What a beautiful name for such a rare beaut, she looked at me once again and just smiled. Well we got talking and exchanged contacts, it was the beginning of a love that would ravish my heart. From the first call to the first date it was just too much, the emotions were overwhelming. I remember the first time I asked her out on a cheap date yes a cheap date I was a student don't mock me it was all I could afford. I wasn't expecting her to give me a positive response because she has been acting friendly but complacent beforehand on calls but she said yes. That day I bought my friends free drinks I was so happy felt do Worthy, the next day I was at the dinner waiting thirty minutes and there was no sight of katrina I was disappointed to say the least and just as I was about standing the door opened and it Happened again I couldn't breathe,I couldn't think I just stared I'm sure she said hello three times it was the third time I was able to respond well that was when my brain booted. I was so clumsy but I managed to help pull her seat and get back in my without spilling anything thankfully. We sat down there staring at each other for full three minutes before she broke the ice and said "you are cute you know?" I couldn't believe my ears!! Did she just put cute and me in the same sentence?? Obviously she saw my expression and smiled and said for real you are really cute well if a man ever needed a confidence boost that was definitely it. I ordered and did what generations of men before me I've always done make conversation with a beautiful woman. I discovered the attraction was mutual the vibe was reciprocated and I was grinning from ear to ear at the end of the day when we got to her doorstep she pecked me and I went dizzy I actually went DIZZY. I was walking on the clouds my heart felt like it would burst with joy ...I WAS IN LOVE. Got home to a spat between my roommates but I hardly noticed and even when my opinion was sought I said "I AM IN LOVE". They definitely thought I had gone bananas with the way they both looked at me and stormed out enemies now friends, obviously love solved things easily.
The next couple of weeks saw me smiling and laughing hard to my phone to the utmost annoyance of my friends, I was always calling texting, chatting Katrina couldn't get my head,mind thought off of her. I should have known though, it was just too good to be true too fast to be genuine, too intense to be without fault. I should have known when I asked her about the future, plans for even the next year she would always say a day at a time. I should have listened I should have paid attention but my young heart was in love and was controlling my reasoning faculty.
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