Ross raised brows as he ate his meal and listened to her end of the conversation which consisted of a few "ohs" and "ahas" of consent. Allie would have to come up a fast excuse for her presence here, and why she went by the name of Vicenzo. Jules relayed the message that her contact would find her at the Cassini Palace tomorrow evening. Luciano Cassini expected her as a friend of his good friends, The Count and Countess Magnini. With that, he hung up. She slowly placed the phone on the table.
"You're probably wondering about the name." Avoiding his gaze, Allie extracted her cigarettes from her purse.
"Oh, I figured that you're married and you're here to meet your husband, Signori Vicenzo." Reaching over to light her cigarette, Ross smiled thoughtfully. "Hey, it's all right with me if you want us to be just bed buddies. As long as your husband doesn't care. Is he open-minded about such things?