the three-headed dog purred, and the fear in Harry's and the others' hearts dissipated a little.

Thinking of Filch outside, Harry complained, "Forget it, Malfoy and I made an appointment for a midnight duel, and just as we were fighting, Filch showed up. What bad luck."

Wayne was a little surprised and said, "Malfoy went there? No, I mean, you dueled with Malfoy?" The situation had changed significantly.

Hermione hadn't acted with them, Malfoy didn't cheat and had a genuine fight with Harry.

From the looks of it, it wasn't a physical fight.

He didn't seem to have done much to interfere, but why were things becoming increasingly strange?

All was revealed, and Harry didn't hold back, telling the whole story.

Neville was deeply moved when he heard that this conflict was caused by his memory ball.

"Wayne, why are you here and why is there a dog..."

Wayne got straight to the point and said, "I learned a few new spells, so I came to try them out on Fluffy, and the outcomes have been pretty good." The dog shuddered.

Not only were they good, but if they continued, Fluffy's head would be blown to pieces.

It was exactly what Wayne had said.

This time, he came here to find a Fluffy to test the effect and strength improvement of the lottery he had just won.

At first, Wayne seemed to have the advantage, but it was only on the surface.

He caused only superficial injuries to Fluffy at best.

This time, to allow the three-headed dog to fulfill its function, he even used the Traceless Stretching Spell to temporarily expand the corridor space.

When Fluffy saw his enemy, he angrily rushed forward.

Then he was beaten by Wayne and ran away holding his head.

With the improvement of magic power, the improvement of spell level, and the assistance of dynamic sense, Wayne had become significantly stronger in just two weeks. He didn't use black magic at all; he simply blessed himself with the Shield of Aegis, so the three-headed dog had no connection to him.

The power of various attack spells is significantly greater. Even ordinary flocks of birds can cause damage to the three-headed dog.

After achieving his goal, Wayne was generous. He showed no intention of sneaking into the trap door and instead fed the three-headed dog some Motla rat jerky.

With his activated magical animal affinity talent, the three-headed dog quickly transformed into a pug.

He said it so effortlessly that Harry and the others were nearly frightened.

Do you need such a terrifying monster to test the magic spell?

The three of them are all fools. They have no idea how powerful the three-headed dog is, but simply by its ferocious appearance and size, they know better than to mess with it.

Ronald laughed awkwardly. "You're truly carefree."

"What's that?" Harry asked curiously after discovering the trap door hidden under the three-headed dog.

"Roar!" The three-headed dog growled warily, and Wayne reassured him, "Okay, we won't go in. They're just curious."

After saying that, he looked at Harry again. "I don't know what's inside, but Fluffy's mission is to guard this thing. If you ask him again, he'll treat you as an intruder."

Harry shook his head vigorously. "Forget I asked."

Despite his words, Harry's curiosity only grew stronger, and even Ronald and Neville gave the trap door secret glances.

Wayne secretly shook his head. These Gryffindor kids are so curious.

He took out a map and saw that Filch's marker had moved to the sixth floor.

"Filch isn't around. I have to leave. Where are you all?"

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. "We're heading back too. Hopefully, the Fat Lady is back from her walk."

"Thanks for today, Wayne."

"No problem."

After expressing gratitude once more, Harry and the others tip-toed upstairs. At the same time, they scolded themselves for their stupidity in forgetting to bring a map on their nighttime adventure.

Wayne turned around and removed the Traceless Stretching Spell, bid farewell to Fluffy, and left.

The school auditorium appeared particularly deserted on Saturday.

Some people had gone to Hogsmeade early, while others were still asleep.

Wayne met up with Hermione and Cho at around nine o'clock and went to the library to do homework together.

Of course, Hermione and Cho did their homework while Wayne read.

Mrs. Pince only glanced at them and then ignored them.

After writing for a while, Cho grew bored. She wasn't a top student like Hermione, and her interest in learning was average.

The girl tugged on Wayne's sleeve and asked softly, "How is Fox doing lately? I haven't seen in several days."Wayne put down the "Advanced Potion Making" book in his hand and seemed a bit strange. 

"It should be fine, right? Let's not talk about you, I haven't seen him in a long time either."

Cho rolled her eyes and replied, "That's a phoenix. If someone else has one and is offering it as a treasure, why would you be so careless?"

"Well, it's not that I don't care, it's just that I made Fox angry that day..."

"What happened?"

As the two were talking, even Hermione couldn't resist leaning in closer.

Thanks to the barrier spell, Mrs. Pince could see their gestures, but couldn't hear their voices, so she either kept one eye open or closed.

Wayne said, somewhat embarrassed, "Well... I noticed how curious everyone was about the Phoenix, so I thought I could take pictures for a fee, one galleon per photo."

"But Fox didn't agree, so he angrily ran into the Forbidden Forest and hasn't returned for the past few days."

Cho stared at him like he was a monster, and it took him a while to realize it.

"Wayne, you're obsessed with money. You can come up with any idea," Hermione said, pinching him angrily.

"This is a phoenix, not a monkey in the zoo!" she added.

"Ahem, it's not easy for me to support my family," Wayne replied, spreading his hands helplessly. "She requires a lot of herbs for every meal, and I can hardly afford it."

"That can't be like this," Cho said, after thinking for a while. "Why don't I use my share of money to buy food for Fox?"

Not to be outdone, Hermione chimed in, "My share too!"

Recently, they had sold a lot of maps, leaving them with over a hundred galleons in hand, making them relatively wealthy.

But Wayne knew this little money was Only enough to feed Fox for a few days.

Since the phoenix wasn't fully grown yet, it required a lot of energy. This week alone, Wayne had spent two hundred galleons on food expenses.

After hearing how expensive it was to raise a phoenix, both of them were stunned.

After having lunch in the Great Hall, Cho left for Quidditch team training, while Hermione and Wayne found a classroom.

Reluctantly, Hermione handed her assignment to Wayne, requesting, "Copy it quickly."

The little witch was unhappy. She never thought that one day she would be helping him do something unethical.

Wayne took it with a smile and produced a stack of parchment and a sky-blue quill.

Under Hermione's shocked gaze, the quill moved on its own, effortlessly copying her homework.

"What kind of quill is this? Why can it write my homework on its own?" Hermione asked, amazed.

Wayne leaned back comfortably in his chair and explained, "It's my latest invention, the Manuscript Cleaning Quill."

"It's used to copy homework without any trace. Even the teachers won't find any problems," he boasted.

"Really? I don't believe it," Hermione said, doubtfully examining the lines of words written by the quill and comparing them with her homework.

She realized that the pen wasn't just copying word for word; it had transformed some sentences. They looked different, but the meaning remained the same.

Professor McGonagall had left a full page of text, and the quill copied it all in just five minutes.

Hermione read through the entire article. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it was copied from her paper.

"Do you want one?" Wayne asked, pulling out an identical pen and waving it in front of Hermione's eyes.

"I don't need it," Hermione replied, raising her chin proudly. "I will never copy other people's homework."

"What about these?" Wayne magically produced a handful of quills.

"This one is a Dictation Quill. It accurately records what you say," Wayne explained. "And this one is a Grammar Correction Quill. It corrects grammatical errors in articles."

"This is a copying quill. It can be used to copy books without missing a word..."

"This is a magical quill...it can expand a hundred words to a thousand with a certain amount of water."


Hermione gulped.

Unlike the previous quills for homework, these are incredibly useful.

She wanted every single one of them so badly!

"Do you want it?" Wayne asked, his voice like a big bad wolf enticing a little white rabbit.

Hermione nodded eagerly.

Wayne's lips curled up slightly as he casually said, "Oops, my shoulders and arms are sore from practicing the spell last night... If only there was someone who could..."

Hermione gritted her teeth secretly, obediently stood up, went behind Wayne, placed her little hands on his shoulders, and began to gently massage them.

Wayne visibly relaxed.

Even though Hermione wasn't a professional, her hands didn't have much strength.

But having a cute little loli massage you was mentally soothing enough.

"Is this okay?"

"How much longer? This is taking forever."

"My hands are getting sore."

"Hang on, it'll soon be better."

Half an hour later.

Wayne finally released the already frail Hermione and handed her one of the quills.


After receiving the item, Hermione was so furious that she bit Wayne's shoulder...

Seeing the smug expression on his face, she reluctantly let go with her little tiger teeth.

"Let's see if you dare to boss me around in the future."

"Miss Granger, you're taking revenge for my favor." Wayne rubbed his shoulders. Hermione, with her sharp teeth and sharp tongue, truly caused him a bit of pain!

"Why can't I understand what you're talking about?"

Quickly pocketing the quill, Hermione picked up her homework and skipped out of the classroom.

"I'll go put away the books, and we'll meet at the castle gate shortly!"

"There will come a time when you'll fall into my hands."

Wayne watched the little witch's retreating figure and muttered to himself.

At two o'clock sharp, the two of them arrived on time at Hagrid's hut.

To their surprise, they were not the only guests.

Harry and Ron were already there.

The injuries on their faces had not yet healed. Ron had one eye bigger than the other, while Harry had black and blue eye sockets, along with wounds at the corners of his mouth.

Hermione had been preoccupied with maps and homework recently, completely forgetting about Harry's duel with Malfoy.

Upon seeing their bruises and swollen faces, she thought for a moment and angrily exclaimed, "You went and dueled Malfoy!"

"How many points will Gryffindor lose if you get caught? Professor McGonagall will be furious!"

The more Hermione spoke, the angrier she became. Ron couldn't help but mutter:

"Isn't it true that he didn't get caught? Besides, Malfoy has gone and we didn't go. We still don't know how he will laugh at Gryffindor by then."

He was quite loyal and didn't confess what happened to Wayne yesterday.

Hermione wanted to say something more, but Hagrid stepped in to smooth things over.

"Okay, since he hasn't been discovered, let him pass. The Malfoy family has always been very annoying. Ronald, you should know that."

"That's right." Ronald nodded in agreement.

Somehow, they always met the Malfoy family every time they went back to Diagon Alley, and his father and Malfoy Sr. often fought, and the two didn't like each other.

Just like Harry and Malfoy.

After Hagrid's interruption, Hermione couldn't say anything.

She could only take a sip of tea.

At this time, Hagrid handed Wayne a snakeskin bag. It was bulging and much bigger than the last time.

"Wayne, look at it. Everything inside is missing. Just tell me what's missing."

Wayne was not polite and opened it directly to take a look. Most of them were animal fur, as well as several bottles of condensation.

The most valuable thing was the Acromantula's venom, and Hagrid gave him a full pint.

"That's enough, thank you Hagrid."

The half-giant scratched his head in embarrassment: "No need to be polite to me, that..."

Wayne knew what he wanted, and with a thought, he summoned the Fox.

With her appearance, the temperature in the room rose a lot. Hagrid swayed excitedly and wanted to touch it, but Fox avoided it in disgust and landed on Hermione's shoulder.

he is still angry with the owner, so don't go and talk to Wayne.

Harry and Ronald were also observing Fox.

"Is this your phoenix?" Ronald said excitedly.

"Yes, his name is Fox"

"It's really nice to watch."

Harry nodded in agreement.

Hermione glanced at Wayne proudly and took out two basil leaves from her pocket. They were left over from herbology class and she had kept them until now.

Fox didn't like such a small space, so he stayed for a while and then made peace with Wayne after he took out fresh food. He rubbed his cheek affectionately and left.

The whole process took less than fifteen minutes.

But this also made Hagrid quite satisfied, and he enthusiastically brought out cakes and candies to entertain everyone.

There is also the signature rock cake.

Several people invariably ignored the pies and focused on eating candies and cakes.

Although the chocolate cake is too sweet, it is much better than the tooth-breaking rock pie.

While chatting, Harry and Ronald also silently agreed not to mention what they saw and heard last night.

Hermione was too scary for the two of them. If she knew that she and others not only dueled with Malfoy but also broke into the restricted area specified by Dumbledore, they would not be able to live in peace today.

Harry nudged Wayne, who was eating rock cake with relish and felt a little numb.

"Wayne, are your teeth made of iron? Are they so hard that you can bite through them?"

While Hagrid went to heat tea, Harry looked at Wayne in shock. At this time, Wayne was holding a piece of cake and eating it deliciously.

"I used a softening charm."

Wayne said matter-of-factly: "Would you like to try it? It's quite delicious."

As he spoke, he lightly touched the pie with his hand, and the crust suddenly became much softer.

Harry: "..."

Sure enough, I am a waste.

He couldn't help but pick up a piece and taste it.

"It's really good."

"By the way, I recently invented some new gadgets, do you want to buy them?"

"What is it?" Harry became interested.

Under Hermione's murderous gaze, Wayne took out his prototype quill.

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