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67.18% Hentai Verse / Chapter 172: The Grail War, Shinobi-Style (Naruto/Fate) [1]

Chương 172: The Grail War, Shinobi-Style (Naruto/Fate) [1]

Summary: In this mash-up of Naruto and the Fate series, Naruto finds himself in a strange world after a new Jutsu goes wrong. Soon he encounters various Servants and turns them into his own harem of magical sluts, starting with Tamamo-no-Mae.


Naruto Uzumaki stood in a small forest clearing, far from Konoha Village, admiring his recent handiwork. A large seal spread out before him, a modified Summoning Technique that he had never quite tried before. Ordinarily, Naruto would have traveled to Mount Myoboku, as it was there he had trained his Senjutsu techniques and often usd his summoning to call upon the toads that dealt there. But right now, Naruto had a different sort of summoning in mind, as his circumstances had changed radically.

Recently, Naruto had been experimenting with means of improving his father, Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique. His most recent battle with the man from the moon, Toneri, had pushed Naruto to his limits, so he had been trying to work on mastering and then improving the powerful jutsu. Only, to the surprise of no one who knew him, Naruto had made a slight mistake and been transported to another world, one far different from his own. Attempts to return home had been unsuccessful and then, not for the first time in his life, Naruto had been caught up in a war. In this case, something called the Holy Grail War.

To be truthful, Naruto didn't fully understand the specifics of the conflict, but he had learned one important fact early on. This war wasn't fought directly between its participants, instead they used Servants to fight for them, summoned and bound through contracts. That was at least something he could work with-summoning wasn't his strongest skill, but he did have experience, and more than that, he had drive. Naruto was never one to shy away from a fight, but this was no ordinary war and its victory was central to him now, as it was tied up to his own personal goals. The only way he could get home, he had quickly learned, would be to win the war now that he had been selected to be a participant.

So that had brought him here, after a few days of frantic studying and searching for any scrap of information he could find. Now he was ready, or at least Naruto believed he was ready, which was all the same time to the hotblooded young man. Any idea, even those he hadn't thought out all the way through, were always worth at least one shot.

Channeling his chakra into a series of hand seals, Naruto augmented these methods with a summoning chant he had learned of, pouring this energy into the seal before him. The Seal began to glow, a pale blue light that slowly grew in radiance as Naruto continued, feeling a strange sensation pass through his body. As he used his own reserves of chakra, which were considerable, he felt something else being activated, as though speaking into a megaphone and feeling his words multiply in volume and intensity ten times over.

The light seemed to reach a critical mass, before suddenly dimming, blue shafts of life filling up the shadowed tree trunks nearby. Standing in the center of the seal was a young woman, or at least she looked like one. Naruto had heard of her, and only now did he say her way, feeling in that moment that their lives were suddenly connected in a way he hadn't quite experienced before.

"Tamamo-no-Mae. I am Naruto Uzumaki, and I…" He hesitated a bit, the words feeling strange in his mouth before he found the courage to say them aloud.

"I will be your Master."

It was all well and good to make contracts with spirits, as Naruto had some experience with that. His own connection to the Nine Tails had been strengthened over the years, and was the source of many of Naruto's own amazing abilities, channeled through his knowledge of Sage techniques. But telling a gorgeous young woman who'd just suddenly appeared before you for the first time that you would be her master, well Naruto had never quite felt this way about the Nine Tails.

For her part, Tamamo blushed before she responded, her eyes wide as she took in a soft, tremulous breath. Much as Naruto was still struggling to realize that his efforts had worked and he had actually summoned a Servant before him, Tamamo studied him in turn. She needed to size up this person, this young man who had summoned her in the hopes of making a contract. He was tall, much larger than the deceptively fragile looking Fox Spirit, and in his own way handsome, as mortals could sometimes be. Much as Naruto himself had felt a connection, Tamamo sensed something different about this man as well, aside from his striking blue eyes, or jauntily spiked hair and the clean, sharp lines of his face.

"Will you now, sir? You have summoned me, that much is clear. You seem...known to me, Naruto. Perhaps we have met before, in another life."

She smoothed her blue dress, cut high on the legs to display her shapely thighs and drape just below her knees, which were covered in dark blue stockings. Tamamo's breasts jiggled slightly as she took in a deep breath, feeling something indescribable yet alluring within Naruto himself, not a result of his summoning efforts but something special within his spirit. A hidden power, something that made Naruto stand out to her in a way no man she had ever met before had. It was, in a strange way, familiar to her own sense of spirit as well as her own unique nature.

"I don't know about that...although I have come from another world. But, to fight in this Grail War I need powerful Servants. I understand you are called a Caster. Can you explain that to me?"

While Naruto was mostly focused on how undeniably sexy Tamamo was, with her bright pink hair and her clever, inviting yellow eyes, she had more unusual physical attributes that were only slightly less noteworthy than her full breasts and wide, child-bearing hips below her trim, girlish waist. Namely, she had an orange tail swishing behind her legs, as well as two large ears that stuck up straight from her head, the kind of ears Naruto had seen many times before-the ears of a fox.

Or in this case, a particularly attractive and alluring fox Spirit. It seemed his particular choice in his Caster was more fitting than he had expected.

"Well, I use a kind of Magecraft called Curse arts, or more specifically a variety of them. However, you should know, benign from another world, that ultimately the power of a Servant is closely linked to the power of their Master. So the more I know about you, the better, Uzumaki-san. I do sense a power in you...can you tell me where it comes from?"

As if on cue, a familiar voice sounded in Naruto's head, the will of Kurama, the Nine-Tails making itself clear to its bearer.

Now this is what I would call a prime target. Remember, little Uzumaki as the last of your clan you have a...duty to bring back your clan, in your world or any other.

Naruto knew well enough to know that Kurama didn't care about his clan or any sense of duty at all. This was the most obvious manipulation, trying to convince Naruto that what Kurama wanted-namely to mate-was what Naruto himself wanted.

But then again, Naruto had been thinking those sorts of thoughts himself. Since he had left his world, it had been some time without being able to relieve himself. After all, he was sure Hinata wouldn't mind. They weren't officially married yet, and in the past she had shown plenty of interest in the various…potential his Sexy no Jutsu and other techniques held.

"Well, actually, my power comes from two sources. My own trained shinobi skills, focusing on martial arts and using my own chakra, but also my physical bond with a nine tailed Fox Spirit, called Kurama. Kind of like you, only bigger, much bigger, and obviously with more tails. You can tell by the name." Naruto scratched the back of his neck, feeling a bit sheepish. How was one supposed to address a spirit?

Naruto chuckled and took a few steps towards Tamamo, who seemed to gracefully accept his presence. She chuckled at his comments, while waving her tail.

"Well, sometimes I can have more than just one. It has to do with my status as a Split spirit. My power can grow, as befits my status as an aspect of Amaterasu, Goddess of the Sun." She drew herself up a little taller, and for a moment Naruto could see why she would be useful in this strange new war. Clearly she was more than just a pretty face, though she certainly was at that.

Naruto cocked an eyebrow at that, while also extending his arm for Tamamo to take. Arm in arm, they walked through the small clearing towards a forest path that led to a modest house Naruto had been staying in for the past week or so. As they walked, Tamamo mentioned more of herself to Naruto, detailing her origins as a being born from Amaterasu, and her nature as a Split Spirit from Amaterasu's original, more powerful form.

Naruto in turn, mentioned how the Nine Tails had been sealed into his body when he was a child, and how he had worked long and hard to focus their connection and to draw on the powers of the Tailed Beast to protect those he cared about. Before long they had entered the small domicile, which Naruto had done his best to decorate like his home back in Konoha, stepping through a sliding panel door into the small entry chamber.

"It seems we have certain things in common, even before you would have me be your Servant, Uzumaki-san. Who would have thought you had a Fox spirit inside you, almost like me. Given his power and the stories you have told me of his destructive anger in the past, that must make you quite the strong man indeed, a sort of alpha male. Amaterasu would approve, as she too can be quite destructive at times."

Naruto chuckled. "Well, with all the power of the sun, that doens't surprise me very much. I am certain we will make quite a pair together, and with your help, I just might win this Grail War."

Tamamo smiled deeply, twin spots of color appearing on her cheeks as she tilted her head down in modesty.

"That is high praise, Naruto. But, we will have to...make our bond stronger first. To make sure each of us is at our best, we will have to possess a deep, strong connection."

Her breasts rose and fell with each deep breath she took, and Tamamo adjusted the bright blue bow in her hair, feeling Naruto's intense gaze on her body. He seemed to see right through her, to some more primal part of her being. Given that her outward appearance was quite deceptive, Tamamo felt something between them, an almost audible connection like a sudden crackling connection. One look into Naruto's bright, kind yet passionate eyes confirmed that he clearly felt something similar.

Naruto drew closer to her, the shadow of his body falling across Tamamo's face, his larger form almost seeming to engulf her from view. Though Naruto's knowledge of Summoning and the Servant-Master relationship was still quite modest, he figured there had to be some proper words to say here, to cement their Contract and make it official. Probably archaic, old-fashioned sounding words to highlight the sanctity and formal importance of this moment.

But with the ever-mounting pressure and arousal growing between the two of them, both Tamamo and Naruto came to the same conclusion at that moment. Namely, that talking was overrated.

It was hard to tell who moved first, but in an instant the pair was on each other, bodies pressing against one another. Naruto slowly pushed Tamamo against a nearby wall, her back slamming against the firm wood hard enough to make her gasp. She had more important things on her mind, however, and was pressing her mouth against Naruto's with an almost rough enthusiasm. Naruto was quick to respond, his full lips working against Tamamo as stifled, low-voiced moans filled the air between the two. Their hands roamed over each other's bodies even as their mouths opened wider, tongues sliding forth to dance and push in a spit-swapping, lip smacking, tongue sucking makeout session.

At first, their tongues writhed against one another with an even embrace, pushing and yielding to each other in turn. As the kiss continued, Naruto began to press his body more firmly against Tamamo's, pinning her curvy yet slender form against the wall. Tamamo's cheeks hollowed out as she began to suck on Naruto's wide, flat tongue, bobbing her mouth to and fro like a good little servant while Naruto made sure to force his tongue as deep as he could go. Practically exploring Tamamo's entire mouth while she moaned happily, her eyes fluttering shut as the kiss continued. The soft moans grew in desperation as Naruto's hands began to roam over Tamamo's body, his own muscled form grinding into Tamamo's with a slow, sensual strength behind it.

Eventually, the two pulled back a bit, lips parted and taking deep, hurried breaths. Something sparkled in Tamamo's eyes as she blushed again, lifting her hands up to her robe. With one graceful, smooth motion she began to undress, revealing her enormous, perfectly round breasts. Each globe had creamy, porcelain skin, completely untouched by blemish or even the slightest imperfection and despite being larger than Tamamo's head, her breasts stood high and proud on her chest in sheer defiance of gravity. Her nipples were stiff, sticking out like tiny pink erasers with an almost throbbing firmness that spoke to her growing, obvious arousal.

Naruto likewise stripped out of his clothes, tossing them to one side as his muscles rippled with his motions. His abs looked carved out of wood, a clear set of eight perfectly sculpted abdominals that led to his tight obliques, which seemed to resemble a "V" that dipped down into his pants, as if pointing to what was just hidden out of view by his pants.

The pair fell back onto each again, and this time Tamamo pushed Naruto back, something stirring inside of her. With a jolt, Naruto's back hit the opposite wall as Tamamo glanced down for a second, as she realized what had happened. Due to the rapidly deepening bond between them, as well as her own growing power and the vast, mighty reserves of chakra Naruto had brimming inside of him, Tamamo's second tail suddenly joined the first, the bushy appendages swishing behind her narrow, waspish waist. It was a sign of her power, but in that moment, Tamamo only cared for what it spoke to between her and Naruto: namely, a passion that was mounting with each second.

Pushed against the wall, Naruto dipped his head down, actually pulling Tamamo up by the waist a bit, showing off their difference in size as well as how strong Naruto was to pluck her up like a delicate flower. His mouth fell to her perfect tits, sucking on each in turn with an almost ravenous, primal need. Tamamo gasped as his hands groped her full tits as well, Naruto's head moving from side to side almost like a metronome. Naruto made lewd, crude noises as he rubbed his face between those tits, kissing and sucking every inch of them, marveling at how they completely engulfed his head while Tamamo gently wound her fingers in the back scruff of his hair. She squealed with obvious delight as he stuffed as much of her fat tits in his mouth as he could fit, before gasping in a low hushed tone as he bit firmly but still with tenderness at her sensitive, aching nipples.

In her past time among mortals, Tamamo had been feted like a queen, having been caressed and courted with the most gentlemanly (and in times, womanly) care by emperors and other such notable people. As the descendant, of sorts, from Amaterasu herself, Tamamo's beauty was considered closest to the sun, and the respect all had given her had been without equal. But Naruto was slobbering over her tits like a horny, drunk, and Tamamo's spine tingled at how much she enjoyed this treatment. Naruto's passion was clear and not hidden by subtlety or coyness, he simply was turned on more than he had ever been in her life and wanted to make Tamamo feel as good as possible while enjoying the bounty of her heavenly body. Despite having lived for thousands of years, Tamamo couldn't remember a time when she'd felt quite like this, and she wanted Naruto to feel the same.

Eventually, after having kissed and caressed, fondled and groped his way along the perfect curvature of Tamamo's tits for what felt like the better part of fifteen minutes, Tamamo pulled back slightly, gently guiding Naruto by one hand to the low sofa nearby. As he sat, she knelt before him, hands on his thighs and gently pushing his legs apart.

"Please Naruto, my Master, let me show you what a devoted, and strong Servant I can be. Already my body has transformed for you, your power is so vast that it brings out my own hidden abilities." Tamamo swished her twin tails, brushing them lightly across Naruto's muscled chest.

"I would give all of myself to you, and ask for the same in return. Please, hold nothing back." A dark spark of lust seemed to flare in Tamamo's yellow eyes like twin flames, and she could see that look returned in Naruto's own expression. For a moment, though she qamay have imagined, Tamamo could swear she felt a low, rumbling growl, as though from the throat of an enormous, slavering fox.

"Oh, I won't." Naruto said, idly noticing Tamamo's second tail. He had bigger things to worry about soon enough, as Tamamo made a show of undoing his pants, slowly tugging them down first one hip, and then the next. Still, as much as she enjoyed playing with him this way, especially as she looked up at him through long fluttering eyelashes while wiggling her enormous bouncy tits, Tamamo was feeling nearly as eager as Naruto was. With one final pull she tugged his pants down, and then her bouncing suddenly ceased as Tamamo became very still.


With a sound like a falling tree, Naruto's cock flopped out of his pants, thick, veiny and throbbing. It was already the largest dick Tamamo had ever seen and as she watched it grew larger still, hardening before her very eyes and casting her face into shadow. Her pupils narrowed to tiny, shaking pinpricks of yellow as she stared up at Naruto's cock, seeing that his cock was nearly twice the size of the last largest man she'd ever been with. It was longer than Tamamo's forearm, and thicker besides, flexing like some obscene muscle right in her face. A drop of precome dangled from the tip of Naruto's cock, trembling for just a moment before it fell.

In a flash, Tamamo stuck her tongue out like an eager child awaiting their favorite treat. Just that one taste was enough, sending a heat rushing straight from her head down to her aching inner core, and lust threatened to overwhelm the fox spirit. In that moment, she looked up at Naruto, barely able to see past his turgid cock, and something unspoken passed between them, more powerful than words. Tamamo knew he was truly her Master, and she was his Servant now, and perhaps for always.

Now it was time to show what that meant. Springing into action, Tamamo opened her mouth wide, saliva playfully sticking to the corners of her mouth as she inhaled Naruto's cock, her cheeks hollowed out. Her head bobbed up and down, leaving traces of drool and spittle frothing up on the veiny length of his cock. His bulbous cock head pushed against the back of her throat, hitting Tamamo's little uvula and making her choke and gag. Her eyes watered while her jaw creaked from the strain, with the taste and indeed the pungent, musky scent of Naruto filling her nose and mouth, seeming to spill into her brain.

Tamamo managed to swallow about half of Naruto's cock, sliding back up to the tip as she reached her limit. Her tongue danced around his sensitive bellend, digging away at his piss-slit and tasting even more pre-come trickling out. Naruto looked down at her, feeling a side of him he'd only ever displayed a few times coming to the forefront. Usually Naruto was content to be a trickster, and while he wasn't exactly clever in the past he had used his own creativity in combat as well as his actual physical might and jutsu skills. But now, he knew the time had come to take a more direct approach. Tamamo's eyes seemed to read his expression even as she bobbed up and down on his cock, and she welcomed it. She knew exactly what to do to push him over the edge, showing another example that the pair of them were sinfully perfect for each other.

Bottoming herself out on Naruto's cock once more, Tamamo shoved nearly nine inches of hard, throbbing dick into her mouth, feeling it hit the back of her throat once more, facing resistance as she milked the veiny shaft with her lips and tongue at the same time. Her mouth was distended slightly, eyes rolling back in her head as the normally formal appearing fox spirit, often wicked to others, was now a cock-sucking slut who clearly wished to be dominated by her master.

Tamamo hefted her tits up, wrapping them around Naruto's shaft, as she began to move faster, giving the lucky young man the tifucking of a lifetime. Her skin almost burned at the touch of Naruto's weighty shaft, and her breasts smacked against his full, wrinkled balls, making Tamamo coo. Just the weight of them made her think of how potent Naruto must have been, his balls absolutely stuffed with sperm. For just a moment, she was lost in delirious thought, lust overriding all her sense as she worked her mouth for all it was worth around Naruto.

Then she felt Naruto's hands grab her by the ears, and she squeaked, his grip firm and almost harsh. Clearly she had done her job as a Servant, and now it was his time to do his duty as Master. Naruto's hips thrust forward, and he began to degrade Tamamo.

"Ah, you nasty little bitch! Grr, I'm not done with you yet, I'm gonna make you take every inch of this fucking cock."

Tamamo's tits squeezed his member more forceully, even as his cock hit the back of her throat and then with a glottal choking sound, punched past it, spearing forward. Her face grew a deeper shade of red as she felt her arousal grow from his nasty words, the fires of her lust flaring up.

"Glacch, glackk, glagg!"

Spit and drool leaked down from Tamamo's mouth onto her massive, hanging tits, the enormous jugs soon coated in her own saliva as well as slight traces of sweat. A clear bulge appeared in her neck as Naruto's cock stretched her out, and she heard his voice, the voice of her master, ringing in her ear with a new, darker timbre. She rubbed her thick thighs together even as she choked on his cock.

"You little fucking whore! That's it swallow it down, swallow it all! You may be a magic little Fox spirit, but tonight you're gonna be my little onahole!"

Naruto's eyes flashed as he shoved his cock all the way in Tamamo's skull, feeling her delicate nose press into his pelvis. Tamamo inhaled through Naruto's matted pubes, even as her eyes rolled back in shameful bliss. The lack of proper air, the constant rampaging thrusts of Naruto's dick, the way he tugged her ears, the way his words seemed to spit on her pride as a woman as he used her as a facefucking slut, it was all too much.

As Naruto moaned, his orgasm upon him, Tamamo's hands grabbed her tits, fondling and squeezing them with her delicate little fingers. The first blast of Naruto's sperm began to hit the bottom of her stomach, he was so deep in her throat, and it pushed Tamamo over the edge as well.

I'm kuh-coming! Coming from getting my facefucked by my Master's big hard fucking cock!

"Swallow it slut, swallow every drop!" Naruto commanded, his balls slapping off of Tamamo's face in a ragged drumbeat. Slowly he pulled back, his orgasm continuing as he shot the next half dozen ropes of thick tacky sperm directly into her craning mouth, filling her up. True to his commands, Tamamo gulped it down eagerly, reaching one hand up to her graceful, swanlike neck and stroking it, actually jerking Naruto off through her own body.

The lewd, joint orgasm lasted for almost a full minute, as Tamamo was able, just barely, to gulp down all of Naruto's pungent seed. Slowly she fell backwards, resting her fat ass on her ankles as Naruto sighed heavily. His cock, still hard as a rock, fell out from her mouth with an audible popping sound, making it clear just how vacuum-tight Tamamo's slick, hot mouth and throat had been wrapped around his huge cock.

Catching her breath a bit, Tamamo swooned as she realized Naruto was still hard, though at this point she would have expected no less from such a powerful, virile man. Naruto pulled her to her feet, and Tamamo giggled like a love sick school girl, her voice bubbly and full of lust as Naruto ripped away the last of her clothes revealing her plump, pale ass and her dripping wet pussy, still leaking slightly after her brain-melting orgasm.

Naruto positioned Tamamo above his penis like she was simply a toy he was going slam against another, the muscles and cords in his arms standing out as he flexed slightly. Tamamo cooed and wriggled in his grasp, not trying to get away but rather enjoying the feeling of being held in his strong arms, finding a strange delight in their size difference.

"You'd better get ready, Tamamo. I'm going to show you what it means to be my servant." Naruto's voice was a mixture of grim seriousness and barely contained lust. From the moment he'd laid eyes on Tamamo he'd been thinking about doing this, and he could only resist those feelings for so long.

Tamamo smirked at him, reminding Naruto of what he had read-that despite her beautiful appearance, the fox spirit had something of a dark side herself. Her voice was low, almost husky as she spoke to him with clear seductive intent in her eyes. Her legs wrapped around Naruto's lower back, anchoring her in place much as Tamamo intended to shackle her life to Naruto's from now on.

"Oh yes, show me Master. Pound it into me and show me who's in charge. I want you to go all out!"

Naruto simply nodded and then, with one quick wrench of his arms, slammed Tamamo down on his cock.

"Ooo-owahhh!" Tamamo let out a loud, ululating cry as Naruto's cock slammed deep into the molten heat of her dripping wet pussy. His cock hit places no one else had ever reached before, igniting sensations and feelings inside Tamamo she wasn't even aware she had-and then he just kept going. His cock tunneled further inside Tamamo than she thought possible, and as she glanced down between their rutting, sweaty bodies, flesh smacking off of flesh, she saw a clear bulge appear in her midsection. The sheer size of NAruto's cock was reshaping her, and Tamaom clung on for dear life.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Tamamo was soon simply being tugged up and down Naruto's cock, as she did her best simply to match his rhythm. In this standing position, she had nearly no leverage, no control, which made her bite her plump lower lip in arousal. His strength alone was fucking her, as Naruto cored her pussy out and dominatd her body with brute force. It was all Tamamo could do not to break straight away, feeling the pleasure threatening to crush her mind.

"Oohh gawd, I'm coming! Master I'm coming on your huge fucking cock!"

"That's right, you little slut! Get used to it, feel this big cock stretching you out! Come for me, Tamamo, come for me, come for me!"

As Naruto spoke, he thrust up into Tamamo even faster, matching the motion of his hips with the downward pulls of his arms. Tamamo's head rocked on her neck like some wobbling children's toy as she came again and again, almost as if Naruto was pulling the orgasms out of her by simply commanding, using their newly formed bond as Master and Servant to dominate her utterly not through punishment, but through blissful, mind-blanking pleasure.

Tamamo's pussy squirted as Naruto walked with her, bouncing the tiny, busty little spinner on his cock as they moved into the bedroom. Tamamo barely had any sense of where they were as Naruto laid her down on the bed, not missing a beat as he continued to fuck into her. Tamamo's nails raked down his back, trying to squeeze and hold onto his muscles for dear life as she orgasmed again and again.

The bed shook and wobbled between them, as Naruto continued fucking into her, rutting away like some mad beast. Tamamo had brought out a side of him he had never fully known was there, and his eyes flashed with an echo of the Nine Tails power and energy as his thrusts seemed ot pick up speed. Tamamo's legs came loose from around his back, no longer able to hold on as her body was blasted by the powerful, hip-crushing thrusts, and her feet shook in the air. Her tits bounced and clapped on her chest hard enough to smack her in the face as Naruto fucked her in this crude, forceful mating press position. He wrapped his arms around her waist, squeezing her taut lower back and fat ass even as he hoisted her up, nearly pulling her body into a rough "C" shape as he dominated her utterly.


Thirty minutes passed, then forty, then fifty-five, before Naruto felt his release come again. Acting fast, he used a seal on Tamamo's belly, which let up with a brief flash before disappearing. With lewd, obvious wet noises, he began to come into her deeply, and Tamamo knew her Master was coming right into her womb, feeling her cervix stretched open as that cock rearranged her baby bag into a more pleasurable receptacle for Naruto's dick and his nasty, ultra-virile spunk. His Funjutsu, powered by his own chakra reserves, would ensure that Tamamo would get pregnant, as Naruto continued to spill his seed, filling her womb up and spilling the nasty, thick jizz back into her ovaries until Tamamo's insides were practically swamped with his spunk, helpless to do anything but submit and be bred like the vixen whore she was.

Spllurt! Sllurt! Spllrch!

Oh gawwd, you're knocking me up! I can feel it Naruto, you're gonna make me pregnant! Oh shit, I'm fucking coming again!" Tamamo was beside herself, staring up at Naruto with disbelief. She felt so good it hardly felt real, and her sweat-slick body went stiff with the exertion as her body spasmed through another six, seven, ten rapid fire orgasms that left her drooling. Her head rolled back and her eyes were blank as Naruto leaned above her. He bit her neck then with warmth and tenderness but also with a tiny show of force, for just a moment his teeth becoming like a fox's fangs. Tamamo cooed at the treatment while Naruto slowly pulled out, glad her master had seen fit to mark her.

A massive creampie gushed out of Tamamo's gaping, pretty pink pussy as Naruto pulled out, while she panted below him. He looked down in admiration of his own work, cock pulsing almost with a heartbeat all its own. Tamamo's eyelids fluttered as her chest rose and fell, thinking to herself that it must have been over for the night. Her master truly was something else, and she looked forward to many more evenings spent with him. For one, impossibly happy moment, she had an image of herself in a wedding dress, ready to make the most solemn vow for this gorgeous hunk of a man who had come from-

"Neh?" Tamamo's ears perked up and her eyes suddenly opened as she felt Naruto's hands grab her by the shoulders. He pushed her over, rolling her onto her stomach and round, pillow tits as she glanced back. With shock she saw two things, her eyes gaping as she took in the implications.

First, her third tail had sprouted, and a glow suffused the normally orange and white fur, a sign of her final Ascenion, the deepest bond with her master and the height of her power. That last thing was a good thing, cause she was going to need all the power she could muster as Tamamo saw that Naruto's cock was still hard, and he was prodding it between the valley of her thick, full asscheeks, against her tiny pink asshole.

"It's not over yet, my little pet. I have to get into one last hole, to prove you are fully mine. But first.."

"Ooo-ahhh~ So strong!" Tamamo gasped as Naruto grabbed two of her tails.

With one quick motion, he stuffed them into her gaping pussy, sealing up her dripping snatch and further marking her as his bred barefoot slut.

"Ah, but Master...if you do that, if you fuck my asshole with your huge cock-I'll break! It's just too big, and I-ooh!"


Naruto cut Tamamo off with one harsh slap to her ass, setting her thick, bubble butt cheeks clapping and slapping against each other. She bit her lip as she looked back at him, worry creeping into her face yet also a hint of submissive desire. She had told Naruto not to hold back and now she was going to find out exactly what that meant.

"Oh gawd that big thick donkey dick is gonna ruin meieee!"

Before she could even finish her sentence, Naruto had decided the time for talk was over and suddenly began forcing his cock inside Tamamo's tight asshole. There was an audible stretching noise as the tight ring of her muscle protested against the massive intrusion, but like a battering ram against a flimsy wooden door, Naruto's cock forced it's way inside. Tamamo's ass was stretched wide, her warm enveloping gluteous muscles wrapped tight around Naruto's veiny cock. Inch by inch was forced inside as Tamamo lay forward, arms limp.

Tamamo's eyes rolled back in her head as her mouth opened wide, no sound emerging except for a soft croak. There was truly no going back now, as Naruto's cock slammed deep into her insides, disappearing until his balls smacked against her ass firmly.

"Oh fuck that feels so good. Your ass is practically sucking my cock!" Naruto groaned, feeling Tamamo's body slowly stretch around his bulging member.

Tamamo's mind had changed, utterly as she feel for Naruto even more deeply. The bed rocked beneath them as she suddenly jerked back, her spine stiff. Naruto pulled on her hair like the reins of a horse, practically sawing his cock in and out of her tight pink asshole. With a nasty, gushing sound, Tamamo's ass suddenly clenched tight around Naruto's cock as she came-hard. Clawing at the mattress with her fingernails, Tamamo bit a pillow as her pussy squirted, her eyes suddenly crossing as she blacked out for just a moment.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Naruto spanked her ass with sharp, fast strikes, leaving clear red handprints over her formerly pale skin. Tamamo howled at the treatment, jerking back to life in the midst of overwhelming ecstasy and teeth-rattling impacts. Her fat jiggling rump soon began bouncing off of Naruto's hips as Tamamo threw her ass back, almost reacting to his movements on sheet instinct.

Naruto leaned close, breathing heavily in her ear as his thrusts ramped up, shaking the bed and soon the entire room. At this frenzied pace, there was a sudden crack as the bed collapsed beneath the madly fucking pair. Tamamo was too fucked out of her mind to notice and Naruto wasn't going to let a little thing like ruined furniture slow him down.

In an instant, Naruto hooked his hands underneath Tamamo's knees, standing up in a smooth motion. He took a firm grip on the back of Tamamo's neck, holding her in a rough standing position, her body locked in a contorted shape like a pretzel as he continued to fuck straight up into her ass like a jackhammer.

As Tamamo's mind whirled, Naruto walked her over to a nearby mirror, holding her head straight as he continued slamming into the barely conscious fox slut, gouging into his guts.

Her eyes blinked open as Naruto growled in her ear, commanding her to "get a good look, slut!" and she meekly complied. What she saw would have shocked her only hours ago, as Tamamo stared ahead.

Two of her tails were stuffed in her pussy, and with every thrust her body jostled from the sperm lodged in her pussy. Her eyes were bloodshot and bleary, while drool trickled down her mouth, her tongue sticking out like a brainless slut. Her fat tits bounced up and down in a blur as Naruto continued to rip in and out of her ass, as Tamamo saw just how far she had fallen.

With a sick, shuddering cry she came again, pink hearts pulsing in her eyes as her body shook like she was being electrocuted. Eyes wide open still, she babbled madly, only one word escaping her lips over and over.

"Master! Master, master, master!"

As she came on his cock, Naruto thrust deep in her ass, about to jizz. With a low animalistic grunt, Naruto came deep inside Tamamo's ass, filling her up and marking her as a used, three hole slut.

"My...body!" Tamamo cried, feeling every shot of Naruto's spunk filling up her bowels, stretching her out from the sheer volume of Naruto's hot ball batter spraying into her like a firehose.

Slowly Naruto pulled out, again grabbing one of Tamamo's tails before shoving it in her asshole, for a moment. He noticed she had sprouted six additional tails, though the glow had gone out of them. However, the sheer amount of come forced the tails loose again, while Naruto just smirked.

"Looks like you're not fully broken in yet, Tamamo. I do love a challenge."

Over the next eight or so hours, Naruto held nothing back as he fucked Tamamo in every position he could imagine. Only dim flashes stood out to Tamamo's mind, a whirlwind of sex and overwhelming pleasure.

He fucked her in a piledriver position, her legs pointed backwards, feet on either side of her head as Naruto slammed into her pussy. Lewd, nasty sounds of liquid expulsion sounded as Naruto slammed down, driving out the jizz he'd nutted into her before, only to make room for more. Tamamo gasped as she lightly bit one of her ankles, stifling an orgasmic cry as the backed up jizz slopped out of her pussy and then landed on her face.

She rode Naruto in a lewd squatting position, facing away from him as she flexed her ass. Naruto smacked her ass again and yanked on her tails and made Tamamo howl. She came again and again as she took that cock deep in her ass, feeling it filling her body up as her body was fucked beyond recognition.

Eventually, Tamamo submitted fully, squirting everywhere as Naruto rubbed her clit madly, fucking into her throat. His balls slapped off her chin as she came again and again, swallowing deeply and milking that dick for all she was worth. She knew she could not keep up with Naruto, and that was ok. Whatever her master wanted to do was fine by her, forever.

Finally Naruto stood, admiring his handiwork as Tamamo lay on the floor, covered in his come and her own juices. Her tails were stuffed in her ass, pussy, and even one in her throat, leaving her stomach swollen from the liters of jizz Naruto had filled her up with.

The Nine Tails spoke to him, admitting he had done a fine job with the fox slut. Kurama acknowledged Naruto as a worthy alpha Male, though they both now realized it might be some time before Tamamo could fight in this Grail War.

Or walk again, for that matter.

"Well, I would like to go home, you know, the sooner the better." Naruto said, his breathing slow and steady in the aftermath of such a sexual frenzy.

"But…I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing if it took a little longer. Especially if there are more Servants for me to bond with like you, my dear Caster." Naruto said, chuckling again to himself.

Tamamo simply gasped on the bed, the slight trembling motions passing through her tails the only sign that she was still breathing, after having been fucked within an inch of her life. Being in a strange world and caught up in a conflict he still didn't fully understand was one thing, and quite off-putting for Naruto. But in the end, he supposed it was good to be the Master.

next chapter
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