"The Crown Prince's heart galloped with unbridled glee and anticipation upon receiving the news from the royal physicians that the First Princess was with child. His soul overflowed with joy at the thought of an heir to their love, soon to be cradled in his arms.
As news of the tiny life stirring within the First Princess's womb reached the Crown Prince's ears, he found himself at a loss for words to describe his emotions. The notion of fatherhood had never truly crossed his mind, yet now, a tempest of feelings brewed within him, unlike any he had ever known before.
The slumbering First Princess stirred not, and the Crown Prince's heart brimmed with eager anticipation to share the merry tidings with her. He was certain that her joyous reaction would echo his own, and the thought of it set his soul ablaze with fervor.
Okay, I have a wedding to attend.
So, bye!