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15.15% Honkai Star Rail:The Assistant director / Chapter 4: A familiar situation

Chương 4: A familiar situation

Ritsuka's perspective

After my conversation with Stelle, I start to collect my belongings from my office and put them in my suitcase.

After that I close the office and start making my way to the train. Arriving at the platform I see March 7 going to get on the train with Himeko and Stelle behind her.

But before I got on the train and left I had to say goodbye to Asta and Arlan who are waiting for me on the platform, Herta is also with them to my surprise.

Ritsuka: Hello everyone. - I say this greeting the group.

The group's expressions vary, Arlan has a nervous expression, Asta has a sad expression and Herta has nothing different about her.

Asta: So you're leaving? - Asta said, hesitating a little to speak.

Ritsuka: Yes. But that doesn't mean I can't come back here. After all, if I don't do this, Herta won't leave me alone. - I say this while being stared at by herself. - You can talk to me by sending messages, so think of this as "see you later" and not "goodbye". - I finish saying this with a smile.

Asta approaches me and hands me a small telescope that is similar to the one she uses.

Asta:This is my gift to you. I don't want you to start traveling without having something to remember me by. - Asta said with a smile and I see her cheeks red.

Asta takes me by surprise when she puts her arms around my waist giving me a tight hug. When she let me go we were left with nothing to talk about, creating a strange atmosphere.

(A/N: For those curious about their height. Asta is 158cm and Ritsuka is 175cm. Ritsuka is only second in height to the adults in the verse. Except for Sampo and Gepard, they are not adults.)

Ritsuka: Ahem! Thanks for the gift, Asta. You can be sure I will use it with you in mind. And you, my companion Arlan? Do you have something to tell me? - I say this looking at Arlan wanting to move the subject to hide my shame.

Arlan:Have a good trip. And thank you for everything. - Arlan said feeling embarrassed.

Herta: Just go at once. This whole drama is making me sleepy. - Said Herta, ruining the good atmosphere.

Ritsuka: Take care of yourself too, grandma. - I say this teasing her and receive a kick on my leg in response.

With the goodbyes said, I get on the train and the moment I'm inside the locomotive the express starts to leave the station.

I get to where Stelle is and she asks a strange question.

Stelle: Is Asta your girlfriend? - Stelle asks me, giving me a sideways look.

"What kind of question is that? I just walked in." - I say this mentally, being surprised by my partner's question.

Ritsuka:No. She's not my girlfriend. We're close friends, that's all. - I answer Stelle's question by being very clear about my relationship with my co-worker.

Due to the times I had with my female servants, one could say that I ended up acquiring "experience" in noticing intentions, but I prefer not to assume that Asta has anything for me at the moment.

Stelle: Hmm...."close friends"... - Stelle mutters to herself, but I can hear it.

Ritsuka: Why this question out of nowhere? - I say that.

Stella:Nothing else. I was just curious. - Stelle responds, leaving me confused.

"Women. No matter where I am they will always be a mystery." - I think that shaking my head.

At that moment I feel a presence behind me and I see that it is a humanoid rabbit dressed as a conductor. His name is Pom-Pom and he welcomed us to the astral express.

He also said that Stelle and I aren't the only special people here and that everyone has their secrets. I asked Pom-Pom about where I leave my things and he takes me to where my new room is.

Pom-Pom: This is where you will be accommodated for the rest of your trip. You can start organizing your things. - Pom-Pom informs me, leaving me alone in my new room.

I pack all my things in the room and sit at the table and start writing down the things that happened in my diary. I bought a diary in the first days of my arrival in this new world, I did it to record the time I'm spending and organize my thoughts.

Some minutes later

When I'm done I decide to leave my room and go back to the main platform and see Stelle, March 7 and Pom-Pom talking.

March 7:Ah! Hi Ritsuka. How is the astral express feeling? - March asks me.

Ritsuka:A great experience. What were you talking about? - I say that.

Pom-Pom: I was telling the two ladies that the express is about to take off in a few minutes and for them to get ready to go to the appropriate seats. Meanwhile, Miss March 7, insists on staying standing and not falling, something that has already happened several times. - Pom-Pom informing me of the situation.

March 7: I'm sure that this time I'll be able to win the challenge! - Said March 7 being determined.

Pom-Pom: There has never been such a challenge, this is all in your head to begin with. - Pom-Pom said.

"So the train actually has the same way of traveling as the special galaxy warships." - I say this mentally remembering an old movie I watched in the past.

With that, March stands waiting for the train to start and I sit next to Stelle.

Ritsuka:A space jump.....will it be like using Papper moon? - I say this talking to myself.

Stella:Pepper moon? - Stelle asks, being curious.

Ritsuka: A device that my friends from my home world used to travel between worlds. However, the way we used it is probably very different from what express uses. - I say that to Stella.

Stelle:And what worlds have you visited? - Stelle asks me and I have a neutral expression.

Ritsuka: That's a long story that we don't have time for me to tell. - I say this avoiding the question and not wanting to answer about the Lostbelts.

Stelle has a confused expression, not understanding why I ended the conversation and Pom-Pom's voice is heard on the intercom.

Pom-Pom: Hello? Hello? Is everyone heard? Yup! Attention passengers! The express is about to make the jump. Everyone get ready for the countdown. 1.2.3... - Pom-Pom said.

With that the astral express begins the space jump and I have to admit the feeling is very similar to what I felt when the Pepper moon was used to do the "zero sail".

When the jump ended, looking out the window you could see our stop and it was a planet covered in snow and water.

While Stelle and I are observing the new planet, Himeko is surprised to see it through the window.

Himeko: After many millennia is this the state Jarilo-VI has become? - Himeko comments.

Ritsuka: I'd say that's our stop, wouldn't you? - I ask Himeko.

Himeko:That's what it looks like. This trailblazing isn't going to be easy.

With that, several things were informed to me. Firstly Jarilo-VI is not our real stop, we only stopped here due to space interference caused by a stellaron, secondly it seems that this planet was not covered in ice and the suspect for this to have happened is obviously a stellaron.

Knowing all this, Himeko gave the following mission to me, Stelle, March and Dan Hang: Enter the planet and decide to find out where the anomaly is and deal with it so we can continue our journey. Obviously I know very well that this isn't going to be so simple, after all, no adventure I've ever participated in hasn't been easy and I'm sure this one won't be any different.

Knowing that the place will be very cold, I decide to use my arctic mystical code to have more resistance to the cold.

Time Skip!

With everyone ready, we landed on the ice planet and started walking through the snow.

Dan Hang: Jarilo-VI..we're here. - Dan Hang said.

March 7: This place really is a giant snowball. - March 7 comments being surprised to see so much snow.

Ritsuka: It was to be expected that the first thing we would see would be snow. - I say this with my arms crossed.

March 7: Hey, Ritsuka. What kind of clothes are you wearing? It's quite different from his assistant director outfit we saw on the space station. - March 7 curious question and I see that Stelle is also curious to know.

Ritsuka:This is a special outfit that a friend of mine made for cold places like this, as well as having some skills that can help us. - I say this to the group.

Dan Hang: Interesting. - Dan Hang comments.

March 7:How cool! So it's a super suit? - March 7 said excitedly.

Ritsuka: I wouldn't say it's "super", but magical. - I say that.

Stella: Magical? - Stelle comments, tilting her head to the side.

Ritsuka: It's a long story. Dan Hang, do you know what our destination is? - I ask him, changing the subject.

Dan Hang:According to the coordinates, our destination should be straight ahead. - Dan Hang said.

We move forward in the snowstorm until we see something strange near us.

March 7: Huh? What is that? - Said March 7 pointing to something that doesn't look like snow.

Ritsuka: It's a person hiding. - I immediately answer.

Stella: How do you know? - Stella said.

Ritsuka: I know people who are pros at hiding and what he's doing is very easy to find out. - I say this remembering the ninjas from Chaldea, Kotarou, Danzo and Chiyome.

We approach the person who is hiding and March 7 tries to talk to the person, but without success, so Dan Hang decides to take the person out of hiding by force.

???: My dear companion, was this really necessary? Is even blending into the snow a crime these days? Surely it didn't need one thrown in? - Said the guy, saying the last part in an irritated tone.

Ritsuka: Why were you hiding in the first place? Is someone chasing you? - I say this by asking the man.

???:Hmm? Why are you asking this question? Aren't you silvermane guards? - Said the man, looking surprised.

Ritsuka: If we were the guards you're talking about, we certainly wouldn't be having a conversation with you. - I say this, keeping my arms crossed and I notice the man becoming relieved.

???: Why didn't you say this before? We are on the same side at the end of the day. - Said the man, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Same side?" I think about it, keeping in my memory what he just said.

Sampo: Nice to meet you. My name is Sampo Koski. - He said introducing himself with a smile.

Stella: I'm Stella. - She said, introducing herself first.

Ritsuka:My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru. - I say this by introducing myself.

Sampo: I swear I will remember your names. I never thought I would find friends in the same line of work in this frozen wasteland. Business is bad these days. But fear not, my friends, because I am! Sampo Koski doesn't like to sit still. He still has a lot of treasure to look for! Haha ha. - Sampo said and I already have an idea of ​​the style of person he is.

"He and Blackbeard are going to get along great, I'm sure....." - I think about this, hearing him talk about the guards on this planet and knowing that he's going to say unnecessary things, I decide to speed up the situation.

Ritsuka:Okay. This isn't getting us anywhere. Sampo. You're not a person who works for free, are you? - I say this going straight to the subject that immediately catches his attention.

Sampo: You have the eyes of a hawk, my friend. I may be a people person, but even I have families to feed. - Said Sampo.

Ritsuka: Then let's make a simple agreement. I give you a personal treasure of mine and in return you take us to the city. - I say this catching his curiosity.

Sampo: Hmm? And what treasure is this my companion? - Sampo asks.

Instead of answering, I show him one of the materials I use to improve my servants, the specific material is "Aurora Iron".

Sampo is immediately enchanted by the beauty of the material, after all it is something that Valkyries use in their armor.

Sampo: My goodness. A-Are you sure you're going to give this to me? - Sampo said, hesitating to accept the offer.

Ritsuka: You want treasure, don't you? I would say you would accept something different. - I say that and Sampo immediately takes the material from my hands, becoming all happy.

Sampo:I gladly accept my great friend! Hahaha I feel a beautiful future for you and me together in search of various treasures. - Said Sampo.

Ritsuka:Okay, okay. Now for your part of the deal. - I say that.

Sampo: Of course my bosom partner.I never go against agreements. Come on my friends. Follow me! - Sampo said, going ahead, guiding us.

Stelle: Are you sure giving him that treasure was a good idea? - Stelle said, speaking in a low tone.

March 7:Exactly. That treasure seemed to be too rare and valuable for you to casually give away. - Said March 7.

Ritsuka: Actually I have several treasures that I took and that are stored, me giving him this iron won't affect me at all. After all, I have more than a hundred of these. - I say this casually, taking the girls by surprise.

Dan Hang: Certainly having a warehouse of valuable things can be advantageous for people in this place. - Dan Hang said, looking from another angle.

Ritsuka:Exactly. Taking advantage of places like this is perfect for business. - I say this acting in a similar way to Topaz.

Sampo is leading us into the city until some guards recognize him and immediately go on guard. This made Sampo run away, leaving us to deal with the guards.

Ritsuka: Why am I not surprised that he did that.... - I say this letting out a sigh.

March 7: You can be sure he will suffer in my hand! - March 7 said, getting angry.

Dan Hang:Focus! We have more urgent things to worry about. - Said Dan Hang with his spear in his hand.

We started to deal with the guards until March was going to shoot ice arrows at them, but someone superior appeared and protected the men with a barrier.

The man introduced himself as Gepard and he is the captain of the guards. He told us to surrender but we didn't listen to him.

Before the situation could escalate into direct combat, one of the guards notifies Gepard about Sampo's escape.

Stelle came up with the idea for March to show them a photo of their planet as proof that we are not Sampo's accomplices. This worked out well with Gepard commenting that years ago members of the astral express visited Jarilo-VI before and that we can only be judged by the leader of the place.

(A/N: I'm sorry for my decision to skip certain things, if I put everything that happened the story will be long in a way that I don't like)

Time Skip/Belabog

Gepard takes us to the only city on the planet that is still standing, Belabog. This is the city that is not being affected by the ice storm and has an ideal climate for people to live. Apparently this was only possible thanks to the Aeon of preservation who decided to bless this place.

With the city protected humanity can survive the disaster and they are living in this isolation for many years.

"A world doomed by eternal ice... This looks very familiar to the Lostbelt in Russia." I think about this seeing the similarities between Belabog and the first Lostbelt.

Ritsuka: I hope only places that have similarities. - I say this in a low tone talking to myself.

Arriving at the local fort, Gepard takes us to the great guardian of the city Cocolia. She has just dismissed a beautiful girl named Bronya who leaves the room when we arrive.

"Bronya and Cocolia....Hmm... Why do I have a slight impression that I've already heard those names? It must be nothing. - I think about it ignoring a slight feeling of doubt in my head.

Cocolia:Welcome. Visitors beyond the eternal cold. Or rather beyond the sky, right? I am Cocolia Rand. The supreme guardian of Belabog. I would like you to talk about why you are here. - Cocolia said and I notice ice crystals on her hand.

Stelle: So you don't doubt that we came from heaven? - Stella asks.

Cocolia: Do you want me to doubt yourself? So you are not confident in your own identities? Hehe... I doubt it. Of course I don't doubt it, I can see that you are not from this world. - Cocolia said with a polite smile.

Cocolia reveals that years ago the planet had a connection with other planets, but after the legion incident and the arrival of the eternal cold, the planet lost complete connection with the worlds beyond the stars.

We reveal that we are after the stellaron that caused this entire situation on the planet and that it would be good for everyone if it were sealed. To my suspicion, Cocolia didn't give an air that she took our explanation about the stellarons seriously, but she said that she is willing to help us solve the problem that the planet is suffering.

With that resolved, Cocolia said that we can go to one of the best hotels in the place to rest and that the next day we will discuss the main problem better. Before the group left I decided to stay and discuss something with Cocolia in person.

Cocolia:Do you need something boy? - Said Cocolia.

Ritsuka:I have something to talk to you, supreme guardian. I work with someone who has already investigated Stellaron. - I say that.

Cocolia:And why do you say that? Is it something important? - Said Cocolia.

Ritsuka: It's very important. In theory Stellaron has the power to fulfill a person's desires however in some cases the desire can cause unimaginable disaster it is a source of power that we still don't have much information about and using it is very risky. In addition to obviously attracting legion members. If the eternal cold is the work of a stellaron then the sealing has to happen for this planet to return and with the stellaron out of the picture the legion will not attack. - I say this by informing Cocolia.

Cocolia: Thank you very much for the information. Your name.... - Cocolia said.

Ritsuka: Ritsuka Fujimaru. - I answer.

Cocolia: Ritsuka Fujimaru. Right. I will keep this information in mind. You can be sure that this situation will be resolved. - Cocolia said with a fake smile.

"She completely ignored my explanation." - I think about it, starting to get worried.

With that I leave the place, meeting up with the rest of the group. While I was talking to Cocolia the guys met a woman called Serval who took us to her workshop, after Stelle helped Serval repair some of her equipment we went to our hotel to rest.

March 7: Wow, what a beautiful reception! It will be comfortable beds and comfortable pillows tonight! Do you guys want to have a pillow fight? I'm sure there will be goose feathers inside. - Said March 7.

Dan Hang: Ritsuka, what did you find out from talking to Cocolia? - Dan Hang said to me.

Ritsuka:Nothing much. She just completely ignored my warning about how dangerous the stellaron is. I assume you noticed that her smile didn't reach her face. - I say this to the group.

Dan Hang:So you also noticed something suspicious. - Dan Hang comments, looking thoughtful.

March 7:What? Something suspicious? I didn't see anything wrong with her. After all, didn't she say she's going to help us look for Stellaron? - Said March 7.

Ritsuka: Are you an archer and can't tell if someone is being fake in front of you? - I say that jokingly with her.

March 7:Hey! I also noticed that something was strange, these eyes are not for decoration! - Said March 7.

Ritsuka: Really? I thought it was just to make you look pretty and cute at the same time. - I say this with a friendly smile, taking March by surprise.

March 7:W-What?! Y-You can't say those compliments with that face! - March 7 said with shame and I provoked her even more.

Ritsuka:What? I'm just being honest with my heart. I'm sorry my dear March 7, I unfortunately can't describe in words how cute you are. - I say this clearly exaggerating.

March 7: I don't know if you're praising me or mocking me. - Said March 7.

Ritsuka:Both. - I say that with a smile and I get a strange look from Stelle again.

Stelle: I think you've had enough fun for one day, partner. - Stelle said in a slight irritated tone, keeping her arms crossed.

"Hmm? What did I do? She who kept her guard open I couldn't resist!" - I think about it, getting confused as to why Stelle is angry with me.

Dan Hang:We should rest, we should save energy for tomorrow's discussion. - Dan Hang said.

Ritsuka: You guys do that. I'm going to explore the city a little. After all, there has to be someone to carry out an investigation. - I say that.

Stella: An investigation? - Stella said.

Ritsuka: Think I'm taking a "walk around" - I say that while leaving the place.

Time Skip

After leaving the hotel I decide to explore the city and it is quite busy, however there is a certain street that is blocked by two guards who are distracted by a man wanting to pass.

Wanting to pass, I decide to use my powers to make sure the guards don't notice my presence and I can pass without any problems.

"So this must be the place that is being affected by the fragmentum." I think about this by observing the signs of corruption spreading in the apartments.

HooH:Try touching the crystals...

Ritsuka:And get corrupted in the process? - I say that.

HooH: That's not going to happen. Just touch the crystal and see what will happen.

I do what the Aeon said in my mind and touch the crystal. To my shock, the crystal lost its yellow aura and began to disappear.

Ritsuka:What? Corruption was destroyed... - I say this while being surprised.

Before I could talk to HooH about this discovery I hear someone's voice behind me.

Bronya:Stay still where you are! - Bronya said, standing behind me.

"Tch. I let my guard down. Time to improvise to get out of here." I think about it, already seeing ways to escape from her.

Ritsuka: You must be the girl who was talking to the supreme guardian, Bronya, right? - I say this by standing in front of her and remaining calm.

Bronya: Exactly. My name is Bronya Rand. Commander of the Silvermane Guards. And you must be the special guests that the supreme guardian received. Why are you here? This place is dangerous and contaminated. - Bronya said.

Ritsuka: Well I think this point is no longer contaminated. - I say this pointing to the fragmentum that is slowly disappearing.

Bronya is surprised to see the crystals breaking and leaving no trace of contamination.

Bronya:What did you do? - Bronya said with a serious expression.

Ritsuka: Well I touched the crystal, I didn't get corruption to my surprise..... And the result is this. Don't even try to ask me how this happened because I don't have the slightest idea either. - I say this casually.

Bronya: Anyway I'm going to call some guards to investigate the perimeter. - Bronya said and she sees me starting to leave. - And where are you going? - Bronya asks me.

Ritsuka: Well I'm going to eat something, do you want to come along? - I say this with my hands in my pockets.

Minutes later....

Bronya ended up accepting my offer and we are now in a snack bar near the hotel.

Ritsuka: So, what's it like living as the commander of this city? I would say it is quite difficult. - I say this starting the conversation.

Bronya: You're right that the work is difficult, but I was already aware of that when the supreme guardian gave me this duty. I know how important it is to keep the city safe from the enemies outside. - Bronya said, being proud of her position.

Ritsuka: Hmm... I'm also in a similar position to you, but the difference is that attacks are very rare to happen. I'm a simple assistant director with the job of keeping the space station orderly and functional. - I say that.

Bronya:A space station? - Bronya said.

Ritsuka: It is a place where researchers and scientists come together to expand humanity's knowledge and help in its evolution. That's basically it in a nutshell. - I say this explaining to Bronya.

Bronya: It seems like an incredible job to me. - Bronya said, making me laugh.

Ritsuka: Hahaha! I'm more of a babysitter for them. Anything that happens out of order makes them think that the end of the world is about to happen. - I say that.

Bronya:But it doesn't change the fact that you like the work, does it? - Bronya said.

Ritsuka: More or less. I only accepted to pay a favor. - I say this in a disinterested tone.

There was a pleasant silence between the two of us until I broke the ice again.

Ritsuka:What happened to this planet reminds me of another world I visited where something very similar happened. - I say this catching Bronya's attention.

Bronya: So we're not the only ones going through this disaster? - Bronya asks.

Ritsuka: In a way, yes. But the differences are that the eternal cold was a natural cause rather than an enemy attack. - I say this leaving Bronya curious.

I see that she is silent and continue talking about the events of Lostbelt 1.

Ritsuka: Different from Belabog. People didn't have the blessing of an Aeon keeping a city standing, instead humans had to transform into beasts just to resist the ice. - I say this leaving Bronya in shock and I continue. - No longer human, they named the new race "Yaga" and they began to survive the eternal cold for several years. However, resources were becoming increasingly difficult to obtain and some Yagas had to leave their homes to hunt other beasts. It was an era where only the strong would survive, but there was a place where the Yagas were thriving. - I say this with a melancholic expression.

Bronya: Where was this place? - Bronya asks.

Ritsuka:The capital of the city. But that place had no idea of ​​the suffering of the other Yagas who, as time went by, were beginning to starve. Some Yagas, aware of the capital, created a rebellion to go against the leader, but the guards were strong and savage, killing everything that got in their way. - I say this mentioning Ivan's guards.

Bronya:How can the City Leader ignore the suffering of the other Yagas?! - Bronya said, becoming indignant.

Ritsuka: There are several reasons why. The first is to save resources, the second is the separation of the weak from the strong, the last reason is that the leader of the city himself is a beast like the other Yagas, but he has become such a powerful creature that he approaches something divine, It is not something anyone could go against besides the fact that he was a paranoid tyrant to all those who go against him. - I'll explain to Bronya.

Bronya: So what happened to the rebellion? They managed to change the city for the better of the Yagas?! - Bronya asks.

Ritsuka: Their world has been erased from existence. - I respond in a neutral tone.

Bronya:What?! How can this happen?! - Bronya said, being very surprised by the outcome.

Ritsuka: Among this internal conflict there was another group of people who were not Yagas, they were also fighting for the survival of their world, but the only way for the future of their world to be guaranteed is to destroy the future of others. - I respond by not saying the details of the story.

Bronya: So the Yagas' fight was completely in vain?! - Bronya said.

Ritsuka: Yes. They all died by the time the third group managed to accomplish their objective. But I have a question for you, Bronya. Even if the third group did not interfere and the rebels took over the capital. Do you really think they will be able to survive over time? Even though the capital had more food, it would eventually quickly run out of more people in need. As I said before. Unlike Belabog, they do not have the protection of an Aeon. It is the purest fight for survival. - I say this letting my words register in her head.

Ritsuka: I'm not saying what the third group did to the world was good, but that their end was inevitable from the moment the eternal cold arrived on the planet. From a cold perspective, what happened to them can be considered an act of mercy. - I respond by finishing eating and I pay for my food.

Ritsuka: Well I have to go to my hotel. It was good talking to you Bronya. - I say this as I leave, but Bronya holds my arm.

Bronya: Answer me a question. Will Belabog suffer the same fate as the Yagas? - Bronya said in a worried tone.

Ritsuka:No. Because you have a way to prevent a bad future from happening. - I answer her and I leave the cafeteria.

Returning to the hotel on the way I see Stelle rummaging through a nearby trash can, leaning her body into the can. Without saying anything or questioning why she is doing this, I simply pick her up by the waist and take her out of the trash and carry her by the shoulders back to the hotel, Stelle herself didn't react or show wanting to leave me until I left her at the hotel,her room.

The next day

After a night's rest, I leave my room and meet my friends in the hallways.

Dan Hang: It looks like there are guards at the entrance waiting for us. - Dan Hang said.

March 7:For an escort to appear to be quite intimidating. - March said, getting a little scared.

Stelle: Maybe they're not here to escort us. - Stella said.

March 7:Hey! Be optimist! You'll see, it's not a big deal. - Said March 7.

Ritsuka: Let's see the truth when we receive them. - I say this with a bad feeling.

We left the hotel and a guard told us to go to the street where we were going to meet Bronya. Arriving where Bronya my worries increase.

Bronya: I Bronya Rand. Commander of the Silvermane Guards. In the name of the Amber Lord and under orders of the supreme guardian Cocolia Rand. I hereby arrest the suspected infiltrators on charges of inciting rebellion. As an agent of the supreme guardian. I hereby temporarily withdraw your freedoms of action and speech. When you go to trial you will have the opportunity to defend yourself against the charges. Resistance will be futile. You have to come with me. - Bronya said as if she was speaking from a script.

"This is becoming very familiar..." I think about it, letting out a sigh when I see that Cocolia betrayed us.

Ritsuka: I can't say this is the first time it's happened to me. It's sad, isn't it, Bronya? We had a good conversation yesterday only for you to come here today and arrest us. - I say this in a calm tone.

Bronya: Ritsuka Fujimaru. You are the most dangerous suspect among your group. - Bronya said, making me raise my eyebrow.

Ritsuka:Me? The most dangerous? How am I if I just got here. - I say this finding her accusation funny.

Bronya: You are accused of being the leader of the rebellion with the aim of using your power and weapon to destroy our world! Answer me, Ritsuka! Were you responsible for the destruction of the world of the Yagas?! How can you do such atrocities?!- Bronya said, almost losing her composure as she revealed the accusation.

The revelation caught the rest of the group by complete surprise, no one expected this type of accusation.

March 7:What?! Destroy the world? Ritsuka is an assistant director of the space station! How could he destroy a world! Another thing, who are the Yagas?! - March said, confused.

Dan Hang: This is clearly an exaggerated accusation. For this to be possible he has to be an Emanator of Destruction, which he is not. -Said Dan Hang, not believing what he heard.

Ritsuka: It's not an exaggeration. It's the purest truth, just the Yagas part. The rebellion part is a total lie, I'm not the leader of anything. - I say this clarifying everything in a casual and calm tone.

The silence was palpable, no one expected to hear me confirming Bronya's accusations.

Bronya: Why did you do that?! What motivated you to destroy the future of innocent people?! - Bronya shouted, unable to contain herself and getting irritated at the way I was responding to everything.

Ritsuka: I can give you several reasons why I did what I did. But I can summarize everything in a few words.

To live. That's my reason.

To be continued....

Next chapter: Destroyer of Worlds.

GrandMasterBRX GrandMasterBRX

Thank you very much for your support. I didn't expect many people to like this crazy idea of ​​mine.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Việc quản lý bình luận chương

Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C4
Không đăng được. Vui lòng thử lại
  • Chất lượng bài viết
  • Tính ổn định của các bản cập nhật
  • Phát triển câu chuyện
  • Thiết kế nhân vật
  • Bối cảnh thế giới

Tổng điểm 0.0

Đánh giá được đăng thành công! Đọc thêm đánh giá
Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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