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88.67% Hentai Verse / Chapter 227: 12 - Fleur’s Redemption and Gabrielle’s Punishment -Remixed

Chương 227: 12 - Fleur’s Redemption and Gabrielle’s Punishment -Remixed

After rising back up to his feet and stretching out his body in satisfaction, Harry Potter turned away from Appoline Delacour's newly fucked silly and comatose body, to turn his attention towards the woman's youngest daughter instead.

"Master… Please take me next," Gabrielle breathed out, with a heady mixture of need and desperation leaking out through her every word. The French Duchess turned French maid was squirming where she stood in her tight black and white uniform, complete with lace headpiece, lace choker, a white low-cut bust hemmed in by a black corset, white lace sewn into the hem of her black flared-out skirts, and thigh high white stockings. Her violet eyes were gleaming with an unnatural intensity, her pure white hair was shining in the late afternoon sun, and while she no longer had a pair of white wings protruding from her back, she looked no less supernatural and exotic. Gabrielle was a vision of servile sex appeal and overwhelming charm, and she'd been teased to the point of near insanity.

It was official. Gabrielle Delacour was completely harmless. She was housebroken to the point that she'd just watched Harry rough fuck her very own mother into unconsciousness, and instead of getting angry or jealous, she'd found herself wanting to receive the exact same treatment.

"You've proven to me that you can indeed cooperate with other women and even another Veela," Harry happily praised as he stepped up to Gabrielle and ran a hand down her red flushed cheek

"There's a problem though," he continued in a newly reluctant tone of voice. "If you can control yourself to this extent, then I believe your elder sister can as well. I hesitate to begin a truly involved relationship with you without first speaking to your sister…"

"But Master, I don't understand and I've been meaning to ask," Gabrielle immediately whispered as she looked down at her feet and visibly squirmed with tightly controlled lust. "Didn't Fleur come to see you just over a week ago? Didn't she come to speak to you two days before I arrived?"

Very suddenly and very thoroughly, Harry's face took on a deadly serious expression. "No. I never saw your sister at all. Tell me more…"

"Eet was actually my seester hoo managed to free ze two of us from our marriages wizout 'aving to suffer all of ze ruinous social stigma," Gabrielle freely admitted with her hands balled up just under her body type defying breasts. "She deed so by using every scrap of her political eenfluence, but from what I was told, she ended up agreeing to complete an assignment for ze government een return."

"Your sister's no longer married to Bill," Harry repeated in a voice that was carefully, studiously, bland.

"Oui, yes, almost eemediately after we were returned to our mozzer's 'ome een disgrace, my seester marched out of ze 'ouse and sought out every seengle government contact zat she knows. Wizzin only two weeks' time, I was eenformed zat Fleur was no longer married to Bill, and I was asked eef I wanted my marriage annulled. I, of course, said yes, and I began sifting my way through the piles of paperwork that needed to be filled out."

"At the same time, Fleur was planning to come talk to me at my estate," Harry furthered.

"Yes, yes, a few days prior to ze annulment of my marriage, Fleur explained zat she was going to visit your home as soon as her divorce was finalized," Gabrielle haltingly explained. "I will admit zat I was somewhat pleased zat my seester wasn't present at your estate upon my arrival a week ago. I zought zat ze two of you never managed to reconcile your differences, and I was relieved to potentially 'ave less competition for your time. Now I ave come to realize zat you really are completely eensatiable, and I am unconcerned about sharing you. Eenstead, I've been meaning to ask just why you sent Fleur away. Now I know... You never did. You never saw my seester een ze first place... Fleur must still be performing zat task for zose government types. I don't like zis at all 'Arry… Please, we must go find my seester!"

"Do you know anything about the job Fleur agreed to take on," Harry asked even as he conjured an impeccably cut black suit and tie combo onto his body and magically fixed his sex addled hair.

"I was not eenformed. I was only told zat she was completing an assignment for ze French government, and zat eet shouldn't last longer zan a day or two at ze most" Gabrielle revealed with her eyes looking up and left in an attempt to remember more clearly.

"Fleur never ended up coming to see me,'' Harry repeated as if to himself. "Do you remember who the specific government official was?"

"Zere were three men, two of which I did not recognize, but ze third man goes by ze name of Councilor Paul Bernard. 'Ze man ees a member of ze Magical Counsel of France, and 'ee oversees Magical Law Enforcement.

"Stepping closer to Gabrielle's side, Harry suddenly wrapped his arms around her little waist, causing the newly worried young woman to snuggle herself tightly around his body in return. "We're Apparating to France's Magical Council building to speak to this Mr. Bernard," Harry explained even as he idly kissed Gabrielle on the forehead. "I would've felt it if Fleur was ever in danger in this plane of existence, and I never did. The problem is, now that I'm actively looking, I can't sense Fleur in this realm at all. Your sister's globetrotting through some other dimension at the moment, and we need to find out which one. I'm assuming you want to come along?"

"Oui, yes, I eentend to 'elp," Gabrielle immediately agreed, her voice becoming both tritoned and ethereal in her rising determination. It appeared that Gabrielle and more importantly Bell, her Proto Veela alter ego, were extremely protective of their elder sister… Good.

With a simple nod of his head, Harry and Gabrielle instantly and silently disappeared from the Delacour manor house.


1 Week and 2 Days Earlier...

Over the last couple of decades, the Magical Community of earth had scraped together a much greater understanding of the multiverse present all around them, and with this understanding came the discovery and exploration of a growing number of pocket dimensions present in and around various mundane locations all around the planet. While having an expanding alternative plane of existence available to settle into was a good thing, an unfortunate side effect was that every lunatic and wannabe warlord that the magical community had to offer made a habit of using these very hard to find locations as their bases of operation.

The even more unfortunate aspect of this somewhat inevitable outcome, was the fact that Fleur Delacour was currently the uncontested best in the industry when it came to ferreting out and dealing with these so called 'pocket Lords.' She had the magical expertise to locate and open these intra-dimensional portals, and she had the authority to scrounge up huge amounts of resources to clean them out.

No good deed goes unpunished…

Back when Fleur first approached all of her government colleagues to demand, not ask, but demand that they make arrangements for her marriage to quietly come to an end, most of the officials and administrators that she knew merely arched an eyebrow at her in surprise, nodded their heads in ready acceptance and then began figuring out how to accomplish the task. It was a full two weeks later, just a single day before Fleur's divorce was completely finalized and she could finally move on with her life, that one of her least favorite colleagues decided to derail her plans.

Just twelve hours before Fleur was planning to travel to Harry's Mars estate, a rather annoying government official by the name of Paul Bernard appeared out of the woodworks, aiming to capitalize on Fleur's newfound weakness by making her agree to perform a mission for him. Not only were the man's methods completely repugnant, but the mission briefing that followed nearly had Fleur flying into a full on, out of control, passionfire rage.

According to Mr. Bernard, the Councilor in charge of France's Magical Law Enforcement, the government of Magical France completely despised its current reliance on and lack of authority over a certain incredibly powerful emerald green-eyed wizard. In response to this feeling of powerlessness and the ever-growing fear that it engendered within them, the French Government had gone to increasingly absurd lengths to safeguard themselves from this wizard's so-called 'inevitable descent towards the dark arts.' Long story short, the government of Magical France had poured an immense amount of time, money, people and resources into building themselves what amounted to a magical nuclear weapon, designed and geared specifically towards eliminating one pre-determined individual…

Harry James Potter.

The exact mechanics of the Magical Artifact were unclear even to Bernard. What he did know for sure was that the weapon was so immensely powerful, so enormously lethal, and so specifically targeted, there was a pretty good chance that merely learning about its existence was enough to curse Lord Potter into a coma.

Of course, it could come as no surprise that the obscenely dangerous magical artifact that the French government built in secret ended up being stolen from within their most secure and secret vaults by a psychopath with bad intentions.

Because of course it had...

According to Mr. Bernard's explanation, a man by the name of Devon Devinier, a longtime prisoner of the state that had been jailed in the same lab complex where the weapon was built, managed to free himself from the dozens upon dozens of extremely powerful magical restraints keeping him in place, at which point he enslaved all of the wizards residing within the facility, and then escaped with the magical device in hand. Not long after the man's escape, the Magical Council of France received an extremely well-constructed ransom letter. In this letter, Devinier threatened to show the superweapon that was currently in his possession to Lord Potter himself, so that the two of them could discuss just who it was that created it and for what purpose it existed.

It goes without saying that the French government immediately caved to every single one of Mr. Devinier's various demands. Two of which were the release of nearly fifty terrorists from France's Magical prison to rally to his cause, and uncontested custody of a brand-new pocket dimension that he could use as a base of operations.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but as it turns out, the men and women leading Fleur's country were exactly as Harry always described them. They really were nothing but a bunch of 'knuckle dragging degenerates'..

Proving himself to be a small cut above his peers, the offer that Mr. Bernard gave Fleur in the minutes that followed, revealed the man to be an exceptionally shrewd politician... Bernard suggested that he might help Fleur keep her divorce very, very discreet, while at the same time offering her the chance to destroy the weapon that was designed to eradicate her 'friend' Harry Potter. All she had to do in return was agree to take part in an exceedingly dangerous operation.

The mission was as follows:

Fleur Delacour was to infiltrate Mr. Devinier's pocket dimension, locate his lair, and steal back the weapon so that it could no longer be used as blackmail material.

That was the entire mission. Mr. Bernard didn't want Fleur to attempt to destroy or arrest Mr. Devinier because he didn't believe that she'd succeed. All that Mr. Bernard desired of Fleur was for her to get in and get out again without being noticed.

According to Mr. Bernard, if Fleur and her team were ever noticed within Mr. Devinier's domain, then dying would be the best outcome available to them. At first, Fleur was completely indignant that she was being underestimated to such an extreme. Then, in the minutes that followed, Mr. Bernard explained why he thought Fleur was no match for the man, and she ended up completely agreeing with his assessment.

As Fleur should've expected, there was a reason why the French government had been keeping Mr. Devinier locked up in their highly classified military research lab deep underground, and it was just as repulsive as the magical super-weapon that they'd been building within the same facility. Devon Devinier was a one of a kind magical creature, and as a result, he was dangerous beyond measure. The French government had spent the last 80 plus years trying to figure out how to recreate his various powers for weaponization purposes.

And in so doing, they'd created a monster… or at least they'd made that monster much, much more dangerous...

To start with, Mr. Devon Devinier was Earth's very last fully formed and manifested male Proto Veela, and the French military managed to capture him at great cost during the last of the fighting in the Veela uprising over a hundred years earlier...

Of course, one aspect of recorded history that was never going to be revealed to the general public was that Mr. Devinier essentially was the Veela uprising. By the time the fighting finally came to an end, the man had Imperius mind controlled so many of his Veela compatriots into fighting for his cause, it ended up becoming completely impossible to find out just who was guilty and who was innocent. As a result, the French government was forced to be extremely strict with all Veela regardless of their involvement, and to this day the Veela species was still in the process of repopulating itself.

According to Mr. Bernard's explanation, Devon Devinier was already the single most powerful Veela on the face of the planet back when the Veela uprising started, and that had been before he was subjected to just under a hundred years of magical experimentation by the French government... In recent years, the man's allure-based powers had grown to such an unbelievable extent, he could infect other people into a state of obsessive devotion merely by making eye contact with them.

Fleur had flinched violently when Mr. Bernard explained the exact particulars of the Allure assault Mr. Devinier was capable of using, and her face had turned a pale white at just the thought of it. Very few Veela in all of the world had ever been strong enough for their allure to cause status effects that would last beyond the time that their allure was actually being released. The fact that Mr. Devinier could use an allure-based attack to establish total dominion over his victims was abhorrent, it was sickening, it justified every single one of the fears that wizardkind held for Veela…

Fleur knew right away that Devon Devinier could not be allowed to live...

It was during the silent moment that followed Mr. Bernard's explanation that he handed over a recent photo of Mr. Devon Devinier attached to a psychological profile and a generalized explanation of his various skills.

For all that Mr. Devinier was purported to be well over a hundred years old, the man didn't look a day over thirty. He was tall, well built, with platinum white hair, lavender blue eyes, and a perfectly sculpted bone structure underneath flawlessly smooth and luminous skin. The man was a beautiful, terrible, powerful magical creature, with waves of unbelievably intense allure roiling off of his body at all times, six or seven Horcruxes hidden somewhere in his domain, and a mean streak a mile wide. He was a certifiably insane megalomaniacal psychopath, with the power to enslave people into fanatical levels of both lust and devotion.

Devon Devinier was a nightmare made flesh… He was as close to a fallen angel turned devil as Earth had seen in eons...

Despite all of the dangers involved in the mission and the fact that Fleur wouldn't have minded seeing her own government suffer, she ended up agreeing to undertake the assignment anyway. Harry was in danger. It was as simple as that. She would not, could not allow that to continue. Very few witches or wizards on any planet at all were strong enough to actually pose a threat to her newly estranged lover, but with Magical France's military having poured all of their resources towards creating a weapon-of-mass-destruction aimed directly at his head, this was probably the exception…

Gods and Goddesses help her, but Fleur Delacour really did love that man…

After ensuring that Mr. Bernard would immediately inform Gabrielle about her newfound freedom, Fleur was shepherded off to a military installation somewhere in Northern France. Once on location, she made a point of concealing her identity under a black hooded cloak and mask, before meeting the team of warmages that would be distracting Devinier away from her infiltration.

Warmages are among the most dangerous wizards on the face of the planet due to the fact that they've had an entire series of extremely illegal and dangerous Runic spell formations tattooed onto their bodies. Among several other things, these tattoos make warmages physically faster and stronger, immune to status debuffs like fear or confusion, and it means that they're never, ever disarmed. A warmage always has several offensive spell formations tattooed into the palms of their hands so that they can continue unleashing spells even if their wand is destroyed.

Of course, almost every Magical government on Earth strictly prohibited the use of Runic tattoos because they couldn't condone a population that was never completely disarmed. The day to day operations of their various Auror, court, legal and political systems would become far too dangerous to take part in without some variety of control in place.

Long story short, being caught with a Runic tattoo on your body will get you sentenced to prison for life in every country that has a working government.

So far as dark wizards are concerned, this prohibition is completely irrelevant, which is why Harry always went out of his way to completely remove the wand hand from any wizard that attacks him. Under normal circumstances, having a limb removed is easily repairable with the use of skelegro, muscle and skin replacement potions, but whenever law enforcement finds out that the limb contains Runic tattoos, they don't bother to do so. The removed limb is henceforth considered a weapon, and is thus confiscated. By this point, there were hundreds and hundreds of dark wizards residing in various magical prisons all over the world that are sporting brand-new magical prosthetics.

All things considered, Fleur was being escorted into her mission by a very, very capable group of young men and women. Unfortunately for all of them, none of their skills and abilities could protect them from Devon's allure-based powers. They needed to get in, protect Fleur until she found a place to hide, and then get back out as soon as magically possible...

Within just 12 hours of her meeting with Mr. Bernard, Fleur and her newly assigned warmage 'distraction squad' made their way towards the location of Mr. Devinier's interdimensional portal, where she managed to crack open the aperture and gain access to the man's lair. Then she was layering dozens upon dozens of espionage spells all over her body, such as the Disillusionment invisibility spell, the scent washing spell, the sound concealing spell, the notice-me-not spell, and a few different magic, matter and spirit obscuring boundaries that Harry had taught her over the last couple of months. For all intents and purposes, Fleur didn't exist at the moment. Harry's boundaries were so effective, Fleur was currently nothing more than a ghost that just happened to still be alive. She could no more attack her enemies than they could attack her because for the most part, she wasn't interacting with physical reality.

Quietly and with extreme amounts of discipline, the squad of warmages preceded Fleur into the portal… Only to find out that Devinier had long since learned of, and prepared for, their arrival. A literal horde of silently standing people, an army of completely enthralled witches and wizards, were filling the clearing surrounding the portal entrance, with their wands unerringly pointed directly at the aperture.

"Circle formation and move back towards the portal," the squad leader of the warmages immediately barked out, as the group of wizards suddenly found themselves surrounded on three sides. Even as a hailstorm of different curses and spells careened in their direction, the squad of warmages bunched up into a tight circle and began backing away towards the portal. The formation allowed the Protego shields that they were casting to stack together and it was a very effective defense, but at least one man was hit by an unblockable killing curse that left his dead body cooling on the ground. A second man was hit by an unknown dark purple curse that had copious amounts of blood spilling from his every orifice, and his eyes rolling into the back of his head even as he fell to the ground.

Not even thirty seconds after the warmages infiltrated Devon Devinier's domain, they'd already taken losses and they were hastily retreating back through the portal. Considering the risk that Devon Devinier posed for France, as well as the fact that Fleur definitely would've been able to hide out amongst the nearby trees in all of the chaos, these men were still probably going to consider their mission a success.

They'd be wrong...

As it turns out, the warmage that had been hit by the dark purple curse wasn't actually dead yet. The seriously injured twenty-something man survived just long enough to be healed by one of the enthralled members of Devinier's army…

If the members of the retreating warmage squad had known that they were leaving behind a survivor to be snatched up into Devinier's forces… they'd have finished the man off themselves…

Just a few moments after the squad of warmages scrambled back through the portal, Devinier himself Apparated into the clearing, stared down into the eyes of the weakened enemy wizard, and magically enthralled the man into a fanatically devoted state of complete obedience right then and there…

And that was the moment when the newly enthralled warmage began spilling his guts about how his mission had been to smuggle a woman matching Fleur's cloaked description into his domain.

Of course, by that point Fleur was no longer listening in from her nearby hiding spot. Instead, she was silently Apparating to the furthest extent of her visual range over and over again. She needed to make a run for it while she still had the space to move. She needed to find a hiding spot so that she could erect hundreds of obfuscating wards and find-me-not spells, and she needed to do so now!

Fleur Delacour's presence in Devon Devinier's domain had been revealed…


1 Day Later….

It had to be said that Fleur really was a genius caliber witch and a phenom in her field. She knew all of the spells required to survive undetected deep in enemy territory, she knew when and how to use them and even more importantly, she knew when not to...

After finding a wolf infested cave deep in the mountain barrier ringing Devon's little 'kingdom,' Fleur immediately Confundus spelled the entire pack of creatures into believing that she was the youngest wolf among their number, and then she began warding the cave to the point of absurdity. Every sight, sound, smell, heat, magic, spirit and presence concealing ward that Fleur knew of was slowly but steadily applied to the cave walls and entrance, until even the wolves couldn't figure out where they were and she had to complete a spell exception around their bodies.

Next, Fleur started preparing to attempt a very ambitious ward that she'd only ever seen Harry Potter use in the past, which meant that she needed to have completely maxed out magic reserves and boatloads of mental fortitude. The magic that Harry could casually perform would normally leave a whole team of wizards sweating bullets and shaking in exhaustion. It didn't matter. It had to be done. Fleur had the need, she had the will… She had the intent…

Harry Potter always told her that strong intent is half of what makes magic possible…

After a good night's sleep curled up among the newly spell-cleaned and ultra-fluffy wolves, Fleur walked into the center of the cave, aimed her wand down at the youngest wolf in the pack and drew in a very deep breath. What she was about to do would be… hard, and just a little bit amoral… Unfortunately, it still needed to be done. Fleur slowly and carefully completed a grant intelligence spell on the little wolf below her, because doing so was completely necessary for the spell that she was about to perform. Then, when the youngest wolf's head jerked up in surprise and it began looking around the room with newly aware, newly cognizant eyes, Fleur completed a new variety of Fidelius charm that Harry invented using this wolf as the secret keeper. She channeled the knowledge that this cave was a magically protected secret hideout directly into the wolf's mind using an Auror issue empathy spell, and then she completed the charm with an absolutely massive outpouring of magic.

With a cry of max effort and a dangerously empty magical core, Fleur unceremoniously collapsed onto her side, where she was sniffled and snuffled by the newly intelligent little wolf…

It had worked… It was working…

The brand-new variety of Fidelius charm that Fleur had just completed would never be revealed to anyone because the secret keeper didn't have the ability to communicate. Fleur's cave was secret, it was hidden, it was safe.

Harry Potter really was a genius. Of course, he also would've had a lot of motivation to improve upon the charm that had failed his parents with such tragic results…

For the next eight hours, as Fleur just lay there on the sandy floor of the cave and recovered from advanced magical exhaustion, she allowed her mind to dwell on the emerald green-eyed wizard that she was currently on the outs with. Fleur was… a mess, where Harry Potter was concerned, and she knew it. She had no self-control, no self-restraint, no sense of boundaries, no sense of the appropriate, no clue what she was doing… She was a primal, territorial, jealous, nearly feral, love sick, halfblood Veela that was experiencing a full imprinting towards a completely unapologetic womanizer.

And yes, it was just as bad as it sounds…

Harry was smart enough to understand exactly how Fleur might be feeling, and yet he was underestimating just how much damage it does her that he sleeps around with every single witch in creation. Harry thought that Fleur was reluctant to leave her husband because she couldn't make up her mind, when the reality was far, far simpler than that. She was merely desperate to know whether or not he truly cared about her, whether or not he wanted her in his life. Two weeks earlier, when she was magically affixed to the wall of Harry's bedroom, Fleur had accused the man of being in love with her, and he hadn't disagreed, and she'd been completely elated… up until the point that the man explained why she was no longer welcome in his home, impregnated a woman just a few feet away from her, force Apparated her back to Earth, and removed her name from his wards…

There was really no way of describing just how painful it had been for Fleur to finally realize that Harry wasn't just going to forgive and forget every single time she trounced all over his life...

The more interesting question was, why had it taken Fleur so long to realize how out of control she was?... In what world was injecting powerful magical narcotics and truth serums into your lover anything other than a ruinously stupid and suicidal plan of action? If Fleur didn't know better, she'd think that her mother had suggested the 'plan' with the specific intention that her relationship with Harry explode into millions of pieces. Except… no… Appoline Delacour really was just that domineering and thoughtless… Fleur had always thought that she was quite a bit more even tempered than her mother owing to the fact that she was a halfblood, but that wasn't a line of reasoning that she could fall back on anymore.

Fleur had completed a lot of soul searching within the last couple of weeks, and she'd come to the same conclusion over and over again. She was completely screwed… Harry Potter seriously just wasn't the right person for her. Her magic, her constitution, her personality, all of it was diametrically opposed to being with a man that couldn't dedicate himself to her…

It was just too bad that Fleur was deeply, passionately, desperately in love with the man...

Every single night when Fleur went to bed, her mind turned in rapid circles over and over again like a rat in a wheel… If she was ever going to move forward and even attempt to get what she wanted out of her life, Fleur was going to have to bend, and flex, and grow, until she found out what she was truly capable of...

In the meantime, one thing that Fleur was capable of doing again was move, which meant that it was time for her to get back to saving Harry Potter's life…

Despite everything surrounding her current situation and how unbelievably dangerous it was, the idea of saving Harry's life was definitely a pleasant one. It felt good. It felt right. Turnaround was fair play… Harry had saved the world hundreds and hundreds of times… It was well past time that someone decided to put themselves on the line for him in return.

Moving to the entrance of the cave, Fleur applied all of her various espionage spells and then moved out onto the forested slopes of the mountain...


1 Week Later...

Today would be the day that Fleur finally managed to steal back that damned weapon from within Devinier's castle fortress. It had to be… Fleur had been living on nothing but Conjured food and water for long enough at this point that it was beginning to take a toll on her health and nutrition. Even though the food she'd been conjuring was both permanent and superficially nutritious, there were always trace nutrients, minerals and enzymes that just can't be imagined with enough perfection to bring them into being. No witch or wizard, no matter how powerful, with the possible exception of Harry Potter, could survive solely on conjured food for extended periods of time. On the other hand, being able to bring forth her own supply of food had allowed Fleur to exist with almost no impact on the landscape around her, which in turn had allowed her to move around Devinier's domain like the ghost she was trying to impersonate.

Over the last week, Fleur had mapped out Devinier's castle, counted his people, scouted his defenses, found the room containing the weapon, and constructed a plan of action to retrieve it without getting caught.

Now all that was left was to enact the plan and get the hell out of here…


One of the problems with enthralling yourself an army is that the people involved will lose a lot of their initiative because their only desire at that point will be to obey… For that reason, the patrol rotations of the various people within Devon Devinier's castle were as regular as clockwork with no deviation at all.

Fleur moved about the building with a ridiculous ease as she moved towards the one door within the castle that was always guarded twenty-four-seven. The poor warmage that had been caught during Fleur's arrival was the most offensively dangerous man among Devinier's army, thus he was the man that guarded the weapon most times of the day. The problem with Devinier's desire to have the warmage standing guard at this door at all times, was that he had the man standing there for upwards of 24-30 hours at a time. Yesterday at this time, Fleur had seen that the man was finally failing. Today was going to be the day that he went down.

Of course, Fleur could just spell the warmage to sleep, but one of the smarter pieces of magical equipment that everyone in the castle was wearing was an amulet that would alert Devinier if anyone in his little 'army was interfered with magically. No… Fleur would have to wait… She needed to let the enemy make their own mistakes.

Finally, after four straight hours of watching the warmage suffer from a distance, Fleur finally managed to catch the moment that the man's eyes rolled up into the back of his head, and he collapsed backwards onto the ground like a frozen stiff cadaver.

After moving down the hallway as silently as a ghost, Fleur stunned the warmage to make sure that he stayed asleep, grabbed the keys that the man was holding, and then slipped inside of the tower room as quietly as she could.

There it was… The weapon…

Sitting on a pedestal in the middle of the circular tower room was a stone tablet covered on every side by hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of glowing Runes to the point that it was glowing with an angry red energy. Fleur immediately bit her lips because she was capable of reading some of what she was looking at. If unleashed, the dark and primal energies that this tablet was just barely managing to control, could atomize Harry down to his very last particle.

After scanning every inch of the floor and walls for any signs of magical traps or gimmicks, Fleur moved over towards the tablet, rested her hands on its sides and began lifting it off of its pedestal.

What Fleur had missed up in the unlit recesses at the top of the tower, was the massive Runic trap spell that was inscribed into the stone. With a crack and a blindingly bright light, Fleur's wand was immediately stripped from within its holster, and her body was immobilized where she was standing. Fleur was stuck in place. She was frozen. She was caught.

Fleur's mind immediately started moving a mile a minute as she made sure that she finished accomplishing her objective one way or another…

"Mon mon mon… Qu'avons-nous ici (My my my… What have we here)," a tall and muscular man with pure white hair called out in cultured French after Apparating into the room.

Immediately after Devinier's arrival, an extraordinarily intense wave of allure filled the entire room to capacity, and Fleur flinched as a result. This man was a hammer… He had no finesse. His allure rubbed against her like a series of molesting hands. It was too forward, too intimate… "Trop présomptueux (Too presumptuous)," Fleur growled out in an irate tone of voice…"

"D'accord, maintenant tu m'as impressionné (Okay, now you've impressed me)," Devinier murmured as he rounded in front of Fleur, and looked down into the dark recesses of her cowl. "Qui es-tu pour défier mon allure? (Who are you that you defy my allure?)"

Fleur didn't respond. She was much too preoccupied with something else.

Devon's smile only grew larger as he pushed back Fleur's cowl, pulled off her mask, and revealed the extraordinarily beautiful blonde Veela woman hidden beneath. "Mon oh mon (My oh my)," he breathed out as he ran his hands up the frozen woman's face and caressed her tightly closed eyes. "Je pense que j'ai enfin trouvé ma poulinière destinée… Félicitations Mme Fleur Delacour de l'ICW... Tu es juste mon type, alors je vais t'accorder chacun de mes enfants... (Congratulations Ms. Fleur Delacour of the ICW… You're just my type, so I'm going to grace you with every… single… one… of my children…)"

"N'hésitez pas à vous faire foutre à la place (Feel free to go fuck yourself instead)," Fleur growled out through clenched teeth. Fleur's anger at the man's attitude was only made stronger by the similarities in his attitude to her mother, Gabrielle and even herself. The turnabout was a little too on the nose. It was hitting way too close to home. Fleur didn't need this kind of abject life lesson when she was trying to focus!

Then, with one last flex of her magical muscles, Fleur was finally finished with her task, and she had to force herself not to heave a massive sigh of relief.














"Maintenant, ne sois pas difficile (Now now, don't be difficult)," Devinier whispered in a silky-smooth voice as he pulled out his wand and pointed it at the woman's face. "Occlumus Upendo," he intoned, casting the spell that would force Fleur to open her eyes.

Slowly but surely, Fleur's eyes were pried open by Devinier's magic and the two of them locked stares. In the split second that followed, her body swayed as if it had taken a blow, the pupils of her eyes contracted down to needle points, her breathing became loose and labored, and her skin turned a bright and heated red. At the same time, her hands curled tight into white knuckled fists, her mouth curled into a feral grimace, and her lungs emptied out in a long, low, almost subvocal growl that didn't sound the least bit human. For all that her body was reacting to the man's magic in several very noticeable ways, she was visibly struggling to resist his attempts to magically dominate her mind.

There could be no doubt that Fleur Delacour was being powerfully allure enthralled by the man standing in front of her, but she wasn't in love with him and she was struggling to maintain her sense of self...

"De plus en plus impressionnant de minute en minute (More and more impressive by the minute)," Devnier murmured to himself as he banished Fleur's cloak with a wave of his wand, and then walked a slow circle around the woman. Now that her large, baggy cowl was gone and she was only wearing a black tank top over skin tight black cargo pants, he could take in and appreciate the full scope of the beauty that she represented. Then, in the moments that followed, Devinier found that Fleur's resistance wasn't bothering him in the least. This was good… This was appropriate… His new mate should not be so simple minded and easy that she would bow to him at a single glance…

With a satisfied little nod and a wave of his wand that sent off a flare of light, Devinier summoned two of the terrorists that had agreed to work for him. Soon enough two very scruffy looking women were Apparating into the room...

"De quoi avez-vous besoin, patron (What do you need, boss)," the shorter and squatter woman asked with a speculative glance aside at Fleur's continuously frozen form.

The second, taller and rail thin woman didn't speak, but rather she just glowered at the man as if his good looks offended her.

"Fleur ici résiste à mes tentatives pour captiver son esprit (Fleur here is resisting my attempts to enthrall her mind)," Devinier admitted with a smile. "J'ai besoin qu'elle soit sécurisée et emmenée dans la salle du trône, et je ne veux pas qu'elle soit touchée. Vos homologues masculins ne conviendraient pas à la tâche (I need her secured and taken to the throne room, and I don't want her touched. Your male counterparts wouldn't be suitable for the task)."

After just a single glance in Fleur's direction, both of the female terrorists looked like they might enjoy watching their male peers have their way with Fleur, but that they were far too afraid of being allure enthralled by their boss to question his orders. In the end they only nodded at Devinier, bound Fleur's arms in ropes and then began dragging her out of the room.

With a smile and a small, fond glance at the weapon up on its pedestal, Devinier turned to follow the women out of the room. He was looking forward to spending the afternoon with the world famous Fleur Delacour back in his throne room. He was interested in finding out how much resistance she would end up putting up.


7 Hours Later…

Just because you're powerful, doesn't mean you should be a stupid meathead when lives are on the line.

It was with these thoughts in mind that Harry exited the portal into Devinier's domain wearing a black cowl and mask exactly like the one that Fleur had worn a week earlier. It would be extremely unwise to reveal exactly who he was this early in the game, although what he was about to be forced to do would probably offer up some clues…

Harry was standing in front of hundreds of enthralled witches and wizards that all had their wands pointed in his direction…

"This will all be over very soon," Harry breathed out in an exceptionally quiet voice even as he erected an extremely thick green shield into a full sphere all around his body to block the solid mass of curses that were flying in his direction. Then he was waving his hands in both directions and a white sphere of magic was growing outside of his shield to expand outwards in every direction like a blast wave. The expanding sphere of white energy crashed into and through all of the enthralled people throughout the clearing, slamming them onto their backs where they immediately started snoring, murmuring, grinding their teeth and or breathing gently. They were all asleep. The white dome had been an extremely wide arena of effect stunning spell…

During the seconds that followed Harry's so called 'duel' with Devinier's army, Gabrielle walked through the portal and loudly gasped at what she found.

"They're all fine," Harry immediately assured. "Asleep, stunned. Let's tie them up just in case they wake up while we're still working."

Gabrielle immediately nodded her understanding and agreement.

"There are some things I should explain while we work," Harry added as he started Incarcerous rope spelling everyone in sight. "Now that we're on the same plane of existence, I can sense that your sister's receiving an ongoing barrage of powerful curse energy, and that she's resisting Devinier's attempts to dominate her with his allure, but that she's still alive, which means she'll be fine."

"She's being cursed," Gabrielle squeaked.

"Yes, and she's already in pretty bad shape, but like I said, she'll be fine… I'll make sure of it," Harry assured with a grim but confident look on his face. "Unfortunately, there's something else that we need to deal with before we head in that direction."

With a pair of raised hands, Harry closed his eyes, concentrated on the dark magic that he could sense scattered throughout the pocket dimension, and then said the incantation. "Accio the Horcruxes hidden in the mountains!"

"You are summing several 'ighly cursed items to come soaring een our direction," Gabrielle pointed out in little more than a whisper.

"We don't have time for caution," Harry immediately replied. "I'm going to brute force the matter. Please come and stand close to my back…"

"Can I grope you," Gabrielle asked, with no signs of humor in her voice.

"Keep it above the cowl," Harry cautioned in return.

Within the next few seconds, Gabrielle was snuggling up into Harry's back, and was wrapping her arms around his waist so that she could run her hands across his stomach muscles, thighs and cock.

Harry rolled his eyes as he scanned the horizon and waited for the Horcruxes to arrive. Maybe he'd teased Gabrielle just a little too long… This level of desperate perversion was rare even among Veela…

A little over five minutes later, and almost all at once, the Horcruxes came flying into the clearing from every single direction. They were all boiling over with a mixture of angry purple flames or screaming writhing wraiths, and they were flying directly towards Harry with lethal intent.

Harry immediately waved his hand to release a very powerful stag shaped Patronus spell, and then he directed the stag to stampede into and through all of the Horcruxes in a blur of pure speed. One thing that he'd picked up during all of his Dark Lord slaying in the past, was that if you're strong enough, you can crush the dark energy comprising Horcruxes under the full might of your happiness and positivity. Oddly enough, the fact that Harry currently had a stunning French maid massaging his half erect cock through the various layers of his cowl was helpful in bringing forth some next level happiness and satisfaction...

Should've been obvious, really…


At the same time within Devinier's Castle…

"Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de ta résistance continue (I fail to see the point in your continued resistance)," Devinier idly commented, as he leaned on the armrest of his throne and stared down into Fleur's icey blue eyes. The woman was currently a captive audience, what with her forearms roped securely to the armrest of a large and ornate looking chair, but he didn't think he'd need to keep her secured that way for very much longer. The woman's body was a mess… She was pale and sweaty and visibly twitching with barely controlled, feverish lust. At this point, it was only the woman's iron-will that was keeping her from finally submitting to her desires, at which point the enthralling process would be complete.

"Je ne me soumettrai pas, je ne suis pas à toi pour réclamer (I will not submit to you, I'm not yours to claim)," Fleur finally ground out through lips that were slightly parted, and moist with her labored breathing.

"Les traditions les plus anciennes de notre culture ne sont pas d'accord avec vous (Our species's oldest traditions disagree with you)," Devinier immediately argued with an amused smile on his face. "Vous êtes Veela. Vous connaissez mieux que quiconque les instincts qui guident mes actions. Vous savez mieux que quiconque à quel point vos protestations sont insignifiantes (You are Veela. You know better than most the instincts that drive my actions. You know better than anyone how trivial your protests are)."

Fleur flinched as if she'd been slapped in response to Devinier's words, and then she stared down at her hands until he magically forced her to meet his eyes again. He had no intention of ceasing his allure-based attack until the deed was finally done and the woman was his…

But that was the moment when Devinier suddenly froze in place, turned to look at all of his terrorist vassals, and gestured out the window towards the moat. "Harry Potter force son entrée dans le château ! Préparez cette pièce pour son entrée ! Préparez-vous à défendre cette pièce ! Préparez-vous à capitaliser lorsque je menace d'activer l'arme (Harry Potter is forcing his way into the castle! Prepare this room for his entry! Prepare to defend this room! Prepare to act when I activate the weapon!"

Devinier pointed to the corner of the room, where the weapon had been relocated specifically in preparation for Harry Potter's arrival.


At the same time at the entrance to Devinier's castle…

It hadn't taken Harry very long to sense that Devinier's entire castle was covered in an incredibly complex tangle of Rune traps that made Apparating inside far more trouble than it was worth. With that much in mind, Harry and Gabrielle were quickly marching across a drawbridge that he'd just forced down from the castle's ramparts using brute force telekinesis, and he was burning a hole straight through the magic repelling iron lattice-work just inside of the entrance.

Dozens and dozens of enthralled people immediately came running out of every side hallway that the castle had to offer, but Harry efficiently stunned them all and then tied up their unconscious bodies.

Not long after all of the normal witches and wizards were dealt with, Harry finally encountered the enthralled warmage. This man was far faster, stronger and quite a bit more skilled than the rest of the enthralled civilians, but his attacks were equally ineffective against Harry's shield spell so the duel was just a little bit anticlimactic. In the end, the wizard was powerfully stunned for that extra-long nap duration, and Harry moved on with his infiltration.

It was only when Harry and Gabrielle were standing directly in front of the doors to the throne room that Harry paused and raised his right hand above his head. "Accio Fleur's wand."

It took almost a minute, but Fleur's wand came careening down the hallway from where it had been stuck to the roof of the trapped tower room.

Gabrielle didn't ask how Harry knew to do that… She knew that the answer he'd give would be something along the lines of a shrug, so she merely focused her attention on keeping her hands to herself… Now wasn't the time… Now wasn't the place, but soon, soon, Gods and Goddesses, soon…

With Fleur's wand in hand, Harry focused on a patch of floor to his right where a three-meter-tall mound of sand grew into place and then began floating around the entirety of Gabrielle's body in a filmy translucent layer that would block all incoming curses. The second half of the sand pile floated at Harry's shoulder like a ghost even as he cracked his neck and windmilled his arms.

Gabrielle gawked. It almost looked like Harry thought was about to do something hard…

With a long and deep indrawn breath, Harry suddenly erected a fantastically powerful, bright green shield spell in front of his body, banished the door into the room and then marched inside as if he owned the place. Immediately after he erased the door from existence, three things happened all at once. The large cloud of sand hovering at Harry's shoulder took off like a bird, carrying Fleur's wand within its mass, a severing spell left Harry's hand flying in the direction of Fleur's rope bindings, and a massive wall of incoming curses slammed into Harry's shields. He didn't even slow down his advance, and he didn't turn his attention to the wizards and witches attacking him. Instead, he turned to regard Devinier, because the man was holding a trigger mechanism above his head.

"Stop now or I will trigger ze weapon," Devinier called out in very loud, heavily accented English.

"What weapon," Harry called back in a nonchalant tone of voice.

With a whip of his head, Devinier turned to regard the superweapon that was sitting in the corner, only to find that the artifact was violently ceasing to exist in a process that was not of this earth and was twisted beyond any and all mortal understanding.

"Wha… How?..." Devinier spluttered out, staring at the empty pedestal that had just contained an enormously well-constructed and lethal magical artifact that was purposefully created to be on a hair trigger specifically to keep what just happened from happening...

"A God of entropy dissected my mind lately," Harry replied with a shrug of his shoulders. I took the opportunity to learn something in return." Even as Harry said those words, he was casting hundreds and hundreds of healing spells across the room directly into Fleur's body, telekinetically slamming the amassed terrorists against the throne room's walls, and he was fusing their bodies to the stones of the walls at the cellular level. If any of these wannabe Dark Lords wanted to get free of the wall, they were going to have to sacrifice every inch of skin off their backs in the process.

Since Harry appeared to have everything under control, Gabrielle simply moved about the room, silence spelling everyone to bring their panicked screams to an end.

Over the following ten seconds, Fleur Delacour's skin tone rapidly improved, her sweating came to an end, the trembling in her limbs stopped, and her breathing regulated back to normal. Then the Petrificus Totalus spell that she was casting was smashing directly into Devinier's back.

"Wahh when? You're almost completely allure enthralled! 'Ow are you acting against me like zis," Devinier spluttered out, revealing that Fleur had left his mouth free to move as an exception in her petrifying spell…

"You were never ze true source of my body's discomfort, you eembecile," Fleur spat at the newly frozen man with a disgusted look upon her face. "Just like so many ozzer Dark Lords before you, you believe zat only dark wizards take on Runic tattoos een secret. Well, you're wrong… I 'ave an Artificer Rune concealed deep wizzin ze flesh of my left 'aand. Eet's a useful leetle Rune zat allows me to create or modify magical artifacts, and I used eet to alter ze Runes wizzin ze magical weapon's spell matrix!"

"Fleur modified the French government's superweapon to make it target her instead of me," Harry explained with a nod in the blonde Veela's direction. She's been receiving a never-ending stream of powerful curse energy all afternoon…"

"I merely acted as eef eet was your repellent leetle allure zat's been affecting my body to keep you from realizing ze truth," Fleur revealed with a look of disdain growing clear across her face. "I am eemprinted on a real man, a true Merlin caliber demi-god. No amount of allure could ever make me lust for a creature as small and repulsive as you!"

Devon Devinier was rendered completely speechless as his entire body rioted over his one true mate's absolute rejection of him, and only the fact that he was paralyzed allowed him to stay up on his feet. Never, not once in his whole entire life, had he been insulted to such an extreme, or at all for that matter, and the situation was made all the more painful by the fact that this woman was the one that his instincts screamed for. Devinier found his mouth bobbing dumbly in his current state of almost mad denial. This couldn't possibly be reality. He always got what he wanted, whenever he wanted, from whomever he wanted!

"With her insult delivered," Fleur's attention swiftly turned back towards Harry again and she began stalking across the room in his direction. "I tried to save your life, 'Arry…"

"I'm aware of that. I came to save yours in return, so I'd say we're square," Harry replied with a wary expression growing across his face.

"You were never een any real danger just now, while I was willing to die for you," Fleur countered without ever pausing her slow approach.

"It sounds to me like you're trying to collect a debt from me rather than seek reconciliation," Harry growled out, his countenance darkening with every single word that he said.

"Eendeed... I would 'ave you owe me a favor, for zere ees a task zat I would 'ave you perform for me, and I don't want to risk 'aving you say no," Fleur admitted as she moved up to stand directly in front of Harry.

"What is this task," Harry asked in an almost completely deadpan tone of voice.

"I would 'ave you fuck me long, 'ard and repeatedly, directly een front of zis cretin Devinier, before I destroy ze last 'Orcrux residing een 'iis throne and end 'iis loathsome existence," Fleur explained without ever looking back at the newly freaking out male proto Veela.

"No wait, you can't," Devinier finally choked out before a silencing spell was cast upon his mouth.

"I do not expect you to make love to me," Fleur continued even as she returned her wand back into its holster and then dumped it to the ground. I 'ave learned what eet's like to be ze target of a Veela's… eenstincts, over ze course of zis afternoon. I find I'm not feeling… eennocent at ze moment. I desire to be… punished…"

For several moments in a row, Harry didn't do or say anything at all, with the possible exception that the sand barrier spells that were floating around Gabrielle and Fleur's bodies suddenly drifted away. Then the man, drew in a very deep breath, Banished the clothing right off of his body, and gestured for Gabrielle to join them.

By the time Gabrielle finished dashing over, Harry had banished Fleur's clothing with the exception of her simple serviceable white cotton panties, Conjured a bed right in front of Devinier's petrified form, and had the sisters floating next to each other in the air. Then he was Banishing the bust area right off of Gabrielle's maid uniform to reveal her absolutely stupendous tits, even as he laid the sisters out side by side on their backs with their heads hanging backwards off the edge of the bed.

Fleur and Gabrielle stared up at Harry in rising amounts of expectation, as he kneeled next to the bed above them, his newly rock-hard cock resting atop their upside-down chins and his hands firmly cupping the perfect globes of their breasts. Both girls shivered in increased arousal at the feral look that was growing across Harry's face. His expression was dark. His expression was predatory. Then the man was waving a hand, causing four water-teasing charms to begin churning and spreading both their pussies and their assholes to the very peak of orgasm, and both girls knew that he had zero intention of showing them any mercy. He was going to wreck them. He was going to treat them like whores…

A shiver of arousal was the only response that either of the girls ended up making…

With an almost animalistic little growl, Harry suddenly cupped Gabrielle's cheeks with both of his hands, pressed his cockhead firmly against her slightly parted lips, and then slowly pushed his dick in and down into her hungrily sucking throat. He stopped when the woman's throat was filled to the fullest extent of her comfort zone, and then he harshly pinched her right nipple to make her moan around his shaft. Gabrielle did far more than merely that. She convulsed in an instant spike of enormous arousal and twined three fingers deep within her pussy so that she could finger fuck the living hell out of herself. The young proto Veela was unbelievably turned on by Harry's rough treatment.

Gabrielle Delacour was a Masochistic little bitch, just like her mother.

Casting his attention to the left, Harry made sure to stare down into Fleur's unblinking eyes when he suddenly forced another three inches of his cock even deeper down the French maid's tightly resisting throat. Gabrielle's esophagus instantly spasmed against his dick in protest to his rough treatment. He didn't stop. Then the white haired Veela gurgled messily as her free hand pawed weakly at his thighs. He didn't care. He thrust his cock further down into her tightly clenching throat, began releasing a thick current of powerful magic into both of the woman's nipples, and then gave her throat three more lazy pumps of his cock as if her discomfort meant absolutely nothing to him.

And it worked.

Gabrielle's entire body suddenly convulsed into an unbelievably intense orgasm as Harry Potter cruelly raped her throat. She gushed pussy juices all over the hem of her maid uniform and she rubbed her thighs together as if she simply couldn't control herself. She squirmed and her eyes grew glossy as her mouth was fucked and her newly sensitive tits were tightly squeezed in her mate's large and manly hands. She moaned long and loud like a drug-addled whore, causing her windpipe to vibrate around the dick lodged deep in her mouth, and she tried to convey her gratitude by rubbing and massaging his balls.

Then Harry was slowly withdrawing his cock from within the newly limp cat-eared maid so that he could repeat the performance with the fully naked Veela on her right-hand side. By the time Harry's cockhead was moving in towards Fleur's lips, her mouth was opening wide and she was leaning her head even further back to open her airway as much as humanly possible. Sure enough, Harry's fat girthy dick filled Fleur's throat completely to capacity, as he hilted his cock in her mouth and draped his heavy hanging balls all over her nose, eyes, and forehead. After pressing the base of his shaft flush to Fleur's tightly sucking lips, he grabbed the woman's hands and wrapped them around the massive dick shaped lump stretching her throat to capacity.

As it turns out, punishing Fleur into an orgasm was even easier than it was with Gabrielle.

In response to having her sexual degradation kink mix perfectly with her nearly obsessive love affair with sucking on Harry's fat fucking cock, Fleur's pussy almost immediately started leaking a torrent of femcum all over the sheets of the bed, and the woman moaned loudly over every inch of her estranged lover's shaft. She slapped the bed in spastic and jerky movements as her orgasmic pussy clenched over nothing but empty air and goosebumps covered her newly flushed pink skin. She twitched, she gurgled, she whimpered and moaned. Her heart beat like a jackhammer, her oxygen starved lungs heaving the mountainous expanse of her absurdly perfect titflesh back and forth. She stared up at the length of Harry's glorious cock as it spread open her esophagus to leak pre-cum directly into her stomach. She reveled over being used, over being objectified, over being facefucked by her mate. She loved it, she loved him. She'd missed this, she'd missed him…

Gods and Goddesses, she'd missed him...

For the entire duration of Fleur's ridiculously prolonged orgasm, Harry ruthlessly fucked her mouth in long, deep, full-dicked thrusts that had her flopping around on the bed like a fish out of water and soaking the crotch of her white panties to the point that it was see-through. Then he slowly pulled his cock from within her newly slack jawed mouth, slapped it against her cheeks, first her right and then her left, and then he drew his cock to the right where Gabrielle was waiting.

For the next few minutes, Harry thrust his cock down into both of the Delacour sisters' mouths, fucking their throats as if they were pussies for a fraction of a minute each, before pulling back out again and alternating to the other sister. The whole entire time, he tightly squeezed and groped at their big, beautiful tits, tweaked their little nipples and ran currents of powerful magic directly into their nervous systems that had them twitching and squirming on the bed. Then he was just seconds away from cumming, his cock was scrubbing the tightly clenching walls of Gabrielle's throat, and both girls were begging him with their eyes to start feeding them a protein heavy diet…

And that was enough…

Without a single sound or gesture to warn the woman about what was about to happen, Harry started unleashing a massive series of cumloads directly into Gabrielle's little throat, stretching her esophagus around his seed before the woman spasmed in surprise and started desperately swallowing. She tried, Gods help her, she tried to drink his ultra-thick and voluminous nut, but Gabrielle was nowhere near fast enough. Only ten seconds after the beginning of his climax, the cum that Harry was releasing was back-flowing up and into her mouth, and he was popping his cock out from within her tightly sealed, desperately resisting lips, in order to paint her face, neck and tits a brilliant pearly white.

When Gabrielle's sexy little body was transformed into cum covered perfection, Harry immediately aimed his continuously cumming cock to the left to do the exact same thing to Fleur's completely uncovered upper body. For over a dozen cumshots in a row, Harry focused his entire attention on basting the woman's big, beautiful twin milky white globes, with their cute little pink nipples, in an extremely thick layer of seed, before aiming downwards to do the same thing to her stunningly gorgeous face. Finally, as a last act in what was becoming a climax for the ages, Harry thrust his cock balls deep within Fleur's eagerly welcoming throat, and filled her stomach with the last 15 seconds of his load. His testicles spasmed and twitched against Fleur's upper face, causing the Veela to squeal her excitement against his cock and massage his balls against her nose and eyes with desperate but gentle hands.

Harry didn't stop cumming down Fleur Delacour's throat until his orgasm finally came to an end, and by some miracle of slut magic, her stomach didn't look even the slightest bit bloated. Both girls looked completely radiant, as always, as if sex and cum were the figurative apple a day that keeps the doctor away.

"You sluts seriously just live off of sex and cum, don't you," Harry accused in a cold and disapproving tone of voice.

"Your sex," Gabrielle immediately corrected, her hands cupping her own tits so that she could lick his seed off of her own nipples

"Your cum," Fleur added, as she wiped up all of Harry's cum onto her hands and stuffed them into her mouth

For several moments in a row, Harry only watched as the two Veela kissed and licked his cum off of each other purely for his enjoyment. Then he waved his hand, causing Fleur and Gabrielle to float in a circle so that their heads were facing in the direction of Devinier, and Harry was crawling across the bed towards their feet.

"You're a very naughty girl for enjoying your punishment so much," Harry pointed out to Gabrielle, as he flipped her body over onto her stomach, pulled her ass up until she was on all fours, lifted her skirts well up the length of her back, and then hotdogged his cock between the woman's fantastically sexy bubble butt.

"I'm... your… naughty… girl…" Gabrielle panted out in return, as she completed a look back over her left shoulder, waved her ass up in the air, and licked her lips in a way that she knew he found sexy.

"You're about to receive a punishment for trying to rape me into nothing more than a sex slave," Harry pointed out even as he flipped Fleur into a mirror image of her sister's position with a casual wave of his hand.

"Whatever... my Master... desires of me," Gabrielle tried to purr, even though at this point, she was panting for air and red in the face. Along with her words, the French maid shakily reached back with both of her hands to spread apart her amazingly round asscheeks and reveal both of her preternaturally attractive and fuckable little holes. Both her pussy and her asshole were immaculate, tiny and cute, and they were being teased to the very peak of orgasm by an endlessly churning mass of semi-solid water. "Whatever my Master desires of me," Gabrielle repeated, bottomless need and extreme desperation leaking from her every word.

With a wave of his arm, Harry ended the silencing spell he had in place around the terrorists lining the throne room's walls, releasing them to pant and groan and mutter about the unfairness of it all…

Harry Potter was an amazingly fit, magnetic and attractive man, with features that were perfected and optimized to the point that he had some of the most beautiful and capable women on the face of the planet willing to share both him and his bed. He was sexy…

Harry was also as naked as the day he was born.

Calling Gabrielle and Fleur Delacour beautiful couldn't even begin to explain the full impact of their looks upon everyone who saw them.

Gabrielle had a perfectly sculpted heart shaped face, glossy platinum-white hair, crystal clear and luminous skin, absolutely stunning and soulful lavender eyes, and fantastically dramatic curves that were made even more impressive because of her shorter than average height. Gabrielle Delacour was a Goddess on Earth, a siren that could lead armies of men to their doom…

Gabrielle's skimpy little French maid uniform with its bust area completely removed somehow made her seem even more naked than Harry…

Fleur Delacour was a tall, thin, but absurdly voluptuous, seductress, with eyes so clear, hair so shiny and skin so flawless, she seemed to defy those mere mortals around her to label her anything but heaven sent. She had a tiny little waist, a beautiful, flared-out, heart shaped ass, and tits so perfect Harry had never found a descriptor that worked better. She was surreal to look upon, and yet carnal in the extreme. She was sexy. She was so unbelievably sexy….

One way or another, all of the criminals and dark wizards restrained throughout the room were attracted to what they were looking down at… and that was before the Delacour sisters released an extraordinarily powerful allure to slam into them all with all the power of a tidal wave. Dozens of panties all around the room were immediately soaked right through with pussy juices. Cocks grew hard. The level of lust throughout the room skyrocketed to nearly uncontrollable heights, and yet no one could move an inch to touch themselves or act upon how they felt...

"Look ... Just fucking look at how unbelievably fucking hot they are," one hideously ugly dark wizard finally whispered as if his inner monolog had completely failed him.

"Yeah, but they also look like total sluts," the woman at the man's side pointed out in a desperately aroused tone of voice.

In the split second that followed the woman's unkind but arousal driven words, both Gabrielle and Fleur winced as dull slapping sounds came from their newly wobbling asscheeks, and then the word SLUT appeared in the place where they'd just received a hard invisible slap.

Everyone in the room instantly started murmuring in surprise.

Harry was amused… In the moments since he'd first flipped Gabrielle onto all fours, he'd been busy casting an extremely creative spell. The spell would make any derogatory or debasing words that anyone in the room said about the Delacour sisters cause a slapping sensation against their asses, and leave behind the word written on their skin. Now, Harry was merely leaning back to view his cock resting atop Gabrielle's amazing attractive ass, and take in the word SLUT written across her newly pink right asscheek.

"They're whores," a second man added as he aimed to test out a theory… Then an inky black WHORE slapped itself onto Gabrielle's left thigh and a very amused smile grew across his face.

Gabrielle Delacour," Harry began in a very loud and clear tone of voice. "What is it exactly that you want from me?... Say it very clearly for all of these degenerate criminals to hear."

At no time since she was flipped over and exposed to over fifty different terrorists had Gabrielle even considered removing her hands from where they were spreading her asscheeks apart. She rested right where she was with her holes presented up in the air, and her cheek pressed down into bedsheets, because she knew exactly what her Master expected of her. Now she looked back over her shoulder to scan the audience attached to the walls all around them, and she drew in a very, very deep breath.

"I want to obey my Master's every order," Gabrielle loudly called out with no shame whatsoever in her voice. "I want to wrap my tits around his majestic fucking dick, as I kiss and lick at 'iis cock-'ead! I want to suffocate and see stars as my Master ruthlessly fucks my throat! I want to be covered top to bottom een my Master's wonderful sticky cum! I want to bask een eet, I want to bathe een eet! I want eet to seenk eento my skin until I smell like eet at all times of ze day! I want my Master to fill all of my 'oles with 'iis cock and 'iis cum! I want my Master to fuck me senseless until my eyes swim and my mouth 'angs open! I want my master to eenflate my womb around 'iis seed just like 'ee did my mozzer! I want my Master to mate me, right 'ere, right now, over and over again, until eet works and I'm knocked the fuck up!"

"Holy hell, the woman's a freak," an old one-armed wizard finally called out into the sudden deafening silence.

The word FREAK immediately adorned Gabrielle and Fleur's left ass cheeks, along with a dull red hand print.

"Yeah. How does such a loose cunt have such a pretty little pussy," a woman called out from the other side of the room.

Both sisters shook twice this time as the words LOOSE and CUNT were slapped against their right thighs and ass cheeks.

Over the next minute or two, the words FILTHY, CREATURE, SKANK, HOLE, DIRTY, BITCH, SWINE, FISHY, HOE, SLAG, TWAT, BINT, CHEAP, SKAG, TOILET, PIG, NYMPHO, CUMDUMP, COW, SCRUBBER, HOOKER and PROSTITUTE were slapped onto Fleur and Gabrielle's asses, thighs, and lower backs, and Gabrielle's overwrought little pussy shivered and leaked pussy juices in increasing amounts of arousal the whole entire time. Then and only then, when Gabrielle was panting like a racehorse and shaking from head to toe, did Harry silence the wizards stuck to the wall again, press the head of his cock against her pretty little rosebud of an asshole, and clap his hands down upon her cherry colored buttcheeks. "So you see, Gabrielle," he loudly called out for everyone to hear. "You really are just a masochistic little cock sleeve that's good for nothing but leaking my seed from your every hole…"

"Yes! Oui! Gods yes, Master," Gabrielle moaned out even as Harry's words made her ass cheeks shudder this way and that, and she tried to hump her asshole back against his cock. "Abuse me! Prove these cretins right! Je suis ta pute! Fais moi soumettre (I'm your whore! Make me submit)! Dominate my body!"

"You want it, you got it," Harry growled out as he cupped Gabrielle's hips in a nearly bruising grip, and started pressing his newly spell-lubed dick against the clenching ring of her asshole. He bore down over the woman as he flexed his thighs and applied more pressure, and the cat-eared maid, warbled and whimpered as her body didn't know what to make of it. The pressure grew and grew, and Gabrielle shook and shivered as if she was about to have a seizure, before a dull popping noise announced the moment when Harry's flared-out bulbous cockhead disappeared within her desperately clenching asshole.

In the seconds that followed, Harry began releasing hundreds of healing charms into Gabrielle's body, and he Banished the teasing water charm from within her ass so that he could replace it with the full length of his massive oiled up dick. Then he smiled an evil little smile and slapped the maid's right ass cheek when she started moaning like a mind-broken little fuck-toy, slapping and kicking the bed beneath her body and staring back at him with a wild expression of manic gratitude on her face.

"'Arrrriiieee, Ohhh Gawwwds Maaaaaster, you're a brute, you're a barbarian, you're breaking my bodyyyy," Gabrielle moaned loud enough to echo all across the Hall. Then, as more dick was pressed inside of her ass, her continually water teased pussy spilled a wave of femcum all over the bedsheets, her asscheeks and thighs shook like they were being electrocuted and her back arched like a bow.

At the same time, a lot of Harry's focus was going towards concealing just how fucking outstanding Gabrielle's hot little asshole felt as it's silky-smooth walls clenched and rippled around his slowly sinking cock. He micro-twitched and huffed out a deep focused breath, as the proto Veela bent over at his waist waved her ass back and forth like a cat, and the visual impact of her movements had his balls throbbing between his legs. It just wouldn't do to let on just how fucking good Gabrielle's sex was just yet. Right now, it was far more important to objectify and degrade the woman to get her masochism kink running at full speed. With that thought in mind, Harry suddenly growled out that Gabrielle was nothing but a cumrag, the word slapped itself onto her asscheek along with the rest of them, and the cat-eared maid shivered from head to toe.

Even though Gabrielle's mind was already experiencing a haze of fuck-drunk euphoria because her Master was finally, finally filling her holes with his unbelievably pleasurable dick, her response to the cruel names that she was being called was to wrap her hands around the back of Harry's thighs and bodily heave his waist towards her own. Then, after another four or five seconds of desperate grinding, humping and straining, her Master's big fat beautiful cock was finally completely hilted within her asshole, causing his heavy hanging balls to slap down against her clit… and her entire body went fucking haywire.

For the next twenty seconds, Harry dropped his weight onto his hands atop Gabrielle's hips because the woman was flopping around and humping herself back at his cock with such desperate enthusiasm and uncoordinated energy that he was in danger of being thrown off. His dick made obscene little fwopping sounds as it was slammed deep into her asshole and was drawn back out again at a rapid rate, as the woman bucking on his cock proved herself to be both a glutton for punishment and an insatiable anal queen. "So fuuuuucking gooood," Harry growled out by accident when he just couldn't help himself, but then the ecstatic series of moans that Gabrielle gave him in reply made his momentary loss of self-control worth it.

At this point Gabrielle's mouth was dropping open into a wide and slutty O, her eyes were rolling up into her head, and her pussy was spilling juices all over her Master's balls and inner thighs. She shook, she shivered, goosebumps covered her thighs and back, and her allure washed over everyone in the room like a tidal wave as it exploded out of her body. In her current state of blissful submission and overwhelmed arousal, every nerve within Gabrielle's entire body was lit up like a Christmas tree, but because she was a Veela, she never even paused the frenzied humping of her ass. She was taking her Master's dick deep into her body. She was going to drain his seed!

When Gabrielle's newest orgasm was almost at an end, Harry suddenly grabbed the woman by the shoulders, pulled her back flush against his chest, and then sat down on the bed with his back resting back against the headboard. Then, after banishing her maid outfit right off of her body, he planted Gabrielle's white stockinged feet wide to either side of his hips, widened her knees even further so that her dripping little pussy was showcased for everyone in the room to see, grabbed up her perfectly luscious tits in both of his hands, and growled into her ear. "Show these terrorist degenerates how a good little cockwarmer like you rides a massive dick Gabrielle. Show everyone in this Hall how a well behaved little analslut milks her Master's cock."

Even as she shook in response to the 2 new insults that were slapped onto both of her asscheeks, Gabrielle immediately moved to obey her Master's command. After raising an arm behind her head to run her fingers lovingly through Harry's thick black hair and laying her head back on his shoulder to kiss his jaw and ear and neck, she gyrated her ass up and down on his lap slowly and erotically. Within just a few seconds, she was fwopping and plapping her asshole up and down the length of the man's dick and slapping her asscheeks down against his thighs.

Now that she wasn't wearing her maid outfit anymore, an obscenely noticeable dick dent was forming in her tummy whenever she bottomed out on Harry's cock, and she massaged it as if she was trying to jerk him off through the lining of her stomach. Her hairless and immaculate little pussy with its virginal little lips glistened in the chandelier lighting as it sprayed pussy juices with every fresh orgasm that washed over her body. Her femcum spilled all over Harry's balls, stomach and then bedsheets when she just didn't stop. She rode her Master slowly at first and then much faster over time, until finally she was humping her ass up and down his cock like a madwoman, and was bleating her pleasure towards the ceiling like a barnyard animal.

With both of Gabrielle's huge fucking tits spilling out from within the palms of his hands and her nipples pinched within his middle and index fingers, Harry channeled powerful magic directly into his lover's body from every point of contact that they had. Magic poured into the frantically riding woman through her asshole into her G-spot, her nipples into her core, and everywhere in between, as Harry sought to render Gabrielle's body into an overstimulated bundle of nerves.

and it worked…

"Master, Maaaster! Je suis ton esclave anal Maaaaster (I'm your anal slave Maaaster)," Gabrielle yelled towards the ceiling as her legs violently trembled in orgasm to the point that she collapsed down against his lap and her desperately clenching asshole strangled the length of his cock. Then the woman was reduced to grinding the soft and round globes of her ass down hard against Harry's thighs as she didn't have the leg strength to lift herself up anymore and her head was lolling back to rest across her lover's right shoulder. "Master, I cum again and again and again, and I juuuust can't anymore, oooohhhhhhh Gawwwds your diiick eees bliiisss! Please fill me! Please, please cum deep eenside of meeeoohhh Gaaaawwwwwds!"

By the time Gabrielle finished begging to receive Harry's cum, she was getting exactly what she wanted. Harry had relaxed his control over his climax, and he was beginning to launch massive loads of cum deep inside of her hungry little asshole. For the next 30 seconds, Gabrielle lapdanced her ass down against Harry's lap as his cock spasmed, expanded, and launched enormous amounts of cum deep inside of her. Then all of the semen that he was releasing started leaking out passed the plug of his cock, at which point Harry suddenly pushed Gabrielle's body off of his cock and onto her hands and knees, and he began painting her asscheeks and lower back in brilliant shiny white. By the time he was finished cumming, wet, sticky rivulets of cum were pooling near Gabrielle's tailbone, oozing down between her asscheeks, and dripping off of her pussy lips to the bedsheets.

Over and above climaxing so hard she sprayed pussy juices everywhere, Gabrielle reacted to having an asshole full of her Master's seed like a meth addict reacts to getting a fix. She moaned, she twitched, she squirmed, and then she lay her face over her forearms in a boneless state of extraordinarily intense relief. But that was the moment when her Veela nature reasserted itself, she realized that she wanted, no, that she needed more, and she slowly turned around to stare up into Harry's eyes.

Then she was floating back up in the air to drop at Harry's knees with her legs held out wide at her sides, and she was whimpering in completely renewed arousal like a small defenseless animal.

Harry didn't say a word as Gabrielle settled onto her back with her legs spread wide at her sides. He spell cleaned his dick until it shined in throne room's chandelier lighting, dropped down between the Veela's wide-open legs, grabbed her tightly by the chin, stared down into her eyes, and then just barely pressed the head of his still hard cock against her visibly shaking pussylips. "Maybe I won't do it Gabrielle," he suddenly threatened in a menacing little growl. "Maybe I'll keep you as my analwhore until you learn to obey…"

"No… Non… Please, s'il te plaît (please), use all of my 'oles. Fuck my pussy. Fuck my womb. Eenseminate me Master. Knock me up!" Along with her words, Gabrielle's hands trailed up Harry's body so that she could cup his cheeks and beg him with her eyes. Her upper back was affixed to the surface of the bed with Harry's magic, but she still managed to squirm and gyrate her body so that she humped her soaking wet pussy up against his cockhead. Then they both twitched in pleasure as his crown just barely spread apart her piping hot pussylips, and she whimpered in exponentially growing need. "Master… Je vis pour toi et toi seul (I live for you and you alone). I'm yours. I'll be yours and yours alone unteel ze very day zat I die… Please, please let me 'ave you…"

Well… There was no way in hell that Harry could say no to that now was there?...

After moving the water teasing charm that was currently churning up her pussy back down to focus on her asshole, Harry slowly, ever so slowly, allowed his cock to descend down into Gabrielle's squirming, rippling, infinitely welcoming, visibly possessive, tightly contracting, wet and steamy little pussy, until with a final little thrust and a grunt of unconcealable satisfaction, he penetrated his cockhead directly into her hungrily sucking womb, slapped his balls against her cum leaking asshole, and removed the spell that was holding her down against the bed. Then Gabrielle's arms and legs were exploding up into the air so that she could pull his face down between her big beautiful smooth and heavenly tits, and she was gyrating her hips up at him in slow, fantastically sexy little movements.

"Maaaaasster," Gabrielle slowly breathed out with the air of a woman that had just had her every worldly desire fulfilled. "You stretch my leetle pussy more zan my body can take, and yet eet's blissful, eet's 'eavenly, eet's perfect, you're perfect… Love you Master… Love you so much!" Gabrielle hiccupped as her emotions ran wild and she tightened her hold around Harry's body even as he drew his hips away to pull his cockhead from within her womb. They moaned and groaned into each other's bodies as her absurdly possessive pussymeat refused to give him up, but then Harry was thrusting his cock back down into her again with a wet and dramatic squelching sound, and was repeating the process with long, full dicked swings of his hips.

As Harry's thrusts slowly grew faster and more intense, Gabrielle's orgasmic body bounced in beautiful ways, causing her tits to slap up against her chin and her ass to shake like jello, but the way that she moved her legs was what really got Harry's cock throbbing with need. After running her calves up his back slowly and sensually, she suddenly released her hold on his back and brought her feet up to the sides of her face. Then, as Gabrielle's ass slowly rose off of the bed to meet Harry's hips in the air, her intentions suddenly became perfectly clear. Gabrielle Delacour was forcing her own body up into a mating press. She wanted to be inseminated. She wanted to be filled. She wanted what her mother had received only 12 hours earlier…

"Please seed my womb and bless me with your children my Lord… My Lord Delacour," Gabrielle whispered directly into Harry's ear, with a level of both sincerity and vulnerability in her voice that made Harry groan in arousal. "Let me bear your children, and I'll give you everything of me…" Then Gabrielle's hands were cupping both of Harry's cheeks and her lips were devouring his, and he didn't have it in him to tell her no... He grabbed a hold of both of her ankles, pressed them down into the bed beneath her head, and began whipping his cock down into her hot, slippery, violently trembling pussy with enough force to crach his balls hard against her ass cheeks.

Fwop, squelch, fwop, quelch, fwop, squelch, fwop, quelch, fwop, squelch, fwop, quelch, fwop, squelch, fwop, quelch, fwop, squelch, fwop, quelch, fwop, squelch, fwop, quelch, fwop...

For the next 10 minutes, Harry mated the living hell out of Gabrielle Delacour of France, right there on a Conjured bed in front of a conquered Dark Lord and over fifty dark wizard terrorists. Neither of them gave a damn about where they were. Neither of them even remembered that they were completely surrounded by some of the most evil people that Earth had to offer. They rutted like animals, moaned into each other's mouths, kissed, groped and bit at each other. They devoured each other with a wild and hurried intensity, until Gabrielle's eyes were fluttering shut over dick drunk, orgasmic eyes, and her frothy overwrought pussy was clamping shut around Harry's cock like a vice. The woman's body was giving up the ghost. She was cumming so hard she was in danger of passing out, so her Veela constitution was doing what it could to make Harry follow suit. Her pussy squirmed and clenched, it pulsed and massaged his length as if it was milking him from his base to his head. It pulled off miracles of hot, wet, slippery tightness, until Harry's balls were clenching up against his shaft, and he was only moments away from cumming.

Then a pair of slim, soft, arms, and a set of large, wonderfully smooth breasts were pancaked into Harry's upper back and shoulders, and Fleur Delacour was performing a reach around to massage his heavy hanging balls. It appeared the woman had decided that she'd demonstrate her change of heart by supporting her younger sister. "Please geeve eet to 'er 'Arry," she coaxed, her hands kneading his balls in the way that she knew got him cumming in record time. "Please geeve my seester ze womb full of seed zat she craves so, so very badly."

"Oui! Yes! Please, please cum een me," Gabrielle managed to moan out through a paroxysm of violent climax. "Cum eenside of my deepest most fertile depths! Let me go to bed tonight with your seed swimming een my womb."

"You want it, you got it," Harry finally grunted, as his balls spasmed dramatically in Fleur's massaging hands, his shaft expanded and rocked like a shotgun firing, to launch an explosion of cum directly into Gabrielle's wide-open and sucking little womb. For the next 60 seconds, Harry came himself stupid directly into Gabrielle's endlessly possessive womb, and as he'd learned to expect with the Delacour women, her pussy never leaked a single drop even as her stomach kicked around the cumloads that he was releasing balls deep inside of her. Instead, Gabrielle moaned, somehow both sweetly and whorishly, and rubbed at the rippling cock dent in her tummy as if she was an expecting mother soothing a kicking baby.

In the quiet moments that followed Harry and Gabrielle's mating frenzy, Fleur quickly dropped to all fours on the bed with her hands spreading her rosy red and graffiti-covered ass cheeks apart exactly as Harry had left her.

[Continuation on Next Chapter]

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