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31.64% Hentai Verse / Chapter 81: The Deal Between Yui and Hayato [Oregairu]

Chương 81: The Deal Between Yui and Hayato [Oregairu]

Summary: Yui Yuigahama has been feeling depressed ever since Hachiman and Yukino got together, and she happens to confide in a certain someone named Hayato, one of her classmates who was very popular with the ladies that promised to steal her away from him. But first, they needed to rid themselves of ALL the competition, as Hayato sleeps with every girl closely associated with Hachiman before reaching Yukino.


At Sobu High….

Yui Yuigahama was staying much later at school in preparation for an upcoming exam, studying dutifully as her overall stresses have accumulated to the maximum including other factors in her life that have been troubling her. The reason why was relatively simple, and probably happened to loads of girls that were around her age of 18, in the final year of high school and ready to graduate. It wasn't until a completely coincidental run-in with a fellow peer of hers until things were about to change, when Yui crossed paths with Hayato Hayama walking down the empty hallways of the school.

"Hayama!~. Hiiii!~" greeted Yui, in her usual bubbly friendly manner, but her expression dropped after a mere moment, and she let out a sigh, realizing that it would be trivial to try and keep up her always joyful attitude. The reality of the situation was that none of those emotions were how she was truly feeling at this moment, and Hayato noticed that relatively quickly.

"Yui, what's up?" he responded, not thinking much of it.

"I was just trying to study for exams, and to get my mind off some things," said Yui.

"Ah, I see. You're alone? Where's Hikigaya and Yukino?" asked Hayato, figuring that the trio would always be together. It wasn't until he asked this question that he somewhat understood the source behind her supposed melancholy and heartbroken smile. If he looked closely, it almost seemed like she had just finished shedding a few tears.

"Hayato… If it's not too big a deal, could I talk to you about something personal?..." muttered Yui, having to gather the courage to propose such a request after a few seconds of contemplation, fidgeting in place almost bashfully.

"Uh, sure… What's wrong?" he asked, mildly concerned about her well-being, they weren't the closest by any means, but he did feel that Yui was exceptionally attractive, giving her the time of day.

"Let's talk somewhere else, not here…" asked Yui, tugging on his arm as she led the way, searching for a more private area to discuss her personal problems. She didn't want to bear the risk of someone eavesdropping on their conversation.


At the Service Club Room…

What better place was there to choose than the Service Club Room? It was where everything flourished, her feelings for Hachiman, and the pleasant memories that she shared along with Yukino. It felt like every day was packed with fun and excitement, even if the things they did together weren't always thrilling, they always were to Yui. These moments are what shaped her highschool experience, the drama, the laughs, the fun, everything was going to be more than missed once they left this place. It was almost symbolic in a way, her beloved Hikki andYukinon weren't present, demonstrating the distance growing between the three, the only member unable to leave and coming back was none other than Yui herself, left out of the loop when her closest friend and biggest crush started dating. It was a bittersweet moment at first, with Yui having trouble accepting the fact that Hachiman hadn't chosen her, and the fact that while she did genuinely care about Yukino as a friend, she was hurt deeply.

Even Hayato could feel the serious energy in the room change, curiously sticking around to see what Yui wanted to talk to him about this place that was sacred to her.

"Sorry about this, Hayato… I just really needed someone to confide in. I don't have anyone else to talk to right now, so I was hoping that you'd listen… But, oh!... Please keep everything I'm about to say a secret, okay?~.." said Yui, clapping her hands together almost as if to plead.

"S-Sure, go ahead." responded Hayato.

Yui then went on to explain about everything that's been troubling her, and while exams were definitely a part of her stress, it wasn't the main reason. It was clear to everyone that Yui had always felt a certain type of way about Hachiman, the shock of being rejected, the fact that they would inevitably drift away crushed her soul. Depressed was almost an understatement to describe how she believed she was feeling, telling Hayato about how Hikki and Yukinon were leaving her behind, now that they've gotten together officially. The conversation went on for a couple minutes, with Hayato mostly playing the part of listening instead of responding, slowly nodding his head in agreement once in a while.

"I think you can relate to me, right?... Since you like Yukino and everything… At least, that's what I thought…" mentioned Yui, revealing one of the reasons why she chose Hayato specifically to talk about this too.

"Hmm?... Well, I'm not too bothered about it. And, Yukino, huh?... I dunno if like is the correct word for it, I do have another girl that's really close to her in mind though. I'd be willing to break them up for you, now that I think about it. I consider us friends, Yui. Seeing you upset like this isn't fun for me, and I would like for you to be happy. I'm sure Yukino would be happy too, once she's able to have spend time with me. It'll be good for all of us, the perfect scenario. You get to be happy with Hachiman, and Yukino with me." answered Hayato, he didn't dislike Hachiman enough to leave him completely single, content with leaving Yui to him.

His answer was surprising, not necessarily what Yui had in mind, but it didn't revolt her either. There was a brief silence that fell between the two, as Yui was battling feelings of guilt, keeping her head tilted down but with a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes. She knew it was awful, and this would make her a bad person, but desperation does many things to a person.

"B-Break them up?... Um, how would you be able to do that?" curiously asked Yui, looking at him with a determined gaze, one that was refuelled with fire, thinking that the battle wasn't over.

"Well, the answer is simple, really… If I had sex with Yukino, I'm sure that she'd forget completely about him." said Hayato, and not in the jokingly manner that one would except someone to utter those very same words with.

"W-Wha?!.... Pervert…" stuttered Yui, blushing and averting her gaze, the topic of sex always making her just a tad uncomfortable. However, his brimming confidence was striking, and it only brightened that faint light of hope that she saw earlier, and after a slight pause, Yui decided to press further.

"Are you really sure that Yukinon would leave Hikki if you two-.. You know… Had sex…" muttered Yui, her voice failing her as she grew quieter the longer she spoke, face flushed in a deep shade of crimson red.

"Yes, I've had plenty of experience fucking girls from other schools. Far away too, so I wouldn't be recognized if anyone were to see us walking around together." confidently stated Hayato, while nodding his head. He avoided seeing girls in their school simply because he didn't want rumors to spread, and that's why he's kept his paws off of most of their classmates up until now.

"Oh, wow… I always thought that you were a bit of a playboy, but I didn't think to this extent…" said Yui, actually finding herself somewhat intrigued by what he was saying. It was insulting to her crush Hachiman, but it was evident that he hadn't had a shred of experience with a woman before, and Hayato was the complete opposite in this regard according to his claims.

"I guess you could call me that. It's a bit troublesome, to be honest. All of the girls that I've slept with end up being totally obsessed with me, always texting and calling me to come back and have sex with them. I'm pretty sure some of them even completely left their boyfriends, even though I've never promised them anything." boasted Hayato, but not in a cockily manner, almost as if it was natural for him.

That explanation with no words barred made Yui's already deep blush redden even more, lips quivering as she was having trouble speaking properly without interruption. In fact, she started to regard Hayato in a new light.

"Would it be easy for you to-... To convince Yukinon to have sex with you?" asked Yui, stammering on her words a bit.

"Yukino?... Well, I don't think it'd be easy. She's a tough girl to seduce, I always thought that. Mainly because she's never alone, you and Hachiman are practically glued to her sides 24/7. But, if an ideal situation presented itself, I'm sure I could do it." he said, giving Yui a brief sense of elation at this confirmation, he was almost like his knight in shining armor in a way, for a not so respected and deplorable reason.

"Really?!~... Wow, Hayato… You're something else!..." complimented Yui, pumping her fists as if to celebrate.

"I could probably use some help though, to make things easier." he mentioned.

At this point, Yui was completely desperate, grasping for straws at what to do before everything was over.

"I could help you!... Just tell me what to do, and I'll make sure that you and Yukino are alone together." offered Yui, her words escaping her mouth before her mind could process it. That's how spontaneous her answer was when truly weighing her morals and the self-satisfaction she would receive with Hachiman becoming single again.

"I would appreciate the help but, Yukino should probably wait a bit… To be honest, I have a question. What makes you think Hachiman would pick you as his rebound?" asked Hayato, bringing up a great point. Yui wasn't the only girl that revolved around Hachiman, there were plenty of others, a decent amount of competition for a man who was seen as lazy and unsociable in the beginning.

Yui wasn't expecting him to say that, and was taken back a bit, remaining quiet as he continued to speak.

"If you're doing this for the sole intention of stealing Hachiman, wouldn't it be better to first eliminate all of your competition before I go after Yukino? What would be the point in them breaking up if he goes after someone else immediately after? It could be someone else, like Saki, Iroha maybe?" he explained, as Yui nodded her head in agreement, listening attentively as the point definitely got across to her.

"I guess you're right… Okay, then… I'll help you Hayato, not to steal Yukinon yet, but we'll start with the others first!... ALL girls that are close to Hikki, would you be able to-... Seduce them?" asked Yui, hoping that this would secure her victory with her charming Hikki in the end.

Hayato didn't mind the idea of having some fun with the girls in Sobu High now that it was their final year, and that Yui would be offering her assistance. There were a ton of fine looking, attractive women that he knew. He racked his brain for a couple moments before coming to a quick solution.

"What about Iroha as our first 'target'? She's probably one of the easiest girls I could take to bed with me here, because she used to like me." he proposed, as Yui found the idea amazing.

Iroha always felt like a real threat to Hikki's heart, having spent a lot of time with him over the years. Getting her out of the way at the very beginning sounded extremely tempting. Yui didn't have to ponder much about it, agreeing but then discussing the best ways to go about naturally having them have sex together. The conclusion they came to after a brief chat was to exploit her jealousy, and use that as a means of seducing her. They would do this by pretending to act like a couple, or like friends with benefits. Yui didn't know about Hayato, but at least in her case, she didn't have any intentions of having sex with him, her final goal was Hachiman alone.


The following weekend…

Yui and Hayato both invited Iroha to hangout, nothing completely out of the ordinary, but a bit surprising also, considering they hadn't been seen outside the class much with just the two of them alone. Iroha tried not to think too much about it, and had a decent time, being brought along with them to several different places. They went to watch movies, walked around the park, even ate at a restaurant. The only unpleasant thing was the vibe that she was third-wheeling them, throughout the day Iroha noticed with her keen eye how clingy Yui was being with Hayato. Hugging him when they greeted, pressing her big boobs playfully against his back, the overly friendly body contact, hands resting his legs or biceps, the sultry gaze in her eyes. It was completely obvious, and Iroha was irked by it all, wondering why she was even invited in the first place.

While they were at the restaurant, Hayato excused himself to the bathroom, tapping Yui on the shoulder so that she could let him go as she was currently cuddling him. Now, the girls were finally alone, and as soon as Hayato left her field of view, with Iroha perplexed by her perverse behavior, she began to question her.

"What's all this, Yui-senpai? You've been all over Hayato, it feels like you guys are on a date and I'm here for no reason!" complained Iroha, pouting and showing hints of frustration.

"I'm just trying to get over Hikki!... You know that he's with Yukinon now, so I'm all alone!" said Yui, as Iroha thought that made sense, but the idea didn't thrill her that Hayato was her second choice seeing as it came out of the blue. Iroha wasn't sure, but she might have had a crush on Hachiman too, and the fact that Yui went from liking her new crush and flirting with her previous one, was a bit unsettling to say the least.

"Not only that, but… I heard that he's packing down there…" whispered Yui the latter portion in a hushed tone, remembering that they were in a public area. It took her some guts not to stutter out of sheer embarrassment while doing so, but she managed to perform convincingly, making Iroha's cheeks burn up just as hotly as hers.

"T-That doesn't mean you can-... You can act that way around him!..." flusteredly sputtered Iroha, making her lose her cool.

"Hmm, why not? He's single, I'm single. What's wrong with us getting together? Oh, are you afraid that I'll steal Hayato from you just like Yukinon stole Hachiman from me?" smugly taunted Yui, making Iroha gasp out of pure astonishment, never expecting the pink haired buxom to act like this. It was completely out of character, perhaps spurred on by the sadness that was left within her thanks to Hachiman's rejection.

Before she could even think of a reply, Hayato returned to his seat. Iroha tried to swipe everything under the rug for now, and wore a playful smile while bottling her troubled emotions underneath that mask. Hayato wasn't necessarily her boyfriend by any means, but the fact that she was overcome with jealousy was true.


Later that night…

The sun had already set, and the streetlights illuminated the road as they wrapped up their dinner and evening. Yui was the first to leave the group, saying goodbye to Iroha directly first, to ensure that she was looking, before standing high on her tiptoes and placing a kiss directly on Hayato's cheek, trying to look as confident while doing so. A myriad of things went through Iroha's head as she watched Hayato laugh it off and hug her, holding onto her neck and giving her an even firmer kiss on her cheek, making Yui nervously yelp and quickly back away as she overstepped her comfort zone.

It was an integral part to their plan, their final trick was enacted as Iroha took the bait. Hayato turned back in her direction and instantly figured that they had succeeded. From talking about getting together with him, and to bragging about Hayato's big cock, Iroha was intrigued and lured by jealousy, and as assertive as she was when there was something she wanted, Iroha took action. Grabbing onto the collar of his shirt, and making him look directly at her wanton eyes, Iroha said.

"There's somewhere I want to take you before we go our separate ways." seriously stated Iroha, a fiery passion on her face, overwhelmed by the idea of losing not only Hachiman to Yukino, but Hayato to Yui. Hayato doesn't refuse, and merely smiles, telling her to lead the way as he taps her on the behind, making her jump in place as she made up her mind to secure Hayato for herself.

The destination where they found themselves later was far more risque than Hayato thought. Iroha was easier than he believed, as she somehow looked up a location for a love hotel that they visited together, as she demonstrated signs of uneasiness and anxiousness, but ultimately it was her desire to beat Yui to the punch, resorting to drastic measures to accomplish her goal. Surely, if she let them do as they pleased, Iroha figured that they'd start dating, and she couldn't have that.

They secure a room after an awkward talk with the clerk, as they both looked young, but were of age. Hayato was starting to get horny thinking about what he was going to do to the naughty brunette vixen, imagining the scenarios in his head as she spoke to rent themselves a room. Iroha was pretty, cute, attractive, and a bit of a teasing temptress at times. Hayato simply didn't want to engage in a romantic relationship with her in the past, because he had a girl he was serious about in mind. If it came to sex, however, that was a different story. He wanted to pound that tight slut that wouldn't hop off his nuts for the past few months, playing with her hair and bumping his hips against her backside while she was trying to downplay the things he was making her body feel. Hachiman was her most recent crush, but there wasn't that same erotic gravity that was captivating her like Hayato was, his powerful cologne, charming looks, handsome face and respectable physique was turning Iroha on in a way that she's never been before.

A few minutes later, after receiving the keys to the room, they slammed the door shut behind them, not a word exchanged about the sexual things they wanted to do, because there was a mutual understanding and wanting for one another.

"Hayato, I-!.... Mmnph!~..." a muffled moan escaped her lips as Hayato couldn't contain himself the moment that door slammed shut, hardly wasting a second before wrapping his arms around her slender body and holding her close, looming tall over her short physique and planting a warm, aggressive kiss on her mouth. Iroha's lips were sweet, soft and fluffy, making him groan as he delighted in their feel, lowering his hands that rested on the crook of her back and feeling up her pert backside, squishing it in his palms through her jeans and he started to suck and nibble on her bottom lip.

Iroha's temperature was flaring as her knees felt weak, the passionate kiss was so hot and intense unlike anything she'd ever felt. Iroha was a daring, naughty girl, but never had she made out with another boy like this before. Hayato was skilled, too skilled even, his talents made his previous encounters with ladies evident. He was a womanizer, and he knew how to make a woman feel good, caressing and massaging her ass before starting to slowly undress themselves, as his hot tongue crept its way past her lips, making Iroha pant and shudder in place as her arm nervously gripped his shoulders. Everything about Hayato was pleasant, his looks, his smell, his demeanor. He was the perfect boyfriend material for most girls in their school, and Iroha was starting to feel the pressure trying to keep up with him. Despite common beliefs that she was a total slut, Iroha's heart was beating out of her chest when Hayato started to unzip her jacket, and pull up on her shirt while feeling her flat navel, Iroha lifts her arm high in the air after wrestling her tongue around a bit against his, that was invading her willing mouth as their spit and saliva joined together.

Nothing like the kisses one would see at school, Hayato was tonguing her with the intention of sex. Iroha embarrassingly noticed how damp her panties had gotten, and knew they were heading straight for its revelation once Hayato pulled back to remove his shirt, leaving them both topless minus Iroha's bra, which he easily found the strap before after giving her firm butt a nice slap, untying it and exposing her cute bust, that wasn't huge or large in size, but respectable and more than did the job. Above all her perky nipples looked, erotic. Hayato was drawn to them and their pinkness, leaning over and licking them gently, making Iroha squirm in his grasp as he fondled her breasts and roughly cupped her ass, trailing his lips and wet tongue from her tits up along her sensitive, ticklish neck, until they relocated to her lips and they smooched for several seconds longer.

"Mmm, Hayato~..." moaned Iroha, lust in her voice, eyes glazed with desire.

Hayato returned the same sentiment, and licked his lips as a trail of saliva separated them, and he started to unbuckle his trousers as Iroha hurriedly took off her pants, unbothered by the fact that the front of her undergarments were now soaked from the result of that tongue twisting, memorable kiss. That humongous bulge that his man package was sporting left Iroha with goosebumps, realizing that none of Yui's words regarding his well endowment were baseless or fabricated. Hayato hadn't even shown her everything yet, either, yanking on his boxers and unveiling possibly the biggest slab of veiny meat that Iroha had ever seen, a lurching thick cock that reached lengths beyond impressive, bobbing in its wonderful manly glory, hefty and significantly larger than she'd imagined.

"W-Wow… That really is big…" mouthed Iroha, gulping audibly as she couldn't peel her eyes away from it. Naturally, she was a woman in heat, her soaked loins were drawn towards that enormous manhood, leaving her mouthwatering, and itches that formed deep within her crotch. There was only one way to ease that sensation, and Iroha was intent on seeing it all the way through until the very end.

Both of their genitalia were throbbing in heat, and there was only one way to ease themselves down, as Hayato grabbed Iroha by the arms and pushed her over, showing a level of aggressiveness that he wasn't known for but exclusively in bed. Iroha didn't mind being flung towards the huge cushiony bed with fluffy blankets and decorative pillows that helped set the mood, vibrant pink colors and decorations that exuded eroticism, with Hayato following her shortly after as he carefully peeled off her unintentionally sexy panties and exposed her dampened, heavenly pussy. The first thought than ran through his mind was to scorn himself for not jumping on this opportunity sooner, rumors be damned if he were able to treat himself to such a delicious looking vagina, glistening in her sweet tangy juices that he sniffed before experimentally licking, adoring the taste.

"Ah!~... What are you doing, Hayato?..." panted Iroha in short breaths, eyes widening when he flipped around so that his cock and balls were shoved directly above her face, as he decided to treat himself to Iroha's yummy cunt, having never even imagined what it would feel like to be eaten out. His tongue worked in miraculous ways, relieving all of the sexual tension piled up from the start of their threeway date, making Iroha mewl and moan as her mouth opened wide, her cute voice booming through as tears started to form in her eyes from the explosive pleasure. His tongue was knowledgeable in its methods of tracing along her sensitive clit, lapping at the folds while also providing it apt attention, Iroha was suffering from a mix of foreign sensations that left her gasping for air, figuring that the right thing to do in this situation was to engulf that dangling meatstick aimed perfectly at her tiny mouth, those cute strawberry lips wrapping around the fat mushroom head and sliding down the warmth of her wet oral cavern.

"It's so strong!..." thought Iroha, the potent musk filling her mouth and taste buds, her first taste of a hard cock was thankfully a clean, meaty member that left her salivating for more.

Hayato couldn't muster his growl that sent electrifying vibrations directly into Iroha's nether lips, making her squirm as Iroha tried her best to fit his girthy manhood, dipping his hips and carefully allowing her to grow accustomed to his overbearing size, making slick noises from his length sliding in and out of her wet maw. If she wasn't wet before, she certainly was now. Iroha's thighs were shaking and her tightness was flooded, on the verge of cumming as her heightened senses were pushed to their maximum, Hayato left her feeling empty when he suddenly extracted his penis from her shiny lips glazed with spit, before she could complain, he helped her up and into position, with Iroha's head swirling as she was on her hands and knees.

"Bend over for me, Iroha… Stick that ass out, and arch your back. You've always wanted my dick, didn't you? Then I'll give it to you." huskily whispered Hayato, spanking her loudly as his palms striked at her assflesh, making it wobble and jiggle from the impact as Iroha let out a depraved moan, wiggling her hips from side to side in anticipation, looking back towards his crotch that possessed that prodigious member that Yui was raving about, and that she had to try for herself. His hands settled onto her tight waist and pulled her into his frenzied thrust as the barriers of her pussy bursted open, Iroha felt herself ascend to heaven as she nearly entered a full body orgasm from the beginning, a silent gasp escaping her agape mouth as she twitched violently, with Hayato grunting as he easily slipped inside of her tightness with the aid of her highly lubricant vaginal fluids oozing out of her.

"Uunnghh!~... Uunngh!~.. Ooohhh!~... Aahhhnn!~...."

From the very beginning when he penetrated her, Iroha felt like she was on cloud nine. Feverish moans started to roll out of her as the gradually quickening collision of their hips left her instinctually pushing back, thrusting against him on her own volition as his strong hips panicked her white rear flat against him.

"Ooh gosh!~... Ooh!~.. Hayato!!~.. Haahn!~.. Ahhh!~.... Big!~... It's so big!~.. Ahh!"

Iroha envisioned her first time being much softer than this, but she wouldn't have it any other way. Hayato was bringing out her loudest screams of bliss, working up her boiling orgasm after making the bed rock underneath them, pounding her for a good several minutes until her limits had far been surpassed, purposefully holding herself back in the hopes that he wouldn't ever stop, as Iroha shuddered and slammed her nice butt against his impaling cock a final time before letting loose, a vicious orgasm rippling through her nervous system as she broke out in a sweat and moaned loudly at the top of her lungs, squirting all over his thighs as Hayato watched her lose control and fall flat onto her chest, ass still sticking up for him as he gave her a few slight thrusts for good measure before pulling out.

"T-That was amazing… I didn't know sex could feel that good.." thought Iroha, her nervous blushed replaced by a lewd one, a voracious look in her eyes as she laid there, sweaty and exhausted, underestimating how physically taxing it was on her stamina, but obsessed with the pleasure Hayato gave her, falling completely smitten now that his charming looks matched his ability in bed. Iroha always acted differently when it came to him, shy at times, but thirsty at others.

"Woah, you ready to go again?" he asked her, when Iroha suddenly placed her hands against his chest, and tried climbing on top of him, as he gave her what she wanted and lied on his back. All he needed was one round to tame her, but seeing the night through all the way wouldn't hurt. Plus, Iroha was a good, tight fuck. She simply wanted his dick inside of her again, and didn't utter a word when she gripped his man meat possessively, aligning it with her dripping wet snatch before dipping her hips, making it gush as Iroha bit her bottom lip to stifle her girlish moans, beginning to bob her entire body along his length as he tested the limits of her expanding vagina, completely absorbed in the moment and staring down intently at their connected crotches, mesmerized by the sight of it.

Lost in the miasma of lust, Iroha rode him wildly with no restraint, unbothered by her image as her moans sung like music to his ears, snapping her hips sharply and grinding her front against his pubic region, delighting from the friction and deep penetration that she felt resting on top of him. Iroha was so out of it mentally that she hadn't noticed when Hayato picked up his phone and started recording her, aiming the camera down towards her sopping wet cunt constantly ejecting her thick cream as her movements amplified their ferocity the hotter she fell into heat.

"I thought you liked Hachiman, Iroha?" he asked her blatantly, making sure he caught her whimpering voice and cockstruckened facial expressions as she spoke.

"H-Huh?!.. I don't care about him ahn!~... Anymore… Nngh!~.. Not after getting a taste of this dick!..." screamed Iroha, as Hayato left her in a mind boggled state as he rewarded her with several thrusts that lifted her higher in the air, eyes rolling to the back of her head as he captured the majestic moment perfectly, stopping the recording and discarding his phone to the side as he focused intently now on making himself ejaculate. Caressing her smooth thighs and clutching her shaking hips before delivering harder, ravaging thrusts that pushed Iroha into a chain of powerful, uncontrollable orgasms. His hands roamed her beautiful, pristine figure, twisting and playing with her nippled as she fired off again.

It was selfish of her to cum this many times already and Hayato hadn't, entering the final stages as he grunted and tackled her over onto her back, thighs resting in between her splayed legs as he held them apart, assuming a dominant position as he closed the distance on their lips, smashing them together as they inhaled each other's breath, and they reached an astounding pace, their slippery cream lathered genitals slapping together as Iroha melted underneath his impassioned kiss, their tongues meeting in the middle and duelling for dominance, impressing Hayato at how Iroha was able to fight back, urging him to hammer at her deliciously inflamed folds faster and stronger every time down.

"Ahnn!~... Mmnph!~... Mmmn!~...."

Her pink puffy pussy felt swollen from the relentless abuse, but in a way that left Iroha seeing stars, legs quivering as small pained gasps left her lips, and Hayato explored her oral cavity while plowing away at her juicy cunt. Unbridled pleasure took control of the two sex-craved young adults, and Hayato left her bucking and throbbing from pleasure as he sucked on her lips, stifling his own groans as his flopping nutsack couldn't hold back any longer, the bloated cumvein signaling release as his veiny cock started to spurt out torrents of fresh, viscous semen in rapid bursts, pulsating incessantly as Iroha entered a state of lewd, thrashing orgasms with her legs straightened out and spine arching to shove against his blistering thrusts, their sexual fluids mixing together to form an erotiv paste that dripped down the back of her thighs and onto the bed, unloading all of that thick cum deep within the entrance of her womb as Iroha scratched and clawed at his back, embracing tightly as if neither of them wanted to separate.

"More!~... More!..."

The night was still young, and they hadn't stopped there. Iroha kept pleading for more, and Hayato was more than happy to oblige. He had only cum once, so he definitely had enough energy to continue. His dick was still hard as a rock, but some extra attention wouldn't hurt, as he pulled out of her semen gushing vaginal cavity, and scooted up towards her face, grasping the base of his member and tapping it against her lips.

"Clean it for me." he ordered, watching as Iroha eagerly gobbled his sperm flecked penis, dutifully suctioning her lips and jerking her head back and forth, ensuring that remained in full mast as he tilted his head back and growled, holding onto her hair and allowing Iroha to impressively give him a blowjob that was even hotter than before now that her entire being was energized by lust. Salacious desires reaching their maximum as Iroha sucked the soul out of his cock, leaving him in awe until the point where he didn't feel like moving, sitting above her chest and helping guide her head to feed her more of his sloppy inches, failing to usher a warning when he lasted several minutes longer and busted another fat load that Iroha moaned while slurping and swallowing it whole.

"Jesus, Iroha!~... You're such a good little whore…"

Hearing him call her that filled her with naughty spunk, a devilish grin as she lifted the weight of his cock upwards with her tongue, and started to lick at the veiny underside. The emotions she felt weren't romantic, but surely infatuation, inevitably caused by his amazing sexual talent.


The following morning after…

Yui Yuigahama rolled out of her bed and stretched, picking up her phone to hear about the news, seeing a text from Hayama that contained an attached video file, still too drowsy to realize as she opened it, oblivious and without a second thought. She yawned while the text opened, and the video started playing, waking Yui up immediately as she witnessed Iroha absolutely slam her hips down against Hayato's big cock that rutted deep within her, she could tell immediately that his penis size was abnormal, and the busty pinkette gasped and almost threw her phone at the sight of it, pausing the video immediately after Iroha's loud moans echoed in her head, reading the message below it.

"The plan was a complete success👍😉"

"T-That Hayato!... He didn't have to send me a video!... He really is a pervert!... Jeez, I'm happy it went well, but… I didn't have to see it!... His penis did seem really big though… Maybe this will be easier than I thought…" she spoke to herself, curled up in a ball as she hugged her knees, still thinking about the lewd video she had just seen.

next chapter
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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C81
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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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