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99.6% Hentai Verse / Chapter 255: Chapter 20 - The Storm Giant Heist

Chương 255: Chapter 20 - The Storm Giant Heist

In the early morning, the group of wizard, witches, mutant , and troublemaker started their plan. Their goal was simple and sounded much easier than it was. Steal the Dragon Orb, without awakening the Storm Giant guarding it. Harry hugged and kissed Hermione after breakfast.

Hermione couldn't help but fight back a small tear as she held fiercely onto Harry. He told her how they had been fine so far, and she nodded, but still felt a swirl of butterflies in her stomach. For a moment she wondered if that was a sign of other things stirring, but then she remembered what was going on. Placing her hand on her friend and lover's chest, she smiled, wanting to tell him that if they couldn't get the orb, it wasn't the worst thing.

'I'm sure I can figure out a way out of here for us,' She wanted to tell him, but kept that truth rolled up in its scroll. There would be no point to telling him that. Causing him to feel doubt when he needed his bravery. 'Besides… it's not like he listens to my advice most times…' Another tear streamed down her cheek, but she was quick to catch it with her gloves.

Fleur nearly tackled Harry when she wrapped her arms around him. Her kisses and notably her lipstick covered his cheeks, and she stroked her hands up and down his body. "Be careful 'Arry. If ze stories about ze giants among ze Veela iz true, zey ar very dangerous…"

When she kissed him one last time, he tasted her lipstick and her tongue while her warm body pressed against his. Suddenly, Fleur's demeanor changed slightly, something both Harry and Ginny noticed. The French blonde gave him a warm smile and her hand cupped his cheek.

"Tu iras bien, mon ami," Laura stayed near Ginny, watching as her master and mistress prepared to journey out. The skilled pair of quidditch players planned to zoom up to the giant's hold on broomsticks. Hermione would apparate with the rest once Harry and Ginny were in position. A concept that Pei continually derided.

"This is stupid. You're going to need me," Pei said while Hermione prepared an enchantment for the group.

The redhead shook her head. "Harry and I fought a dark wizard when we were children. I think we can handle stealing from a Storm Giant," Ginny's reply so blunt it nearly gave Hermione pause. Soon, the bushy haired woman began placing the tip of her wand on each of the party member's neck.

"It may take some getting used to, but this will allow us to speak over a distance about fifteen minutes. I thought it would be more secretive then sending an otter chasing after you," Hermione gave him a small smile. The simple joke did little to set Ginny's mind at ease.

The redhead still felt annoyed, feeling that Pei had hinted that she couldn't protect Harry on her own. Her hand flexed and tensed, thinking back to all the other times she and Harry had gotten into trouble. Eventually her husband called out to her from his broom. She put Pei from her mind, said goodbye to the rest of her companions and then moved up alongside her husband. They both tightened their grips and then kicked off from the ground.

The two riders flashed forward, flying through the air while stormy weather filled the world around them. There were far fewer floating rocks the higher they had gotten. It was impossible to miss their target. The Storm Giant's Hold. Harry adjusted his glasses awhile his black hair whipped behind him. Glancing across the gap, he saw Ginny's crimson mane sailing behind her as they flew closer and closer. Harry kind of wished that Hermione were up there with them. He had no idea what to expect with the Storm Giant, and he imagined she'd be able to figure out a solution to any problem while he dodged and flew them out of harm's way. That said, his best friend was not quite the strongest on a broom, so Harry and Ginny rode alone.

In the end, they slowed their speed to a gentler glide and both riders approached the lip of the great asteroid's surface area. Ginny held a hand up to her ear, signally to Harry that she didn't hear anything. Harry nodded and then slowly inched the end of his broom closer and closer to the jagged rock that made up the side of the wall he faced. Once he got to the right spot, Harry climbed up and stood on his broom.

Ginny's eyes watched her husband. She wasn't afraid, but he had some nerves here and there. She'd suddenly remembered Harry whizzing around a dangerous dragon while she'd looked on in terror.

'I couldn't do anything that time. If anything happens here, I'll make sure we get back to the others,' The busty girl leaned forward on her broom and watched her husband reach his head up and over the lip to observe the surface.

The couple found the massive creature… asleep. Even in the middle of a slumber, each snoring breath from the giant sounded like wind crushing rocks. After getting used to the noise and the sight, Harry closed his eyes, trying to center himself. Then he began climbing up the edge of the cliffside, followed shortly by Ginny. A short distance away, they made out a cave lined with piles of items shining, even in the dim light of the early hours. Botch witch and wizard took another long look at the Storm Giant and then carried on with their work. Inside the cavern, Ginny's keen eyes began scouring piles of treasure while Harry first turned back towards the giant and the line that divided the flat surface they were on, and the cliffside where their brooms were. It somehow felt longer looking at it, than it had felt as they sneakily crossed the area.

Ginny put a hand on his shoulder, and Harry quickly joined in with her to find the item that Pei needed. Minutes later, the two found themselves standing in the same position, their sights on the last place in the treasure trove. In front of them was a large chest, carved with intricate runic symbols. Husband and wife had seen the chest earlier, but Ginny didn't say anything, and Harry held onto hope that they'd find the orb somewhere else. They ended up using Hermione's smell to call out to Pei, asking her to join them. While Harry spoke without actually speaking aloud, Ginny pretended to watch the giant, but it didn't help her push back the dissatisfaction.

Pei arrived at their location and got to work without comment. She wanted, badly to make a joke, but not was not the time. Examining the chest, she found just the right rune to quickly break through its defenses. Unfortunately, it meant burning through one of the mage's most powerful abilities, but it was going to be worth it… once they got what they were looking for and escaped. Her wager paid off and she opened up the lid to find the Orb of Dragonkind waiting inside of the chest. Pei smiled over at Harry, feeling more than useful.

"Hey Harry. How'd you like to fuck me on a Dragon-"

Ginny was on her in a heartbeat, intense eyes staring her down while she kept a hand to her lips. After using the spell, Pei accepted that she may have gotten a little excited and forgot about the huge, fearsome giant sleeping nearby.

All of them froze. Ginny listened intently at the snores, just waiting for them to change, but nothing happened. All of them relaxed, and Ginny shook her head at Pei.

'Quit trying to get us killed,' Ginny thought through their magical means of communication. The woman with crow-black hair stuck out her tongue against the redhead's hand. 'Oh… you won't think that's funny when Laura helps me punish you...'

The trio waited a little longer, and then when nothing changed, they go t ready to leave. Harry, already looking towards the lip and filled with a sense of victory, realized too late that he should have been looking closer at his feet. The crown he kicked tumbled forward and then came to its side, wheeling along noisily. Its path went directly into another pile of treasure.

All three sets of eyes shouted with silent fear as the higher pieces of treasure began shifting and falling. Then, it was like the whole island rumbled all around them. Outside, clouds formed and outpouring of rain began peppering the asteroid. All of this happened even before the Storm Giant stirred, rising to his feet to hunt down the thieves.

'RUN!' Harry heard Pei's voice over their connection. The group scrambled out of the cavern, seeing the mammoth of a man rising up. He had harsh-blue skin and eyes that burned like twin flames of burning resin. Pei continued running, and then noticed Harry had planted himself and prepared a spell. 'Harry, keep moving!'

"Go!" Harry shouted audibly, only their remaining connection allowed Ginny and Pei to hear him. While Pei continued moving, Ginny turned sharply and readied her own wand.

"Locomotor Mortis!" Harry shouted out, his fingers firm around his wand. The Storm Giant's eyes narrowed on him before noticing its legs starting to shift together. The massive creature fought the spells effect but ended up falling to one knee as it did. Nearby, Harry saw Ginny preparing her own spell.

"Expulso!" The burst of magically-crafted explosive force hit the Storm Giant right in the face. The redhead stood before the beast, with Harry soon coming over and grabbing her hand.

"Come on!" They heard Pei shout out as she neared the edge. Ginny was about to say that she'd deal with it when a crackle of lightning burst through the smoke from her Expulso curse. Harry yanked their bodies to the side, and they rolled along the rocket terrain. When they got up, they found the spot where they'd stood moments before reduced to burnt ash. Two mighty footfalls rang out and they saw the Storm Giant racing towards them.

Ginny and Harry got their wits back and quickly jumped off the ledge to where Pei, Hermione, and company waited with their broomsticks. "I think you only made him angry…"

The group began taking of on the broomsticks, veering down and away from the Giant's hold as quickly as they could go. While her black hair whipped around her, Laura's green eyes looked back. Suddenly, she took one step on the broom and then leaped off like a mountain lion leaping on its prey.

"Huraarrraagh!" Flying through the air, her twin hand claws shot out with a little 'Shnnk!' and then she flipped end over end, clawing through the rock that had been heaved right for the group. The two halves flew off to the side, nixing the threat, but now X-23 was in freefall. Hermione spotted her and held the tip of her wand steady.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Laura let out a surprised grunt as she no longer felt herself falling, while gravity lost its grip on her, something suddenly pulled her as Hermione worked to real her in while keeping her other arm squarely around Harry's chest.

Rocks weren't their only problem. When the group looked behind, they saw Laura floating, and noticed that the Storm Giant could also fly. Bolts of lightning streaked through them, quick as you like. The bolts cut through the group, missing the riders by inches. Hermione finally managed to get Laura back to the group and Fleur grabbed the woman to help pull her onto the broom. And array of curse and charms shot forth from the various wants of the escaping group, but none did as much damage as the first two. The Storm Giant soared onward, getting closer and closer.

"Pei!" Hermione shouted out, amplifying her voice inside their heads and in their ears as wind whipped around the riders. "Portal us out of here!" The woman with bushy hair singed by electricity cast a shield spell to deflect another lightning bolt. The shield only worked to stop the shaft of blinding power and not reflect it. The spear of white-hot voltage sizzled and then erupted, nearly causing Fleur to lose her grip.

"On it!" Pei replied. Just give me a second and… Ginny duck!" The redhead hesitated for a split second, and it was enough for the lightning bolt to glance off her shoulder. Ginny cursed, pain crisscrossing her left side. She lost control of the broom in front of her, and in those panicky first moments, she leaned too far to her right, coming off her broom. Everything was a daze to her until she felt a wrenching pain. It was so terrible that she fainted while Pei struggled to keep the broom straight and hold up Ginny's unconscious form.

"Ginny!" Harry angled his broom and took up position behind the broom with Ginny and Pei. He prepared to cast a spell, and then saw it, a portal emerging up ahead. Behind the group, the Storm Giant howled and sent another thunderous assault shooting after them, but all three brooms and their riders skated through before the deadly discharges managed to cause even more damage. With the orb of Dragonkind secure, they all zipped through the vortex, heading for parts unknown to all save for the woman holding Ginny's limp form.


Harry set his body beneath Ginny's form. She moved, slowly, nearly lethargically against him, but definitely under her own power.

"Oh Harry…" Ginny cooed out, her voice still a bit shaky after she'd been struck by the powerful lightning bolt that nearly killed her. The redhead looked back at her husband while she rubbed her pussy on his rigid member lovingly. Their breathing came out in soft gasps and sighs. The mother of Harry's children let out a new moan as he squeezed her nice plump breasts. When he licked and teased her nipples, the pink, sensitive flesh started to harden, just as they always did when the two began kissing and playing with one another. Still, when he pulled back and set his green eyes on her, Ginny slid her lips down again, kissing his cock and getting a taste of his precum. He could tell that his wife knew what he was going to ask even before he did.

"You sure about this, Ginny? We don't have to rush things…" Ginny heard her husband's gentle words, but she also felt his huge, warm cock rubbing against her petals. Her left side still felt quite damaged, but the nymphs said the magic and the ritual would help to heal all of the damage the Storm Giant had done. The nymphs were all golden, fairy-like, and sweet. Their entire bodies brimmed with magic, and when the group exited Pei's portal, they had been greeted warmly by about ten nymphs. The group of all-female beings took them to a special hut so that Harry's powerful magic could help mend Ginny's wounds, or at least, that was what Pei had been able to translate. She'd only been to the Nymph's world once before, and hardly remembered much, other than the fact that it had been a wonderful time. Inside the hut, the nymph healers used magic that was so effortless and magical, and now Harry's cock glowed brightly as his cock began sliding in and out of Ginny's petals when she lowered her body down. She could see the handprints of the nymphs on his girth. They appeared like golden lily pads on his huge log, and if their magic would have Ginny restored faster than just laying around, she was willing to try it.

"Harry, please. I'm not going to slow us down. And if this works, then we'll be that much closer to going back home,' Ginny said with a bit of a singsong nature to her voice. So far, only Harry and Laura were the only ones who showed a resistance to the constant pervading sense of harmony and good tidings that seemed to fill every part of the new realm they'd traveled to. Part of Harry knew that the longer they stayed here, the more likely they would never leave the tranquil and pleasure-filled place. Like their first rest-stop on their inter-dimensional travel, Pei had taken them someplace to get refreshed and healed, but the Realm of the Nymphs had unnatural allure that few humans could resist. The native population of fairies, sprites, and sylphs didn't even mean to do anything, it was just in their nature to host travelers to the best of their abilities.

So as his wife began taking his large, throbbing cock inside of her body and began giving him the greatest pleasure he could ever have dreamed of, Harry tried his best not to lose himself to the bliss. 'This… this is not home. This is… really good though. Great… better than home… But… still not home…'

Harry closed his eyes, pinched his brow, and adjusted his glasses and then reached both hands around to squeeze Ginny's tits once more. Her flesh trembled beneath his hands as she continued riding his powerful length. They felt bigger and rubbing and petting them filled him with more jubilation than the last time he'd filled his fingers with her sweet melons. Ginny was happy now, happy to be alive, and happy to be with her husband. Harry hardly realized just how happy he was till he found himself barreling his hips forward to drill into his wife's silky opening with every thrust. His cock roared within her folds, pushing in deeper and deeper, yearning to meet her womb and give her his seed, just as Ginny wished.

Nearby, Hermione drank from a glass of sweet nectar that put all her thoughts at ease. Fleur and Pei had been drinking the substance as well, and they were already naked and wrapped up around her own body while they used their hands to strip her. She giggled and licked her fingers lazily, while her brown eyes continued drinking in the sight of Ginny bouncing in Harry's arms. Hermione imagined herself in that position, imagined leaning in and whispering to Harry her secret, the thing that made her nights so bright, but such wants were hardly given much weight in this realm. Instead, she simply let herself be used like a doll by the beautiful French slut. Fleur grasped her head and plunged her tongue into Hermione's mouth while Pei started lapping away at the growing trickles of precum spilling out of the witch's slit.

"Oouhaaah… Uhwaah… yes… right there… fuck… ohuaah… fuck me… Harry… I mean Pei…" Pei chuckled quietly as she listened to Hermione's panting. Then after booping the girl's wet, firm clit with her nose, the traveler cocked her head and pushed her tongue right back inside Hermione's dripping flower.

Laura stood guard as best she could while Ginny started looking like she was about to cum. The woman with jet-black hair could smell it on her mistress, that animal urge to please her mate and receive his succor nice and deep inside of her womb. She nearly reached her hand down to flick and play with her own horny lower lips, but she persisted in keeping her guard up. Laura couldn't say she trusted the Nymphs. After they had enhanced her Master's cock, some of them came over and asked if she'd like the metal removed from her body. Laura said nothing and simply shook her head. The blades, no, the entire enhancement that covered her bones was a part of her, something that had helped her save her Master and Mistress. The thought of giving it up felt deeply wrong, so for now, she simply stood guard, and watched the others.

Ginny felt her nether regions twitching and sizzling with passion as she hugged her body snugly against Harry's. Her hips bounced and crashed down with the force of a hammer as she got nice and close. Each time, her lips broke open to release a wanton moan as she fucked her husband and began cumming all over his cock and balls.

"Harry! Ohuaa… right there… please… give it to me… I want it… I wannauaah!" Ginny's brown eyes saw stars as the tidal wave of euphoria smashed into her naked body. Plastered to her husband by sweat and their combined juices, her naked body jerked and spasmed while Ginny's inner folds salivated and squeezed all over Harry's incredible cock. She felt him cumming inside of her, which was always a pleasure on its own, but this time, it felt different, hotter, and more forceful. The pain on her injured side subdued gradually, and suddenly she felt ten times better than she had when they arrived. Leaning back, the bodacious redhead pulled her husband down with her. She could feel his incredible member inside of her, hard and ready despite having spilled his seed inside of her.

"Mmrrraahmmm. Hermione… nuaahh… needs to figure out some of these… nymph spells…" Ginny mewled out feebly, her head and body still blazing in the afterglow of her orgasm, and the healing magic their hosts had bestowed upon Harry's stiff sex. Harry smiled and stroked Ginny's hair while her arms and legs fell down to her side. After they kissed, the wizard found his wife sleeping peacefully, and hopefully on her way to a recovery. Needless to say, Ginny was not the only girl in his party who was interested in being 'healed' up by Harry's enhanced penis. Turning to the side, he spied Fleur, Hermione, and Pei all hot to trot. After placing a blanket over Ginny's naked form, Harry summoned the girls to his side. Like dutiful attendants, they sexily crawled over and then all three women began sucking, kissing, and drooling on the wizard's cock…

next chapter
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