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48.33% Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version) / Chapter 27: •The Flying Sword

Chương 27: •The Flying Sword

Extimum and Harry appeared in a large hall after being teleported by the portkey.

The hall was large, its walls were black with some fine carvings on it, there were also some imposing statues and decorations of mythological creatures made in great detail on the spot. Similar to the French embassy, ​​there was also a section to make the entrance official and assistants ready to guide the new visitors.

The clothing of the reception assistants and employees was a white-red hanfu for women and black-red for men, in addition, they also had on them certain magical tools of different natures, such as rings or pendants, hair accessories, they all had some imperceptible magic wave about them that indicated their magical origin.

Harry: "Wow, what realistic figures." Harry was impressed by the realism of the statues and the greatness that the place conveyed, the Chinese certainly did not skimp on ostentatiously decorating their embassy.

Extimum: "Come on, this is just a reception." Extimum was also excited to see the whole place, but he already had a certain idea of ​​what to expect so it was not so emotional.

Because Extimum went straight to line up at one of the counters, no attendants came over to guide them.

There were many more counters than in France, so despite the large influx of foreign magicians and magicians returning to their country, the service was effective.

???(Chinese): "Welcome to our nation, please fill in your information in the form to register your entry." The man who served at the counter bowed slightly, cupping his fists and indicated the steps to fill in the register while commenting on some routine details for foreign visitors.

Harry: " ?, Did you understand what he said?" Harry hadn't understood the man's words at all, he had been so excited about the idea of traveling for the first time and learning more about the wizarding world that he completely ruled out the fact that, if they went to China, it was natural for the locals to speak Chinese.

Extimum just nodded and filled out his and Harry's forms, he had already made some not entirely legal arrangements with Snaglok to obtain a permit to travel with Harry, since Harry could not change his appearance and age, so naturally he must have the power to enter another country without the permission of his guardians, otherwise, it was likely that even if he got permission from the Durleys, Dumbledore would learn of their intention to remove Harry from the country.

Extimum(Chinese): "Thank you."

After finishing, Extimum and Harry went to a 'floo network' that would take them to the magical city, it was around 6pm in China, although they had left London around 11am, there was a time difference of 7 hours, so Extimum he planned to find a hotel in case there was too much congestion and then they would tour the magical city.

According to the information leaflet, China only had three magical cities located in the Muggle city areas of Jixi and Nanchang and the Tibet region , the latter is located near the Chinese magic school called Shēng shàng tiānkōng, which is located on a floating island.

(At once I tell you that they have not said what school there is in China, the only one in Asia is only for Japan, but being Chinese, it is impossible that they do not have one for themselves and more so being so large in territory, so I invent XD)

The magic city that Extimum and Harry are going to is located in Nanchang, called Xuézhě de xiūxí (scholar's rest) being the closest to the Chinese Magic Ministry.

When they reached a fireplace Extimum turned and spoke to Harry.

Extimum: "Well, listen to me, you just have to take a little of the dust from that container and shout the place we are going to, let's go to the scholar's rest city, just say the name right while you throw the dust at your feet and voila, come on, go first ". It was fortunate that the floo network worked with the names adapted to English, otherwise it would cause problems for tourists who cannot pronounce it correctly.

The use of the floo network was quite common among magical societies, the network worked only in the country and in the chimneys registered in the network, it was a preferred method of transport for its ease and speed, however, mainly used when traveling With young wizards who had no other methods, wizards preferred to make use of apparition, riding magical creatures, or flying magical tools.

Harry: "Okay, scholar's rest!" Harry screamed after picking up some dust and throwing it on the floor of the fireplace, disappearing in green flames, it was good that the name wasn't complex or maybe Harry could end up anywhere in China.

Extimum: "Scholar's Rest". Extimum followed him after paying the manager for Harry and him, the price of traveling by floo was quite cheap, it only cost 10 Knuts per person, since the floo powder was a consumable alchemical item, its sale was very popular and a very business profitable for traveling.

After disappearing in a green blaze, Extimum appeared in a giant fireplace in an alley lit by red paper lanterns, as he exited he saw Harry looking anxiously at the large traffic of people.

Extimum: "Harry".

Harry: "You came, I thought for a moment that I had lost myself."

Extimum: "I just took a moment to pay for the trip, come on, let's find a hotel first."

Extimum observed the magical city, from his point of view he saw several ancient buildings and some pagodas illuminated by multiple floating lanterns or ancient lamps, there were also occasionally some people flying at a certain altitude on magic carpets and Extimum even saw someone flying on a sword. .

Brooms were the most popular flying tool in the wizarding world mainly because of how popular Quidditch was, but there were many preferred flying tools depending on the location.

The streets were quite spacious, but the equally high flow of people made it not seem like it, the local people wearing styles very different from those seen in the ministry.

It was common to observe people with magic weapons on their backs or hips, likewise, the clothing was varied, they wore all kinds of hats, capes and accessories, some wore Kāṣāya , qipao and kimonos, a minority wore common robes of the magicians or suits foreign. Although the clothing was similar to that worn by Muggles in ancient times, but all had fine details that emphasized the abnormality of their clothing, such as the material, charms, or extra accessories added to the ensemble.

There were hats of curious shapes that appeared to be alive, breathing or moving, the costumes or dresses of some had images of dragons flying or moving landscapes on them as if they were real, Buddhist beads seemed to float near some, illusory flowers or ghosts seemed to emanate from some others, others simply They were not human, it seemed that Chinese cities were more fantastic and free compared to European cities, the special effects added to their clothing or the nature of their magic seemed to vary.


Harry: "Does that woman have horns?" Harry was pointing to a beautiful woman with ruby ​​red hair wearing a pink kimono, the woman could be considered almost normal, if not for the two horns on her head, her two slightly pointed teeth protruding from her mouth and a slight redness in your skin.

Extimum: "hey, don't point her out." Extimum quickly stopped Harry, the woman was tall at about 1.8m and after a bit of observation she looked like half human-half Oni.

Luckily the woman did not notice them, although perhaps she would not be offended due to Harry's age, but she could get angry and there was no need to look for trouble as soon as she arrived.

Discrimination between races was not something new, but in some places it was more extreme than in others, some countries had strong regulations and limitations against certain races, others on the other hand, accepted them without much problem and even lived with them more peacefully, for this reason, many races lived confined in their own areas or territories and in other cases, they had managed to integrate into certain countries where they were accepted, such as the goblins who despite their unfriendly relationship have control of almost all magic banks.

As long as the creatures enjoyed a certain level of intelligence and appearance similar to that of magicians, it was more likely that they could live together without too many considerations, in such cases the creatures or hybrid beings had more place in the magical community than their more bestial relatives, the Oni in front of them was an example of it, her counterpart had a rather beastly appearance and they were almost extinct in the current era, but the woman had drawn her appearance mainly from her witch blood so she could be accepted in places with less discrimination and it can even be considered a great beauty.

Such a fact was one of the reasons that Extimum worried about his lineage, but given the abilities he possessed it was very unlikely that anyone would discover him, at most some very sensitive creatures or people could notice the abnormality in the nature of his magic, but it would even be difficult for them because Extimum could hide it under his human part, it wasn't like there was something wrong with it, it was mainly prejudices.


Extimum and Harry roamed the city late into the night, tasting all kinds of foods and seeing many shops, however it seemed that the magical city was quite large, Extimum hoped that like the one in paris and London it would be just a few streets , but the current city seemed much bigger than the previous ones, so they only toured about half, it was mainly because Harry couldn't understand anything and Extimum was basically a translator, he couldn't say anything since he was the one who invited him.

Extimum on the other hand got the address of a magic weapons shop that he planned to visit later.


The next morning Extimum woke up around 8am, after getting organized, he left his hotel room and went to find Harry.

**Knock Knock**

Extimum: "are you awake yet?"

Harry: "Extimum? Yes, wait a minute." Harry had a habit of getting up early to make breakfast for his uncles, so he had actually been awake for a while.

Harry left his room shortly after and went with Extimum to breakfast at the hotel restaurant, the style of the hotel was quite good by the usual standards of wizards, it had a style in which each room had a patio included, although the space was reduced in each patio, but it still had space for a room, a bathroom and a space with dirt where there was a table with a stone chair to rest.

The hotel restaurant was a large room with wooden floors and walls, with tables at a different height than usual, but it was not uncomfortable. Extimum and Harry took a seat at a table while they waited to be served.

As they waited, a hush descended on the table, since Extimum wasn't too talkative so he relished the silence when he had nothing in particular to talk about, Harry on the other hand, didn't seem comfortable with the situation and after a time of silence, he speak.

Harry: "Do you often travel alone? Isn't your parents or someone with you?".

Extimum: "well, this is just the second I do, my parents are busy people, so I don't see them very often." 'Or almost never'.

Harry seemed to notice that he asked an awkward question and was thinking of saying something else, he was saved by the waitress who arrived at that very moment.

???: "Good morning dear guests, what do you want to order?" The waitress who came to serve them, was a woman with Asian features and yellow eyes, she seemed to be able to speak English fluently, on the other hand, she had particular lion ears and a cat's tail, in addition to visible fur in some areas that his clothes did not cover. It was likely that he was a kneazle-mage hybrid , however, how such a hybrid was born was a true mystery.

Harry: "It is good that you speak English, it is exhausting to see so many characters everywhere and few places with normal signs ... give me a normal breakfast".

The waitress carried with her a notebook that she wrote by her side, on the other hand, when she directed her gaze to Extimum her eyes seemed to visibly expand and the pupil of her previously round eye seemed to sharpen.

???:" and you sir?". The waitress seemed to give Extimum a more scrutinizing look, but could not find anything out of the ordinary, which left her puzzled, her senses had been inexplicably sharpened when she fixed her gaze on him, but after observing everything was normal.

Extimum: "I'll take the same." Extimum noticed his abnormality, but he did not pay much attention to it, he had not had problems with his lineage before and he was sure that no one would notice him if he did not want to, much less with his current appearance.

The waitress left shortly after taking their order.

Harry: "Don't you think there are a lot of magical creatures and hybrids here? Just in what I saw yesterday I've already seen more magical creatures than I saw at Hogwarts or even in the books on defense against the dark arts".

Extimum: "it is true, the regulations on magical creatures and beings are much freer in China, it almost seems that we have gone to another world".

It was true that they seemed much more common here, even the ones that were not so pleasant to look at, as long as they were not violent and could behave, it seemed that they could walk through the magic city, on the other hand, it could also be because what Extimum assumed They were the Chinese aurors, they were heavily armed, it was difficult to tell if you wanted to act too fierce with aurors with swords or magic spears patrolling the city, they gave a more threatening effect than knowing that they also carried their wands.

Speaking of magical weapons, they were used in many current magical communities, due to their immediate effectiveness even without the direct use of magic, in addition to other cultural beliefs, although they were not as effective at casting spells as wands or close, but if you were skilled enough, they could be used in the same way, on the other hand, just as wands were the product of ancient techniques and special woods along with cores, cold weapons were the product of the combination of runes, enchantments and alchemy, using metals or other magical materials, however, it was clear that being magicians, such weapons are left mainly for certain occasions or cultures that support their use.

An example of this is the Committee for the Extermination of Dangerous Creatures that uses enchanted weapons for the execution of magical creatures, it could be due to a certain perverse morbidity that still lasted in the blood of the magicians in which they enjoyed seeing how the blood flows by the metal of the blade.

After breakfast, Extimum and Harry went to the magic weapons shop that Extimum had found out earlier.

The store building had a peculiar boot-like shape, it was made entirely of a black stone with a white colored metal, despite the oddity of the design, the place was pleasing to the eye. currently only about three more people were seen looking at the products inside the store.

Extimum entered the store along with Harry who mainly engaged in observing everything around him.

The interior of the store was not very big, on the right there were several shelves with different weapons: swords, daggers, spears, praise them, sabers, axes, hammers, crossbows and even truncheons, all well organized by their type and size, in front there was a large counter that contained some raw or already refined magic metals, as well as handles or accessories, behind the counter were two men, one was a robust Chinese man and the other was a goblin; further down you could see many more weapons and a door that was probably the shop's workshop.

???(Chinese): "Welcome, my name Wang Shixou, how can I help you young man?" The man who spoke was the magician, he was a middle-aged man, with a muscular and tall build, he had black hair and eyes, the man wore a gray Cheongsam and a white apron over his clothes.

The goblin in the background only looked up a little, but kept sharpening the blade of a spear in his hands.

Since he arrived in China, Extimum had maintained the appearance of a young man, since he would attract a lot of attention if they were only two children traveling alone, besides that it was simpler to be attended, on the other hand, his appearance would not be too striking In China, as he had seen, in his short stay here he had already seen people much more peculiar than he.

Extimum(Chinese): "Good morning, I am looking for a sword, however, this is the first time I have bought one, so I would appreciate some guidance."

Wang(Chinese): "ah, it is good to see that young people are interested in weapons, in recent times, except for aurors, the new generations do not hold cold weapons very high."

Wang(Chinese): "to give you an introduction, here we sell different types of weapons, the first option is simple magically improved weapons, their use is mainly for practice, they have nothing special besides being better than common ones; then we have the enchanted weapons, they have a variety of applications and adapt to the taste of the ideal user if you only want a good weapon, finally, we have the mythical swords of our country, you will not find it for sale elsewhere, It work the same as the previous ones but they have one more functionality, they can also be used as a flying tool, it is the style most used by large families due to its versatility, although I do not advise you to play Quidditch with it, some people tried to do it, but it didn't end very well".

Wang(Chinese): "Well, dear customer, which one do you want?"

Extimum(Chinese): "the third type will be fine, I wish it was a long sword."

Extimum and Wang discussed several details about the sword below, the swords that also functioned as a transport tool had several models like the magic brooms, according to the improvements in the market in terms of flight power, also, unlike the brooms, enchanted weapons were attached to the wizard by means of a simple blood ritual, which ensured that the wizard could mentally command it. Weapons could be made to order or just bought one on display.

After discussing all the minors of the weapon that Extimum wanted, the goblin got up from his place and went to the inside of the store.

Wang(Chinese): "he is Roging, my partner in the store, he will bring a weapon that he finds suitable to your specifications."

Soon after, Roging returned with a sheathed sword. The sword sheath was black with golden decorations of a roaring oriental dragon.

Roging(Chinese): "This sword is suitable for you, you just have to drop a few drops of blood on the hilt of the sword, I have already prepared the union ritual so that it recognizes you as its owner." The binding ritual was more of a contract between the weapon and the magician, it was very simple and did not require too many precautions from the magicians to perform it.

Extimum took the weapon from Roging's hands and drew the sword.

The sword was long, of a beautiful platinum color, it did not have remarkable characteristics because it had not yet joined any magician, the sword would take the shape that the magician found most pleasant and comfortable for its use, within what is acceptable, of course , should be kept within the scope of the weapon type, it could not be transformed into an ax or a spear.

Harry had been all this time observing the weapons and then watching Extimum negotiate in Chinese, he still found it strange and was surprised that Extimum could speak it fluently, at first Harry saw how Extimum's Chinese was quite bad, but shortly after talking to some people could speak it perfectly. Extimum naturally had a few difficulties, he knew the language having memorized it, but he did not know its pronunciation much so after trying to speak it with the hotel receptionist and listening to the people around him, he was able to learn the correct pronunciation.

Pressing one of her nails against his finger, Extimum made a small wound on his thumb, then pressed his finger on the hilt of his sword, after which, the sword and Extimum were enveloped in a faint glow for about 2 seconds and then everything. returned to normal.

Extimum could now feel a connection with the sword in his hands, he felt that he could call out to her even if he was away from her and he could order her in detail how he wanted her to move, although it required that he keep his attention on her.

Likewise, the moment the ritual ended, the sword and sheath changed. The previous simple sword was transformed into the shape that Extimum wanted, the blade turned a crystalline silver with some purple details in the center of the blade, acquiring a more detailed design, the sheath also changed the dragon for a nine tails fox and instead of gold it became shiny silver with purple details.

[sword shape picture] (it's just the shape, the design is as I mentioned)

The sword took on an appearance that made it look like real crystal, but still maintained the same physical and magical properties to it.

Harry: "It looks amazing, like it's really made of glass."

Roging(Chinese): "Tch, pretentious". Roging muttered from his position, he didn't seem happy with the dazzling design for the sword, even if he secretly praised the great detail it acquired.

Extimum(Chinese): "Thank you, here you go." Extimum heard Roging's comment, but completely ignored it. Being a bit childish, Extimum found the sword to look very cool with its crystal design, even if he had not explicitly thought of such a design.

Extimum then paid for the sword which cost him 15 Galleons and then left the shop with Harry.

Leaving, Extimum and Harry ran in the direction of an area where flying magic tools could take off; Although there were some magicians flying in the sky, but you could not take off or land anywhere to avoid accidents, it had to be done in certain assigned areas or in buildings that had the space for it.

Although Extimum was outwardly calm, he was just as excited as Harry about flying on a flying sword, so they both ran to the spot after leaving the store, they didn't need to speak to each other to know why they were running.

Upon reaching the place, Extimum drew his sword and threw his sword into the air, with the communication with his sword, it immediately floated in the air horizontally and then expanded in size.

The weapons merchant had already explained the variety of functionalities it had, it had basic enchantments for its safety such as anti hex, anti theft and anti Muggle, in such a way that the Muggles could not see the sword and if Extimum flew in it it would also result invisible to them, unless the enchantment was deactivated, it also had some others, but one of its main ones was to be able to alter its size to carry up to 4 people on it, varying between its width and length, in such a way that it can be mounted standing or sitting, the sword could also be called as long as the connection was maintained and focused on it, regardless of the distance, but it would be better to be careful when doing so to avoid taking everything in its path, after all, the sword could fly at a maximum speed of 300km / h.

Extimum jumped directly onto his sword, the sword was perfectly balanced and was not unbalanced by his landing, Harry also climbed up behind Extimum, although more carefully, the sword still held its edge.

Standing on the sword, they felt a sudden pull of the sword towards their feet, in such a way that they would not fall, after that, with a thought of Extimum the sword bent slightly and soared into the sky at high speed. The flying sword had a spell to remove the effects of air, but Extimum did not activate it.

** swish **

** yuuujuuuuu **

Extimum cried out in excitement as his sword shot high into the sky, feeling the wind hit his body and his clothes flutter, he only stopped when the city below began to blur with the clouds.

Harry: "It's amazing, it's much faster than my broom."

Extimum nodded at his words and gazed at the view from the sky.


Extimum and Harry flew on the sword around the sky for a long time, trying multiple stunts, due to the way the sword was used, it was really difficult to fall from it unless they were knocked down, they could even hang upside down in the air, given that the sword would only release you if you so desired, being able to reduce the attraction it exerted or only apply them to a specific area of ​​the sword.

After having tasted the sword, Extimum landed in an area with few shops in the city, descending mentally ordered the sword and it released its attraction to his feet, after which they jumped from it.

Harry: "I almost want to buy one myself, it's a totally different experience than flying a broom, but my thing is more Quidditch, so I'll settle for just using the broom."

Extimum: "It is true, but you should consider if you are interested in buying a magic weapon while we are here, you know, it never hurts to have a tool for your defense and it is unlikely that you will get them in London, unless you negotiate with the goblins" .

Harry: "I'll think about it."

Extimum looked at his sword and it moved towards its sheath, keeping itself perfectly, Extimum brought its sheath on his left hip to use with his right hand.

They had spent about 1 hour flying and testing all the abilities of the sword, although they did not leave the barrier that hid and separated the city.

Having already satisfied his excitement for flying and approaching lunchtime, Extimum planned to visit a nearby restaurant, he had enjoyed some Chinese dishes, especially the spicy food, they literally made you breathe fire, it was difficult to get bored with dishes with such entertaining effects, as long as they did not taste horrible and you had a strong stomach, but even without it, that's what magic was for.

Harry and Extimum noted to their surprise that the area where they had landed was much less crowded, compared to the large flow of people from the streets they previously visited, on the other hand, people seemed more elusive and silent, but they did not give it much importance. It could be just a residential area or with less touristy places, however, after walking a few streets in this somewhat desolate area of ​​the city, Extimum saw a store that caught his attention, mainly because the name on the sign was in English , it was uncommon until now in the buildings they had seen, which generated a bit of curiosity.

"Exotic creatures."

The name was not particularly attractive but the appearance of the place was, it was a golden building in the shape of a bird cage, the design of the walls of the building even gave a similar illusion, on its ground floor there was a large window, but it did not allow to see the interior, seeing only that, was not what attracted the attention of Extimum although it was peculiar, he had already seen buildings with novel forms before, even in London there were some, however, he felt that he should enter the place, more like a premonition that he would find something there that might interest him.

Seeing his gaze on the building, Harry asked.

Harry: "do you want to enter that place?"

Extimum: "yes ... I think I can find something there that I want."

Harry: "and what is it?"

Extimum: "I don't know." Extimum just shrugged and headed toward the venue.

Harry followed Extimum to see what he was looking for, not that he could do much on his own due to his trouble communicating with most locals, he was seriously considering whether he should study some languages ​​when he returned home.

Extimum pushed the door and entered the premises, the store was quite large inside, however, the vibe was not correct for a store of magical creatures for magicians, in fact, when looking more closely, the place fell into the stereotype perfect than you would expect from a slave shop ...

The place was a bit dark, with multiple cages of various sizes in the place, some creatures were even chained and looking at some cages, it was not limited only to magical creatures, there were also some magical beings with a lost look in them, or they were drugged or they had been here a long time.

???: "Oh, welcome dear customer, forgive me for my delay in serving you, I don't usually have many visitors at this time and even more English." An old man emerged from behind the nearby counter. He was a Chinese man, but he had great command of the English language, he wore a black hanfu, his face had a slightly sinister and dark expression, he had rotten teeth and a mannerism that forced him to rub his hands regularly.

Harry had also entered the store by the time the man arrived, however, his expression was one of surprise and disbelief as he watched all the creatures and some human-looking creatures locked up and in chains.

His attitude earned a deep look from the merchant, his customers didn't usually bring children here.

Extimum: "Harold, why don't you come out and wait for me outside?"

Harry seeing the interior of the place and hearing the name with which Extimum addressed him, understood his intentions and left the store.

Extimum: "ah, excuse my nephew, he is too young to understand certain things." Extimum did not show any trace of discomfort or insecurity in front of the old man, only his gaze on Harry had already alerted Extimum a bit that he could recognize him, so he asked him to leave, in addition to preventing him from committing nonsense being inside the store.

Although the fame of Harry Potter who defeated Voldemort was not so popular in this part of the continent, but given Voldemort's infamy, his defeat was widely known, so as of the one who defeated him, if the man in front of him had bad intentions towards Harry, Extimum wouldn't know if he could defeat him.

???: "ah, yes, youth, his nephew is quite special…, on the other hand. I introduce myself, I am your server Li Xie, as you may have noticed, I trade with almost any creature you can imagine, even if I do not have it, I can get it for you for a price ... of course you will have to sign certain confidentiality agreements to conduct our business, just to to make sure, you will know that the handling of many of these creatures requires a greater 'care' to maintain them ". The man felt that Harry's appearance was familiar, but could not find why it was so, he put it aside for the moment to attend to Extimum.

Extimum now understood why this area seemed so sparsely populated, it was very likely that he would have landed in a dark or low security area where certain more murky businesses were allowed, just by casually finding a slave shop and the fact that the man seemed certain that Extimum was here to shop underscored the fact that this place was well known to a certain group of people and the fact that there had been no problems with its existence demonstrated the silent acceptance of the authorities of tales places in the remote areas of the city.

Extimum: "Of course, however, my visit today was somewhat more sporadic, something in particular has attracted me, if possible, I would like to take a look at all your 'products'".

Li Xie: "Of course, feel free to explore my place, I will personally advise you if I find something of your interest, I am sure we can get a good price." Li Xie judged by Extimum's clothes that he faced a fat customer who would be willing to spend a lot of money if he satisfied him.

Extimum did not say anything else and began to go through the cages, there were house elves, dragon eggs, harpies, zombies, banshees, spiders and snakes, he even saw a real mermaid in a tank, on the side of magical beings, he saw some vampires and werewolves, most were in a dazed state or just sat there with a vacant gaze, yet it was obvious that they weren't keeping those who might prove too destructive in this area of ​​the store.

Li Xie: "oh, don't worry about their appearance, they are in that state just to make it more comfortable for our customers, it would be annoying if they made too much fuss, on the other hand if you don't find what you are looking for here, we can go to the back room , there I keep the most dangerous… ".

Extimum kept going through the different cages until he saw one in particular that caught his attention, he imperceptibly felt that that was what he was looking for.

Zeroz7 Zeroz7

Well, not much to say, here we see another side of the magical world and the MC finally got his sword, what do you think it will be there will be in the cage? ,I'm sure you wouldn't guess, I don't think at least, although it's not weird, but I do think it's unusual.

Another thing is that webnovel does not like Chinese letters or content xd, I had put some things but they got me notices that if I uploaded it, the readers could not give me a vote, wtf.

next chapter
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